static void TokenizeAndBuildThesaurus(hashset *thesaurus, streamtokenizer *st)
  printf("Loading thesaurus. Be patient! ");

  char buffer[2048];
  while (STNextToken(st, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
    thesaurusEntry entry;
    entry.word = strdup(buffer);
    VectorNew(&entry.synonyms, sizeof(char *), StringFree, 4);
    while (STNextToken(st, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && (buffer[0] == ',')) {
      STNextToken(st, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
      char *synonym = strdup(buffer);
      VectorAppend(&entry.synonyms, &synonym);
    HashSetEnter(thesaurus, &entry);
    if (HashSetCount(thesaurus) % 1000 == 0) {

  printf(" [All done!]\n");
예제 #2
/* helper to create a skiplist-node, walk the given the ref-region fo find and enter all skip positions */
static struct skiplist_ref_node * make_skiplist_ref_node( const struct reference_region * r )
    struct skiplist_ref_node * res = calloc( 1, sizeof *res );
    if ( res != NULL )
        uint32_t i, n = VectorLength( &r->ranges );
        res->name = string_dup_measure ( r->name, NULL );
        VectorInit ( &res->skip_ranges, 0, 5 );
        /* walk the ranges-Vector of the reference-region */
        for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            const struct reference_range * rr = VectorGet ( &( r->ranges ), i );
            /* walk the skip-Vector of the reference-range */
            uint32_t j, n1 = VectorLength( &rr->skip );
            for ( j = 0; j < n1; ++j )
                const struct skip_range * sr = VectorGet ( &( rr->skip ), j );
                if ( sr != NULL )
                    struct skip_range * csr = make_skip_range( sr->start, sr->end );
                    if ( csr != NULL )
                        VectorAppend ( &( res->skip_ranges ), NULL, csr );
        res->current_id = 0;
        res->current_skip_range = VectorGet ( &( res->skip_ranges ), 0 );
    return res;
예제 #3
/* AddSearchPath
 *  add a search path to loader for locating library files
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDyldVAddSearchPath ( KDyld *self, const char *path, va_list args )
    rc_t rc;
    if ( self == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcUpdating, rcSelf, rcNull );
        KDirectory *wd;
        rc = KDirectoryNativeDir ( & wd );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            const KDirectory *dir;
            rc = KDirectoryVOpenDirRead ( wd, & dir, false, path, args );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = VectorAppend ( & self -> search, NULL, dir );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    KDirectoryRelease ( dir );

            KDirectoryRelease ( wd );
    return rc;
예제 #4
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC VNamelistAppendString( VNamelist *self, const String * src )
    rc_t rc;

    if ( self == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcCont, rcNamelist, rcInserting, rcSelf, rcNull );
        if ( src == NULL )
            rc = RC( rcCont, rcNamelist, rcInserting, rcString, rcNull );
        else if ( src->addr == NULL || src->len == 0 )
            rc = RC( rcCont, rcNamelist, rcInserting, rcString, rcEmpty );
            char* my_copy = string_dup ( src->addr, src->len );
            if ( my_copy == NULL )
                rc = RC( rcCont, rcNamelist, rcInserting, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
                rc = VectorAppend( &(self->name_vector), NULL, my_copy );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    free ( my_copy );
    return rc;
예제 #5
static void ProcessWellFormedWord(char *word, article *a, hashset *stopWords,
				  hashset *wordHash, hashset *articlesSeen)
  currWord w; 
  char* word2 = strdup(word);

  if(HashSetLookup(stopWords, &word2) == NULL)  { //not a stopword
    w.thisWord = word2;	  
    VectorNew(&w.articles, sizeof(article),NULL, 100);
    currWord* elemAddr = (currWord*)HashSetLookup(wordHash,&w);

    if(elemAddr == NULL){ // Hasn't been seen
      a->numOccurrences = 1;
      VectorAppend(&w.articles, a);
      HashSetEnter(wordHash, &w);
    } else {
      UpdateOccurences(&elemAddr->articles,a); // we just need to update, not add
      // clean up

