BOOL CCrystalTextBuffer::InternalDeleteText(CCrystalTextView *pSource, int nStartLine, int nStartChar, int nEndLine, int nEndChar) { ASSERT(m_bInit); // Text buffer not yet initialized. // You must call InitNew() or LoadFromFile() first! ASSERT(nStartLine >= 0 && nStartLine < m_aLines.GetSize()); ASSERT(nStartChar >= 0 && nStartChar <= m_aLines[nStartLine].m_nLength); ASSERT(nEndLine >= 0 && nEndLine < m_aLines.GetSize()); ASSERT(nEndChar >= 0 && nEndChar <= m_aLines[nEndLine].m_nLength); ASSERT(nStartLine < nEndLine || nStartLine == nEndLine && nStartChar < nEndChar); if (m_bReadOnly) return FALSE; CDeleteContext context; context.m_ptStart.y = nStartLine; context.m_ptStart.x = nStartChar; context.m_ptEnd.y = nEndLine; context.m_ptEnd.x = nEndChar; if (nStartLine == nEndLine) { SLineInfo &li = m_aLines[nStartLine]; if (nEndChar < li.m_nLength) { memcpy(li.m_pcLine + nStartChar, li.m_pcLine + nEndChar, sizeof(TCHAR) * (li.m_nLength - nEndChar)); } li.m_nLength -= (nEndChar - nStartChar); UpdateViews(pSource, &context, UPDATE_SINGLELINE | UPDATE_HORZRANGE, nStartLine); } else { int nRestCount = m_aLines[nEndLine].m_nLength - nEndChar; LPTSTR pszRestChars = NULL; if (nRestCount > 0) { pszRestChars = new TCHAR[nRestCount]; memcpy(pszRestChars, m_aLines[nEndLine].m_pcLine + nEndChar, nRestCount * sizeof(TCHAR)); } int nDelCount = nEndLine - nStartLine; for (int L = nStartLine + 1; L <= nEndLine; L ++) delete m_aLines[L].m_pcLine; m_aLines.RemoveAt(nStartLine + 1, nDelCount); // nEndLine is no more valid m_aLines[nStartLine].m_nLength = nStartChar; if (nRestCount > 0) { AppendLine(nStartLine, pszRestChars, nRestCount); delete pszRestChars; } UpdateViews(pSource, &context, UPDATE_HORZRANGE | UPDATE_VERTRANGE, nStartLine); } if (! m_bModified) SetModified(TRUE); return TRUE; }
void CCrystalTextBuffer::SetLineFlag(int nLine, DWORD dwFlag, BOOL bSet, BOOL bRemoveFromPreviousLine /*= TRUE*/) { ASSERT(m_bInit); // Text buffer not yet initialized. // You must call InitNew() or LoadFromFile() first! int nFlagIndex = ::FlagToIndex(dwFlag); if (nFlagIndex < 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); // Invalid flag passed in return; } if (nLine == -1) { ASSERT(! bSet); nLine = FindLineWithFlag(dwFlag); if (nLine == -1) return; bRemoveFromPreviousLine = FALSE; } DWORD dwNewFlags = m_aLines[nLine].m_dwFlags; if (bSet) dwNewFlags = dwNewFlags | dwFlag; else dwNewFlags = dwNewFlags & ~dwFlag; if (m_aLines[nLine].m_dwFlags != dwNewFlags) { if (bRemoveFromPreviousLine) { int nPrevLine = FindLineWithFlag(dwFlag); if (bSet) { if (nPrevLine >= 0) { ASSERT((m_aLines[nPrevLine].m_dwFlags & dwFlag) != 0); m_aLines[nPrevLine].m_dwFlags &= ~dwFlag; UpdateViews(NULL, NULL, UPDATE_SINGLELINE | UPDATE_FLAGSONLY, nPrevLine); } } else { ASSERT(nPrevLine == nLine); } } m_aLines[nLine].m_dwFlags = dwNewFlags; UpdateViews(NULL, NULL, UPDATE_SINGLELINE | UPDATE_FLAGSONLY, nLine); } }
