예제 #1
HWND WdeCreateMDIClientWindow( HWND win, HINSTANCE app_inst )
    RECT               rect;
    HWND               client;
    int                info_depth;
    int                stat_depth;
    int                ribbon_depth;

    info_depth = WdeGetInfoWindowDepth();
    stat_depth = WdeGetStatusDepth();
    ribbon_depth = WdeGetRibbonHeight();

    GetClientRect( win, &rect );

    ccs.hWindowMenu = GetSubMenu( GetMenu( win ), 0 );
    ccs.idFirstChild = WDE_MDI_FIRST;

    /* attempt to create the main application edit window */
    client = CreateWindow( "MDIClient", "",
                           0, info_depth + ribbon_depth, rect.right - rect.left,
                           rect.bottom - (rect.top + stat_depth + info_depth + ribbon_depth),
                           win, (HMENU)NULL, app_inst, &ccs );

    /* if the window could not be created return FALSE */
    if( client == NULL ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATEMDICLIENT );
        return( FALSE );

    return( client );
예제 #2
/* Function to initialize the first instance of Wde */
bool WdeInit( HINSTANCE app_inst )
    WNDCLASS wc;

    /* fill in the WINDOW CLASS structure for the main window */
    wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS;
    wc.lpfnWndProc = WdeMainWndProc;
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
    wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
    wc.hInstance = app_inst;
    wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( app_inst, "APPLICON" );
    wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( (HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_ARROW );
    wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
    wc.lpszMenuName = "WdeMenu";
    wc.lpszClassName = WdeMainClass;

    /* register the main window class */
    if( !RegisterClass( &wc ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOREGISTERMAINCLASS );
        return( FALSE );

    /* register the edit window class */
    if( !WdeRegisterEditClass( app_inst ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOREGISTEREDITCLASS );
        return( FALSE );

    /* register the res MDI window class */
    if( !WdeRegisterResClass( app_inst ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOREGISTERRESCLASS );
        return( FALSE );

    /* register the tag window class */
    if( !WdeRegisterTagClass( app_inst ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOREGISTERTAGCLASS );
        return( FALSE );


    return( TRUE );
예제 #3
Bool WdeRegisterEditClass( HINSTANCE app_inst )
    WNDCLASS wc;

    /* fill in the window class structure for the edit window */
    wc.lpfnWndProc = WdeEditWndProc;
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
    wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof( WdeResInfo * );
    wc.hInstance = app_inst;
    wc.hIcon = NULL;
    wc.hCursor = NULL;
    wc.hbrBackground = WdeEditBrush;
    wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
    wc.lpszClassName = "WdeEditClass";

    /* register the edit window class */
    if( !RegisterClass( &wc ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    /* fill in the window class structure for the edit window */
    wc.lpfnWndProc = WdeFormsWndProc;
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
    wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof( WdeResInfo * );
    wc.hInstance = app_inst;
    wc.hIcon = NULL;
    wc.hCursor = NULL;
    wc.hbrBackground = WdeFormsBrush;
    wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
    wc.lpszClassName = "WdeFormsClass";

    /* register the edit window class */
    if( !RegisterClass( &wc ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    return( TRUE );
예제 #4
bool WdeDDEDumpConversation( HINSTANCE inst )
    HCONV       hconv;
    HSZ         hservice;
    HSZ         htopic;
    bool        ok;

    ok = WdeDDEStart( inst );

    if( ok ) {
        hservice = DdeCreateStringHandle( IdInst, WRE_SERVICE_NAME, CP_WINANSI );
        ok = (hservice != (HSZ)NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        htopic = DdeCreateStringHandle( IdInst, WRE_DIALOG_DUMP, CP_WINANSI );
        ok = (htopic != (HSZ)NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        // We expect the server to reject this connect attempt.
        // If it doesn't, then we terminate the conversation.
        hconv = DdeConnect( IdInst, hservice, htopic, (LPVOID)NULL );
        if( hconv != (HCONV)NULL ) {
            DdeDisconnect( hconv );

    if( hservice != (HSZ)NULL ) {
        DdeFreeStringHandle( IdInst, hservice );

    if( htopic != (HSZ)NULL ) {
        DdeFreeStringHandle( IdInst, htopic );


    if( !ok ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_DDEDEATHMSG );

    return( ok );
예제 #5
bool WdeRegisterResClass( HINSTANCE app_inst )
    WNDCLASS wc;

