예제 #1
파일: cjdroute2.c 프로젝트: SlashRoot/cjdns
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        fprintf(stderr, "Log_LEVEL = KEYS, EXPECT TO SEE PRIVATE KEYS IN YOUR LOGS!\n");

    Assert_true(argc > 0);
    struct Except* eh = NULL;

    // Allow it to allocate 4MB
    struct Allocator* allocator = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(allocator, NULL, eh);
    struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(allocator);

    if (argc == 2) {
        // one argument
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
            return usage(argv[0]);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--genconf") == 0) {
            return genconf(rand);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--pidfile") == 0) {
            // Performed after reading the configuration
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--reconf") == 0) {
            // Performed after reading the configuration
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--bench") == 0) {
            return benchmark();
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) {
            //printf("Version ID: %s\n", RouterModule_gitVersion());
            return 0;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
            fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]);
            return -1;
    } else if (argc >  2) {
        // more than one argument?
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;

    if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
        // We were started from a terminal
        // The chances an user wants to type in a configuration
        // bij hand are pretty slim so we show him the usage
        return usage(argv[0]);
    } else {
        // We assume stdin is a configuration file and that we should
        // start routing

    struct Reader* stdinReader = FileReader_new(stdin, allocator);
    Dict config;
    if (JsonBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(stdinReader, allocator, &config)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse configuration.\n");
        return -1;

    struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, allocator);
    struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, allocator);

    // --------------------- Setup Pipes to Angel --------------------- //
    int pipeToAngel[2];
    int pipeFromAngel[2];
    if (Pipe_createUniPipe(pipeToAngel) || Pipe_createUniPipe(pipeFromAngel)) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to create pipes to angel [%s]", Errno_getString());

    char pipeToAngelStr[8];
    snprintf(pipeToAngelStr, 8, "%d", pipeToAngel[0]);
    char pipeFromAngelStr[8];
    snprintf(pipeFromAngelStr, 8, "%d", pipeFromAngel[1]);
    char* args[] = { "angel", pipeToAngelStr, pipeFromAngelStr, NULL };

    // --------------------- Spawn Angel --------------------- //
    String* privateKey = Dict_getString(&config, String_CONST("privateKey"));

    String* corePath = getCorePath(allocator);
    if (!corePath) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Can't find a usable cjdns core executable, "
                             "make sure it is in the same directory as cjdroute");

    if (!privateKey) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Need to specify privateKey.");
    Log_info(logger, "Forking angel to background.");
    Process_spawn(corePath->bytes, args);

    // --------------------- Get Admin  --------------------- //
    Dict* configAdmin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin"));
    String* adminPass = Dict_getString(configAdmin, String_CONST("password"));
    String* adminBind = Dict_getString(configAdmin, String_CONST("bind"));
    if (!adminPass) {
        adminPass = String_newBinary(NULL, 32, allocator);
        Random_base32(rand, (uint8_t*) adminPass->bytes, 32);
        adminPass->len = strlen(adminPass->bytes);
    if (!adminBind) {
        adminBind = String_new("", allocator);

    // --------------------- Get user for angel to setuid() ---------------------- //
    String* securityUser = NULL;
    List* securityConf = Dict_getList(&config, String_CONST("security"));
    for (int i = 0; i < List_size(securityConf); i++) {
        securityUser = Dict_getString(List_getDict(securityConf, i), String_CONST("setuser"));
        if (securityUser) {
            int64_t* ea = Dict_getInt(List_getDict(securityConf, i), String_CONST("exemptAngel"));
            if (ea && *ea) {
                securityUser = NULL;

    // --------------------- Pre-Configure Angel ------------------------- //
    Dict* preConf = Dict_new(allocator);
    Dict* adminPreConf = Dict_new(allocator);
    Dict_putDict(preConf, String_CONST("admin"), adminPreConf, allocator);
    Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("core"), corePath, allocator);
    Dict_putString(preConf, String_CONST("privateKey"), privateKey, allocator);
    Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("bind"), adminBind, allocator);
    Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("pass"), adminPass, allocator);
    if (securityUser) {
        Dict_putString(adminPreConf, String_CONST("user"), securityUser, allocator);

    #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024
    uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE] = {0};
    struct Writer* toAngelWriter = ArrayWriter_new(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE - 1, allocator);
    if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(toAngelWriter, preConf)) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to serialize pre-configuration");
    write(pipeToAngel[1], buff, toAngelWriter->bytesWritten(toAngelWriter));
    Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s] to angel process.", buff);

    // --------------------- Get Response from Angel --------------------- //

    uint32_t amount = Waiter_getData(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, pipeFromAngel[0], eventBase, eh);
    Dict responseFromAngel;
    struct Reader* responseFromAngelReader = ArrayReader_new(buff, amount, allocator);
    if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(responseFromAngelReader,
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse pre-configuration response [%s]", buff);

    // --------------------- Get Admin Addr/Port/Passwd --------------------- //
    Dict* responseFromAngelAdmin = Dict_getDict(&responseFromAngel, String_CONST("admin"));
    adminBind = Dict_getString(responseFromAngelAdmin, String_CONST("bind"));

    if (!adminBind) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "didn't get address and port back from angel");
    struct Sockaddr_storage adminAddr;
    if (Sockaddr_parse(adminBind->bytes, &adminAddr)) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Unable to parse [%s] as an ip address port, eg:",

    // sanity check
    Assert_true(EventBase_eventCount(eventBase) == 0);

    // --------------------- Configuration ------------------------- //

    return 0;
예제 #2
/** @return a string representing the address and port to connect to. */
static String* initAngel(int fromAngel,
                         int toAngel,
                         int corePipes[2][2],
                         struct PipeInterface** piOut,
                         struct EventBase* eventBase,
                         struct Log* logger,
                         struct Allocator* alloc,
                         struct Random* rand)
    #define TO_CORE (corePipes[0][1])
    #define FROM_CORE (corePipes[1][0])
    #define TO_ANGEL_AS_CORE (corePipes[1][1])
    #define FROM_ANGEL_AS_CORE (corePipes[0][0])

    Dict core = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("fromCore"), Int_OBJ(FROM_CORE), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("toCore"), Int_OBJ(TO_CORE), NULL
    Dict admin = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("bind"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("")), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("core"), Dict_OBJ(&core), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("pass"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("abcd")), NULL
    Dict message = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("admin"), Dict_OBJ(&admin), NULL

    struct Allocator* tempAlloc;
    BufferAllocator_STACK(tempAlloc, 1024);

    #define BUFFER_SZ 1023
    uint8_t buff[BUFFER_SZ + 1] = {0};
    struct Writer* w = ArrayWriter_new(buff, BUFFER_SZ, tempAlloc);
    StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(w, &message);

    Log_info(logger, "Writing intial configuration to angel on [%d] config: [%s]", toAngel, buff);
    write(toAngel, buff, w->bytesWritten(w));

    // This is angel->core data, we can throw this away.
    //Waiter_getData(buff, BUFFER_SZ, fromAngel, eventBase, NULL);
    //Log_info(logger, "Init message from angel to core: [%s]", buff);
    Bits_memset(buff, 0, BUFFER_SZ);

    struct PipeInterface* pi =
        PipeInterface_new(FROM_ANGEL_AS_CORE, TO_ANGEL_AS_CORE, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand);
    *piOut = pi;

    Log_info(logger, "PipeInterface [%p] is now ready.", (void*)pi);

    // Make sure the angel sends data to the core.
    InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(&pi->generic, eventBase, alloc, NULL);

    // Send response on behalf of core.
    char coreToAngelResponse[128] = "           PADDING              "
          "5:error" "4:none"

    char* start = strchr(coreToAngelResponse, '\xff');
    struct Message m = {
        .bytes = (uint8_t*) start,
        .length = strlen(start),
        .padding = start - coreToAngelResponse
    pi->generic.sendMessage(&m, &pi->generic);

    // This is angel->client data, it will tell us which port was bound.
    Waiter_getData(buff, BUFFER_SZ, fromAngel, eventBase, NULL);

    printf("Response from angel to client: [%s]\n", buff);

    struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buff, BUFFER_SZ, tempAlloc);
    Dict configStore;
    Dict* config = &configStore;
    Assert_true(!StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, config));

    Dict* responseAdmin = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin"));
    String* bind = Dict_getString(responseAdmin, String_CONST("bind"));

    return String_clone(bind, alloc);

 * This spawns itself as the Angel process which spawns itself again as the core process.
 * The "core process" pipes all of its inputs back to the originating process

struct AdminTestFramework* AdminTestFramework_setUp(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc > 1 && !strcmp("angel", argv[1])) {
        exit(AngelInit_main(argc, argv));

    struct Allocator* alloc = CanaryAllocator_new(MallocAllocator_new(1<<20), NULL);

    struct Writer* logwriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc);
    struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logwriter, alloc);

    struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, NULL);

    int fromAngel;
    int toAngel;
    int corePipes[2][2];
    if (Pipe_createUniPipe(corePipes[0]) || Pipe_createUniPipe(corePipes[1])) {
        Except_raise(NULL, -1, "Failed to create pipes [%s]", Errno_getString());
    spawnAngel(&fromAngel, &toAngel);

    struct PipeInterface* pi;
    String* addrStr =
        initAngel(fromAngel, toAngel, corePipes, &pi, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand);

    Log_info(logger, "Angel initialized.");

    String* password = String_new("abcd", alloc);
    struct Admin* admin =
        Admin_new(&pi->generic, alloc, logger, eventBase, password);

    // Now setup the client.

