예제 #1
파일: main.c 프로젝트: rkrug/grass-ci
/* Init all costs to/from given node */
int init_node_costs(struct Map_info *Map, int from)
    int to, ret, row, col;
    double cost;

    G_verbose_message(_("Init costs from node %d"), from);

    for (to = 1; to <= nnodes; to++) {
	if (from == to)
	ret = Vect_net_shortest_path(Map, from, to, NULL, &cost);
	if (ret == -1) {
	    G_debug(1, "Destination node %d is unreachable from node %d\n", to, from);
	    cost = -2;

	if (from < to) {
	    row = from - 1;
	    col = to - from - 1;
	else {
	    row = to - 1;
	    col = from - to - 1;

	G_debug(3, "init costs %d - > %d = %f\n", from, to, cost);
	nodes_costs[row][col] = cost;

    return 1;
예제 #2
파일: main.c 프로젝트: caomw/grass
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i, j, ret, centre, line, centre1, centre2, tfield, tucfield;
    int nlines, nnodes, type, ltype, afield, nfield, geo, cat;
    int node, node1, node2;
    double cost, e1cost, e2cost, n1cost, n2cost, s1cost, s2cost, l, l1;
    struct Option *map, *output;
    struct Option *afield_opt, *nfield_opt, *afcol, *abcol, *ncol, *type_opt,
	*term_opt, *cost_opt, *tfield_opt, *tucfield_opt;
    struct Flag *geo_f, *turntable_f;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Map_info Map, Out;
    struct cat_list *catlist;
    CENTER *Centers = NULL;
    int acentres = 0, ncentres = 0;
    NODE *Nodes;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    struct line_pnts *Points, *SPoints;
    int niso, aiso;
    double *iso;
    int npnts1, apnts1 = 0, npnts2, apnts2 = 0;
    ISOPOINT *pnts1 = NULL, *pnts2 = NULL;
    int next_iso;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->label = _("Splits net by cost isolines.");
    module->description =
	("Splits net to bands between cost isolines (direction from center). "
	 "Center node must be opened (costs >= 0). "
	 "Costs of center node are used in calculation.");

    map = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    term_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS);
    term_opt->key = "ccats";
    term_opt->required = YES;
    term_opt->description =
	_("Categories of centers (points on nodes) to which net "
	  "will be allocated, "
	  "layer for this categories is given by nlayer option");

    cost_opt = G_define_option();
    cost_opt->key = "costs";
    cost_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    cost_opt->multiple = YES;
    cost_opt->required = YES;
    cost_opt->description = _("Costs for isolines");

    afield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    afield_opt->key = "alayer";
    afield_opt->answer = "1";
    afield_opt->required = YES;
    afield_opt->label = _("Arc layer");

    type_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE);
    type_opt->options = "line,boundary";
    type_opt->answer = "line,boundary";
    type_opt->required = YES;
    type_opt->label = _("Arc type");

    nfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    nfield_opt->key = "nlayer";
    nfield_opt->answer = "2";
    nfield_opt->required = YES;
    nfield_opt->label = _("Node layer");

    afcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    afcol->key = "afcolumn";
    afcol->description =
	_("Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)");
    afcol->guisection = _("Cost");

    abcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    abcol->key = "abcolumn";
    abcol->description = _("Arc backward direction cost column (number)");
    abcol->guisection = _("Cost");

    ncol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    ncol->key = "ncolumn";
    ncol->description = _("Node cost column (number)");
    ncol->guisection = _("Cost");

    turntable_f = G_define_flag();
    turntable_f->key = 't';
    turntable_f->description = _("Use turntable");
    turntable_f->guisection = _("Turntable");

    tfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    tfield_opt->key = "tlayer";
    tfield_opt->answer = "3";
    tfield_opt->label = _("Layer with turntable");
    tfield_opt->description =
	_("Relevant only with -t flag");
    tfield_opt->guisection = _("Turntable");

    tucfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    tucfield_opt->key = "tuclayer";
    tucfield_opt->answer = "4";
    tucfield_opt->label = _("Layer with unique categories used in turntable");
    tucfield_opt->description =
	_("Relevant only with -t flag");
    tucfield_opt->guisection = _("Turntable");

    geo_f = G_define_flag();
    geo_f->key = 'g';
    geo_f->description =
	_("Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    Vect_check_input_output_name(map->answer, output->answer, G_FATAL_EXIT);

    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    SPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    type = Vect_option_to_types(type_opt);

    catlist = Vect_new_cat_list();
    Vect_str_to_cat_list(term_opt->answer, catlist);

    /* Iso costs */
    aiso = 1;
    iso = (double *)G_malloc(aiso * sizeof(double));
    /* Set first iso to 0 */
    iso[0] = 0;
    niso = 1;
    i = 0;
    while (cost_opt->answers[i]) {
	if (niso == aiso) {
	    aiso += 1;
	    iso = (double *)G_realloc(iso, aiso * sizeof(double));
	iso[niso] = atof(cost_opt->answers[i]);
	if (iso[niso] <= 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Wrong iso cost: %f"), iso[niso]);

	if (iso[niso] <= iso[niso - 1])
	    G_fatal_error(_("Iso cost: %f less than previous"), iso[niso]);

	G_verbose_message(_("Iso cost %d: %f"), niso, iso[niso]);

    /* Should not happen: */
    if (niso < 2)
		  ("Not enough costs, everything reachable falls to first band"));

    if (geo_f->answer)
	geo = 1;
	geo = 0;

    if (Vect_open_old(&Map, map->answer, "") < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), map->answer);

    afield = Vect_get_field_number(&Map, afield_opt->answer);
    nfield = Vect_get_field_number(&Map, nfield_opt->answer);
    tfield = Vect_get_field_number(&Map, tfield_opt->answer);
    tucfield = Vect_get_field_number(&Map, tucfield_opt->answer);

    /* Build graph */
    if (turntable_f->answer)
	Vect_net_ttb_build_graph(&Map, type, afield, nfield, tfield, tucfield,
				 afcol->answer, abcol->answer, ncol->answer,
				 geo, 0);
	Vect_net_build_graph(&Map, type, afield, nfield, afcol->answer,
			     abcol->answer, ncol->answer, geo, 0);

    nnodes = Vect_get_num_nodes(&Map);
    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&Map);

    /* Create list of centres based on list of categories */
    for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) {
	ltype = Vect_get_line_type(&Map, i);
	if (!(ltype & GV_POINT))

	Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, Cats, i);
	node =
	    Vect_find_node(&Map, Points->x[0], Points->y[0], Points->z[0], 0,
	if (!node) {
	    G_warning(_("Point is not connected to the network"));
	if (!(Vect_cat_get(Cats, nfield, &cat)))
	if (Vect_cat_in_cat_list(cat, catlist)) {
	    Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node, &n1cost);
	    if (n1cost == -1) {	/* closed */
		G_warning(_("Centre at closed node (costs = -1) ignored"));
	    else {
		if (acentres == ncentres) {
		    acentres += 1;
		    Centers =
			(CENTER *) G_realloc(Centers,
					     acentres * sizeof(CENTER));
		Centers[ncentres].cat = cat;
		Centers[ncentres].node = node;
		G_debug(2, "centre = %d node = %d cat = %d", ncentres,
			node, cat);

    G_message(_("Number of centres: %d (nlayer %d)"), ncentres, nfield);

    if (ncentres == 0)
		  ("Not enough centres for selected nlayer. Nothing will be allocated."));

    /* alloc and reset space for all nodes */
    if (turntable_f->answer) {
	/* if turntable is used we are looking for lines as destinations, instead of the intersections (nodes) */
	Nodes = (NODE *) G_calloc((nlines * 2 + 2), sizeof(NODE));
	for (i = 2; i <= (nlines * 2 + 2); i++) {
	    Nodes[i].centre = -1;/* NOTE: first two items of Nodes are not used */

    else {
	Nodes = (NODE *) G_calloc((nnodes + 1), sizeof(NODE));
	for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++) {
	    Nodes[i].centre = -1;

    apnts1 = 1;
    pnts1 = (ISOPOINT *) G_malloc(apnts1 * sizeof(ISOPOINT));

    apnts2 = 1;
    pnts2 = (ISOPOINT *) G_malloc(apnts2 * sizeof(ISOPOINT));

    /* Fill Nodes by neares centre and costs from that centre */
    for (centre = 0; centre < ncentres; centre++) {
	node1 = Centers[centre].node;
	Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node1, &n1cost);
	G_debug(2, "centre = %d node = %d cat = %d", centre, node1,
	G_message(_("Calculating costs from centre %d..."), centre + 1);
	if (turntable_f->answer)
	    for (line = 1; line <= nlines; line++) {
		G_debug(5, "  node1 = %d line = %d", node1, line);
		Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, line, &n2cost);
		/* closed, left it as not attached */

		if (Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, Cats, line) < 0)
		if (Vect_get_line_type(&Map, line) != GV_LINE)
		if (!Vect_cat_get(Cats, tucfield, &cat))

		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
		    if (j == 1)
			cat *= -1;

		    ret =
			Vect_net_ttb_shortest_path(&Map, node1, 0, cat, 1,
						   tucfield, NULL,
		    if (ret == -1) {
		    }		/* node unreachable */

		    /* We must add centre node costs (not calculated by Vect_net_shortest_path() ), but
	             *  only if centre and node are not identical, because at the end node cost is add later */
		    if (ret != 1)
			cost += n1cost;

			    "Arc nodes: %d %d cost: %f (x old cent: %d old cost %f",
			    node1, line, cost, Nodes[line * 2 + j].centre,
			    Nodes[line * 2 + j].cost);
		    if (Nodes[line * 2 + j].centre == -1 ||
			cost < Nodes[line * 2 + j].cost) {
			Nodes[line * 2 + j].cost = cost;
			Nodes[line * 2 + j].centre = centre;
	    for (node2 = 1; node2 <= nnodes; node2++) {
		G_percent(node2, nnodes, 1);
		G_debug(5, "  node1 = %d node2 = %d", node1, node2);
		Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node2, &n2cost);
		if (n2cost == -1) {
		}		/* closed, left it as not attached */

		ret = Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, node1, node2, NULL, &cost);
		if (ret == -1) {
		}		/* node unreachable */

		/* We must add centre node costs (not calculated by Vect_net_shortest_path() ), but
		 *  only if centre and node are not identical, because at the end node cost is add later */
		if (node1 != node2)
		    cost += n1cost;
			"Arc nodes: %d %d cost: %f (x old cent: %d old cost %f",
			node1, node2, cost, Nodes[node2].centre,
		if (Nodes[node2].centre == -1 || cost < Nodes[node2].cost) {
		    Nodes[node2].cost = cost;
		    Nodes[node2].centre = centre;

    /* Write arcs to new map */
    if (Vect_open_new(&Out, output->answer, Vect_is_3d(&Map)) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), output->answer);


