예제 #1
파일: lzexpand.c 프로젝트: otya128/winevdm
 *           LZOpenFile   (LZEXPAND.2)
HFILE16 WINAPI LZOpenFile16( LPSTR fn, LPOFSTRUCT ofs, UINT16 mode )
    HFILE hfret = LZOpenFileA( fn, ofs, mode );
    /* return errors and LZ handles unmodified */
    if ((INT)hfret <= 0) return hfret;
    if (IS_LZ_HANDLE(hfret)) return hfret;
    /* but allocate a dos handle for 'normal' files */
    return Win32HandleToDosFileHandle((HANDLE)hfret);
예제 #2
 *           NE_OpenFile
static HFILE16 NE_OpenFile( NE_MODULE *pModule )
    char *name = NE_MODULE_NAME( pModule );
    HANDLE handle = CreateFileA( name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,
                                 NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );

    if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        ERR( "Can't open file '%s' for module %04x\n", name, pModule->self );
        return HFILE_ERROR;
    return Win32HandleToDosFileHandle( handle );
예제 #3
 *           NE_LoadAllSegments
BOOL NE_LoadAllSegments( NE_MODULE *pModule )
    int i;

    if (pModule->flags & NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD)
        HANDLE hf;
        HFILE16 hFile16;
        HGLOBAL16 sel;
        /* Handle self-loading modules */
        SELFLOADHEADER *selfloadheader;
        HMODULE16 mod = GetModuleHandle16("KERNEL");
        DWORD oldstack;

        TRACE_(module)("%.*s is a self-loading module!\n",
		     *((BYTE*)pModule + pModule->name_table),
		     (char *)pModule + pModule->name_table + 1);
        if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, 1 )) return FALSE;
        selfloadheader = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(SEL(pSegTable->hSeg), 0) );
        selfloadheader->EntryAddrProc = GetProcAddress16(mod,"EntryAddrProc");
        selfloadheader->MyAlloc       = GetProcAddress16(mod,"MyAlloc");
        selfloadheader->SetOwner      = GetProcAddress16(mod,"FarSetOwner");
        sel = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_ZEROINIT, 0xFF00 );
        pModule->self_loading_sel = SEL(sel);
        FarSetOwner16( sel, pModule->self );
        oldstack = NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved;
        NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = MAKESEGPTR(pModule->self_loading_sel,
                                               0xff00 - sizeof(STACK16FRAME) );

        DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), NE_OpenFile(pModule),
                         GetCurrentProcess(), &hf, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
        hFile16 = Win32HandleToDosFileHandle( hf );
        NE_CallTo16_word_ww(selfloadheader->BootApp, pModule->self,hFile16);
	TRACE_(dll)("Return from CallBootAppProc\n");
        NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = oldstack;

        for (i = 2; i <= pModule->seg_count; i++)
            if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, i )) return FALSE;
        for (i = 1; i <= pModule->seg_count; i++)
            if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, i )) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
예제 #4
파일: file.c 프로젝트: bilboed/wine
 *           _lopen   (KERNEL.85)
HFILE16 WINAPI _lopen16( LPCSTR path, INT16 mode )
    return Win32HandleToDosFileHandle( (HANDLE)_lopen( path, mode ) );
예제 #5
파일: file.c 프로젝트: bilboed/wine
 *           _lcreat   (KERNEL.83)
HFILE16 WINAPI _lcreat16( LPCSTR path, INT16 attr )
    return Win32HandleToDosFileHandle( (HANDLE)_lcreat( path, attr ) );
예제 #6
파일: file.c 프로젝트: bilboed/wine
 *           OpenFile   (KERNEL.74)
 *           OpenFileEx (KERNEL.360)
HFILE16 WINAPI OpenFile16( LPCSTR name, OFSTRUCT *ofs, UINT16 mode )
    HFILE hFileRet;
    HANDLE handle;
    FILETIME filetime;
    WORD filedatetime[2];
    const char *p, *filename;

    if (!ofs) return HFILE_ERROR;

