예제 #1
shape_t * R_SetupCSurfShape( hobj_t *shape, g_map_t *map )
#if 1
	int		i, u, v;

	hobj_t		*multilayer;

	hobj_t		*csurf;
	hpair_t		*pair;
	shape_t		*shp;

	int		upointnum;
	int		vpointnum;

	multilayer = NULL;

	csurf = FindClassType( shape, "csurf" );
	if ( !csurf )
		__error( "missing class 'csurf' in shape '%s'\n", shape->name );

	// get control points
	EasyFindInt( &upointnum, csurf, "upointnum" );
	EasyFindInt( &vpointnum, csurf, "vpointnum" );

	Shape_SetPrimaryKey( StringToUnique( shape->name ) );
	Shape_SetTesselation( ShapeTesselation_curved_surface );	

	Shape_SetCtrlPointNum( upointnum, vpointnum );
	for ( u = 0; u < upointnum; u++ )
		for ( v = 0; v < vpointnum; v++ )
			vec3d_t		p;
			char		str[256];

			sprintf( str, "u%d_v%d", u, v );
			EasyFindVec3d( p, csurf, str );
			Shape_AddCtrlPoint( Shape_NewCtrlPointUV3fv( u, v, p ) );

	// texture layer

	if ( 1 )
		hobj_t		*texdef0;
		vec2d_t		vecs[4];
		vec2d_t		scale;

		g_resource_t	*gltex_res;
		char		str[256];

		layer_t		*layer;
		unitex_t	*uni;		

		texdef0 = FindClassType( shape, "uv_texdef0" );
		if ( !texdef0 )
			__error( "missing class 'uv_texdef0' in shape '%s'\n", shape->name );

		EasyFindVec2d( vecs[0], texdef0, "shift" );
		EasyFindVec2d( vecs[1], texdef0, "vec2" );
		EasyFindVec2d( vecs[2], texdef0, "vec0" );
		EasyFindVec2d( vecs[3], texdef0, "vec1" );
		EasyFindVec2d( scale, texdef0, "scale" );

		for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
			vecs[i][0] *= scale[0];
			vecs[i][1] *= scale[1];

		Vec2dAdd( vecs[1], vecs[1], vecs[0] );
		Vec2dAdd( vecs[2], vecs[2], vecs[0] );
		Vec2dAdd( vecs[3], vecs[3], vecs[0] );

		pair = FindHPair( texdef0, "ident" );
		if ( !pair )
			__error( "missing key 'ident' in texdef class '%s'\n", texdef0->name );

		// check ident for multilayer definition
			multilayer = HManagerSearchClassName( map->multilayerhm, pair->value );
			if ( multilayer )
				__named_message( "MULTILAYER DEFINITON !\n" );

				R_SetupCSurfMultiLayerFromClass( texdef0, multilayer );
				goto skip_texture;

		// build gltex resource name from ident
		sprintf( str, "gltex.%s", pair->value );
		strcrpl( str, '/', '.' );
		gltex_res = G_ResourceSearch( g_rs, str );

		uni = UniTex_NewFrom_gltexres( gltex_res );

		Layer_BeginInstance( (layerMode)(LayerMode_uv | LayerMode_Texel0N) );

			// hack: build layer_gl_state_t
			layer_gl_state_t	*glstate;

			glstate = NEWTYPE( layer_gl_state_t );
			glstate->flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
			glstate->sfactor = GL_ONE;
			glstate->dfactor = GL_ZERO;
			Layer_SetGLstate( glstate );

		Layer_SetOrdinal( LAYER_TEXTURE_1 );	       
		Layer_SetUniTex( uni );		
		Layer_SetUVCtrl( vecs );
		layer = Layer_EndInstance();

		Shape_AddLayer( layer );


