예제 #1
bool QgsGrassVectorMap::openMap()
  // TODO: refresh layers (reopen)
  QgsDebugMsg( toString() );
  QgsGrass::setLocation( mGrassObject.gisdbase(), mGrassObject.location() );

  // Find the vector
  const char *ms = G_find_vector2( mGrassObject.name().toUtf8().data(),  mGrassObject.mapset().toUtf8().data() );

  if ( !ms )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot find GRASS vector" );
    return false;

  // Read the time of vector dir before Vect_open_old, because it may take long time (when the vector
  // could be owerwritten)
  QFileInfo di( mGrassObject.mapsetPath() + "/vector/" + mGrassObject.name() );
  mLastModified = di.lastModified();

  di.setFile( mGrassObject.mapsetPath() + "/vector/" + mGrassObject.name() + "/dbln" );
  mLastAttributesModified = di.lastModified();

  mMap = QgsGrass::vectNewMapStruct();
  // Do we have topology and cidx (level2)
  int level = -1;
    Vect_set_open_level( 2 );
    level = Vect_open_old_head( mMap, mGrassObject.name().toUtf8().data(), mGrassObject.mapset().toUtf8().data() );
    Vect_close( mMap );
  G_CATCH( QgsGrass::Exception & e )
    QgsGrass::warning( e );
    level = -1;
예제 #2
// Slot called when the "Add GRASS vector layer" menu item is triggered
void QgsGrassPlugin::addVector()
// QgsDebugMsg("entered.");
  QString uri;

  QgsGrassSelect *sel = new QgsGrassSelect( qGisInterface->mainWindow(), QgsGrassSelect::VECTOR );
  if ( sel->exec() )
    uri = sel->gisdbase + "/" + sel->location + "/" + sel->mapset + "/" + sel->map + "/" + sel->layer;
// QgsDebugMsg(QString("plugin URI: %1").arg(uri));
  if ( uri.length() == 0 )
// QgsDebugMsg("Nothing was selected");
// QgsDebugMsg("Add new vector layer");

    // create vector name: vector layer
    QString name = sel->map;

    QString field;
    QString type;

    if ( !sel->layer.startsWith( "topo_" ) )
      QRegExp rx( "(\\d+)_(.+)" );
      if ( rx.indexIn( sel->layer ) != -1 )
        field = rx.cap( 1 );
        type = rx.cap( 2 );

    // Set location
    QgsGrass::setLocation( sel->gisdbase, sel->location );

    /* Open vector */
      //Vect_set_open_level( 2 );
      struct Map_info map;
      int level = Vect_open_old_head( &map, sel->map.toUtf8().data(),
                                      sel->mapset.toUtf8().data() );

      if ( level == 1 )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot open vector on level 2" );
        QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using v.build module)." ).arg( sel->map ).arg( sel->mapset ) );
        Vect_close( &map );
      else if ( level < 1 )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot open vector" );
        QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2" ).arg( sel->map ).arg( sel->mapset ) );

      if ( level >= 2 )
        if ( !sel->layer.startsWith( "topo_" ) )
          // Count layers
          int cnt = 0;
          int ncidx = Vect_cidx_get_num_fields( &map );

          for ( int i = 0; i < ncidx; i++ )
            int field = Vect_cidx_get_field_number( &map, i );

            if ( Vect_cidx_get_type_count( &map, field, GV_POINT | GV_LINE | GV_AREA ) > 0 ||
                 ( field > 1 && Vect_cidx_get_type_count( &map, field, GV_BOUNDARY ) ) )

          if ( cnt > 1 )
            name.append( " " + field );

            // No need to ad type, the type is obvious from the legend
          name.append( " " + sel->layer );

      Vect_close( &map );
    catch ( QgsGrass::Exception &e )
      QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "Cannot open GRASS vector:\n %1" ).arg( e.what() ) );

    qGisInterface->addVectorLayer( uri, name, "grass" );
예제 #3
QStringList QgsGrassSelect::vectorLayers( QString gisdbase,
    QString location, QString mapset, QString mapName )
  QStringList list;

  // Set location
  QgsGrass::setLocation( gisdbase, location );

  /* Open vector */
  //Vect_set_open_level( 2 );
  struct Map_info map;
  int level = -1;

    level = Vect_open_old_head( &map, ( char * ) mapName.toUtf8().data(), ( char * ) mapset.toUtf8().data() );
  catch ( QgsGrass::Exception &e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Cannot open GRASS vector: %1" ).arg( e.what() ) );
    return list;

  if ( level == 1 )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot open vector on level 2" );
    QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2 on level 2 (topology not available, try to rebuild topology using v.build module)." ).arg( mapName ).arg( mapset ) );
    // Vect_close here is correct, it should work, but it seems to cause
    // crash on win http://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/2003
    // disabled on win test it
#if !defined(WIN32)
    Vect_close( &map );
    return list;
  else if ( level < 1 )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot open vector" );
    QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "Cannot open vector %1 in mapset %2" ).arg( mapName ).arg( mapset ) );
    return list;

