예제 #1
int main(void)
    LPC_SYSCON->PDRUNCFG      = BF_PDRUNCFG_RUN; // Initialize power to chip modules

    InitGPIOForSleep(); // Set all GPIO as outputs driving low


        Wait1mS(PROCDURATION_MS); // Active mode: Do some work
#ifdef FLASH_LED
        SetBitsPort0(1<<7);  // Turn on LED on LPCXpresso board

        Wait1mS(LEDDURATION_MS); // Active mode: Do some work
        // Current consumption is about the same (20% or so) no
        // matter what code is running. Sleep mode can be entered
        // in idle times to lower it dramatically.

#ifdef FLASH_LED
        ClrBitsPort0(1<<7);  // Turn off LED on LPCXpresso board


예제 #2
uint32_t MeasureWDO(void)
    uint32_t start,end;
    static uint32_t WDO_clocks;

        // Configure Watchdog Oscillator
        LPC_SYSCON->WDTOSCCTRL = (0x1<<5) | (0x1F<<0);

        LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= BF_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WDT;  // Turn on clock to WDT register block

        // Now enable clock to WDT counter
#if defined(DEBUG)
        LPC_SYSCON->WDTCLKUEN = 0;  // Arm WDT clock selection update
        LPC_SYSCON->WDTCLKUEN = 1;  // Update WDT clock selection
        LPC_SYSCON->WDTCLKUEN = 0;  // Arm WDT clock selection update
        LPC_SYSCON->WDTCLKDIV = 1;  // WDT clock divide by 1

        LPC_WDT->TC = 0xFFFFFF;   // big value, WDT timer duration = don't care
        LPC_WDT->MOD = 1;           // enable WDT for counting/interrupts but not resets
        LPC_WDT->FEED = 0xAA;       // WDT start sequence step 1
        LPC_WDT->FEED = 0x55;       // WDT start sequence step 2

        Wait1mS(100);               // Need to delay before measuring because WDT looses 256 cycles
        start = LPC_WDT->TV;
        end = LPC_WDT->TV;

        LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL &= ~BF_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WDT;  // Turn off clock to WDT register block
        WDO_clocks = (start-end)*4;

    return WDO_clocks;
예제 #3
void blink_led() {
예제 #4
int main (void)
    if((*rom)->pPWRD == (void *)0xFFFFFFFF)
    	// This LPC does not have the power API

    LPC_GPIO0->DIR |= (1<<7); //set led direction
    LPC_GPIO0->MASKED_ACCESS[(1<<7)] = (0<<7);	//turn off the LED

    LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL = (0xFFFFFFFF & (~(1<<15))); //enable all clocks except the WDT

    /* user must select correct PLL input source before calling power/pll routines */
    LPC_SYSCON->PDRUNCFG &= ~(1<<5);            //power-up the system oscillator
    for (i = 0; i != 24000; i++);               //wait for it to stabilize
    LPC_SYSCON->SYSPLLCLKSEL = 0x01;            //system PLL source is the system oscillator
    LPC_SYSCON->SYSPLLCLKUEN = 0x00;            //update the system PLL source...
    LPC_SYSCON->SYSPLLCLKUEN = 0x01;            //...
    LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKSEL = 0x01;              //main clock source is the PLL input
    LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x00;              //update the main clock source...
    LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x01;              //...

    LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTCLKSEL = 0x03;            //CLKOUT = main clock
    LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTUEN = 0x01;               //update CLKOUT selection...
    LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTUEN = 0x00;               //...
    LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTUEN = 0x01;               //...
    LPC_SYSCON->CLKOUTDIV = 10;                 //generate ouptut @ 1/10 rate

    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_1 &= ~0x07;                 //select CLKOUT @ PIO0_1...
    LPC_IOCON->PIO0_1 |= 1;                     //...

	//configure CT16B1_MAT0 as a system/10 clock out (P0_21)
//	LPC_IOCON->PIO0_21 = (LPC_IOCON->PIO0_21 & ~0x7) | 1;	//select CT16B1_MAT0 @ P0_21
    LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<8);           	//enable CT16B1 clock
	LPC_TMR16B1->TCR	= 0x00;						//stop the timer
	LPC_TMR16B1->TCR	= 0x02;						//reset the timer
	LPC_TMR16B1->TCR	= 0x00;						//release the reset
	LPC_TMR16B1->CTCR	= 0x00;						//count on peripheral clock rising edges only
  	LPC_TMR16B1->PR		= 0;						//max rate (no prescaler)
	LPC_TMR16B1->MR0 	= 10/2-1;					//match output = 1/10 timer's clock
  	LPC_TMR16B1->MCR	= 1<<1;						//reset on MR0
  	LPC_TMR16B1->EMR	= 3<<4;						//toggle MAT0
	LPC_TMR16B1->TCR	= 0x01;						//let the timer run

