예제 #1
bool GameApp::InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, HWND hWnd, int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
	SetCursor( NULL );

	m_hInstance = hInstance;

	m_pOptions = GCC_NEW GameOptions("m_pOptions->ini");

	m_pEventManager = GCC_NEW EventManager("CometConquest Event Mgr", true );
	if (!m_pEventManager)
		return false;


	DXUTInit( true, true, NULL );

		DXUTCreateWindow( VGetGameTitle(), hInstance, VGetIcon() );
		DXUTSetWindow( hWnd, hWnd, hWnd);

		return false;
	SetWindowText(GetHwnd(), VGetGameTitle());

	DXUTCreateDevice (D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2, true, 800, 600 );

	m_pGame = VCreateGameAndView();
	if (!m_pGame)
		return false;

	m_bIsRunning = true;

	return true;

예제 #2
// Win32 Specific Stuff
// InitInstance - this checks system resources, creates your window, and launches the game
// preprocessor macro setting in the C++ options of the project provides the base macro
// C preprocessor string concatenation takes care of the rest.
// AlphaApp::InitInstance - Chapter 5, page 136
bool AlphaApp::InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, HWND hWnd, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, bool windowed)
	// Check for existing instance of the same window - Chapter 5, page 137
#ifndef _DEBUG
    // Note - it can be really useful to debug network code to have
    // more than one instance of the game up at one time - so
    // feel free to comment these lines in or out as you wish!
    if (!IsOnlyInstance(VGetGameTitle()))
		return false;


	// We don't need a mouse cursor by default, let the game turn it on

	// Check for adequate machine resources.
	// Check secondary storage space and memory. - Chapter 5, page 138-139
	// Calculate the CPU speed. - Chapter 5, page 140
	bool resourceCheck = false;
	while (!resourceCheck)
		const DWORDLONG physicalRAM = 512 * MEGABYTE;
		const DWORDLONG virtualRAM = 1024 * MEGABYTE;
		const DWORDLONG diskSpace = 10 * MEGABYTE;
		if (!CheckStorage(diskSpace))
			return false;

		const DWORD minCpuSpeed = 1300;     // 1.3Ghz
		DWORD thisCPU = ReadCPUSpeed();
		if (thisCPU < minCpuSpeed)
			AC_ERROR("GetCPUSpeed reports CPU is too slow for this game.");
			return false;

		resourceCheck = true;

	m_hInstance = hInstance;

    // register all events

	// Initialize the ResCache - Chapter 5, page 141
	//    Note - this is a little different from the book. Here we have a speccial resource ZIP file class, DevelopmentResourceZipFile,
	//    that actually reads directly from the source asset files, rather than the ZIP file. This is MUCH better during development, since
	//    you don't want to have to rebuild the ZIP file every time you make a minor change to an asset.
	IResourceFile *zipFile = (m_bIsEditorRunning || m_Options.m_useDevelopmentDirectories) ? 
		AC_NEW DevelopmentResourceZipFile(L"Assets.zip", DevelopmentResourceZipFile::Editor) :
		AC_NEW ResourceZipFile(L"Assets.zip");

	m_ResCache = AC_NEW ResCache(50, zipFile);

	if (!m_ResCache->Init())
        AC_ERROR("Failed to initialize resource cache!  Are your paths set up correctly?");
		return false;
	//extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateWAVResourceLoader();
	//extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateOGGResourceLoader();
	extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateDDSResourceLoader();
	extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateJPGResourceLoader();
    extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateXmlResourceLoader();
    //extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateSdkMeshResourceLoader();
    extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateScriptResourceLoader();

	// Note - register these in order from least specific to most specific! They get pushed onto a list.
	// RegisterLoader is discussed in Chapter 5, page 142

	//// Load strings that will be presented to the player. - Chapter 5, page 142
 //       AC_ERROR("Failed to load strings");
	//	return false;

	// Create the LUA script manager. - Chapter 5, page 144
	if (!LuaStateManager::Create())
		AC_ERROR("Failed to initialize Lua");
		return false;

	// Load the preinit file.  This is within braces to create a scope and destroy the resource once it's loaded.  We
    // don't need to do anything with it, we just need to load it.
        Resource resource(SCRIPT_PREINIT_FILE);
        shared_ptr<ResHandle> pResourceHandle = m_ResCache->GetHandle(&resource);  // this actually loads the XML file from the zip file

