예제 #1
void WFreeMenuEInfo( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    if( einfo != NULL ) {
        if( einfo->menu != NULL ) {
            WFreeMenu( einfo->menu );
            einfo->menu = NULL;
        if( einfo->wsb != NULL ) {
            WDestroyStatusLine( einfo->wsb );
            einfo->wsb = NULL;
        if( einfo->ribbon != NULL ) {
            WDestroyRibbon( einfo );
        if( einfo->preview_window != (HWND)NULL && IsWindow( einfo->preview_window ) ) {
            DestroyWindow( einfo->preview_window );
            einfo->preview_window = (HWND)NULL;
        if( einfo->edit_dlg != (HWND)NULL && IsWindow( einfo->edit_dlg ) ) {
            DestroyWindow( einfo->edit_dlg );
            einfo->edit_dlg = (HWND)NULL;
        if( einfo->win != (HWND)NULL && IsWindow( einfo->win ) ) {
            SetWindowLong( einfo->win, 0, (LONG)0 );
            DestroyWindow( einfo->win );
            einfo->win = (HWND)NULL;
        if( einfo->file_name != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( einfo->file_name );
        WMemFree( einfo );
예제 #2
void WFreeAccelEInfo( WAccelEditInfo *einfo )
    if( einfo != NULL ) {
        if( einfo->tbl != NULL ) {
            WFreeAccelTable( einfo->tbl );
            einfo->tbl = NULL;
        if( einfo->wsb != NULL ) {
            WDestroyStatusLine( einfo->wsb );
            einfo->wsb = NULL;
        if( einfo->ribbon != NULL ) {
            WDestroyRibbon( einfo );
        if( einfo->edit_dlg != (HWND)NULL && IsWindow( einfo->edit_dlg ) ) {
            DestroyWindow( einfo->edit_dlg );
            einfo->edit_dlg = (HWND)NULL;
        if( einfo->win != (HWND)NULL && IsWindow( einfo->win ) ) {
            SetWindowLong( einfo->win, 0, (LONG)0 );
            DestroyWindow( einfo->win );
            einfo->win = (HWND)NULL;
        if( einfo->file_name != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( einfo->file_name );
        WMemFree( einfo );
예제 #3
Bool WFreeAccelTableEntry( WAccelTable *tbl, WAccelEntry *entry )
    Bool ok;

    ok = (tbl != NULL && entry != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( entry->next != NULL ) {
            entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
        if( entry->prev != NULL ) {
            entry->prev->next = entry->next;
        if( tbl->first_entry == entry ) {
            tbl->first_entry = entry->next;
        if( entry->symbol != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( entry->symbol );
        WMemFree( entry );

    return( ok );
예제 #4
static Bool WWriteStringEntry( WStringBlock *block, uint_16 string_id, FILE *fp )
    char        *strtext;
    char        *text;
    Bool        ok;

    strtext = NULL;

    text = WResIDNameToStr( block->block.String[string_id & 0xf] );
    ok = (text != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        strtext = WConvertStringFrom( text, "\t\n\"\\", "tn\"\\" );
        ok = (strtext != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( block->symbol[string_id & 0xf] ) {
            fprintf( fp, "    %s, \"%s\"\n",
                     block->symbol[string_id & 0xf], strtext );
        } else {
            fprintf( fp, "    %u, \"%s\"\n", string_id, strtext );

    if( strtext != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( strtext );

    if( text != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( text );

    return( ok );
예제 #5
void WFreeAccelTableEntries( WAccelEntry *entry )
    WAccelEntry *e;

    while( entry != NULL ) {
        e = entry;
        entry = entry->next;
        if( e->symbol != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( e->symbol );
        WMemFree( e );
예제 #6
void WINEXPORT WMenuFreeMenuInfo( WMenuInfo *info )
    if( info != NULL ) {
        if( info->res_name != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( info->res_name );
        if( info->file_name != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( info->file_name );
        if( info->data != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( info->data );
        WMemFree( info );
예제 #7
Bool WResolveEntrySymbol( WAccelEntry *entry, WRHashTable *symbol_table )
    uint_16             id;
    WRHashValueList     *vlist;
    Bool                ok;

