예제 #1
void ChLinkDistance::Update (double mytime)
    // Inherit time changes of parent class (ChLink), basically doing nothing :)

		// compute jacobians
	ChVector<> AbsDist = Body1->Point_Body2World(&pos1)-Body2->Point_Body2World(&pos2);
	curr_dist          = AbsDist.Length();
	ChVector<> D2abs   = Vnorm(AbsDist);
	ChVector<> D2relB  = Body2->Dir_World2Body(&D2abs);
	ChVector<> D2relA  = Body1->Dir_World2Body(&D2abs);

	ChVector<> CqAx =  D2abs;
	ChVector<> CqBx = -D2abs;
	ChVector<> CqAr = -Vcross(D2relA,pos1);
	ChVector<> CqBr =  Vcross(D2relB,pos2);



	//***TO DO***  C_dt? C_dtdt? (may be never used..)
예제 #2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate kinematics quantities (slip angle, longitudinal slip, camber angle,
// and toe-in angle using the current state of the associated wheel body.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChTire::CalculateKinematics(double time, const WheelState& state, const ChTerrain& terrain) {
    // Wheel normal (expressed in global frame)
    ChVector<> wheel_normal = state.rot.GetYaxis();

    // Terrain normal at wheel location (expressed in global frame)
    ChVector<> Z_dir = terrain.GetNormal(state.pos.x(), state.pos.y());

    // Longitudinal (heading) and lateral directions, in the terrain plane
    ChVector<> X_dir = Vcross(wheel_normal, Z_dir);
    ChVector<> Y_dir = Vcross(Z_dir, X_dir);

    // Tire reference coordinate system
    ChMatrix33<> rot;
    rot.Set_A_axis(X_dir, Y_dir, Z_dir);
    ChCoordsys<> tire_csys(state.pos, rot.Get_A_quaternion());

    // Express wheel linear velocity in tire frame
    ChVector<> V = tire_csys.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(state.lin_vel);
    // Express wheel normal in tire frame
    ChVector<> n = tire_csys.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(wheel_normal);

    // Slip angle
    double abs_Vx = std::abs(V.x());
    double zero_Vx = 1e-4;
    m_slip_angle = (abs_Vx > zero_Vx) ? std::atan(V.y() / abs_Vx) : 0;

    // Longitudinal slip
    m_longitudinal_slip = (abs_Vx > zero_Vx) ? -(V.x() - state.omega * GetRadius()) / abs_Vx : 0;

    // Camber angle
    m_camber_angle = std::atan2(n.z(), n.y());
예제 #3
void ChLinkDistance::Update(double mytime, bool update_assets) {
    // Inherit time changes of parent class (ChLink), basically doing nothing :)
    ChLink::Update(mytime, update_assets);

    // compute jacobians
    ChVector<> AbsDist = Body1->TransformPointLocalToParent(pos1) - Body2->TransformPointLocalToParent(pos2);
    curr_dist = AbsDist.Length();
    ChVector<> D2abs = Vnorm(AbsDist);
    ChVector<> D2relB = Body2->TransformDirectionParentToLocal(D2abs);
    ChVector<> D2relA = Body1->TransformDirectionParentToLocal(D2abs);

    ChVector<> CqAx = D2abs;
    ChVector<> CqBx = -D2abs;

    ChVector<> CqAr = -Vcross(D2relA, pos1);
    ChVector<> CqBr = Vcross(D2relB, pos2);

    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(0) = CqAx.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(1) = CqAx.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(2) = CqAx.z();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(3) = CqAr.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(4) = CqAr.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_a()->ElementN(5) = CqAr.z();

    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(0) = CqBx.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(1) = CqBx.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(2) = CqBx.z();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(3) = CqBr.x();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(4) = CqBr.y();
    Cx.Get_Cq_b()->ElementN(5) = CqBr.z();

    //***TO DO***  C_dt? C_dtdt? (may be never used..)
예제 #4
void ChBodyFrame::To_abs_forcetorque(const ChVector<>& force,
                                     const ChVector<>& appl_point,
                                     bool local,
                                     ChVector<>& resultforce,
                                     ChVector<>& resulttorque) {
    if (local) {
        // local space
        ChVector<> mforce_abs = TransformDirectionLocalToParent(force);
        resultforce = mforce_abs;
        resulttorque = Vcross(TransformDirectionLocalToParent(appl_point), mforce_abs);
    } else {
        // absolute space
        resultforce = force;
        resulttorque = Vcross(Vsub(appl_point, coord.pos), force);
예제 #5
bool DegenerateTriangle(Vector Dx, Vector Dy) {
    Vector vcr;
    vcr = Vcross(Dx, Dy);
    if (fabs(vcr.x()) < EPS_TRIDEGEN && fabs(vcr.y()) < EPS_TRIDEGEN && fabs(vcr.z()) < EPS_TRIDEGEN)
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #6
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility function for characterizing the geometric contact between a disc with
// specified center location, normal direction, and radius and the terrain,
// assumed to be specified as a height field (over the x-y domain).
// This function returns false if no contact occurs. Otherwise, it sets the
// contact points on the disc (ptD) and on the terrain (ptT), the normal contact
// direction, and the resulting penetration depth (a positive value).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ChTire::disc_terrain_contact(const ChTerrain& terrain,
                                  const ChVector<>& disc_center,
                                  const ChVector<>& disc_normal,
                                  double disc_radius,
                                  ChCoordsys<>& contact,
                                  double& depth) {
    // Find terrain height below disc center. There is no contact if the disc
    // center is below the terrain or farther away by more than its radius.
    double hc = terrain.GetHeight(disc_center.x(), disc_center.y());
    if (disc_center.z() <= hc || disc_center.z() >= hc + disc_radius)
        return false;

    // Find the lowest point on the disc. There is no contact if the disc is
    // (almost) horizontal.
    ChVector<> dir1 = Vcross(disc_normal, ChVector<>(0, 0, 1));
    double sinTilt2 = dir1.Length2();

    if (sinTilt2 < 1e-3)
        return false;

    // Contact point (lowest point on disc).
    ChVector<> ptD = disc_center + disc_radius * Vcross(disc_normal, dir1 / sqrt(sinTilt2));

    // Find terrain height at lowest point. No contact if lowest point is above
    // the terrain.
    double hp = terrain.GetHeight(ptD.x(), ptD.y());

    if (ptD.z() > hp)
        return false;

    // Approximate the terrain with a plane. Define the projection of the lowest
    // point onto this plane as the contact point on the terrain.
    ChVector<> normal = terrain.GetNormal(ptD.x(), ptD.y());
    ChVector<> longitudinal = Vcross(disc_normal, normal);
    ChVector<> lateral = Vcross(normal, longitudinal);
    ChMatrix33<> rot;
    rot.Set_A_axis(longitudinal, lateral, normal);

    contact.pos = ptD;
    contact.rot = rot.Get_A_quaternion();

    depth = Vdot(ChVector<>(0, 0, hp - ptD.z()), normal);
    assert(depth > 0);

    return true;
예제 #7
double ChPathSteeringControllerXT::CalcHeadingError(ChVector<>& a, ChVector<>& b) {
    double ang = 0.0;
    // test for velocity > 0
    m_vel.z() = 0;
    double speed = m_vel.Length();
    if(speed < 1) {
        // vehicle is standing still, we take the chassis orientation
        a.z() = 0;
        b.z() = 0;
    } else {
        // vehicle is running, we take the {x,y} velocity vector
        a = m_vel;
        b.z() = 0;

