예제 #1
void cSubtitleObject::DecodeCharacterString(const uchar *Data, int NumberOfCodes)
  if (NumberOfCodes > 0) {
     bool singleByte;
     const uchar *from = &Data[1];
     int len = NumberOfCodes * 2 - 1;
     cCharSetConv conv(SI::getCharacterTable(from, len, &singleByte));
     if (singleByte) {
        char txt[NumberOfCodes + 1];
        char *p = txt;
        for (int i = 2; i < NumberOfCodes; ++i) {
            char c = Data[i * 2 + 1] & 0xFF;
            if (c == 0)
            if (' ' <= c && c <= '~' || c == '\n' || 0xA0 <= c)
               *(p++) = c;
            else if (c == 0x8A)
               *(p++) = '\n';
        *p = 0;
        const char *s = conv.Convert(txt);
        Utf8Strn0Cpy(textData, s, Utf8StrLen(s));
     else {
        // TODO: add proper multibyte support for "UTF-16", "EUC-KR", "GB2312", "GBK", "UTF-8"
예제 #2
void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::Flush(void)
  if (cVideoDiskUsage::HasChanged(lastDiskUsageState))
  cString date = DayDateTime();
  osd->DrawText(ScOsdWidth - Utf8StrLen(date) - 2, 0, date, clrBlack, clrCyan, &Font);
예제 #3
void cSkinCursesDisplayChannel::Flush(void)
  if (!message) {
     cString date = DayDateTime();
     osd->DrawText(ScOsdWidth - Utf8StrLen(date), 0, date, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font);
예제 #4
int cChannels::MaxShortChannelNameLength(void)
  if (!maxShortChannelNameLength) {
     for (cChannel *channel = First(); channel; channel = Next(channel)) {
         if (!channel->GroupSep())
            maxShortChannelNameLength = max(Utf8StrLen(channel->ShortName(true)), maxShortChannelNameLength);
  return maxShortChannelNameLength;
예제 #5
void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetEvent(const cEvent *Event)
  if (!Event)
  int y = 2;
  cTextScroller ts;
  char t[32];
  snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%s  %s - %s", *Event->GetDateString(), *Event->GetTimeString(), *Event->GetEndTimeString());
  ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, t, &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
  if (Event->Vps() && Event->Vps() != Event->StartTime()) {
     cString buffer = cString::sprintf(" VPS: %s", *Event->GetVpsString());
     osd->DrawText(ScOsdWidth - Utf8StrLen(buffer), y, buffer, clrBlack, clrYellow, &Font);
  y += ts.Height();
  if (Event->ParentalRating()) {
     cString buffer = cString::sprintf(" %s ", *Event->GetParentalRatingString());
     osd->DrawText(ScOsdWidth - Utf8StrLen(buffer), y, buffer, clrBlack, clrYellow, &Font);
  y += 1;
  ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, Event->Title(), &Font, clrCyan, clrBackground);
  y += ts.Height();
  if (!isempty(Event->ShortText())) {
     ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, Event->ShortText(), &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
     y += ts.Height();
  for (int i = 0; Event->Contents(i); i++) {
      const char *s = Event->ContentToString(Event->Contents(i));
      if (!isempty(s)) {
         ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, s, &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
         y += 1;
  y += 1;
  if (!isempty(Event->Description())) {
     textScroller.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth - 2, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, Event->Description(), &Font, clrCyan, clrBackground);
예제 #6
void cSkinCursesDisplayVolume::SetVolume(int Current, int Total, bool Mute)
  if (Mute) {
     osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, ScOsdWidth - 1, 0, clrTransparent);
     osd->DrawText(0, 0, tr("Key$Mute"), clrGreen, clrBackground, &Font);
  else {
     const char *Prompt = tr("Volume ");
     int l = Utf8StrLen(Prompt);
     int p = (ScOsdWidth - l) * Current / Total;
     osd->DrawText(0, 0, Prompt, clrGreen, clrBackground, &Font);
     osd->DrawRectangle(l, 0, l + p - 1, 0, clrGreen);
     osd->DrawRectangle(l + p, 0, ScOsdWidth - 1, 0, clrWhite);
예제 #7
void cSubtitleRegion::UpdateTextData(cSubtitleClut *Clut)
  const cPalette *palette = Clut ? Clut->GetPalette(Depth()) : NULL;
  for (cSubtitleObject *so = objects.First(); so && palette; so = objects.Next(so)) {
      if (Utf8StrLen(so->TextData()) > 0) {
         cFont *font = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontOsd, Setup.FontOsdSize);
         cBitmap tmp(font->Width(so->TextData()), font->Height(), Depth());
         double factor = (double)lineHeight / font->Height();
         tmp.DrawText(0, 0, so->TextData(), palette->Color(so->ForegroundPixelCode()), palette->Color(so->BackgroundPixelCode()), font);
         cBitmap *scaled = tmp.Scaled(factor, factor, true);
         DrawBitmap(so->X(), so->Y(), *scaled);
         delete scaled;
         delete font;
예제 #8
void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording)
  if (!Recording)
  const cRecordingInfo *Info = Recording->Info();
  int y = 2;
  cTextScroller ts;
  char t[32];
  snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%s  %s", *DateString(Recording->Start()), *TimeString(Recording->Start()));
  ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, t, &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
  y += ts.Height();
  if (Info->GetEvent()->ParentalRating()) {
     cString buffer = cString::sprintf(" %s ", *Info->GetEvent()->GetParentalRatingString());
     osd->DrawText(ScOsdWidth - Utf8StrLen(buffer), y, buffer, clrBlack, clrYellow, &Font);
  y += 1;
  const char *Title = Info->Title();
  if (isempty(Title))
     Title = Recording->Name();
  ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, Title, &Font, clrCyan, clrBackground);
  y += ts.Height();
  if (!isempty(Info->ShortText())) {
     ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, Info->ShortText(), &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
     y += ts.Height();
  for (int i = 0; Info->GetEvent()->Contents(i); i++) {
      const char *s = Info->GetEvent()->ContentToString(Info->GetEvent()->Contents(i));
      if (!isempty(s)) {
         ts.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, s, &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
         y += 1;
  y += 1;
  if (!isempty(Info->Description())) {
     textScroller.Set(osd, 0, y, ScOsdWidth - 2, ScOsdHeight - y - 2, Info->Description(), &Font, clrCyan, clrBackground);
예제 #9
파일: osdbase.c 프로젝트: suborb/reelvdr
// create a new string on the heap that has a maximum 'maxlen' number of
// characters (each can span multiple bytes)
// tries to find end of words to break the string
// returned char* (if not NULL) must be freed by caller
// bytesCopied used by the caller to jump in the input string
char* BreakString(const char*str, int maxlen, int &bytesCopied)
	bytesCopied = 0;
	if (!str) return NULL;

