Variant ArrayData::current() const { return m_pos != invalid_index ? getValue(m_pos) : Variant(false); }
Variant ArrayPair::key(VariableEnvironment &env) const { if (m_key) { return m_key->eval(env); } return Variant(); }
Variant BlendMultiband::exec() { std::vector< cv::Mat* >* matIn = NULL; // CV_32FC3 - ARRAY std::vector< cv::Mat* >* matOut = NULL; // CV_32FC3 - SCALAR std::vector< cv::Mat* >* matSelect = NULL; // CV_32FC3 - ARRAY { if (this->workspaceHandle.count(std::string("matIn")) == 1) { matIn = this->workspaceHandle[std::string("matIn")]; } if (this->workspaceHandle.count(std::string("matOut")) == 1) { matOut = this->workspaceHandle[std::string("matOut")]; } if (this->workspaceHandle.count(std::string("matSelect")) == 1) { matSelect = this->workspaceHandle[std::string("matSelect")]; } CV_Assert(matIn == NULL || matIn->size() == 0 || matIn->at(0)->empty() == true || matIn->at(0)->type() == CV_32FC3); CV_Assert(matOut == NULL || matOut->size() == 0 || matOut->at(0)->empty() == true || matOut->at(0)->type() == CV_32FC3); CV_Assert(matSelect == NULL || matSelect->size() == 0 || matSelect->at(0)->empty() == true || matSelect->at(0)->type() == CV_32FC3); } std::string strImplementation = std::string("CUSTOM"); { if (this->settingsHandle.count(std::string("strImplementation")) == 1) { strImplementation = this->settingsHandle[std::string("strImplementation")].getString(); } } int intDepth = 4; { if (this->settingsHandle.count(std::string("intDepth")) == 1) { intDepth = this->settingsHandle[std::string("intDepth")].getInt(); } } int intInterpolation = cv::INTER_LINEAR; { if (this->settingsHandle.count(std::string("strInterpolation")) == 1) { if (this->settingsHandle[std::string("strInterpolation")].getString() == std::string("NEAREST")) { intInterpolation = cv::INTER_NEAREST; } else if (this->settingsHandle[std::string("strInterpolation")].getString() == std::string("LINEAR")) { intInterpolation = cv::INTER_LINEAR; } else if (this->settingsHandle[std::string("strInterpolation")].getString() == std::string("CUBIC")) { intInterpolation = cv::INTER_CUBIC; } else if (this->settingsHandle[std::string("strInterpolation")].getString() == std::string("AREA")) { intInterpolation = cv::INTER_AREA; } else if (this->settingsHandle[std::string("strInterpolation")].getString() == std::string("LANCZOS")) { intInterpolation = cv::INTER_LANCZOS4; } } } if (strImplementation == std::string("OPENCV")) { cv::Ptr< cv::detail::Blender > blenderHandle = cv::detail::Blender::createDefault(cv::detail::Blender::MULTI_BAND, false); { cv::detail::MultiBandBlender* multibandblenderHandle = (cv::detail::MultiBandBlender*) (blenderHandle.get()); multibandblenderHandle->setNumBands(intDepth); } { blenderHandle->prepare(cv::Rect(0.0, 0.0, System::obtain()->intWidth, System::obtain()->intHeight)); } { for (int intFor1 = 0; intFor1 < matIn->size(); intFor1 += 1) { cv::Mat matHandle[2] = { }; { cv::multiply(*matIn->at(intFor1), cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), matHandle[0], 1.0, CV_16SC3); } { cv::Mat matTemp = cv::Mat(); cv::deflate(*matSelect->at(intFor1), matTemp, 1); cv::compare(matTemp, cv::Scalar(0.999), matHandle[1], cv::CMP_GT); cv::multiply(matHandle[1], cv::Scalar(255), matHandle[1], 1.0, CV_8UC1); } { blenderHandle->feed(matHandle[0], matHandle[1], cv::Point(0, 0)); } { System::obtain()->execProgress(this->strName, matIn->size(), intFor1 + 1); } } } { cv::Mat matHandle = cv::Mat(); blenderHandle->blend(matHandle, cv::Mat()); cv::multiply(matHandle, cv::Scalar(1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 255.0), *matOut->at(0), 1.0, CV_32FC3); } } else if (strImplementation == std::string("CUSTOM")) { std::vector< std::vector< cv::Mat > > pyramidHandle; { for (int intFor1 = 0; intFor1 < matIn->size(); intFor1 += 1) { std::vector< cv::Mat > matHandle; { cv::Mat matTemp = cv::Mat(); cv::copy(*matIn->at(intFor1), matTemp); matHandle.push_back(matTemp); this->build(&matHandle, intDepth); } { pyramidHandle.push_back(matHandle); } { System::obtain()->execProgress(this->strName, matIn->size(), intFor1 + 1); } } } std::vector< cv::Mat > matBlend; { for (int intFor1 = 0; intFor1 <; intFor1 += 1) { matBlend.push_back(cv::Mat(, CV_32FC3, cv::Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))); } for (int intFor1 = 0; intFor1 < matIn->size(); intFor1 += 1) { for (int intFor2 = 0; intFor2 <; intFor2 += 1) { cv::Mat matHandle = cv::Mat(); { cv::resize(*matSelect->at(intFor1), matHandle,, 0, 0, intInterpolation); } { cv::multiply(, matHandle,, 1.0, CV_32FC3); } { cv::add(,,, cv::noArray(), CV_32FC3); } } } } { this->rebuild(&matBlend, 0); } { cv::copy(, *matOut->at(0)); } } return Variant(); }
Variant _jobject_to_variant(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj) { jclass c = env->GetObjectClass(obj); bool array; String name = _get_class_name(env, c, &array); //print_line("name is " + name + ", array "+Variant(array)); if (name == "java.lang.String") { return String::utf8(env->GetStringUTFChars( (jstring)obj, NULL )); }; if (name == "[Ljava.lang.String;") { jobjectArray arr = (jobjectArray)obj; int stringCount = env->GetArrayLength(arr); //print_line("String array! " + String::num(stringCount)); DVector<String> sarr; for (int i=0; i<stringCount; i++) { jstring string = (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(arr, i); const char *rawString = env->GetStringUTFChars(string, 0); sarr.push_back(String(rawString)); } return sarr; }; if (name == "java.lang.Boolean") { jmethodID boolValue = env->GetMethodID(c, "booleanValue", "()Z"); bool ret = env->CallBooleanMethod(obj, boolValue); return ret; }; if (name == "java.lang.Integer") { jclass nclass = env->FindClass("java/lang/Number"); jmethodID intValue = env->GetMethodID(nclass, "intValue", "()I"); int ret = env->CallIntMethod(obj, intValue); return ret; }; if (name == "[I") { jintArray arr = (jintArray)obj; int fCount = env->GetArrayLength(arr); DVector<int> sarr; sarr.resize(fCount); DVector<int>::Write w = sarr.write(); env->GetIntArrayRegion(arr,0,fCount,w.ptr()); w = DVector<int>::Write(); return sarr; }; if (name == "java.lang.Float" || name == "java.lang.Double") { jclass nclass = env->FindClass("java/lang/Number"); jmethodID doubleValue = env->GetMethodID(nclass, "doubleValue", "()D"); double ret = env->CallDoubleMethod(obj, doubleValue); return ret; }; if (name == "[D") { jdoubleArray arr = (jdoubleArray)obj; int fCount = env->GetArrayLength(arr); RealArray sarr; sarr.resize(fCount); RealArray::Write w = sarr.write(); for (int i=0; i<fCount; i++) { double n; env->GetDoubleArrayRegion(arr, i, 1, &n); w.ptr()[i] = n; }; return sarr; }; if (name == "[F") { jfloatArray arr = (jfloatArray)obj; int fCount = env->GetArrayLength(arr); RealArray sarr; sarr.resize(fCount); RealArray::Write w = sarr.write(); for (int i=0; i<fCount; i++) { float n; env->GetFloatArrayRegion(arr, i, 1, &n); w.ptr()[i] = n; }; return sarr; }; if (name == "[Ljava.lang.Object;") { jobjectArray arr = (jobjectArray)obj; int objCount = env->GetArrayLength(arr); Array varr; for (int i=0; i<objCount; i++) { jobject jobj = env->GetObjectArrayElement(arr, i); Variant v = _jobject_to_variant(env, jobj); varr.push_back(v); } return varr; }; if (name == "") { Dictionary ret; jclass oclass = c; jmethodID get_keys = env->GetMethodID(oclass, "get_keys", "()[Ljava/lang/String;"); jobjectArray arr = (jobjectArray)env->CallObjectMethod(obj, get_keys); StringArray keys = _jobject_to_variant(env, arr); jmethodID get_values = env->GetMethodID(oclass, "get_values", "()[Ljava/lang/Object;"); arr = (jobjectArray)env->CallObjectMethod(obj, get_values); Array vals = _jobject_to_variant(env, arr); //print_line("adding " + String::num(keys.size()) + " to Dictionary!"); for (int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) { ret[keys[i]] = vals[i]; }; return ret; }; return Variant(); };
MonoArray *godot_icall_String_md5_buffer(MonoString *p_str) { Vector<uint8_t> ret = GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_to_godot(p_str).md5_buffer(); // TODO Check possible Array/Vector<uint8_t> problem? return GDMonoMarshal::Array_to_mono_array(Variant(ret)); }
Variant Deserializer::ReadVariant(VariantType type) { switch (type) { case VAR_INT: return Variant(ReadInt()); case VAR_BOOL: return Variant(ReadBool()); case VAR_FLOAT: return Variant(ReadFloat()); case VAR_VECTOR2: return Variant(ReadVector2()); case VAR_VECTOR3: return Variant(ReadVector3()); case VAR_VECTOR4: return Variant(ReadVector4()); case VAR_QUATERNION: return Variant(ReadQuaternion()); case VAR_COLOR: return Variant(ReadColor()); case VAR_STRING: return Variant(ReadString()); case VAR_BUFFER: return Variant(ReadBuffer()); // Deserializing pointers is not supported. Return null case VAR_VOIDPTR: case VAR_PTR: ReadUInt(); return Variant((void*)0); case VAR_RESOURCEREF: return Variant(ReadResourceRef()); case VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST: return Variant(ReadResourceRefList()); case VAR_VARIANTVECTOR: return Variant(ReadVariantVector()); case VAR_VARIANTMAP: return Variant(ReadVariantMap()); case VAR_INTRECT: return Variant(ReadIntRect()); case VAR_INTVECTOR2: return Variant(ReadIntVector2()); case VAR_MATRIX3: return Variant(ReadMatrix3()); case VAR_MATRIX3X4: return Variant(ReadMatrix3x4()); case VAR_MATRIX4: return Variant(ReadMatrix4()); default: return Variant(); } }