    // it might happen to cruise against the path definition (end->begin instead of begin->end),
    // then the the tangent points backwards to driving direction
    // the distance |ab| is > 1 then
    ChVector<> ab = a - b;
    double ltest = ab.Length();

    ChVector<> vpc;
    if(ltest < 1) {
        vpc = Vcross(a,b);
    } else {
        vpc = Vcross(a,-b);
    ang = std::asin(vpc.z());

    return ang;
예제 #8
double ChCollisionUtils::PointTriangleDistance(Vector B,
                                               Vector A1,
                                               Vector A2,
                                               Vector A3,
                                               double& mu,
                                               double& mv,
                                               int& is_into,
                                               Vector& Bprojected) {
    // defaults
    is_into = 0;
    mu = mv = -1;
    double mdistance = 10e22;

    Vector Dx, Dy, Dz, T1, T1p;

    Dx = Vsub(A2, A1);
    Dz = Vsub(A3, A1);
    Dy = Vcross(Dz, Dx);

    double dylen = Vlength(Dy);

    if (fabs(dylen) < EPS_TRIDEGEN)  // degenerate triangle
        return mdistance;

    Dy = Vmul(Dy, 1.0 / dylen);

    ChMatrix33<> mA;
    ChMatrix33<> mAi;
    mA.Set_A_axis(Dx, Dy, Dz);

    // invert triangle coordinate matrix -if singular matrix, was degenerate triangle-.
    if (fabs(mA.FastInvert(mAi)) < 0.000001)
        return mdistance;

    T1 = mAi.Matr_x_Vect(Vsub(B, A1));
    T1p = T1;
    T1p.y() = 0;
    mu = T1.x();
    mv = T1.z();
    mdistance = -T1.y();
    if (mu >= 0 && mv >= 0 && mv <= 1.0 - mu) {
        is_into = 1;
        Bprojected = Vadd(A1, mA.Matr_x_Vect(T1p));

    return mdistance;
예제 #9
double ChCollisionUtils::PointLineDistance(Vector p, Vector dA, Vector dB, double& mu, int& is_insegment) {
    mu = -1.0;
    is_insegment = 0;
    double mdist = 10e34;

    Vector vseg = Vsub(dB, dA);
    Vector vdir = Vnorm(vseg);
    Vector vray = Vsub(p, dA);

    mdist = Vlength(Vcross(vray, vdir));
    mu = Vdot(vray, vdir) / Vlength(vseg);

    if ((mu >= 0) && (mu <= 1.0))
        is_insegment = 1;

    return mdist;
예제 #10
double ChSteeringController::Advance(const ChVehicle& vehicle, double step) {
    // Calculate current "sentinel" location.  This is a point at the look-ahead
    // distance in front of the vehicle.
    m_sentinel = vehicle.GetChassisBody()->GetFrame_REF_to_abs().TransformPointLocalToParent(ChVector<>(m_dist, 0, 0));

    // Calculate current "target" location.

    // If data collection is enabled, append current target and sentinel locations.
    if (m_collect) {
        *m_csv << vehicle.GetChTime() << m_target << m_sentinel << std::endl;

    // The "error" vector is the projection onto the horizontal plane (z=0) of
    // the vector between sentinel and target.
    ChVector<> err_vec = m_target - m_sentinel;
    err_vec.z() = 0;

    // Calculate the sign of the angle between the projections of the sentinel
    // vector and the target vector (with origin at vehicle location).
    ChVector<> sentinel_vec = m_sentinel - vehicle.GetVehiclePos();
    sentinel_vec.z() = 0;
    ChVector<> target_vec = m_target - vehicle.GetVehiclePos();
    target_vec.z() = 0;

    double temp = Vdot(Vcross(sentinel_vec, target_vec), ChVector<>(0, 0, 1));

    // Calculate current error (magnitude).
    double err = ChSignum(temp) * err_vec.Length();

    // Estimate error derivative (backward FD approximation).
    m_errd = (err - m_err) / step;

    // Calculate current error integral (trapezoidal rule).
    m_erri += (err + m_err) * step / 2;

    // Cache new error
    m_err = err;

    // Return PID output (steering value)
    return m_Kp * m_err + m_Ki * m_erri + m_Kd * m_errd;
예제 #11
void ChLinkPulley::UpdateTime (double mytime)
    // First, inherit to parent class

	ChFrame<double> abs_shaft1;
	ChFrame<double> abs_shaft2;

	((ChFrame<double>*)Body1)->TrasformLocalToParent(local_shaft1, abs_shaft1);
	((ChFrame<double>*)Body2)->TrasformLocalToParent(local_shaft2, abs_shaft2);

	ChVector<> dcc_w = Vsub(Get_shaft_pos2(),

		// compute actual rotation of the two wheels (relative to truss).
    Vector md1 = abs_shaft1.GetA()->MatrT_x_Vect(dcc_w);
    md1.z = 0;  md1 = Vnorm (md1);
    Vector md2 = abs_shaft2.GetA()->MatrT_x_Vect(dcc_w);
    md2.z = 0;  md2 = Vnorm (md2);

	double periodic_a1 = ChAtan2(md1.x, md1.y);
	double periodic_a2 = ChAtan2(md2.x, md2.y);
	double old_a1 = a1; 
	double old_a2 = a2;
	double turns_a1 = floor (old_a1 / CH_C_2PI);
	double turns_a2 = floor (old_a2 / CH_C_2PI);
	double a1U = turns_a1 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 + CH_C_2PI;
	double a1M = turns_a1 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1;
	double a1L = turns_a1 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 - CH_C_2PI;
	a1 = a1M;
	if (fabs(a1U - old_a1) < fabs(a1M - old_a1))
		a1 = a1U;
	if (fabs(a1L - a1) < fabs(a1M - a1))
		a1 = a1L;
	double a2U = turns_a2 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 + CH_C_2PI;
	double a2M = turns_a2 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2;
	double a2L = turns_a2 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 - CH_C_2PI;
	a2 = a2M;
	if (fabs(a2U - old_a2) < fabs(a2M - old_a2))
		a2 = a2U;
	if (fabs(a2L - a2) < fabs(a2M - a2))
		a2 = a2L;

	     // correct marker positions if phasing is not correct
	double m_delta =0;
    if (this->checkphase)
		double realtau = tau; 
		//if (this->epicyclic) 
		//	realtau = -tau;
        m_delta = a1 - phase - (a2/realtau);

        if (m_delta> CH_C_PI) m_delta -= (CH_C_2PI);		 // range -180..+180 is better than 0...360
        if (m_delta> (CH_C_PI/4.0)) m_delta = (CH_C_PI/4.0); // phase correction only in +/- 45°
        if (m_delta<-(CH_C_PI/4.0)) m_delta =-(CH_C_PI/4.0);

    // Move markers 1 and 2 to align them as pulley ends

	ChVector<> d21_w = dcc_w - Get_shaft_dir1()* Vdot (Get_shaft_dir1(), dcc_w);
	ChVector<> D21_w = Vnorm(d21_w);

	this->shaft_dist = d21_w.Length();
	ChVector<> U1_w = Vcross(Get_shaft_dir1(), D21_w);

	double gamma1 = acos( (r1-r2) / shaft_dist);

	ChVector<> Ru_w =  D21_w*cos(gamma1) + U1_w*sin(gamma1);
	ChVector<> Rl_w =  D21_w*cos(gamma1) - U1_w*sin(gamma1);

	this->belt_up1  = Get_shaft_pos1()+ Ru_w*r1;
	this->belt_low1 = Get_shaft_pos1()+ Rl_w*r1;
	this->belt_up2  = Get_shaft_pos1()+ d21_w + Ru_w*r2;
	this->belt_low2 = Get_shaft_pos1()+ d21_w + Rl_w*r2;

		// marker alignment
	ChMatrix33<> maU;
	ChMatrix33<> maL;

	ChVector<> Dxu = Vnorm(belt_up2 - belt_up1);
	ChVector<> Dyu = Ru_w;
	ChVector<> Dzu = Vnorm (Vcross(Dxu, Dyu));
	Dyu = Vnorm (Vcross(Dzu, Dxu));

            // ! Require that the BDF routine of marker won't handle speed and acc.calculus of the moved marker 2!