	// number of chars
	int symCount = Utf8StrLen(str);

	// convert UTF-8 multi-byte char to a single uint number
	uint *inp_sym = new uint[symCount+1]; // +1 for the '\0'
	int inp_sym_len = Utf8ToArray(str, inp_sym, symCount+1);

	// number of chars in the string less than the maxlen
	// TODO: if there is a '\n' in this part!
	if (inp_sym_len <= maxlen)
		// copy the input string
		bytesCopied = strlen(str);

		delete[] inp_sym;
		//printf("** just copied **\n");
		return strdup(str);

	// create string on heap that can hold maxlen (multi-byte)chars
	char *s = (char*) malloc((4*maxlen+1)*sizeof(char)); //+1 for '\0'

	int i = 0;

	// if no wordbreaks found, break after maxlen characters
	int line_end = maxlen;

	// donot show the char that was used to break the string
	// for eg. ' ' is unnecessary at the end/beginning of a line
	int skip_symbol = 0;

	//the string here is longer than requested. Break it down.
	for (i = 0; i < maxlen; ++i)
		//look for word breaks and new lines
		if (inp_sym[i] == '\0' || inp_sym[i] == '\n')
			line_end = i;
			if (inp_sym[i] != '\0')
				skip_symbol = 1;
			break; // found end of line exit loop
		else if (inp_sym[i] == ' ') //space
			line_end = i;
			skip_symbol = 1;

	// create char from uint array, since the char* is large enough
	// 	it will be '\0' terminated
	bytesCopied = Utf8FromArray(inp_sym, s, 4*maxlen-1,line_end);

	if (skip_symbol)// jump over the last symbol since it is a ' ' or '\n'

	delete[] inp_sym;
	return s;
예제 #10
void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetTotal(const char *Total)
  osd->DrawText(ScOsdWidth - Utf8StrLen(Total), 2, Total, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font);
예제 #11
void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetCurrent(const char *Current)
  osd->DrawText(0, 2, Current, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font, Utf8StrLen(Current) + 3);
예제 #12
 virtual int Width(const char *s) const { return s ? Utf8StrLen(s) : 0; }
예제 #13
void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::Flush(void)
  cString date = DayDateTime();
  osd->DrawText(ScOsdWidth - Utf8StrLen(date) - 2, 0, date, clrBlack, clrCyan, &Font);