void _xml_characterDataHandler(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { auto parser = getParserFromToken(userData); if (parser) { Variant retval; Array args = Array::Create(); if (parser->characterDataHandler.toBoolean()) { args.append(Variant(parser)); args.append(_xml_xmlchar_zval(s, len, parser->target_encoding)); xml_call_handler(parser, parser->characterDataHandler, args); } if (!parser->data.isNull()) { int i; int doprint = 0; String decoded_value; int decoded_len; decoded_value = xml_utf8_decode(s,len, parser->target_encoding); decoded_len = decoded_value.size(); for (i = 0; i < decoded_len; i++) { switch (decoded_value[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': default: doprint = 1; break; } if (doprint) { break; } } if (doprint || (! parser->skipwhite)) { if (parser->lastwasopen) { String myval; // check if value exists, if yes append to that if (parser->ctag.toArrRef().exists(s_value)) { myval = parser->ctag.toArray().rvalAt(s_value).toString(); myval += decoded_value; parser->ctag.toArrRef().set(s_value, myval); } else { parser->ctag.toArrRef().set( s_value, decoded_value ); } } else { Array tag; String myval; String mytype; auto curtag = parser->data.toArrRef().pop(); SCOPE_EXIT { try { parser->data.toArrRef().append(curtag); } catch (...) {} }; if (curtag.toArrRef().exists(s_type)) { mytype = curtag.toArrRef().rvalAt(s_type).toString(); if (!strcmp(, "cdata") && curtag.toArrRef().exists(s_value)) { myval = curtag.toArrRef().rvalAt(s_value).toString(); myval += decoded_value; curtag.toArrRef().set(s_value, myval); return; } } if (parser->level <= XML_MAXLEVEL) { tag = Array::Create(); _xml_add_to_info(parser, parser->ltags[parser->level-1] + parser->toffset); tag.set(s_tag, String(parser->ltags[parser->level-1] + parser->toffset, CopyString)); tag.set(s_value, decoded_value); tag.set(s_type, s_cdata); tag.set(s_level, parser->level); parser->data.toArrRef().append(tag); } else if (parser->level == (XML_MAXLEVEL + 1)) { raise_warning("Maximum depth exceeded - Results truncated"); } } } } }
Variant Object::_call_bind(const StringName& p_name, const Variant& p_arg1, const Variant& p_arg2, const Variant& p_arg3, const Variant& p_arg4) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_argcount<1,Variant()); return call(p_name, p_arg1, p_arg2, p_arg3, p_arg4); };
Variant Object::getvar(const Variant& p_key, bool *r_valid) const { if (r_valid) *r_valid=false; return Variant(); }
Variant CanvasItem::edit_get_state() const { return Variant(); }
Variant Object::get_meta(const String& p_name) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!metadata.has(p_name),Variant()); return metadata[p_name]; }
Array TypeAnnotation::getScalarArrayRep() const { auto rep = Array::Create(); bool nullable = (bool) m_nullable; if (nullable) { rep.add(s_nullable, true_varNR); } bool allowsUnknownFields = (bool) m_allowsUnknownFields; if (allowsUnknownFields) { rep.add(s_allows_unknown_fields, true_varNR); } TypeStructure::Kind kind = getKind(); rep.add(s_kind, Variant(static_cast<uint8_t>(kind))); switch (kind) { case TypeStructure::Kind::T_tuple: assert(m_typeArgs); rep.add(s_elem_types, Variant(argsListToScalarArray(m_typeArgs))); break; case TypeStructure::Kind::T_fun: assert(m_typeArgs); // return type is the first of the typeArgs rep.add(s_return_type, Variant(m_typeArgs->getScalarArrayRep())); rep.add(s_param_types, Variant(argsListToScalarArray(m_typeArgs->m_typeList))); break; case TypeStructure::Kind::T_array: case TypeStructure::Kind::T_dict: case TypeStructure::Kind::T_vec: case TypeStructure::Kind::T_keyset: if (m_typeArgs) { rep.add(s_generic_types, Variant(argsListToScalarArray(m_typeArgs))); } break; case TypeStructure::Kind::T_shape: shapeFieldsToScalarArray(rep, m_typeArgs); break; case TypeStructure::Kind::T_typevar: rep.add(s_name, Variant(m_name)); break; case TypeStructure::Kind::T_typeaccess: { // for now, only store the vanilla names (strings) as part of the // access list rep.add(s_root_name, Variant(m_name)); auto accList = Array::Create(); auto typeEl = m_typeArgs; int i = 0; while (typeEl) { accList.add(i, Variant(typeEl->vanillaName())); ++i; typeEl = typeEl->m_typeList; } rep.add(s_access_list, Variant(accList)); break; } case TypeStructure::Kind::T_xhp: rep.add(s_classname, Variant(m_name)); break; case TypeStructure::Kind::T_unresolved: rep.add(s_classname, Variant(m_name)); if (m_typeArgs) { rep.add(s_generic_types, Variant(argsListToScalarArray(m_typeArgs))); } break; default: break; } if (!m_generics.empty()) { rep.add(s_typevars, Variant(m_generics)); } rep.setEvalScalar(); return rep; }
bool EditorFileSystem::_check_missing_imported_files(const String &p_path) { if (!reimport_on_missing_imported_files) return true; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path + ".import", FileAccess::READ, &err); if (!f) { print_line("could not open import for " + p_path); return false; } VariantParser::StreamFile stream; stream.f = f; String assign; Variant value; VariantParser::Tag next_tag; int lines = 0; String error_text; List<String> to_check; while (true) { assign = Variant(); next_tag.fields.clear(); = String(); err = VariantParser::parse_tag_assign_eof(&stream, lines, error_text, next_tag, assign, value, NULL, true); if (err == ERR_FILE_EOF) { memdelete(f); return OK; } else if (err != OK) { ERR_PRINTS("ResourceFormatImporter::load - " + p_path + ".import:" + itos(lines) + " error: " + error_text); memdelete(f); return false; } if (assign != String()) { if (assign.begins_with("path")) { to_check.push_back(value); } else if (assign == "files") { Array fa = value; for (int i = 0; i < fa.size(); i++) { to_check.push_back(fa[i]); } } } else if ( != "remap" && != "deps") { break; } } memdelete(f); for (List<String>::Element *E = to_check.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (!FileAccess::exists(E->get())) { print_line("missing " + E->get() + ", reimport"); return false; } } return true; }
Variant &Variant::operator=(T &&rhs) { Variant( static_cast<T&&>( rhs ) ).Swap( *this ); return *this; }
bool Parser::parseExpression (Lexer& lexer, Lookup& lookup, Int32u* slot, const Extractor** output) { BinaryOp binaryOp; stack<BinaryOp> binaryOps; stack<const Extractor*> operands; const Extractor* value; while (true) { switch (lexer.getType ()) { case Lexer::PLUS: (); if (!this->parseExpression (lexer, lookup, slot, &value)) return false; break; case Lexer::MINUS: (); if (!this->parseExpression (lexer, lookup, slot, &value)) return false; value = new NumberUnaryExtractor (value, [] (Float64 number) { return Variant (-number); }); this->extractors.push_back (value); break; case Lexer::NOT: (); if (!this->parseExpression (lexer, lookup, slot, &value)) return false; value = new BooleanUnaryExtractor (value, [] (bool value) { return Variant (!value); }); this->extractors.push_back (value); break; case Lexer::PARENTHESIS_BEGIN: (); if (!this->parseExpression (lexer, lookup, slot, &value) || !this->parseType (lexer, Lexer::PARENTHESIS_END, "closing parenthesis")) return false; break; default: if (!this->parseValue (lexer, lookup, slot, &value)) return false; break; } operands.push (value); switch (lexer.getType ()) { case Lexer::AMPERSAND: binaryOp = make_pair (1, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new AndLogicalExtractor (lhs, rhs); }); break; case Lexer::DIFFERENT: binaryOp = make_pair (2, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new VariantBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (const Variant& a, const Variant& b) { return Variant (a != b); }); }); break; case Lexer::DIVIDE: binaryOp = make_pair (4, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new NumberBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (Float64 a, Float64 b) { return b != 0 ? Variant (a / b) : Variant::empty; }); }); break; case Lexer::EQUAL: binaryOp = make_pair (2, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new VariantBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (const Variant& a, const Variant& b) { return Variant (a == b); }); }); break; case Lexer::GREATER_EQUAL: binaryOp = make_pair (2, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new VariantBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (const Variant& a, const Variant& b) { return Variant (a >= b); }); }); break; case Lexer::GREATER_THAN: binaryOp = make_pair (2, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new VariantBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (const Variant& a, const Variant& b) { return Variant (a > b); }); }); break; case Lexer::LOWER_EQUAL: binaryOp = make_pair (2, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new VariantBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (const Variant& a, const Variant& b) { return Variant (a <= b); }); }); break; case Lexer::LOWER_THAN: binaryOp = make_pair (2, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new VariantBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (const Variant& a, const Variant& b) { return Variant (a < b); }); }); break; case Lexer::MINUS: binaryOp = make_pair (3, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new NumberBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (Float64 a, Float64 b) { return Variant (a - b); }); }); break; case Lexer::MODULO: binaryOp = make_pair (4, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new NumberBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (Float64 a, Float64 b) { return b != 0 ? Variant (fmod (a, b)) : Variant::empty; }); }); break; case Lexer::MULTIPLY: binaryOp = make_pair (4, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new NumberBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (Float64 a, Float64 b) { return Variant (a * b); }); }); break; case Lexer::PIPE: binaryOp = make_pair (1, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new OrLogicalExtractor (lhs, rhs); }); break; case Lexer::PLUS: binaryOp = make_pair (3, [] (const Extractor* lhs, const Extractor* rhs) -> Extractor* { return new NumberBinaryExtractor (lhs, rhs, [] (Float64 a, Float64 b) { return Variant (a + b); }); }); break; default: for (; !binaryOps.empty (); binaryOps.pop ()) { value = (); operands.pop (); value = ().second ( (), value); operands.pop (); operands.push (value); this->extractors.push_back (value); } if ( ()->getFlags () == 0) return this->fail (lexer, "inconsistent expression"); *output = (); return true; } (); for (; !binaryOps.empty () && ().first >= binaryOp.first; binaryOps.pop ()) { value = (); operands.pop (); value = ().second ( (), value); operands.pop (); operands.push (value); this->extractors.push_back (value); } binaryOps.push (binaryOp); } }
