예제 #1
COASPMetadataGeorefGridItem::COASPMetadataGeorefGridItem(int nIdIn, int nPixelsIn,
	int nLinesIn, double ndLatIn, double ndLongIn)
	this->nId = nIdIn;
	this->nPixels = nPixelsIn;
	this->nLines = nLinesIn;
	this->ndLat = ndLatIn;
	this->ndLong = ndLongIn;
        pszItemName = VSIStrdup("georef_grid");
예제 #2
COASPMetadataGeorefGridItem::COASPMetadataGeorefGridItem(int nId, int nPixels, 
	int nLines, double ndLat, double ndLong)
	this->nId = nId;
	this->nPixels = nPixels;
	this->nLines = nLines;
	this->ndLat = ndLat;
	this->ndLong = ndLong;
	this->pszItemName = VSIStrdup("georef_grid");

예제 #3
파일: cpl_conv.cpp 프로젝트: hkaiser/TRiAS
char *CPLStrdup( const char * pszString )

    char	*pszReturn;

    if( pszString == NULL )
        pszString = "";

    pszReturn = VSIStrdup( pszString );
    if( pszReturn == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Fatal, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "CPLStrdup(): Out of memory allocating %d bytes.\n",
                  strlen(pszString) );
    return( pszReturn );
예제 #4
GDALDataset *DOQ1Dataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    int		nWidth, nHeight, nBandStorage, nBandTypes;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	We assume the user is pointing to the binary (ie. .bil) file.	*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->nHeaderBytes < 212 )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Attempt to extract a few key values from the header.		*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nWidth = (int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 150, 6);
    nHeight = (int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 144, 6);
    nBandStorage = (int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 162, 3);
    nBandTypes = (int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 156, 3);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do these values look coherent for a DOQ file?  It would be      */
/*      nice to do a more comprehensive test than this!                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nWidth < 500 || nWidth > 25000
        || nHeight < 500 || nHeight > 25000
        || nBandStorage < 0 || nBandStorage > 4
        || nBandTypes < 1 || nBandTypes > 9 )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check the configuration.  We don't currently handle all         */
/*      variations, only the common ones.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nBandTypes > 5 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "DOQ Data Type (%d) is not a supported configuration.\n",
                  nBandTypes );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The DOQ1 driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    DOQ1Dataset 	*poDS;

    poDS = new DOQ1Dataset();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Capture some information from the file that is of interest.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->nRasterXSize = nWidth;
    poDS->nRasterYSize = nHeight;
    poDS->fpImage = VSIFOpenL(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "rb");
    if (poDS->fpImage == NULL)
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute layout of data.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int		nSkipBytes, nBytesPerPixel=0, nBytesPerLine, i;

    if( nBandTypes < 5 )
        nBytesPerPixel = 1;
    else if( nBandTypes == 5 )
        nBytesPerPixel = 3;

    nBytesPerLine = nBytesPerPixel * nWidth;
    nSkipBytes = 4 * nBytesPerLine;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information objects.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->nBands = nBytesPerPixel;
    for( i = 0; i < poDS->nBands; i++ )
        poDS->SetBand( i+1, 
            new RawRasterBand( poDS, i+1, poDS->fpImage,
                               nSkipBytes + i, nBytesPerPixel, nBytesPerLine,
                               GDT_Byte, TRUE, TRUE ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the description.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    DOQGetDescription(poDS, poOpenInfo->pabyHeader);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Establish the projection string.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( ((int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 195, 3)) != 1 )
        poDS->pszProjection = VSIStrdup("");
        const char *pszDatumLong, *pszDatumShort;
        const char *pszUnits;
        int	   nZone;

        nZone = (int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 198, 6);

        if( ((int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 204, 3)) == 1 )
            pszUnits = "UNIT[\"US survey foot\",0.304800609601219]";
            pszUnits = "UNIT[\"metre\",1]";

        switch( (int) DOQGetField(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader + 167, 2) )
          case 1:
            pszDatumLong = NAD27_DATUM;
            pszDatumShort = "NAD 27";
          case 2:
            pszDatumLong = WGS72_DATUM;
            pszDatumShort = "WGS 72";
          case 3:
            pszDatumLong = WGS84_DATUM;
            pszDatumShort = "WGS 84";
          case 4:
            pszDatumLong = NAD83_DATUM;
            pszDatumShort = "NAD 83";