    G_message("Generating isolines...");
    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&Map);
    for (line = 1; line <= nlines; line++) {
	G_percent(line, nlines, 2);

	ltype = Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, NULL, line);
	if (!(ltype & type)) {

	l = Vect_line_length(Points);
	if (l == 0)

	if (turntable_f->answer) {
	    centre1 = Nodes[line * 2].centre;
	    centre2 = Nodes[line * 2 + 1].centre;
	    s1cost = Nodes[line * 2].cost;
	    s2cost = Nodes[line * 2 + 1].cost;
	    n1cost = n2cost = 0;
	else {
	    Vect_get_line_nodes(&Map, line, &node1, &node2);
	    centre1 = Nodes[node1].centre;
	    centre2 = Nodes[node2].centre;
	    s1cost = Nodes[node1].cost;
	    s2cost = Nodes[node2].cost;

	    Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node1, &n1cost);
	    Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node2, &n2cost);


	Vect_net_get_line_cost(&Map, line, GV_FORWARD, &e1cost);
	Vect_net_get_line_cost(&Map, line, GV_BACKWARD, &e2cost);

	G_debug(3, "Line %d : length = %f", line, l);
	G_debug(3, "Arc centres: %d %d (nodes: %d %d)", centre1, centre2,
		node1, node2);

	G_debug(3, "  s1cost = %f n1cost = %f e1cost = %f", s1cost, n1cost,
	G_debug(3, "  s2cost = %f n2cost = %f e2cost = %f", s2cost, n2cost,

	/* First check if arc is reachable from at least one side */
	if ((centre1 != -1 && n1cost != -1 && e1cost != -1) ||
	    (centre2 != -1 && n2cost != -1 && e2cost != -1)) {
	    /* Line is reachable at least from one side */
	    G_debug(3, "  -> arc is reachable");

	    /* Add costs of node to starting costs */
	    s1cost += n1cost;
	    s2cost += n2cost;

	    e1cost /= l;
	    e2cost /= l;

	    /* Find points on isolines along the line in both directions, add them to array,
	     *  first point is placed at the beginning/end of line */
	    /* Forward */
	    npnts1 = 0;		/* in case this direction is closed */
	    if (centre1 != -1 && n1cost != -1 && e1cost != -1) {
		/* Find iso for beginning of the line */
		next_iso = 0;
		for (i = niso - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		    if (iso[i] <= s1cost) {
			next_iso = i;
		/* Add first */
		pnts1[0].iso = next_iso;
		pnts1[0].distance = 0;

		/* Calculate distances for points along line */
		while (next_iso < niso) {
		    if (e1cost == 0)
			break;	/* Outside line */
		    l1 = (iso[next_iso] - s1cost) / e1cost;
		    if (l1 >= l)
			break;	/* Outside line */

		    if (npnts1 == apnts1) {
			apnts1 += 1;
			pnts1 =
			    (ISOPOINT *) G_realloc(pnts1,
						   apnts1 * sizeof(ISOPOINT));
		    pnts1[npnts1].iso = next_iso;
		    pnts1[npnts1].distance = l1;
			    "  forward %d : iso %d : distance %f : cost %f",
			    npnts1, next_iso, l1, iso[next_iso]);
	    G_debug(3, "  npnts1 = %d", npnts1);

	    /* Backward */
	    npnts2 = 0;
	    if (centre2 != -1 && n2cost != -1 && e2cost != -1) {
		/* Find iso for beginning of the line */
		next_iso = 0;
		for (i = niso - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		    if (iso[i] <= s2cost) {
			next_iso = i;
		/* Add first */
		pnts2[0].iso = next_iso;
		pnts2[0].distance = l;

		/* Calculate distances for points along line */
		while (next_iso < niso) {
		    if (e2cost == 0)
			break;	/* Outside line */
		    l1 = (iso[next_iso] - s2cost) / e2cost;
		    if (l1 >= l)
			break;	/* Outside line */

		    if (npnts2 == apnts2) {
			apnts2 += 1;
			pnts2 =
			    (ISOPOINT *) G_realloc(pnts2,
						   apnts2 * sizeof(ISOPOINT));
		    pnts2[npnts2].iso = next_iso;
		    pnts2[npnts2].distance = l - l1;
			    "  backward %d : iso %d : distance %f : cost %f",
			    npnts2, next_iso, l - l1, iso[next_iso]);
	    G_debug(3, "  npnts2 = %d", npnts2);

	    /* Limit number of points by maximum costs in reverse direction, this may remove
	     *  also the first point in one direction, but not in both */
	    /* Forward */
	    if (npnts2 > 0) {
		for (i = 0; i < npnts1; i++) {
			    "  pnt1 = %d dist1 = %f iso1 = %d max iso2 = %d",
			    i, pnts1[i].distance, pnts1[i].iso,
			    pnts2[npnts2 - 1].iso);
		    if (pnts2[npnts2 - 1].iso < pnts1[i].iso) {
			G_debug(3, "    -> cut here");
			npnts1 = i;
	    G_debug(3, "  npnts1 cut = %d", npnts1);

	    /* Backward */
	    if (npnts1 > 0) {
		for (i = 0; i < npnts2; i++) {
			    "  pnt2 = %d dist2 = %f iso2 = %d max iso1 = %d",
			    i, pnts2[i].distance, pnts2[i].iso,
			    pnts1[npnts1 - 1].iso);
		    if (pnts1[npnts1 - 1].iso < pnts2[i].iso) {
			G_debug(3, "    -> cut here");
			npnts2 = i;
	    G_debug(3, "  npnts2 cut = %d", npnts2);

	    /* Biggest cost shoud be equal if exist (npnts > 0). Cut out overlapping segments,
	     *  this can cut only points on line but not first points */
	    if (npnts1 > 1 && npnts2 > 1) {
		while (npnts1 > 1 && npnts2 > 1) {
		    if (pnts1[npnts1 - 1].distance >= pnts2[npnts2 - 1].distance) {	/* overlap */
		    else {
	    G_debug(3, "  npnts1 2. cut = %d", npnts1);
	    G_debug(3, "  npnts2 2. cut = %d", npnts2);

