예제 #1
void UISystem::AddWidgetInParent(GroupWidget* parent, const TiXmlNode* data) {
	const char* widgetType = data->ToElement()->Value();
	const char* styleName = data->ToElement()->Attribute("style");

	if (!styleName)
		styleName = "Default";

	//Construct the basic styled widget. No properties will be applied
	WidgetBase* wb = CreateWidget(widgetType, data);

	//Apply the general (All state) style level properties
	//Apply the general (All state) widget level properties
	WidgetStyle style = WidgetStyle(data);
	//Apply the state specific style level properties
	//Apply the state specific widget level properties

	const char* widgetName = data->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
	std::string nameAsString;
	if (widgetName) {
		nameAsString = std::string(widgetName);
		wb->AddPropertyForState("name", UI_STATE_ALL, nameAsString);
	else {
		wb->GetPropertyForCurrentState("name", nameAsString);

	wb->m_parentWidget = parent;

	s_widgets[nameAsString] = wb;
int32 FSlateTextHighlightRunRenderer::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FTextLayout::FLineView& Line, const TSharedRef< ISlateRun >& Run, const TSharedRef< ILayoutBlock >& Block, const FTextBlockStyle& DefaultStyle, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const 
	FVector2D Location( Block->GetLocationOffset() );
	Location.Y = Line.Offset.Y;

	// The block size and offset values are pre-scaled, so we need to account for that when converting the block offsets into paint geometry
	const float InverseScale = Inverse(AllottedGeometry.Scale);

	// Draw the actual highlight rectangle
		AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(TransformVector(InverseScale, FVector2D( Block->GetSize().X, Line.Size.Y )), FSlateLayoutTransform(TransformPoint(InverseScale, Location))), 
		bParentEnabled ? ESlateDrawEffect::None : ESlateDrawEffect::DisabledEffect,
		InWidgetStyle.GetColorAndOpacityTint() * DefaultStyle.HighlightColor

	FLinearColor InvertedHighlightColor = FLinearColor::White - DefaultStyle.HighlightColor;
	InvertedHighlightColor.A = InWidgetStyle.GetForegroundColor().A;

	FWidgetStyle WidgetStyle( InWidgetStyle );
	WidgetStyle.SetForegroundColor( InvertedHighlightColor );

	return Run->OnPaint( Args, Line, Block, DefaultStyle, AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, WidgetStyle, bParentEnabled );
예제 #3
void UISystem::ReadStyleFile(const std::string& filePath) {
	TiXmlDocument doc(filePath.c_str());
	TiXmlHandle docHandle(&doc);

	//Get the style name and insert it into the named properties
	TiXmlHandle styleNameHandle = docHandle.FirstChild("Style");
	TiXmlElement* styleNameElement = styleNameHandle.ToElement();
	const std::string styleName = styleNameElement->Attribute("name");
	FATAL_ASSERT(styleName != "");

	const TiXmlNode* global = styleNameElement->FirstChild("Global");
	bool hasGlobal = global != nullptr;
	WidgetStyle tempStyle;

	if (hasGlobal) {
		tempStyle = WidgetStyle(global);

	for (const TiXmlNode* widgetDefinition = styleNameElement->FirstChild(); widgetDefinition; widgetDefinition = widgetDefinition->NextSibling())
		const char* widgetName = widgetDefinition->ToElement()->Value();
		if (strcmp(widgetName, "Global") != 0) {
			WidgetStyle ws = tempStyle;
			WidgetStyle* newWs = new WidgetStyle(widgetDefinition);
			WidgetStyle* mergedWS = new WidgetStyle(ws);

			delete newWs;

			s_styles[styleName][widgetName] = mergedWS;

	auto styleMap = s_styles[styleName];
	for (auto& it : s_widgetFactory) {
		std::string widgetName = it.first;
		auto found = styleMap.find(widgetName);
		if (found == styleMap.end()) {
			s_styles[styleName][widgetName] = new WidgetStyle(tempStyle);
int32 FSlateSimpleRunHighlighter::OnPaint( const FTextLayout::FLineView& Line, const TSharedRef< ISlateRun >& Run, const TSharedRef< ILayoutBlock >& Block, const FTextBlockStyle& DefaultStyle, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const 
	FVector2D Location( Block->GetLocationOffset() );
	Location.Y = Line.Offset.Y;