            pszDatumLong = "DATUM[\"unknown\"]";
            pszDatumShort = "unknown";
        poDS->pszProjection = 
            CPLStrdup(CPLSPrintf( UTM_FORMAT, pszDatumShort, nZone,
                                  pszDatumLong, nZone * 6 - 183, pszUnits ));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the georeferencing information.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    unsigned char	abyRecordData[500];
    if( VSIFSeekL( poDS->fpImage, nBytesPerLine * 2, SEEK_SET ) != 0
        || VSIFReadL(abyRecordData,sizeof(abyRecordData),1,poDS->fpImage) != 1 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                  "Header read error on %s.\n",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    poDS->dfULX = DOQGetField( abyRecordData + 288, 24 );
    poDS->dfULY = DOQGetField( abyRecordData + 312, 24 );

    if( VSIFSeekL( poDS->fpImage, nBytesPerLine * 3, SEEK_SET ) != 0
        || VSIFReadL(abyRecordData,sizeof(abyRecordData),1,poDS->fpImage) != 1 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                  "Header read error on %s.\n",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    poDS->dfXPixelSize = DOQGetField( abyRecordData + 59, 12 );
    poDS->dfYPixelSize = DOQGetField( abyRecordData + 71, 12 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->SetDescription( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for overviews.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

    return( poDS );
예제 #5
파일: gxfopen.c 프로젝트: garnertb/gdal
GXFHandle GXFOpen( const char * pszFilename )

    FILE	*fp;
    GXFInfo_t	*psGXF;
    char	szTitle[71];
    char	**papszList;
    int     nHeaderCount = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We open in binary to ensure that we can efficiently seek()      */
/*      to any location when reading scanlines randomly.  If we         */
/*      opened as text we might still be able to seek(), but I          */
/*      believe that on Windows, the C library has to read through      */
/*      all the data to find the right spot taking into account DOS     */
/*      CRs.                                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    fp = VSIFOpen( pszFilename, "rb" );

    if( fp == NULL )
        /* how to effectively communicate this error out? */
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Unable to open file: %s\n", pszFilename );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the GXF Information object.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psGXF = (GXFInfo_t *) VSICalloc( sizeof(GXFInfo_t), 1 );
    psGXF->fp = fp;
    psGXF->dfTransformScale = 1.0;
    psGXF->nSense = GXFS_LL_RIGHT;
    psGXF->dfXPixelSize = 1.0;
    psGXF->dfYPixelSize = 1.0;
    psGXF->dfSetDummyTo = -1e12;

    psGXF->dfUnitToMeter = 1.0;
    psGXF->pszTitle = VSIStrdup("");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the header, one line at a time.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    while( (papszList = GXFReadHeaderValue( fp, szTitle)) != NULL && nHeaderCount < MAX_HEADER_COUNT )
        if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#TITL",5) )
            CPLFree( psGXF->pszTitle );
            psGXF->pszTitle = CPLStrdup( papszList[0] );
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#POIN",5) )
            psGXF->nRawXSize = atoi(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#ROWS",5) )
            psGXF->nRawYSize = atoi(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#PTSE",5) )
            psGXF->dfXPixelSize = CPLAtof(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#RWSE",5) )
            psGXF->dfYPixelSize = CPLAtof(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#DUMM",5) )
            memset( psGXF->szDummy, 0, sizeof(psGXF->szDummy));
            strncpy( psGXF->szDummy, papszList[0], sizeof(psGXF->szDummy) - 1);
            psGXF->dfSetDummyTo = CPLAtof(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#XORI",5) )
            psGXF->dfXOrigin = CPLAtof(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#YORI",5) )
            psGXF->dfYOrigin = CPLAtof(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#ZMIN",5) )
            psGXF->dfZMinimum = CPLAtof(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#ZMAX",5) )
            psGXF->dfZMaximum = CPLAtof(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#SENS",5) )
            psGXF->nSense = atoi(papszList[0]);
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#MAP_PROJECTION",8) )
            psGXF->papszMapProjection = papszList;
            papszList = NULL;
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#MAP_D",5) )
            psGXF->papszMapDatumTransform = papszList;
            papszList = NULL;
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#UNIT",5) )
            char	**papszFields;

            papszFields = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( papszList[0], ", ",
                                                    TRUE, TRUE );

            if( CSLCount(papszFields) > 1 )
                psGXF->pszUnitName = VSIStrdup( papszFields[0] );
                psGXF->dfUnitToMeter = CPLAtof( papszFields[1] );
                if( psGXF->dfUnitToMeter == 0.0 )
                    psGXF->dfUnitToMeter = 1.0;