	ChCoordsys<> newmarkpos;

        // move marker1 in proper positions
    newmarkpos.pos = this->belt_up1;
    newmarkpos.rot = maU.Get_A_quaternion();
    marker1->Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);        //move marker1 into teeth position
        // move marker2 in proper positions
    newmarkpos.pos = this->belt_up2;
    newmarkpos.rot = maU.Get_A_quaternion();
    marker2->Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);        //move marker2 into teeth position

	double phase_correction_up = m_delta*r1;
	double phase_correction_low = - phase_correction_up;
	double hU = Vlenght(belt_up2- belt_up1)  + phase_correction_up;
	double hL = Vlenght(belt_low2- belt_low1) + phase_correction_low;

        // imposed relative positions/speeds
    deltaC.pos = ChVector<>(-hU, 0, 0);
    deltaC_dt.pos = VNULL;
    deltaC_dtdt.pos = VNULL;

    deltaC.rot = QUNIT;             // no relative rotations imposed!
    deltaC_dt.rot = QNULL;
    deltaC_dtdt.rot = QNULL;
예제 #12
void ChLinkGear::UpdateTime (double mytime)
    // First, inherit to parent class

    // Move markers 1 and 2 to align them as gear teeth

    ChMatrix33<> ma1;
    ChMatrix33<> ma2;
    ChMatrix33<> mrotma;
    ChMatrix33<> marot_beta;
    Vector mx;
    Vector my;
    Vector mz;
	Vector mr;
    Vector mmark1;
    Vector mmark2;
    Vector lastX;
    Vector vrota;
    Coordsys newmarkpos;

	ChFrame<double> abs_shaft1;
	ChFrame<double> abs_shaft2;

	((ChFrame<double>*)Body1)->TrasformLocalToParent(local_shaft1, abs_shaft1);
	((ChFrame<double>*)Body2)->TrasformLocalToParent(local_shaft2, abs_shaft2);

    Vector vbdist = Vsub(Get_shaft_pos1(),
    Vector Trad1 = Vnorm(Vcross(Get_shaft_dir1(), Vnorm(Vcross(Get_shaft_dir1(),vbdist))));
    Vector Trad2 = Vnorm(Vcross(Vnorm(Vcross(Get_shaft_dir2(),vbdist)), Get_shaft_dir2()));

	double dist = Vlenght(vbdist);

        // compute actual rotation of the two wheels (relative to truss).
    Vector md1 = abs_shaft1.GetA()->MatrT_x_Vect(-vbdist);
    md1.z = 0;  md1 = Vnorm (md1);
    Vector md2 = abs_shaft2.GetA()->MatrT_x_Vect(-vbdist);
    md2.z = 0;  md2 = Vnorm (md2);

	double periodic_a1 = ChAtan2(md1.x, md1.y);
	double periodic_a2 = ChAtan2(md2.x, md2.y);
	double old_a1 = a1; 
	double old_a2 = a2;
	double turns_a1 = floor (old_a1 / CH_C_2PI);
	double turns_a2 = floor (old_a2 / CH_C_2PI);
	double a1U = turns_a1 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 + CH_C_2PI;
	double a1M = turns_a1 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1;
	double a1L = turns_a1 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 - CH_C_2PI;
	a1 = a1M;
	if (fabs(a1U - old_a1) < fabs(a1M - old_a1))
		a1 = a1U;
	if (fabs(a1L - a1) < fabs(a1M - a1))
		a1 = a1L;
	double a2U = turns_a2 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 + CH_C_2PI;
	double a2M = turns_a2 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2;
	double a2L = turns_a2 * CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 - CH_C_2PI;
	a2 = a2M;
	if (fabs(a2U - old_a2) < fabs(a2M - old_a2))
		a2 = a2U;
	if (fabs(a2L - a2) < fabs(a2M - a2))
		a2 = a2L;

        // compute new markers coordsystem alignment
    my = Vnorm (vbdist);
    mz = Get_shaft_dir1();
    mx = Vnorm(Vcross (my, mz));
	mr = Vnorm(Vcross (mz, mx));
    mz = Vnorm(Vcross (mx, my));
	ChVector<> mz2, mx2, mr2, my2;
	my2 = my;
	mz2 = Get_shaft_dir2();
	mx2 = Vnorm(Vcross (my2, mz2));
	mr2 = Vnorm(Vcross (mz2, mx2));


        // rotate csys because of beta
    vrota.x = 0.0;  vrota.y = this->beta;  vrota.z = 0.0;
    marot_beta.MatrMultiply(ma1, mrotma);
        // rotate csys because of alpha
    vrota.x = 0.0;  vrota.y = 0.0;  vrota.z = this->alpha;
    if (react_force.x < 0)  vrota.z =  this->alpha;
    else                    vrota.z = -this->alpha;
    ma1.MatrMultiply(marot_beta, mrotma);


		// is a bevel gear?
	double be = acos(Vdot(Get_shaft_dir1(), Get_shaft_dir2()));
	bool is_bevel= true;
	if (fabs( Vdot(Get_shaft_dir1(), Get_shaft_dir2()) )>0.96)
		is_bevel = false;

        // compute wheel radii
        // so that:
        //            w2 = - tau * w1
	if (!is_bevel)
		double pardist =  Vdot(mr, vbdist);
		double inv_tau = 1.0/tau;
		if  (!this->epicyclic)
			r2 = pardist - pardist / (inv_tau + 1.0);
			r2 = pardist - (tau * pardist)/(tau-1.0);
		r1 = r2*tau;	}
		double gamma2;
		if  (!this->epicyclic)
			gamma2 = be/(tau + 1.0);
			gamma2 = be/(-tau + 1.0);
	   double al = CH_C_PI - acos (Vdot(Get_shaft_dir2(), my));
		double te = CH_C_PI - al - be;
		double fd = sin(te) * (dist/sin(be));
		r2 = fd * tan(gamma2);
		r1 = r2*tau;

        // compute markers positions, supposing they
        // stay on the ideal wheel contact point
	mmark1 = Vadd(Get_shaft_pos2(), Vmul(mr2, r2));
    mmark2 = mmark1;
    contact_pt = mmark1;