    vlist = NULL;

    ok = (entry != NULL && symbol_table != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( entry->is32bit ) {
            id = entry->entry32.Id;
        } else {
            id = (uint_16)entry->entry.Id;
        vlist = WRLookupValue( symbol_table, id );
        ok = (vlist != NULL && vlist->next == NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( entry->symbol != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( entry->symbol );
        entry->symbol = WStrDup( vlist->entry->name );
        ok = (entry->symbol != NULL);

    if( vlist != NULL ) {
        WRValueListFree( vlist );

    return( ok );
예제 #8
void WFreeAccelTable( WAccelTable *tbl )
    if( tbl != NULL ) {
        WFreeAccelTableEntries( tbl->first_entry );
        WMemFree( tbl );
예제 #9
static void handleLoadSymbols( WAccelEditInfo *einfo )
    char        *file;

    file = WLoadSymbols( &einfo->info->symbol_table, einfo->info->symbol_file,
                         einfo->win, TRUE );
    if( file == NULL ) {

    if( einfo->info->symbol_file != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( einfo->info->symbol_file );
    einfo->info->symbol_file = file;

    // lookup the id associated with the symbol for all entries
    WResolveAllEntrySymIDs( einfo );

    // look for the symbol matching the id for all entries
    WResolveAllEntrySymbols( einfo );

    WInitEditWindowListBox( einfo );

    if( einfo->current_pos != -1 ) {
        SendDlgItemMessage( einfo->edit_dlg, IDM_ACCEDLIST,
                            LB_SETCURSEL, einfo->current_pos, 0 );

    WRAddSymbolsToComboBox( einfo->info->symbol_table, einfo->edit_dlg,
                            IDM_ACCEDCMDID, WR_HASHENTRY_ALL );

    einfo->info->modified = TRUE;

    WDoHandleSelChange( einfo, FALSE, TRUE );
예제 #10
WAccelInfo *WAccelGetEInfo( WAccelHandle hndl, Bool keep )
    WAccelEditInfo  *einfo;
    WAccelInfo      *info;
    int             ok;

    info = NULL;

    einfo = (WAccelEditInfo *)WGetEditSessionInfo( hndl );

    ok = (einfo != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        info = einfo->info;
        ok = (info != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( einfo->info->modified ) {
            if( info->data != NULL ) {
                WMemFree( info->data );
            info->data = NULL;
            info->data_size = 0;
            WMakeDataFromAccelTable( einfo->tbl, &info->data, &info->data_size );
        if( !keep ) {
            WUnRegisterEditSession( hndl );
            WFreeAccelEInfo( einfo );

    return( info );
예제 #11
void WDestroyStatusLine( WStatBar *wsb )
    if( wsb != NULL ) {
        StatusWndDestroy( wsb->stat );
        WMemFree( wsb );
예제 #12
static void handleLoadSymbols( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    char        *file;

    file = WLoadSymbols( &einfo->info->symbol_table, einfo->info->symbol_file,
                         einfo->win, TRUE );
    if( file == NULL ) {

    if( einfo->info->symbol_file != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( einfo->info->symbol_file );
    einfo->info->symbol_file = file;

    // lookup the id associated with the symbol for all entries
    WResolveMenuSymIDs( einfo );

    // look for the symbol matching the id for all entries
    WResolveMenuEntries( einfo );

    WRAddSymbolsToComboBox( einfo->info->symbol_table, einfo->edit_dlg,
                            IDM_MENUEDID, WR_HASHENTRY_ALL );

    einfo->info->modified = TRUE;

