// <StubDefinitions>
HRESULT __stdcall
(   IUnknown* server
,   IWSDServiceMessaging* service
,   WSD_EVENT* event
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IStockQuote* pServer = NULL;

    REQUESTBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice* p = reinterpret_cast<REQUESTBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice*>(event->Soap->Body);
    RESPONSEBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice result;

    hr = server->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IStockQuote), (void**)&pServer );
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr =
        (   p->body
        ,   &result.body

        pServer = NULL;
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = service->SendResponse(&result,event->Operation,event->MessageParameters);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        hr = service->FaultRequest(&event->Soap->Header,event->MessageParameters, NULL);

    // Clean up memory from outparams
    if (NULL != result.body)
        WSDFreeLinkedMemory( (void*) (result.body) );

    return hr;
예제 #2
// <StubDefinitions>
HRESULT __stdcall
(   IUnknown* server
,   IWSDServiceMessaging* service
,   WSD_EVENT* event
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IFileService* pServer = NULL;

    RESPONSEBODY_FileService_GetFileList result;

    hr = server->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IFileService), (void**)&pServer );
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr =
        (   &result.parameters

        pServer = NULL;
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = service->SendResponse(&result,event->Operation,event->MessageParameters);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        hr = service->FaultRequest(&event->Soap->Header,event->MessageParameters, NULL);

    // Clean up memory from outparams
    if (NULL != result.parameters)
        WSDFreeLinkedMemory( (void*) (result.parameters) );

    return hr;
예제 #3
// GetFileList - Invoke the GetFileList (i.e., "dir") service method
HRESULT GetFileList(
    IFileServiceSecureProxy* pFileServiceSecureProxy)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if( NULL == pFileServiceSecureProxy )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // Invoke GetFileList method on service
    _cwprintf(L"Invoking GetFileList method on service... ");
    hr = pFileServiceSecureProxy->GetFileList( &pResponse );
    print_result( hr );

    // Print results
    if( S_OK == hr && NULL != pResponse )
        PWCHAR_LIST *pList = pResponse->FileList;

        while( pList )
            _cwprintf(L"%s\r\n", (NULL == pList->Element ? L"(null)" : pList->Element));
            pList = pList->Next;

    // cleanup
    if( NULL != pResponse )
        WSDFreeLinkedMemory( pResponse );
        pResponse = NULL;

    return hr;
예제 #4
// AsyncOperationComplete - Called when the GetFile operation is complete
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CGetFileAsyncCallback::AsyncOperationComplete(
    IWSDAsyncResult* pAsyncResult,
    IUnknown* pAsyncState)

    GET_FILE_RESPONSE* pResponse = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // When the GetFile operation completes, we enter this callback.  It's
    // then our responsibility to call EndGetFile to actually retrieve
    // the results.
    _cwprintf(L"Asynchronous GetFile operation completed.\r\n");
    hr = m_pFileServiceSecureProxy->EndGetFile( pAsyncResult, &pResponse );

    // Call into our helper method to save the attachment to disk
    if( S_OK == hr && NULL != pResponse )
        hr = ReceiveBinary( pResponse->Attachment, m_szFile );
        _cwprintf(L"    GetFile operation failed or returned NULL response: ");
        print_result( hr );

    // cleanup
    if( NULL != pResponse )
        WSDFreeLinkedMemory( pResponse );
        pResponse = NULL;

    return hr;
예제 #5
파일: discovery.c 프로젝트: ccpgames/wine
static void UnPublish_tests(void)
    IWSDiscoveryPublisher *publisher = NULL;
    IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify *sink1 = NULL;
    char endpoint_reference_string[MAX_PATH], app_sequence_string[MAX_PATH];
    LPWSTR publisherIdW = NULL, sequenceIdW = NULL;
    messageStorage *msg_storage;
    WSADATA wsa_data;
    BOOL message_ok, hello_message_seen = FALSE, endpoint_reference_seen = FALSE, app_sequence_seen = FALSE;
    BOOL wine_ns_seen = FALSE, body_hello_seen = FALSE, any_body_seen = FALSE;
    int ret, i;
    HRESULT rc;
    ULONG ref;
    char *msg;
    WSDXML_ELEMENT *body_any_element;
    WSDXML_NAME body_any_name;
    WCHAR body_any_name_text[] = {'B','e','e','r',0};
    static const WCHAR body_any_text[] = {'B','o','d','y','T','e','s','t',0};
    static const WCHAR uri[] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','w','i','n','e','.','t','e','s','t','/',0};
    static const WCHAR prefix[] = {'w','i','n','e',0};

    rc = WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: %08x\n", rc);
    ok(publisher != NULL, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: publisher == NULL\n");