    TRACE("%s %s %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n",debugstr_a(name),
          ((mode & 0x3 )==OF_READ)?"OF_READ":
          ((mode & 0x3 )==OF_WRITE)?"OF_WRITE":
          ((mode & 0x3 )==OF_READWRITE)?"OF_READWRITE":"unknown",
          ((mode & 0x70 )==OF_SHARE_COMPAT)?"OF_SHARE_COMPAT":
          ((mode & 0x70 )==OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE)?"OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE":
          ((mode & 0x70 )==OF_SHARE_DENY_READ)?"OF_SHARE_DENY_READ":
          ((mode & 0x70 )==OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE)?"OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE":
          ((mode & 0x70 )==OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE)?"OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE":"unknown",
          ((mode & OF_PARSE )==OF_PARSE)?"OF_PARSE ":"",
          ((mode & OF_DELETE )==OF_DELETE)?"OF_DELETE ":"",
          ((mode & OF_VERIFY )==OF_VERIFY)?"OF_VERIFY ":"",
          ((mode & OF_SEARCH )==OF_SEARCH)?"OF_SEARCH ":"",
          ((mode & OF_CANCEL )==OF_CANCEL)?"OF_CANCEL ":"",
          ((mode & OF_CREATE )==OF_CREATE)?"OF_CREATE ":"",
          ((mode & OF_PROMPT )==OF_PROMPT)?"OF_PROMPT ":"",
          ((mode & OF_EXIST )==OF_EXIST)?"OF_EXIST ":"",
          ((mode & OF_REOPEN )==OF_REOPEN)?"OF_REOPEN ":""

    if (mode & OF_PARSE)
        OpenFile( name, ofs, mode );
        return 0;

    if (mode & OF_CREATE)
        handle = (HANDLE)OpenFile( name, ofs, mode );
        if (handle == (HANDLE)HFILE_ERROR) goto error;
        ofs->cBytes = sizeof(OFSTRUCT);
        ofs->nErrCode = 0;
        if (mode & OF_REOPEN) name = ofs->szPathName;

        if (!name) return HFILE_ERROR;

        /* the watcom 10.6 IDE relies on a valid path returned in ofs->szPathName
           Are there any cases where getting the path here is wrong?
           Uwe Bonnes 1997 Apr 2 */
        if (!GetFullPathNameA( name, sizeof(ofs->szPathName), ofs->szPathName, NULL )) goto error;

        /* If OF_SEARCH is set, ignore the given path */

        filename = name;
        if ((mode & OF_SEARCH) && !(mode & OF_REOPEN))
            /* First try the file name as is */
            if (GetFileAttributesA( filename ) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) filename = NULL;
                /* Now remove the path */
                if (filename[0] && (filename[1] == ':')) filename += 2;
                if ((p = strrchr( filename, '\\' ))) filename = p + 1;
                if ((p = strrchr( filename, '/' ))) filename = p + 1;
                if (!filename[0])
                    SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND );
                    goto error;

        /* Now look for the file */

        if (filename)
            BOOL found;
            char *path = get_search_path();

            if (!path) goto error;
            found = SearchPathA( path, filename, NULL, sizeof(ofs->szPathName),
                                 ofs->szPathName, NULL );
            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, path );
            if (!found) goto error;

        TRACE("found %s\n", debugstr_a(ofs->szPathName) );

        if (mode & OF_DELETE)
            if (!DeleteFileA( ofs->szPathName )) goto error;
            TRACE("(%s): OF_DELETE return = OK\n", name);
            return 1;

        handle = (HANDLE)_lopen( ofs->szPathName, mode );
        if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto error;

        GetFileTime( handle, NULL, NULL, &filetime );
        FileTimeToDosDateTime( &filetime, &filedatetime[0], &filedatetime[1] );
        if ((mode & OF_VERIFY) && (mode & OF_REOPEN))
            if (ofs->Reserved1 != filedatetime[0] || ofs->Reserved2 != filedatetime[1] )
                CloseHandle( handle );
                WARN("(%s): OF_VERIFY failed\n", name );
                /* FIXME: what error here? */
                SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND );
                goto error;
        ofs->Reserved1 = filedatetime[0];
        ofs->Reserved2 = filedatetime[1];