	    /* Now we have points in both directions which may not overlap, npoints in one
	     *  direction may be 0 but not both */

	    /* Join both arrays, iso of point is for next segment (point is at the beginning) */
	    /* In case npnts1 == 0 add point at distance 0 */
	    if (npnts1 == 0) {
			"  npnts1 = 0 -> add first at distance 0, cat = %d",
			pnts2[npnts2 - 1].iso);
		pnts1[0].iso = pnts2[npnts2 - 1].iso;	/* use last point iso in reverse direction */
		pnts1[0].distance = 0;
	    for (i = npnts2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		/* Check if identical */
		if (pnts1[npnts1 - 1].distance == pnts2[i].distance)

		if (npnts1 == apnts1) {
		    apnts1 += 1;
		    pnts1 =
			(ISOPOINT *) G_realloc(pnts1,
					       apnts1 * sizeof(ISOPOINT));
		pnts1[npnts1].iso = pnts2[i].iso - 1;	/* last may be -1, but it is not used */
		pnts1[npnts1].distance = pnts2[i].distance;
	    /* In case npnts2 == 0 add point at the end */
	    if (npnts2 == 0) {
		pnts1[npnts1].iso = 0;	/* not used */
		pnts1[npnts1].distance = l;

	    /* Create line segments. */
	    for (i = 1; i < npnts1; i++) {
		cat = pnts1[i - 1].iso + 1;
		G_debug(3, "  segment %f - %f cat %d", pnts1[i - 1].distance,
			pnts1[i].distance, cat);
		ret =
		    Vect_line_segment(Points, pnts1[i - 1].distance,
				      pnts1[i].distance, SPoints);
		if (ret == 0) {
			      ("Cannot get line segment, segment out of line"));
		else {
		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
		    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, SPoints, Cats);
	else {
	    /* arc is not reachable */
	    G_debug(3, "  -> arc is not reachable");
	    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);


    /* Free, ... */

예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: imincik/pkg-grass
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i, j, ret, centre, line, centre1, centre2;
    int nlines, nnodes, type, ltype, afield, nfield, geo, cat;
    int node, node1, node2;
    double cost, e1cost, e2cost, n1cost, n2cost, s1cost, s2cost, l, l1, l2;
    struct Option *map, *output;
    struct Option *afield_opt, *nfield_opt, *afcol, *abcol, *ncol, *type_opt,
    struct Flag *geo_f;
    struct GModule *module;
    char *mapset;
    struct Map_info Map, Out;
    struct cat_list *catlist;
    CENTER *Centers = NULL;
    int acentres = 0, ncentres = 0;
    NODE *Nodes;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    struct line_pnts *Points, *SPoints;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("vector, network, allocation");
    module->label =
	_("Allocate subnets for nearest centres (direction from centre).");
    module->description =
	_("Centre node must be opened (costs >= 0). "
	  "Costs of centre node are used in calculation");

    map = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    type_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE);
    type_opt->options = "line,boundary";
    type_opt->answer = "line,boundary";
    type_opt->description = _("Arc type");

    afield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    afield_opt->key = "alayer";
    afield_opt->answer = "1";
    afield_opt->description = _("Arc layer");

    nfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    nfield_opt->key = "nlayer";
    nfield_opt->answer = "2";
    nfield_opt->description = _("Node layer");

    afcol = G_define_option();
    afcol->key = "afcolumn";
    afcol->type = TYPE_STRING;
    afcol->required = NO;
    afcol->description =
	_("Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)");

    abcol = G_define_option();
    abcol->key = "abcolumn";
    abcol->type = TYPE_STRING;
    abcol->required = NO;
    abcol->description = _("Arc backward direction cost column (number)");

    ncol = G_define_option();
    ncol->key = "ncolumn";
    ncol->type = TYPE_STRING;
    ncol->required = NO;
    ncol->description = _("Node cost column (number)");

    term_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS);
    term_opt->key = "ccats";
    term_opt->required = YES;
    term_opt->description =
	_("Categories of centres (points on nodes) to which net "
	  "will be allocated, "
	  "layer for this categories is given by nlayer option");

    geo_f = G_define_flag();
    geo_f->key = 'g';
    geo_f->description =
	_("Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    Vect_check_input_output_name(map->answer, output->answer, GV_FATAL_EXIT);

    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    SPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    type = Vect_option_to_types(type_opt);
    afield = atoi(afield_opt->answer);
    nfield = atoi(nfield_opt->answer);

    catlist = Vect_new_cat_list();
    Vect_str_to_cat_list(term_opt->answer, catlist);

    if (geo_f->answer)
	geo = 1;
	geo = 0;

    mapset = G_find_vector2(map->answer, NULL);

    if (mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), map->answer);

    Vect_open_old(&Map, map->answer, mapset);

    /* Build graph */
    Vect_net_build_graph(&Map, type, afield, nfield, afcol->answer,
			 abcol->answer, ncol->answer, geo, 0);

    nnodes = Vect_get_num_nodes(&Map);