    /* fill in the WINDOW CLASS structure for the edit window */
    wc.lpfnWndProc = WdeResWndProc;
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
    wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof( LONG_PTR );
    wc.hInstance = app_inst;
    wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( app_inst, "ResIcon" );
    wc.hCursor = NULL;
    wc.hbrBackground = GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH );
    wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
    wc.lpszClassName = "WdeResClass";

    /* register the edit window class */
    if( !RegisterClass( &wc ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_REGISTEREDITFAILED );
        return( FALSE );

    return( TRUE );
예제 #6
char *WdeGetFileName( WdeGetFileStruct *gf, DWORD flags, WdeGetFileNameAction action )
    OPENFILENAME        wdeofn;
    HWND                owner_window;
    DWORD               error;
    char                fn_drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
    char                fn_dir[_MAX_DIR];
    char                fn_name[_MAX_FNAME];
    char                fn_ext[_MAX_EXT];
    char                ext[_MAX_EXT + 1];
    HINSTANCE           app_inst;
    int                 len;
    int                 filter;
    bool                ret;

    if( gf == NULL ) {
        return( NULL );

    owner_window = WdeGetMainWindowHandle();
    app_inst = WdeGetAppInstance();

    if( app_inst == NULL || owner_window == NULL ) {
        return( NULL );

    /* set the initial directory */
    if( *wde_initial_dir == '\0' ) {
        getcwd( wde_initial_dir, MAXFILENAME );

    if( gf->title != NULL ) {
        len = strlen( gf->title );
        if ( len < MAX_NAME ) {
            memcpy( wdefntitle, gf->title, len + 1 );
        } else {
            memcpy( wdefntitle, gf->title, MAX_NAME );
            wdefntitle[MAX_NAME - 1] = 0;
    } else {
        wdefntitle[0] = 0;

    filter = 0;

    if( gf->file_name != NULL && *gf->file_name != '\0' ) {
        _splitpath( gf->file_name, fn_drive, fn_dir, fn_name, fn_ext );
        if( *fn_drive != '\0' || *fn_dir != '\0' ) {
            _makepath( wde_initial_dir, fn_drive, fn_dir, NULL, NULL );
        _makepath( wde_file_name, NULL, NULL, fn_name, fn_ext );
        if( fn_ext[0] != '\0' ) {
            ext[0] = '*';
            strcpy( ext + 1, fn_ext );
            filter = WdeFindFileFilterIndex( gf->filter, ext );
    } else {
        wde_file_name[0] = 0;

    if( filter == 0 ) {
        filter = WdeFindFileFilterIndex( gf->filter, WdeFileFilter );
        if( filter < 1 ) {
            filter = 1;

    // CTL3D no longer requires this
#if !defined( __NT__ )
    flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK;
    /* initialize the OPENFILENAME struct */
    memset( &wdeofn, 0, sizeof( OPENFILENAME ) );

    /* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct */
    wdeofn.lStructSize = sizeof( OPENFILENAME );
    wdeofn.hwndOwner = owner_window;
    wdeofn.hInstance = app_inst;
    wdeofn.lpstrFilter = gf->filter;
    wdeofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
    wdeofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
    wdeofn.nFilterIndex = filter;
    wdeofn.lpstrFile = wde_file_name;
    wdeofn.nMaxFile = MAXFILENAME;
    wdeofn.lpstrFileTitle = wdefntitle;
    wdeofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAXFILENAME;
    wdeofn.lpstrInitialDir = wde_initial_dir;
    wdeofn.lpstrTitle = wdefntitle;
    wdeofn.Flags = flags;
#if !defined( __NT__ )
    wdeofn.lpfnHook = (LPOFNHOOKPROC)MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC)WdeOpenHookProc, app_inst );

#if 0
    wdeofn.nFileOffset = 0L;
    wdeofn.nFileExtension = 0L;
    wdeofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL;
    wdeofn.lCustData = NULL;
    wdeofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
    wdeofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;

    if( action == WDEOPENFILE ) {
        ret = GetOpenFileName( (LPOPENFILENAME)&wdeofn );
    } else if( action == WDESAVEFILE ) {
        ret = GetSaveFileName( (LPOPENFILENAME)&wdeofn );
    } else {
        return( NULL );