  QgsDebugMsg( "GRASS vector successfully opened" );

  // Get layers
  int ncidx = Vect_cidx_get_num_fields( &map );

  for ( int i = 0; i < ncidx; i++ )
    int field = Vect_cidx_get_field_number( &map, i );
    QString fs;
    fs.sprintf( "%d", field );

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i = %1 layer = %2" ).arg( i ).arg( field ) );

    /* Points */
    int npoints = Vect_cidx_get_type_count( &map, field, GV_POINT );
    if ( npoints > 0 )
      QString l = fs + "_point";
      list.append( l );

    /* Lines */
    /* Lines without category appears in layer 0, but not boundaries */
    int tp;
    if ( field == 0 )
      tp = GV_LINE;
      tp = GV_LINE | GV_BOUNDARY;

    int nlines = Vect_cidx_get_type_count( &map, field, tp );
    if ( nlines > 0 )
      QString l = fs + "_line";
      list.append( l );

    /* Polygons */
    int nareas = Vect_cidx_get_type_count( &map, field, GV_AREA );
    if ( nareas > 0 )
      QString l = fs + "_polygon";
      list.append( l );
  Vect_close( &map );

  return list;
예제 #4
bool GRASS_EXPORT QgsGrass::mapRegion( int type, QString gisbase,
                                       QString location, QString mapset, QString map,
                                       struct Cell_head *window )
  QgsDebugMsg( "entered." );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "map = %1" ).arg( map ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mapset = %1" ).arg( mapset ) );

  QgsGrass::setLocation( gisbase, location );

  if ( type == Raster )

    if ( G_get_cellhd( map.toUtf8().data(),
                       mapset.toUtf8().data(), window ) < 0 )
      QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr( "Warning" ),
                            QObject::tr( "Cannot read raster map region" ) );
      return false;
  else if ( type == Vector )
    // Get current projection
    region( gisbase, location, mapset, window );

    struct Map_info Map;

    int level = Vect_open_old_head( &Map,
                                    map.toUtf8().data(), mapset.toUtf8().data() );

    if ( level < 2 )
      QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr( "Warning" ),
                            QObject::tr( "Cannot read vector map region" ) );
      return false;

    BOUND_BOX box;
    Vect_get_map_box( &Map, &box );
    window->north = box.N;
    window->south = box.S;
    window->west  = box.W;
    window->east  = box.E;
    window->top  = box.T;
    window->bottom  = box.B;

    // Is this optimal ?
    window->ns_res = ( window->north - window->south ) / 1000;
    window->ew_res = window->ns_res;
    if ( window->top > window->bottom )
      window->tb_res = ( window->top - window->bottom ) / 10;
      window->top = window->bottom + 1;
      window->tb_res = 1;
    G_adjust_Cell_head3( window, 0, 0, 0 );

    Vect_close( &Map );
  else if ( type == Region )
    if ( G__get_window( window, ( char * ) "windows",
                        mapset.toUtf8().data() ) != NULL )
      QMessageBox::warning( 0, QObject::tr( "Warning" ),
                            QObject::tr( "Cannot read region" ) );
      return false;
  return true;
예제 #5
파일: main.c 프로젝트: imincik/pkg-grass
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct GModule *module;
    int i, first = 1;
    char *mapset;
    char **rast, **vect;
    int nrasts, nvects;
    struct Cell_head window, temp_window;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("display, setup");
    module->description =
	"Sets window region so that all currently displayed raster "
	"and vector maps can be shown in a monitor.";

    if (argc > 1 && G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (R_open_driver() != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("No graphics device selected"));

    if (D_get_cell_list(&rast, &nrasts) < 0)
	rast = NULL;

    if (D_get_dig_list(&vect, &nvects) < 0)
	vect = NULL;


    if (rast == NULL && vect == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("No raster or vector map displayed"));


    if (rast) {
	for (i = 0; i < nrasts; i++) {
	    mapset = G_find_cell2(rast[i], "");
	    if (mapset == NULL)
		G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), rast[i]);
	    if (G_get_cellhd(rast[i], mapset, &temp_window) >= 0) {
		if (first) {
		    first = 0;
		    G_copy(&window, &temp_window, sizeof(window));
		else {
		    if (window.east < temp_window.east)
			window.east = temp_window.east;
		    if (window.west > temp_window.west)
			window.west = temp_window.west;
		    if (window.south > temp_window.south)
			window.south = temp_window.south;
		    if (window.north < temp_window.north)
			window.north = temp_window.north;
		       if(window.ns_res < nsres)
		       nsres = window.ns_res;
		       if(window.ew_res < ewres)
		       ewres = window.ew_res;

