예제 #1
void FractalProjector::
new_vertex(Vertex* vrt, Face* parent)
//	set the vertex to the center by calling the parents method
	RefinementCallbackLinear<APosition>::new_vertex(vrt, parent);

//	calculate the normal of the face
	vector3 n;
	CalculateNormal(n, parent, m_aaPos);

//	we have to alter the length.
//	first scale it to the average length of the faces edges,
//	then scale it with the given scaleFac.
	number avLen = 0;

	size_t numVrts = parent->num_vertices();
	for(size_t i = 0; i < numVrts; ++i){
		avLen += VecDistance(m_aaPos[parent->vertex(i)],
							 m_aaPos[parent->vertex((i+1)% numVrts)]);
	avLen /= (number)numVrts;
	VecScale (n, n, m_scaleFac * avLen);

//	offset the vertex by the calculated normal
	VecAdd(m_aaPos[vrt], m_aaPos[vrt], n);
예제 #2
void FractalProjector::
new_vertex(Vertex* vrt, Edge* parent)
//	set the vertex to the center by calling the parents method
	RefinementCallbackLinear<APosition>::new_vertex(vrt, parent);

//	calculate the normal of the edge
	vector3 n;
	CalculateNormal(n, *m_pGrid, parent, m_aaPos);
//	first scale it to the same length as the edge, then scale it with the
//	given scaleFac
	number len = VecDistance(m_aaPos[parent->vertex(0)], m_aaPos[parent->vertex(1)]);
	VecScale (n, n, m_scaleFac * len);

//	offset the vertex by the calculated normal
	VecAdd(m_aaPos[vrt], m_aaPos[vrt], n);
예제 #3
int FindVertexByCoordinate(const MathVector<dim>& coord, size_t ncoords, const MathVector<dim> vCoords[])

	if (ncoords <= 0) return -1;

	size_t bestVrt = 0;
	number bestDistSq = VecDistanceSq(coord, vCoords[0]);

	for (size_t i=1; i<ncoords; ++i)
		number distSq = VecDistance(coord, vCoords[i]);
		if(distSq < bestDistSq)
			bestDistSq = distSq;
			bestVrt = i;
	return bestVrt;
예제 #4
파일: nlp.c 프로젝트: xixicat/SRProject
CyVOID NonLinerPartition( FeatureSeq *pFeaSeq, CyINT16 partitionNum )
	CyINT16 i, j;
	CyFLOAT diff[MAX_FRAMES]={0};

	// 若特征数量小于状态数
	if( pFeaSeq->dFeaCounter < NLP_N)


	// Step 1: 计算特征参数变化量,并累加
	for (i=1; i< pFeaSeq->dFeaCounter; i++)
		diff[i] = diff[i-1] + VecDistance(pFeaSeq->feature[i], pFeaSeq->feature[i-1]);

	// 用diff[0]来存储平均总变化量
	*diff = diff[i-1]/(CyFLOAT)partitionNum;

	// Step 2: 计算每个块的分界点
	pFeaSeq->iNlpParam[0] = 0;   // 第一个分界点是第0帧

	for (i=1, j=1; i<pFeaSeq->dFeaCounter; i++)
		if ( diff[i]>diff[0]*j )    // 式(2.41)
			pFeaSeq->iNlpParam[j++] = i;

			if(j>=partitionNum) break;

	// 最后一个分界点是最后一帧
	pFeaSeq->iNlpParam[partitionNum] = pFeaSeq->dFeaCounter;
예제 #5
number VertexDistance(Vertex* v0, Vertex* v1, TAAPos& aaPos)
	return VecDistance(aaPos[v0], aaPos[v1]);