	// diffuse layer

#if 1
		hobj_t		*lightdef;
		int		width;
		int		height;

		ic_subimage_t	*sub;
		unitex_t	*uni;

		lightmap_t	*lightmap_head;

		layer_t		*layer;

		lightdef = FindClassType( shape, "uv_lightdef" );
		if ( !lightdef )
			goto no_lightdef;

		EasyFindInt( &width, lightdef, "width" );
		EasyFindInt( &height, lightdef, "height" );
		lightmap_head = LinkLightmaps( a_map->lightmap_db, StringToUnique( shape->name ), 0 );
	       	if ( !lightmap_head && 0 )
			goto no_diffuse;
		// setup diffuse lightmap
			int		lightmap_bytes;
			void		*lightmap_pixels;

			lightmap_bytes = width*height*4;
			lightmap_pixels = NEWBYTES( lightmap_bytes );
			sub = IC_NewSubImage( width, height );
			IC_SubImageSetPixels( sub, lightmap_pixels );

		uni = UniTex_NewFrom_subimage( sub );		

		// create diffuse layer
		Layer_BeginInstance( (layerMode)(LayerMode_uv | LayerMode_Texel01) );
			// hack: build layer_gl_state_t
			layer_gl_state_t	*glstate;

			glstate = NEWTYPE( layer_gl_state_t );
			glstate->flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
			glstate->sfactor = GL_ZERO;
			glstate->dfactor = GL_SRC_COLOR;
			Layer_SetGLstate( glstate );
		Layer_SetOrdinal( LAYER_DIFFUSE_1 );
		Layer_SetUniTex( uni );
		Layer_SetLightmapHead( lightmap_head );
			int		i;
			vec2d_t		vecs[4] = { {0,0},{1,0},{0,1},{1,1} };

			// shrink and shift for lightmap boarders

			for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
				vecs[i][0] *= (width*1.0)/(width+1.0);
				vecs[i][1] *= (height*1.0)/(height+1.0);

				vecs[i][0] += 0.5/(width*1.0);
				vecs[i][1] += 0.5/(height*1.0);

			Layer_SetUVCtrl( vecs );

		layer = Layer_EndInstance();
		Shape_AddLayer( layer );		



	// specular layer

#if 1

		hobj_t		*lightdef;
		int		width;
		int		height;

		ic_subimage_t	*sub;
		unitex_t	*uni;

		layer_t		*layer;
		lightmap_t	*lightmap_head;

		lightdef = FindClassType( shape, "uv_lightdef" );
		if ( !lightdef )
			goto no_lightdef;

		EasyFindInt( &width, lightdef, "width" );
		EasyFindInt( &height, lightdef, "height" );

		lightmap_head = LinkLightmaps( a_map->lightmap_db, StringToUnique( shape->name ), 1 );
		if ( !lightmap_head )
			goto no_specular;
		// setup specular lightmap
			int		lightmap_bytes;
			void		*lightmap_pixels;
			lightmap_bytes = width*height*4;
			lightmap_pixels = NEWBYTES( lightmap_bytes );
			sub = IC_NewSubImage( width, height );
			IC_SubImageSetPixels( sub, lightmap_pixels );
		uni = UniTex_NewFrom_subimage( sub );		

		// create specular layer
		Layer_BeginInstance( (layerMode)(LayerMode_uv | LayerMode_Texel01) );
			// hack: build layer_gl_state_t
			layer_gl_state_t	*glstate;

			glstate = NEWTYPE( layer_gl_state_t );
			glstate->flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
			glstate->sfactor = GL_ONE;
			glstate->dfactor = GL_ONE;
			Layer_SetGLstate( glstate );
		Layer_SetOrdinal( LAYER_SPECULAR_1 );
		Layer_SetUniTex( uni );
		Layer_SetLightmapHead( lightmap_head );
			int		i;
			vec2d_t		vecs[4] = { {0,0},{1,0},{0,1},{1,1} };

