예제 #1
// Case insensitive version of Replace()
WString WString::ReplaceI ( const wchar_t* szOld, const wchar_t* szNew, bool bSearchJustReplaced ) const
    WString strOldUpper = WStringX ( szOld ).ToUpper ();

    // Check if anything to replace first
    size_t idx = 0;
    if( ( idx = this->ToUpper ().find ( strOldUpper, idx ) ) == npos )
        return *this;

    size_t iOldLength = wcslen ( szOld );
    size_t iNewLength = wcslen ( szNew );
    WString strResult = *this;
        strResult.replace ( idx, iOldLength, szNew );
        if ( !bSearchJustReplaced )
            idx += iNewLength;
    while( ( idx = strResult.ToUpper ().find ( strOldUpper, idx ) ) != npos );
    return strResult;
예제 #2
// CheckAntiVirusStatus
// Maybe warn user if no anti-virus running
void CheckAntiVirusStatus( void )
    // Get data from WMI
    std::vector < SString > enabledList;
    std::vector < SString > disabledList;
    GetWMIAntiVirusStatus( enabledList, disabledList );

    // Get status from WSC
    if ( _WscGetSecurityProviderHealth )
        _WscGetSecurityProviderHealth( WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_ANTIVIRUS, &health );

    // Dump results
    SString strStatus( "AV health: %s (%d)", *EnumToString( health ), health );
    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < enabledList.size() ; i++ )
        strStatus += SString( " [Ena%d:%s]", i, *enabledList[i] );
    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < disabledList.size() ; i++ )
        strStatus += SString( " [Dis%d:%s]", i, *disabledList[i] );
    WriteDebugEvent( strStatus ); 

    // Maybe show dialog if av not found
    if ( enabledList.empty() && health != WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH_GOOD )
        bool bEnableScaremongering = ( health != WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH_NOTMONITORED );

        if ( bEnableScaremongering )
            const char* avProducts[] = { "antivirus", "anti-virus", "Avast", "AVG", "Avira", 
                                         "NOD32", "ESET", "F-Secure", "Faronics", "Kaspersky",
                                         "McAfee", "Norton", "Symantec", "Panda", "Trend Micro", };

            // Check for anti-virus helper dlls before actual scaremongering
            HMODULE aModules[1024];
            DWORD cbNeeded;
            if ( EnumProcessModules( GetCurrentProcess(), aModules, sizeof(aModules), &cbNeeded) )
                DWORD cModules = cbNeeded / sizeof(HMODULE);
                for ( uint i = 0 ; i < cModules ; i++ )
                    if( aModules[i] != 0 )
                        WCHAR szModulePathFileName[1024] = L"";
                        GetModuleFileNameExW ( GetCurrentProcess(), aModules[i], szModulePathFileName, NUMELMS(szModulePathFileName) );
                        SLibVersionInfo libVersionInfo;
                        GetLibVersionInfo ( ToUTF8( szModulePathFileName ), &libVersionInfo );

                        for( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( avProducts ) ; i++ )
                            if ( libVersionInfo.strCompanyName.ContainsI( avProducts[i] )
                                 || libVersionInfo.strProductName.ContainsI( avProducts[i] ) )
                                bEnableScaremongering = false;
                                WriteDebugEvent( SString( "AV (module) maybe found %s [%d](%s,%s)", *WStringX( szModulePathFileName ).ToAnsi(), i, *libVersionInfo.strCompanyName, *libVersionInfo.strProductName ) );

                if ( bEnableScaremongering )
                    WriteDebugEvent( SString( "AV Searched %d dlls, but could not find av helper", cModules ) );

            if ( bEnableScaremongering )
                std::vector < DWORD > processIdList = MyEnumProcesses();
                for ( uint i = 0; i < processIdList.size (); i++ )
                    DWORD processId = processIdList[i];
                    // Skip 64 bit processes to avoid errors
                    if ( !Is32bitProcess ( processId ) )

