예제 #1
void BeamElement::CalculateTransformationMatrix(Matrix& Rotation)



    Vector Normal_zero(9); // vector que contiene los cosenos directores.
    Vector x_zero(6);
    Vector Vector_zero(3);
    noalias(Normal_zero) =	zero_vector<double>(9);
    noalias(x_zero)      =	zero_vector<double>(6);
    noalias(Vector_zero) =	zero_vector<double>(3);
    noalias(Rotation)    =	zero_matrix<double> (12,12);

    double nx, ny, nz,teta/*, phi*/;

    x_zero(0)= GetGeometry()[0].X0();
    x_zero(1)= GetGeometry()[0].Y0();
    x_zero(2)= GetGeometry()[0].Z0();
    x_zero(3)= GetGeometry()[1].X0();
    x_zero(4)= GetGeometry()[1].Y0();
    x_zero(5)= GetGeometry()[1].Z0();

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
        Vector_zero[i] = x_zero[i+3] - x_zero[i];

    double length_inverse = ( 1.00 / mlength );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        Normal_zero[i] = Vector_zero[i] * length_inverse;

    nx = Normal_zero[0];
    ny = Normal_zero[1];
    nz = Normal_zero[2];

    if (nx ==0.0)
        teta = PI/2;
        if (ny == 0.0)
            teta = 0.0;
//            phi  = PI/2.0;
//        else
//        {
//            phi = atan(nz/sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny));
//        }
        teta = atan(ny/nx);
//        phi  = atan(nz/sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny));

    if(nx < 0.0)
        teta   = teta + PI;

    Normal_zero[3] = -sin(teta);
    Normal_zero[4] =  cos(teta);
    Normal_zero[5] =  0.0;
    Normal_zero[6] = -nz*cos(teta);
    Normal_zero[7] = -nz*sin(teta);
    Normal_zero[8] =  nx*cos(teta) + ny*sin(teta);

    // Creacion de la matriz de transformacion.
    for (unsigned int kk=0; kk < 12; kk += 3)
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
            for(unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++)

예제 #2
static ParseResult parse_vertex_data(
        json_value *vertex, 
        int *o_id,
        VectorPointer o_pos,
        char *o_label,
        int *o_fixed
        ParseResult result;
        unsigned int fields = vertex->u.object.length; 
        if (fields != 3)  {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_LENGTH_ERR;
            result.emsg = "Each vertex specified in the input file needs to have exactly 3 fields";
            return result;

        char *fst_fieldname, *snd_fieldname, *thrd_fieldname;
        json_value *ident, *position, *label;
        fst_fieldname  = vertex->u.object.values[0].name;
        snd_fieldname  = vertex->u.object.values[1].name;
        thrd_fieldname = vertex->u.object.values[2].name;
        ident          = vertex->u.object.values[0].value;
        position       = vertex->u.object.values[1].value;
        label          = vertex->u.object.values[2].value;

        if (strcmp(fst_fieldname, "id")) {
            result.status = PS_NAME_SPELL_ERR;
            result.emsg = "First field of a vertex needs to be named 'id'"; 
            return result;
        } else if (strcmp(snd_fieldname, "fixed")) {
            result.status = PS_NAME_SPELL_ERR;
            result.emsg = "Second field of a vertex needs to be named 'fixed'"; 
            return result;
        } else if (strcmp(thrd_fieldname, "label")) {
            result.status = PS_NAME_SPELL_ERR;
            result.emsg = "Third field of a vertex needs to be named 'label'"; 
            return result;

        int id, fixed;
        id = -99;

        if (ident->type == json_integer) {
            id = ident->u.integer;
        } else {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
            result.emsg = "Field id does not have an integer as value"; 
            return result;

        *o_id = id;
        fixed = 0;
        Vector pos;
        pos = Vector_zero();

        if (position->type == json_array) {
            fixed = 1; 
            int length;
            length = position->u.array.length;

            if (length != 2) {
                result.status = PS_VALUE_LENGTH_ERR;
                result.emsg = "Position coordinates != 2"; 
                return result;

            json_value *j_x, *j_y;
            j_x = position->u.array.values[0];
            j_y = position->u.array.values[1];

            double fixed_x, fixed_y;
            fixed_x = fixed_y = 0;

            if (j_x->type == json_double) {
                if (Util_in_range(0, 1, (double) j_x->u.dbl)) {
                    fixed_x = (double) j_x->u.dbl;
                } else {
                    result.status = PS_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR;
                    result.emsg = "X-coordinate must lie in range (0, 1)";
                    return result;
            } else {
                result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
                result.emsg = "X-coordinate be of type double";
                return result;

            if (j_y->type == json_double) {
                if (Util_in_range(0, 1, (double) j_y->u.dbl)) {
                    fixed_y = (double) j_y->u.dbl;
                } else {
                    result.status = PS_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR;
                    result.emsg = "Y-coordinate must lie in range (0, 1)";
                    return result;
            } else {
                result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
                result.emsg = "Y-coordinate be of type double";
                return result;

            pos = Vector_initialize(fixed_x, fixed_y);
        } else if (position->type != json_null) {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
            result.emsg = "The value fixed must be an array with 2 elements or null";
            return result;

        *o_pos = pos;
        *o_fixed = fixed;

        char vertex_label[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH];

        if (label->type == json_string) {
            strcpy(vertex_label, label->u.string.ptr);
        } else if (label->type == json_null) {
            vertex_label[0] = 0;
        } else {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
            result.emsg = "Label must be of type string";
            return result;

        strcpy(o_label, vertex_label);
        result.status = PS_SUCCESS;
        result.emsg = NULL; 
        return result; 