            CSLDestroy( papszFields );
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#TRAN",5) )
            char	**papszFields;

            papszFields = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( papszList[0], ", ",
                                                    TRUE, TRUE );

            if( CSLCount(papszFields) > 1 )
                psGXF->dfTransformScale = CPLAtof(papszFields[0]);
                psGXF->dfTransformOffset = CPLAtof(papszFields[1]);

            if( CSLCount(papszFields) > 2 )
                psGXF->pszTransformName = CPLStrdup( papszFields[2] );

            CSLDestroy( papszFields );
        else if( EQUALN(szTitle,"#GTYPE",5) )
            psGXF->nGType = atoi(papszList[0]);

        CSLDestroy( papszList );
        nHeaderCount ++;

    CSLDestroy( papszList );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Did we find the #GRID?                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !EQUALN(szTitle,"#GRID",5) )
        GXFClose( psGXF );
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_WrongFormat,
                  "Didn't parse through to #GRID successfully in.\n"
                  "file `%s'.\n",
                  pszFilename );

        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate, and initialize the raw scanline offset array.         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psGXF->nRawYSize <= 0 )
        GXFClose( psGXF );
        return NULL;

    psGXF->panRawLineOffset = (long *)
        VSICalloc( sizeof(long), psGXF->nRawYSize+1 );
    if( psGXF->panRawLineOffset == NULL )
        GXFClose( psGXF );
        return NULL;

    psGXF->panRawLineOffset[0] = VSIFTell( psGXF->fp );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Update the zmin/zmax values to take into account #TRANSFORM     */
/*      information.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psGXF->dfZMinimum != 0.0 || psGXF->dfZMaximum != 0.0 )
        psGXF->dfZMinimum = (psGXF->dfZMinimum * psGXF->dfTransformScale)
            			+ psGXF->dfTransformOffset;
        psGXF->dfZMaximum = (psGXF->dfZMaximum * psGXF->dfTransformScale)
            			+ psGXF->dfTransformOffset;

    return( (GXFHandle) psGXF );
예제 #6
GDALDataset *COASPDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo ) 
	if (!COASPDataset::Identify(poOpenInfo))
		return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The COASP driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
	/* Create a fresh dataset for us to work with */
	COASPDataset *poDS;
	poDS = new COASPDataset();
	if (poDS == NULL)
		return NULL;

	/* Steal the file pointer for the header */
	poDS->fpHdr = poOpenInfo->fp;
	poOpenInfo->fp = NULL;
	/* Set the binary matrix file pointers to NULL, for now */
	poDS->fpBinHH = NULL;
	poDS->fpBinHV = NULL;
	poDS->fpBinVH = NULL;
	poDS->fpBinVV = NULL;

	poDS->pszFileName = VSIStrdup(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);

	/* determine the file name prefix */
	const char *pszFilename;
	char *pszBaseName = VSIStrdup(CPLGetBasename(poDS->pszFileName));
	char *pszDir = VSIStrdup(CPLGetPath(poDS->pszFileName));
	const char *pszExt = "rc";
	int nNull = strlen(pszBaseName) - 1;
	char *pszBase = (char *)CPLMalloc(nNull);
	strncpy(pszBase, pszBaseName, nNull);
	pszBase[nNull - 1] = '\0';

	char *psChan = strstr(pszBase,"hh");;
	if (psChan == NULL) {
		psChan = strstr(pszBase, "hv");
	if (psChan == NULL) {
		psChan = strstr(pszBase, "vh");
	if (psChan == NULL) {
		psChan = strstr(pszBase, "vv");

	if (psChan == NULL) {
		CPLError(CE_Fatal, 1, "unable to recognize file as COASP.\n");
		delete poDS;
		return NULL;