    WDoHandleSelChange( einfo, FALSE, TRUE );
예제 #13
Bool WSetEditWindowText( HWND dlg, MenuFlags flags, char *text )
    Bool    ok;
    char    *t;
    char    *n;

    ok = (dlg != (HWND)NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( flags & MENU_SEPARATOR ) {
            t = "";
        } else {
            t = text;
            if( t == NULL ) {
                t = "";

    if( ok ) {
        n = WConvertStringFrom( t, "\t\x8", "ta" );
        if( n != NULL ) {
            ok = WSetEditWithStr( GetDlgItem( dlg, IDM_MENUEDTEXT ), n );
            WMemFree( n );
        } else {
            ok = WSetEditWithStr( GetDlgItem( dlg, IDM_MENUEDTEXT ), t );

    return( ok );
예제 #14
void WHandleClear( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    if( einfo->menu != NULL && einfo->menu->first_entry != NULL ) {
        if( WQueryClearRes( einfo ) ) {
            WSetEditWindowText( einfo->edit_dlg, 0, NULL );
            WSetEditWindowID( einfo->edit_dlg, 0, TRUE, NULL );
            WResetEditWindowFlags( einfo->edit_dlg );
            SendDlgItemMessage( einfo->edit_dlg, IDM_MENUEDLIST, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
            WFreeMenuEntries( einfo->menu->first_entry );
            einfo->menu->first_entry = NULL;
            einfo->current_entry = NULL;
            einfo->current_pos = -1;
            einfo->first_preview_id = FIRST_PREVIEW_ID;
            WResetPrevWindowMenu( einfo );
            if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) {
                if( einfo->file_name != NULL ) {
                    WMemFree( einfo->file_name );
                    einfo->file_name = NULL;
                    WSetEditTitle( einfo );
                if( einfo->info->symbol_table != NULL ) {
                    WRFreeHashTable( einfo->info->symbol_table );
                    einfo->info->symbol_table = WRInitHashTable();
            einfo->info->modified = TRUE;
            SetFocus( einfo->edit_dlg );
            WSetStatusByID( einfo->wsb, W_MENUCLEARMSG, -1 );
예제 #15
static Bool WQueryNukePopup( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    int         ret;
    UINT        style;
    char        *title;
    char        *text;

    title = WCreateEditTitle( einfo );
    text = WAllocRCString( W_QUERYNUKEPOPUP );

    ret = MessageBox( einfo->edit_dlg, text, title, style );

    if( text != NULL ) {
        WFreeRCString( text );
    if( title != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( title );

    if( ret == IDYES ) {
        return( TRUE );

    return( FALSE );
예제 #16
void WHandleClear( WAccelEditInfo *einfo )
    if( einfo->tbl != NULL && einfo->tbl->num != 0 ) {
        if( WQueryClearRes( einfo ) ) {
            WResetEditWindow( einfo );
            SendDlgItemMessage( einfo->edit_dlg, IDM_ACCEDLIST, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
            WFreeAccelTableEntries( einfo->tbl->first_entry );
            einfo->tbl->first_entry = NULL;
            einfo->tbl->num = 0;
            einfo->current_entry = NULL;
            einfo->current_pos = -1;
            einfo->getting_key = FALSE;
            if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) {
                if( einfo->file_name != NULL ) {
                    WMemFree( einfo->file_name );
                    einfo->file_name = NULL;
                    WSetEditTitle( einfo );
                if( einfo->info->symbol_table != NULL ) {
                    WRFreeHashTable( einfo->info->symbol_table );
                    einfo->info->symbol_table = WRInitHashTable();
            einfo->info->modified = TRUE;
            SetFocus( einfo->edit_dlg );
            WSetStatusByID( einfo->wsb, W_ACCELCLEARMSG, -1 );
예제 #17
WMenuInfo *WMenuGetEInfo( WMenuHandle hndl, Bool keep )
    WMenuEditInfo   *einfo;
    WMenuInfo       *info;
    int             ok;

    info = NULL;

    einfo = (WMenuEditInfo *)WGetEditSessionInfo( hndl );

    ok = (einfo != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        info = einfo->info;
        ok = (info != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( einfo->info->modified ) {
            if( info->data != NULL ) {
                WMemFree( info->data );
                info->data = NULL;
            info->data_size = 0;
            WMakeDataFromMenu( einfo->menu, &info->data, &info->data_size );
        if( !keep ) {
            WUnRegisterEditSession( hndl );
            WFreeMenuEInfo( einfo );

