예제 #1
파일: include.c 프로젝트: Josepanita/PicoCi
/* include one of a number of predefined libraries, or perhaps an actual file */
void IncludeFile(char *FileName)
    struct IncludeLibrary *LInclude;
    /* scan for the include file name to see if it's in our list of predefined includes */
    for (LInclude = IncludeLibList; LInclude != NULL; LInclude = LInclude->NextLib)
        if (strcmp(LInclude->IncludeName, FileName) == 0)
            /* found it - protect against multiple inclusion */
            if (!VariableDefined(FileName))
                VariableDefine(NULL, FileName, NULL, &VoidType, FALSE);
                /* run an extra startup function if there is one */
                if (LInclude->SetupFunction != NULL)
                /* parse the setup C source code - may define types etc. */
                if (LInclude->SetupCSource != NULL)
                    PicocParse(FileName, LInclude->SetupCSource, strlen(LInclude->SetupCSource), TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
                /* set up the library functions */
                if (LInclude->FuncList != NULL)
                    LibraryAdd(&GlobalTable, FileName, LInclude->FuncList);
    /* not a predefined file, read a real file */
예제 #2
파일: variable.c 프로젝트: fjrti/remix
/* define a variable. Ident must be registered. If it's a redefinition from the same declaration don't throw an error */
struct Value *VariableDefineButIgnoreIdentical(struct ParseState *Parser, char *Ident, struct ValueType *Typ, int IsStatic, int *FirstVisit)
    struct Value *ExistingValue;
    const char *DeclFileName;
    int DeclLine;
    int DeclColumn;
    if (IsStatic)
        char MangledName[LINEBUFFER_MAX];
        char *MNPos = &MangledName[0];
        char *MNEnd = &MangledName[LINEBUFFER_MAX-1];
        const char *RegisteredMangledName;
        /* make the mangled static name (avoiding using sprintf() to minimise library impact) */
        memset((void *)&MangledName, '\0', sizeof(MangledName));
        *MNPos++ = '/';
        strncpy(MNPos, (char *)Parser->FileName, MNEnd - MNPos);
        MNPos += strlen(MNPos);
        if (TopStackFrame != NULL)
            /* we're inside a function */
            if (MNEnd - MNPos > 0) *MNPos++ = '/';
            strncpy(MNPos, (char *)TopStackFrame->FuncName, MNEnd - MNPos);
            MNPos += strlen(MNPos);
        if (MNEnd - MNPos > 0) *MNPos++ = '/';
        strncpy(MNPos, Ident, MNEnd - MNPos);
        RegisteredMangledName = TableStrRegister(MangledName);
        /* is this static already defined? */
        if (!TableGet(&GlobalTable, RegisteredMangledName, &ExistingValue, &DeclFileName, &DeclLine, &DeclColumn))
            /* define the mangled-named static variable store in the global scope */
            ExistingValue = VariableAllocValueFromType(Parser, Typ, TRUE, NULL, TRUE);
            TableSet(&GlobalTable, (char *)RegisteredMangledName, ExistingValue, (char *)Parser->FileName, Parser->Line, Parser->CharacterPos);
            *FirstVisit = TRUE;