#ifndef __NT__
    if( wdeofn.lpfnHook != NULL ) {
        FreeProcInstance( (FARPROC)wdeofn.lpfnHook );

    gf->fn_offset = wdeofn.nFileOffset;
    gf->ext_offset = wdeofn.nFileExtension;

    /* show the dialog box */
    if( !ret ) {
        error = CommDlgExtendedError();
        if( error ) {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_ERRORSELECTINGFILE );
        return( NULL );
    } else {
        memcpy( wde_initial_dir, wde_file_name, wdeofn.nFileOffset );
        if( wde_initial_dir[wdeofn.nFileOffset - 1] == '\\' &&
            wde_initial_dir[wdeofn.nFileOffset - 2] != ':' ) {
            wde_initial_dir[wdeofn.nFileOffset - 1] = '\0';
        } else {
            wde_initial_dir[wdeofn.nFileOffset] = '\0';
        _splitpath( wde_file_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, fn_ext + 1 );
        if( fn_ext[1] != '\0' ) {
            fn_ext[0] = '*';
            WdeSetFileFilter( fn_ext );
        } else {
            char *out_ext;
            out_ext = WdeFindFileFilterFromIndex( gf->filter, wdeofn.nFilterIndex );
            if( out_ext[2] != '*' ) {
                strcat( wde_file_name, &out_ext[1] );

    UpdateWindow( WdeGetMainWindowHandle() );

    return( WdeStrDup( wde_file_name ) );
예제 #7
/* Function to initialize all instances of Wde */
bool WdeInitInst( HINSTANCE app_inst )
    RECT        rect, screen, t;
    char        *title;

    /* initialize global variables */


    if( !JDialogInit() ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeInitResStrings() ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeInitCreateTable() ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOINITCONTROLOBJECTS );
        return( FALSE );

    WdeCtl3DInit( app_inst );
    WdeGetScreenPosOption( &rect );

    /* load the accelerator table */
    WdeAccel = LoadAccelerators( app_inst, "WdeAccelTable");

    /* if the window could not be created return FALSE */
    if( WdeAccel == (HACCEL)NULL ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_LOADACCELFAILED );
        return( FALSE );

    GetWindowRect( GetDesktopWindow(), &screen );

    if( !IntersectRect( &t, &screen, &rect ) ) {
        t.right = rect.right - rect.left;
        t.bottom = rect.bottom - rect.top;
        t.left = 0;
        if( screen.right - screen.left - t.right > 0 )
            t.left = ( screen.right - screen.left - t.right ) / 2;
        t.top = 0;
        if( screen.bottom - screen.top - t.bottom > 0 )
            t.top = ( screen.bottom - screen.top - t.bottom ) / 2;
        t.right += t.left;
        t.bottom += t.top;
    } else {
        t = rect;

    title = WdeAllocRCString( WDE_APPTITLE );
    /* attempt to create the main application window */
    hWinWdeMain = CreateWindow( WdeMainClass, title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
                                t.left, t.top, t.right - t.left, t.bottom - t.top,
                                (HWND)NULL, (HMENU)NULL, app_inst, NULL );
    if( title != NULL ) {
        WdeFreeRCString( title );

    /* if the window could not be created return FALSE */
    if( hWinWdeMain == NULL ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATEMAINWINDOW );
        return( FALSE );

    hWinWdeMDIClient = WdeCreateMDIClientWindow( hWinWdeMain, app_inst );

    /* attempt to create the main application info window */
    if( !WdeCreateInfoWindow( hWinWdeMain, app_inst ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATEINFOWINDOW );
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeCreateStatusLine( hWinWdeMain, app_inst ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATESTATUSLINE );
        return( FALSE );

    WdeInitialMenu = GetMenu( hWinWdeMain );
    WdeCurrentMenu = WdeInitialMenu;
    WdeResMenu = LoadMenu( app_inst, "WdeResMenu" );
    WdeDDEMenu = LoadMenu( app_inst, "WdeDDEMenu" );

    if( IsDDE ) {
        WdeSetAppMenuToRes( TRUE );

    if( !WdeInitialMenu || !WdeResMenu ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOINITMENUS );
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeInitHints() ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOINITHINTS );
        return( FALSE );

    WdeInitRibbon( app_inst );

    if( WdeGetOption( WdeOptIsRibbonVisible ) ) {

    /* if the window was created Show and Update it */
    if( WdeGetOption( WdeOptIsScreenMax ) ) {
        ShowWindow( hWinWdeMain, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED );
    } else {
        ShowWindow( hWinWdeMain, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
    UpdateWindow( hWinWdeMain );

