예제 #1
void Dar_BalanceUniqify( Aig_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, int fExor )
    Aig_Obj_t * pTemp, * pTempNext;
    int i, k;
    // sort the nodes by their literal
    Vec_PtrSort( vNodes, (int (*)())Dar_ObjCompareLits );
    // remove duplicates
    k = 0;
    Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Aig_Obj_t *, vNodes, pTemp, i )
        if ( i + 1 == Vec_PtrSize(vNodes) )
            Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vNodes, k++, pTemp );
        pTempNext = (Aig_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vNodes, i+1 );
        if ( !fExor && pTemp == Aig_Not(pTempNext) ) // pos_lit & neg_lit = 0
            Vec_PtrClear( vNodes );
        if ( pTemp != pTempNext )  // save if different
            Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vNodes, k++, pTemp );
        else if ( fExor ) // in case of XOR, remove identical
    Vec_PtrShrink( vNodes, k );
    // check that there is no duplicates
    pTemp = (Aig_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vNodes, 0 );
    Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( Aig_Obj_t *, vNodes, pTempNext, i, 1 )
        assert( pTemp != pTempNext );
        pTemp = pTempNext;
예제 #2

  Synopsis    [Builds implication supergate.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Aig_Obj_t * Dar_BalanceBuildSuperTop( Aig_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vSuper, Aig_Type_t Type, int fUpdateLevel, int nLutSize )
    Vec_Ptr_t * vSubset;
    Aig_Obj_t * pObj;
    int i, nBaseSizeAll, nBaseSize;
    assert( vSuper->nSize > 1 );
    // sort the new nodes by level in the decreasing order
    Vec_PtrSort( vSuper, (int (*)(void))Aig_NodeCompareLevelsDecrease );
    // add one LUT at a time
    while ( Vec_PtrSize(vSuper) > 1 )
        // isolate the group of nodes with nLutSize inputs
        nBaseSizeAll = 0;
        vSubset = Vec_PtrAlloc( nLutSize );
        Vec_PtrForEachEntryReverse( Aig_Obj_t *, vSuper, pObj, i )
            nBaseSize = Aig_BaseSize( p, pObj, nLutSize );
            if ( nBaseSizeAll + nBaseSize > nLutSize && Vec_PtrSize(vSubset) > 1 )
            nBaseSizeAll += nBaseSize;
            Vec_PtrPush( vSubset, pObj );
        // remove them from vSuper
        Vec_PtrShrink( vSuper, Vec_PtrSize(vSuper) - Vec_PtrSize(vSubset) );
        // create the new supergate
        pObj = Dar_BalanceBuildSuper( p, vSubset, Type, fUpdateLevel );
        Vec_PtrFree( vSubset );
        // add the new output
        Dar_BalancePushUniqueOrderByLevel( vSuper, pObj, Type == AIG_OBJ_EXOR );
예제 #3

  Synopsis    [Removes decomposed nodes from the array of fanins.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Lpk_DecomposeClean( Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, int nLeavesOld )
    Lpk_Fun_t * pFunc;
    int i;
    Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( Lpk_Fun_t *, vLeaves, pFunc, i, nLeavesOld )
        Lpk_FunFree( pFunc );
    Vec_PtrShrink( vLeaves, nLeavesOld );
예제 #4

  Synopsis    [Computes and adds all single-cube divisors to storage.]