    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(publisher, WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV4);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV4) failed: %08x\n", rc);

    /* Create notification sink */
    ok(create_discovery_publisher_notify(&sink1) == TRUE, "create_discovery_publisher_notify failed\n");
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink1);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink failed: %08x\n", rc);

    /* Set up network listener */
    publisherIdW = utf8_to_wide(publisherId);
    if (publisherIdW == NULL) goto after_unpublish_test;

    sequenceIdW = utf8_to_wide(sequenceId);
    if (sequenceIdW == NULL) goto after_unpublish_test;

    msg_storage = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(messageStorage));
    if (msg_storage == NULL) goto after_unpublish_test;

    msg_storage->running = TRUE;

    ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa_data);
    ok(ret == 0, "WSAStartup failed (ret = %d)\n", ret);

    ret = start_listening_on_all_addresses(msg_storage, AF_INET);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "Unable to listen on IPv4 addresses (ret == %d)\n", ret);

    /* Create "any" elements for header */
    ns.Uri = uri;
    ns.PreferredPrefix = prefix;

    body_any_name.LocalName = body_any_name_text;
    body_any_name.Space = &ns;

    rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&body_any_name, body_any_text, &body_any_element);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc);

    /* Unpublish the service */
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnPublish(publisher, publisherIdW, 1, 1, sequenceIdW, body_any_element);


    ok(rc == S_OK, "Unpublish failed: %08x\n", rc);

    /* Wait up to 2 seconds for messages to be received */
    if (WaitForMultipleObjects(msg_storage->numThreadHandles, msg_storage->threadHandles, TRUE, 2000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
        /* Wait up to 1 more second for threads to terminate */
        msg_storage->running = FALSE;
        WaitForMultipleObjects(msg_storage->numThreadHandles, msg_storage->threadHandles, TRUE, 1000);


    /* Verify we've received a message */
    ok(msg_storage->messageCount >= 1, "No messages received\n");

    sprintf(endpoint_reference_string, "<wsa:EndpointReference><wsa:Address>%s</wsa:Address></wsa:EndpointReference>",
    sprintf(app_sequence_string, "<wsd:AppSequence InstanceId=\"1\" SequenceId=\"%s\" MessageNumber=\"1\"></wsd:AppSequence>",

    message_ok = FALSE;

    /* Check we're received the correct message */
    for (i = 0; i < msg_storage->messageCount; i++)
        msg = msg_storage->messages[i];
        message_ok = FALSE;

        hello_message_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsa:Action>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery/Bye</wsa:Action>") != NULL);
        endpoint_reference_seen = (strstr(msg, endpoint_reference_string) != NULL);
        app_sequence_seen = (strstr(msg, app_sequence_string) != NULL);
        wine_ns_seen = (strstr(msg, "xmlns:wine=\"http://wine.test/\"") != NULL);
        body_hello_seen = (strstr(msg, "<soap:Body><wsd:Bye") != NULL);
        any_body_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wine:Beer>BodyTest</wine:Beer>") != NULL);
        message_ok = hello_message_seen && endpoint_reference_seen && app_sequence_seen && wine_ns_seen &&
            body_hello_seen && any_body_seen;

        if (message_ok) break;

    for (i = 0; i < msg_storage->messageCount; i++)


    ok(hello_message_seen == TRUE, "Bye message not received\n");
    ok(endpoint_reference_seen == TRUE, "EndpointReference not received\n");
    ok(app_sequence_seen == TRUE, "AppSequence not received\n");
    ok(message_ok == TRUE, "Bye message metadata not received\n");
    ok(wine_ns_seen == TRUE, "Wine namespace not received\n");
    ok(body_hello_seen == TRUE, "Body and Bye elements not received\n");
    ok(any_body_seen == TRUE, "Custom body element not received\n");



    ref = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release(publisher);
    ok(ref == 0, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release() has %d references, should have 0\n", ref);