	G_adjust_Cell_head3(&window, 0, 0, 0);

    if (vect) {
	struct Map_info Map;

	G_copy(&temp_window, &window, sizeof(window));

	for (i = 0; i < nvects; i++) {
	    mapset = G_find_vector2(vect[i], "");
	    if (mapset == NULL)
		G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), vect[i]);
	    if (Vect_open_old_head(&Map, vect[i], mapset) == 2) {
		if (first) {
		    first = 0;
		    window.east = Map.plus.box.E;
		    window.west = Map.plus.box.W;
		    window.south = Map.plus.box.S;
		    window.north = Map.plus.box.N;
		else {
		    if (window.east < Map.plus.box.E)
			window.east = Map.plus.box.E;
		    if (window.west > Map.plus.box.W)
			window.west = Map.plus.box.W;
		    if (window.south > Map.plus.box.S)
			window.south = Map.plus.box.S;
		    if (window.north < Map.plus.box.N)
			window.north = Map.plus.box.N;

	if (window.north == window.south) {
	    window.north += 0.5 * temp_window.ns_res;
	    window.south -= 0.5 * temp_window.ns_res;
	if (window.east == window.west) {
	    window.east += 0.5 * temp_window.ew_res;
	    window.west -= 0.5 * temp_window.ew_res;

	G_align_window(&window, &temp_window);

    G_adjust_Cell_head3(&window, 0, 0, 0);

예제 #6
파일: main.c 프로젝트: GRASS-GIS/grass-ci
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;
    int print_flag = 0;
    int flat_flag; 
    int set_flag;
    double x;
    int ival;
    int row_flag = 0, col_flag = 0;
    struct Cell_head window, temp_window;
    const char *value;
    const char *name;
    const char *mapset;
    char **rast_ptr, **vect_ptr;

    struct GModule *module;
	struct Flag
	    *update, *print, *gprint, *flprint, *lprint, *eprint, *nangle,
	    *center, *res_set, *dist_res, *dflt, *z, *savedefault,
	    *bbox, *gmt_style, *wms_style;
    } flag;
	struct Option
	    *north, *south, *east, *west, *top, *bottom,
	    *res, *nsres, *ewres, *res3, *tbres, *rows, *cols,
	    *save, *region, *raster, *raster3d, *align,
	    *zoom, *vect;
    } parm;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Manages the boundary definitions for the " "geographic region.");

    /* flags */

    flag.dflt = G_define_flag();
    flag.dflt->key = 'd';
    flag.dflt->description = _("Set from default region");
    flag.dflt->guisection = _("Existing");

    flag.savedefault = G_define_flag();
    flag.savedefault->key = 's';
    flag.savedefault->label = _("Save as default region");
    flag.savedefault->description = _("Only possible from the PERMANENT mapset");
    flag.savedefault->guisection = _("Existing");

    flag.print = G_define_flag();
    flag.print->key = 'p';
    flag.print->description = _("Print the current region");
    flag.print->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.lprint = G_define_flag();
    flag.lprint->key = 'l';
    flag.lprint->description = _("Print the current region in lat/long "
				 "using the current ellipsoid/datum");
    flag.lprint->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.eprint = G_define_flag();
    flag.eprint->key = 'e';
    flag.eprint->description = _("Print the current region extent");
    flag.eprint->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.center = G_define_flag();
    flag.center->key = 'c';
    flag.center->description =
	_("Print the current region map center coordinates");
    flag.center->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.gmt_style = G_define_flag();
    flag.gmt_style->key = 't';
    flag.gmt_style->description =
	_("Print the current region in GMT style");
    flag.gmt_style->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.wms_style = G_define_flag();
    flag.wms_style->key = 'w';
    flag.wms_style->description =
	_("Print the current region in WMS style");
    flag.wms_style->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.dist_res = G_define_flag();
    flag.dist_res->key = 'm';
    flag.dist_res->description =
	_("Print region resolution in meters (geodesic)");
    flag.dist_res->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.nangle = G_define_flag();
    flag.nangle->key = 'n';
    flag.nangle->label = _("Print the convergence angle (degrees CCW)");
    flag.nangle->description =
	_("The difference between the projection's grid north and true north, "
	  "measured at the center coordinates of the current region.");
    flag.nangle->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.z = G_define_flag();
    flag.z->key = '3';
    flag.z->description = _("Print also 3D settings");
    flag.z->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.bbox = G_define_flag();
    flag.bbox->key = 'b';
    flag.bbox->description =
	_("Print the maximum bounding box in lat/long on WGS84");
    flag.bbox->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.gprint = G_define_flag();
    flag.gprint->key = 'g';
    flag.gprint->description = _("Print in shell script style");
    flag.gprint->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.flprint = G_define_flag();
    flag.flprint->key = 'f';
    flag.flprint->description = _("Print in shell script style, but in one line (flat)");
    flag.flprint->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.res_set = G_define_flag();
    flag.res_set->key = 'a';
    flag.res_set->description =
	_("Align region to resolution (default = align to bounds, "
	  "works only for 2D resolution)");
    flag.res_set->guisection = _("Bounds");

    flag.update = G_define_flag();
    flag.update->key = 'u';
    flag.update->description = _("Do not update the current region");
    flag.update->guisection = _("Effects");