  Description [This procedure should be called once when the matrix is
  already contructed before the process of logic extraction begins..]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fxu_MatrixComputeSingles( Fxu_Matrix * p, int fUse0, int nSingleMax )
    Fxu_Var * pVar;
    Vec_Ptr_t * vSingles;
    int i, k;
    // set the weight limit
    p->nWeightLimit = 1 - fUse0;
    // iterate through columns in the matrix and collect single-cube divisors
    vSingles = Vec_PtrAlloc( 10000 );
    Fxu_MatrixForEachVariable( p, pVar )
        Fxu_MatrixComputeSinglesOneCollect( p, pVar, vSingles );
    p->nSingleTotal = Vec_PtrSize(vSingles) / 3;
    // check if divisors should be filtered
    if ( Vec_PtrSize(vSingles) > nSingleMax )
        int * pWeigtCounts, nDivCount, Weight, i, c;;
        assert( Vec_PtrSize(vSingles) % 3 == 0 );
        // count how many divisors have the given weight
        pWeigtCounts = ABC_ALLOC( int, 1000 );
        memset( pWeigtCounts, 0, sizeof(int) * 1000 );
        for ( i = 2; i < Vec_PtrSize(vSingles); i += 3 )
            Weight = (int)(ABC_PTRUINT_T)Vec_PtrEntry(vSingles, i);
            if ( Weight >= 999 )
        // select the bound on the weight (above this bound, singles will be included)
        nDivCount = 0;
        for ( c = 999; c >= 0; c-- )
            nDivCount += pWeigtCounts[c];
            if ( nDivCount >= nSingleMax )
        ABC_FREE( pWeigtCounts );
        // collect singles with the given costs
        k = 0;
        for ( i = 2; i < Vec_PtrSize(vSingles); i += 3 )
            Weight = (int)(ABC_PTRUINT_T)Vec_PtrEntry(vSingles, i);
            if ( Weight < c )
            Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vSingles, k++, Vec_PtrEntry(vSingles, i-2) );
            Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vSingles, k++, Vec_PtrEntry(vSingles, i-1) );
            Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vSingles, k++, Vec_PtrEntry(vSingles, i) );
            if ( k/3 == nSingleMax )
        Vec_PtrShrink( vSingles, k );
        // adjust the weight limit
        p->nWeightLimit = c;
예제 #5

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Io_ReadBlifReorderFormalNames( Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens, Mio_Gate_t * pGate )
    Mio_Pin_t * pGatePin;
    char * pName, * pNamePin;
    int i, k, nSize, Length;
    nSize = Vec_PtrSize(vTokens);
    if ( nSize - 3 != Mio_GateReadInputs(pGate) )
        return 0;
    // check if the names are in order
    for ( pGatePin = Mio_GateReadPins(pGate), i = 0; pGatePin; pGatePin = Mio_PinReadNext(pGatePin), i++ )
        pNamePin = Mio_PinReadName(pGatePin);
        Length = strlen(pNamePin);
        pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, i+2);
        if ( !strncmp( pNamePin, pName, Length ) && pName[Length] == '=' )
    if ( i == nSize - 3 )
        return 1;
    // reorder the pins
    for ( pGatePin = Mio_GateReadPins(pGate), i = 0; pGatePin; pGatePin = Mio_PinReadNext(pGatePin), i++ )
        pNamePin = Mio_PinReadName(pGatePin);
        Length = strlen(pNamePin);
        for ( k = 2; k < nSize; k++ )
            pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, k);
            if ( !strncmp( pNamePin, pName, Length ) && pName[Length] == '=' )
                Vec_PtrPush( vTokens, pName );
    pNamePin = Mio_GateReadOutName(pGate);
    Length = strlen(pNamePin);
    for ( k = 2; k < nSize; k++ )
        pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, k);
        if ( !strncmp( pNamePin, pName, Length ) && pName[Length] == '=' )
            Vec_PtrPush( vTokens, pName );
    if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - nSize != nSize - 2 )
        return 0;
    Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( char *, vTokens, pName, k, nSize )
        Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vTokens, k - nSize + 2, pName );
    Vec_PtrShrink( vTokens, nSize );
    return 1;
예제 #6

  Synopsis    [Implements the function.]

  Description [Returns the node implementing this function.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Implement( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, int nLeavesOld )
    Abc_Obj_t * pFanin, * pRes;
    int i;
    assert( nLeavesOld < Vec_PtrSize(vLeaves) );
    // mark implemented nodes
    Vec_PtrForEachEntryStop( Abc_Obj_t *, vLeaves, pFanin, i, nLeavesOld )
        Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vLeaves, i, Abc_ObjNot(pFanin) );
    // recursively construct starting from the first entry
    pRes = Lpk_Implement_rec( pMan, pNtk, vLeaves, (Lpk_Fun_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vLeaves, nLeavesOld ) );
    Vec_PtrShrink( vLeaves, nLeavesOld );
    return pRes;