    /* Release the sinks */

예제 #6
파일: discovery.c 프로젝트: ccpgames/wine
static void Publish_tests(void)
    IWSDiscoveryPublisher *publisher = NULL;
    IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify *sink1 = NULL, *sink2 = NULL;
    IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotifyImpl *sink1Impl = NULL, *sink2Impl = NULL;
    char endpointReferenceString[MAX_PATH], app_sequence_string[MAX_PATH];
    LPWSTR publisherIdW = NULL, sequenceIdW = NULL;
    messageStorage *msgStorage;
    WSADATA wsaData;
    BOOL messageOK, hello_message_seen = FALSE, endpoint_reference_seen = FALSE, app_sequence_seen = FALSE;
    BOOL metadata_version_seen = FALSE, any_header_seen = FALSE, wine_ns_seen = FALSE, body_hello_seen = FALSE;
    BOOL any_body_seen = FALSE, types_seen = FALSE, xml_namespaces_seen = FALSE, scopes_seen = FALSE;
    BOOL xaddrs_seen = FALSE;
    int ret, i;
    HRESULT rc;
    ULONG ref;
    char *msg;
    WSDXML_ELEMENT *header_any_element, *body_any_element, *endpoint_any_element, *ref_param_any_element;
    WSDXML_NAME header_any_name, another_name;
    WCHAR header_any_name_text[] = {'B','e','e','r',0};
    static const WCHAR header_any_text[] = {'P','u','b','l','i','s','h','T','e','s','t',0};
    static const WCHAR body_any_text[] = {'B','o','d','y','T','e','s','t',0};
    static const WCHAR endpoint_any_text[] = {'E','n','d','P','T','e','s','t',0};
    static const WCHAR ref_param_any_text[] = {'R','e','f','P','T','e','s','t',0};
    static const WCHAR uri[] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','w','i','n','e','.','t','e','s','t','/',0};
    static const WCHAR prefix[] = {'w','i','n','e',0};
    static const WCHAR uri3[] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','t','h','i','r','d','.','u','r','l','/',0};
    WSD_NAME_LIST types_list;
    WSD_URI_LIST scopes_list, xaddrs_list;
    unsigned char *probe_uuid_str;

    rc = WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: %08x\n", rc);
    ok(publisher != NULL, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: publisher == NULL\n");

    /* Test SetAddressFamily */
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(publisher, 12345);
    ok(rc == E_INVALIDARG, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(12345) returned unexpected result: %08x\n", rc);

    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(publisher, WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV4);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV4) failed: %08x\n", rc);

    /* Try to update the address family after already setting it */
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(publisher, WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV6);
    ok(rc == STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV6) returned unexpected result: %08x\n", rc);

    /* Create notification sinks */
    ok(create_discovery_publisher_notify(&sink1) == TRUE, "create_discovery_publisher_notify failed\n");
    ok(create_discovery_publisher_notify(&sink2) == TRUE, "create_discovery_publisher_notify failed\n");

    /* Get underlying implementation so we can check the ref count */
    sink1Impl = impl_from_IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify(sink1);
    sink2Impl = impl_from_IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify(sink2);

    /* Attempt to unregister sink before registering it */
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink1);
    ok(rc == E_FAIL, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink returned unexpected result: %08x\n", rc);

    /* Register notification sinks */
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink1);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink failed: %08x\n", rc);
    ok(sink1Impl->ref == 2, "Ref count for sink 1 is not as expected: %d\n", sink1Impl->ref);

    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink2);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink failed: %08x\n", rc);
    ok(sink2Impl->ref == 2, "Ref count for sink 2 is not as expected: %d\n", sink2Impl->ref);

    /* Unregister the first sink */
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink1);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink failed: %08x\n", rc);
    ok(sink1Impl->ref == 1, "Ref count for sink 1 is not as expected: %d\n", sink1Impl->ref);

    /* Set up network listener */
    publisherIdW = utf8_to_wide(publisherId);
    if (publisherIdW == NULL) goto after_publish_test;

    sequenceIdW = utf8_to_wide(sequenceId);
    if (sequenceIdW == NULL) goto after_publish_test;

    msgStorage = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(messageStorage));
    if (msgStorage == NULL) goto after_publish_test;

    msgStorage->running = TRUE;

    ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
    ok(ret == 0, "WSAStartup failed (ret = %d)\n", ret);

    ret = start_listening_on_all_addresses(msgStorage, AF_INET);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "Unable to listen on IPv4 addresses (ret == %d)\n", ret);