    // Register function exported from C++

	// Create the game's event manager. - Chapter 5, page 145
	m_pEventManager = AC_NEW EventManager("AlphaApp Event Mgr", true);
	if (!m_pEventManager)
		AC_ERROR("Failed to create EventManager.");
		return false;

	// Inititalize DirectX, the application's window, and the D3D device. - Chapter 5, page 145
	//DXUTInit(true, true, lpCmdLine, true);
	//Init DirectX11Wrapper class
	g_pDX11W->DX11WInit(lpCmdLine);// may need to be put in the alpha app init instance function

	if (hWnd==NULL)
		//DXUTCreateWindow(VGetGameTitle(), hInstance, VGetIcon());
		g_pDX11W->DX11WCreateWindow(VGetGameTitle(), hInstance, VGetIcon());
	    //DXUTSetWindow( hWnd, hWnd, hWnd );

		return false;
	SetWindowText(GetHwnd(), VGetGameTitle());
	// initialize the directory location you can store save game files
	//_tcscpy_s(m_saveGameDirectory, GetSaveGameDirectory(GetHwnd(), VGetGameAppDirectory()));

    // DXUTCreateDevice - Chapter 5 - page 139
    m_screenSize = Point(screenWidth, screenHeight);

	//DXUTCreateDevice( D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, true, screenWidth, screenHeight);
	g_pDX11W->DX11WCreateDevice(windowed, screenWidth, screenHeight);

	m_Renderer = shared_ptr<IRenderer>(AC_NEW D3DRenderer11());
    m_Renderer->VSetBackgroundColor(0, 50, 100, 255);

	// You usually must have an HWND to initialize your game views...
	//    VCreateGameAndView			- Chapter 5, page 145
	m_pGame = VCreateGameAndView();
	if (!m_pGame)
		return false;

	// now that all the major systems are initialized, preload resources 
	//    Preload calls are discussed in Chapter 5, page 148
	//m_ResCache->Preload("*.ogg", NULL);
	m_ResCache->Preload("*.dds", NULL);
	//m_ResCache->Preload("*.jpg", NULL);

	//if ( GameCodeApp::GetRendererImpl() == GameCodeApp::Renderer_D3D11 )
	//	m_ResCache->Preload("*.sdkmesh", NULL);

	m_bIsRunning = TRUE;

	return TRUE;
예제 #3
파일: Engine.cpp 프로젝트: scw000000/Engine
bool EngineApp::InitInstance( SDL_Window* window, int screenWidth, int screenHeight )
   /*auto test = std::vector< Vec2 >( { Vec2( 1.0f, 1.0f ), Vec2( 5.0f, 5.0f ), Vec2( 4.0f, 4.0f ), Vec2( 1.0f, -3.0f ) } );*/
   //auto test = std::vector< Vec2 >( { Vec2( 0.0f, 2.0f ), Vec2( 1.0f, 4.0f ), Vec2( 2.0f, 0.0f ), Vec2( 3.0f, 1.0f ), Vec2( 4.0f, 3.0f ) } );
   //Triangulation( test );
   // Check for existing instance of the same window
	// Not sure if this feature is working normally.... 
   #ifndef _DEBUG
	// Note - it can be really useful to debug network code to have
	// more than one instance of the game up at one time - so
	// feel free to comment these lines in or out as you wish!
   if (!IsOnlyInstance( VGetGameTitle() ) )
      return false;
   // Check system requirements
   bool resourceCheck = false;
	while (!resourceCheck)
		const DWORDLONG physicalRAM = 512 * MEGABYTE;
		const DWORDLONG virtualRAM = 1024 * MEGABYTE;
		const DWORDLONG diskSpace = 10 * MEGABYTE;
		if ( !CheckStorage(diskSpace) )
			return false;
		const DWORD minCpuSpeed = 1300;			// 1.3Ghz
		DWORD thisCPU = ReadCPUSpeed();
		if ( thisCPU < minCpuSpeed )
			ENG_ERROR("GetCPUSpeed reports CPU is too slow for this game.");
			return false;

		resourceCheck = true;
   // Check system requirements

   //  Initialize ResCache, all assets are within a zip file
   IResourceFile *pFile = NULL;
   if( m_EngineOptions.GetIsUsingDevDirectory() )
      pFile = ENG_NEW DevResourceFile( DevResourceFile::Editor );
      pFile = ENG_NEW ResourceZipFile( L"Assets.zip" );
   m_pResCache = ENG_NEW ResourceCache( 50, pFile );

	if ( !m_pResCache->Init() )
      ENG_ERROR("Failed to initialize resource cache!  Are your paths set up correctly?");
		return false;