    WdeSetFontList( hWinWdeMain );

    if( !IsDDE ) {
        WdeDisplaySplashScreen( hInstWde, hWinWdeMain, 1125 );

    if( IsDDE ) {
        WdeInitToolMenu( app_inst, WdeDDEMenu );
    } else {
        WdeInitToolMenu( app_inst, WdeResMenu );
    WdeInitControls( app_inst );

    if( WdeGetOption( WdeOptIsCntlsTBarVisible ) ) {
        if( !WdeCreateControlsToolBar ( ) ) {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATETOOLBOX );
            return( FALSE );

    SetFocus( hWinWdeMain );

    return( TRUE );

예제 #8
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hinstCurrent, HINSTANCE hinstPrevious,
                    LPSTR lpszCmdLine,  int nCmdShow )
    MSG         msg;
#ifndef __NT__
#if 0
    HWND        win;
    HWND        child;

    /* touch unused vars to get rid of warning */
    _wde_touch( lpszCmdLine );
    _wde_touch( nCmdShow );
#ifdef __NT__
    _wde_touch( hinstPrevious );
#if defined( __NT__ ) && !defined( __WATCOMC__ )
    _argc = __argc;
    _argv = __argv;

    WdeInitDisplayError( hinstCurrent );

    /* store the handle to this instance of Wde in a static variable */
    hInstWde = hinstCurrent;

    //check we are running in DDE mode
    IsDDE = WdeIsDDEArgs( _argv, _argc );

    WdeFirstInst = (hinstPrevious == NULL);


    /* is this the first instance of the application? */
#ifndef __NT__
    if( WdeFirstInst ) {
        /* if so call the routine to initialize the application */
        if( !WdeInit( hinstCurrent ) ) {
            if( IsDDE ) {
                WdeDDEDumpConversation( hinstCurrent );
            return( FALSE );
#ifndef __NT__
#if 0
    else if( IsDDE ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOMULTIPLEINSTANCES );
        WdeDDEDumpConversation( hinstCurrent );
        return( FALSE );
    } else {
        win = FindWindow( WdeMainClass, NULL );
        if( win != NULL ) {
            child = GetLastActivePopup( win );
            PostMessage( win, WM_USER, 0, 0 );
            BringWindowToTop( win );
            if( child != (HWND)NULL && child != win ) {
                BringWindowToTop( child );
        } else {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOMULTIPLEINSTANCES );
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeInitInst( hinstCurrent ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_INITFAILED );
        if( IsDDE ) {
            WdeDDEDumpConversation( hinstCurrent );
        return( FALSE );

    if( IsDDE ) {
        if( WdeDDEStart( hinstCurrent ) ) {
            if( !WdeDDEStartConversation() ) {
                WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_DDEINITFAILED );
                PostMessage( hWinWdeMain, WDE_FATAL_EXIT, 0, 0 );
        } else {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_DDEINITFAILED );
            PostMessage( hWinWdeMain, WDE_FATAL_EXIT, 0, 0 );

    WdeEnableMenuInput( TRUE );

    if( setjmp( WdeEnv ) ) {
        PostMessage( hWinWdeMain, WDE_FATAL_EXIT, 0, 0 );
        if( setjmp( WdeEnv ) ) {
            exit( -1 );
        WdePushEnv( &WdeEnv );
    } else {
        WdePushEnv( &WdeEnv );
        WdeProcessArgs( _argv, _argc );

    if( !WdeGetNumRes() ) {
        WdeCreateNewResource( NULL );

    /* create the message loop */
    while( GetMessage( &msg, (HWND)NULL, 0, 0 ) ) {
        if( !WdeIsTestMessage( &msg ) && !WdeIsInfoMessage( &msg ) &&
            !WRIsWRDialogMsg( &msg ) ) {
            if( !WdeWasAcceleratorHandled( &msg ) ) {
                TranslateMessage( &msg );
                DispatchMessage( &msg );

    if( IsDDE ) {

    WdePopEnv( &WdeEnv );

    if( IsDDE ) {


    return( msg.wParam );
예제 #9
bool WdeSaveResource( WdeResInfo *res_info, bool get_name )
    WdeGetFileStruct    gf;
    char                *filter;
    char                *fn;
    int                 fn_offset;
    bool                got_name;
    bool                ok;
    OBJPTR              main_obj;