Variant Object::call(const StringName& p_name, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) { #if 0 if (p_name==CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->_free) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (cast_to<Reference>()) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't 'free' a reference."); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } #endif //must be here, must be before everything, memdelete(this); return Variant(); } VARIANT_ARGPTRS; int argc=0; for(int i=0;i<VARIANT_ARG_MAX;i++) { if (argptr[i]->get_type()==Variant::NIL) break; argc++; } Variant::CallError error; Variant ret; if (script_instance) { ret = script_instance->call(p_name,argptr,argc,error); if (_test_call_error(p_name,error)) return ret; } MethodBind *method=ObjectTypeDB::get_method(get_type_name(),p_name); if (method) { Variant ret = method->call(this,argptr,argc,error); if (_test_call_error(p_name,error)) return ret; return ret; } else { } return Variant(); #else VARIANT_ARGPTRS; int argc=0; for(int i=0;i<VARIANT_ARG_MAX;i++) { if (argptr[i]->get_type()==Variant::NIL) break; argc++; } Variant::CallError error; Variant ret = call(p_name,argptr,argc,error); return ret; #endif }
bool Polygon2DEditor::forward_input_event(const InputEvent& p_event) { if (node==NULL) return false; switch(p_event.type) { case InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON: { const InputEventMouseButton &mb=p_event.mouse_button; Matrix32 xform = canvas_item_editor->get_canvas_transform() * node->get_global_transform(); Vector2 gpoint = Point2(mb.x,mb.y); Vector2 cpoint = canvas_item_editor->get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse().xform(gpoint); cpoint=canvas_item_editor->snap_point(cpoint); cpoint = node->get_global_transform().affine_inverse().xform(cpoint); Vector<Vector2> poly = Variant(node->get_polygon()); //first check if a point is to be added (segment split) real_t grab_treshold=EDITOR_DEF("poly_editor/point_grab_radius",8); switch(mode) { case MODE_CREATE: { if (mb.button_index==BUTTON_LEFT && mb.pressed) { if (!wip_active) { wip.clear(); wip.push_back( cpoint-node->get_offset() ); wip_active=true; edited_point_pos=cpoint; canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control()->update(); edited_point=1; return true; } else { if (wip.size()>1 && xform.xform(wip[0]+node->get_offset()).distance_to(gpoint)<grab_treshold) { //wip closed _wip_close(); return true; } else { wip.push_back( cpoint-node->get_offset() ); edited_point=wip.size(); canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control()->update(); return true; //add wip point } } } else if (mb.button_index==BUTTON_RIGHT && mb.pressed && wip_active) { _wip_close(); } } break; case MODE_EDIT: { if (mb.button_index==BUTTON_LEFT) { if (mb.pressed) { if (mb.mod.control) { if (poly.size() < 3) { undo_redo->create_action("Edit Poly"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(node,"set_polygon",poly); poly.push_back(cpoint); undo_redo->add_do_method(node,"set_polygon",poly); undo_redo->add_do_method(canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control(),"update"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control(),"update"); undo_redo->commit_action(); return true; } //search edges int closest_idx=-1; Vector2 closest_pos; real_t closest_dist=1e10; for(int i=0;i<poly.size();i++) { Vector2 points[2] ={ xform.xform(poly[i]+node->get_offset()), xform.xform(poly[(i+1)%poly.size()]+node->get_offset()) }; Vector2 cp = Geometry::get_closest_point_to_segment_2d(gpoint,points); if (cp.distance_squared_to(points[0])<CMP_EPSILON2 || cp.distance_squared_to(points[1])<CMP_EPSILON2) continue; //not valid to reuse point real_t d = cp.distance_to(gpoint); if (d<closest_dist && d<grab_treshold) { closest_dist=d; closest_pos=cp; closest_idx=i; } } if (closest_idx>=0) { pre_move_edit=poly; poly.insert(closest_idx+1,xform.affine_inverse().xform(closest_pos)-node->get_offset()); edited_point=closest_idx+1; edited_point_pos=xform.affine_inverse().xform(closest_pos); node->set_polygon(Variant(poly)); canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control()->update(); return true; } } else { //look for points to move int closest_idx=-1; Vector2 closest_pos; real_t closest_dist=1e10; for(int i=0;i<poly.size();i++) { Vector2 cp =xform.xform(poly[i]+node->get_offset()); real_t d = cp.distance_to(gpoint); if (d<closest_dist && d<grab_treshold) { closest_dist=d; closest_pos=cp; closest_idx=i; } } if (closest_idx>=0) { pre_move_edit=poly; edited_point=closest_idx; edited_point_pos=xform.affine_inverse().xform(closest_pos); canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control()->update(); return true; } } } else { if (edited_point!=-1) { //apply ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(edited_point,poly.size(),false); poly[edited_point]=edited_point_pos-node->get_offset(); undo_redo->create_action("Edit Poly"); undo_redo->add_do_method(node,"set_polygon",poly); undo_redo->add_undo_method(node,"set_polygon",pre_move_edit); undo_redo->add_do_method(canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control(),"update"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control(),"update"); undo_redo->commit_action(); edited_point=-1; return true; } } } if (mb.button_index==BUTTON_RIGHT && mb.pressed && edited_point==-1) { int closest_idx=-1; Vector2 closest_pos; real_t closest_dist=1e10; for(int i=0;i<poly.size();i++) { Vector2 cp =xform.xform(poly[i]+node->get_offset()); real_t d = cp.distance_to(gpoint); if (d<closest_dist && d<grab_treshold) { closest_dist=d; closest_pos=cp; closest_idx=i; } } if (closest_idx>=0) { undo_redo->create_action("Edit Poly (Remove Point)"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(node,"set_polygon",poly); poly.remove(closest_idx); undo_redo->add_do_method(node,"set_polygon",poly); undo_redo->add_do_method(canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control(),"update"); undo_redo->add_undo_method(canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control(),"update"); undo_redo->commit_action(); return true; } } } break; } } break; case InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION: { const InputEventMouseMotion &mm=p_event.mouse_motion; if (edited_point!=-1 && (wip_active || mm.button_mask&BUTTON_MASK_LEFT)) { Vector2 gpoint = Point2(mm.x,mm.y); Vector2 cpoint = canvas_item_editor->get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse().xform(gpoint); cpoint=canvas_item_editor->snap_point(cpoint); edited_point_pos = node->get_global_transform().affine_inverse().xform(cpoint); canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control()->update(); } } break; } return false; }
Variant Object::call(const StringName& p_method,const Variant** p_args,int p_argcount,Variant::CallError &r_error) { r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; if (p_method==CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->_free) { //free must be here, before anything, always ready #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (p_argcount!=0) { r_error.argument=0; r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; return Variant(); } if (cast_to<Reference>()) { r_error.argument=0; r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't 'free' a reference."); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } if (_lock_index.get()>1) { r_error.argument=0; r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; ERR_EXPLAIN("Object is locked and can't be freed."); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } #endif //must be here, must be before everything, memdelete(this); r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; return Variant(); } Variant ret; OBJ_DEBUG_LOCK if (script_instance) { ret = script_instance->call(p_method,p_args,p_argcount,r_error); //force jumptable switch(r_error.error) { case Variant::CallError::CALL_OK: return ret; case Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD: break; case Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: case Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS: case Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS: return ret; case Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL: {} } } MethodBind *method=ObjectTypeDB::get_method(get_type_name(),p_method); if (method) { ret=method->call(this,p_args,p_argcount,r_error); } else { r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; } return ret; }
TEST(Variant, Casts) { // Test Resource cast operations { EXPECT_FALSE(isa<DummyResource>(Variant())); EXPECT_TRUE(isa_or_null<DummyResource>(Variant())); EXPECT_FALSE(isa<DummyResource>(Variant(true))); EXPECT_FALSE(isa_or_null<DummyResource>(Variant(true))); auto dummy = req::make<DummyResource>(); Variant var(dummy); Variant empty; EXPECT_TRUE(isa<DummyResource>(var)); EXPECT_TRUE(isa_or_null<DummyResource>(var)); EXPECT_FALSE(isa<File>(var)); EXPECT_FALSE(isa_or_null<File>(var)); // cast tests // Bad types and null pointers should throw. EXPECT_EQ(cast<DummyResource>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(cast<ResourceData>(var), dummy); try { cast<File>(var); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } try { cast<c_Map>(var); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } try { cast<DummyResource>(empty); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // cast_or_null tests // Bad types should throw, null pointers are ok. EXPECT_EQ(cast_or_null<ResourceData>(empty), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(cast_or_null<ResourceData>(var), dummy); try { cast_or_null<File>(var); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } try { cast_or_null<c_Map>(var); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // dyn_cast tests // Bad types are ok, null pointers should throw. EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<DummyResource>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<ResourceData>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<File>(var), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<c_Map>(var), nullptr); try { dyn_cast<DummyResource>(Variant()); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // dyn_cast_or_null // Bad types and null pointers are ok. Should never throw. EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast_or_null<ResourceData>(empty), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast_or_null<ResourceData>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast_or_null<c_Map>(var), nullptr); } // Test Object cast operations { EXPECT_FALSE(isa<c_Vector>(Variant())); EXPECT_TRUE(isa_or_null<c_Vector>(Variant())); EXPECT_FALSE(isa<c_Vector>(Variant(true))); EXPECT_FALSE(isa_or_null<c_Vector>(Variant(true))); auto dummy = req::make<c_Vector>(); Variant var(dummy); Variant empty; EXPECT_TRUE(isa<c_Vector>(var)); EXPECT_TRUE(isa_or_null<c_Vector>(var)); EXPECT_FALSE(isa<c_Map>(var)); EXPECT_FALSE(isa_or_null<c_Map>(var)); // cast tests // Bad types and null pointers should throw. EXPECT_EQ(cast<c_Vector>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(cast<ObjectData>(var), dummy); try { cast<c_Map>(var); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } try { cast<c_Vector>(empty); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } try { cast<File>(empty); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // cast_or_null tests // Bad types should throw, null pointers are ok. EXPECT_EQ(cast_or_null<c_Vector>(empty), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(cast_or_null<c_Vector>(var), dummy); try { cast_or_null<File>(var); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } try { cast_or_null<c_Map>(var); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // dyn_cast tests // Bad types are ok, null pointers should throw. EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<c_Vector>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<ObjectData>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<c_Map>(var), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast<File>(var), nullptr); try { dyn_cast<c_Vector>(empty); EXPECT_FALSE(true); } catch(...) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // dyn_cast_or_null // Bad types and null pointers are ok. Should never throw. EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast_or_null<c_Map>(empty), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast_or_null<c_Vector>(var), dummy); EXPECT_EQ(dyn_cast_or_null<c_Map>(var), nullptr); } }
bool SSLSocket::enableCrypto(bool activate /* = true */) { if (activate && !m_data->m_ssl_active) { double timeout = m_data->m_connect_timeout; bool blocked = m_data->m_is_blocked; if (!m_data->m_state_set) { if (m_data->m_client) { SSL_set_connect_state(m_data->m_handle); } else { SSL_set_accept_state(m_data->m_handle); } m_data->m_state_set = true; } if (m_data->m_client && setBlocking(false)) { m_data->m_is_blocked = false; } int n; bool retry = true; do { if (m_data->m_client) { struct timeval tvs, tve; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(&tvs, &tz); n = SSL_connect(m_data->m_handle); gettimeofday(&tve, &tz); timeout -= (tve.tv_sec + (double) tve.tv_usec / 1000000) - (tvs.tv_sec + (double) tvs.tv_usec / 1000000); if (timeout < 0) { raise_warning("SSL: connection timeout"); return false; } } else { n = SSL_accept(m_data->m_handle); } if (n <= 0) { retry = handleError(n, true); } else { break; } } while (retry); if (m_data->m_client && m_data->m_is_blocked != blocked && setBlocking(blocked)) { m_data->m_is_blocked = blocked; } if (n == 1) { X509 *peer_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(m_data->m_handle); if (!applyVerificationPolicy(peer_cert)) { SSL_shutdown(m_data->m_handle); } else { m_data->m_ssl_active = true; /* allow the script to capture the peer cert * and/or the certificate chain */ if (m_context[s_capture_peer_cert].toBoolean()) { m_context.set(s_peer_certificate, Variant(req::make<Certificate>(peer_cert))); peer_cert = nullptr; } if (m_context[s_capture_peer_cert_chain].toBoolean()) { Array arr; STACK_OF(X509) *chain = SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(m_data->m_handle); if (chain) { for (int i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(chain); i++) { X509 *mycert = X509_dup(sk_X509_value(chain, i)); arr.append(Variant(req::make<Certificate>(mycert))); } } m_context.set(s_peer_certificate_chain, arr); } } if (peer_cert) { X509_free(peer_cert); } } else { n = errno == EAGAIN ? 0 : -1; } return n >= 0; } else if (!activate && m_data->m_ssl_active) { /* deactivate - common for server/client */ SSL_shutdown(m_data->m_handle); m_data->m_ssl_active = false; } return true; }
Variant HeightMapShapeSW::get_data() const { ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); }
Error Main::setup(const char *execpath,int argc, char *argv[],bool p_second_phase) { RID_OwnerBase::init_rid(); OS::get_singleton()->initialize_core(); ObjectTypeDB::init(); MAIN_PRINT("Main: Initialize CORE"); register_core_types(); register_core_driver_types(); MAIN_PRINT("Main: Initialize Globals"); Thread::_main_thread_id = Thread::get_caller_ID(); globals = memnew( Globals ); input_map = memnew( InputMap ); path_remap = memnew( PathRemap ); translation_server = memnew( TranslationServer ); performance = memnew( Performance ); globals->add_singleton(Globals::Singleton("Performance",performance)); MAIN_PRINT("Main: Parse CMDLine"); /* argument parsing and main creation */ List<String> args; List<String> main_args; for(int i=0;i<argc;i++) { args.push_back(String::utf8(argv[i])); } List<String>::Element *I=args.front(); I=args.front(); while (I) { I->get()=unescape_cmdline(I->get().strip_escapes()); // print_line("CMD: "+I->get()); I=I->next(); } I=args.front(); video_mode = OS::get_singleton()->get_default_video_mode(); String video_driver=""; String audio_driver=""; String game_path="."; String debug_mode; String debug_host; String main_pack; bool quiet_stdout=false; int rtm=-1; String remotefs; String remotefs_pass; String screen = ""; List<String> pack_list; Vector<String> breakpoints; bool use_custom_res=true; bool force_res=false; I=args.front(); packed_data = PackedData::get_singleton(); if (!packed_data) packed_data = memnew(PackedData); #ifdef MINIZIP_ENABLED //XXX: always get_singleton() == 0x0 zip_packed_data = ZipArchive::get_singleton(); //TODO: remove this temporary fix if (!zip_packed_data) { zip_packed_data = memnew(ZipArchive); } packed_data->add_pack_source(zip_packed_data); #endif bool editor=false; while(I) { List<String>::Element *N=I->next(); if (I->get() == "-noop") { // no op } else if (I->get()=="-h" || I->get()=="--help" || I->get()=="/?") { // resolution goto error; } else if (I->get()=="-r") { // resolution if (I->next()) { String vm=I->next()->get(); if (vm.find("x")==-1) { // invalid parameter format OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid -r argument: %s\n",vm.utf8().get_data()); goto error; } int w=vm.get_slice("x",0).to_int(); int h=vm.get_slice("x",1).to_int(); if (w==0 || h==0) { OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid -r resolution, x and y must be >0\n"); goto error; } video_mode.width=w; video_mode.height=h; force_res=true; N=I->next()->next(); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid -p argument, needs resolution\n"); goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-p") { // position if (I->next()) { String vm=I->next()->get(); if (vm.find("x")==-1) { // invalid parameter format OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid -p argument: %s\n",vm.utf8().get_data()); goto error; } int x=vm.get_slice("x",0).to_int(); int y=vm.get_slice("x",1).to_int(); init_custom_pos=Point2(x,y); init_use_custom_pos=true; N=I->next()->next(); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid -r argument, needs position\n"); goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-mx") { // video driver init_maximized=true; } else if (I->get()=="-w") { // video driver init_windowed=true; } else if (I->get()=="-vd") { // video driver if (I->next()) { video_driver=I->next()->get(); N=I->next()->next(); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid -cd argument, needs driver name\n"); goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-lang") { // language if (I->next()) { locale=I->next()->get(); N=I->next()->next(); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid -lang argument, needs language code\n"); goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-rfs") { // language if (I->next()) { remotefs=I->next()->get(); N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-rfs_pass") { // language if (I->next()) { remotefs_pass=I->next()->get(); N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-rthread") { // language if (I->next()) { if (I->next()->get()=="safe") rtm=OS::RENDER_THREAD_SAFE; else if (I->next()->get()=="unsafe") rtm=OS::RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE; else if (I->next()->get()=="separate") rtm=OS::RENDER_SEPARATE_THREAD; N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-ad") { // video driver if (I->next()) { audio_driver=I->next()->get(); N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-f") { // fullscreen //video_mode.fullscreen=false; init_fullscreen=true; } else if (I->get()=="-e" || I->get()=="-editor") { // fonud editor editor=true; } else if (I->get()=="-nowindow") { // fullscreen OS::get_singleton()->set_no_window_mode(true); } else if (I->get()=="-quiet") { // fullscreen quiet_stdout=true; } else if (I->get()=="-v") { // fullscreen OS::get_singleton()->_verbose_stdout=true; } else if (I->get()=="-path") { // resolution if (I->next()) { String p = I->next()->get(); if (OS::get_singleton()->set_cwd(p)==OK) { //nothing } else { game_path=I->next()->get(); //use game_path instead } N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-bp") { // /breakpoints if (I->next()) { String bplist = I->next()->get(); breakpoints= bplist.split(","); N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-fdelay") { // resolution if (I->next()) { OS::get_singleton()->set_frame_delay(I->next()->get().to_int()); N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-timescale") { // resolution if (I->next()) { OS::get_singleton()->set_time_scale(I->next()->get().to_double()); N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get() == "-pack") { if (I->next()) { pack_list.push_back(I->next()->get()); N = I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; }; } else if (I->get() == "-main_pack") { if (I->next()) { main_pack=I->next()->get(); N = I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; }; } else if (I->get()=="-debug" || I->get()=="-d") { debug_mode="local"; } else if (I->get()=="-debugcol" || I->get()=="-dc") { debug_collisions=true; } else if (I->get()=="-debugnav" || I->get()=="-dn") { debug_navigation=true; } else if (I->get()=="-editor_scene") { if (I->next()) { Globals::get_singleton()->set("editor_scene",game_path=I->next()->get()); } else { goto error; } } else if (I->get()=="-rdebug") { if (I->next()) { debug_mode="remote"; debug_host=I->next()->get(); if (debug_host.find(":")==-1) { //wrong host OS::get_singleton()->print("Invalid debug host string\n"); goto error; } N=I->next()->next(); } else { goto error; } } else { //test for game path bool gpfound=false; if (!I->get().begins_with("-") && game_path=="") { DirAccess* da = DirAccess::open(I->get()); if (da!