  } else {
    free(word2); // free stop word
예제 #6
static void CC on_merge( void *item, void *data )
    on_merge_ctx * omc = data;
    if ( item != NULL )
        merge_data * md = calloc( 1, sizeof * md );
        if ( md != NULL )
            rc_t rc;
            KThread * thread;
            md -> cmn = omc -> cmn;
            md -> files = item;
            md -> idx = omc -> idx;
            rc = KThreadMake( &thread, merge_thread_func, md );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                ErrMsg( "KThreadMake( on_merge #%d ) -> %R", omc -> idx, rc );
                rc = VectorAppend( &omc -> threads, NULL, thread );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    ErrMsg( "VectorAppend( merge-thread #%d ) -> %R", omc -> idx, rc );
    omc -> idx ++;
예제 #7
static void ParseArticle(rssDatabase *db, const char *articleTitle, const char *articleURL)
  url u;
  urlconnection urlconn;
  streamtokenizer st;
  int articleID;

  URLNewAbsolute(&u, articleURL);
  rssNewsArticle newsArticle = { articleTitle, u.serverName, u.fullName };
  pthread_mutex_t *articlesLock = &(db->locks.articlesVectorLock);
  if (VectorSearch(&db->previouslySeenArticles, &newsArticle, NewsArticleCompare, 0, false) >= 0) { 
    printf("[Ignoring \"%s\": we've seen it before.]\n", articleTitle);
  URLConnectionNew(&urlconn, &u);
  switch (urlconn.responseCode) {
      case 0: printf("Unable to connect to \"%s\".  Domain name or IP address is nonexistent.\n", articleURL);
      case 200: //printf("[%s] Ready to Index \"%s\"\n", u.serverName, articleTitle);
	      printf("[%s] Indexing \"%s\"\n", u.serverName, articleTitle);
	      NewsArticleClone(&newsArticle, articleTitle, u.serverName, u.fullName);
	      VectorAppend(&db->previouslySeenArticles, &newsArticle);
	      articleID = VectorLength(&db->previouslySeenArticles) - 1;

	      STNew(&st, urlconn.dataStream, kTextDelimiters, false);	
	      ScanArticle(&st, articleID, &db->indices, &db->stopWords,
			  &(db->locks.indicesHashSetLock),&(db->locks.stopWordsHashSetLock) );    	      	    
      case 301: 
      case 302:{ // just pretend we have the redirected URL all along, though index using the new URL and not the old one... 
	        int newURLLength = strlen(urlconn.newUrl)+1; 
		char newURLBuffer[newURLLength];
		strcpy(newURLBuffer, urlconn.newUrl);
		ParseArticle(db, articleTitle, newURLBuffer);
      } default: printf("Unable to pull \"%s\" from \"%s\". [Response code: %d] Punting...\n", articleTitle, u.serverName, urlconn.responseCode);
예제 #8
static rc_t matcher_make_column_matrix( p_mcol col )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    uint32_t src_idx, src_len;

    src_len = VectorLength( &(col->src_types) );
    for ( src_idx = 0;  src_idx < src_len && rc == 0; ++src_idx )
        p_mtype src_type = (p_mtype) VectorGet ( &(col->src_types), src_idx );
        if ( src_type )
            uint32_t dst_idx, dst_len;
            dst_len = VectorLength( &(col->dst_types) );
            for ( dst_idx = 0;  dst_idx < dst_len && rc == 0; ++dst_idx )
                p_mtype dst_type = (p_mtype) VectorGet ( &(col->dst_types), dst_idx );
                if ( dst_type )
                    p_mpair pair = matcher_init_pair( src_type, dst_type );
                    if ( pair != NULL )
                        rc = VectorAppend( &(col->pairs), NULL, pair );
                        rc = RC( rcVDB, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
    return rc;
예제 #9
/* Open
 *  open cursor, resolving schema
 *  for the set of opened columns
 *  NB - there is no corresponding "Close"
 *  use "Release" instead.
rc_t VProdResolveAddShallowTriggers ( const VProdResolve *self, const STable *stbl )
    rc_t rc;
    VCursor *curs;
    uint32_t i = VectorStart ( & stbl -> prod );
    uint32_t end = i + VectorLength ( & stbl -> prod );