    fn_offset = 0;
    got_name = FALSE;

    ok = (res_info != NULL && res_info->info != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( res_info->info->save_name != NULL ) {
            fn = res_info->info->save_name;
        } else {
            res_info->info->save_type = res_info->info->file_type;
            fn = WdeStrDup( res_info->info->file_name );
            got_name = TRUE;

        if( get_name || fn == NULL || *fn == '\0' ) {
            filter = WdeSelectSaveFilter( res_info->info->file_type );
            gf.file_name = fn;
            gf.title = WdeResSaveTitle;
            gf.filter = filter;
            fn = WdeGetSaveFileName( &gf );
            got_name = TRUE;
            res_info->info->save_type = WR_DONT_KNOW;

        ok = (fn != NULL && *fn != '\0');

    if( ok ) {
        if( got_name && res_info->info->save_name != NULL ) {
            WRMemFree( res_info->info->save_name );
        res_info->info->save_name = fn;
        if( res_info->info->save_type == WR_DONT_KNOW ) {
            res_info->info->save_type = WdeSelectFileType( fn, res_info->is32bit );
        ok = (res_info->info->save_type != WR_DONT_KNOW);

    if( ok ) {
        if( WdeIsHashTableDirty( res_info->hash_table ) &&
                !WdeIsHashSaveRejectedSet( res_info->hash_table ) ) {
            if( res_info->sym_name == NULL ) {
                res_info->sym_name = WdeCreateSymName( fn );

    if( ok ) {
        if( WdeIsHashTableDirty( res_info->hash_table ) ) {
            if( (main_obj = GetMainObject()) != NULL ) {
                Forward( main_obj, RESOLVE_HELPSYMBOL, &ok, NULL ); /* JPK */
                Forward( main_obj, RESOLVE_SYMBOL, &ok, NULL );
        WdeCreateDLGInclude( res_info, res_info->sym_name );
        ok = WdeSaveResourceToFile( res_info );
        if( !ok ) {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_SAVEFAILED );

    if( ok ) {
        if( WdeIsHashTableDirty( res_info->hash_table ) &&
                !WdeIsHashSaveRejectedSet( res_info->hash_table ) ) {
            WdeWriteSymbols( res_info->hash_table, &res_info->sym_name, get_name );

    if( ok ) {
        //fn_offset = WRFindFnOffset( fn );
        SendMessage( res_info->res_win, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&fn[fn_offset] );

    return( ok );
예제 #10
bool WdeOpenResource( char *fn )
    char                *name;
    WdeResInfo          *res_info;
    WdeGetFileStruct    gf;
    bool                ok, got_name;

    WdeSetWaitCursor( TRUE );

    res_info = NULL;
    name = NULL;
    got_name = FALSE;

    if( fn != NULL ) {
        if( WdeFileExists( fn ) ) {
            name = WdeStrDup( fn );
            gf.fn_offset = WRFindFnOffset( name );
        } else {
            return( FALSE );
    } else {
        gf.file_name = NULL;
        gf.title = WdeResOpenTitle;
        gf.filter = WdeResOpenFilter;
        ok = ((name = WdeGetOpenFileName( &gf )) != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        got_name = TRUE;
        ok = ((res_info = WdeLoadResource( name )) != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        res_info->hash_table = WRInitHashTable();
        ok = (res_info->hash_table != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( res_info->info->internal_type != WR_DONT_KNOW ) {
            res_info->is32bit = WRIs32Bit( res_info->info->internal_type );
        } else {
            res_info->is32bit = WRIs32Bit( res_info->info->file_type );
        ok = WdeAddDlgItems( res_info );

    if( ok ) {
        WdeFindAndLoadSymbols( res_info );
        ok = WdeCreateResourceWindow( res_info, gf.fn_offset, NULL );

    if( ok ) {
        if( WdeResInfoHasDialogs( res_info ) ) {
            WdeSelectDialog( res_info );
        } else {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_PRJHASNODIALOGS );
        ListAddElt( &WdeResList, (void *)res_info );
        WdeSetResModified( res_info, FALSE );
        WdeCheckBaseScrollbars( FALSE );

    if( !ok ) {
        if( res_info != NULL ) {
            WdeFreeResInfo( res_info );
            res_info = NULL;
        if( got_name ) {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_RESOURCESNOTLOADED );

    if( name != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( name );