void CApplicationImpl::NewItem(int nModuleId, int nParentId, LPCTSTR szName, LPCTSTR szContent) { if (szContent == NULL || szContent[0] == 0) { ThrowError(_T("Empty content")); } CModule* pModule = CModuleLoader::Get().FindModule(nModuleId); assert(pModule != NULL); if (pModule == NULL) { ThrowError(strutils::format(_T("Module with %d id not found"), nModuleId).c_str()); } if (nParentId == 0) { int nCurModuleId = m_spMainView->GetCurModule()->GetId(); if (nCurModuleId == nModuleId) { nParentId = m_spMainView->GetCurFolder(); } else { nParentId = m_spMainView->GetRootFolder(nModuleId); } } int nNewItemId = CItems::New(szName, szContent, nParentId, FALSE, nModuleId); pModule->pModuleInfo->OnNewItem(nNewItemId, nParentId); UpdateViews(UNM_ITEM_ADDED, nNewItemId, nParentId); }
BOOL CPostcodeCityBrowse::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) { if (nID == PostcodeEditID && nCode == EN_CHANGE) { UpdateViews(); } return 0; // return CWnd ::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo); }
BOOL CParseAddressBrowse::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) { if (nID == ParseButtonID) { UpdateViews(); } return 0; // return CWnd ::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo); }
void SECEditView::MySetScrollPos(int fnBar, int iPos, BOOL bRedraw) { // Call the base class SECEditCore<CView>::MySetScrollPos(fnBar, iPos, bRedraw); if(m_pSplitterParent) { if((this == (CView*)m_pSplitterParent->GetActivePane()) && !m_bScrollMessage) UpdateViews(this, OE_SYNCH_SPLITTERS); } }
BOOL CApplicationImpl::IsDataFileOpened() { if (m_spDataFile.is_null()) return FALSE; CString csFileName = m_spDataFile->GetFileName(); if (!csFileName.IsEmpty()) { UpdateViews(UNM_FILE_OPENED, (WPARAM)m_spDataFile->GetFileName()); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/*virtual*/ void EldritchFramework::RefreshDisplay( const bool Fullscreen, const uint DisplayWidth, const uint DisplayHeight ) { PRINTF( "EldritchFramework::RefreshDisplay\n" ); Framework3D::RefreshDisplay( Fullscreen, DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight ); m_TargetManager->CreateTargets( DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight ); UpdateViews(); ASSERT( m_Game ); m_Game->RefreshRTDependentSystems(); CreateBuckets(); }
BOOL CCrystalTextBuffer::InitNew(int nCrlfStyle /*= CRLF_STYLE_DOS*/) { ASSERT(! m_bInit); ASSERT(m_aLines.GetSize() == 0); ASSERT(nCrlfStyle >= 0 && nCrlfStyle <= 2); InsertLine(_T("")); m_bInit = TRUE; m_bReadOnly = FALSE; m_nCRLFMode = nCrlfStyle; m_bModified = FALSE; m_nSyncPosition = m_nUndoPosition = 0; m_bUndoGroup = m_bUndoBeginGroup = FALSE; m_nUndoBufSize = UNDO_BUF_SIZE; ASSERT(m_aUndoBuf.GetSize() == 0); UpdateViews(NULL, NULL, UPDATE_RESET); return TRUE; }
/*virtual*/ void EldritchFramework::SetResolution(const uint DisplayWidth, const uint DisplayHeight) { PRINTF("EldritchFramework::SetResolution\n"); m_DisplayWidth = DisplayWidth; m_DisplayHeight = DisplayHeight; Framework3D::SetResolution(DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight); m_TargetManager->CreateTargets(DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight); UpdateViews(); ASSERT(m_Game); m_Game->RefreshRTDependentSystems(); CreateBuckets(); }