        // correct marker 1 position if phasing is not correct
    if (this->checkphase)
		double realtau = tau; 
		if (this->epicyclic) 
			realtau = -tau;
        double m_delta;
        m_delta = - (a2/realtau) - a1 - phase;

        if (m_delta> CH_C_PI) m_delta -= (CH_C_2PI);		 // range -180..+180 is better than 0...360
        if (m_delta> (CH_C_PI/4.0)) m_delta = (CH_C_PI/4.0); // phase correction only in +/- 45°
        if (m_delta<-(CH_C_PI/4.0)) m_delta =-(CH_C_PI/4.0);

        vrota.x = vrota.y = 0.0;  vrota.z = - m_delta;
        mrotma.Set_A_Rxyz(vrota);   // rotate about Z of shaft to correct
        mmark1 = abs_shaft1.GetA()->MatrT_x_Vect(Vsub(mmark1,  Get_shaft_pos1() ));
        mmark1 = mrotma.Matr_x_Vect(mmark1);
        mmark1 = Vadd (abs_shaft1.GetA()->Matr_x_Vect(mmark1), Get_shaft_pos1() );
		// Move Shaft 1 along its direction if not aligned to wheel
	double offset =  Vdot (this->Get_shaft_dir1(), (contact_pt - this->Get_shaft_pos1()) );
	ChVector<> moff = this->Get_shaft_dir1() * offset;
	if (fabs (offset) > 0.0001)
		this->local_shaft1.SetPos( local_shaft1.GetPos() + Body1->Dir_World2Body(&moff) );

            // ! Require that the BDF routine of marker won't handle speed and acc.calculus of the moved marker 2!

        // move marker1 in proper positions
    newmarkpos.pos = mmark1;
    newmarkpos.rot = ma1.Get_A_quaternion();
    marker1->Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);        //move marker1 into teeth position
        // move marker2 in proper positions
    newmarkpos.pos = mmark2;
    newmarkpos.rot = ma2.Get_A_quaternion();
    marker2->Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);        //move marker2 into teeth position

        // imposed relative positions/speeds
    deltaC.pos = VNULL;
    deltaC_dt.pos = VNULL;
    deltaC_dtdt.pos = VNULL;

    deltaC.rot = QUNIT;             // no relative rotations imposed!
    deltaC_dt.rot = QNULL;
    deltaC_dtdt.rot = QNULL;

예제 #13
void Viewer::computeExtrusion(int nOrientation,
			      float *orientation,
			      int nScale,
			      float *scale,
			      int nCrossSection,
			      float *crossSection,
			      int nSpine,
			      float *spine,
			      float *c,   // OUT: coordinates
			      float *tc,  // OUT: texture coords
			      int *faces)     // OUT: face list
  int i, j, ci;

  // Xscp, Yscp, Zscp- columns of xform matrix to align cross section
  // with spine segments.
  float Xscp[3] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  float Yscp[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
  float Zscp[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
  float lastZ[3];

  // Is the spine a closed curve (last pt == first pt)?
  bool spineClosed = (FPZERO(spine[ 3*(nSpine-1)+0 ] - spine[0]) &&
		      FPZERO(spine[ 3*(nSpine-1)+1 ] - spine[1]) &&
		      FPZERO(spine[ 3*(nSpine-1)+2 ] - spine[2]));
  // Is the spine a straight line?
  bool spineStraight = true;
  for (i = 1; i < nSpine-1; ++i)
      float v1[3], v2[3];
      v1[0] = spine[3*(i-1)+0] - spine[3*(i)+0];
      v1[1] = spine[3*(i-1)+1] - spine[3*(i)+1];
      v1[2] = spine[3*(i-1)+2] - spine[3*(i)+2];
      v2[0] = spine[3*(i+1)+0] - spine[3*(i)+0];
      v2[1] = spine[3*(i+1)+1] - spine[3*(i)+1];
      v2[2] = spine[3*(i+1)+2] - spine[3*(i)+2];
      Vcross(v1, v2, v1);
      if (Vlength(v1) != 0.0)
	  spineStraight = false;
	  Vnorm( v1 );
	  Vset( lastZ, v1 );

  // If the spine is a straight line, compute a constant SCP xform
  if (spineStraight)
      float V1[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, V2[3], V3[3];
      V2[0] = spine[3*(nSpine-1)+0] - spine[0];
      V2[1] = spine[3*(nSpine-1)+1] - spine[1];
      V2[2] = spine[3*(nSpine-1)+2] - spine[2];
      Vcross( V3, V2, V1 );
      float len = (float)Vlength(V3);
      if (len != 0.0)		// Not aligned with Y axis
	  Vscale(V3, 1.0f/len);

	  float orient[4];		// Axis/angle
	  Vset(orient, V3);
	  orient[3] = acos(Vdot(V1,V2));
	  double scp[4][4];	        // xform matrix
	  Mrotation( scp, orient );
	  for (int k=0; k<3; ++k) {
	    Xscp[k] = (float)scp[0][k];
	    Yscp[k] = (float)scp[1][k];
	    Zscp[k] = (float)scp[2][k];

  // Orientation matrix
  double om[4][4];
  if (nOrientation == 1 && ! FPZERO(orientation[3]) )
    Mrotation( om, orientation );

  // Compute coordinates, texture coordinates:
  for (i = 0, ci = 0; i < nSpine; ++i, ci+=nCrossSection) {

    // Scale cross section
    for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
      c[3*(ci+j)+0] = scale[0] * crossSection[ 2*j ];
      c[3*(ci+j)+1] = 0.0;
      c[3*(ci+j)+2] = scale[1] * crossSection[ 2*j+1 ];

    // Compute Spine-aligned Cross-section Plane (SCP)
    if (! spineStraight)
	float S1[3], S2[3];	// Spine vectors [i,i-1] and [i,i+1]
	int yi1, yi2, si1, s1i2, s2i2;

	if (spineClosed && (i == 0 || i == nSpine-1))
	    yi1 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    yi2 = 3;
	    si1 = 0;
	    s1i2 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    s2i2 = 3;
	else if (i == 0)
	    yi1 = 0;
	    yi2 = 3;
	    si1 = 3;
	    s1i2 = 0;
	    s2i2 = 6;
	else if (i == nSpine-1)
	    yi1 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    yi2 = 3*(nSpine-1);
	    si1 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    s1i2 = 3*(nSpine-3);
	    s2i2 = 3*(nSpine-1);
	    yi1 = 3*(i-1);
	    yi2 = 3*(i+1);
	    si1 = 3*i;
	    s1i2 = 3*(i-1);
	    s2i2 = 3*(i+1);

	Vdiff( Yscp, &spine[yi2], &spine[yi1] );
	Vdiff( S1, &spine[s1i2], &spine[si1] );
	Vdiff( S2, &spine[s2i2], &spine[si1] );

	Vnorm( Yscp );
	Vset(lastZ, Zscp);	// Save last Zscp
	Vcross( Zscp, S2, S1 );

	float VlenZ = (float)Vlength(Zscp);
	if ( VlenZ == 0.0 )
	  Vset(Zscp, lastZ);
	  Vscale( Zscp, 1.0f/VlenZ );

	if ((i > 0) && (Vdot( Zscp, lastZ ) < 0.0))
	  Vscale( Zscp, -1.0 );

	Vcross( Xscp, Yscp, Zscp );