    /* Read Metadata, set GCPs as is appropriate */
    COASPMetadataReader *poReader = new COASPMetadataReader(

    /* Get Image X and Y widths */
    COASPMetadataItem *poItem = poReader->GetNextItem();
    char *nValue = poItem->GetItemValue();
    poDS->nRasterYSize = atoi(nValue);

    poItem = poReader->GetNextItem();
    nValue = poItem->GetItemValue();
    poDS->nRasterXSize = atoi(nValue);

	/* Horizontal transmit, horizontal receive */
	psChan[0] = 'h';
	psChan[1] = 'h';
	pszFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszDir, pszBase, pszExt); 

	poDS->fpBinHH = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "r");

	if (poDS->fpBinHH != 0) {
		/* Set raster band */
		poDS->SetBand(1, new COASPRasterBand(poDS, GDT_CFloat32, 
			hh , poDS->fpBinHH));
	/* Horizontal transmit, vertical receive */
    psChan[0] = 'h'; 
    psChan[1] = 'v'; 
    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszDir, pszBase, pszExt);
	poDS->fpBinHV = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "r");

	if (poDS->fpBinHV != 0) {
		poDS->SetBand(2, new COASPRasterBand(poDS, GDT_CFloat32,
			hv, poDS->fpBinHV));

	/* Vertical transmit, horizontal receive */
    psChan[0] = 'v'; 
    psChan[1] = 'h'; 
    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszDir, pszBase, pszExt);
	poDS->fpBinVH = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "r");

	if (poDS->fpBinVH != 0) {
    	poDS->SetBand(3, new COASPRasterBand(poDS, GDT_CFloat32,
			vh, poDS->fpBinVH));

	/* Vertical transmit, vertical receive */
    psChan[0] = 'v'; 
    psChan[1] = 'v'; 
    pszFilename = CPLFormFilename(pszDir, pszBase, pszExt);

	poDS->fpBinVV = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "r");

	if (poDS->fpBinVV != 0) {
		poDS->SetBand(4, new COASPRasterBand(poDS, GDT_CFloat32,
			vv, poDS->fpBinVV));

	/* Oops, missing all the data? */

	if (poDS->fpBinHH == NULL && poDS->fpBinHV == NULL 
		&& poDS->fpBinVH == NULL && poDS->fpBinVV == NULL) 
		CPLError(CE_Fatal,1,"Unable to find any data! Aborting.");
		delete poDS;

		return NULL;

    if ( poDS->GetRasterCount() == 4 ) {
        poDS->SetMetadataItem( "MATRIX_REPRESENTATION", "SCATTERING" );

	poDS->nGCPCount = 0;
	poDS->pasGCP = NULL;

	delete poItem;
	delete poReader; 

	return poDS;

예제 #7
char *COASPMetadataItem::GetItemValue() 
	return VSIStrdup(pszItemValue);
예제 #8
COASPMetadataItem::COASPMetadataItem(char *pszItemName, char *pszItemValue) 
	this->pszItemName = VSIStrdup(pszItemName);
	this->pszItemValue = VSIStrdup(pszItemValue);
void OGRSQLiteREGEXPFunction(sqlite3_context *ctx, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
    const char *re, *str;
    pcre *p;
    pcre_extra *e;

    CPLAssert(argc == 2);

    re = (const char *) sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
    if (!re) {
        sqlite3_result_error(ctx, "no regexp", -1);

    if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[1]) == SQLITE_NULL )
        sqlite3_result_int(ctx, 0);

    str = (const char *) sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
    if (!str) {
        sqlite3_result_error(ctx, "no string", -1);

    /* simple LRU cache */
    int i;
    int found = 0;
    cache_entry *cache = (cache_entry*) sqlite3_user_data(ctx);


    for (i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE && cache[i].s; i++)
        if (strcmp(re, cache[i].s) == 0) {
            found = 1;

    if (found)
        if (i > 0)
            cache_entry c = cache[i];
            memmove(cache + 1, cache, i * sizeof(cache_entry));
            cache[0] = c;
        cache_entry c;
        const char *err;
        int pos;
        c.p = pcre_compile(re, 0, &err, &pos, NULL);
        if (!c.p)
            char *e2 = sqlite3_mprintf("%s: %s (offset %d)", re, err, pos);
            sqlite3_result_error(ctx, e2, -1);
        c.e = pcre_study(c.p, 0, &err);
        c.s = VSIStrdup(re);
        if (!c.s)
            sqlite3_result_error(ctx, "strdup: ENOMEM", -1);
        i = CACHE_SIZE - 1;
        if (cache[i].s)
        memmove(cache + 1, cache, i * sizeof(cache_entry));
        cache[0] = c;
    p = cache[0].p;
    e = cache[0].e;