    /* Create list of centres based on list of categories */
    for (node = 1; node <= nnodes; node++) {
	nlines = Vect_get_node_n_lines(&Map, node);
	for (j = 0; j < nlines; j++) {
	    line = abs(Vect_get_node_line(&Map, node, j));
	    ltype = Vect_read_line(&Map, NULL, Cats, line);
	    if (!(ltype & GV_POINT))
	    if (!(Vect_cat_get(Cats, nfield, &cat)))
	    if (Vect_cat_in_cat_list(cat, catlist)) {
		Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node, &n1cost);
		if (n1cost == -1) {	/* closed */
		    G_warning("Centre at closed node (costs = -1) ignored");
		else {
		    if (acentres == ncentres) {
			acentres += 1;
			Centers =
			    (CENTER *) G_realloc(Centers,
						 acentres * sizeof(CENTER));
		    Centers[ncentres].cat = cat;
		    Centers[ncentres].node = node;
		    G_debug(2, "centre = %d node = %d cat = %d", ncentres,
			    node, cat);

    G_message(_("Number of centres: [%d] (nlayer: [%d])"), ncentres, nfield);

    if (ncentres == 0)
	G_warning(_("Not enough centres for selected nlayer. "
		    "Nothing will be allocated."));

    /* alloc and reset space for all nodes */
    Nodes = (NODE *) G_calloc((nnodes + 1), sizeof(NODE));
    for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++) {
	Nodes[i].centre = -1;

    /* Fill Nodes by neares centre and costs from that centre */
    G_message(_("Calculating costs from centres ..."));

    for (centre = 0; centre < ncentres; centre++) {
	G_percent(centre, ncentres, 1);
	node1 = Centers[centre].node;
	Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node1, &n1cost);
	G_debug(2, "centre = %d node = %d cat = %d", centre, node1,
	for (node2 = 1; node2 <= nnodes; node2++) {
	    G_debug(5, "  node1 = %d node2 = %d", node1, node2);
	    Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node2, &n2cost);
	    if (n2cost == -1) {
	    }			/* closed, left it as not attached */

	    ret = Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, node1, node2, NULL, &cost);
	    if (ret == -1) {
	    }			/* node unreachable */

	    /* We must add centre node costs (not calculated by Vect_net_shortest_path() ), but
	     *  only if centre and node are not identical, because at the end node cost is add later */
	    if (node1 != node2)
		cost += n1cost;

		    "Arc nodes: %d %d cost: %f (x old cent: %d old cost %f",
		    node1, node2, cost, Nodes[node2].centre,
	    if (Nodes[node2].centre == -1 || cost < Nodes[node2].cost) {
		Nodes[node2].cost = cost;
		Nodes[node2].centre = centre;
    G_percent(1, 1, 1);

    /* Write arcs to new map */
    Vect_open_new(&Out, output->answer, Vect_is_3d(&Map));

    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&Map);
    for (line = 1; line <= nlines; line++) {
	ltype = Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, NULL, line);
	if (!(ltype & type)) {
	Vect_get_line_nodes(&Map, line, &node1, &node2);
	centre1 = Nodes[node1].centre;
	centre2 = Nodes[node2].centre;
	s1cost = Nodes[node1].cost;
	s2cost = Nodes[node2].cost;
	G_debug(3, "Line %d:", line);
	G_debug(3, "Arc centres: %d %d (nodes: %d %d)", centre1, centre2,
		node1, node2);

	Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node1, &n1cost);
	Vect_net_get_node_cost(&Map, node2, &n2cost);

	Vect_net_get_line_cost(&Map, line, GV_FORWARD, &e1cost);
	Vect_net_get_line_cost(&Map, line, GV_BACKWARD, &e2cost);

	G_debug(3, "  s1cost = %f n1cost = %f e1cost = %f", s1cost, n1cost,
	G_debug(3, "  s2cost = %f n2cost = %f e2cost = %f", s2cost, n2cost,


	/* First check if arc is reachable from at least one side */
	if ((centre1 != -1 && n1cost != -1 && e1cost != -1) ||
	    (centre2 != -1 && n2cost != -1 && e2cost != -1)) {
	    /* Line is reachable at least from one side */
	    G_debug(3, "  -> arc is reachable");

	    if (centre1 == centre2) {	/* both nodes in one area -> whole arc in one area */
		if (centre1 != -1)
		    cat = Centers[centre1].cat;	/* line reachable */
		    cat = Centers[centre2].cat;
		Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
		Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);
	    else {		/* each node in different area */
		/* Check if direction is reachable */
		if (centre1 == -1 || n1cost == -1 || e1cost == -1) {	/* closed from first node */
			    "    -> arc is not reachable from 1. node -> alloc to 2. node");
		    cat = Centers[centre2].cat;
		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
		    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);
		else if (centre2 == -1 || n2cost == -1 || e2cost == -1) {	/* closed from second node */
			    "    -> arc is not reachable from 2. node -> alloc to 1. node");
		    cat = Centers[centre1].cat;
		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
		    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);

		/* Now we know that arc is reachable from both sides */

		/* Add costs of node to starting costs */
		s1cost += n1cost;
		s2cost += n2cost;

		/* Check if s1cost + e1cost <= s2cost or s2cost + e2cost <= s1cost !
		 * Note this check also possibility of (e1cost + e2cost) = 0 */
		if (s1cost + e1cost <= s2cost) {	/* whole arc reachable from node1 */
		    cat = Centers[centre1].cat;
		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
		    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);
		else if (s2cost + e2cost <= s1cost) {	/* whole arc reachable from node2 */
		    cat = Centers[centre2].cat;
		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
		    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);
		else {		/* split */
		    /* Calculate relative costs - we expect that costs along the line do not change */
		    l = Vect_line_length(Points);
		    e1cost /= l;
		    e2cost /= l;

		    G_debug(3, "  -> s1cost = %f e1cost = %f", s1cost,
		    G_debug(3, "  -> s2cost = %f e2cost = %f", s2cost,