    // Rotate cross section into SCP
    for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
      float cx, cy, cz;
      cx = c[3*(ci+j)+0]*Xscp[0]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*Yscp[0]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*Zscp[0];
      cy = c[3*(ci+j)+0]*Xscp[1]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*Yscp[1]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*Zscp[1];
      cz = c[3*(ci+j)+0]*Xscp[2]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*Yscp[2]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*Zscp[2];
      c[3*(ci+j)+0] = cx;
      c[3*(ci+j)+1] = cy;
      c[3*(ci+j)+2] = cz;

    // Apply orientation
    if (! FPZERO(orientation[3]) )
	if (nOrientation > 1)
	  Mrotation( om, orientation );

	for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
	  float cx, cy, cz;
	  cx = (float)(c[3*(ci+j)+0]*om[0][0]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*om[1][0]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*om[2][0]);
	  cy = (float)(c[3*(ci+j)+0]*om[0][1]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*om[1][1]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*om[2][1]);
	  cz = (float)(c[3*(ci+j)+0]*om[0][2]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*om[1][2]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*om[2][2]);
	  c[3*(ci+j)+0] = cx;
	  c[3*(ci+j)+1] = cy;
	  c[3*(ci+j)+2] = cz;

    // Translate cross section
    for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
      c[3*(ci+j)+0] += spine[3*i+0];
      c[3*(ci+j)+1] += spine[3*i+1];
      c[3*(ci+j)+2] += spine[3*i+2];

      // Texture coords
      tc[3*(ci+j)+0] = ((float) j) / (nCrossSection-1);
      tc[3*(ci+j)+1] = 1.0f - ((float) i) / (nSpine-1);
      tc[3*(ci+j)+2] = 0.0f;

    if (nScale > 1) scale += 2;
    if (nOrientation > 1) orientation += 4;

  // And compute face indices:
  if (faces)
      int polyIndex = 0;
      for (i = 0, ci = 0; i < nSpine-1; ++i, ci+=nCrossSection) {
	for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection-1; ++j) {
	  faces[polyIndex + 0] = ci+j;
	  faces[polyIndex + 1] = ci+j+1;
	  faces[polyIndex + 2] = ci+j+1 + nCrossSection;
	  faces[polyIndex + 3] = ci+j + nCrossSection;
	  faces[polyIndex + 4] = -1;
	  polyIndex += 5;
예제 #14
void HMMWV_ReissnerTire::CreateMesh(const ChFrameMoving<>& wheel_frame, VehicleSide side) {
    // Create piece-wise cubic spline approximation of the tire profile.
    //   x - radial direction
    //   y - transversal direction
    ChCubicSpline splineX(m_profile_t, m_profile_x);
    ChCubicSpline splineY(m_profile_t, m_profile_y);

    // Create the mesh nodes.
    // The nodes are first created in the wheel local frame, assuming Y as the tire axis,
    // and are then transformed to the global frame.
    for (int i = 0; i < m_div_circumference; i++) {
        double phi = (CH_C_2PI * i) / m_div_circumference;
        ChVector<> nrm(-std::sin(phi), 0, std::cos(phi));

        for (int j = 0; j <= m_div_width; j++) {
            double t_prf = double(j) / m_div_width;
            double x_prf, xp_prf, xpp_prf;
            double y_prf, yp_prf, ypp_prf;
            splineX.Evaluate(t_prf, x_prf, xp_prf, xpp_prf);
            splineY.Evaluate(t_prf, y_prf, yp_prf, ypp_prf);

            // Node position with respect to rim center
            double x = (m_rim_radius + x_prf) * std::cos(phi);
            double y = y_prf;
            double z = (m_rim_radius + x_prf) * std::sin(phi);
            // Node position in global frame (actual coordinate values)
            ChVector<> loc = wheel_frame.TransformPointLocalToParent(ChVector<>(x, y, z));

            // Node direction
            ChVector<> tan_prf(std::cos(phi) * xp_prf, yp_prf, std::sin(phi) * xp_prf);
            ChVector<> nrm_prf = Vcross(tan_prf, nrm).GetNormalized();
            ChVector<> dir = wheel_frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(nrm_prf);
            ChMatrix33<> mrot; mrot.Set_A_Xdir(tan_prf,nrm_prf);
            auto node = std::make_shared<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(ChFrame<>(loc, mrot));

            // Node velocity
            ChVector<> vel = wheel_frame.PointSpeedLocalToParent(ChVector<>(x, y, z));

    // Create the Reissner shell elements
    for (int i = 0; i < m_div_circumference; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < m_div_width; j++) {
            // Adjacent nodes
            int inode0, inode1, inode2, inode3;
            inode1 = j + i * (m_div_width + 1);
            inode2 = j + 1 + i * (m_div_width + 1);
            if (i == m_div_circumference - 1) {
                inode0 = j;
                inode3 = j + 1;
            } else {
                inode0 = j + (i + 1) * (m_div_width + 1);
                inode3 = j + 1 + (i + 1) * (m_div_width + 1);

            auto node0 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(m_mesh->GetNode(inode0));
            auto node1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(m_mesh->GetNode(inode1));
            auto node2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(m_mesh->GetNode(inode2));
            auto node3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(m_mesh->GetNode(inode3));

            // Create the element and set its nodes.
            auto element = std::make_shared<ChElementShellReissner4>();
            element->SetNodes(node0, node1, node2, node3);

            // Element dimensions
            double len_circumference =
                0.5 * ((node1->GetPos() - node0->GetPos()).Length() + (node3->GetPos() - node2->GetPos()).Length());
            double len_width = (node2->GetPos() - node0->GetPos()).Length();

            // Figure out the section for this element
            int b1 = m_num_elements_bead;
            int b2 = m_div_width - m_num_elements_bead;
            int s1 = b1 + m_num_elements_sidewall;
            int s2 = b2 - m_num_elements_sidewall;
            if (j < b1 || j >= b2) {
                // Bead section
                for (unsigned int im = 0; im < m_num_layers_bead; im++) {
                    element->AddLayer(m_layer_thickness_bead[im], CH_C_DEG_TO_RAD * m_ply_angle_bead[im],
            } else if (j < s1 || j >= s2) {
                // Sidewall section
                for (unsigned int im = 0; im < m_num_layers_sidewall; im++) {
                    element->AddLayer(m_layer_thickness_sidewall[im], CH_C_DEG_TO_RAD * m_ply_angle_sidewall[im],
            } else {
                // Tread section
                for (unsigned int im = 0; im < m_num_layers_tread; im++) {
                    element->AddLayer(m_layer_thickness_tread[im], CH_C_DEG_TO_RAD * m_ply_angle_tread[im],

            // Set other element properties

            // Add element to mesh

    // Switch on automatic gravity
예제 #15
double ChPathSteeringControllerXT::Advance(const ChVehicle& vehicle, double step) {
        // Calculate current "sentinel" location.  This is a point at the look-ahead
    // distance in front of the vehicle.
    m_sentinel = vehicle.GetChassisBody()->GetFrame_REF_to_abs().TransformPointLocalToParent(ChVector<>(m_dist, 0, 0));
    m_vel = vehicle.GetVehiclePointVelocity(ChVector<>(0,0,0));
    if(!m_filters_initialized) {
        // first time we know about step size
        m_HeadErrDelay.Config(step, m_T1_delay);
        m_AckermannAngleDelay.Config(step, m_T1_delay);
        m_filters_initialized = true;
    // Calculate current "target" location.