	// Draw the actual highlight rectangle
		FPaintGeometry( AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + Location, FVector2D( Block->GetSize().X, Line.Size.Y ), AllottedGeometry.Scale ),
		bParentEnabled ? ESlateDrawEffect::None : ESlateDrawEffect::DisabledEffect,
		InWidgetStyle.GetColorAndOpacityTint() * DefaultStyle.HighlightColor

	FLinearColor InvertedForeground = FLinearColor::White - InWidgetStyle.GetForegroundColor();
	InvertedForeground.A = InWidgetStyle.GetForegroundColor().A;

	FWidgetStyle WidgetStyle( InWidgetStyle );
	WidgetStyle.SetForegroundColor( InvertedForeground );

	return Run->OnPaint( Line, Block, DefaultStyle, AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, WidgetStyle, bParentEnabled );
		static std::shared_ptr<GUIHorizontalLine> Create(int thickness = 1, const WidgetStyle& style = WidgetStyle())
			return std::make_shared<GUIHorizontalLine>(thickness, style);
예제 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// スライダーウィジェットを作成します。
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="left">
		/// 一番左の値
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="right">
		/// 一番右の値
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="initial">
		/// 初期状態の値
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="enabled">
		/// 有効かどうか
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="style">
		/// スタイル
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// スライダーウィジェット
		/// </returns>
		static std::shared_ptr<GUISlider> Create(double left, double right, double initial, bool enabled = true, const WidgetStyle& style = WidgetStyle())
			return Create(left, right, initial, style.font.height * 5, enabled, style);
예제 #7
		/// <summary>
		/// スライダーウィジェットを作成します。
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="left">
		/// 一番左の値
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="right">
		/// 一番右の値
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="initial">
		/// 初期状態の値
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="width">
		/// スライダーのサイズ(ピクセル)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="enabled">
		/// 有効かどうか
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="style">
		/// スタイル
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// スライダーウィジェット
		/// </returns>
		static std::shared_ptr<GUISlider> Create(double left, double right, double initial, int width, bool enabled = true, const WidgetStyle& style = WidgetStyle())
			double position = 0.0;

			if (right - left != 0.0)
				const double current = Clamp(initial, s3d::Min(left, right), s3d::Max(left, right));

				position = width * (current - left) / (right - left);

			return std::make_shared<GUISlider>(left, right, width, position, enabled, style);
예제 #8
		static std::shared_ptr<GUIColorPalette> Create(const HSV& color, int32 paletteHeight, int32 svPaletteWidth, int32 paletteMarginWidth, int32 huePaletteWidth, bool enabled = true, const WidgetStyle& style = WidgetStyle())
			return std::make_shared<GUIColorPalette>(color, paletteHeight, svPaletteWidth, paletteMarginWidth, huePaletteWidth, enabled, style);
예제 #9
		static std::shared_ptr<GUIColorPalette> Create(const HSV& color = HSV(30.0, 0.9, 0.9), bool enabled = true, const WidgetStyle& style = WidgetStyle())
			return std::make_shared<GUIColorPalette>(color, 240, 160, 15, 20, enabled, style);
예제 #10
		static std::shared_ptr<GUIButton> Create(const s3d::String& label, bool enabled, const WidgetStyle& style = WidgetStyle())
			return std::make_shared<GUIButton>(label, enabled, style);
예제 #11
		static std::shared_ptr<GUITexture> Create(const s3d::Texture& texture, const WidgetStyle& style = WidgetStyle())
			return std::make_shared<GUITexture>(texture, style);