			// shrink and shift for lightmap boarders

			for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
				vecs[i][0] *= (width*1.0)/(width+1.0);
				vecs[i][1] *= (height*1.0)/(height+1.0);

				vecs[i][0] += 0.5/(width*1.0);
				vecs[i][1] += 0.5/(height*1.0);

			Layer_SetUVCtrl( vecs );

		layer = Layer_EndInstance();
		Shape_AddLayer( layer );		




	shp = Shape_EndInstance();

	if ( multilayer )
		hobj_t		*mesh_obj;
		hobj_search_iterator_t		iter;
		hobj_t				*job;

		int		multi_flags;

		mesh_obj = FindClassType( multilayer, "mesh" );
		if ( mesh_obj )
			InitClassSearchIterator( &iter, mesh_obj, "job" );
			for ( ; ( job = SearchGetNextClass( &iter ) ) ; )
				if ( !strcmp( job->name, "SurfaceDeform" ) )
					R_RegisterShapeCtrlJob( ShapeCtrlJob_Create_SurfaceDeform( job, shp ) );
					__warning( "unknown ShapeCtrlJob '%s', ignore it\n", job->name );

		pair = FindHPair( multilayer, "depthmask" );
		if ( !pair )
			// default is depthmask = true
			if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "0" ) )
				multi_flags &= ~LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
				multi_flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_SHADE_P3;

				multi_flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
			u_list_iter_t		iter;
			layer_t			*layer;
			U_ListIterInit( &iter, shp->layer_list );
			for ( ; ( layer = (layer_t *)U_ListIterNext( &iter ) ) ; )
				layer->glstate->flags = multi_flags;

	return shp;


	return NULL;

예제 #2

shape_t * R_SetupCFaceShape( hobj_t *shape, g_map_t *map )
#if 1
	hobj_t		*plane;
	hobj_t		*cface;
	vec3d_t		norm;
	fp_t		dist;
	int		pointnum;
	int		i;
	shape_t		*shp;

	cface = FindClassType( shape, "cface" );
	if ( !cface )
		__error( "missing class 'cface' in shape '%s'\n", shape->name );

	// get control pointnum
	EasyFindInt( &pointnum, cface, "pointnum" );

	if ( pointnum < 6 )
		printf( " shape '%s' is degenerated\n", shape->name );
		return NULL;

	Shape_SetPrimaryKey( StringToUnique( shape->name ) );
	Shape_SetTesselation( ShapeTesselation_curved_face );

	// get plane
	plane = EasyLookupClsref( cface, "plane", map->planehm );

	EasyFindVec3d( norm, plane, "norm" );
	EasyFindFloat( &dist, plane, "dist" );

	Shape_SetPlaneHint( norm, dist );

	// set control points
	Shape_SetCtrlPointNum( pointnum, 1 );
	for ( i = 0; i < pointnum; i++ )
		vec3d_t		v;
		char		str[256];

		sprintf( str, "u%d_v0", i );
		EasyFindVec3d( v, cface, str );
		Shape_AddCtrlPoint( Shape_NewCtrlPointUV3fv( i, 0, v ) );
	// texture layer

	if ( 1 )
		// texture proj_texdef0

		hobj_t		*texdef0;
		hpair_t		*pair;

		fp_t		rotate;
		vec2d_t		shift;
		vec2d_t		scale;
		int		projection;
		g_resource_t	*gltex_res;
		char		str[256];

		layer_t		*layer;
		unitex_t	*uni;
		tf2d_stack_t	*tf2d_stack;

		texdef0 = FindClassType( shape, "proj_texdef0" );
		if ( !texdef0 )
			__error( "missing class 'proj_texdef0' in shape '%s'\n", shape->name );
		EasyFindVec2d( shift, texdef0, "shift" );
		EasyFindVec2d( scale, texdef0, "scale" );
		EasyFindFloat( &rotate, texdef0, "rotate" );