void CAddinApp::OnCommand(UINT id) { switch (id) { case ID_ShowSheetWindow: { IVWindowPtr window = GetValidActiveWindow(visDrawing); if (!window) return; ShowShapeSheetWatchWindow(window, !IsShapeSheetWatchWindowShown(window)); break; } case ID_AddWatch: { IVWindowPtr sheet_window = GetValidActiveWindow(visSheet); if (!sheet_window) return; IVCellPtr selected_cell = sheet_window->GetSelectedCell(); if (selected_cell) { IVWindowPtr window = FindDocumentWindow(selected_cell); if (window) { CVisioFrameWnd* wnd = ShowShapeSheetWatchWindow(window, true); GetViewSettings()->AddCellMask(selected_cell->Name); UpdateViews(UpdateOption_Hilight|UpdateOption_UseKey); } } } } }
void CApplicationImpl::OpenDataFile(const CString& csFileName) { if (!IsDataFileOpened(csFileName)) { Database::IDataFile* pTempDataFile = GetDatabase()->OpenDataFile(csFileName); try { if (pTempDataFile->IsEmpty()) { CreateDefaultContent(pTempDataFile); } else { CheckContent(pTempDataFile); } CheckModules(pTempDataFile); if (!m_spDataFile.is_null()) { GetDatabase()->CloseDataFile(m_spDataFile.get()); } m_spDataFile = pTempDataFile; m_mru.AddToList(m_spDataFile->GetFileName()); m_mru.WriteToRegistry(GetOptionsPath(_T("Application"))); UpdateViews(UNM_FILE_OPENED, (WPARAM)m_spDataFile->GetFileName()); } catch(...) { // close new opened temp data file and throw exception up GetDatabase()->CloseDataFile(pTempDataFile); throw; } } }
BOOL CCrystalTextBuffer::InternalInsertText(CCrystalTextView *pSource, int nLine, int nPos, LPCTSTR pszText, int &nEndLine, int &nEndChar) { ASSERT(m_bInit); // Text buffer not yet initialized. // You must call InitNew() or LoadFromFile() first! // ASSERT(nLine >= 0 && nLine < m_aLines.GetSize()); // ASSERT(nPos >= 0 && nPos <= m_aLines[nLine].m_nLength); if (m_bReadOnly) return FALSE; CInsertContext context; context.m_ptStart.x = nPos; context.m_ptStart.y = nLine; int nRestCount = m_aLines[nLine].m_nLength - nPos; LPTSTR pszRestChars = NULL; if (nRestCount > 0) { pszRestChars = new TCHAR[nRestCount]; memcpy(pszRestChars, m_aLines[nLine].m_pcLine + nPos, nRestCount * sizeof(TCHAR)); m_aLines[nLine].m_nLength = nPos; } int nCurrentLine = nLine; BOOL bNewLines = FALSE; int nTextPos; for (;;) { nTextPos = 0; while (pszText[nTextPos] != 0 && pszText[nTextPos] != _T('\r')) nTextPos ++; if (nCurrentLine == nLine) { AppendLine(nLine, pszText, nTextPos); } else { InsertLine(pszText, nTextPos, nCurrentLine); bNewLines = TRUE; } if (pszText[nTextPos] == 0) { nEndLine = nCurrentLine; nEndChar = m_aLines[nCurrentLine].m_nLength; AppendLine(nCurrentLine, pszRestChars, nRestCount); break; } nCurrentLine ++; nTextPos ++; if (pszText[nTextPos] == _T('\n')) { nTextPos ++; } else { ASSERT(FALSE); // Invalid line-end format passed } pszText += nTextPos; } if (pszRestChars != NULL) delete pszRestChars; context.m_ptEnd.x = nEndChar; context.m_ptEnd.y = nEndLine; if (bNewLines) UpdateViews(pSource, &context, UPDATE_HORZRANGE | UPDATE_VERTRANGE, nLine); else UpdateViews(pSource, &context, UPDATE_SINGLELINE | UPDATE_HORZRANGE, nLine); if (! m_bModified) SetModified(TRUE); return TRUE; }
