예제 #1
파일: vhemi.c 프로젝트: Rollmops/via
VGraphHemi(VGraph src,VLong hemi)
  VString str;
  VGraph dest=NULL;
  int i,j,n,ncols,half=0;
  float x,y,z,val=0;
  VNode node,node1;
  int *table;

  half = 80;   /* standard coordinate for inter-hemisperic cleft */

  if (VGetAttr (VGraphAttrList (src), "ca", NULL,VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str) == VAttrFound) {
    sscanf(str,"%f %f %f",&x,&y,&z);
    ncols = (int) x;
    half  = ncols/2;

  table = (int *) VMalloc(sizeof(int) * (src)->lastUsed + 1);
  for (i=0; i<= src->lastUsed; i++) table[i] = 0;

  n = (src)->lastUsed/2;
  dest = VCreateGraph(n,VGraphNFields(src),VNodeRepn(src),src->useWeights);
  for (i=1; i<=(src)->lastUsed; i++) {
    node = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,i);
    if (node == 0) continue;

    if ((hemi == 0 && x <= half) || (hemi == 1 && x > half)) {
      n = VGraphAddNode(dest,(VNode) node);
      table[i] = n;

  for (i=1; i<=(src)->lastUsed; i++) {
    node = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,i);
    if (node == 0) continue;

    for (j=1; j<=(src)->lastUsed; j++) {
      node1 = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,j);
      if (node1 == 0) continue;
      if (table[i] == 0 || table[j] == 0) continue;

      if (VGraphIsAdjacent(src,i,j) == TRUE) {
  return dest;
예제 #2
VGraph VCopyGraph (VGraph src)
  VGraph dst;
  int i;
  dst = VCreateGraph (src->size, src->nfields, src->node_repn, src->useWeights);

  /* copy each used node in table */
  for (i = 1; i <= src->size; i++)
    dst->table[i-1] = VCopyNodeDeep(src, VGraphGetNode(src, i));

  dst->nnodes = src->nnodes;
  dst->lastUsed = src->lastUsed;
  if (VGraphAttrList (dst))
    VDestroyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (dst));
  if (VGraphAttrList (src))
    VGraphAttrList (dst) = VCopyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (src));
  return dst;
예제 #3
VGraph VGraphExtractNodes (VGraph src)
  VGraph dst;
  VAdjacency adj;
  VNode n;
  int i, j;
  /* create a destination graph much like src */
  dst = VCreateGraph(src->size, src->nfields, src->node_repn, src->useWeights);

  /* copy selected nodes from src */
  for (i = j = 1; i <= src->lastUsed; i++)  {
    n = VGraphGetNode(src, i);
    if (n && n->base.hops) dst->table[j] = VCopyNodeShallow(src, n);

  /* set number of nodes used */
  dst->nnodes = j-1;
  dst->lastUsed = j;
  /* now link nodes in new graph */
  for (i = 1; i <= dst->lastUsed; i++) {
    n = VGraphGetNode(dst, i);
    if (n == 0) continue;
    j = VGraphLookupNode(src, n);
    if (j == 0) continue;
    n = VGraphGetNode(src, j);
    for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)  {
      n = VGraphGetNode(src, adj->id);
      j = VGraphLookupNode(dst, n);
      if (j) VGraphLinkNodes(dst, i, j);
  if (VGraphAttrList (dst))
    VDestroyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (dst));
  if (VGraphAttrList (src))
    VGraphAttrList (dst) = VCopyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (src));
  return dst;
예제 #4
static VPointer VGraphDecodeMethod (VStringConst name, VBundle b)
  VGraph graph;
  VLong size, nfields, node_repn, useWeights;
  VAttrList list;
  VLong idx, nadj;
  int length;
  size_t len;
  VNode n;
  VPointer p, ptr;
  VAdjacency adj;

#define Extract(name, dict, locn, required)	\
  VExtractAttr (b->list, name, dict, VLongRepn, & locn, required)

  /* Extract the required attribute values for Graph. */
  if (!Extract (VRepnAttr, VNumericRepnDict, node_repn, TRUE) ||
      !Extract (VNNodeFieldsAttr, NULL, nfields, TRUE) ||
      !Extract (VNNodeWeightsAttr, NULL, useWeights, TRUE))
  	  return NULL;
  /* Look for size attribute, if not present, look for nnodes (for backward compatibility */
  if (Extract (VNGraphSizeAttr, NULL, size, TRUE) == FALSE &&
      Extract (VNGraphNodesAttr, NULL, size, TRUE) == FALSE)
  	  return NULL;
  if (size <= 0 || nfields <= 0) {
  	  VWarning ("VGraphReadDataMethod: Bad Graph file attributes");
  	  return NULL;

  /* Create the Graph data structure. */
  graph = VCreateGraph ((int)size, (int) nfields,
			(VRepnKind) node_repn, (int) useWeights);
  if (! graph)
    return NULL;

  /* Give it whatever attributes remain: */
  list = VGraphAttrList (graph);
  VGraphAttrList (graph) = b->list;
  b->list = list;
  length = b->length;
  if (length == 0) return graph;
  p = b->data;

#define unpack(repn, cnt, dest) \
    ptr = dest; \
    if (VUnpackData(repn, cnt, p, VMsbFirst, & len, & ptr, 0) == 0) return 0; \
    p = (char *) p + len; length -= len; len = length; \
    if (length < 0) goto Fail;
  len = length;

  while (length > 0) {

    /* Get the index : */
    unpack(VLongRepn, 1, &idx);
    graph->table[idx-1] = n = VCalloc(1, VNodeSize(graph));
    if (idx > graph->lastUsed) graph->lastUsed = idx;

    /* Get the number of adjacencies : */
    unpack(VLongRepn, 1, &nadj);
    /* Unpack the adjacencies : */
    while (nadj--)  {
      adj = VMalloc(sizeof(VAdjRec));
      unpack(VLongRepn, 1, &adj->id);
      if (graph->useWeights)  {
	unpack(VFloatRepn, 1, &adj->weight);
      } else
	adj->weight = 0.0;
      adj->next = n->base.head; n->base.head = adj;

    /* Unpack the node itself: */
    if (graph->useWeights) {
      unpack(VFloatRepn, 1, &(n->base.weight));
    } else
      n->base.weight = 0.0;
    unpack(graph->node_repn, graph->nfields, n->data);
  return graph;

  VWarning ("VGraphDecodeMethod: %s graph has wrong data length", name);
  VDestroyGraph (graph);
  return NULL;
#undef Extract