    /* parameters */

    parm.region = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_REGION);
    parm.region->description = _("Set current region from named region");
    parm.region->guisection = _("Existing");

    parm.raster = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    parm.raster->key = "raster";
    parm.raster->required = NO;
    parm.raster->multiple = YES;
    parm.raster->description = _("Set region to match raster map(s)");
    parm.raster->guisection = _("Existing");

    parm.raster3d = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R3_MAP);
    parm.raster3d->key = "raster_3d";
    parm.raster3d->required = NO;
    parm.raster3d->multiple = NO;
    parm.raster3d->description =
	_("Set region to match 3D raster map(s) (both 2D and 3D "
    parm.raster3d->guisection = _("Existing");

    parm.vect = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_MAP);
    parm.vect->key = "vector";
    parm.vect->required = NO;
    parm.vect->multiple = YES;
    parm.vect->label = _("Set region to match vector map(s)");
    parm.vect->description = NULL;
    parm.vect->guisection = _("Existing");

    parm.north = G_define_option();
    parm.north->key = "n";
    parm.north->key_desc = "value";
    parm.north->required = NO;
    parm.north->multiple = NO;
    parm.north->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.north->description = _("Value for the northern edge");
    parm.north->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.south = G_define_option();
    parm.south->key = "s";
    parm.south->key_desc = "value";
    parm.south->required = NO;
    parm.south->multiple = NO;
    parm.south->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.south->description = _("Value for the southern edge");
    parm.south->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.east = G_define_option();
    parm.east->key = "e";
    parm.east->key_desc = "value";
    parm.east->required = NO;
    parm.east->multiple = NO;
    parm.east->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.east->description = _("Value for the eastern edge");
    parm.east->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.west = G_define_option();
    parm.west->key = "w";
    parm.west->key_desc = "value";
    parm.west->required = NO;
    parm.west->multiple = NO;
    parm.west->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.west->description = _("Value for the western edge");
    parm.west->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.top = G_define_option();
    parm.top->key = "t";
    parm.top->key_desc = "value";
    parm.top->required = NO;
    parm.top->multiple = NO;
    parm.top->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.top->description = _("Value for the top edge");
    parm.top->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.bottom = G_define_option();
    parm.bottom->key = "b";
    parm.bottom->key_desc = "value";
    parm.bottom->required = NO;
    parm.bottom->multiple = NO;
    parm.bottom->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.bottom->description = _("Value for the bottom edge");
    parm.bottom->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.rows = G_define_option();
    parm.rows->key = "rows";
    parm.rows->key_desc = "value";
    parm.rows->required = NO;
    parm.rows->multiple = NO;
    parm.rows->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.rows->description = _("Number of rows in the new region");
    parm.rows->guisection = _("Resolution");

    parm.cols = G_define_option();
    parm.cols->key = "cols";
    parm.cols->key_desc = "value";
    parm.cols->required = NO;
    parm.cols->multiple = NO;
    parm.cols->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.cols->description = _("Number of columns in the new region");
    parm.cols->guisection = _("Resolution");

    parm.res = G_define_option();
    parm.res->key = "res";
    parm.res->key_desc = "value";
    parm.res->required = NO;
    parm.res->multiple = NO;
    parm.res->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.res->description =
	_("2D grid resolution (north-south and east-west)");
    parm.res->guisection = _("Resolution");

    parm.res3 = G_define_option();
    parm.res3->key = "res3";
    parm.res3->key_desc = "value";
    parm.res3->required = NO;
    parm.res3->multiple = NO;
    parm.res3->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.res3->description =
	_("3D grid resolution (north-south, east-west and top-bottom)");
    parm.res3->guisection = _("Resolution");

    parm.nsres = G_define_option();
    parm.nsres->key = "nsres";
    parm.nsres->key_desc = "value";
    parm.nsres->required = NO;
    parm.nsres->multiple = NO;
    parm.nsres->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.nsres->description = _("North-south 2D grid resolution");
    parm.nsres->guisection = _("Resolution");

    parm.ewres = G_define_option();
    parm.ewres->key = "ewres";
    parm.ewres->key_desc = "value";
    parm.ewres->required = NO;
    parm.ewres->multiple = NO;
    parm.ewres->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.ewres->description = _("East-west 2D grid resolution");
    parm.ewres->guisection = _("Resolution");

    parm.tbres = G_define_option();
    parm.tbres->key = "tbres";
    parm.tbres->key_desc = "value";
    parm.tbres->required = NO;
    parm.tbres->multiple = NO;
    parm.tbres->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.tbres->description = _("Top-bottom 3D grid resolution");
    parm.tbres->guisection = _("Resolution");