    /* Create "any" elements for header */
    ns.Uri = uri;
    ns.PreferredPrefix = prefix;

    header_any_name.LocalName = header_any_name_text;
    header_any_name.Space = &ns;

    rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, header_any_text, &header_any_element);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc);

    rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, body_any_text, &body_any_element);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc);

    rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, endpoint_any_text, &endpoint_any_element);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc);

    rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, ref_param_any_text, &ref_param_any_element);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc);

    /* Create types list */
    ns2.Uri = uri_more_tests;
    ns2.PreferredPrefix = prefix_grog;

    another_name.LocalName = (WCHAR *) name_cider;
    another_name.Space = &ns2;

    types_list.Next = malloc(sizeof(WSD_NAME_LIST));
    types_list.Element = &another_name;

    types_list.Next->Next = NULL;
    types_list.Next->Element = &header_any_name;

    /* Create scopes and xaddrs lists */
    scopes_list.Next = malloc(sizeof(WSD_URI_LIST));
    scopes_list.Element = uri;

    scopes_list.Next->Next = NULL;
    scopes_list.Next->Element = uri_more_tests;

    xaddrs_list.Next = malloc(sizeof(WSD_URI_LIST));
    xaddrs_list.Element = uri_more_tests;

    xaddrs_list.Next->Next = NULL;
    xaddrs_list.Next->Element = uri3;

    /* Publish the service */
    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_PublishEx(publisher, publisherIdW, 1, 1, 1, sequenceIdW, &types_list, &scopes_list,
        &xaddrs_list, header_any_element, ref_param_any_element, NULL, endpoint_any_element, body_any_element);


    ok(rc == S_OK, "Publish failed: %08x\n", rc);

    /* Wait up to 2 seconds for messages to be received */
    if (WaitForMultipleObjects(msgStorage->numThreadHandles, msgStorage->threadHandles, TRUE, 2000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
        /* Wait up to 1 more second for threads to terminate */
        msgStorage->running = FALSE;
        WaitForMultipleObjects(msgStorage->numThreadHandles, msgStorage->threadHandles, TRUE, 1000);


    /* Verify we've received a message */
    ok(msgStorage->messageCount >= 1, "No messages received\n");

    sprintf(endpointReferenceString, "<wsa:EndpointReference><wsa:Address>%s</wsa:Address><wsa:ReferenceParameters>"
        "</wsa:EndpointReference>", publisherId);

    sprintf(app_sequence_string, "<wsd:AppSequence InstanceId=\"1\" SequenceId=\"%s\" MessageNumber=\"1\"></wsd:AppSequence>",

    messageOK = FALSE;

    /* Check we're received the correct message */
    for (i = 0; i < msgStorage->messageCount; i++)
        msg = msgStorage->messages[i];
        messageOK = FALSE;

        hello_message_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsa:Action>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery/Hello</wsa:Action>") != NULL);
        endpoint_reference_seen = (strstr(msg, endpointReferenceString) != NULL);
        app_sequence_seen = (strstr(msg, app_sequence_string) != NULL);
        metadata_version_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:MetadataVersion>1</wsd:MetadataVersion>") != NULL);
        any_header_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wine:Beer>PublishTest</wine:Beer>") != NULL);
        wine_ns_seen = (strstr(msg, "xmlns:wine=\"http://wine.test/\"") != NULL);
        body_hello_seen = (strstr(msg, "<soap:Body><wsd:Hello") != NULL);
        any_body_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wine:Beer>BodyTest</wine:Beer>") != NULL);
        types_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:Types>grog:Cider wine:Beer</wsd:Types>") != NULL);
        scopes_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:Scopes>http://wine.test/ http://more.tests/</wsd:Scopes>") != NULL);
        xaddrs_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:XAddrs>http://more.tests/ http://third.url/</wsd:XAddrs>") != NULL);
        xml_namespaces_seen = (strstr(msg, "xmlns:wine=\"http://wine.test/\" xmlns:grog=\"http://more.tests/\"") != NULL);
        messageOK = hello_message_seen && endpoint_reference_seen && app_sequence_seen && metadata_version_seen &&
            any_header_seen && wine_ns_seen && body_hello_seen && any_body_seen && types_seen && xml_namespaces_seen &&
            scopes_seen && xaddrs_seen;

        if (messageOK) break;

    for (i = 0; i < msgStorage->messageCount; i++)