    // If data collection is enabled, append current target and sentinel locations.
    if (m_collect) {
        *m_csv << vehicle.GetChTime() << m_target << m_sentinel << std::endl;

    // The "error" vector is the projection onto the horizontal plane (z=0) of
    // the vector between sentinel and target.
    ChVector<> err_vec = m_target - m_sentinel;
    err_vec.z() = 0;

    // Calculate the sign of the angle between the projections of the sentinel
    // vector and the target vector (with origin at vehicle location).
    ChVector<> sentinel_vec = m_sentinel - vehicle.GetVehiclePos();
    sentinel_vec.z() = 0;
    ChVector<> target_vec = m_target - vehicle.GetVehiclePos();
    target_vec.z() = 0;

    double temp = Vdot(Vcross(sentinel_vec, target_vec), ChVector<>(0, 0, 1));

    // Calculate current lateral error.
    double y_err = ChSignum(temp) * err_vec.Length();

    double y_err_out = m_PathErrCtl.Filter(y_err);
    // Calculate the heading error
    ChVector<> veh_head = vehicle.GetVehicleRot().GetXaxis();
    ChVector<> path_head = m_ptangent;
    double h_err = CalcHeadingError(veh_head,path_head);
    double h_err_out = m_HeadErrDelay.Filter(h_err);

    // Calculate the Ackermann angle
    double a_err = CalcAckermannAngle();
    double a_err_out = m_AckermannAngleDelay.Filter(a_err);

    // Calculate the resultant steering signal
    double res = m_Wy * y_err_out + m_Wh * h_err_out + m_Wa * a_err_out; 
    // Additional processing is necessary: counter steer constraint
    // in left bending curves only left steering allowed
    // in right bending curves only right steering allowed
    // |res| is never allowed to grow above 1
    ChVector<> veh_left = vehicle.GetVehicleRot().GetYaxis();
    ChVector<> path_left = m_pnormal;
    int crvcode = CalcCurvatureCode(veh_left,path_left);
    switch(crvcode) {
        case 1:
            m_res = ChClamp<>(res,0.0,1.0);
        case -1:
            m_res = ChClamp<>(res,-1.0,0.0);
        case 0:
            m_res = ChClamp<>(res,-1.0,1.0);
    return m_res;
예제 #16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChFialaTire::Advance(double step) {
    if (m_data.in_contact) {

        // Take as many integration steps as needed to reach the value 'step'
        double t = 0;
        while (t < step) {
            // Ensure we integrate exactly to 'step'
            double h = std::min<>(m_stepsize, step - t);

            // Advance state for longitudinal direction
			// integrate using trapezoidal rule integration since this equation is linear
			// cp_long_slip_dot = -1/m_relax_length_x*(Vsx+(abs(Vx)*cp_long_slip))
            m_states.cp_long_slip =
                ((2 * m_relax_length_x - h * m_states.abs_vx) * m_states.cp_long_slip - 2 * h * m_states.vsx) /
                (2 * m_relax_length_x + h * m_states.abs_vx);

#if(fialaUseSmallAngle == 0)
			// integrate using RK2 since this equation is non-linear
			// cp_side_slip = 1/m_relax_length_y*(Vsy-(abs(Vx)*tan(cp_long_slip)))
			double k1 = h / m_relax_length_y*(m_states.vsy - m_states.abs_vx*std::tan(m_states.cp_side_slip));
			double temp = std::max<>(-CH_C_PI_2 + .0001, std::min<>(CH_C_PI_2 - .0001, m_states.cp_side_slip+k1/2));
			double k2 = h / m_relax_length_y*(m_states.vsy - m_states.abs_vx*std::tan(temp));
			m_states.cp_side_slip = m_states.cp_side_slip + k2;
			// Advance state for lateral direction
			// integrate using trapezoidal rule integration since this equation is linear
			//  after using a small angle approximation for tan(alpha)
			// cp_long_slip_dot = -1/m_relax_length_x*(Vsx+(abs(Vx)*cp_long_slip))
			m_states.cp_side_slip =
				((2 * m_relax_length_y - h * m_states.abs_vx) * m_states.cp_side_slip + 2 * h * m_states.vsy) /
				(2 * m_relax_length_y + h * m_states.abs_vx);

            // Ensure that cp_lon_slip stays between -1 & 1
            m_states.cp_long_slip = std::max<>(-1., std::min<>(1., m_states.cp_long_slip));

            // Ensure that cp_side_slip stays between -pi()/2 & pi()/2 (a little less to prevent tan from going to infinity)
            m_states.cp_side_slip = std::max<>(-CH_C_PI_2+.0001, std::min<>(CH_C_PI_2-.0001, m_states.cp_side_slip));

            t += h;

        ////Overwrite with steady-state alpha & kappa for debugging
        // if (m_states.abs_vx != 0) {
        //  m_states.cp_long_slip = -m_states.vsx / m_states.abs_vx;
        //  m_states.cp_side_slip = std::atan2(m_states.vsy , m_states.abs_vx);
        // else {
        //  m_states.cp_long_slip = 0;
        //  m_states.cp_side_slip = 0;

        // Now calculate the new force and moment values (normal force and moment has already been accounted for in
        // Synchronize())
        // See reference for more detail on the calculations
        double SsA = std::min<>(1.0,std::sqrt(std::pow(m_states.cp_long_slip, 2) + std::pow(std::tan(m_states.cp_side_slip), 2)));
        double U = m_u_max - (m_u_max - m_u_min) * SsA;
        double S_critical = std::abs(U * m_data.normal_force / (2 * m_c_slip));
        double Alpha_critical = std::atan(3 * U * m_data.normal_force / m_c_alpha);
        double Fx;
        double Fy;
        double My;
        double Mz;

        // Longitudinal Force:
        if (std::abs(m_states.cp_long_slip) < S_critical) {
            Fx = m_c_slip * m_states.cp_long_slip;
        } else {
            double Fx1 = U * m_data.normal_force;
            double Fx2 =
                std::abs(std::pow((U * m_data.normal_force), 2) / (4 * m_states.cp_long_slip * m_c_slip));
            Fx = sgn(m_states.cp_long_slip) * (Fx1 - Fx2);

        // Lateral Force & Aligning Moment (Mz):
        if (std::abs(m_states.cp_side_slip) <= Alpha_critical) {
            double H = 1 - m_c_alpha * std::abs(std::tan(m_states.cp_side_slip)) / (3 * U * m_data.normal_force);

            Fy = -U * m_data.normal_force * (1 - std::pow(H, 3)) * sgn(m_states.cp_side_slip);
            Mz = U * m_data.normal_force * m_width * (1 - H) * std::pow(H, 3) * sgn(m_states.cp_side_slip);
        } else {
            Fy = -U * m_data.normal_force * sgn(m_states.cp_side_slip);
            Mz = 0;

        // Rolling Resistance
        My = -m_rolling_resistance * m_data.normal_force * sgn(m_states.omega);

        // compile the force and moment vectors so that they can be 
		// transformed into the global coordinate system
        m_tireforce.force = ChVector<>(Fx, Fy, m_data.normal_force);
        m_tireforce.moment = ChVector<>(0, My, Mz);

        // Rotate into global coordinates
        m_tireforce.force = m_data.frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_tireforce.force);
        m_tireforce.moment = m_data.frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_tireforce.moment);

