예제 #1
void FObjectReplicator::ReceivedNak( int32 NakPacketId )
	UObject * Object = GetObject();

	if ( Object != NULL && ObjectClass != NULL )
		RepLayout->ReceivedNak( RepState, NakPacketId );

		for ( int32 i = Retirement.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
			ValidateRetirementHistory( Retirement[i] );

			// If this is a dynamic array property, we have to look through the list of retirement records to see if we need to reset the base state
			FPropertyRetirement * Rec = Retirement[i].Next; // Retirement[i] is head and not actually used in this case
			while ( Rec != NULL )
				if ( NakPacketId > Rec->OutPacketIdRange.Last )
					// We can assume this means this record's packet was ack'd, so we can get rid of the old state
					check( Retirement[i].Next == Rec );
					Retirement[i].Next = Rec->Next;
					delete Rec;
					Rec = Retirement[i].Next;
				else if ( NakPacketId >= Rec->OutPacketIdRange.First && NakPacketId <= Rec->OutPacketIdRange.Last )
					UE_LOG( LogNet, Verbose, TEXT( "Restoring Previous Base State of dynamic property Channel %d. NakId: %d  (%d -%d)" ), OwningChannel->ChIndex, NakPacketId, Rec->OutPacketIdRange.First, Rec->OutPacketIdRange.Last  );

					// The Nack'd packet did update this property, so we need to replace the buffer in RecentDynamic
					// with the buffer we used to create this update (which was dropped), so that the update will be recreated on the next replicate actor
					if ( Rec->DynamicState.IsValid() )
						TSharedPtr<INetDeltaBaseState> & RecentState = RecentCustomDeltaState.FindChecked( i );
						RecentState = Rec->DynamicState;

					// We can get rid of the rest of the saved off base states since we will be regenerating these updates on the next replicate actor
					while ( Rec != NULL )
						FPropertyRetirement * DeleteNext = Rec->Next;
						delete Rec;
						Rec = DeleteNext;

					// Finished
					Retirement[i].Next = NULL;
				Rec = Rec->Next;
			ValidateRetirementHistory( Retirement[i] );
예제 #2
void FObjectReplicator::PostSendBunch( FPacketIdRange & PacketRange, uint8 bReliable )
	RepLayout->PostReplicate( RepState, PacketRange, bReliable ? true : false );

	for ( int32 i = 0; i < LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties.Num(); i++ )
		FPropertyRetirement & Retire = Retirement[LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties[i]];

		FPropertyRetirement * Next = Retire.Next;

		while ( Next != NULL )
			// This is updating the dynamic properties retirement record that was created above during property replication
			// (we have to wait until we actually send the bunch to know the packetID, which is why we look for .First==INDEX_NONE)
			if ( Next->OutPacketIdRange.First == INDEX_NONE )
				Next->OutPacketIdRange	= PacketRange;
				Next->Reliable			= bReliable;

				// Mark the last time on this retirement slot that a property actually changed
				Retire.OutPacketIdRange = PacketRange;
				Retire.Reliable			= bReliable;

			Next = Next->Next;

		ValidateRetirementHistory( Retire );
예제 #3
void FObjectReplicator::StopReplicating( class UActorChannel * InActorChannel )
	check( OwningChannel != NULL );
	check( OwningChannel == InActorChannel );

	OwningChannel = NULL;

	// Cleanup retirement records
	for ( int32 i = Retirement.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		ValidateRetirementHistory( Retirement[i] );

		FPropertyRetirement * Rec = Retirement[i].Next;
		Retirement[i].Next = NULL;

		// We dont need to explicitly delete Retirement[i], but anything in the Next chain needs to be.
		while ( Rec != NULL )
			FPropertyRetirement * Next = Rec->Next;
			delete Rec;
			Rec = Next;


	if ( RemoteFunctions != NULL )
		delete RemoteFunctions;
		RemoteFunctions = NULL;
예제 #4
void FObjectReplicator::ReplicateCustomDeltaProperties( FOutBunch & Bunch, int32 & LastIndex, bool & bContentBlockWritten )
	if ( LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties.Num() == 0 )
		// No custom properties

	UObject * Object = GetObject();

	check( Object );
	check( OwningChannel );

	UNetConnection * OwningChannelConnection = OwningChannel->Connection;

	// Replicate those properties.
	for ( int32 i = 0; i < LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties.Num(); i++ )
		// Get info.
		const int32				RetireIndex	= LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties[i];
		FPropertyRetirement &	Retire		= Retirement[RetireIndex];
		FRepRecord *			Rep			= &ObjectClass->ClassReps[RetireIndex];
		UProperty *				It			= Rep->Property;
		int32					Index		= Rep->Index;

		const int32 BitsWrittenBeforeThis = Bunch.GetNumBits();

		// If this is a dynamic array, we do the delta here
		TSharedPtr<INetDeltaBaseState> & OldState = RecentCustomDeltaState.FindOrAdd( RetireIndex );
		TSharedPtr<INetDeltaBaseState> NewState;

		// Update Retirement records with this new state so we can handle packet drops.
		FPropertyRetirement ** Rec = UpdateAckedRetirements( Retire, OwningChannelConnection->OutAckPacketId );

		ValidateRetirementHistory( Retire );