    ok(hello_message_seen == TRUE, "Hello message not received\n");
    ok(endpoint_reference_seen == TRUE, "EndpointReference not received\n");
    ok(app_sequence_seen == TRUE, "AppSequence not received\n");
    ok(metadata_version_seen == TRUE, "MetadataVersion not received\n");
    ok(messageOK == TRUE, "Hello message metadata not received\n");
    ok(any_header_seen == TRUE, "Custom header not received\n");
    ok(wine_ns_seen == TRUE, "Wine namespace not received\n");
    ok(body_hello_seen == TRUE, "Body and Hello elements not received\n");
    ok(any_body_seen == TRUE, "Custom body element not received\n");
    ok(types_seen == TRUE, "Types not received\n");
    ok(xml_namespaces_seen == TRUE, "XML namespaces not received\n");
    ok(scopes_seen == TRUE, "Scopes not received\n");
    ok(xaddrs_seen == TRUE, "XAddrs not received\n");



    /* Test the receiving of a probe message */
    probe_event = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

    UuidToStringA(&probe_message_id, &probe_uuid_str);

    ok(probe_uuid_str != NULL, "Failed to create UUID for probe message\n");

    if (probe_uuid_str != NULL)
        char probe_message[sizeof(testProbeMessage) + 50];
        sprintf(probe_message, testProbeMessage, probe_uuid_str);

        ok(send_udp_multicast_of_type(probe_message, strlen(probe_message), AF_INET) == TRUE, "Sending Probe message failed\n");
        todo_wine ok(WaitForSingleObject(probe_event, 2000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "Probe message not received\n");



    ref = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release(publisher);
    ok(ref == 0, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release() has %d references, should have 0\n", ref);

    /* Check that the sinks have been released by the publisher */
    ok(sink1Impl->ref == 1, "Ref count for sink 1 is not as expected: %d\n", sink1Impl->ref);
    ok(sink2Impl->ref == 1, "Ref count for sink 2 is not as expected: %d\n", sink2Impl->ref);

    /* Release the sinks */

예제 #7
// CStockQuoteService::GetLastTradePrice
//  Service method which can be called by remote clients.  This method
//  takes the stock quote listed in the parameters structure and returns
//  a structure with a stock price.
STDMETHODIMP CStockQuoteService::GetLastTradePrice(
    TRADE_PRICE_REQUEST* parameters, 
    TRADE_PRICE** ppTradePrice)
    TRADE_PRICE* pTradePrice = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    _cwprintf(L"Client invoking GetLastTradePrice method\r\n");

    // Validate parameters
    if( NULL == parameters )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if( NULL == parameters->tickerSymbol )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if( NULL == ppTradePrice )
        return E_POINTER;

    *ppTradePrice = NULL;

    // Allocate response structure with WSDAllocateLinkedMemory.  The
    // Deallocator for this port type's stub functions is WSDFreeLinkedMemory.
    _cwprintf(L"    Allocating response structure... ");
    pTradePrice = (TRADE_PRICE*)WSDAllocateLinkedMemory( NULL,
            sizeof(TRADE_PRICE) );

    if( NULL == pTradePrice )
        hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    print_result( hr );

    // Fill response structure
    if( S_OK == hr )
        _cwprintf(L"    Calling into StockLookup function... ");
        pTradePrice->price = StockLookup(parameters->tickerSymbol);
        print_result( hr );

    if( S_OK == hr )
        *ppTradePrice = pTradePrice;
        pTradePrice = NULL;

        _cwprintf(L"    Response has been prepared.\r\n");

    _cwprintf(L"    Service method exit code: ");
    print_result( hr );

    // cleanup
    if( NULL != pTradePrice )
        WSDFreeLinkedMemory( pTradePrice );
        pTradePrice = NULL;

    return hr;
(   /* [in] */ IWSDAsyncResult* AsyncResult
               ,   /* [out] */ TRADE_PRICE** bodyOut
    WSD_EVENT ev;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Initialize Output Pointers
    if( NULL != bodyOut )
        *bodyOut = NULL;
    if( NULL == AsyncResult )
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
        return hr;

    // Validate Response Parameters
    if( NULL == bodyOut )
        hr = E_POINTER;
        return hr;

    ::ZeroMemory(&ev, sizeof(ev));
    hr = AsyncResult->GetEvent( &ev );
    if( S_OK != hr )
        return hr;

    if( ev.EventType == WSDET_INCOMING_MESSAGE )
        void* results = ev.Soap->Body;
        if( NULL != results )
            RESPONSEBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice* response = reinterpret_cast<RESPONSEBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice*>(results);

            WSDDetachLinkedMemory( (void*) response->body );
            *bodyOut = response->body;