//		EasyFindInt( &projection, texdef_real, "flags" );
		projection = ProjectionTypeFromNorm( norm );

		pair = FindHPair( texdef0, "ident" );
		if ( !pair )
			__error( "missing key 'ident' in texdef class '%s'\n", texdef0->name );
		// build gltex resource name from ident
		sprintf( str, "gltex.%s", pair->value );
		strcrpl( str, '/', '.' );

		gltex_res = G_ResourceSearch( g_rs, str );

		uni = UniTex_NewFrom_gltexres( gltex_res );
		Layer_BeginInstance( (layerMode)(LayerMode_projection | LayerMode_Texel0N) );
			// hack: build layer_gl_state_t
			layer_gl_state_t	*glstate;

			glstate = NEWTYPE( layer_gl_state_t );
			glstate->flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
			glstate->sfactor = GL_ONE;
			glstate->dfactor = GL_ZERO;
			Layer_SetGLstate( glstate );
		Layer_SetOrdinal( LAYER_TEXTURE_1 );

		Layer_SetUniTex( uni );
		if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_X )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_x );
		else if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_Y )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_y );
		else if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_Z )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_z );
			__error( "can't get projection plane\n" );
		// setup layer's transformation stack
		tf2d_stack = NEWTYPE( tf2d_stack_t );
		TF2D_InitStack( tf2d_stack );
		Layer_SetTF2DStack( tf2d_stack );
			tf2d_t		*tf2d;
			tf2d_matrix_t	*tf2d_matrix;
			tf2d = TF2D_CreateMatrix();
			tf2d_matrix = TF2D_IsMatrix( tf2d );
			TF2D_SetupMatrixByAngle( tf2d_matrix, -rotate );
			TF2D_StackPush( tf2d_stack, tf2d );
			tf2d_t		*tf2d;
			tf2d_scale_t	*tf2d_scale;
			scale[0] = 1.0/scale[0];
			scale[1] = 1.0/scale[1];
			tf2d = TF2D_CreateScale();
			tf2d_scale = TF2D_IsScale( tf2d );
			Vec2dCopy( tf2d_scale->scale, scale );
			TF2D_StackPush( tf2d_stack, tf2d );
			tf2d_t		*tf2d;
			tf2d_shift_t	*tf2d_shift;
			shift[0] = -shift[0];		
			shift[1] = -shift[1];		
			tf2d = TF2D_CreateShift();
			tf2d_shift = TF2D_IsShift( tf2d );
			Vec2dCopy( tf2d_shift->shift, shift );
			TF2D_StackPush( tf2d_stack, tf2d );
		layer = Layer_EndInstance();
		Shape_AddLayer( layer );
	// diffuse layer

#if 1
		hobj_t		*lightdef;
		vec2d_t		shift;
		int		width;
		int		height;
		int		projection;
		fp_t		patchsize;

		ic_subimage_t	*sub;
		unitex_t	*uni;
		layer_t		*layer;
		lightmap_t	*lightmap_head;

		lightdef = FindClassType( shape, "proj_lightdef" );
		if ( !lightdef )
//			__error( "missing class 'proj_lightdef' in shape '%s'\n", shape->name );
			goto no_lightdef;

		EasyFindVec2d( shift, lightdef, "shift" );
		EasyFindInt( &width, lightdef, "width" );
		EasyFindInt( &height, lightdef, "height" );
		EasyFindFloat( &patchsize, lightdef, "patchsize" );
		EasyFindInt( &projection, lightdef, "projection" );
		lightmap_head = LinkLightmaps( a_map->lightmap_db, StringToUnique( shape->name ), 0 );
		if ( !lightmap_head && 0 )
			goto no_diffuse;

		// setup diffuse lightmap
			int		lightmap_bytes;
			void		*lightmap_pixels;
			lightmap_bytes = width*height*4;
			lightmap_pixels = NEWBYTES( lightmap_bytes );
			sub = IC_NewSubImage( width, height );
			IC_SubImageSetPixels( sub, lightmap_pixels );

		uni = UniTex_NewFrom_subimage( sub );