    parm.zoom = G_define_option();
    parm.zoom->key = "zoom";
    parm.zoom->key_desc = "name";
    parm.zoom->required = NO;
    parm.zoom->multiple = NO;
    parm.zoom->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.zoom->description =
	_("Shrink region until it meets non-NULL data from this raster map");
    parm.zoom->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
    parm.zoom->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.align = G_define_option();
    parm.align->key = "align";
    parm.align->key_desc = "name";
    parm.align->required = NO;
    parm.align->multiple = NO;
    parm.align->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.align->description =
	_("Adjust region cells to cleanly align with this raster map");
    parm.align->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
    parm.align->guisection = _("Bounds");

    parm.save = G_define_option();
    parm.save->key = "save";
    parm.save->key_desc = "name";
    parm.save->required = NO;
    parm.save->multiple = NO;
    parm.save->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.save->description =
	_("Save current region settings in named region file");
    parm.save->gisprompt = "new,windows,region";
    parm.save->guisection = _("Effects");

    G_option_required(flag.dflt, flag.savedefault, flag.print, flag.lprint,
                      flag.eprint, flag.center, flag.gmt_style, flag.wms_style,
                      flag.dist_res, flag.nangle, flag. z, flag.bbox, flag.gprint,
                      flag.res_set, flag.update, parm.region, parm.raster,
                      parm.raster3d, parm.vect, parm.north, parm.south, parm.east,
                      parm.west, parm.top, parm.bottom, parm.rows, parm.cols,
                      parm.res, parm.res3, parm.nsres, parm.ewres, parm.tbres,
                      parm.zoom, parm.align, parm.save, NULL);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))


    set_flag = !flag.update->answer;
    flat_flag = flag.flprint->answer;

    if (flag.print->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_REG;

    if (flag.gprint->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_SH;

    if (flag.lprint->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_LL;

    if (flag.eprint->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_EXTENT;

    if (flag.center->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_CENTER;

    if (flag.gmt_style->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_GMT;

    if (flag.wms_style->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_WMS;

    if (flag.nangle->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_NANGLE;

    if (flag.dist_res->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_METERS;

    if (flag.z->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_3D;

    if (flag.bbox->answer)
	print_flag |= PRINT_MBBOX;

    if (print_flag == PRINT_METERS)
	print_flag |= PRINT_SH;

    if (print_flag == PRINT_SH ||
	print_flag & PRINT_3D || print_flag == PRINT_METERS + PRINT_SH) {
	print_flag |= PRINT_REG;

    if (!flag.dflt->answer)

    /* region= */
    if ((name = parm.region->answer)) {
	mapset = G_find_file2("windows", name, "");
	if (!mapset)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Region <%s> not found"), name);
	G_get_element_window(&window, "windows", name, mapset);

    /* raster= */
    if (parm.raster->answer) {
	int first = 0;

	rast_ptr = parm.raster->answers;
	for (; *rast_ptr != NULL; rast_ptr++) {
	    char rast_name[GNAME_MAX];

	    strcpy(rast_name, *rast_ptr);
	    mapset = G_find_raster2(rast_name, "");
	    if (!mapset)
		G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), rast_name);
	    Rast_get_cellhd(rast_name, mapset, &temp_window);
	    if (!first) {
		window = temp_window;
		first = 1;
	    else {
		window.north = (window.north > temp_window.north) ?
		    window.north : temp_window.north;
		window.south = (window.south < temp_window.south) ?
		    window.south : temp_window.south;
		window.east = (window.east > temp_window.east) ?
		    window.east : temp_window.east;
		window.west = (window.west < temp_window.west) ?
		    window.west : temp_window.west;
	G_adjust_Cell_head3(&window, 0, 0, 0);

    /* raster3d= */
    if ((name = parm.raster3d->answer)) {
	RASTER3D_Region win;

	if ((mapset = G_find_raster3d(name, "")) == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("3D raster map <%s> not found"), name);

	if (Rast3d_read_region_map(name, mapset, &win) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read header of 3D raster map <%s@%s>"),
			  name, mapset);

	Rast3d_region_to_cell_head(&win, &window);