=NULL) { game_path=I->get(); gpfound=true; memdelete(da); } } if (!gpfound) { main_args.push_back(I->get()); } } I=N; } GLOBAL_DEF("debug/max_remote_stdout_chars_per_second",2048); if (debug_mode == "remote") { ScriptDebuggerRemote *sdr = memnew( ScriptDebuggerRemote ); uint16_t debug_port = GLOBAL_DEF("debug/remote_port",6007); if (debug_host.find(":")!=-1) { debug_port=debug_host.get_slicec(':',1).to_int(); debug_host=debug_host.get_slicec(':',0); } Error derr = sdr->connect_to_host(debug_host,debug_port); if (derr!=OK) { memdelete(sdr); } else { script_debugger=sdr; } } else if (debug_mode=="local") { script_debugger = memnew( ScriptDebuggerLocal ); } if (remotefs!="") { file_access_network_client=memnew(FileAccessNetworkClient); int port; if (remotefs.find(":")!=-1) { port=remotefs.get_slicec(':',1).to_int(); remotefs=remotefs.get_slicec(':',0); } else { port=6010; } Error err = file_access_network_client->connect(remotefs,port,remotefs_pass); if (err) { OS::get_singleton()->printerr("Could not connect to remotefs: %s:%i\n",remotefs.utf8().get_data(),port); goto error; } FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessNetwork>(FileAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); } if (script_debugger) { //there is a debugger, parse breakpoints for(int i=0;i<breakpoints.size();i++) { String bp = breakpoints[i]; int sp=bp.find_last(":"); if (sp==-1) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid breakpoint: '"+bp+"', expected file:line format."); ERR_CONTINUE(sp==-1); } script_debugger->insert_breakpoint(bp.substr(sp+1,bp.length()).to_int(),bp.substr(0,sp)); } } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (editor) { packed_data->set_disabled(true); globals->set_disable_platform_override(true); StreamPeerSSL::initialize_certs=false; //will be initialized by editor } #endif if (globals->setup(game_path,main_pack)!=OK) { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED editor=false; #else OS::get_singleton()->print("error: Couldn't load game path '%s'\n",game_path.ascii().get_data()); goto error; #endif } if (editor) { main_args.push_back("-editor"); init_maximized=true; use_custom_res=false; } if (bool(Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/disable_stdout"))) { quiet_stdout=true; } if (bool(Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/disable_stderr"))) { _print_error_enabled = false; }; if (quiet_stdout) _print_line_enabled=false; OS::get_singleton()->set_cmdline(execpath, main_args); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (main_args.size()==0 && (!Globals::get_singleton()->has("application/main_loop_type")) && (!Globals::get_singleton()->has("application/main_scene") || String(Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/main_scene"))=="")) use_custom_res=false; //project manager (run without arguments) #endif input_map->load_from_globals(); if (video_driver=="") // specified in engine.cfg video_driver=_GLOBAL_DEF("display/driver",Variant((const char*)OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_name(0))); if (!force_res && use_custom_res && globals->has("display/width")) video_mode.width=globals->get("display/width"); if (!force_res &&use_custom_res && globals->has("display/height")) video_mode.height=globals->get("display/height"); if (use_custom_res && globals->has("display/fullscreen")) video_mode.fullscreen=globals->get("display/fullscreen"); if (use_custom_res && globals->has("display/resizable")) video_mode.resizable=globals->get("display/resizable"); if (use_custom_res && globals->has("display/borderless_window")) video_mode.borderless_window = globals->get("display/borderless_window"); if (!force_res && use_custom_res && globals->has("display/test_width") && globals->has("display/test_height")) { int tw = globals->get("display/test_width"); int th = globals->get("display/test_height"); if (tw>0 && th>0) { video_mode.width=tw; video_mode.height=th; } } GLOBAL_DEF("display/width",video_mode.width); GLOBAL_DEF("display/height",video_mode.height); GLOBAL_DEF("display/fullscreen",video_mode.fullscreen); GLOBAL_DEF("display/resizable",video_mode.resizable); GLOBAL_DEF("display/borderless_window", video_mode.borderless_window); GLOBAL_DEF("display/test_width",0); GLOBAL_DEF("display/test_height",0); OS::get_singleton()->_pixel_snap=GLOBAL_DEF("display/use_2d_pixel_snap",false); OS::get_singleton()->_keep_screen_on=GLOBAL_DEF("display/keep_screen_on",true); if (rtm==-1) { rtm=GLOBAL_DEF("render/thread_model",OS::RENDER_THREAD_SAFE); if (rtm>=1) //hack for now rtm=1; } if (rtm>=0 && rtm<3) { if (editor) { rtm=OS::RENDER_THREAD_SAFE; } OS::get_singleton()->_render_thread_mode=OS::RenderThreadMode(rtm); } /* Determine Video Driver */ if (audio_driver=="") { // specified in engine.cfg audio_driver=GLOBAL_DEF("audio/driver",OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_name(0)); } for (int i=0;i<OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_count();i++) { if (video_driver==OS::get_singleton()->get_video_driver_name(i)) { video_driver_idx=i; break; } } if (video_driver_idx<0) { OS::get_singleton()->alert( "Invalid Video Driver: "+video_driver ); video_driver_idx = 0; //goto error; } for (int i=0;i<OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_count();i++) { if (audio_driver==OS::get_singleton()->get_audio_driver_name(i)) { audio_driver_idx=i; break; } } if (audio_driver_idx<0) { OS::get_singleton()->alert( "Invalid Audio Driver: "+audio_driver ); audio_driver_idx = 0; //goto error; } { String orientation = GLOBAL_DEF("display/orientation","landscape"); if (orientation=="portrait") OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_PORTRAIT); else if (orientation=="reverse_landscape") OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE); else if (orientation=="reverse_portrait") OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_REVERSE_PORTRAIT); else if (orientation=="sensor_landscape") OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE); else if (orientation=="sensor_portrait") OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_SENSOR_PORTRAIT); else if (orientation=="sensor") OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_SENSOR); else OS::get_singleton()->set_screen_orientation(OS::SCREEN_LANDSCAPE); } OS::get_singleton()->set_iterations_per_second(GLOBAL_DEF("physics/fixed_fps",60)); OS::get_singleton()->set_target_fps(GLOBAL_DEF("application/target_fps",0)); if (!OS::get_singleton()->_verbose_stdout) //overrided OS::get_singleton()->_verbose_stdout=GLOBAL_DEF("debug/verbose_stdout",false); message_queue = memnew( MessageQueue ); Globals::get_singleton()->register_global_defaults(); if (p_second_phase) return setup2(); return OK; error: video_driver=""; audio_driver=""; game_path=""; args.clear(); main_args.clear(); print_help(execpath); if (performance) memdelete(performance); if (input_map) memdelete(input_map); if (translation_server) memdelete( translation_server ); if (globals) memdelete(globals); if (script_debugger) memdelete(script_debugger); if (packed_data) memdelete(packed_data); if (file_access_network_client) memdelete(file_access_network_client); if(path_remap) memdelete(path_remap); // Note 1: *zip_packed_data live into *packed_data // Note 2: PackedData::~PackedData destroy this. //#ifdef MINIZIP_ENABLED // if (zip_packed_data) // memdelete( zip_packed_data ); //#endif unregister_core_driver_types(); unregister_core_types(); OS::get_singleton()->_cmdline.clear(); if (message_queue) memdelete( message_queue); OS::get_singleton()->finalize_core(); locale=String(); return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
virtual Variant call(const StringName& p_method,const Variant** p_args,int p_argcount,Variant::CallError &r_error) { //print_line("attempt to call "+String(p_method)); r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; Map<StringName,MethodData >::Element *E=method_map.find(p_method); if (!E) { print_line("no exists"); r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; return Variant(); } int ac = E->get().argtypes.size(); if (ac<p_argcount) { print_line("fewargs"); r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; r_error.argument=ac; return Variant(); } if (ac>p_argcount) { print_line("manyargs"); r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; r_error.argument=ac; return Variant(); } for(int i=0;i<p_argcount;i++) { if (!Variant::can_convert(p_args[i]->get_type(),E->get().argtypes[i])) { r_error.error=Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; r_error.argument=i; r_error.expected=E->get().argtypes[i]; } } jvalue *v=NULL; if (p_argcount) { v=(jvalue*)alloca( sizeof(jvalue)*p_argcount ); } JNIEnv *env = ThreadAndroid::get_env(); //print_line("argcount "+String::num(p_argcount)); for(int i=0;i<p_argcount;i++) { v[i] = _variant_to_jvalue(env, E->get().argtypes[i], p_args[i]); } //print_line("calling method!!"); Variant ret; switch(E->get().ret_type) { case Variant::NIL: { //print_line("call void"); env->CallVoidMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); } break; case Variant::BOOL: { ret = env->CallBooleanMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); //print_line("call bool"); } break; case Variant::INT: { ret = env->CallIntMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); //print_line("call int"); } break; case Variant::REAL: { ret = env->CallFloatMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); } break; case Variant::STRING: { jobject o = env->CallObjectMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); String str = env->GetStringUTFChars((jstring)o, NULL ); ret=str; } break; case Variant::STRING_ARRAY: { jobjectArray arr = (jobjectArray)env->CallObjectMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); ret = _jobject_to_variant(env, arr); } break; case Variant::INT_ARRAY: { jintArray arr = (jintArray)env->CallObjectMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); int fCount = env->GetArrayLength(arr); DVector<int> sarr; sarr.resize(fCount); DVector<int>::Write w = sarr.write(); env->GetIntArrayRegion(arr,0,fCount,w.ptr()); w = DVector<int>::Write(); ret=sarr; } break; case Variant::REAL_ARRAY: { jfloatArray arr = (jfloatArray)env->CallObjectMethodA(instance,E->get().method,v); int fCount = env->GetArrayLength(arr); DVector<float> sarr; sarr.resize(fCount); DVector<float>::Write w = sarr.write(); env->GetFloatArrayRegion(arr,0,fCount,w.ptr()); w = DVector<float>::Write(); ret=sarr; } break; case Variant::DICTIONARY: { //print_line("call dictionary"); jobject obj = env->CallObjectMethodA(instance, E->get().method, v); ret = _jobject_to_variant(env, obj); } break; default: { print_line("failure.."); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } break; } //print_line("success"); return ret; }