		// create diffuse layer
		Layer_BeginInstance( (layerMode)(LayerMode_projection | LayerMode_Texel0N) );
			// hack: build layer_gl_state_t
			layer_gl_state_t	*glstate;

			glstate = NEWTYPE( layer_gl_state_t );
			glstate->flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
			glstate->sfactor = GL_ZERO;
			glstate->dfactor = GL_SRC_COLOR;
			Layer_SetGLstate( glstate );
		Layer_SetOrdinal( LAYER_DIFFUSE_1 );
		Layer_SetUniTex( uni );
		Layer_SetLightmapHead( lightmap_head );

		if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_X )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_x );
		else if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_Y )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_y );
		else if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_Z )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_z );
			__error( "can't get projection plane\n" );

			shift[0] = -shift[0];
			shift[1] = -shift[1];
			Layer_AddShift( shift );
			vec2d_t		scale;
			scale[0] = 1.0 / patchsize;
			scale[1] = 1.0 / patchsize;
			Layer_AddScale( scale );

		layer = Layer_EndInstance();
		Shape_AddLayer( layer );



	// specular layer

#if 0
		hobj_t		*lightdef;
		hpair_t		*pair;
		vec2d_t		shift;
		int		width;
		int		height;
		int		projection;
		fp_t		patchsize;

		ic_subimage_t	*sub;
		unitex_t	*uni;

		layer_t		*layer;
		lightmap_t	*lightmap_head;

		lightdef = FindClassType( shape, "proj_lightdef" );
		if ( !lightdef )
//			__error( "missing class 'proj_lightdef' in shape '%s'\n", shape->name );
			goto no_lightdef;

		EasyFindVec2d( shift, lightdef, "shift" );
		EasyFindInt( &width, lightdef, "width" );
		EasyFindInt( &height, lightdef, "height" );
		EasyFindFloat( &patchsize, lightdef, "patchsize" );
		EasyFindInt( &projection, lightdef, "projection" );

		lightmap_head = LinkLightmaps( a_map->lightmap_db, StringToUnique( shape->name ), 1 );
		if ( !lightmap_head )
			goto no_specular;
		// setup specular lightmap
			int		lightmap_bytes;
			void		*lightmap_pixels;
			lightmap_bytes = width*height*4;
			lightmap_pixels = NEWBYTES( lightmap_bytes );
			sub = IC_NewSubImage( width, height );
			IC_SubImageSetPixels( sub, lightmap_pixels );
		uni = UniTex_NewFrom_subimage( sub );

		// create specular layer
		Layer_BeginInstance( LayerMode_projection | LayerMode_Texel0N );
			// hack: build layer_gl_state_t
			layer_gl_state_t	*glstate;

			glstate = NEWTYPE( layer_gl_state_t );
			glstate->flags |= LAYER_STATE_FLAGS_DEPTH_MASK;
			glstate->sfactor = GL_ONE;
			glstate->dfactor = GL_ONE;
			Layer_SetGLstate( glstate );

		Layer_SetOrdinal( LAYER_SPECULAR_1 );		
		Layer_SetUniTex( uni );
		Layer_SetLightmapHead( lightmap_head );

		if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_X )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_x );
		else if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_Y )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_y );
		else if ( (projection&3) == ProjectionType_Z )
			Layer_SetProjection( LayerProjection_z );
			__error( "can't get projection plane\n" );

			shift[0] = -shift[0];
			shift[1] = -shift[1];
			Layer_AddShift( shift );
			vec2d_t		scale;
			scale[0] = 1.0 / patchsize;
			scale[1] = 1.0 / patchsize;
			Layer_AddScale( scale );

		layer = Layer_EndInstance();
		Shape_AddLayer( layer );




	shp = Shape_EndInstance();
	return shp;


	return NULL;





void R_SetupCSurfLayer( hobj_t *texdef, hobj_t *layer )
	int		i;
	vec2d_t		vecs[4];
	vec2d_t		scale;
	g_resource_t	*gltex_res;
	layer_t		*l;
	layer_gl_state_t	*glstate;
	unitex_t	*uni;		
	hpair_t		*pair;

	color_rgba_t	color;

	EasyFindVec2d( vecs[0], texdef, "shift" );
	EasyFindVec2d( vecs[1], texdef, "vec2" );
	EasyFindVec2d( vecs[2], texdef, "vec0" );
	EasyFindVec2d( vecs[3], texdef, "vec1" );
	EasyFindVec2d( scale, texdef, "scale" );
	for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
		vecs[i][0] *= scale[0];
		vecs[i][1] *= scale[1];
	Vec2dAdd( vecs[1], vecs[1], vecs[0] );
	Vec2dAdd( vecs[2], vecs[2], vecs[0] );
	Vec2dAdd( vecs[3], vecs[3], vecs[0] );

	// get layer ambient color
	color[0] = 255;
	color[1] = 255;
	color[2] = 255;
	color[3] = 255;
	pair = FindHPair( layer, "color" );
	if ( pair )
		int			i;
		vec3d_t		v;
		HPairCastToVec3d( v, pair );

		for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			if ( v[i] < 0.0 )
				v[i] = 0.0;
			if ( v[i] > 1.0 )
				v[i] = 1.0;

			color[i] = (unsigned char) (v[i]*255.0);
	pair = FindHPair( layer, "alpha" );
	if ( pair )
		fp_t		a;
		HPairCastToFloat( &a, pair );

		if ( a < 0.0 )
			a = 0.0;
		if ( a > 1.0 )
			a = 1.0;

		color[3] = (unsigned char) (a*255.0);

	pair = FindHPair( layer, "gltex_res" );
	if ( !pair )
		__error( "missing key 'gltex_res'\n" );

	gltex_res = G_ResourceSearch( g_rs, pair->value );
	if ( !gltex_res )
		__error( "can't find gltex resource '%s'\n", pair->value );

	uni = UniTex_NewFrom_gltexres( gltex_res );

	// layer gl state
	glstate = NEWTYPE( layer_gl_state_t );	

	// blend sfactor

	pair = FindHPair( layer, "sfactor" );
	if ( !pair )
		__error( "missing key 'sfactor'\n" );

	if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "GL_ONE" ) )
		glstate->sfactor = GL_ONE;
	else if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "GL_ZERO" ) )
		glstate->sfactor = GL_ZERO;
	else if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "GL_SRC_COLOR" ) )
		glstate->sfactor = GL_SRC_COLOR;
	else if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "GL_SRC_ALPHA" ) )
		glstate->sfactor = GL_SRC_ALPHA;
		__error( "unknown sfactor '%s'\n", pair->value );

	// blend dfactor

	pair = FindHPair( layer, "dfactor" );
	if ( !pair )
		__error( "missing key 'dfactor'\n" );
	if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "GL_ONE" ) )
		glstate->dfactor = GL_ONE;
	else if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "GL_ZERO" ) )
		glstate->dfactor = GL_ZERO;
	else if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA" ) )
		glstate->dfactor = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
		__error( "unknown dfactor '%s'\n", pair->value );

	Layer_BeginInstance( (layerMode)(LayerMode_uv | LayerMode_Texel0N) );
	Layer_SetGLstate( glstate );
	Layer_SetOrdinal( atoi( layer->name ) );
	Layer_SetUniTex( uni );
	Layer_SetUVCtrl( vecs );

	Layer_SetAmbientColor( color );

	l = Layer_EndInstance();
	Shape_AddLayer( l );

예제 #3
void grue_update(entity *self){
	Vec2dAdd(self->position, self->velocity, self->position);
	entity_draw(self,self->position.x, self->position.y);