		    /* Costs from both centres to the splitting point must be equal:
		     * s1cost + l1 * e1cost = s2cost + l2 * e2cost */
		    l1 = (l * e2cost - s1cost + s2cost) / (e1cost + e2cost);
		    l2 = l - l1;
		    G_debug(3, "l = %f l1 = %f l2 = %f", l, l1, l2);

		    /* First segment */
		    ret = Vect_line_segment(Points, 0, l1, SPoints);
		    if (ret == 0) {
			G_warning(_("Cannot get line segment, segment out of line"));
		    else {
			cat = Centers[centre1].cat;
			Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
			Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, SPoints, Cats);

		    /* Second segment */
		    ret = Vect_line_segment(Points, l1, l, SPoints);
		    if (ret == 0) {
			G_warning(_("Cannot get line segment, segment out of line"));
		    else {
			cat = Centers[centre2].cat;
			Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
			Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, SPoints, Cats);
	else {
	    /* arc is not reachable */
	    G_debug(3, "  -> arc is not reachable");
	    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);


    /* Free, ... */

예제 #4
파일: main.c 프로젝트: rkrug/grass-ci
/* Calculate costs for MST on given set of terminals.
 *  If AList / NList is not NULL, list of arcs / nodes in MST is created
 *  Note: qsort() from more (say >30) terminals, takes long time (most of mst()).
 *        To improve the speed, there are used two sorted queues of costs:
 *          1. for all combinations of in trms
 *          2. from 'sp' to all other terminals
 *        Because 1. is sorted only if new sp as added to list of terminals,
 *        and 2. is much shorter than 1., a lot of time is saved.
int mst(struct Map_info *Map, int *trms, int ntrms,	/* array of terminal, number of terminals */
	double *cst, double max_cst,	/* cost, maximum cost */
	struct ilist *AList, struct ilist *NList,	/* list of arcs/nodes in ST */
	int sp,			/* Steiner point (node) to be tested with terminals, (0 = ignore) */
	int rebuild)
{				/* rebuild the sorted list of costs for terminals */
    int i, j, node1, node2, com1, com2, t1, t2, line;
    static int k;
    int tcpos, scpos;		/* current position in the term_costs / sp_costs */
    double tcst;
    struct ilist *List;
    int nsteps, quse;
    int nall;			/* number of terminals + sp ( if used ) */

    if (AList != NULL) {
    List = Vect_new_list();

    /* Create sorted array for all combinations of terms */
    if (rebuild) {
	k = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < ntrms; i++) {
	    for (j = i + 1; j < ntrms; j++) {
		term_costs[k].term1 = i;
		term_costs[k].term2 = j;
		get_node_costs(trms[i], trms[j], &tcst);
		term_costs[k].cost = tcst;

	qsort((void *)term_costs, k, sizeof(COST), cmp);	/* this takes most of a time in mst() */
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
	    G_debug(3, "  %d - %d cost = %f\n", term_costs[i].term1,
		    term_costs[i].term2, term_costs[i].cost);

    /* Create sorted array for all combinations of sp -> terms */
    if (sp > 0) {
	for (i = 0; i < ntrms; i++) {
	    sp_costs[i].term1 = -1;	/* not needed */
	    sp_costs[i].term2 = i;
	    get_node_costs(sp, trms[i], &tcst);
	    sp_costs[i].cost = tcst;
	qsort((void *)sp_costs, ntrms, sizeof(COST), cmp);
	for (i = 0; i < ntrms; i++) {
	    G_debug(3, "  %d - %d cost = %f\n", sp_costs[i].term1,
		    sp_costs[i].term2, sp_costs[i].cost);

    tcst = 0;

    /* MST has number_of_terminals-1 arcs */
    if (sp > 0) {
	nall = ntrms + 1;
	nsteps = ntrms;		/* i.e. + one StP */
    else {
	nall = ntrms;
	nsteps = ntrms - 1;
    G_debug(1, "nall = %d\n", nall);
    for (i = 0; i < nall; i++)
	comps[i] = 0;

    tcpos = 0;
    scpos = 0;
    G_debug(2, "nsteps = %d\n", nsteps);
    for (i = 0; i < nsteps; i++) {
	G_debug(2, "step = %d\n", i);
	/* Take the best (lowest costs, no cycle) from both queues */
	/* For both queues go to next lowest costs without cycle */
	/* treminal costs */
	for (j = tcpos; j < k; j++) {
	    t1 = term_costs[j].term1;
	    t2 = term_costs[j].term2;
	    com1 = comps[t1];
	    com2 = comps[t2];
	    if (com1 != com2 || com1 == 0) {	/* will not create cycle -> candidate */
		tcpos = j;
	if (j == k) {		/* arc without cycle not found */
	    tcpos = -1;

	/* StP costs */
	if (sp > 0) {
	    for (j = scpos; j < ntrms; j++) {
		t1 = ntrms;	/* StP is on first fre position */
		t2 = sp_costs[j].term2;
		com1 = comps[t1];
		com2 = comps[t2];
		G_debug(3, "scpos: j = %d comps(%d) = %d coms(%d) = %d\n", j,
			t1, com1, t2, com2);
		if (com1 != com2 || com1 == 0) {	/* will not create cycle -> candidate */
		    scpos = j;
		    G_debug(3, " ok -> scpos = %d\n", scpos);
	    if (j == ntrms) {	/* arc without cycle not found */
		scpos = -1;
	else {
	    scpos = -1;
	/* Do not access invalid items even for debugging */
    if (tcpos != -1 && scpos != -1)
        G_debug(3, "tcost = %f, scost = %f\n", term_costs[tcpos].cost,

	/* Now we have positions set on lowest costs in each queue or -1 if no more/not used */
	if (tcpos >= 0 && scpos >= 0) {
	    if (term_costs[tcpos].cost < sp_costs[scpos].cost)
		quse = 1;	/* use terms queue */
		quse = 2;	/* use sp queue */
	else if (tcpos >= 0) {
	    quse = 1;		/* use terms queue */
	else {
	    quse = 2;		/* use sp queue */

	/* Now we know from which queue take next arc -> add arc to components */
	if (quse == 1) {
	    t1 = term_costs[tcpos].term1;
	    t2 = term_costs[tcpos].term2;
	    tcst += term_costs[tcpos].cost;
	else {
	    t1 = ntrms;
	    t2 = sp_costs[scpos].term2;
	    tcst += sp_costs[scpos].cost;
	G_debug(3, "quse = %d t1 = %d t2 = %d\n", quse, t1, t2);
	G_debug(3, "tcst = %f (max = %f)\n", tcst, max_cst);

	com1 = comps[t1];
	com2 = comps[t2];
	comps[t1] = i + 1;
	comps[t2] = i + 1;
	G_debug(3, "comps(%d) = %d coms(%d) = %d\n", t1, i + 1, t2, i + 1);

	/* reset connected branches */
	for (j = 0; j < nall; j++) {
	    if (comps[j] == com1 && com1 != 0)
		comps[j] = i + 1;

	    if (comps[j] == com2 && com2 != 0)
		comps[j] = i + 1;
	if (tcst > max_cst) {
	    G_debug(3, "cost > max -> return\n");
	    *cst = PORT_DOUBLE_MAX;
	    return 1;

	/* add to list of arcs */
	if (AList != NULL) {
	    node1 = trms[t1];
	    node2 = trms[t2];
	    Vect_net_shortest_path(Map, node1, node2, List, NULL);
	    for (j = 0; j < List->n_values; j++) {
		Vect_list_append(AList, abs(List->value[j]));

    /* create list of nodes */
    if (NList != NULL) {
	for (i = 0; i < AList->n_values; i++) {
	    line = AList->value[i];
	    Vect_get_line_nodes(Map, line, &node1, &node2);
	    Vect_list_append(NList, node1);
	    Vect_list_append(NList, node2);

    *cst = tcst;


    return 1;
예제 #5
파일: main.c 프로젝트: imincik/pkg-grass
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i, j, k, ret, city, city1;
    int nlines, type, ltype, afield, tfield, geo, cat;
    int node, node1, node2, line;
    struct Option *map, *output, *afield_opt, *tfield_opt, *afcol, *type_opt,
    struct Flag *geo_f;
    struct GModule *module;
    char *mapset;
    struct Map_info Map, Out;
    struct ilist *TList;	/* list of terminal nodes */
    struct ilist *List;
    struct ilist *StArcs;	/* list of arcs on Steiner tree */
    struct ilist *StNodes;	/* list of nodes on Steiner tree */
    double cost, tmpcost, tcost;
    struct cat_list *Clist;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    struct line_pnts *Points;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("vector, network, salesman");
    module->label =
	_("Creates a cycle connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem).");
    module->description =
	_("Note that TSP is NP-hard, heuristic algorithm is used by "
	  "this module and created cycle may be sub optimal");

    map = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    type_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE);
    type_opt->options = "line,boundary";
    type_opt->answer = "line,boundary";
    type_opt->description = _("Arc type");

    afield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    afield_opt->key = "alayer";
    afield_opt->description = _("Arc layer");

    tfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    tfield_opt->key = "nlayer";
    tfield_opt->answer = "2";
    tfield_opt->description = _("Node layer (used for cities)");

    afcol = G_define_option();
    afcol->key = "acolumn";
    afcol->type = TYPE_STRING;
    afcol->required = NO;
    afcol->description = _("Arcs' cost column (for both directions)");

    term_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS);
    term_opt->key = "ccats";
    term_opt->required = YES;
    term_opt->description = _("Categories of points ('cities') on nodes "
			      "(layer is specified by nlayer)");

    geo_f = G_define_flag();
    geo_f->key = 'g';
    geo_f->description =
	_("Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();

    type = Vect_option_to_types(type_opt);
    afield = atoi(afield_opt->answer);

    TList = Vect_new_list();
    List = Vect_new_list();
    StArcs = Vect_new_list();
    StNodes = Vect_new_list();

    Clist = Vect_new_cat_list();
    tfield = atoi(tfield_opt->answer);
    Vect_str_to_cat_list(term_opt->answer, Clist);

    G_debug(1, "Imput categories:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < Clist->n_ranges; i++) {
	G_debug(1, "%d - %d\n", Clist->min[i], Clist->max[i]);

    if (geo_f->answer)
	geo = 1;
	geo = 0;

    Vect_check_input_output_name(map->answer, output->answer, GV_FATAL_EXIT);

    mapset = G_find_vector2(map->answer, NULL);

    if (mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), map->answer);

    Vect_open_old(&Map, map->answer, mapset);
    nnodes = Vect_get_num_nodes(&Map);

    /* Create list of terminals based on list of categories */
    for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++) {
	nlines = Vect_get_node_n_lines(&Map, i);
	for (j = 0; j < nlines; j++) {
	    line = abs(Vect_get_node_line(&Map, i, j));
	    ltype = Vect_read_line(&Map, NULL, Cats, line);
	    if (!(ltype & GV_POINT))
	    if (!(Vect_cat_get(Cats, tfield, &cat)))
	    if (Vect_cat_in_cat_list(cat, Clist)) {
		Vect_list_append(TList, i);
    ncities = TList->n_values;
    G_message(_("Number of cities: [%d]"), ncities);
    if (ncities < 2)
	G_fatal_error(_("Not enough cities (< 2)"));

    /* Alloc memory */
    cities = (int *)G_malloc(ncities * sizeof(int));
    cused = (int *)G_malloc(ncities * sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
	G_debug(1, "%d\n", TList->value[i]);
	cities[i] = TList->value[i];
	cused[i] = 0;		/* not in cycle */

    costs = (COST **) G_malloc(ncities * sizeof(COST *));
    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
	costs[i] = (COST *) G_malloc(ncities * sizeof(COST));

    cycle = (int *)G_malloc((ncities + 1) * sizeof(int));	/* + 1 is for output cycle */

    /* Build graph */
    Vect_net_build_graph(&Map, type, afield, 0, afcol->answer, NULL, NULL,
			 geo, 0);

    /* Create sorted lists of costs */
    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
	k = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++) {
	    if (i == j)
	    ret =
		Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, cities[i], cities[j], NULL,
	    if (ret == -1)
		G_fatal_error(_("Destination node [%d] is unreachable "
				"from node [%d]"), cities[i], cities[j]);

	    costs[i][k].city = j;
	    costs[i][k].cost = cost;
	qsort((void *)costs[i], k, sizeof(COST), cmp);
    /* debug: print sorted */
    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < ncities - 1; j++) {
	    city = costs[i][j].city;
	    G_debug(2, "%d -> %d = %f\n", cities[i], cities[city],

    /* find 2 cities with largest distance */
    cost = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
	tmpcost = costs[i][ncities - 2].cost;
	if (tmpcost > cost) {
	    cost = tmpcost;
	    city = i;
    G_debug(2, "biggest costs %d - %d\n", city,
	    costs[city][ncities - 2].city);

    /* add this 2 cities to array */
    add_city(city, -1);
    add_city(costs[city][ncities - 2].city, 0);

    /* In each step, find not used city, with biggest cost to any used city, and insert 
     *  into cycle between 2 nearest nodes */
    for (i = 0; i < ncities - 2; i++) {
	cost = -1;
	G_debug(2, "---- %d ----\n", i);
	for (j = 0; j < ncities; j++) {
	    if (cused[j] == 1)
	    tmpcost = 0;
	    for (k = 0; k < ncities - 1; k++) {
		G_debug(2, "? %d (%d) - %d (%d) \n", j, cnode(j),
			costs[j][k].city, cnode(costs[j][k].city));
		if (!cused[costs[j][k].city])
		    continue;	/* only used */
		tmpcost += costs[j][k].cost;
		break;		/* first nearest */
	    G_debug(2, "    cost = %f x %f\n", tmpcost, cost);
	    if (tmpcost > cost) {
		cost = tmpcost;
		city = j;
	G_debug(2, "add %d\n", city);

	/* add to cycle on lovest costs */
	cycle[ncyc] = cycle[0];	/* tmp for cycle */
	for (j = 0; j < ncyc; j++) {
	    node1 = cities[cycle[j]];
	    node2 = cities[cycle[j + 1]];
	    ret = Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, node1, node2, NULL, &tcost);
	    tmpcost = -tcost;
	    node1 = cities[cycle[j]];
	    node2 = cities[city];
	    ret = Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, node1, node2, NULL, &tcost);
	    tmpcost += tcost;
	    node1 = cities[cycle[j + 1]];
	    node2 = cities[city];
	    ret = Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, node1, node2, NULL, &tcost);
	    tmpcost += tcost;

	    G_debug(2, "? %d - %d cost = %f x %f\n", node1, node2, tmpcost,
	    if (tmpcost < cost) {
		city1 = j;
		cost = tmpcost;

	add_city(city, city1);


    /* Print */
    G_debug(2, "Cycle:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
	G_debug(2, "%d: %d: %d\n", i, cycle[i], cities[cycle[i]]);

    /* Create list of arcs */
    cycle[ncities] = cycle[0];
    for (i = 0; i < ncities; i++) {
	node1 = cities[cycle[i]];
	node2 = cities[cycle[i + 1]];
	G_debug(2, " %d -> %d\n", node1, node2);
	ret = Vect_net_shortest_path(&Map, node1, node2, List, NULL);
	for (j = 0; j < List->n_values; j++) {
	    line = abs(List->value[j]);
	    Vect_list_append(StArcs, line);
	    Vect_get_line_nodes(&Map, line, &node1, &node2);
	    Vect_list_append(StNodes, node1);
	    Vect_list_append(StNodes, node2);

    /* Write arcs to new map */
    Vect_open_new(&Out, output->answer, Vect_is_3d(&Map));

    fprintf(stdout, "\nCycle:\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "Arcs' categories (layer %d, %d arcs):\n", afield,
    for (i = 0; i < StArcs->n_values; i++) {
	line = StArcs->value[i];
	ltype = Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, Cats, line);
	Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);
	Vect_cat_get(Cats, afield, &cat);
	if (i > 0)
	fprintf(stdout, "%d", cat);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");

    fprintf(stdout, "Nodes' categories (layer %d, %d nodes):\n", tfield,
    k = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < StNodes->n_values; i++) {
	node = StNodes->value[i];
	nlines = Vect_get_node_n_lines(&Map, node);
	for (j = 0; j < nlines; j++) {
	    line = abs(Vect_get_node_line(&Map, node, j));
	    ltype = Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, Cats, line);
	    if (!(ltype & GV_POINT))
	    if (!(Vect_cat_get(Cats, tfield, &cat)))
	    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);
	    if (k > 0)
		fprintf(stdout, ",");
	    fprintf(stdout, "%d", cat);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");


    /* Free, ... */