    for ( rc = 0, curs = self -> curs; ( rc == 0 || self -> ignore_column_errors ) && i < end; ++ i )
        SProduction *sprod = VectorGet ( & stbl -> prod, i );
        if ( sprod != NULL && sprod -> trigger )
            VProduction *prod = NULL;
            rc = VProdResolveSProduction ( self, & prod, sprod );
            if ( rc == 0 && prod != NULL )
                rc = VectorAppend ( & curs -> trig, NULL, prod );

    if ( self -> ignore_column_errors )
        return 0;

    return rc;
예제 #10
파일: sorter.c 프로젝트: Bhumi28/sra-tools
rc_t run_sorter_pool( const sorter_params * params )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    uint64_t row_count = find_out_row_count( params );
    if ( row_count == 0 )
        rc = RC( rcVDB, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid );
        ErrMsg( "multi_threaded_make_lookup: row_count == 0!" );
        cmn_params cp;
        Vector threads;
        KThread * progress_thread = NULL;
        uint32_t prefix = 1;
        multi_progress progress;

        init_progress_data( &progress, row_count );
        VectorInit( &threads, 0, params->num_threads );
        init_cmn_params( &cp, params, row_count );
        if ( params->show_progress )
            rc = start_multi_progress( &progress_thread, &progress );
        while ( rc == 0 && cp.first < row_count )
            sorter_params * sp = calloc( 1, sizeof *sp );
            if ( sp != NULL )
                init_sorter_params( sp, params, prefix++ );
                rc = make_raw_read_iter( &cp, &sp->src );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    KThread * thread;
                    if ( params->show_progress )
                        sp->sort_progress = &progress.progress_rows;
                    rc = KThreadMake( &thread, sort_thread_func, sp );
                    if ( rc != 0 )
                        ErrMsg( "KThreadMake( sort-thread #%d ) -> %R", prefix - 1, rc );
                        rc = VectorAppend( &threads, NULL, thread );
                        if ( rc != 0 )
                            ErrMsg( "VectorAppend( sort-thread #%d ) -> %R", prefix - 1, rc );
                cp.first  += cp.count;

