예제 #1
VALcmp(const ValRecord *p, const ValRecord *q)

	int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *);
	int tpe;
	const void *nilptr, *pp, *pq;

	if (p == 0 || q == 0)
		return -1;
	if ((tpe = p->vtype) != q->vtype)
		return -1;

	if (tpe == TYPE_ptr)
		return 0;	/* ignore comparing C pointers */
	cmp = BATatoms[tpe].atomCmp;
	nilptr = ATOMnilptr(tpe);
	pp = VALptr(p);
	pq = VALptr(q);
	if ((*cmp)(pp, nilptr) == 0 && (*cmp)(pq, nilptr) == 0)
		return 0;	/* eq nil val */
	if ((*cmp)(pp, nilptr) == 0 || (*cmp)(pq, nilptr) == 0)
		return -1;
	return (*cmp)(pp, pq);

예제 #2
/* Return TRUE if the value in V is NIL. */
VALisnil(const ValRecord *v)
	switch (v->vtype) {
	case TYPE_void:
		return 1;
	case TYPE_bte:
		return v->val.btval == bte_nil;
	case TYPE_sht:
		return v->val.shval == sht_nil;
	case TYPE_int:
		return v->val.ival == int_nil;
	case TYPE_wrd:
		return v->val.wval == wrd_nil;
	case TYPE_lng:
		return v->val.lval == lng_nil;
#ifdef HAVE_HGE
	case TYPE_hge:
		return v->val.hval == hge_nil;
	case TYPE_flt:
		return v->val.fval == flt_nil;
	case TYPE_dbl:
		return v->val.dval == dbl_nil;
	case TYPE_oid:
		return v->val.oval == oid_nil;
	case TYPE_bat:
		return v->val.bval == bat_nil || v->val.bval == 0;
	return (*ATOMcompare(v->vtype))(VALptr(v), ATOMnilptr(v->vtype)) == 0;
예제 #3
파일: gdk_value.c 프로젝트: MonetDB/MonetDB
/* Return TRUE if the value in V is NIL. */
VALisnil(const ValRecord *v)
	switch (v->vtype) {
	case TYPE_void:
		return 1;
	case TYPE_bte:
		return is_bte_nil(v->val.btval);
	case TYPE_sht:
		return is_sht_nil(v->val.shval);
	case TYPE_int:
		return is_int_nil(v->val.ival);
	case TYPE_lng:
		return is_lng_nil(v->val.lval);
#ifdef HAVE_HGE
	case TYPE_hge:
		return is_hge_nil(v->val.hval);
	case TYPE_flt:
		return is_flt_nil(v->val.fval);
	case TYPE_dbl:
		return is_dbl_nil(v->val.dval);
	case TYPE_oid:
		return is_oid_nil(v->val.oval);
	case TYPE_bat:
		return is_bat_nil(v->val.bval);
	return (*ATOMcompare(v->vtype))(VALptr(v), ATOMnilptr(v->vtype)) == 0;
예제 #4
VALisnil(const ValRecord *v)
	switch (v->vtype) {
	case TYPE_void:
		return 1;
	case TYPE_bte:
		return v->val.btval == bte_nil;
	case TYPE_sht:
		return v->val.shval == sht_nil;
	case TYPE_int:
	case TYPE_bat:
		return v->val.ival == int_nil;
	case TYPE_lng:
		return v->val.lval == lng_nil;
#ifdef HAVE_HGE
	case TYPE_hge:
		return v->val.hval == hge_nil;
	case TYPE_flt:
		return v->val.fval == flt_nil;
	case TYPE_dbl:
		return v->val.dval == dbl_nil;
	return (*BATatoms[v->vtype].atomCmp)(VALptr(v), ATOMnilptr(v->vtype)) == 0;
예제 #5
VALformat(char **buf, const ValRecord *res)
	int t = res->vtype;