    /* vector= */
    if (parm.vect->answer) {
	int first = 0;

	vect_ptr = parm.vect->answers;
	for (; *vect_ptr != NULL; vect_ptr++) {
	    struct Map_info Map;
	    struct bound_box box;
	    char vect_name[GNAME_MAX];
	    struct Cell_head map_window;

	    strcpy(vect_name, *vect_ptr);
	    mapset = G_find_vector2(vect_name, "");
	    if (!mapset)
		G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), vect_name);

	    temp_window = window;

	    if (2 > Vect_open_old_head(&Map, vect_name, mapset))
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> on topological level"),
	    Vect_get_map_box(&Map, &box);
	    map_window = window;
	    map_window.north = box.N;
	    map_window.south = box.S;
	    map_window.west = box.W;
	    map_window.east = box.E;
	    map_window.top = box.T;
	    map_window.bottom = box.B;

	    if (!first) {
		window = map_window;
		first = 1;
	    else {
		window.north = (window.north > map_window.north) ?
		    window.north : map_window.north;
		window.south = (window.south < map_window.south) ?
		    window.south : map_window.south;
		window.east = (window.east > map_window.east) ?
		    window.east : map_window.east;
		window.west = (window.west < map_window.west) ?
		    window.west : map_window.west;
		if (map_window.top > window.top)
		    window.top = map_window.top;
		if (map_window.bottom < window.bottom)
		    window.bottom = map_window.bottom;

	    if (window.north == window.south) {
		window.north = window.north + 0.5 * temp_window.ns_res;
		window.south = window.south - 0.5 * temp_window.ns_res;
	    if (window.east == window.west) {
		window.west = window.west - 0.5 * temp_window.ew_res;
		window.east = window.east + 0.5 * temp_window.ew_res;
	    if (window.top == window.bottom) {
		window.bottom = (window.bottom - 0.5 * temp_window.tb_res);
		window.top = (window.top + 0.5 * temp_window.tb_res);

	    if (flag.res_set->answer)
		Rast_align_window(&window, &temp_window);


    /* n= */
    if ((value = parm.north->answer)) {
	if ((i = nsew(value, "n+", "n-", "s+"))) {
	    if (!G_scan_resolution(value + 2, &x, window.proj))
	    switch (i) {
	    case 1:
		window.north += x;
	    case 2:
		window.north -= x;
	    case 3:
		window.north = window.south + x;
	else if (G_scan_northing(value, &x, window.proj))
	    window.north = x;

    /* s= */
    if ((value = parm.south->answer)) {
	if ((i = nsew(value, "s+", "s-", "n-"))) {
	    if (!G_scan_resolution(value + 2, &x, window.proj))
	    switch (i) {
	    case 1:
		window.south += x;
	    case 2:
		window.south -= x;
	    case 3:
		window.south = window.north - x;
	else if (G_scan_northing(value, &x, window.proj))
	    window.south = x;

    /* e= */
    if ((value = parm.east->answer)) {
	if ((i = nsew(value, "e+", "e-", "w+"))) {
	    if (!G_scan_resolution(value + 2, &x, window.proj))
	    switch (i) {
	    case 1:
		window.east += x;
	    case 2:
		window.east -= x;
	    case 3:
		window.east = window.west + x;
	else if (G_scan_easting(value, &x, window.proj))
	    window.east = x;

    /* w= */
    if ((value = parm.west->answer)) {
	if ((i = nsew(value, "w+", "w-", "e-"))) {
	    if (!G_scan_resolution(value + 2, &x, window.proj))
	    switch (i) {
	    case 1:
		window.west += x;
	    case 2:
		window.west -= x;
	    case 3:
		window.west = window.east - x;
	else if (G_scan_easting(value, &x, window.proj))
	    window.west = x;

    /* t= */
    if ((value = parm.top->answer)) {
	if ((i = nsew(value, "t+", "t-", "b+"))) {
	    if (sscanf(value + 2, "%lf", &x) != 1)
	    switch (i) {
	    case 1:
		window.top += x;
	    case 2:
		window.top -= x;
	    case 3:
		window.top = window.bottom + x;
	else if (sscanf(value, "%lf", &x) == 1)
	    window.top = x;

    /* b= */
    if ((value = parm.bottom->answer)) {
	if ((i = nsew(value, "b+", "b-", "t-"))) {
	    if (sscanf(value + 2, "%lf", &x) != 1)
	    switch (i) {
	    case 1:
		window.bottom += x;
	    case 2:
		window.bottom -= x;
	    case 3:
		window.bottom = window.top - x;
	else if (sscanf(value, "%lf", &x) == 1)
	    window.bottom = x;

    /* res= */
    if ((value = parm.res->answer)) {
	if (!G_scan_resolution(value, &x, window.proj))
	window.ns_res = x;
	window.ew_res = x;

	if (flag.res_set->answer) {
	    window.north = ceil(window.north / x) * x;
	    window.south = floor(window.south / x) * x;
	    window.east = ceil(window.east / x) * x;
	    window.west = floor(window.west / x) * x;

    /* res3= */
    if ((value = parm.res3->answer)) {
	if (!G_scan_resolution(value, &x, window.proj))
	window.ns_res3 = x;
	window.ew_res3 = x;
	window.tb_res = x;

    /* nsres= */
    if ((value = parm.nsres->answer)) {
	if (!G_scan_resolution(value, &x, window.proj))
	window.ns_res = x;

	if (flag.res_set->answer) {
	    window.north = ceil(window.north / x) * x;
	    window.south = floor(window.south / x) * x;