                    std::vector < SString > filenameList = GetPossibleProcessPathFilenames ( processId );
                    for ( uint i = 0; i < filenameList.size (); i++ )
                        const SString& strProcessPathFileName = filenameList[i];
                        SLibVersionInfo libVersionInfo;
                        if ( GetLibVersionInfo ( strProcessPathFileName, &libVersionInfo ) )
                            for( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( avProducts ) ; i++ )
                                if ( libVersionInfo.strCompanyName.ContainsI( avProducts[i] )
                                     || libVersionInfo.strProductName.ContainsI( avProducts[i] ) )
                                    bEnableScaremongering = false;
                                    WriteDebugEvent( SString( "AV (process) maybe found %s [%d](%s,%s)", *strProcessPathFileName, i, *libVersionInfo.strCompanyName, *libVersionInfo.strProductName ) );
                if ( bEnableScaremongering )
                    WriteDebugEvent( SString( "AV Searched %d processes, but could not find av helper", processIdList.size() ) );

        ShowNoAvDialog( g_hInstance, bEnableScaremongering );
        HideNoAvDialog ();
예제 #3
void WString::AssignLeft ( const wchar_t* szOther, uint uiMaxLength )
    assign ( WStringX ( szOther ).Left ( uiMaxLength ) );
예제 #4
// HandleDuplicateLaunching
// Handle duplicate launching, or running from mtasa:// URI ?
void HandleDuplicateLaunching( void )
    LPSTR lpCmdLine = GetCommandLine();

    int iRecheckTimeLimit = 2000;
    while ( ! CreateSingleInstanceMutex () )
        if ( strcmp ( lpCmdLine, "" ) != 0 )
            HWND hwMTAWindow = FindWindow( NULL, "MTA: San Andreas" );
#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
            if( hwMTAWindow == NULL )
                hwMTAWindow = FindWindow( NULL, "MTA: San Andreas [DEBUG]" );
            if( hwMTAWindow != NULL )
                LPWSTR szCommandLine = GetCommandLineW ();
                int numArgs;
                LPWSTR* aCommandLineArgs = CommandLineToArgvW ( szCommandLine, &numArgs );
                for ( int i = 1; i < numArgs; ++i )
                    if ( WStringX( aCommandLineArgs[i] ).BeginsWith( L"mtasa://" ) )
                        WString wideConnectInfo = aCommandLineArgs[i];
                        SString strConnectInfo = ToUTF8 ( wideConnectInfo );

                        COPYDATASTRUCT cdStruct;
                        cdStruct.cbData = strConnectInfo.length () + 1;
                        cdStruct.lpData = const_cast<char *> ( strConnectInfo.c_str () );
                        cdStruct.dwData = URI_CONNECT;

                        SendMessage( hwMTAWindow, WM_COPYDATA, NULL, (LPARAM)&cdStruct );

                if ( iRecheckTimeLimit > 0 )
                    // Sleep a little bit and check the mutex again
                    Sleep ( 500 );
                    iRecheckTimeLimit -= 500;
                SString strMessage;
                strMessage += _(    "Trouble restarting MTA:SA\n\n"
                                    "If the problem persists, open Task Manager and\n"
                                    "stop the 'gta_sa.exe' and 'Multi Theft Auto.exe' processes\n\n\n"
                                    "Try to launch MTA:SA again?" );
                if ( MessageBoxUTF8( 0, strMessage, _("Error")+_E("CL04"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO | MB_TOPMOST  ) == IDYES ) // Trouble restarting MTA:SA
                    TerminateGTAIfRunning ();
                    TerminateOtherMTAIfRunning ();
                    ShellExecuteNonBlocking( "open", PathJoin ( GetMTASAPath (), MTA_EXE_NAME ), lpCmdLine );
                return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR );
            if ( !IsGTARunning () && !IsOtherMTARunning () )
                MessageBoxUTF8 ( 0, _("Another instance of MTA is already running.\n\nIf this problem persists, please restart your computer"), _("Error")+_E("CL05"), MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST  );
            if ( MessageBoxUTF8( 0, _("Another instance of MTA is already running.\n\nDo you want to terminate it?"), _("Error")+_E("CL06"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_TOPMOST  ) == IDYES )
                TerminateGTAIfRunning ();
                TerminateOtherMTAIfRunning ();
                ShellExecuteNonBlocking( "open", PathJoin ( GetMTASAPath (), MTA_EXE_NAME ), lpCmdLine );
        return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR );