 * Retrieves the mount root directory for auto-mounted shared
 * folders. mount point. If no string is set (VERR_NOT_FOUND)
 * it's up on the caller (guest) to decide where to mount.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   ppszDir         Where to return the directory
 *                          string. This shall be freed by
 *                          calling RTStrFree.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SharedFolderGetMountDir(char **ppszDir)
    AssertPtrReturn(ppszDir, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    int rc;
    uint32_t u32ClientIdGuestProp;
    rc = VbglR3GuestPropConnect(&u32ClientIdGuestProp);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = VbglR3GuestPropReadValueAlloc(u32ClientIdGuestProp, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/SharedFolders/MountDir", ppszDir);
    return rc;
 * Retrieves the prefix for a shared folder mount point.  If no prefix
 * is set in the guest properties "sf_" is returned.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   ppszPrefix      Where to return the prefix string.  This shall be
 *                          freed by calling RTStrFree.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SharedFolderGetMountPrefix(char **ppszPrefix)
    AssertPtrReturn(ppszPrefix, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    int rc;
    uint32_t u32ClientIdGuestProp;
    rc = VbglR3GuestPropConnect(&u32ClientIdGuestProp);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = VbglR3GuestPropReadValueAlloc(u32ClientIdGuestProp, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/SharedFolders/MountPrefix", ppszPrefix);
        if (rc == VERR_NOT_FOUND) /* No prefix set? Then set the default. */
            rc = RTStrDupEx(ppszPrefix, "sf_");
    return rc;
 * Checks for a Guest Additions update by comparing the installed version on the
 * guest and the reported host version.
 * @returns VBox status code
 * @param   u32ClientId         The client id returned by
 *                              VbglR3InfoSvcConnect().
 * @param   pfUpdate            Receives pointer to boolean flag indicating
 *                              whether an update was found or not.
 * @param   ppszHostVersion     Receives pointer of allocated version string.
 *                              The returned pointer must be freed using
 *                              VbglR3GuestPropReadValueFree().  Always set to
 *                              NULL.
 * @param   ppszGuestVersion    Receives pointer of allocated revision string.
 *                              The returned pointer must be freed using
 *                              VbglR3GuestPropReadValueFree().  Always set to
 *                              NULL.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3HostVersionCheckForUpdate(uint32_t u32ClientId, bool *pfUpdate, char **ppszHostVersion, char **ppszGuestVersion)
    Assert(u32ClientId > 0);

    *ppszHostVersion = NULL;
    *ppszGuestVersion = NULL;

    /* We assume we have an update initially.
       Every block down below is allowed to veto */
    *pfUpdate = true;

    /* Do we need to do all this stuff? */
    char *pszCheckHostVersion;
    int rc = VbglR3GuestPropReadValueAlloc(u32ClientId, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/CheckHostVersion", &pszCheckHostVersion);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        if (rc == VERR_NOT_FOUND)
            rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* If we don't find the value above we do the check by default */
            LogFlow(("Could not read check host version flag! rc = %Rrc\n", rc));
        /* Only don't do the check if we have a valid "0" in it */
        if (!strcmp(pszCheckHostVersion, "0"))
            LogRel(("No host version update check performed (disabled).\n"));
            *pfUpdate = false;

    /* Collect all needed information */
    /* Make sure we only notify the user once by comparing the host version with
     * the last checked host version (if any) */
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && *pfUpdate)
        /* Look up host version */
        rc = VbglR3GuestPropReadValueAlloc(u32ClientId, "/VirtualBox/HostInfo/VBoxVer", ppszHostVersion);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            LogFlow(("Could not read VBox host version! rc = %Rrc\n", rc));
            LogFlow(("Host version: %s\n", *ppszHostVersion));

            /* Get last checked host version */
            char *pszLastCheckedHostVersion;
            rc = VbglR3HostVersionLastCheckedLoad(u32ClientId, &pszLastCheckedHostVersion);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                LogFlow(("Last checked host version: %s\n", pszLastCheckedHostVersion));
                if (strcmp(*ppszHostVersion, pszLastCheckedHostVersion) == 0)
                    *pfUpdate = false; /* We already notified this version, skip */
            else if (rc == VERR_NOT_FOUND) /* Never wrote a last checked host version before */
                LogFlow(("Never checked a host version before.\n"));
                rc = VINF_SUCCESS;

        /* Look up guest version */
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            rc = VbglR3GetAdditionsVersion(ppszGuestVersion, NULL /* Extended version not needed here */,
                                           NULL /* Revision not needed here */);
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                LogFlow(("Could not read VBox guest version! rc = %Rrc\n", rc));

    /* Do the actual version comparison (if needed, see block(s) above) */
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && *pfUpdate)
        if (RTStrVersionCompare(*ppszHostVersion, *ppszGuestVersion) > 0) /* Is host version greater than guest add version? */
            /* Yay, we have an update! */
            LogRel(("Guest Additions update found! Please upgrade this machine to the latest Guest Additions.\n"));
            /* How sad ... */
            *pfUpdate = false;

    /* Cleanup on failure */
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        if (*ppszHostVersion)
            *ppszHostVersion = NULL;
        if (*ppszGuestVersion)
            *ppszGuestVersion = NULL;
    return rc;
/** Retrieves the last checked host version.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   u32ClientId     The client id returned by VbglR3InfoSvcConnect().
 * @param   ppszVer         Receives pointer of allocated version string.
 *                          The returned pointer must be freed using RTStrFree() on VINF_SUCCESS.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3HostVersionLastCheckedLoad(uint32_t u32ClientId, char **ppszVer)
    Assert(u32ClientId > 0);
    return VbglR3GuestPropReadValueAlloc(u32ClientId, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/HostVerLastChecked", ppszVer);