        // Move the tire forces from the contact patch to the wheel center
        m_tireforce.moment +=
            Vcross((m_data.frame.pos + m_data.depth*m_data.frame.rot.GetZaxis()) - m_tireforce.point, m_tireforce.force);
    // Else do nothing since the "m_tireForce" force and moment values are already 0 (set in Synchronize())
예제 #17
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChPac89Tire::Advance(double step) {
    // Return now if no contact.  Tire force and moment are already set to 0 in Synchronize().
    if (!m_data.in_contact)

    if (m_states.vx != 0) {
        m_states.cp_long_slip = -m_states.vsx / m_states.vx;        
    } else {
        m_states.cp_long_slip = 0;
    if (m_states.omega != 0) {
        m_states.cp_side_slip = std::atan(m_states.vsy / std::abs(m_states.omega * (m_unloaded_radius - m_data.depth)));
    } else {
        m_states.cp_side_slip = 0;
    // Ensure that cp_lon_slip stays between -1 & 1
    ChClampValue(m_states.cp_long_slip, -1.0, 1.0);

    // Ensure that cp_side_slip stays between -pi()/2 & pi()/2 (a little less to prevent tan from going to infinity)
    ChClampValue(m_states.cp_side_slip, -CH_C_PI_2 + 0.001, CH_C_PI_2 - 0.001);

    // Calculate the new force and moment values (normal force and moment have already been accounted for in
    // Synchronize()).
    // Express Fz in kN (note that all other forces and moments are in N and Nm).
    // See reference for details on the calculations.
    double Fx = 0;
    double Fy = 0;
    double Fz = m_data.normal_force / 1000;
    double Mx = 0;
    double My = 0;
    double Mz = 0;

    // Express alpha and gamma in degrees. Express kappa as percentage.
    // Flip sign of alpha to convert to PAC89 modified SAE coordinates.
    m_gamma = 90.0 - std::acos(m_states.disc_normal.z()) * CH_C_RAD_TO_DEG;
    m_alpha = -m_states.cp_side_slip * CH_C_RAD_TO_DEG;
    m_kappa = m_states.cp_long_slip * 100.0;

    // Clamp |gamma| to specified value: Limit due to tire testing, avoids erratic extrapolation.
    double gamma = ChClamp(m_gamma, -m_gamma_limit, m_gamma_limit);

    // Longitudinal Force
        double C = m_PacCoeff.B0;
        double D = (m_PacCoeff.B1 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.B2 * Fz);
        double BCD = (m_PacCoeff.B3 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.B4 * Fz) * std::exp(-m_PacCoeff.B5 * Fz);
        double B = BCD / (C * D);
        double Sh = m_PacCoeff.B9 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.B10;
        double Sv = 0.0;
        double X1 = (m_kappa + Sh);
        double E = (m_PacCoeff.B6 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.B7 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.B8);

        Fx = (D * std::sin(C * std::atan(B * X1 - E * (B * X1 - std::atan(B * X1))))) + Sv;

    // Lateral Force
        double C = m_PacCoeff.A0;
        double D = (m_PacCoeff.A1 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.A2 * Fz);
        double BCD =
            m_PacCoeff.A3 * std::sin(std::atan(Fz / m_PacCoeff.A4) * 2.0) * (1.0 - m_PacCoeff.A5 * std::abs(gamma));
        double B = BCD / (C * D);
        double Sh = m_PacCoeff.A9 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.A10 + m_PacCoeff.A8 * gamma;
        double Sv = m_PacCoeff.A11 * Fz * gamma + m_PacCoeff.A12 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.A13;
        double X1 = m_alpha + Sh;
        double E = m_PacCoeff.A6 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.A7;

        // Ensure that X1 stays within +/-90 deg minus a little bit
        ChClampValue(X1, -89.5, 89.5);

        Fy = (D * std::sin(C * std::atan(B * X1 - E * (B * X1 - std::atan(B * X1))))) + Sv;

    // Self-Aligning Torque
        double C = m_PacCoeff.C0;
        double D = (m_PacCoeff.C1 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.C2 * Fz);
        double BCD = (m_PacCoeff.C3 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.C4 * Fz) * (1 - m_PacCoeff.C6 * std::abs(gamma)) *
                     std::exp(-m_PacCoeff.C5 * Fz);
        double B = BCD / (C * D);
        double Sh = m_PacCoeff.C11 * gamma + m_PacCoeff.C12 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.C13;
        double Sv =
            (m_PacCoeff.C14 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.C15 * Fz) * gamma + m_PacCoeff.C16 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.C17;
        double X1 = m_alpha + Sh;
        double E = (m_PacCoeff.C7 * std::pow(Fz, 2) + m_PacCoeff.C8 * Fz + m_PacCoeff.C9) *
                   (1.0 - m_PacCoeff.C10 * std::abs(gamma));

        // Ensure that X1 stays within +/-90 deg minus a little bit
        ChClampValue(X1, -89.5, 89.5);

        Mz = (D * std::sin(C * std::atan(B * X1 - E * (B * X1 - std::atan(B * X1))))) + Sv;

    // Overturning Moment
        double deflection = Fy / m_lateral_stiffness;

        Mx = -(Fz * 1000) * deflection;
        Mz = Mz + Fx * deflection;

    // Rolling Resistance
        double Lrad = (m_unloaded_radius - m_data.depth);
        // Smoothing interval for My
        const double vx_min = 0.125;
        const double vx_max = 0.5;
        // Smoothing factor dependend on m_state.abs_vx, allows soft switching of My
        double myStartUp = ChSineStep(std::abs(m_states.vx), vx_min, 0.0, vx_max, 1.0);
        My = myStartUp * m_rolling_resistance * m_data.normal_force * Lrad * ChSignum(m_states.omega);

    // std::cout << "Fx:" << Fx
    //    << " Fy:" << Fy
    //    << " Fz:" << Fz
    //    << " Mx:" << Mx
    //    << " My:" << My
    //    << " Mz:" << Mz
    //    << std::endl
    //    << " G:" << gamma
    //    << " A:" << alpha
    //    << " K:" << kappa
    //    << " O:" << m_states.omega
    //    << std::endl;

    // Compile the force and moment vectors so that they can be
    // transformed into the global coordinate system.
    // Convert from SAE to ISO Coordinates at the contact patch.
    m_tireforce.force = ChVector<>(Fx, -Fy, m_data.normal_force);
    m_tireforce.moment = ChVector<>(Mx, -My, -Mz);

    // Rotate into global coordinates
    m_tireforce.force = m_data.frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_tireforce.force);
    m_tireforce.moment = m_data.frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_tireforce.moment);

    // Move the tire forces from the contact patch to the wheel center
    m_tireforce.moment +=
        Vcross((m_data.frame.pos + m_data.depth * m_data.frame.rot.GetZaxis()) - m_tireforce.point, m_tireforce.force);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChLinearDamperRWAssembly::Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChBodyAuxRef> chassis, const ChVector<>& location) {
    // Express the suspension reference frame in the absolute coordinate system.
    ChFrame<> susp_to_abs(location);

    // Transform all points and directions to absolute frame.
    std::vector<ChVector<> > points(NUM_POINTS);

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS; i++) {
        ChVector<> rel_pos = GetLocation(static_cast<PointId>(i));
        points[i] = susp_to_abs.TransformPointLocalToParent(rel_pos);