    TRACE("(%s): OK, return = %p\n", name, handle );
    hFileRet = Win32HandleToDosFileHandle( handle );
    if (hFileRet == HFILE_ERROR16) goto error;
    if (mode & OF_EXIST) _lclose16( hFileRet ); /* Return the handle, but close it first */
    return hFileRet;

error:  /* We get here if there was an error opening the file */
    ofs->nErrCode = GetLastError();
    WARN("(%s): return = HFILE_ERROR error= %d\n", name,ofs->nErrCode );
    return HFILE_ERROR16;
예제 #7
 *           NE_LoadSegment
BOOL NE_LoadSegment( NE_MODULE *pModule, WORD segnum )
    SEGTABLEENTRY *pSegTable, *pSeg;
    WORD *pModuleTable;
    WORD count, i, offset, next_offset;
    HMODULE16 module;
    FARPROC16 address = 0;
    HFILE hf;
    DWORD res;
    struct relocation_entry_s *rep, *reloc_entries;
    char *func_name;
    int size;
    char* mem;

    char buffer[256];
    int ordinal, additive;
    unsigned short *sp;

    pSegTable = NE_SEG_TABLE( pModule );
    pSeg = pSegTable + segnum - 1;

    if (pSeg->flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_LOADED)
	/* self-loader ? -> already loaded it */
	if (pModule->flags & NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD)
	    return TRUE;

	/* leave, except for DGROUP, as this may be the second instance */
	if (segnum != pModule->dgroup)
            return TRUE;

    if (!pSeg->filepos) return TRUE;  /* No file image, just return */

    pModuleTable = NE_MODULE_TABLE( pModule );

    hf = NE_OpenFile( pModule );
    TRACE_(module)("Loading segment %d, hSeg=%04x, flags=%04x\n",
                    segnum, pSeg->hSeg, pSeg->flags );
    SetFilePointer( hf, pSeg->filepos << pModule->alignment, NULL, SEEK_SET );
    if (pSeg->size) size = pSeg->size;
    else size = pSeg->minsize ? pSeg->minsize : 0x10000;
    mem = GlobalLock16(pSeg->hSeg);
    if (pModule->flags & NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD && segnum > 1)
 	/* Implement self-loading segments */
 	SELFLOADHEADER *selfloadheader;
        DWORD oldstack;
        HANDLE hFile32;
        HFILE16 hFile16;

 	selfloadheader = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(SEL(pSegTable->hSeg),0) );
 	oldstack = NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved;
 	NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = MAKESEGPTR(pModule->self_loading_sel,
                                               0xff00 - sizeof(STACK16FRAME));

		pModule->self,hf,segnum );
        DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hf, GetCurrentProcess(), &hFile32,
                         0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
        hFile16 = Win32HandleToDosFileHandle( hFile32 );
 	pSeg->hSeg = NE_CallTo16_word_www( selfloadheader->LoadAppSeg,
                                           pModule->self, hFile16, segnum );
	TRACE_(dll)("Ret CallLoadAppSegProc: hSeg = 0x%04x\n", pSeg->hSeg);
        _lclose16( hFile16 );
 	NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = oldstack;
    else if (!(pSeg->flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_ITERATED))
        ReadFile(hf, mem, size, &res, NULL);
    else {
	 The following bit of code for "iterated segments" was written without
	 any documentation on the format of these segments. It seems to work,
	 but may be missing something. If you have any doc please either send
	 it to me or fix the code yourself. [email protected]
      char* buff = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
      char* curr = buff;

      if(buff == NULL) {
          WARN_(dll)("Memory exausted!");
          return FALSE;

      ReadFile(hf, buff, size, &res, NULL);
      while(curr < buff + size) {
	unsigned int rept = *((short*) curr);
	curr = (char *)(((short*) curr) + 1);
	unsigned int len = *((short*) curr);
	curr = (char *)(((short*) curr) + 1);
	for(; rept > 0; rept--) {
	  char* bytes = curr;
	  unsigned int byte;
	  for(byte = 0; byte < len; byte++)
	    *mem++ = *bytes++;
	curr += len;
      HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buff);

    pSeg->flags |= NE_SEGFLAGS_LOADED;