void JumpPointController::Update(float deltaTime) { UpdateViews(deltaTime); }
void AccountConfigView::AttachedToWindow() { UpdateViews(); fNameControl->SetTarget(this); }
BOOL CCrystalTextBuffer::LoadFromFile(LPCTSTR pszFileName, int nCrlfStyle /*= CRLF_STYLE_AUTOMATIC*/) { ASSERT(! m_bInit); ASSERT(m_aLines.GetSize() == 0); HANDLE hFile = NULL; int nCurrentMax = 256; char *pcLineBuf = new char[nCurrentMax]; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; __try { DWORD dwFileAttributes = ::GetFileAttributes(pszFileName); if (dwFileAttributes == (DWORD) -1) __leave; hFile = ::CreateFile(pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) __leave; int nCurrentLength = 0; const DWORD dwBufSize = 32768; char *pcBuf = (char *) _alloca(dwBufSize); DWORD dwCurSize; if (! ::ReadFile(hFile, pcBuf, dwBufSize, &dwCurSize, NULL)) __leave; if (nCrlfStyle == CRLF_STYLE_AUTOMATIC) { // Try to determine current CRLF mode for (DWORD I = 0; I < dwCurSize; I ++) { if (pcBuf[I] == _T('\x0a')) break; } if (I == dwCurSize) { // By default (or in the case of empty file), set DOS style nCrlfStyle = CRLF_STYLE_DOS; } else { // Otherwise, analyse the first occurance of line-feed character if (I > 0 && pcBuf[I - 1] == _T('\x0d')) { nCrlfStyle = CRLF_STYLE_DOS; } else { if (I < dwCurSize - 1 && pcBuf[I + 1] == _T('\x0d')) nCrlfStyle = CRLF_STYLE_UNIX; else nCrlfStyle = CRLF_STYLE_MAC; } } } ASSERT(nCrlfStyle >= 0 && nCrlfStyle <= 2); m_nCRLFMode = nCrlfStyle; const char *crlf = crlfs[nCrlfStyle]; m_aLines.SetSize(0, 4096); DWORD dwBufPtr = 0; int nCrlfPtr = 0; USES_CONVERSION; while (dwBufPtr < dwCurSize) { int c = pcBuf[dwBufPtr]; dwBufPtr ++; if (dwBufPtr == dwCurSize && dwCurSize == dwBufSize) { if (! ::ReadFile(hFile, pcBuf, dwBufSize, &dwCurSize, NULL)) __leave; dwBufPtr = 0; } pcLineBuf[nCurrentLength] = (char) c; nCurrentLength ++; if (nCurrentLength == nCurrentMax) { // Reallocate line buffer nCurrentMax += 256; char *pcNewBuf = new char[nCurrentMax]; memcpy(pcNewBuf, pcLineBuf, nCurrentLength); delete pcLineBuf; pcLineBuf = pcNewBuf; } if ((char) c == crlf[nCrlfPtr]) { nCrlfPtr ++; if (crlf[nCrlfPtr] == 0) { pcLineBuf[nCurrentLength - nCrlfPtr] = 0; InsertLine(A2T(pcLineBuf)); nCurrentLength = 0; nCrlfPtr = 0; } } else nCrlfPtr = 0; } pcLineBuf[nCurrentLength] = 0; InsertLine(A2T(pcLineBuf)); ASSERT(m_aLines.GetSize() > 0); // At least one empty line must present m_bInit = TRUE; m_bReadOnly = (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) != 0; m_bModified = FALSE; m_bUndoGroup = m_bUndoBeginGroup = FALSE; m_nUndoBufSize = UNDO_BUF_SIZE; m_nSyncPosition = m_nUndoPosition = 0; ASSERT(m_aUndoBuf.GetSize() == 0); bSuccess = TRUE; UpdateViews(NULL, NULL, UPDATE_RESET); } __finally { if (pcLineBuf != NULL) delete pcLineBuf; if (hFile != NULL) ::CloseHandle(hFile); } return bSuccess; }