bool Main::start() { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_start_success,false); bool editor=false; String doc_tool; bool doc_base=true; String game_path; String script; String test; String screen; String optimize; String optimize_preset; String _export_platform; String _import; String _import_script; String dumpstrings; bool noquit=false; bool convert_old=false; bool export_debug=false; bool project_manager_request = false; List<String> args = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args(); for (int i=0;i<args.size();i++) { //parameters that do not have an argument to the right if (args[i]=="-nodocbase") { doc_base=false; } else if (args[i]=="-noquit") { noquit=true; } else if (args[i]=="-convert_old") { convert_old=true; } else if (args[i]=="-editor" || args[i]=="-e") { editor=true; } else if (args[i] == "-pm" || args[i] == "-project_manager") { project_manager_request = true; } else if (args[i].length() && args[i][0] != '-' && game_path == "") { game_path=args[i]; } //parameters that have an argument to the right else if (i < (args.size()-1)) { bool parsed_pair=true; if (args[i]=="-doctool") { doc_tool=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-script" || args[i]=="-s") { script=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-level" || args[i]=="-l") { OS::get_singleton()->_custom_level=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-test") { test=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-optimize") { optimize=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-optimize_preset") { optimize_preset=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-export") { editor=true; //needs editor _export_platform=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-export_debug") { editor=true; //needs editor _export_platform=args[i+1]; export_debug=true; } else if (args[i]=="-import") { editor=true; //needs editor _import=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-import_script") { editor=true; //needs editor _import_script=args[i+1]; } else if (args[i]=="-dumpstrings") { editor=true; //needs editor dumpstrings=args[i+1]; } else { // The parameter does not match anything known, don't skip the next argument parsed_pair=false; } if (parsed_pair) { i++; } } } if (editor) Globals::get_singleton()->set("editor_active",true); String main_loop_type; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if(doc_tool!="") { DocData doc; doc.generate(doc_base); DocData docsrc; if (docsrc.load(doc_tool)==OK) { print_line("Doc exists. Merging.."); doc.merge_from(docsrc); } else { print_line("No Doc exists. Generating empty."); }; return false; } if (optimize!="") editor=true; //need editor #endif if (_export_platform!="") { if (game_path=="") { String err="Command line param "; err+=export_debug?"-export_debug":"-export"; err+=" passed but no destination path given.\n"; err+="Please specify the binary's file path to export to. Aborting export."; ERR_PRINT(err.utf8().get_data()); return false; } } if(script=="" && game_path=="" && String(GLOBAL_DEF("application/main_scene",""))!="") { game_path=GLOBAL_DEF("application/main_scene",""); } MainLoop *main_loop=NULL; if (editor) { main_loop = memnew(SceneTree); }; if (test!="") { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED main_loop = test_main(test,args); if (!main_loop) return false; #endif } else if (script!="") { Ref<Script> script_res = ResourceLoader::load(script); ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't load script: "+script); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(script_res.is_null(),false); if( script_res->can_instance() /*&& script_res->inherits_from("SceneTreeScripted")*/) { StringName instance_type=script_res->get_instance_base_type(); Object *obj = ObjectTypeDB::instance(instance_type); MainLoop *script_loop = obj?obj->cast_to<MainLoop>():NULL; if (!script_loop) { if (obj) memdelete(obj); ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't load script '"+script+"', it does not inherit from a MainLoop type"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!script_loop,false); } script_loop->set_init_script(script_res); main_loop=script_loop; } else { return false; } } else { main_loop_type=GLOBAL_DEF("application/main_loop_type",""); } if (!main_loop && main_loop_type=="") main_loop_type="SceneTree"; if (!main_loop) { if (!ObjectTypeDB::type_exists(main_loop_type)) { OS::get_singleton()->alert("godot: error: MainLoop type doesn't exist: "+main_loop_type); return false; } else { Object *ml = ObjectTypeDB::instance(main_loop_type); if (!ml) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't instance MainLoop type"); ERR_FAIL_V(false); } main_loop=ml->cast_to<MainLoop>(); if (!main_loop) { memdelete(ml); ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid MainLoop type"); ERR_FAIL_V(false); } } } if (main_loop->is_type("SceneTree")) { SceneTree *sml = main_loop->cast_to<SceneTree>(); if (debug_collisions) { sml->set_debug_collisions_hint(true); } if (debug_navigation) { sml->set_debug_navigation_hint(true); } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED EditorNode *editor_node=NULL; if (editor) { editor_node = memnew( EditorNode ); sml->get_root()->add_child(editor_node); //root_node->set_editor(editor); //startup editor if (_export_platform!="") { editor_node->export_platform(_export_platform,game_path,export_debug,"",true); game_path=""; //no load anything } } #endif if (!editor) { //standard helpers that can be changed from main config String stretch_mode = GLOBAL_DEF("display/stretch_mode","disabled"); String stretch_aspect = GLOBAL_DEF("display/stretch_aspect","ignore"); Size2i stretch_size = Size2(GLOBAL_DEF("display/width",0),GLOBAL_DEF("display/height",0)); SceneTree::StretchMode sml_sm=SceneTree::STRETCH_MODE_DISABLED; if (stretch_mode=="2d") sml_sm=SceneTree::STRETCH_MODE_2D; else if (stretch_mode=="viewport") sml_sm=SceneTree::STRETCH_MODE_VIEWPORT; SceneTree::StretchAspect sml_aspect=SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_IGNORE; if (stretch_aspect=="keep") sml_aspect=SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP; else if (stretch_aspect=="keep_width") sml_aspect=SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_WIDTH; else if (stretch_aspect=="keep_height") sml_aspect=SceneTree::STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_HEIGHT; sml->set_screen_stretch(sml_sm,sml_aspect,stretch_size); sml->set_auto_accept_quit(GLOBAL_DEF("application/auto_accept_quit",true)); String appname = Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/name"); appname = TranslationServer::get_singleton()->translate(appname); OS::get_singleton()->set_window_title(appname); } else { GLOBAL_DEF("display/stretch_mode","disabled"); Globals::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/stretch_mode",PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING,"display/stretch_mode",PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM,"disabled,2d,viewport")); GLOBAL_DEF("display/stretch_aspect","ignore"); Globals::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("display/stretch_aspect",PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING,"display/stretch_aspect",PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM,"ignore,keep,keep_width,keep_height")); sml->set_auto_accept_quit(GLOBAL_DEF("application/auto_accept_quit",true)); } if (game_path!="" && !project_manager_request) { String local_game_path=game_path.replace("\\","/"); if (!local_game_path.begins_with("res://")) { bool absolute=(local_game_path.size()>1) && (local_game_path[0]=='/' || local_game_path[1]==':'); if (!absolute) { if (Globals::get_singleton()->is_using_datapack()) { local_game_path="res://"+local_game_path; } else { int sep=local_game_path.find_last("/"); if (sep==-1) { DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); local_game_path=da->get_current_dir()+"/"+local_game_path; memdelete(da) ; } else { DirAccess *da = DirAccess::open(local_game_path.substr(0,sep)); if (da) { local_game_path=da->get_current_dir()+"/"+local_game_path.substr(sep+1,local_game_path.length());; memdelete(da); } } } } } local_game_path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(local_game_path); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (editor) { if (_import!="") { //editor_node->import_scene(_import,local_game_path,_import_script); if (!noquit) sml->quit(); game_path=""; //no load anything } else { Error serr = editor_node->load_scene(local_game_path); if (serr==OK) { if (optimize!="") { editor_node->save_optimized_copy(optimize,optimize_preset); if (!noquit) sml->quit(); } if (dumpstrings!