    /* user must select the correct operating frequency before setting up the PLL   */
    /* or the voltage regulator and the flash interface setup might not be able     */
    /* to support application running at higher frequencies                         */
    command[0] = 48;                            //system freq 48 MHz
//    command[1] = PARAM_DEFAULT;                 //specify system power to default
//    command[1] = PARAM_CPU_EXEC;                //specify system power for cpu performance run
//    command[1] = PARAM_EFFICIENCY;              //specify system power for efficiency
    command[1] = PARAM_LOW_CURRENT;             //specify system power for low active current
    (*rom)->pPWRD->set_power(command,result);   //set system power
    if (result[0] != PARAM_CMD_CUCCESS){        //if a failure is reported...
        while(1);                               //... stay in the loop

    /* the pll setup routine is searching for a setup based on the specified input  */
    /* and output frequency and after setting up the main PLL switches main clock   */
    /* source from PLL in to PLL out                                                */
    command[0] = 12000;                         //PLL's input freq 12000
    command[1] = 48000;                         //CPU's freq 48000
    command[2] = CPU_FREQ_EQU;                  //specify exact frequency
    command[3] = 0;                             //infinitely wait for the PLL to lock
    (*rom)->pPWRD->set_pll(command,result);     //set the PLL
    if ((result[0] != PLL_CMD_CUCCESS)){        //if a failure is reported...
        while(1);                               //... stay in the loop

    /* before changing the PLL setup main clock source must be switched from        */
    /* PLL in to PLL out!!!                                                         */
        //48 MHz setup begin
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKSEL = 0x01;              //main clock source is the PLL input
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x00;              //update the main clock source...
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x01;              //...
        for (i = 0; i != 10000; i++);               //wait for a while
        command[0] = 48;                            //system freq 48 MHz
        command[1] = PARAM_LOW_CURRENT;             //specify system power for low active current
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_power(command,result);   //set system power
        if (result[0] != PARAM_CMD_CUCCESS){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        command[0] = 12000;                         //PLL's input freq 12000
        command[1] = 48000;                         //CPU's freq 48000
        command[2] = CPU_FREQ_EQU;                  //specify exact frequency
        command[3] = 0;                             //infinitely wait for the PLL to lock
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_pll(command,result);     //set the PLL
        if ((result[0] != PLL_CMD_CUCCESS)){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        for (i = 0; i != 10000; i++);
        //48 MHz setup end

        //24 MHz setup begin
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKSEL = 0x01;              //main clock source is the PLL input
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x00;              //update the main clock source...
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x01;              //...
        for (i = 0; i != 10000; i++);               //wait for a while
        command[0] = 24;                            //system freq 24 MHz
        command[1] = PARAM_LOW_CURRENT;             //specify system power for low active current
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_power(command,result);   //set system power
        if (result[0] != PARAM_CMD_CUCCESS){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        command[0] = 12000;                         //PLL's input freq 12000
        command[1] = 24000;                         //CPU's freq 24000
        command[2] = CPU_FREQ_EQU;                  //specify exact frequency
        command[3] = 0;                             //infinitely wait for the PLL to lock
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_pll(command,result);     //set the PLL
        if ((result[0] != PLL_CMD_CUCCESS)){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        for (i = 0; i != 5000; i++);
        //24 MHz setup end
        //18 MHz setup begin
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKSEL = 0x01;              //main clock source is the PLL input
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x00;              //update the main clock source...
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x01;              //...
        for (i = 0; i != 10000; i++);               //wait for a while
        command[0] = 18;                            //system freq 18 MHz
        command[1] = PARAM_LOW_CURRENT;             //specify system power for low active current
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_power(command,result);   //set system power
        if (result[0] != PARAM_CMD_CUCCESS){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        command[0] = 12000;                         //PLL's input freq 12000
        command[1] = 18000;                         //CPU's freq 18000
        command[2] = CPU_FREQ_EQU;                  //specify exact frequency
        command[3] = 0;                             //infinitely wait for the PLL to lock
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_pll(command,result);     //set the PLL
        if ((result[0] != PLL_CMD_CUCCESS)){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        for (i = 0; i != 3750; i++);
        //18 MHz setup end
        //3 MHz setup begin
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKSEL = 0x01;              //main clock source is the PLL input
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x00;              //update the main clock source...
        LPC_SYSCON->MAINCLKUEN = 0x01;              //...
        for (i = 0; i != 10000; i++);               //wait for a while
        command[0] = 3;                             //system freq 3 MHz
        command[1] = PARAM_LOW_CURRENT;             //specify system power for low active current
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_power(command,result);   //set system power
        if (result[0] != PARAM_CMD_CUCCESS){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        command[0] = 12000;                         //PLL's input freq 12000
        command[1] = 3000;                          //CPU's freq 3000
        command[2] = CPU_FREQ_EQU;                  //specify exact frequency
        command[3] = 0;                             //infinitely wait for the PLL to lock
        (*rom)->pPWRD->set_pll(command,result);     //set the PLL
        if ((result[0] != PLL_CMD_CUCCESS)){        //if a failure is reported...
            while(1);                               //... stay in the loop
        for (i = 0; i != 625; i++);
        //3 MHz setup end

        InitGPIOForSleep(); // Set all GPIO as outputs driving low