            WSDFreeLinkedMemory( (void*) response );
    else if( ev.EventType == WSDET_INCOMING_FAULT )
        void* results = ev.Soap->Body;

        if( NULL == m_genericProxy )
            hr = E_ABORT;
            return hr;

        IWSDEndpointProxy* ep = NULL;
        hr = m_genericProxy->GetEndpointProxy(&ep);
        if( FAILED(hr) || NULL == ep )
            hr = E_ABORT;
            return hr;

        hr = E_FAIL;
        if( results )
            ep->ProcessFault( (const WSD_SOAP_FAULT*)results );
        hr = ( (S_OK == ev.Hr) ? E_FAIL : ev.Hr );

    return hr;
// <ProxyFunctionImplementations>
(   /* [in] */ TRADE_PRICE_REQUEST* body
               ,   /* [out] */ TRADE_PRICE** bodyOut
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Initialize Output Pointers
    if( NULL != bodyOut )
        *bodyOut = NULL;

    // Validate Request Parameters
    if( NULL == body )
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
        return hr;

    // Validate Response Parameters
    if( NULL == bodyOut )
        hr = E_POINTER;
        return hr;

    REQUESTBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice request;

    request.body = body;

    if( NULL == m_genericProxy )
        hr = E_ABORT;
        return hr;

    IWSDEndpointProxy* ep = NULL;
    hr = m_genericProxy->GetEndpointProxy(&ep);
    if( FAILED(hr) || NULL == ep )
        hr = E_ABORT;
        return hr;

    ::ZeroMemory(&context, sizeof(context));
    context.eventHandle = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
    if (NULL == context.eventHandle)
        DWORD dw = ::GetLastError();
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw);
        return hr;
    hr =
        (   &request
            ,   &Operations_StockQuotePortType[0]
            ,   &context

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        if ( WAIT_FAILED == ::WaitForSingleObject(context.eventHandle, INFINITE) )
            DWORD dw = ::GetLastError();
            hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw);

    context.eventHandle = NULL;

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        if (SUCCEEDED(context.hr))
            if( NULL != context.results )
                RESPONSEBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice* response = reinterpret_cast<RESPONSEBODY_StockQuotePortType_GetLastTradePrice*>(context.results);

                WSDDetachLinkedMemory( (void*) response->body );
                *bodyOut = response->body;

                WSDFreeLinkedMemory( context.results );
                context.results = NULL;
                hr = E_FAIL;
            hr = context.hr;
            if( context.results )
                ep->ProcessFault( (const WSD_SOAP_FAULT*)context.results );

    if ( NULL != context.messageParameters )
        context.messageParameters = NULL;

    return hr;
// <ProxyFunctionImplementations>
(   /* [out] */ GET_FILE_LIST_RESPONSE** parametersOut
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Initialize Output Pointers
    if( NULL != parametersOut )
        *parametersOut = NULL;

    // Validate Response Parameters
    if( NULL == parametersOut )
        hr = E_POINTER;
        return hr;

    if( NULL == m_genericProxy )
        hr = E_ABORT;
        return hr;

    IWSDEndpointProxy* ep = NULL;
    hr = m_genericProxy->GetEndpointProxy(&ep);
    if( FAILED(hr) || NULL == ep )
        hr = E_ABORT;
        return hr;

    ::ZeroMemory(&context, sizeof(context));
    context.eventHandle = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
    if (NULL == context.eventHandle)
        DWORD dw = ::GetLastError();
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw);
        return hr;
    hr = 
        (   NULL
        ,   &Operations_FileService[0]
        ,   &context

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        if ( WAIT_FAILED == ::WaitForSingleObject(context.eventHandle, INFINITE) )
             DWORD dw = ::GetLastError();
             hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw);

    context.eventHandle = NULL;

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        if (SUCCEEDED(context.hr))
            if( NULL != context.results )
                RESPONSEBODY_FileService_GetFileList* response = reinterpret_cast<RESPONSEBODY_FileService_GetFileList*>(context.results);

                WSDDetachLinkedMemory( (void*) response->parameters );
                *parametersOut = response->parameters;

                WSDFreeLinkedMemory( context.results );
                context.results = NULL;
                hr = E_FAIL;
            hr = context.hr;
            if( context.results )
                ep->ProcessFault( (const WSD_SOAP_FAULT*)context.results );

    if ( NULL != context.messageParameters )
        context.messageParameters = NULL;

    return hr;