="") { editor_node->save_translatable_strings(dumpstrings); if (!noquit) sml->quit(); } } } OS::get_singleton()->set_context(OS::CONTEXT_EDITOR); //editor_node->set_edited_scene(game); } else { #endif { //autoload List<PropertyInfo> props; Globals::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props); //first pass, add the constants so they exist before any script is loaded for(List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E=props.front();E;E=E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) continue; String name = s.get_slicec('/',1); String path = Globals::get_singleton()->get(s); bool global_var=false; if (path.begins_with("*")) { global_var=true; } if (global_var) { for(int i=0;i<ScriptServer::get_language_count();i++) { ScriptServer::get_language(i)->add_global_constant(name,Variant()); } } } //second pass, load into global constants List<Node*> to_add; for(List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E=props.front();E;E=E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) continue; String name = s.get_slicec('/',1); String path = Globals::get_singleton()->get(s); bool global_var=false; if (path.begins_with("*")) { global_var=true; path=path.substr(1,path.length()-1); } RES res = ResourceLoader::load(path); ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't autoload: "+path); ERR_CONTINUE(res.is_null()); Node *n=NULL; if (res->is_type("PackedScene")) { Ref<PackedScene> ps = res; n=ps->instance(); } else if (res->is_type("Script")) { Ref<Script> s = res; StringName ibt = s->get_instance_base_type(); bool valid_type = ObjectTypeDB::is_type(ibt,"Node"); ERR_EXPLAIN("Script does not inherit a Node: "+path); ERR_CONTINUE( !valid_type ); Object *obj = ObjectTypeDB::instance(ibt); ERR_EXPLAIN("Cannot instance script for autoload, expected 'Node' inheritance, got: "+String(ibt)); ERR_CONTINUE( obj==NULL ); n = obj->cast_to<Node>(); n->set_script(s.get_ref_ptr()); } ERR_EXPLAIN("Path in autoload not a node or script: "+path); ERR_CONTINUE(!n); n->set_name(name); //defer so references are all valid on _ready() //sml->get_root()->add_child(n); to_add.push_back(n); if (global_var) { for(int i=0;i<ScriptServer::get_language_count();i++) { ScriptServer::get_language(i)->add_global_constant(name,n); } } } for(List<Node*>::Element *E=to_add.front();E;E=E->next()) { sml->get_root()->add_child(E->get()); } } Node *scene=NULL; Ref<PackedScene> scenedata = ResourceLoader::load(local_game_path); if (scenedata.is_valid()) scene=scenedata->instance(); ERR_EXPLAIN("Failed loading scene: "+local_game_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!scene,false) //sml->get_root()->add_child(scene); sml->add_current_scene(scene); String iconpath = GLOBAL_DEF("application/icon","Variant()"""); if (iconpath!="") { Image icon; if (icon.load(iconpath)==OK) OS::get_singleton()->set_icon(icon); } //singletons #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED } #endif } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED /*if (_export_platform!="") { sml->quit(); }*/ /* if (sml->get_root_node()) { Console *console = memnew( Console ); sml->get_root_node()->cast_to<RootNode>()->set_console(console); if (GLOBAL_DEF("console/visible_default",false).operator bool()) { console->show(); } else {P console->hide(); }; } */ if (project_manager_request || (script=="" && test=="" && game_path=="" && !editor)) { ProjectManager *pmanager = memnew( ProjectManager ); sml->get_root()->add_child(pmanager); OS::get_singleton()->set_context(OS::CONTEXT_PROJECTMAN); } #endif } OS::get_singleton()->set_main_loop( main_loop ); return true; }
MonoArray *godot_icall_String_sha256_buffer(MonoString *p_str) { Vector<uint8_t> ret = GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_to_godot(p_str).sha256_buffer(); return GDMonoMarshal::Array_to_mono_array(Variant(ret)); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { #ifdef CAESARIA_USE_STEAM if( !steamapi::Handler::checkSteamRunning() ) return EXIT_FAILURE; if( !steamapi::Handler::init() ) return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif vfs::Directory workdir; #ifdef CAESARIA_PLATFORM_ANDROID workdir = vfs::Path( SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath() ); #else workdir = vfs::Path( argv[0] ).directory(); #endif Logger::registerWriter( Logger::consolelog, "" ); Logger::warning( "Options: working directory is " + workdir.toString() ); GameSettings::instance().setwdir( workdir.toString() ); for (int i = 0; i < (argc - 1); i++) { if( !strcmp( argv[i], "-R" ) ) { const char* opts = argv[i+1]; workdir = vfs::Path( opts ); Logger::warning( "Options: setting workdir to %s", opts ); GameSettings::instance().setwdir( std::string( opts, strlen( opts ) ) ); i++; } else if( !strcmp( argv[i], "-Lc" ) ) { const char* opts = argv[i+1]; Logger::warning( "Options: setting language to %s", opts ); GameSettings::set( GameSettings::language, Variant( opts ) ); i++; } else if( !strcmp( argv[i], "-c3gfx" ) ) { const char* opts = argv[i+1]; Logger::warning( "Options: using native C3 resources from %s", opts ); GameSettings::set( GameSettings::c3gfx, Variant( opts ) ); i++; } } Logger::registerWriter( Logger::filelog, workdir.toString() ); try { Game game; game.initialize(); while( game.exec() ); } catch( Exception& e ) { Logger::warning( "Critical error: " + e.getDescription() ); Stacktrace::print(); } #ifdef CAESARIA_USE_STEAM steamapi::Handler::close(); #endif return 0; }
Variant php_mysql_do_connect_on_link(std::shared_ptr<MySQL> mySQL, String server, String username, String password, String database, int client_flags, bool persistent, bool async, int connect_timeout_ms, int query_timeout_ms) { if (connect_timeout_ms < 0) { connect_timeout_ms = mysqlExtension::ConnectTimeout; } if (query_timeout_ms < 0) { query_timeout_ms = MySQL::GetDefaultReadTimeout(); } if (server.empty()) server = MySQL::GetDefaultServer(); if (username.empty()) username = MySQL::GetDefaultUsername(); if (password.empty()) password = MySQL::GetDefaultPassword(); if (database.empty()) database = MySQL::GetDefaultDatabase(); // server format: hostname[:port][:/path/to/socket] // ipv6 hostname:port is of the form [1:2:3:4:5]:port String host, socket; int port; int savePersistent = false; auto slash_pos = server.find('/'); if (slash_pos != std::string::npos) { socket = server.substr(slash_pos); server = server.substr(0, slash_pos - 1); } HostURL hosturl(std::string(server), MySQL::GetDefaultPort()); if (hosturl.isValid()) { host = hosturl.getHost(); port = hosturl.getPort(); } else { host = server; port = MySQL::GetDefaultPort(); } if (socket.empty()) { socket = MySQL::GetDefaultSocket(); } if (MySQL::IsAllowPersistent() && MySQL::GetCurrentNumPersistent() < MySQL::GetMaxNumPersistent() && persistent) { auto p_mySQL = MySQL::GetPersistent(host, port, socket, username, password, client_flags); if (p_mySQL != nullptr) { mySQL = p_mySQL; } else { savePersistent = true; } } if (mySQL == nullptr) { mySQL = std::make_shared<MySQL>(host.c_str(), port, username.c_str(), password.c_str(), database.c_str()); } if (mySQL->getState() == MySQLState::INITED) { if (async) { #ifdef FACEBOOK if (!mySQL->async_connect(host, port, socket, username, password, database)) { MySQL::SetDefaultConn(mySQL); // so we can report errno by mysql_errno() mySQL->setLastError("mysql_real_connect_nonblocking_init"); return false; } #else throw_not_implemented("mysql_async_connect_start"); #endif } else { if (!mySQL->connect(host, port, socket, username, password, database, client_flags, connect_timeout_ms)) { MySQL::SetDefaultConn(mySQL); // so we can report errno by mysql_errno() mySQL->setLastError("mysql_connect"); return false; } } } else { if (!MySQL::IsAllowReconnect()) { raise_warning("MySQL: Reconnects are not allowed"); return false; } if (!mySQL->reconnect(host, port, socket, username, password, database, client_flags, connect_timeout_ms)) { MySQL::SetDefaultConn(mySQL); // so we can report errno by mysql_errno() mySQL->setLastError("mysql_connect"); return false; } } if (savePersistent) { MySQL::SetPersistent(host, port, socket, username, password, client_flags, mySQL); MySQL::SetCurrentNumPersistent(MySQL::GetCurrentNumPersistent() + 1); } MySQL::SetDefaultConn(mySQL); return Variant(req::make<MySQLResource>(mySQL)); }
bool Parser::parseValue (Lexer& lexer, Lookup& lookup, Int32u* slot, const Extractor** output) { const Extractor* argument; Extractors arguments; const Constant* constant; const Function* function; string name; Float64 number; switch (lexer.getType ()) { case Lexer::IDENTIFIER: name = lexer.getCurrent (); (); if (lexer.getType () == Lexer::PARENTHESIS_BEGIN) { function = 0; for (Int32u i = 0; Function::functions[i].name; ++i) { if (Function::functions[i].name == name) { function = &Function::functions[i]; break; } } if (!function) return this->fail (lexer, string ("unknown function name '") + lexer.getCurrent () + "'"); (); while (lexer.getType () != Lexer::PARENTHESIS_END) { if (arguments.size () > 0 && !this->parseType (lexer, Lexer::COMMA, "argument separator")) return false; if (!this->parseExpression (lexer, lookup, slot, &argument)) return false; arguments.push_back (argument); } (); if (arguments.size () < function->min || (function->max > 0 && arguments.size () > function->max)) return this->fail (lexer, "wrong number of arguments"); *output = function->builder (arguments, slot); } else { constant = 0; for (Int32u i = 0; Constant::constants[i].name; ++i) { if (Constant::constants[i].name == name) { constant = &Constant::constants[i]; break; } } if (constant) *output = new ConstantExtractor (constant->value); else *output = new FieldExtractor ( (name)); } break; case Lexer::NUMBER: if (!Convert::toFloat (&number, lexer.getCurrent ().data (), lexer.getCurrent ().length ())) return this->fail (lexer, "invalid number"); *output = new ConstantExtractor (Variant (number)); (); break; case Lexer::STRING: *output = new ConstantExtractor (Variant (lexer.getCurrent ())); (); break; default: this->fail (lexer, "unexpected character"); return false; } this->extractors.push_back (*output); return true; }