// ============================================================================ void CVisualMSThread::ShowApp() { m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow(); UpdateViews(); }
/// \brief select object in the editor /// \param hashName - hash of the object name void CStateMachineEditor::SelectObject(IHashString *name) { UpdateViews(name, &CStateMachineEditorView::SelectObject); }
int CApplicationImpl::AddFolder(LPCTSTR szFolderName, int nParentId) { int nId = CItems::New(szFolderName, _T(""), nParentId, TRUE); UpdateViews(UNM_FOLDER_ADDED, nId, nParentId); return nId; }
void DiffSideBySidePanel::Diff() { wxFileName fnLeft(m_filePickerLeft->GetPath()); wxFileName fnRIght(m_filePickerRight->GetPath()); if(!fnLeft.Exists()) { ::wxMessageBox(wxString() << _("Left Side File:\n") << fnLeft.GetFullPath() << _(" does not exist!"), "CodeLite", wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER | wxOK); return; } if(!fnRIght.Exists()) { ::wxMessageBox(wxString() << _("Right Side File:\n") << fnRIght.GetFullPath() << _(" does not exist!"), "CodeLite", wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER | wxOK); return; } // Cleanup DoClean(); // Prepare the views PrepareViews(); // Prepare the diff clDTL d; d.Diff(m_filePickerLeft->GetPath(), m_filePickerRight->GetPath(), m_config.IsSingleViewMode() ? clDTL::kOnePane : clDTL::kTwoPanes); const clDTL::LineInfoVec_t& resultLeft = d.GetResultLeft(); const clDTL::LineInfoVec_t& resultRight = d.GetResultRight(); m_sequences = d.GetSequences(); if(m_sequences.empty()) { // Files are the same ! m_stcLeft->SetReadOnly(false); m_stcRight->SetReadOnly(false); m_stcLeft->LoadFile(fnLeft.GetFullPath()); m_stcRight->LoadFile(fnRIght.GetFullPath()); m_stcLeft->SetSavePoint(); m_stcRight->SetSavePoint(); m_stcLeft->SetReadOnly(true); m_stcRight->SetReadOnly(true); return; } m_cur_sequence = 0; // the first line of the sequence // Create 2 strings "left" and "right" wxString leftContent, rightContent; // The left pane is always the one with the deletions "-" for(size_t i = 0; i < resultLeft.size(); ++i) { if( == clDTL::LINE_ADDED) { leftContent <<; m_leftGreenMarkers.push_back(i); } else if( == clDTL::LINE_REMOVED) { leftContent <<; m_leftRedMarkers.push_back(i); } else if( == clDTL::LINE_PLACEHOLDER) { // PLACEHOLDER leftContent <<; m_leftPlaceholdersMarkers.push_back(i); } else { // COMMON leftContent <<; } } // The right pane is always with the new additions "+" for(size_t i = 0; i < resultRight.size(); ++i) { if( == clDTL::LINE_REMOVED) { rightContent <<; m_rightRedMarkers.push_back(i); } else if( == clDTL::LINE_ADDED) { rightContent <<; m_rightGreenMarkers.push_back(i); } else if( == clDTL::LINE_PLACEHOLDER) { rightContent <<; m_rightPlaceholdersMarkers.push_back(i); } else { // COMMON rightContent <<; } } UpdateViews(leftContent, rightContent); m_stcLeft->SetSavePoint(); m_stcRight->SetSavePoint(); // Select the first diff wxRibbonButtonBarEvent dummy; m_cur_sequence = -1; OnNextDiffSequence(dummy); }