    int rc;
    rc = pcre_exec(p, e, str, strlen(str), 0, 0, NULL, 0);
    sqlite3_result_int(ctx, rc >= 0);
예제 #10
GDALDataset *PALSARJaxaDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo ) {
    /* Check that this actually is a JAXA PALSAR product */
    if ( !PALSARJaxaDataset::Identify(poOpenInfo) )
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The JAXAPALSAR driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
    PALSARJaxaDataset *poDS = new PALSARJaxaDataset();

    /* Get the suffix of the filename, we'll need this */
    char *pszSuffix = VSIStrdup( (char *)
                                 (CPLGetFilename( poOpenInfo->pszFilename ) + 3) );

    /* Try to read each of the polarizations */
    char *pszImgFile = (char *)VSIMalloc( 
        strlen( CPLGetDirname( poOpenInfo->pszFilename ) ) + 
        strlen( pszSuffix ) + 8 );

    int nBandNum = 1;

    /* HH */
    FILE *fpHH;
    sprintf( pszImgFile, "%s%sIMG-HH%s", 
             CPLGetDirname(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), SEP_STRING, pszSuffix );
    fpHH = VSIFOpenL( pszImgFile, "rb" );
    if (fpHH != NULL) { 
        poDS->SetBand( nBandNum, new PALSARJaxaRasterBand( poDS, 0, fpHH ) );

    /* HV */
    FILE *fpHV;
    sprintf( pszImgFile, "%s%sIMG-HV%s", 
             CPLGetDirname(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), SEP_STRING, pszSuffix );
    fpHV = VSIFOpenL( pszImgFile, "rb" );
    if (fpHV != NULL) {
        poDS->SetBand( nBandNum, new PALSARJaxaRasterBand( poDS, 1, fpHV ) );

    /* VH */
    FILE *fpVH;
    sprintf( pszImgFile, "%s%sIMG-VH%s", 
             CPLGetDirname(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), SEP_STRING, pszSuffix );
    fpVH = VSIFOpenL( pszImgFile, "rb" );
    if (fpVH != NULL) {
        poDS->SetBand( nBandNum, new PALSARJaxaRasterBand( poDS, 2, fpVH ) );

    /* VV */
    FILE *fpVV;
    sprintf( pszImgFile, "%s%sIMG-VV%s",
             CPLGetDirname(poOpenInfo->pszFilename), SEP_STRING, pszSuffix );
    fpVV = VSIFOpenL( pszImgFile, "rb" );
    if (fpVV != NULL) {
        poDS->SetBand( nBandNum, new PALSARJaxaRasterBand( poDS, 3, fpVV ) );

    VSIFree( pszImgFile );

    /* did we get at least one band? */
    if (fpVV == NULL && fpVH == NULL && fpHV == NULL && fpHH == NULL) {
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Unable to find any image data. Aborting opening as PALSAR image.");
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    /* read metadata from Leader file. */
    char *pszLeaderFilename = (char *)VSIMalloc( 
        strlen( CPLGetDirname( poOpenInfo->pszFilename ) ) + 
        strlen(pszSuffix) + 5 );
    sprintf( pszLeaderFilename, "%s%sLED%s", 
             CPLGetDirname( poOpenInfo->pszFilename ) , SEP_STRING, pszSuffix );

    FILE *fpLeader = VSIFOpenL( pszLeaderFilename, "rb" );
    /* check if the leader is actually present */
    if (fpLeader != NULL) {
        ReadMetadata(poDS, fpLeader);


    VSIFree( pszSuffix );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->SetDescription( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for overviews.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

    return poDS;
예제 #11
COASPMetadataItem::COASPMetadataItem(char *pszItemName_, char *pszItemValue_)
    pszItemName = VSIStrdup(pszItemName_);
    pszItemValue = VSIStrdup(pszItemValue_);