void GDTokenizerText::_advance() { if (error_flag) { //parser broke _make_error(last_error); return; } if (code_pos>=len) { _make_token(TK_EOF); return; } #define GETCHAR(m_ofs) ((m_ofs+code_pos)>=len?0:_code[m_ofs+code_pos]) #define INCPOS(m_amount) { code_pos+=m_amount; column+=m_amount; } while (true) { bool is_node_path=false; switch(GETCHAR(0)) { case 0: _make_token(TK_EOF); break; case '\\': INCPOS(1); if (GETCHAR(0)=='\r') { INCPOS(1); } if (GETCHAR(0)!='\n') { _make_error("Expected newline after '\\'."); return; } INCPOS(1); while(GETCHAR(0)==' ' || GETCHAR(0)=='\t') { INCPOS(1); } continue; case '\t': case '\r': case ' ': INCPOS(1); continue; case '\n': { line++; INCPOS(1); column=0; int i=0; while(GETCHAR(i)==' ' || GETCHAR(i)=='\t') { i++; } _make_newline(i); return; } #if 1 //py style tokenizer case '#': { // line comment skip while(GETCHAR(0)!='\n') { code_pos++; if (GETCHAR(0)==0) { //end of file _make_error("Unterminated Comment"); return; } } INCPOS(1); column=0; line++; int i=0; while(GETCHAR(i)==' ' || GETCHAR(i)=='\t') { i++; } _make_newline(i); return; } break; #endif case '/': { switch(GETCHAR(1)) { #if 0 // c style tokenizer case '*': { // block comment int pos = code_pos+2; int new_line=line; int new_col=column+2; while(true) { if (_code[pos]=='0') { _make_error("Unterminated Comment"); code_pos=pos; return; } if (_code[pos]=='*' && _code[pos+1]=='/') { new_col+=2; pos+=2; //compensate break; } else if (_code[pos]=='\n') { new_line++; new_col=0; } else { new_col++; } pos++; } column=new_col; line=new_line; code_pos=pos; continue; } break; case '/': { // line comment skip while(GETCHAR(0)!='\n') { code_pos++; if (GETCHAR(0)==0) { //end of file _make_error("Unterminated Comment"); return; } } INCPOS(1); column=0; line++; continue; } break; #endif case '=': { // diveq _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_DIV); INCPOS(1); } break; default: _make_token(TK_OP_DIV); } } break; case '=': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_EQUAL); INCPOS(1); } else _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN); } break; case '<': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_LESS_EQUAL); INCPOS(1); } else if (GETCHAR(1)=='<') { if (GETCHAR(2)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_SHIFT_LEFT); } INCPOS(1); } else _make_token(TK_OP_LESS); } break; case '>': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_GREATER_EQUAL); INCPOS(1); } else if (GETCHAR(1)=='>') { if (GETCHAR(2)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_SHIFT_RIGHT); } INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_GREATER); } } break; case '!': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_NOT_EQUAL); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_NOT); } } break; //case '"' //string - no strings in shader //case '\'' //string - no strings in shader case '{': _make_token(TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN); break; case '}': _make_token(TK_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE); break; case '[': _make_token(TK_BRACKET_OPEN); break; case ']': _make_token(TK_BRACKET_CLOSE); break; case '(': _make_token(TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN); break; case ')': _make_token(TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE); break; case ',': _make_token(TK_COMMA); break; case ';': _make_token(TK_SEMICOLON); break; case '?': _make_token(TK_QUESTION_MARK); break; case ':': _make_token(TK_COLON); //for methods maybe but now useless. break; case '^': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_BIT_XOR); } } break; case '~': _make_token(TK_OP_BIT_INVERT); break; case '&': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='&') { _make_token(TK_OP_AND); INCPOS(1); } else if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_BIT_AND); } } break; case '|': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='|') { _make_token(TK_OP_OR); INCPOS(1); } else if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_BIT_OR); } } break; case '*': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_MUL); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_MUL); } } break; case '+': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_ADD); INCPOS(1); //} else if (GETCHAR(1)=='+') { // _make_token(TK_OP_PLUS_PLUS); // INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_ADD); } } break; case '-': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_SUB); INCPOS(1); //} else if (GETCHAR(1)=='-') { // _make_token(TK_OP_MINUS_MINUS); // INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_SUB); } } break; case '%': { if (GETCHAR(1)=='=') { _make_token(TK_OP_ASSIGN_MOD); INCPOS(1); } else { _make_token(TK_OP_MOD); } } break; case '@': if (CharType(GETCHAR(1))!='"') { _make_error("Unexpected '@'"); return; } INCPOS(1); is_node_path=true; case '"': { int i=1; String str; while(true) { if (CharType(GETCHAR(i)==0)) { _make_error("Unterminated String"); return; } else if (CharType(GETCHAR(i)=='"')) { break; } else if (CharType(GETCHAR(i)=='\\')) { //escaped characters... i++; CharType next = GETCHAR(i); if (next==0) { _make_error("Unterminated String"); return; } CharType res=0; switch(next) { case 'a': res=7; break; case 'b': res=8; break; case 't': res=9; break; case 'n': res=10; break; case 'v': res=11; break; case 'f': res=12; break; case 'r': res=13; break; case '\'': res='\''; break; case '\"': res='\"'; break; case '\\': res='\\'; break; case 'x': { //hexnumbarh - oct is deprecated int read=0; for(int j=0;j<4;j++) { CharType c = GETCHAR(i+j); if (c==0) { _make_error("Unterminated String"); return; } if (!_is_hex(c)) { if (j==0 || !(j&1)) { _make_error("Malformed hex constant in string"); return; } else break; } CharType v; if (c>='0' && c<='9') { v=c-'0'; } else if (c>='a' && c<='f') { v=c-'a'; v+=10; } else if (c>='A' && c<='F') { v=c-'A'; v+=10; } else { ERR_PRINT("BUG"); v=0; } res<<=4; res|=v; read++; } i+=read-1; } break; default: { _make_error("Invalid escape sequence"); return; } break; } str+=res; } else { str+=CharType(GETCHAR(i)); } i++; } INCPOS(i); if (is_node_path) { _make_constant(NodePath(str)); } else { _make_constant(str); } } break; default: { if (_is_number(GETCHAR(0)) || (GETCHAR(0)=='.' && _is_number(GETCHAR(1)))) { // parse number bool period_found=false; bool exponent_found=false; bool hexa_found=false; bool sign_found=false; String str; int i=0; while(true) { if (GETCHAR(i)=='.') { if (period_found || exponent_found) { _make_error("Invalid numeric constant at '.'"); return; } period_found=true; } else if (GETCHAR(i)=='x') { if (hexa_found || str.length()!=1 || !( (i==1 && str[0]=='0') || (i==2 && str[1]=='0' && str[0]=='-') ) ) { _make_error("Invalid numeric constant at 'x'"); return; } hexa_found=true; } else if (!hexa_found && GETCHAR(i)=='e') { if (hexa_found || exponent_found) { _make_error("Invalid numeric constant at 'e'"); return; } exponent_found=true; } else if (_is_number(GETCHAR(i))) { //all ok } else if (hexa_found && _is_hex(GETCHAR(i))) { } else if ((GETCHAR(i)=='-' || GETCHAR(i)=='+') && exponent_found) { if (sign_found) { _make_error("Invalid numeric constant at '-'"); return; } sign_found=true; } else break; str+=CharType(GETCHAR(i)); i++; } if (!( _is_number(str[str.length()-1]) || (hexa_found && _is_hex(str[str.length()-1])))) { _make_error("Invalid numeric constant: "+str); return; } INCPOS(str.length()); if (hexa_found) { int val = str.hex_to_int(); _make_constant(val); } else if (period_found) { real_t val = str.to_double(); //print_line("*%*%*%*% to convert: "+str+" result: "+rtos(val)); _make_constant(val); } else { int val = str.to_int(); _make_constant(val); } return; } if (GETCHAR(0)=='.') { //parse period _make_token(TK_PERIOD); break; } if (_is_text_char(GETCHAR(0))) { // parse identifier String str; str+=CharType(GETCHAR(0)); int i=1; while(_is_text_char(GETCHAR(i))) { str+=CharType(GETCHAR(i)); i++; } bool identifier=false; if (str=="null") { _make_constant(Variant()); } else if (str=="true") { _make_constant(true); } else if (str=="false") { _make_constant(false); } else { bool found=false; struct _bit { Variant::Type type; const char *text;}; //built in types static const _bit type_list[]={ //types {Variant::BOOL,"bool"}, {Variant::INT,"int"}, {Variant::REAL,"float"}, {Variant::STRING,"String"}, {Variant::VECTOR2,"vec2"}, {Variant::VECTOR2,"Vector2"}, {Variant::RECT2,"Rect2"}, {Variant::MATRIX32,"Matrix32"}, {Variant::MATRIX32,"mat32"}, {Variant::VECTOR3,"vec3"}, {Variant::VECTOR3,"Vector3"}, {Variant::_AABB,"AABB"}, {Variant::_AABB,"Rect3"}, {Variant::PLANE,"Plane"}, {Variant::QUAT,"Quat"}, {Variant::MATRIX3,"mat3"}, {Variant::MATRIX3,"Matrix3"}, {Variant::TRANSFORM,"trn"}, {Variant::TRANSFORM,"Transform"}, {Variant::COLOR,"Color"}, {Variant::IMAGE,"Image"}, {Variant::_RID,"RID"}, {Variant::OBJECT,"Object"}, {Variant::INPUT_EVENT,"InputEvent"}, {Variant::NODE_PATH,"NodePath"}, {Variant::DICTIONARY,"dict"}, {Variant::DICTIONARY,"Dictionary"}, {Variant::ARRAY,"Array"}, {Variant::RAW_ARRAY,"RawArray"}, {Variant::INT_ARRAY,"IntArray"}, {Variant::REAL_ARRAY,"FloatArray"}, {Variant::STRING_ARRAY,"StringArray"}, {Variant::VECTOR2_ARRAY,"Vector2Array"}, {Variant::VECTOR3_ARRAY,"Vector3Array"}, {Variant::COLOR_ARRAY,"ColorArray"}, {Variant::VARIANT_MAX,NULL}, }; { int idx=0; while(type_list[idx].text) { if (str==type_list[idx].text) { _make_type(type_list[idx].type); found=true; break; } idx++; } } if (!found) { //built in func? for(int i=0;i<GDFunctions::FUNC_MAX;i++) { if (str==GDFunctions::get_func_name(GDFunctions::Function(i))) { _make_built_in_func(GDFunctions::Function(i)); found=true; break; } } //keywor } if (!found) { struct _kws { Token token; const char *text;}; static const _kws keyword_list[]={ //ops {TK_OP_IN,"in"}, {TK_OP_NOT,"not"}, {TK_OP_OR,"or"}, {TK_OP_AND,"and"}, //func {TK_PR_FUNCTION,"func"}, {TK_PR_FUNCTION,"function"}, {TK_PR_CLASS,"class"}, {TK_PR_EXTENDS,"extends"}, {TK_PR_TOOL,"tool"}, {TK_PR_STATIC,"static"}, {TK_PR_EXPORT,"export"}, {TK_PR_VAR,"var"}, {TK_PR_PRELOAD,"preload"}, {TK_PR_ASSERT,"assert"}, {TK_PR_YIELD,"yield"}, {TK_PR_CONST,"const"}, //controlflow {TK_CF_IF,"if"}, {TK_CF_ELIF,"elif"}, {TK_CF_ELSE,"else"}, {TK_CF_FOR,"for"}, {TK_CF_WHILE,"while"}, {TK_CF_DO,"do"}, {TK_CF_SWITCH,"switch"}, {TK_CF_BREAK,"break"}, {TK_CF_CONTINUE,"continue"}, {TK_CF_RETURN,"return"}, {TK_CF_PASS,"pass"}, {TK_SELF,"self"}, {TK_ERROR,NULL} }; int idx=0; found=false; while(keyword_list[idx].text) { if (str==keyword_list[idx].text) { _make_token(keyword_list[idx].token); found=true; break; } idx++; } } if (!found) identifier=true; } if (identifier) { _make_identifier(str); } INCPOS(str.length()); return; } _make_error("Unknown character"); return; } break; } INCPOS(1); break; } }
Variant ArrayData::value(int32_t &pos) const { return pos != invalid_index ? getValue(pos) : Variant(false); }