    return( info );
예제 #18
Bool WPasteMenuItem( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    WMenuEntry  *entry;
    void        *data;
    uint_32     dsize;
    Bool        ok;

    data = NULL;
    ok = (einfo != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WGetClipData( einfo->win, WItemClipbdFormat, &data, &dsize );

    if( ok ) {
        entry = WMakeMenuEntryFromClipData( data, dsize );
        ok = (entry != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WResolveEntries( entry, einfo->info->symbol_table );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WInsertMenuEntry( einfo, entry, TRUE );

    if( data != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( data );

    return( ok );
예제 #19
static Bool WQueryChangeEntry( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    int         ret;
    UINT        style;
    char        *title;
    char        *text;

    title = WCreateEditTitle( einfo );

    ret = MessageBox( einfo->edit_dlg, text, title, style );

    if( text != NULL ) {
        WFreeRCString( text );
    if( title != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( title );

    if( ret == IDYES ) {
        return( TRUE );

    return( FALSE );
예제 #20
Bool WWriteAccToRC( WAccelEditInfo *einfo, char *file, Bool append )
    WAccelEntry *entry;
    FILE        *fp;
    char        *rname;
    Bool        ok;

    rname = NULL;

    ok = (einfo != NULL && einfo->tbl != NULL && einfo->info->res_name != NULL &&
          file != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( append ) {
            fp = fopen( file, "at" );
        } else {
            fp = fopen( file, "wt" );
        ok = (fp != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ((rname = WResIDToStr( einfo->info->res_name )) != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        fprintf( fp, "%s ACCELERATORS\n", rname );
        fwrite( "BEGIN\n", sizeof( char ), 6, fp );

    if( ok ) {
        entry = einfo->tbl->first_entry;
        while( entry != NULL && ok ) {
            ok = WWriteEntryToRC( einfo, entry, fp );
            entry = entry->next;

    if( ok ) {
        fwrite( "END\n\n", sizeof( char ), 5, fp );

    if( rname ) {
        WMemFree( rname );

    if( fp ) {
        fclose( fp );

    return( ok );
예제 #21
Bool WGetEditWindowText( HWND dlg, char **text )
    Bool        ok;
    char        *n;

    ok = (dlg != (HWND)NULL && text != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        n = WGetStrFromEdit( GetDlgItem( dlg, IDM_MENUEDTEXT ), NULL );
        if( n != NULL && *n == '\0' ) {
            WMemFree( n );
            n = NULL;
        *text = WConvertStringTo( n, "\t\x8", "ta" );
        if( n != NULL ) {
            WMemFree( n );
        ok = (*text != NULL);

    return( ok );
예제 #22
static Bool WWriteEntryToRC( WAccelEditInfo *einfo, WAccelEntry *entry, FILE *fp )
    char        *keytext;
    char        *flagtext;
    uint_16     key, flags, id;
    Bool        ok;

    flagtext = NULL;

    ok = (einfo != NULL && entry != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( entry->is32bit ) {
            key = entry->entry32.Ascii;
            flags = entry->entry32.Flags;
            id = entry->entry32.Id;
        } else {
            key = entry->entry.Ascii;
            flags = entry->entry.Flags;
            id = (uint_16)entry->entry.Id;
        keytext = WGetKeyText( key, flags );
        ok = (keytext != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WSetFlagsText( flags, &flagtext );

    if( ok ) {
        fprintf( fp, "    %s,\t", keytext );
        if( entry->symbol ) {
            fprintf( fp, "%s", entry->symbol );
        } else {
            fprintf( fp, "%d", (int)id );
        if( flagtext != NULL ) {
            fprintf( fp, "%s\n", flagtext );
        } else {
            fwrite( "\n", sizeof( char ), 1, fp );

    if( flagtext != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( flagtext );

    return( ok );
예제 #23
Bool WQuerySaveSym( WMenuEditInfo *einfo, Bool force_exit )
    int         ret;
    UINT        style;
    char        *title;
    char        *text;

    if( einfo == NULL || !einfo->info->stand_alone ) {
        return( TRUE );

    if( !WRIsHashTableDirty( einfo->info->symbol_table ) ) {
        return( TRUE );

    if( force_exit ) {
    } else {

    title = WCreateEditTitle( einfo );
    text = WAllocRCString( W_UPDATEMODIFIEDSYM );
    ret = MessageBox( einfo->edit_dlg, text, title, style );
    if( text != NULL ) {
        WFreeRCString( text );
    if( title != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( title );

    if( ret == IDYES ) {
        if( einfo->info->symbol_file == NULL ) {
            char        *fname;
            if( einfo->file_name == NULL ) {
                fname = einfo->info->file_name;
            } else {
                fname = einfo->file_name;
            einfo->info->symbol_file = WCreateSymName( fname );
        return( WSaveSymbols( einfo, einfo->info->symbol_table,
                              &einfo->info->symbol_file, FALSE ) );
    } else if( ret == IDCANCEL ) {
        return( FALSE );

    return( TRUE );
예제 #24
Bool WClipMenuItem( WMenuEditInfo *einfo, Bool cut )
    HWND        lbox;
    LRESULT     index;
    void        *data;
    uint_32     dsize;
    WMenuEntry  *entry;
    Bool        ok;

    data = NULL;
    ok = (einfo != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        lbox = GetDlgItem( einfo->edit_dlg, IDM_MENUEDLIST );
        ok = (lbox != (HWND)NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        index = SendMessage( lbox, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
        ok = (index != LB_ERR);

    if( ok ) {
        entry = (WMenuEntry *)SendMessage( lbox, LB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)index, 0 );
        ok = (entry != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WMakeClipDataFromMenuEntry( entry, &data, &dsize );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WCopyClipData( einfo->win, WItemClipbdFormat, data, dsize );

    if( ok ) {
        if( cut ) {
            ok = WDeleteMenuEntry( einfo );

    if( data != NULL ) {
        WMemFree( data );

    return( ok );
예제 #25
Bool WWriteMenuToRC( WMenuEditInfo *einfo, char *file, Bool append )
    FILE        *fp;
    char        *rname;
    Bool        ok;

    rname = NULL;

    ok = ( einfo && einfo->menu );

    if( ok ) {
        if( append ) {
            fp = fopen( file, "at" );
        } else {
            fp = fopen( file, "wt" );
        ok = ( fp != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = ( ( rname = WResIDToStr( einfo->info->res_name ) ) != NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        fprintf( fp, "%s MENU\n", rname );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WWriteMenuPopupItem( einfo->menu->first_entry, fp );

    if( rname ) {
        WMemFree( rname );

    if( fp ) {
        fclose( fp );

    return( ok );
예제 #26
WStringBlock *WInsertStringData( WStringEditInfo *einfo, uint_16 id,
                                 char *text, char *symbol, Bool *replace )
    Bool                ok;
    WStringBlock        *block;

    ok = (einfo != NULL && einfo->tbl != NULL && einfo->win != NULL && replace != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        *replace = FALSE;
        block = WGetOrMakeStringBlock( einfo->tbl, id );
        ok = (block != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( block->block.String[id & 0xf] == NULL ) {
            block->block.String[id & 0xf] = WResIDNameFromStr( text );
            block->symbol[id & 0xf] = WStrDup( symbol );
            einfo->info->modified = TRUE;
        } else {
            if( WQueryReplaceString( einfo->edit_dlg ) ) {
                WMemFree( block->block.String[id & 0xf] );
                block->block.String[id & 0xf] = WResIDNameFromStr( text );
                block->symbol[id & 0xf] = WStrDup( symbol );
                einfo->info->modified = TRUE;
                *replace = TRUE;
            } else {
                if( WIsBlockEmpty( block ) ) {
                    WRemoveStringBlock( einfo->tbl, block );
                ok = FALSE;

    if( !ok ) {
        return( NULL );

    return( block );
예제 #27
static void handleSymbols( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    char        *text;

    if( !WEditSymbols( einfo->win, &einfo->info->symbol_table,
                       WGetEditInstance(), WMenuHelpRoutine ) ) {

    WResolveMenuSymIDs( einfo );

    text = WGetStrFromEdit( GetDlgItem( einfo->edit_dlg, IDM_MENUEDID ), NULL );
    WRAddSymbolsToComboBox( einfo->info->symbol_table, einfo->edit_dlg,
                            IDM_MENUEDID, WR_HASHENTRY_ALL );
    if( text != NULL ) {
        WSetEditWithStr( GetDlgItem( einfo->edit_dlg, IDM_MENUEDID ), text );
        WMemFree( text );

    WHandleSelChange( einfo );
예제 #28
void WSetEditTitle( WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    char        *title;
    Bool        is_rc;

    title = WCreateEditTitle( einfo );
    is_rc = FALSE;

    if( title == NULL ) {
        title = WAllocRCString( W_MENUAPPTITLE );
        is_rc = TRUE;

    if( title != NULL ) {
        SendMessage( einfo->win, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)title );
        if( is_rc ) {
            WFreeRCString( title );
        } else {
            WMemFree( title );
예제 #29
Bool WQuerySaveRes( WMenuEditInfo *einfo, Bool force_exit )
    int         ret;
    UINT        style;
    char        *title;
    char        *text;

    if( einfo != NULL && einfo->info->modified ) {
        ret = IDYES;
        if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) {
            if( force_exit ) {
            } else {
            title = WCreateEditTitle( einfo );
            text = WAllocRCString( W_UPDATEMODIFIEDMENU );
            ret = MessageBox( einfo->edit_dlg, text, title, style );
            if( text != NULL ) {
                WFreeRCString( text );
            if( title != NULL ) {
                WMemFree( title );
        if( ret == IDYES ) {
            if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) {
                return( WSaveObject( einfo, FALSE, FALSE ) );
            } else {
                SendMessage( einfo->info->parent, MENU_PLEASE_SAVEME, 0,
                             (LPARAM)einfo->hndl );
        } else if( ret == IDCANCEL ) {
            return( FALSE );

    return( TRUE );
예제 #30
Bool WCreateEditWindow( HINSTANCE inst, WMenuEditInfo *einfo )
    int         x, y, width, height;
    char        *title;
    HMENU       hmenu;
    HMENU       menu;
    Bool        is_rc;
    RECT        rect;

    if( einfo == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );

    width = appWidth;
    height = appHeight;

    if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) {
        WGetScreenPosOption( &rect );
        if( !IsRectEmpty( &rect ) ) {
            x = rect.left;
            y = rect.top;
            width = max( appWidth, rect.right - rect.left );
            height = max( appHeight, rect.bottom - rect.top );

    is_rc = FALSE;
    title = WCreateEditTitle( einfo );
    if( title == NULL ) {
        title = WAllocRCString( W_MENUAPPTITLE );
        is_rc = TRUE;

    menu = (HMENU)NULL;
    if( einfo->info->stand_alone ) {
        menu = LoadMenu( inst, WMainSOMenuName );

    einfo->win = CreateWindow( WMainClass, title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
                               x, y, width, height, einfo->info->parent,
                               menu, inst, einfo );

    if( title != NULL ) {
        if( is_rc ) {
            WFreeRCString( title );
        } else {
            WMemFree( title );

    if( einfo->win == (HWND)NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WCreateRibbon( einfo ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    einfo->wsb = WCreateStatusLine( einfo->win, inst );
    if( einfo->wsb == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );

    einfo->insert_subitems = FALSE;
    einfo->insert_before = FALSE;
    einfo->first_preview_id = FIRST_PREVIEW_ID;

    hmenu = GetMenu( einfo->win );
    if( hmenu != (HMENU)NULL ) {
        EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_MENU_CUT, MF_GRAYED );
        EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_MENU_COPY, MF_GRAYED );

    CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_MENU_INSERTAFTER, MF_CHECKED );

    if( !WCreateMenuEditWindow( einfo, inst ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( WGetOption( WOptScreenMax ) ) {
        ShowWindow( einfo->win, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED );
    } else {
        ShowWindow( einfo->win, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
    UpdateWindow( einfo->win );

    WResizeWindows( einfo );

    SetFocus( einfo->edit_dlg );

    return( TRUE );