	*buf = 0;
	return ATOMformat(t, VALptr(res), buf);
예제 #6
파일: mdb.c 프로젝트: cswxu/monetdb-mcs
static str
MDBgetFrame(BAT *b, BAT*bn, Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr s, int depth)
	ValPtr v;
	int i;
	char *buf = 0;

	if (depth > 0)
		return MDBgetFrame(b,bn, cntxt, mb, s->up, depth - 1);
	if (s != 0)
		for (i = 0; i < s->stktop; i++, v++) {
			v = &s->stk[i];
			ATOMformat(v->vtype, VALptr(v), &buf);
			BUNappend(b, getVarName(mb, i), FALSE);
			BUNappend(bn, buf, FALSE);
			buf = NULL;
	return MAL_SUCCEED;
예제 #7
파일: batcalc.c 프로젝트: cran/MonetDBLite
CMDifthen(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	BAT *b = NULL, *b1 = NULL, *b2 = NULL, *bn;
	int tp0, tp1, tp2;
	bat *ret;
	BUN cnt = BUN_NONE;

	(void) cntxt;
	(void) mb;

	if (pci->argc != 4)
		throw(MAL, "batcalc.ifthen", "Operation not supported.");

	ret = getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, 0);
	tp0 = stk->stk[getArg(pci, 1)].vtype;
	tp1 = stk->stk[getArg(pci, 2)].vtype;
	tp2 = stk->stk[getArg(pci, 3)].vtype;
	if (tp0 == TYPE_bat || isaBatType(tp0)) {
		b = BATdescriptor(* getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, 1));
		if (b == NULL)
			throw(MAL, "batcalc.ifthenelse", SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
		cnt = BATcount(b);
	if (tp1 == TYPE_bat || isaBatType(tp1)) {
		b1 = BATdescriptor(* getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, 2));
		if (b1 == NULL) {
			if (b)
			throw(MAL, "batcalc.ifthenelse", SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
		if (cnt == BUN_NONE)
			cnt = BATcount(b1);
		else if (BATcount(b1) != cnt) {
			throw(MAL, "batcalc.ifthenelse", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT);
	if (tp2 == TYPE_bat || isaBatType(tp2)) {
		b2 = BATdescriptor(* getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, 3));
		if (b2 == NULL) {
			if (b)
			if (b1)
			throw(MAL, "batcalc.ifthenelse", SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
		if (cnt == BUN_NONE)
			cnt = BATcount(b2);
		else if (BATcount(b2) != cnt) {
			if (b)
			if (b1)
			throw(MAL, "batcalc.ifthenelse", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT);
	if (b == NULL && b1 == NULL && b2 == NULL) {
		/* at least one BAT required */
		throw(MAL, "batcalc.ifthenelse", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT);
	if (b != NULL) {
		if (b1 != NULL) {
			if (b2 != NULL) {
				bn = BATcalcifthenelse(b, b1, b2);
			} else {
				bn = BATcalcifthenelsecst(b, b1, &stk->stk[getArg(pci, 3)]);
		} else {
			if (b2 != NULL) {
				bn = BATcalcifthencstelse(b, &stk->stk[getArg(pci, 2)], b2);
			} else {
				bn = BATcalcifthencstelsecst(b, &stk->stk[getArg(pci, 2)], &stk->stk[getArg(pci, 3)]);
	} else {
		bit v = *getArgReference_bit(stk, pci, 1);
		if (is_bit_nil(v)) {
			if (b1 != NULL)
				bn = BATconstant(b1->hseqbase, b1->ttype, ATOMnilptr(b1->ttype), BATcount(b1), TRANSIENT);
				bn = BATconstant(b2->hseqbase, b2->ttype, ATOMnilptr(b2->ttype), BATcount(b2), TRANSIENT);
		} else if (v) {
			if (b1 != NULL)
				bn = COLcopy(b1, b1->ttype, 0, TRANSIENT);
				bn = BATconstant(b2->hseqbase, b2->ttype, VALptr(&stk->stk[getArg(pci, 2)]), BATcount(b2), TRANSIENT);
		} else {
			if (b2 != NULL)
				bn = COLcopy(b2, b2->ttype, 0, TRANSIENT);
				bn = BATconstant(b1->hseqbase, b1->ttype, VALptr(&stk->stk[getArg(pci, 3)]), BATcount(b1), TRANSIENT);
	if (b)
	if (b1)
	if (b2)
	if (bn == NULL) {
		return mythrow(MAL, "batcalc.ifthenelse", OPERATION_FAILED);
	BBPkeepref(*ret = bn->batCacheid);
	return MAL_SUCCEED;
예제 #8
OPTpushrangesImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	int i,j, limit,actions=0;
	InstrPtr p, *old;
	int x,y,z;
	Range range;

	if( mb->errors) 
		return 0;

	range= (Range) GDKzalloc(mb->vtop * sizeof(RangeRec));
	if (range == NULL)
		return 0;
		mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#Range select optimizer started\n");
	(void) stk;
	(void) pci;
	limit = mb->stop;
	old = mb->stmt;
	 * In phase I we collect information about constants
	for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];
		if( p->barrier) 
			break; /* end of optimizer */
		for(j=p->retc; j< p->argc; j++)
		for(j=0; j<p->retc; j++){
			range[getArg(p,j)].lastupdate= i;
			if( range[getArg(p,j)].lastrange == 0)
				range[getArg(p,j)].lastrange= i;
		if( getModuleId(p)== algebraRef && 
			( getFunctionId(p)== selectRef || getFunctionId(p)== uselectRef) ){
			 * The operation X:= algebra.select(Y,L,H,Li,Hi) is analysed.
			 * First, we attempt to propagate the range known for Y onto the
			 * requested range of X. This may lead to smaller range of
			 * even the conclusion that X is necessarily empty.
			 * Of course, only under the condition that Y has not been changed by a
			 * side-effect since it was bound to X.
			x= getArg(p,1);
			y= getArg(p,2);
			if( range[x].lcst && isVarConstant(mb,y) ){
				/* merge lowerbound */
				if( ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,range[x].lcst)), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)) ) > 0){
					getArg(p,2)= range[x].lcst;
					z= range[x].srcvar;
					if( getArg(p,1) == x && 
						range[z].lastupdate == range[z].lastrange){
						getArg(p,1) = z;
				y= getArg(p,3);
				/* merge higherbound */
				if( ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,range[x].hcst)), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)) ) < 0 ||
					ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y),
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)),
						 ATOMnilptr(getVarType(mb,y)) ) == 0){
					getArg(p,3)= range[x].hcst;
					z= range[x].srcvar;
					if( getArg(p,1) == x && range[z].lastupdate == range[z].lastrange){
						getArg(p,1) = z;
			 * The second step is to assign the result of this exercise to the
			 * result variable.
			x= getArg(p,0);
			if( isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p,2)) ){
				range[x].lcst = getArg(p,2);
				range[x].srcvar= getArg(p,1);
				range[x].lastupdate= range[x].lastrange = i;
			if( isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p,3)) ){
				range[x].hcst = getArg(p,3);
				range[x].srcvar= getArg(p,1);
				range[x].lastupdate= range[x].lastrange = i;
			 * If both range bounds are constant, we can also detect empty results.
			 * It is empty if L> H or when L=H and the bounds are !(true,true).
			x= getArg(p,2);
			y= getArg(p,3);
			if( isVarConstant(mb, x)  &&
				isVarConstant(mb, y)  ){
				z =ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y),
                        VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,x)),
                        VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)));
				x=  p->argc > 4;
				x= x && isVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,4));
				x= x && isVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,5));
				x= x && getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,4)).val.btval;
				x= x && getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,5)).val.btval;
				if( z > 0 || (z==0 && p->argc>4 && !x)) {
					int var = getArg(p, 0);
					wrd zero = 0;
					ValRecord v, *vp;

					vp = VALset(&v, TYPE_wrd, &zero);
					varSetProp(mb, var, rowsProp, op_eq, vp);
					/* create an empty replacement */
					x = getArgType(mb, p, 1);
					getModuleId(p)= batRef;
					getFunctionId(p)= newRef;
					p= pushArgument(mb,p, newTypeVariable(mb, getHeadType(x)));
					(void) pushArgument(mb,p, newTypeVariable(mb, getTailType(x)));
		for(j=0; j< mb->vtop; j++)
		if( range[j].used )
			printRange(cntxt, mb,range,j);
	 * Phase II, if we succeeded in pushing constants around and
	 * changing instructions, we might as well try once more to perform
	 * aliasRemoval, constantExpression, and pushranges.
	return actions;
예제 #9
파일: gdk_value.c 프로젝트: MonetDB/MonetDB
/* Format the value in RES in the standard way for the type of RES
 * into a newly allocated buffer.  Also see ATOMformat. */
char *
VALformat(const ValRecord *res)
	return ATOMformat(res->vtype, VALptr(res));