        /* static variable exists in the global scope - now make a mirroring variable in our own scope with the short name */
        VariableDefinePlatformVar(Parser, Ident, ExistingValue->Typ, ExistingValue->Val, TRUE);
        return ExistingValue;
        if (Parser->Line != 0 && TableGet((TopStackFrame == NULL) ? &GlobalTable : &TopStackFrame->LocalTable, Ident, &ExistingValue, &DeclFileName, &DeclLine, &DeclColumn)
                && DeclFileName == Parser->FileName && DeclLine == Parser->Line && DeclColumn == Parser->CharacterPos)
            return ExistingValue;
            return VariableDefine(Parser, Ident, NULL, Typ, TRUE);
예제 #3
/* parse a typedef declaration */
void ParseTypedef(struct ParseState *Parser)
    struct ValueType *Typ;
    struct ValueType **TypPtr;
    char *TypeName;
    struct Value InitValue;
    TypeParse(Parser, &Typ, &TypeName, NULL);
    if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
        TypPtr = &Typ;
        InitValue.Typ = &Parser->pc->TypeType;
        InitValue.Val = (union AnyValue *)TypPtr;
        VariableDefine(Parser->pc, Parser, TypeName, &InitValue, NULL, FALSE);
예제 #4
파일: type.c 프로젝트: gdkar/picoc
/* parse an enum declaration */
void TypeParseEnum(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType **Typ){
    struct Value *LexValue;
    struct Value InitValue;
    enum LexToken Token;
    int EnumValue = 0;
    char *EnumIdentifier;
    Picoc *pc = Parser->pc;
    Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, FALSE);
    if (Token == TokenIdentifier){
        LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE);
        EnumIdentifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
        Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
        static char TempNameBuf[7] = "^e0000";
        EnumIdentifier = PlatformMakeTempName(pc, TempNameBuf);
    TypeGetMatching(pc, Parser, &pc->UberType, TypeEnum, 0, EnumIdentifier, Token != TokenLeftBrace);
    *Typ = &pc->IntType;
    if (Token != TokenLeftBrace){ 
        /* use the already defined enum */
        if ((*Typ)->Members == NULL)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "enum '%s' isn't defined", EnumIdentifier);
    if (pc->TopStackFrame != NULL) ProgramFail(Parser, "enum definitions can only be globals");
    LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);    
    (*Typ)->Members = &pc->GlobalTable;
    memset((void *)&InitValue, '\0', sizeof(struct Value));
    InitValue.Typ = &pc->IntType;
    InitValue.Val = (union AnyValue *)&EnumValue;
    do {
        if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
        EnumIdentifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
        if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenAssign){
            LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
            EnumValue = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
        VariableDefine(pc, Parser, EnumIdentifier, &InitValue, NULL, FALSE);
        Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
        if (Token != TokenComma && Token != TokenRightBrace)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "comma expected");
    } while (Token == TokenComma);
예제 #5
/* include one of a number of predefined libraries, or perhaps an actual file */
void IncludeFile(Picoc *pc, char *FileName)
    struct IncludeLibrary *LInclude;
	struct InteractiveState_Struct OldState;
    /* scan for the include file name to see if it's in our list of predefined includes */
    for (LInclude = pc->IncludeLibList; LInclude != NULL; LInclude = LInclude->NextLib)
        if (strcmp(LInclude->IncludeName, FileName) == 0)
            /* found it - protect against multiple inclusion */
            if (!VariableDefined(pc, FileName))
                VariableDefine(pc, NULL, FileName, NULL, &pc->VoidType, FALSE);
                /* run an extra startup function if there is one */
                if (LInclude->SetupFunction != NULL)
                /* parse the setup C source code - may define types etc. */
                if (LInclude->SetupCSource != NULL)
                    PicocParse(pc, FileName, LInclude->SetupCSource, (int) strlen(LInclude->SetupCSource), TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
                /* set up the library functions */
                if (LInclude->FuncList != NULL)
                    LibraryAdd(pc, &pc->GlobalTable, FileName, LInclude->FuncList);
    /* not a predefined file, read a real file */
	OldState = pc->InteractiveState;
	memset(&pc->InteractiveState, 0, sizeof(pc->InteractiveState));
    PicocPlatformScanFile(pc, FileName);
	pc->InteractiveState = OldState;
예제 #6
/* parse a statement */
enum ParseResult ParseStatement(struct ParseState *Parser, int CheckTrailingSemicolon)
    struct Value *CValue;
    struct Value *LexerValue;
    struct Value *VarValue;
    int Condition;
    struct ParseState PreState;
    enum LexToken Token;
    /* if we're debugging, check for a breakpoint */
    if (Parser->DebugMode && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
    /* take note of where we are and then grab a token to see what statement we have */   
    ParserCopy(&PreState, Parser);
    Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE);
    switch (Token)
        case TokenEOF:
            return ParseResultEOF;
        case TokenIdentifier:
            /* might be a typedef-typed variable declaration or it might be an expression */
            if (VariableDefined(Parser->pc, LexerValue->Val->Identifier))
                VariableGet(Parser->pc, Parser, LexerValue->Val->Identifier, &VarValue);
                if (VarValue->Typ->Base == Type_Type)
                    *Parser = PreState;
                    ParseDeclaration(Parser, Token);
                /* it might be a goto label */
                enum LexToken NextToken = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE);
                if (NextToken == TokenColon)
                    /* declare the identifier as a goto label */
                    LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
                    if (Parser->Mode == RunModeGoto && LexerValue->Val->Identifier == Parser->SearchGotoLabel)
                        Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
                    CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
                else /* new_identifier = something */
                {    /* try to guess type and declare the variable based on assigned value */
                    if (NextToken == TokenAssign && !VariableDefinedAndOutOfScope(Parser->pc, LexerValue->Val->Identifier))
                        if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
                            struct Value *CValue;
                            char* Identifier = LexerValue->Val->Identifier;

                            LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
                            if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
                                ProgramFail(Parser, "expected: expression");
                            #if 0
                            PlatformPrintf(Parser->pc->CStdOut, "%t %s = %d;\n", CValue->Typ, Identifier, CValue->Val->Integer);
                            printf("%d\n", VariableDefined(Parser->pc, Identifier));
                            VariableDefine(Parser->pc, Parser, Identifier, CValue, CValue->Typ, TRUE);
            /* else fallthrough to expression */
	    /* no break */
        case TokenAsterisk: 
        case TokenAmpersand: 
        case TokenIncrement: 
        case TokenDecrement: 
        case TokenOpenBracket: 
            *Parser = PreState;
            ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun) 
                VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
        case TokenLeftBrace:
            ParseBlock(Parser, FALSE, TRUE);
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
        case TokenIf:
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
            Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser) != 0;
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");

            if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenElse)
                LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
                if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, !Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
                    ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
        case TokenWhile:
                struct ParseState PreConditional;
                enum RunMode PreMode = Parser->Mode;

                if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
                    ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
                ParserCopyPos(&PreConditional, Parser);
                    ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreConditional);
                    Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser) != 0;
                    if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
                    if (ParseStatementMaybeRun(Parser, Condition, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
                    if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
                        Parser->Mode = PreMode;
                } while (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun && Condition);
                if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
                    Parser->Mode = PreMode;

                CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
        case TokenDo:
                struct ParseState PreStatement;
                enum RunMode PreMode = Parser->Mode;
                ParserCopyPos(&PreStatement, Parser);
                    ParserCopyPos(Parser, &PreStatement);
                    if (ParseStatement(Parser, TRUE) != ParseResultOk)
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "statement expected");
                    if (Parser->Mode == RunModeContinue)
                        Parser->Mode = PreMode;

                    if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenWhile)
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "'while' expected");
                    if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
                    Condition = ExpressionParseInt(Parser) != 0;
                    if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
                } while (Condition && Parser->Mode == RunModeRun);           
                if (Parser->Mode == RunModeBreak)
                    Parser->Mode = PreMode;
        case TokenFor:
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;

        case TokenSemicolon: 
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE; 

        case TokenIntType:
        case TokenShortType:
        case TokenCharType:
        case TokenLongType:
        case TokenFloatType:
        case TokenDoubleType:
        case TokenVoidType:
        case TokenStructType:
        case TokenUnionType:
        case TokenEnumType:
        case TokenSignedType:
        case TokenUnsignedType:
        case TokenStaticType:
        case TokenAutoType:
        case TokenRegisterType:
        case TokenExternType:
            *Parser = PreState;
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = ParseDeclaration(Parser, Token);
        case TokenHashDefine:
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
        case TokenHashInclude:
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenStringConstant)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "\"filename.h\" expected");
            IncludeFile(Parser->pc, (char *)LexerValue->Val->Pointer);
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;

        case TokenSwitch:
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenOpenBracket)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "'(' expected");
            Condition = (int) ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) != TokenLeftBrace)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "'{' expected");
                /* new block so we can store parser state */
                enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
                int64_t OldSearchLabel = Parser->SearchLabel;
                Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
                Parser->SearchLabel = Condition;
                ParseBlock(Parser, TRUE, (OldMode != RunModeSkip) && (OldMode != RunModeReturn));
                if (Parser->Mode != RunModeReturn)
                    Parser->Mode = OldMode;

                Parser->SearchLabel = OldSearchLabel;

            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;

        case TokenCase:
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch)
                Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
                Condition = (int) ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
                Parser->Mode = RunModeCaseSearch;
                Condition = (int) ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch && Condition == Parser->SearchLabel)
                Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;

            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;
        case TokenDefault:
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenColon)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "':' expected");
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeCaseSearch)
                Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
            CheckTrailingSemicolon = FALSE;

        case TokenBreak:
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
                Parser->Mode = RunModeBreak;
        case TokenContinue:
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
                Parser->Mode = RunModeContinue;
        case TokenReturn:
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
                if (!Parser->pc->TopStackFrame || Parser->pc->TopStackFrame->ReturnValue->Typ->Base != TypeVoid)
                    if (!ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "value required in return");
                    if (!Parser->pc->TopStackFrame) /* return from top-level program? */
                        PlatformExit(Parser->pc, (int)ExpressionCoerceLong(CValue));
                        ExpressionAssign(Parser, Parser->pc->TopStackFrame->ReturnValue, CValue, TRUE, NULL, 0, FALSE);

                    VariableStackPop(Parser, CValue);
                    if (ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue))
                        ProgramFail(Parser, "value in return from a void function");                    
                Parser->Mode = RunModeReturn;
                ExpressionParse(Parser, &CValue);

        case TokenTypedef:
        case TokenGoto:
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
                /* start scanning for the goto label */
                Parser->SearchGotoLabel = LexerValue->Val->Identifier;
                Parser->Mode = RunModeGoto;
        case TokenDelete:
            /* try it as a function or variable name to delete */
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, &LexerValue, TRUE) != TokenIdentifier)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "identifier expected");
            if (Parser->Mode == RunModeRun)
                /* delete this variable or function */
                CValue = TableDelete(Parser->pc, &Parser->pc->GlobalTable, LexerValue->Val->Identifier);

                if (CValue == NULL)
                    ProgramFail(Parser, "'%s' is not defined", LexerValue->Val->Identifier);
                VariableFree(Parser->pc, CValue);
            *Parser = PreState;
            return ParseResultError;
    if (CheckTrailingSemicolon)
        if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenSemicolon)
            ProgramFail(Parser, "';' expected");
    return ParseResultOk;