 //  extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateWAVResourceLoader();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< XmlResourceLoader >();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< MeshResourceLoader >();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< TextureResourceLoader >();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< ScriptResourceLoader >();

   if( !LoadStrings("English") )
      ENG_ERROR("Failed to load strings");
		return false;
   //  Initialize ResCache

   //  Initialize Lua scripting

   // Rez up the Lua State manager now, and run the initial script - discussed in Chapter 5, page 144.
   if( !LuaStateManager::GetSingleton().VInit() )
      ENG_ERROR( "Failed to initialize Lua" );
      return false;

   Resource resource( m_EngineOptions.GetPreInitScriptFile() );
   shared_ptr<ResHandle> pResourceHandle = m_pResCache->GetHandle( resource );  
   ENG_ASSERT( pResourceHandle );

   RegisterScriptClass< AnimationClipNode, IAnimationNode >();
   RegisterScriptClass< AnimationLerpNode, IAnimationNode >();
   RegisterScriptClass< AnimationState >();

   //  Initialize Lua scripting

   //  Initialize EventManager

   // Set as global EventManager
   m_pEventManager = ENG_NEW EventManager( "Engine Event Manager", true );
	if ( !m_pEventManager )
		ENG_ERROR( "Failed to create EventManager." );
		return false;
   //  Initialize EventManager

   // Initiate window & SDL, glew
   if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0 )
      ENG_ERROR( SDL_GetError() );
      return false;

   CHAR charTitle[100];
   if(  GenericToAnsiCch( charTitle, VGetGameTitle(),  strlen( charTitle ) ) != S_OK )
      ENG_ERROR( "Game title translation failed" );
   if( !window )
      m_pWindow = SDL_CreateWindow( charTitle, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, screenWidth,screenHeight, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL );
      if ( !m_pWindow ) 
         ENG_ERROR( SDL_GetError() );
         return false;
      m_pWindow = window;

   // Only if execute under editor can engine allow file drop 
   if( m_EngineOptions.GetEngineEnvironment() == Environment_Editor )

   if( m_EngineOptions.GetShowMouseCursor() )
      SDL_ShowCursor( SDL_ENABLE );
      SDL_ShowCursor( SDL_DISABLE );
   SDL_WarpMouseInWindow( g_pApp->GetWindow(), g_pApp->GetScreenSize().GetX() / 2, g_pApp->GetScreenSize().GetY() / 2 );
   // setup opengl rendering context
   SDL_GLContext glContext = SDL_GL_CreateContext( m_pWindow );
   if( !glContext )
      ENG_ERROR( SDL_GetError() );
   // Needed for core profile
   glewExperimental = true; 

   GLenum error = glewInit();

   if( error != GLEW_OK )
      ENG_ERROR( reinterpret_cast<const char *>( gluErrorString( error ) ) );
   // set two buffer for rendering
   SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );

   m_ShutDownEventType = RegisterEvent( 1 );
   // Initiate window & SDL, glew

   // SDL_Image
   int initted = IMG_Init( initFlags );

   if( ( initted & initFlags ) != initFlags ) 
      ENG_ERROR( IMG_GetError() );
   // SDL_Image

   // Set Renderer
    if( GetRendererImpl() == Renderer_OpenGL )
      m_pRenderer = shared_ptr<IRenderer>( ENG_NEW OpenGLRenderer() );
      ENG_ERROR( "Not supported renderer type" );
   m_pRenderer->VSetBackgroundColor( g_Black );
   // Enable depth test
	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
	// Accept fragment if it closer to the camera than the former one
	glDepthFunc( GL_LESS ); 
   // Cull triangles which normal is not towards the camera
   glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
   // Set Renderer

   // Start global timer

   // initialize the directory location you can store save game files
	_tcscpy_s( m_saveGameDirectory, GetSaveGameDirectory( GetHwnd(), VGetGameAppDirectory() ) );
   // Create game & view
   m_pEngineLogic = VCreateLogic();
   if (!m_pEngineLogic)
      return false;
   // Create game & view
   m_bIsRunning = true;

   return true;