    WdeSetWaitCursor( FALSE );

    return( ok );
예제 #11
Bool WdeCreateStatusLine( HWND main, HINSTANCE inst )
    RECT                rect;
    LOGFONT             lf;
    TEXTMETRIC          tm;
    HFONT               old_font;
    HDC                 dc;
    status_block_desc   sbd;
    char                *status_font;
    char                *cp;
    int                 point_size;
    Bool                use_default;

    memset( &lf, 0, sizeof( LOGFONT ) );
    dc = GetDC( main );
    lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
    use_default = TRUE;

    status_font = WdeAllocRCString( WDE_STATUSFONT );
    if( status_font != NULL ) {
        cp = (char *)_mbschr( (unsigned char *)status_font, '.' );
        if( cp != NULL ) {
            *cp = '\0';
            strcpy( lf.lfFaceName, status_font );
            point_size = atoi( cp );
            use_default = FALSE;
        WdeFreeRCString( status_font );

    if( use_default ) {
        strcpy( lf.lfFaceName, STATUS_FONTNAME );
        point_size = STATUS_POINTSIZE;

    lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv( point_size, GetDeviceCaps( dc, LOGPIXELSY ), 72 );
    WdeStatusFont = CreateFontIndirect( &lf );
    old_font = SelectObject( dc, WdeStatusFont );
    GetTextMetrics( dc, &tm );
    SelectObject( dc, old_font );
    ReleaseDC( main, dc );

    GetClientRect( main, &rect );

    WdeStatusDepth = tm.tmHeight + STATUS_LINE_PAD + VERT_BORDER * 2;
    rect.top = rect.bottom - WdeStatusDepth;

    if( !StatusWndInit( inst, WdeStatusHookProc, 0, (HCURSOR)NULL ) ) {
        return( FALSE );
    WdeStatusBar = StatusWndStart();

    sbd.separator_width = STATUS_LINE_PAD;
    sbd.width = STATUS1_WIDTH;
    sbd.width_is_percent = FALSE;
    sbd.width_is_pixels = TRUE;

    StatusWndSetSeparators( WdeStatusBar, 1, &sbd );

    WdeStatusWindow = StatusWndCreate( WdeStatusBar, main, &rect, inst, NULL );

    if( WdeStatusWindow == NULL ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATESTATUS );
        return( FALSE );

    /* set the text in the status window */

    GetWindowRect( WdeStatusWindow, &rect );
    WdeStatusDepth = rect.bottom - rect.top;

    return( TRUE );
예제 #12
bool WdeSaveObjectInto( WdeResInfo *rinfo, WdeDialogBoxInfo *dbi,
                        WResID *name, void *data, uint_32 size,
                        WResLangType *lang )
    char                *fname;
    WdeGetFileStruct    gf;
    bool                dup;
    WRSaveIntoData      idata;
    WdeResDlgItem       ditem;
    bool                is_rc;
    bool                ok;

    idata.type = NULL;
    fname = NULL;
    dup = false;

    ok = (rinfo != NULL && dbi != NULL && name != NULL && data != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        gf.file_name = NULL;
        gf.title = WdeDlgSaveIntoTitle;
        gf.filter = WdeResSaveFilter;
        fname = WdeGetOpenFileName( &gf );
        ok = (fname != NULL && *fname != '\0');

    if( ok ) {
        is_rc = WdeIsFileAnRCFile( fname );
        if( !is_rc ) {
            ok = ((idata.type = WResIDFromNum( RESOURCE2INT( RT_DIALOG ) )) != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( is_rc ) {
            memset( &ditem, 0, sizeof( WdeResDlgItem ) );
            ditem.dialog_info = dbi;
            ditem.dialog_name = name;
            ok = WdeSaveObjectToRC( fname, rinfo, &ditem, TRUE );
        } else {
            idata.next = NULL;
            idata.name = name;
            idata.data = data;
            idata.lang = *lang;
            idata.size = size;
            idata.MemFlags = dbi->MemoryFlags;
            ok = WRSaveObjectInto( fname, &idata, &dup ) && !dup;

    if( dup ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_DUPRESNAMEINFILE );

    if( fname != NULL ) {
        WRMemFree( fname );

    if( idata.type != NULL ) {
        WResIDFree( idata.type );

    return( ok );