    /* ewres= */
    if ((value = parm.ewres->answer)) {
	if (!G_scan_resolution(value, &x, window.proj))
	window.ew_res = x;

	if (flag.res_set->answer) {
	    window.east = ceil(window.east / x) * x;
	    window.west = floor(window.west / x) * x;

    /* tbres= */
    if ((value = parm.tbres->answer)) {
	if (sscanf(value, "%lf", &x) != 1)
	window.tb_res = x;

	if (flag.res_set->answer) {
	    window.top = ceil(window.top / x) * x;
	    window.bottom = floor(window.bottom / x) * x;

    /* rows= */
    if ((value = parm.rows->answer)) {
	if (sscanf(value, "%i", &ival) != 1)
	window.rows = ival;
	row_flag = 1;

    /* cols= */
    if ((value = parm.cols->answer)) {
	if (sscanf(value, "%i", &ival) != 1)
	window.cols = ival;
	col_flag = 1;

    /* zoom= */
    if ((name = parm.zoom->answer)) {
	mapset = G_find_raster2(name, "");
	if (!mapset)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), name);
	zoom(&window, name, mapset);

    /* align= */
    if ((name = parm.align->answer)) {
	mapset = G_find_raster2(name, "");
	if (!mapset)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), name);
	Rast_get_cellhd(name, mapset, &temp_window);
	Rast_align_window(&window, &temp_window);

    /* save= */
    if ((name = parm.save->answer)) {
	temp_window = window;
	G_adjust_Cell_head3(&temp_window, 0, 0, 0);
	if (G_put_element_window(&temp_window, "windows", name) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to set region <%s>"), name);

    G_adjust_Cell_head3(&window, row_flag, col_flag, 0);
    if (set_flag) {
	if (G_put_window(&window) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to update current region"));

    if (flag.savedefault->answer) {
	if (strcmp(G_mapset(), "PERMANENT") == 0) {
	    G_put_element_window(&window, "", "DEFAULT_WIND");
	else {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to change default region. "
			    "The current mapset is not <PERMANENT>."));
    }				/* / flag.savedefault->answer */

    if (print_flag)
	print_window(&window, print_flag, flat_flag);

예제 #7
파일: map.c 프로젝트: AsherBond/MondocosmOS
   \brief Delete vector map including attribute tables

   \param map vector map name

   \return -1 error
   \return 0 success
int Vect_delete(const char *map)
    int i, n, ret;
    struct Map_info Map;
    struct field_info *Fi;
    char buf[GPATH_MAX];
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *ent;
    const char *tmp;
    char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];

    G_debug(3, "Delete vector '%s'", map);

    /* remove mapset from fully qualified name */
    if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(map, xname, xmapset)) {
	map = xname;

    if (map == NULL || strlen(map) == 0) {
	G_warning(_("Invalid vector map name <%s>"), map ? map : "null");
	return -1;

    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", G_gisdbase(), G_location(),
	    G_mapset(), GV_DIRECTORY, map, GV_DBLN_ELEMENT);

    G_debug(1, "dbln file: %s", buf);

    if (access(buf, F_OK) == 0) {
	/* Open input */
	Vect_set_open_level(1);	/* Topo not needed */
	ret = Vect_open_old_head(&Map, map, G_mapset());
	if (ret < 1) {
	    G_warning(_("Unable to open header file for vector map <%s>"),
	    return -1;

	/* Delete all tables, NOT external (OGR) */
	if (Map.format == GV_FORMAT_NATIVE) {

	    n = Vect_get_num_dblinks(&Map);
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		Fi = Vect_get_dblink(&Map, i);
		if (Fi == NULL) {
		    G_warning(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),
		    return -1;
		G_debug(3, "Delete drv:db:table '%s:%s:%s'", Fi->driver,
			Fi->database, Fi->table);

		ret = db_table_exists(Fi->driver, Fi->database, Fi->table);
		if (ret == -1) {
		    G_warning(_("Unable to find table <%s> linked to vector map <%s>"),
			      Fi->table, map);
		    return -1;

		if (ret == 1) {
		    ret =
			db_delete_table(Fi->driver, Fi->database, Fi->table);
		    if (ret == DB_FAILED) {
			G_warning(_("Unable to delete table <%s>"),
			return -1;
		else {
		    G_warning(_("Table <%s> linked to vector map <%s> does not exist"),
			      Fi->table, map);

    /* Delete all files from vector/name directory */
    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/vector/%s", G_location_path(), G_mapset(), map);
    G_debug(3, "opendir '%s'", buf);
    dir = opendir(buf);
    if (dir == NULL) {
	G_warning(_("Unable to open directory '%s'"), buf);
	return -1;

    while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
	G_debug(3, "file = '%s'", ent->d_name);
	if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0) ||
	    (strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0))
	sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/vector/%s/%s", G_location_path(), G_mapset(), map,
	G_debug(3, "delete file '%s'", buf);
	ret = unlink(buf);
	if (ret == -1) {
	    G_warning(_("Unable to delete file '%s'"), buf);
	    return -1;