    // Create the trailing arm body. The reference frame of the arm body has its
    // x-axis aligned with the line between the arm-chassis connection point and
    // the arm-wheel connection point.
    ChVector<> y_dir = susp_to_abs.GetA().Get_A_Yaxis();
    ChVector<> u = susp_to_abs.GetPos() - points[ARM_CHASSIS];
    ChVector<> w = Vcross(u, y_dir);
    ChVector<> v = Vcross(w, u);
    ChMatrix33<> rot;
    rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, w);

    m_arm = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetSystem()->NewBody());
    m_arm->SetNameString(m_name + "_arm");

    // Cache points and directions for arm visualization (expressed in the arm frame)
    m_pO = m_arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(susp_to_abs.GetPos());
    m_pA = m_arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[ARM]);
    m_pAW = m_arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[ARM_WHEEL]);
    m_pAC = m_arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[ARM_CHASSIS]);
    m_pAS = m_arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[SHOCK_A]);
    m_dY = m_arm->TransformDirectionParentToLocal(y_dir);

    // Create and initialize the revolute joint between arm and chassis.
    // The axis of rotation is the y axis of the suspension reference frame.
    m_revolute = std::make_shared<ChLinkLockRevolute>();
    m_revolute->SetNameString(m_name + "_revolute");
    m_revolute->Initialize(chassis, m_arm,
                           ChCoordsys<>(points[ARM_CHASSIS], susp_to_abs.GetRot() * Q_from_AngX(CH_C_PI_2)));

    // Create and initialize the rotational spring torque element.
    m_spring = std::make_shared<ChLinkRotSpringCB>();
    m_spring->SetNameString(m_name + "_spring");
    m_spring->Initialize(chassis, m_arm, ChCoordsys<>(points[ARM_CHASSIS], susp_to_abs.GetRot() * Q_from_AngX(CH_C_PI_2)));

    // Create and initialize the translational shock force element.
    if (m_has_shock) {
        m_shock = std::make_shared<ChLinkSpringCB>();
        m_shock->SetNameString(m_name + "_shock");
        m_shock->Initialize(chassis, m_arm, false, points[SHOCK_C], points[SHOCK_A]);

    // Invoke the base class implementation. This initializes the associated road wheel.
    // Note: we must call this here, after the m_arm body is created.
    ChRoadWheelAssembly::Initialize(chassis, location);
예제 #19
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChPitmanArm::Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChBodyAuxRef> chassis,
                             const ChVector<>& location,
                             const ChQuaternion<>& rotation) {
    m_position = ChCoordsys<>(location, rotation);

    // Chassis orientation (expressed in absolute frame)
    // Recall that the suspension reference frame is aligned with the chassis.
    ChQuaternion<> chassisRot = chassis->GetFrame_REF_to_abs().GetRot();

    // Express the steering reference frame in the absolute coordinate system.
    ChFrame<> steering_to_abs(location, rotation);

    // Transform all points and directions to absolute frame.
    std::vector<ChVector<>> points(NUM_POINTS);
    std::vector<ChVector<>> dirs(NUM_DIRS);

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS; i++) {
        ChVector<> rel_pos = getLocation(static_cast<PointId>(i));
        points[i] = steering_to_abs.TransformPointLocalToParent(rel_pos);

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRS; i++) {
        ChVector<> rel_dir = getDirection(static_cast<DirectionId>(i));
        dirs[i] = steering_to_abs.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(rel_dir);

    // Unit vectors for orientation matrices.
    ChVector<> u;
    ChVector<> v;
    ChVector<> w;
    ChMatrix33<> rot;

    // Create and initialize the steering link body
    m_link = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetSystem()->NewBody());
    m_link->SetNameString(m_name + "_link");
    if (m_vehicle_frame_inertia) {
        ChMatrix33<> inertia = TransformInertiaMatrix(getSteeringLinkInertiaMoments(), getSteeringLinkInertiaProducts(),
                                                      chassisRot, steering_to_abs.GetRot());
    } else {

    m_pP = m_link->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[UNIV]);
    m_pI = m_link->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[REVSPH_S]);
    m_pTP = m_link->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[TIEROD_PA]);
    m_pTI = m_link->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[TIEROD_IA]);

    // Create and initialize the Pitman arm body
    m_arm = std::shared_ptr<ChBody>(chassis->GetSystem()->NewBody());
    m_arm->SetNameString(m_name + "_arm");
    if (m_vehicle_frame_inertia) {
        ChMatrix33<> inertia = TransformInertiaMatrix(getPitmanArmInertiaMoments(), getPitmanArmInertiaProducts(),
                                                      chassisRot, steering_to_abs.GetRot());
    } else {

    // Cache points for arm visualization (expressed in the arm frame)
    m_pC = m_arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[REV]);
    m_pL = m_arm->TransformPointParentToLocal(points[UNIV]);

    // Create and initialize the revolute joint between chassis and Pitman arm.
    // Note that this is modeled as a ChLinkEngine to allow driving it with
    // imposed rotation (steering input).
    // The z direction of the joint orientation matrix is dirs[REV_AXIS], assumed
    // to be a unit vector.
    u = points[PITMANARM] - points[REV];
    v = Vcross(dirs[REV_AXIS], u);
    u = Vcross(v, dirs[REV_AXIS]);
    rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, dirs[REV_AXIS]);

    m_revolute = std::make_shared<ChLinkMotorRotationAngle>();
    m_revolute->SetNameString(m_name + "_revolute");
    m_revolute->Initialize(chassis, m_arm, ChFrame<>(points[REV], rot.Get_A_quaternion()));
    auto motor_fun = std::make_shared<ChFunction_Setpoint>();

    // Create and initialize the universal joint between the Pitman arm and steering link.
    // The x and y directions of the joint orientation matrix are given by
    // dirs[UNIV_AXIS_ARM] and dirs[UNIV_AXIS_LINK], assumed to be unit vectors
    // and orthogonal.
    w = Vcross(dirs[UNIV_AXIS_ARM], dirs[UNIV_AXIS_LINK]);
    rot.Set_A_axis(dirs[UNIV_AXIS_ARM], dirs[UNIV_AXIS_LINK], w);

    m_universal = std::make_shared<ChLinkUniversal>();
    m_universal->SetNameString(m_name + "_universal");
    m_universal->Initialize(m_arm, m_link, ChFrame<>(points[UNIV], rot.Get_A_quaternion()));

    // Create and initialize the revolute-spherical joint (massless idler arm).
    // The length of the idler arm is the distance between the two hardpoints.
    // The z direction of the revolute joint orientation matrix is
    // dirs[REVSPH_AXIS], assumed to be a unit vector.
    double distance = (points[REVSPH_S] - points[REVSPH_R]).Length();

    u = points[REVSPH_S] - points[REVSPH_R];
    v = Vcross(dirs[REVSPH_AXIS], u);
    u = Vcross(v, dirs[REVSPH_AXIS]);
    rot.Set_A_axis(u, v, dirs[REVSPH_AXIS]);

    m_revsph = std::make_shared<ChLinkRevoluteSpherical>();
    m_revsph->SetNameString(m_name + "_revsph");
    m_revsph->Initialize(chassis, m_link, ChCoordsys<>(points[REVSPH_R], rot.Get_A_quaternion()), distance);