    struct sockaddr_storage addr;
    int addrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
    Bits_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
    Assert_true(!evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(addrStr->bytes, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrLen));

    struct AdminClient* client =
        AdminClient_new((uint8_t*) &addr, addrLen, password, eventBase, logger, alloc);


    return alloc->clone(sizeof(struct AdminTestFramework), alloc, &(struct AdminTestFramework) {
        .admin = admin,
        .client = client,
        .alloc = alloc,
        .eventBase = eventBase,
        .logger = logger,
        .addr = alloc->clone(addrLen, alloc, &addr),
        .addrLen = addrLen,
        .angelInterface = &pi->generic
예제 #3
파일: AngelInit.c 프로젝트: CSRedRat/cjdns
static void sendConfToCore(struct Interface* toCoreInterface,
                           struct Allocator* alloc,
                           Dict* config,
                           struct Except* eh,
                           struct Log* logger)
    #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024
    uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE + 32] = {0};
    uint8_t* start = buff + 32;

    struct Writer* writer = ArrayWriter_new(start, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE - 33, alloc);
    if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(writer, config)) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to serialize pre-configuration for core.");
    struct Message m = {
        .bytes = start,
        .length = writer->bytesWritten(writer),
        .padding = 32
    Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%d] bytes to core [%s].", m.length, m.bytes);
    toCoreInterface->sendMessage(&m, toCoreInterface);

static void setUser(char* user, struct Log* logger, struct Except* eh)
    struct Jmp jmp;
    Jmp_try(jmp) {
        Security_setUser(user, logger, &jmp.handler);
    } Jmp_catch {
        if (jmp.code == Security_setUser_PERMISSION) {
        Except_raise(eh, jmp.code, "%s", jmp.message);

 * Input:
 * {
 *   "admin": {
 *     "core": "/path/to/core/binary",
 *     "bind": "",
 *     "pass": "******",
 *     "user": "******"
 *   }
 * }
 * for example:
 * d5:admind4:core30:./build/admin/angel/cjdns-core4:bind15:
 * Pre-existing core mode:
 * {
 *   "admin": {
 *     "core": {
 *       "fromCore": 12,
 *       "toCore": 14
 *     },
 *     "bind": "",
 *     "pass": "******",
 *     "user": "******"
 *   }
 * }
 * If "core" is a dictionary, the angel will behave as though the core is already spawned and
 * it will read from the core on the file descriptor given by "fromCore" and write to the file
 * given by "toCore".
 * "user" is optional, if set the angel will setuid() that user's uid.
int AngelInit_main(int argc, char** argv)
    struct Except* eh = NULL;

    int inFromClientNo;
    int outToClientNo;
    if (argc < 3 || (inFromClientNo = atoi(argv[2])) == 0) {
        inFromClientNo = STDIN_FILENO;
    if (argc < 4 || (outToClientNo = atoi(argv[3])) == 0) {
        outToClientNo = STDOUT_FILENO;

    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<21);
    struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc);
    struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, eh);
    alloc = CanaryAllocator_new(alloc, rand);
    struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc);
    struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc);

    Log_debug(logger, "Initializing angel with input [%d] and output [%d]",
              inFromClientNo, outToClientNo);
    Log_debug(logger, "Getting pre-configuration from client");

    #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024
    uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE] = {0};
    Waiter_getData(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, inFromClientNo, eventBase, eh);

    Log_debug(logger, "Finished getting pre-configuration from client");

    struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, tempAlloc);
    Dict config;
    if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, &config)) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse configuration.");

    Dict* admin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin"));
    String* core = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("core"));
    String* bind = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("bind"));
    String* pass = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("pass"));
    String* user = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("user"));

    int toCore = -1;
    int fromCore = -1;
    if (!core) {
        Dict* coreDict = Dict_getDict(admin, String_CONST("core"));
        int64_t* toCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("toCore"));
        int64_t* fromCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("fromCore"));
        toCore = (toCorePtr) ? *toCorePtr : -1;
        fromCore = (fromCorePtr) ? *fromCorePtr : -1;

    if (!bind || !pass || (!core && (toCore == -1 || fromCore == -1))) {
        Except_raise(eh, -1, "missing configuration params in preconfig. [%s]", buff);

    if (core) {
        Log_info(logger, "Initializing core [%s]", core->bytes);
        initCore(core->bytes, &toCore, &fromCore, eh);

    Log_debug(logger, "Sending pre-configuration to core.");
    struct PipeInterface* pif =
        PipeInterface_new(fromCore, toCore, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand);
    struct Interface* coreIface = &pif->generic;

    sendConfToCore(coreIface, tempAlloc, &config, eh, logger);

    struct Message* coreResponse = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(coreIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh);
    if (write(outToClientNo, coreResponse->bytes, coreResponse->length)) {
        // Ignore the result of write() without the compiler complaining.

    #ifdef Log_KEYS
        uint8_t lastChar = coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1];
        coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = 0;
        Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s%c] to client.", coreResponse->bytes, lastChar);
        coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = lastChar;

    if (user) {
        setUser(user->bytes, logger, eh);

    Angel_start(coreIface, eventBase, logger, alloc);
    return 0;