    /* NFS can create .nfsxxxxxxxx files for those deleted 
     *  -> we have to move the directory to ./tmp before it is deleted */
    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/vector/%s", G_location_path(), G_mapset(), map);

    tmp = G_tempfile();

    G_debug(3, "rename '%s' to '%s'", buf, tmp);
    ret = rename(buf, tmp);

    if (ret == -1) {
	G_warning(_("Unable to rename directory '%s' to '%s'"), buf, tmp);
	return -1;

    G_debug(3, "remove directory '%s'", tmp);
    /* Warning: remove() fails on Windows */
    ret = rmdir(tmp);
    if (ret == -1) {
	G_warning(_("Unable to remove directory '%s'"), tmp);
	return -1;

    return 0;
예제 #8
파일: map.c 프로젝트: AsherBond/MondocosmOS
   \brief Copy a map including attribute tables

   Old vector is deleted

   \param in input vector map name
   \param mapset mapset name
   \param out output vector map name

   \return -1 error
   \return 0 success
int Vect_copy(const char *in, const char *mapset, const char *out)
    int i, n, ret, type;
    struct Map_info In, Out;
    struct field_info *Fi, *Fin;
    char old_path[GPATH_MAX], new_path[GPATH_MAX], buf[GPATH_MAX];
    const char *files[] = { GV_FRMT_ELEMENT, GV_COOR_ELEMENT,
    const char *inmapset;
    char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];

    dbDriver *driver;

    G_debug(2, "Copy vector '%s' in '%s' to '%s'", in, mapset, out);
    /* check for [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* in name */
    if (Vect_legal_filename(out) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map name is not SQL compliant"));

    inmapset = G_find_vector2(in, mapset);
    if (!inmapset) {
	G_warning(_("Unable to find vector map <%s> in <%s>"), in, mapset);
	return -1;
    mapset = inmapset;

    /* remove mapset from fully qualified name, confuses G_file_name() */
    if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(in, xname, xmapset)) {
	in = xname;

    /* Delete old vector if it exists */
    if (G_find_vector2(out, G_mapset())) {
	G_warning(_("Vector map <%s> already exists and will be overwritten"),
	ret = Vect_delete(out);
	if (ret != 0) {
	    G_warning(_("Unable to delete vector map <%s>"), out);
	    return -1;

    /* Copy the directory */
    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", GV_DIRECTORY, out);

    i = 0;
    while (files[i]) {
	sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", in, files[i]);
	G_file_name(old_path, GV_DIRECTORY, buf, mapset);
	sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", out, files[i]);
	G_file_name(new_path, GV_DIRECTORY, buf, G_mapset());

	if (access(old_path, F_OK) == 0) {	/* file exists? */
	    G_debug(2, "copy %s to %s", old_path, new_path);
	    if (copy_file(old_path, new_path)) {
		G_warning(_("Unable to copy vector map <%s> to <%s>"),
			  old_path, new_path);

    G_file_name(old_path, GV_DIRECTORY, in, mapset);
    G_file_name(new_path, GV_DIRECTORY, out, G_mapset());

    /* Open input */
    Vect_open_old_head(&In, in, mapset);

    if (In.format != GV_FORMAT_NATIVE) {	/* Done */
	return 0;

    /* Open output */
    Vect_open_update_head(&Out, out, G_mapset());

    /* Copy tables */
    n = Vect_get_num_dblinks(&In);
    type = GV_1TABLE;
    if (n > 1)
	type = GV_MTABLE;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	Fi = Vect_get_dblink(&In, i);
	if (Fi == NULL) {
	    G_warning(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),
	    return -1;
	Fin = Vect_default_field_info(&Out, Fi->number, Fi->name, type);
	G_debug(3, "Copy drv:db:table '%s:%s:%s' to '%s:%s:%s'",
		Fi->driver, Fi->database, Fi->table, Fin->driver,
		Fin->database, Fin->table);

	Vect_map_add_dblink(&Out, Fi->number, Fi->name, Fin->table, Fi->key,
			    Fin->database, Fin->driver);

	ret = db_copy_table(Fi->driver, Fi->database, Fi->table,
			    Fin->driver, Vect_subst_var(Fin->database, &Out),
	if (ret == DB_FAILED) {
	    G_warning(_("Unable to copy table <%s>"), Fin->table);
	    return -1;

	driver =
	if (driver == NULL) {
	    G_warning(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
		      Fin->database, Fin->driver);
	else {
	    if (db_create_index2(driver, Fin->table, Fi->key) != DB_OK)
		G_warning(_("Unable to create index for table <%s>, key <%s>"),
			  Fi->table, Fi->key);



    return 0;