예제 #1
double ChCollisionUtils::PointLineDistance(Vector p, Vector dA, Vector dB, double& mu, int& is_insegment) {
    mu = -1.0;
    is_insegment = 0;
    double mdist = 10e34;

    Vector vseg = Vsub(dB, dA);
    Vector vdir = Vnorm(vseg);
    Vector vray = Vsub(p, dA);

    mdist = Vlength(Vcross(vray, vdir));
    mu = Vdot(vray, vdir) / Vlength(vseg);

    if ((mu >= 0) && (mu <= 1.0))
        is_insegment = 1;

    return mdist;
예제 #2
파일: Build.cpp 프로젝트: jacobano/arcas_ws
compute_moment(moment &M, PQP_REAL p[3], PQP_REAL q[3], PQP_REAL r[3])
  PQP_REAL u[3], v[3], w[3];

  // compute the area of the triangle
  VmV(u, q, p);
  VmV(v, r, p);
  VcrossV(w, u, v);
  M.A = 0.5 * Vlength(w);

  if (M.A == 0.0)
      // This triangle has zero area.  The second order components
      // would be eliminated with the usual formula, so, for the 
      // sake of robustness we use an alternative form.  These are the 
      // centroid and second-order components of the triangle's vertices.

      // centroid
      M.m[0] = (p[0] + q[0] + r[0]) /3;
      M.m[1] = (p[1] + q[1] + r[1]) /3;
      M.m[2] = (p[2] + q[2] + r[2]) /3;

      // second-order components
      M.s[0][0] = (p[0]*p[0] + q[0]*q[0] + r[0]*r[0]);
      M.s[0][1] = (p[0]*p[1] + q[0]*q[1] + r[0]*r[1]);
      M.s[0][2] = (p[0]*p[2] + q[0]*q[2] + r[0]*r[2]);
      M.s[1][1] = (p[1]*p[1] + q[1]*q[1] + r[1]*r[1]);
      M.s[1][2] = (p[1]*p[2] + q[1]*q[2] + r[1]*r[2]);
      M.s[2][2] = (p[2]*p[2] + q[2]*q[2] + r[2]*r[2]);      
      M.s[2][1] = M.s[1][2];
      M.s[1][0] = M.s[0][1];
      M.s[2][0] = M.s[0][2];


  // get the centroid
  M.m[0] = (p[0] + q[0] + r[0])/3;
  M.m[1] = (p[1] + q[1] + r[1])/3;
  M.m[2] = (p[2] + q[2] + r[2])/3;

  // get the second order components -- note the weighting by the area
  M.s[0][0] = M.A*(9*M.m[0]*M.m[0]+p[0]*p[0]+q[0]*q[0]+r[0]*r[0])/12;
  M.s[0][1] = M.A*(9*M.m[0]*M.m[1]+p[0]*p[1]+q[0]*q[1]+r[0]*r[1])/12;
  M.s[1][1] = M.A*(9*M.m[1]*M.m[1]+p[1]*p[1]+q[1]*q[1]+r[1]*r[1])/12;
  M.s[0][2] = M.A*(9*M.m[0]*M.m[2]+p[0]*p[2]+q[0]*q[2]+r[0]*r[2])/12;
  M.s[1][2] = M.A*(9*M.m[1]*M.m[2]+p[1]*p[2]+q[1]*q[2]+r[1]*r[2])/12;
  M.s[2][2] = M.A*(9*M.m[2]*M.m[2]+p[2]*p[2]+q[2]*q[2]+r[2]*r[2])/12;
  M.s[2][1] = M.s[1][2];
  M.s[1][0] = M.s[0][1];
  M.s[2][0] = M.s[0][2];
예제 #3
REAL computeDistance( const REAL * bv1_m_center,  const REAL * bv2_m_center,  const REAL bv1_m_rad,  const REAL bv2_m_rad,  REAL *  rot,  const REAL * trans)
#pragma HLS INLINE recursive

    REAL T[3];
    REAL Ttemp[3];
    MxVpV(T, rot, bv2_m_center, Ttemp);
	return 1.0;
    return Vlength(T) - (bv1_m_rad + bv2_m_rad);
예제 #4
double ChCollisionUtils::PointTriangleDistance(Vector B,
                                               Vector A1,
                                               Vector A2,
                                               Vector A3,
                                               double& mu,
                                               double& mv,
                                               int& is_into,
                                               Vector& Bprojected) {
    // defaults
    is_into = 0;
    mu = mv = -1;
    double mdistance = 10e22;

    Vector Dx, Dy, Dz, T1, T1p;

    Dx = Vsub(A2, A1);
    Dz = Vsub(A3, A1);
    Dy = Vcross(Dz, Dx);

    double dylen = Vlength(Dy);

    if (fabs(dylen) < EPS_TRIDEGEN)  // degenerate triangle
        return mdistance;

    Dy = Vmul(Dy, 1.0 / dylen);

    ChMatrix33<> mA;
    ChMatrix33<> mAi;
    mA.Set_A_axis(Dx, Dy, Dz);

    // invert triangle coordinate matrix -if singular matrix, was degenerate triangle-.
    if (fabs(mA.FastInvert(mAi)) < 0.000001)
        return mdistance;

    T1 = mAi.Matr_x_Vect(Vsub(B, A1));
    T1p = T1;
    T1p.y() = 0;
    mu = T1.x();
    mv = T1.z();
    mdistance = -T1.y();
    if (mu >= 0 && mv >= 0 && mv <= 1.0 - mu) {
        is_into = 1;
        Bprojected = Vadd(A1, mA.Matr_x_Vect(T1p));

    return mdistance;
예제 #5
void Viewer::computeExtrusion(int nOrientation,
			      float *orientation,
			      int nScale,
			      float *scale,
			      int nCrossSection,
			      float *crossSection,
			      int nSpine,
			      float *spine,
			      float *c,   // OUT: coordinates
			      float *tc,  // OUT: texture coords
			      int *faces)     // OUT: face list
  int i, j, ci;

  // Xscp, Yscp, Zscp- columns of xform matrix to align cross section
  // with spine segments.
  float Xscp[3] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  float Yscp[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
  float Zscp[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
  float lastZ[3];

  // Is the spine a closed curve (last pt == first pt)?
  bool spineClosed = (FPZERO(spine[ 3*(nSpine-1)+0 ] - spine[0]) &&
		      FPZERO(spine[ 3*(nSpine-1)+1 ] - spine[1]) &&
		      FPZERO(spine[ 3*(nSpine-1)+2 ] - spine[2]));
  // Is the spine a straight line?
  bool spineStraight = true;
  for (i = 1; i < nSpine-1; ++i)
      float v1[3], v2[3];
      v1[0] = spine[3*(i-1)+0] - spine[3*(i)+0];
      v1[1] = spine[3*(i-1)+1] - spine[3*(i)+1];
      v1[2] = spine[3*(i-1)+2] - spine[3*(i)+2];
      v2[0] = spine[3*(i+1)+0] - spine[3*(i)+0];
      v2[1] = spine[3*(i+1)+1] - spine[3*(i)+1];
      v2[2] = spine[3*(i+1)+2] - spine[3*(i)+2];
      Vcross(v1, v2, v1);
      if (Vlength(v1) != 0.0)
	  spineStraight = false;
	  Vnorm( v1 );
	  Vset( lastZ, v1 );

  // If the spine is a straight line, compute a constant SCP xform
  if (spineStraight)
      float V1[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, V2[3], V3[3];
      V2[0] = spine[3*(nSpine-1)+0] - spine[0];
      V2[1] = spine[3*(nSpine-1)+1] - spine[1];
      V2[2] = spine[3*(nSpine-1)+2] - spine[2];
      Vcross( V3, V2, V1 );
      float len = (float)Vlength(V3);
      if (len != 0.0)		// Not aligned with Y axis
	  Vscale(V3, 1.0f/len);

	  float orient[4];		// Axis/angle
	  Vset(orient, V3);
	  orient[3] = acos(Vdot(V1,V2));
	  double scp[4][4];	        // xform matrix
	  Mrotation( scp, orient );
	  for (int k=0; k<3; ++k) {
	    Xscp[k] = (float)scp[0][k];
	    Yscp[k] = (float)scp[1][k];
	    Zscp[k] = (float)scp[2][k];

  // Orientation matrix
  double om[4][4];
  if (nOrientation == 1 && ! FPZERO(orientation[3]) )
    Mrotation( om, orientation );

  // Compute coordinates, texture coordinates:
  for (i = 0, ci = 0; i < nSpine; ++i, ci+=nCrossSection) {

    // Scale cross section
    for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
      c[3*(ci+j)+0] = scale[0] * crossSection[ 2*j ];
      c[3*(ci+j)+1] = 0.0;
      c[3*(ci+j)+2] = scale[1] * crossSection[ 2*j+1 ];

    // Compute Spine-aligned Cross-section Plane (SCP)
    if (! spineStraight)
	float S1[3], S2[3];	// Spine vectors [i,i-1] and [i,i+1]
	int yi1, yi2, si1, s1i2, s2i2;

	if (spineClosed && (i == 0 || i == nSpine-1))
	    yi1 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    yi2 = 3;
	    si1 = 0;
	    s1i2 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    s2i2 = 3;
	else if (i == 0)
	    yi1 = 0;
	    yi2 = 3;
	    si1 = 3;
	    s1i2 = 0;
	    s2i2 = 6;
	else if (i == nSpine-1)
	    yi1 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    yi2 = 3*(nSpine-1);
	    si1 = 3*(nSpine-2);
	    s1i2 = 3*(nSpine-3);
	    s2i2 = 3*(nSpine-1);
	    yi1 = 3*(i-1);
	    yi2 = 3*(i+1);
	    si1 = 3*i;
	    s1i2 = 3*(i-1);
	    s2i2 = 3*(i+1);

	Vdiff( Yscp, &spine[yi2], &spine[yi1] );
	Vdiff( S1, &spine[s1i2], &spine[si1] );
	Vdiff( S2, &spine[s2i2], &spine[si1] );

	Vnorm( Yscp );
	Vset(lastZ, Zscp);	// Save last Zscp
	Vcross( Zscp, S2, S1 );

	float VlenZ = (float)Vlength(Zscp);
	if ( VlenZ == 0.0 )
	  Vset(Zscp, lastZ);
	  Vscale( Zscp, 1.0f/VlenZ );

	if ((i > 0) && (Vdot( Zscp, lastZ ) < 0.0))
	  Vscale( Zscp, -1.0 );

	Vcross( Xscp, Yscp, Zscp );

    // Rotate cross section into SCP
    for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
      float cx, cy, cz;
      cx = c[3*(ci+j)+0]*Xscp[0]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*Yscp[0]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*Zscp[0];
      cy = c[3*(ci+j)+0]*Xscp[1]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*Yscp[1]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*Zscp[1];
      cz = c[3*(ci+j)+0]*Xscp[2]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*Yscp[2]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*Zscp[2];
      c[3*(ci+j)+0] = cx;
      c[3*(ci+j)+1] = cy;
      c[3*(ci+j)+2] = cz;

    // Apply orientation
    if (! FPZERO(orientation[3]) )
	if (nOrientation > 1)
	  Mrotation( om, orientation );

	for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
	  float cx, cy, cz;
	  cx = (float)(c[3*(ci+j)+0]*om[0][0]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*om[1][0]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*om[2][0]);
	  cy = (float)(c[3*(ci+j)+0]*om[0][1]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*om[1][1]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*om[2][1]);
	  cz = (float)(c[3*(ci+j)+0]*om[0][2]+c[3*(ci+j)+1]*om[1][2]+c[3*(ci+j)+2]*om[2][2]);
	  c[3*(ci+j)+0] = cx;
	  c[3*(ci+j)+1] = cy;
	  c[3*(ci+j)+2] = cz;

    // Translate cross section
    for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection; ++j) {
      c[3*(ci+j)+0] += spine[3*i+0];
      c[3*(ci+j)+1] += spine[3*i+1];
      c[3*(ci+j)+2] += spine[3*i+2];

      // Texture coords
      tc[3*(ci+j)+0] = ((float) j) / (nCrossSection-1);
      tc[3*(ci+j)+1] = 1.0f - ((float) i) / (nSpine-1);
      tc[3*(ci+j)+2] = 0.0f;

    if (nScale > 1) scale += 2;
    if (nOrientation > 1) orientation += 4;

  // And compute face indices:
  if (faces)
      int polyIndex = 0;
      for (i = 0, ci = 0; i < nSpine-1; ++i, ci+=nCrossSection) {
	for (j = 0; j < nCrossSection-1; ++j) {
	  faces[polyIndex + 0] = ci+j;
	  faces[polyIndex + 1] = ci+j+1;
	  faces[polyIndex + 2] = ci+j+1 + nCrossSection;
	  faces[polyIndex + 3] = ci+j + nCrossSection;
	  faces[polyIndex + 4] = -1;
	  polyIndex += 5;
예제 #6
box::split_recurse(int *t)
  // For a single triangle, orientation is easily determined.
  // The major axis is parallel to the longest edge.
  // The minor axis is normal to the triangle.
  // The in-between axis is determine by these two.

  // this->pR, this->d, and this->pT are set herein.

  P = N = 0;
  tri *ptr = RAPID_tri + t[0];

  // Find the major axis: parallel to the longest edge.
  double u12[3], u23[3], u31[3];

  // First compute the squared-lengths of each edge
  VmV(u12, ptr->p1, ptr->p2);  
  double d12 = VdotV(u12,u12);
  VmV(u23, ptr->p2, ptr->p3);  
  double d23 = VdotV(u23,u23);
  VmV(u31, ptr->p3, ptr->p1);  
  double d31 = VdotV(u31,u31);

  // Find the edge of longest squared-length, normalize it to
  // unit length, and put result into a0.
  double a0[3];
  double l;  
  if (d12 > d23)
      if (d12 > d31)
	  l = 1.0 / sqrt(d12); 
	  a0[0] = u12[0] * l; 
	  a0[1] = u12[1] * l;
	  a0[2] = u12[2] * l;
	  l = 1.0 / sqrt(d31);
	  a0[0] = u31[0] * l;
	  a0[1] = u31[1] * l;
	  a0[2] = u31[2] * l;
      if (d23 > d31)
	  l = 1.0 / sqrt(d23);
	  a0[0] = u23[0] * l;
	  a0[1] = u23[1] * l;
	  a0[2] = u23[2] * l;
	  l = 1.0 / sqrt(d31);
	  a0[0] = u31[0] * l;
	  a0[1] = u31[1] * l;
	  a0[2] = u31[2] * l;

  // Now compute unit normal to triangle, and put into a2.
  double a2[3];
  VcrossV(a2, u12, u23);
  l = 1.0 / Vlength(a2);  a2[0] *= l;  a2[1] *= l;  a2[2] *= l;

  // a1 is a2 cross a0.
  double a1[3];
  VcrossV(a1, a2, a0);

  // Now make the columns of this->pR the vectors a0, a1, and a2.
  pR[0][0] = a0[0];  pR[0][1] = a1[0];  pR[0][2] = a2[0];
  pR[1][0] = a0[1];  pR[1][1] = a1[1];  pR[1][2] = a2[1];
  pR[2][0] = a0[2];  pR[2][1] = a1[2];  pR[2][2] = a2[2];
  // Now compute the maximum and minimum extents of each vertex 
  // along each of the box axes.  From this we will compute the 
  // box center and box dimensions.
  double minval[3], maxval[3];
  double c[3];
  MTxV(c, pR, ptr->p1);
  minval[0] = maxval[0] = c[0];
  minval[1] = maxval[1] = c[1];
  minval[2] = maxval[2] = c[2];

  MTxV(c, pR, ptr->p2);
  minmax(minval[0], maxval[0], c[0]);
  minmax(minval[1], maxval[1], c[1]);
  minmax(minval[2], maxval[2], c[2]);
  MTxV(c, pR, ptr->p3);
  minmax(minval[0], maxval[0], c[0]);
  minmax(minval[1], maxval[1], c[1]);
  minmax(minval[2], maxval[2], c[2]);
  // With the max and min data, determine the center point and dimensions
  // of the box
  c[0] = (minval[0] + maxval[0])*0.5;
  c[1] = (minval[1] + maxval[1])*0.5;
  c[2] = (minval[2] + maxval[2])*0.5;

  pT[0] = c[0] * pR[0][0] + c[1] * pR[0][1] + c[2] * pR[0][2];
  pT[1] = c[0] * pR[1][0] + c[1] * pR[1][1] + c[2] * pR[1][2];
  pT[2] = c[0] * pR[2][0] + c[1] * pR[2][1] + c[2] * pR[2][2];

  d[0] = (maxval[0] - minval[0])*0.5;
  d[1] = (maxval[1] - minval[1])*0.5;
  d[2] = (maxval[2] - minval[2])*0.5;
  // Assign the one triangle to this box
  trp = ptr;

  return RAPID_OK;