		// Our temp writer should always be in a reset state here
		check( TempBitWriter->GetNumBits() == 0 );

		//	Do delta serialization on dynamic properties
		const bool WroteSomething = SerializeCustomDeltaProperty( OwningChannelConnection, (void*)Object, It, Index, *TempBitWriter, NewState, OldState );

		if ( !WroteSomething )

		check( TempBitWriter->GetNumBits() > 0 );

		*Rec = new FPropertyRetirement();

		// Remember what the old state was at this point in time.  If we get a nak, we will need to revert back to this.
		(*Rec)->DynamicState = OldState;		

		// Save NewState into the RecentCustomDeltaState array (old state is a reference into our RecentCustomDeltaState map)
		OldState = NewState; 

		// Write header, and data to send to the actual bunch
		RepLayout->WritePropertyHeader( Object, ObjectClass, OwningChannel, It, Bunch, Index, LastIndex, bContentBlockWritten );

		// Send property.
		Bunch.SerializeBits( TempBitWriter->GetData(), TempBitWriter->GetNumBits() );

		// Reset our temp bit writer
예제 #5
void FObjectReplicator::ReplicateCustomDeltaProperties( FOutBunch & Bunch, FReplicationFlags RepFlags, bool & bContentBlockWritten )
	if ( LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties.Num() == 0 )
		// No custom properties

	UObject* Object = GetObject();

	check( Object );
	check( OwningChannel );

	UNetConnection * OwningChannelConnection = OwningChannel->Connection;

	// Initialize a map of which conditions are valid

	bool ConditionMap[COND_Max];
	const bool bIsInitial = RepFlags.bNetInitial ? true : false;
	const bool bIsOwner = RepFlags.bNetOwner ? true : false;
	const bool bIsSimulated = RepFlags.bNetSimulated ? true : false;
	const bool bIsPhysics = RepFlags.bRepPhysics ? true : false;

	ConditionMap[COND_None] = true;
	ConditionMap[COND_InitialOnly] = bIsInitial;
	ConditionMap[COND_OwnerOnly] = bIsOwner;
	ConditionMap[COND_SkipOwner] = !bIsOwner;
	ConditionMap[COND_SimulatedOnly] = bIsSimulated;
	ConditionMap[COND_AutonomousOnly] = !bIsSimulated;
	ConditionMap[COND_SimulatedOrPhysics] = bIsSimulated || bIsPhysics;
	ConditionMap[COND_InitialOrOwner] = bIsInitial || bIsOwner;
	ConditionMap[COND_Custom] = true;

	// Replicate those properties.
	for ( int32 i = 0; i < LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties.Num(); i++ )
		// Get info.
		const int32				RetireIndex	= LifetimeCustomDeltaProperties[i];
		FPropertyRetirement &	Retire		= Retirement[RetireIndex];
		FRepRecord *			Rep			= &ObjectClass->ClassReps[RetireIndex];
		UProperty *				It			= Rep->Property;
		int32					Index		= Rep->Index;

		if (LifetimeCustomDeltaPropertyConditions.IsValidIndex(i))
			// Check the replication condition here
			ELifetimeCondition RepCondition = LifetimeCustomDeltaPropertyConditions[i];

			check(RepCondition >= 0 && RepCondition < COND_Max);

			if (!ConditionMap[RepCondition])
				// We didn't pass the condition so don't replicate us

		const int32 BitsWrittenBeforeThis = Bunch.GetNumBits();

		// If this is a dynamic array, we do the delta here
		TSharedPtr<INetDeltaBaseState> & OldState = RecentCustomDeltaState.FindOrAdd( RetireIndex );
		TSharedPtr<INetDeltaBaseState> NewState;

		// Update Retirement records with this new state so we can handle packet drops.
		// LastNext will be pointer to the last "Next" pointer in the list (so pointer to a pointer)
		FPropertyRetirement ** LastNext = UpdateAckedRetirements( Retire, OwningChannelConnection->OutAckPacketId );

		check( LastNext != NULL );
		check( *LastNext == NULL );

		ValidateRetirementHistory( Retire );

		FNetBitWriter TempBitWriter( OwningChannel->Connection->PackageMap, 0 );

		//	Do delta serialization on dynamic properties
		const bool WroteSomething = SerializeCustomDeltaProperty( OwningChannelConnection, (void*)Object, It, Index, TempBitWriter, NewState, OldState );

		if ( !WroteSomething )

		*LastNext = new FPropertyRetirement();

		// Remember what the old state was at this point in time.  If we get a nak, we will need to revert back to this.
		(*LastNext)->DynamicState = OldState;		

		// Save NewState into the RecentCustomDeltaState array (old state is a reference into our RecentCustomDeltaState map)
		OldState = NewState; 

		// Write header, and data to send to the actual bunch
		RepLayout->WritePropertyHeader( Object, ObjectClass, OwningChannel, It, Bunch, Index, bContentBlockWritten );

		const int NumStartingBits = Bunch.GetNumBits();

		// Send property.
		Bunch.SerializeBits( TempBitWriter.GetData(), TempBitWriter.GetNumBits() );

		NETWORK_PROFILER(GNetworkProfiler.TrackReplicateProperty(It, Bunch.GetNumBits() - NumStartingBits));