        join_and_release_threads( &threads );
        /* all sorter-threads are done now, tell the progress-thread to terminate! */
        join_multi_progress( progress_thread, &progress );
        rc = merge_pool_files( params );
    return rc;
예제 #11
static rc_t add_clone_to_reply_obj_list( reply_obj_list * list, const reply_obj * src )
    reply_obj * clone;
    rc_t rc = clone_reply_obj( src, &clone );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        rc = VectorAppend( &list->v, NULL, clone );
    return rc;
예제 #12
파일: vectortest.c 프로젝트: JuDa-hku/ACM
static void TestAppend(vector *alphabet)
  char ch;
  int i;
  for (ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++)   //  Start with letters of alphabet
    VectorAppend(alphabet, &ch);
  fprintf(stdout, "First, here is the alphabet: ");
  VectorMap(alphabet, PrintChar, stdout);
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {	    // Append digit characters
    ch = '0' + i;                   // convert int to ASCII digit character
    VectorAppend(alphabet, &ch);
  fprintf(stdout, "\nAfter append digits: ");
  VectorMap(alphabet, PrintChar, stdout);
예제 #13
파일: coldefs.c 프로젝트: Bhumi28/sra-tools
 * helper-function for: col_defs_parse_string / col_defs_extract_from_table
 * - creates a column-definition by the column-name
 * - adds the definition to the column-definition-vector
static rc_t col_defs_append_col( col_defs* defs, const char* name )
    rc_t rc;
    p_col_def new_col = col_defs_init_col( name );
    if ( new_col == NULL )
        rc = RC( rcVDB, rcNoTarg, rcParsing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
        rc = VectorAppend( &(defs->cols), NULL, new_col );
    return rc;
예제 #14
 * adds a entry into the redact-val-list
rc_t redact_vals_add( redact_vals* vals, const char* name, 
                      const uint32_t len, const char* value )
    rc_t rc;
    p_redact_val new_val = redact_val_init( name, len, value );
    if ( new_val == NULL )
        rc = RC( rcVDB, rcNoTarg, rcParsing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
        rc = VectorAppend( &(vals->vals), NULL, new_val );
    return rc;
예제 #15
static rc_t rgn_vector_move( Vector * src, Vector * dst )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    while ( VectorLength( src ) > 0 && rc == 0 )
        region *ptr;
        rc = VectorRemove ( src, 0, (void**)&ptr );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = VectorAppend ( dst, NULL, ptr );
    return rc;
예제 #16
static void UpdateOccurences(vector *articles, article *a)
  int index = VectorSearch(articles, a, ArticleCompare, 0, false);
  if(index==-1) {
    a->numOccurrences = 1;
    VectorAppend(articles, a);
  } else {
    article* currArt = (article*)VectorNth(articles, index);
예제 #17
파일: hashset.c 프로젝트: cams93/pavanzada
void HashSetEnter(hashset *h, const void *elemAddr){
	assert(elemAddr != NULL && "elemAddr can't be NULL");
	int hashCode = h->hashfn(elemAddr, h->numBuckets);
	vector *vAddress;
	assert(hashCode >= 0 && hashCode < h->numBuckets && 
		"not possible to insert the specified element into the specified hashset");
	vAddress = h->buckets + hashCode;
	int position = VectorSearch(vAddress, elemAddr, h->comparefn, 0, false);
	if (position == -1)
	    VectorAppend(vAddress, elemAddr);
	    VectorReplace(vAddress, elemAddr, position);
예제 #18
static void indexWord(vector *counters, articleData *article) {
	wordCounter indexEntry;
	indexEntry.articleItem = article;
	int elemPosition = VectorSearch(counters, &indexEntry, FindArticleRecordCmpFn, 0, false);
	if(elemPosition == -1) {
		indexEntry.count = 1;
		VectorAppend(counters, &indexEntry);
	} else {
		wordCounter* record = VectorNth(counters, elemPosition);
예제 #19
static void indexWord(vector *data,articleData *article){
  wordCounter indexEntry;
  indexEntry.article = article;
  int elemPosition = VectorSearch(data, &indexEntry,FindArticleRecordCmpFn, 0, false);
  if(elemPosition == -1){  
    indexEntry.counter = 1;
  }else {
    wordCounter* findRecord=VectorNth(data,elemPosition);
예제 #20
static p_col_def vdcd_append_col( col_defs* defs, const char* name )
    p_col_def new_col = vdcd_init_col( name, defs->str_limit );
    if ( new_col != NULL )
        if ( VectorAppend( &(defs->cols), NULL, new_col ) == 0 )
            int len = string_size( name );
            if ( len > defs->max_colname_chars )
                defs->max_colname_chars = len;
    return new_col;
예제 #21
파일: hashset.c 프로젝트: JuDa-hku/ACM
void HashSetEnter(hashset *h, const void *elemAddr)
  void *find=HashSetLookup(h, elemAddr);
      memcpy(find, elemAddr, h->elemSize);
      vector* v=HashSetElemVector(h, elemAddr);
      VectorAppend(v, elemAddr);
예제 #22
파일: vectortest.c 프로젝트: JuDa-hku/ACM
static void InsertPermutationOfNumbers(vector *numbers, long n, long d)
  long k;
  long residue;
  fprintf(stdout, "Generating all of the numbers between 0 and %ld (using some number theory). ", d - 1);
  fflush(stdout); // force echo to the screen... 

  for (k = 0; k < d; k++) {
    residue = (long) (((long long)k * (long long) n) % d);
    VectorAppend(numbers, &residue);
  assert(VectorLength(numbers) == d);
  fprintf(stdout, "[All done]\n");
예제 #23
static rc_t make_cursor_ids( Vector * cursor_id_vector, walker_col_ids ** cursor_ids )
    rc_t rc;
    walker_col_ids * ids = malloc( sizeof * ids );
    if ( ids == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcOpening, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
        rc = VectorAppend ( cursor_id_vector, NULL, ids );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            free( ids );
            *cursor_ids = ids;
    return rc;
예제 #24
rc_t get_column_specs ( const vtblcp_parms *pb, Vector *v, const VTable *stbl, VTable *dtbl )
    rc_t rc;
    /* always prepare the vector */
    VectorInit ( v, 0, pb -> column_cnt );

    /* unable at this moment to auto-determine column list */
    if ( pb -> column_cnt == 0 )
        rc = RC ( rcExe, rcSchema, rcEvaluating, rcFunction, rcUnsupported );
        LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to determine column specs" );
        uint32_t i;

        /* process command line arguments */
        for ( rc = 0, i = 0; i < pb -> column_cnt; ++ i )
            const char *src = pb -> columns [ i ];

            char *dst = malloc ( strlen ( src ) + 2 );
            if ( dst == NULL )
                rc = RC ( rcExe, rcString, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );

            strcpy ( dst, src );

            rc = VectorAppend ( v, NULL, dst );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                free ( dst );

        /* failure */
        if ( rc != 0 )
            VectorWhack ( v, free_column_spec, NULL );

    return rc;
예제 #25
static void ParseArticle(const char *articleURL, const char *articleTitle, rssData *allData)
  url u;
  urlconnection urlconn;
  streamtokenizer st;
  int articleIndex; 

  URLNewAbsolute(&u, articleURL);
  /* check to see if we've previously scanned the article. If the article we're processing 
   * has already been scanned release the url and return 

  article a = {articleURL, articleTitle, u.serverName}; 

  if(VectorSearch(&allData->explored, &a, ArticleCmp, 0, false) >= 0) { 
    printf("[Pass. article already indexed: \"%s\"]\n", articleTitle); 

  URLConnectionNew(&urlconn, &u);
  switch (urlconn.responseCode) {
      case 0: printf("Unable to connect to \"%s\".  Domain name or IP address is nonexistent.\n", articleURL);
      case 200: printf("Scanning \"%s\" from \"http://%s\"\n", articleTitle, u.serverName);
	        STNew(&st, urlconn.dataStream, kTextDelimiters, false);
		PersistArticle(&a, articleURL, articleTitle, u.serverName); 
		VectorAppend(&allData->explored, &a);
		articleIndex = VectorLength(&allData->explored)-1; 
		ScanArticle(&st, &a, articleIndex, allData);
      case 301:
      case 302: // just pretend we have the redirected URL all along, though index using the new URL and not the old one...
	        ParseArticle(urlconn.newUrl, articleTitle, allData );
      default: printf("Unable to pull \"%s\" from \"%s\". [Response code: %d] Punting...\n", articleTitle, u.serverName, urlconn.responseCode);
예제 #26
static void NewThreadParseArticle(rssDatabase *db, const char *articleTitle, const char *articleURL){
  threadData newThreadData;  
  newThreadData.arg = malloc(sizeof(threadArguments));
  newThreadData.arg->db = db;
  newThreadData.arg->title = strdup(articleTitle);
  newThreadData.arg->URL = strdup(articleURL);
  int tID = VectorLength(&db->threads);
  VectorAppend(&db->threads, &newThreadData);
  threadData *threadP = VectorNth(&db->threads, tID);
 if(pthread_create(&threadP->threadID, NULL, PthreadParseArticle, (void *)threadP->arg)!=0){
    printf("Error, thread cannot be created");
예제 #27
static void UpdateIndices(vector *articlesForWord, int articleIndex){ 

  // initialize a wordcountEntry with the articleIndex and a wordcount of 0
  wordcountEntry newWordcount; 
  newWordcount.articleIndex = articleIndex; 
  newWordcount.wordcount =  0;  

  int idx = VectorSearch( articlesForWord, &newWordcount, WordcountEntryCmp, 0, false); 
  // if the wordcountEntry isn't in the vector, add the entry
  if (idx == -1) { 
    VectorAppend( articlesForWord, &newWordcount); 
  } else {
    wordcountEntry *found = (wordcountEntry*)VectorNth(articlesForWord, idx);
예제 #28
/* AddLib
 *  adds a dynamic library to end of ordered set
 *  "lib" [ IN ] - library returned from KDyldLoadLib
rc_t KDlsetAddLibInt ( KDlset *self, KDylib *lib )
    uint32_t idx;
    rc_t rc = VectorAppend ( & self -> ord, & idx, lib );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        void *ignore;
        rc = VectorInsertUnique ( & self -> name,
            lib, NULL, KDylibSort );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            return 0;

        VectorSwap ( & self -> ord, idx, NULL, & ignore );

    return rc;
예제 #29
void WordCountEnter(hashset *wordCount, const char *word, const char *articleTitle,
                    const char *articleURL)
     * Three possible cases:
     * 1. Word has not been entered
     * 2. Word has been entered, but word/article combination has not
     * 3. Word/article combination has been entered

    wordSet *existingWord = (wordSet *) HashSetLookup(wordCount, &word);

    // ensure that the word exists in the hashset
    if (existingWord == NULL) {
        wordSet ws;
        ws.word = strdup(word);
        VectorNew(&ws.occ, sizeof(articleCount), articleCountFreeFn, 25);
        HashSetEnter(wordCount, &ws);

    // an entry for the word should always exist now
    existingWord = (wordSet *) HashSetLookup(wordCount, &word);
    assert(existingWord != NULL);

    // now either add the article to the word count vector or increment its current count
    articleCount articleKey = { { (char *) articleTitle, (char *) articleURL }, 1 };
    int existingArticleIndex = VectorSearch(&existingWord->occ,
                                            &articleKey, articleCountCompareFn, 0, false);
    if (existingArticleIndex == -1) {
        // word/article pairing is new, append it to the vector with a count of 1
        articleCount newArticle;
        (newArticle.source).title = strdup(articleTitle);
        (newArticle.source).url = strdup(articleURL);
        newArticle.count = 1;
        VectorAppend(&existingWord->occ, &newArticle);
    } else {
        // word/article pairing exists, increment its count
        articleCount *existingArticle = (articleCount *) VectorNth(&existingWord->occ, existingArticleIndex);
예제 #30
파일: coldefs.c 프로젝트: Bhumi28/sra-tools
static rc_t redactable_types_2_type_id_vector( const VSchema * s,
                                               const char * redactable_types,
                                               Vector * id_vector )
    const KNamelist *r_types;
    rc_t rc;
    if ( redactable_types == NULL || s == NULL || id_vector == NULL )
        return RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcResolving, rcParam, rcNull );

    rc = nlt_make_namelist_from_string( &r_types, redactable_types );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        uint32_t count, idx;

        rc = KNamelistCount( r_types, &count );
        if ( rc == 0 && count > 0 )
            for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0; ++idx )
                const char *name;
                rc = KNamelistGet( r_types, idx, &name );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    VTypedecl td;
                    rc = VSchemaResolveTypedecl ( s, &td, "%s", name );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        uint32_t *id = malloc( sizeof *id );
                        if ( id != NULL )
                            *id = td.type_id;
                            rc = VectorAppend ( id_vector, NULL, id );
                            rc = RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcResolving, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
        KNamelistRelease( r_types );
    return rc;