    /* Perform exported function prolog fixups */
    NE_FixupSegmentPrologs( pModule, segnum );

    if (!(pSeg->flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_RELOC_DATA))
        return TRUE;  /* No relocation data, we are done */

    ReadFile(hf, &count, sizeof(count), &res, NULL);
    if (!count) return TRUE;

    TRACE_(fixup)("Fixups for %.*s, segment %d, hSeg %04x\n",
                   *((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->name_table),
                   (char *)pModule + pModule->name_table + 1,
                   segnum, pSeg->hSeg );
    TRACE_(segment)("Fixups for %.*s, segment %d, hSeg %04x\n",
                   *((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->name_table),
                   (char *)pModule + pModule->name_table + 1,
                   segnum, pSeg->hSeg );

    reloc_entries = (struct relocation_entry_s *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, count * sizeof(struct relocation_entry_s));
    if(reloc_entries == NULL) {
        WARN_(fixup)("Not enough memory for relocation entries!");
        return FALSE;
    if (!ReadFile( hf, reloc_entries, count * sizeof(struct relocation_entry_s), &res, NULL) ||
        (res != count * sizeof(struct relocation_entry_s)))
        WARN_(fixup)("Unable to read relocation information\n" );
        return FALSE;

     * Go through the relocation table one entry at a time.
    rep = reloc_entries;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++, rep++)
	 * Get the target address corresponding to this entry.

	/* If additive, there is no target chain list. Instead, add source
	   and target */
	additive = rep->relocation_type & NE_RELFLAG_ADDITIVE;
	rep->relocation_type &= 0x3;

	switch (rep->relocation_type)
            module = pModuleTable[rep->target1-1];
	    ordinal = rep->target2;
            address = NE_GetEntryPoint( module, ordinal );
            if (!address)
                NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                if (!pTarget)
                    WARN_(module)("Module not found: %04x, reference %d of module %*.*s\n",
                             module, rep->target1,
                             *((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->name_table),
                             *((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->name_table),
                             (char *)pModule + pModule->name_table + 1 );
                    ERR_(fixup)("No implementation for %.*s.%d, setting to 0xdeadbeef\n",
                            *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table),
                            (char *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table + 1,
                            ordinal );
                    address = (FARPROC16)0xdeadbeef;
            if (TRACE_ON(fixup))
                NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                TRACE_(fixup)("%d: %.*s.%d=%04x:%04x %s\n", i + 1,
                       *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table),
                       (char *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table + 1,
                       ordinal, HIWORD(address), LOWORD(address),
                       NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

            module = pModuleTable[rep->target1-1];
            func_name = (char *)pModule + pModule->import_table + rep->target2;
            memcpy( buffer, func_name+1, *func_name );
            buffer[(BYTE)*func_name] = '\0';
            func_name = buffer;
            ordinal = NE_GetOrdinal( module, func_name );
            address = NE_GetEntryPoint( module, ordinal );

            if (ERR_ON(fixup) && !address)
                NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                ERR_(fixup)("No implementation for %.*s.%s, setting to 0xdeadbeef\n",
                    *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table),
                    (char *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table + 1, func_name );
            if (!address) address = (FARPROC16) 0xdeadbeef;
            if (TRACE_ON(fixup))
	        NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                TRACE_(fixup)("%d: %.*s.%s=%04x:%04x %s\n", i + 1,
                       *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table),
                       (char *)pTarget + pTarget->name_table + 1,
                       func_name, HIWORD(address), LOWORD(address),
                       NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

	    if ((rep->target1 & 0xff) == 0xff)
		address  = NE_GetEntryPoint( pModule->self, rep->target2 );
                address = (FARPROC16)MAKESEGPTR( SEL(pSegTable[rep->target1-1].hSeg), rep->target2 );

	    TRACE_(fixup)("%d: %04x:%04x %s\n",
                   i + 1, HIWORD(address), LOWORD(address),
                   NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

	    /* Relocation type 7:
	     *    These appear to be used as fixups for the Windows
	     * floating point emulator.  Let's just ignore them and
	     * try to use the hardware floating point.  Linux should
	     * successfully emulate the coprocessor if it doesn't
	     * exist.
	    TRACE_(fixup)("%d: TYPE %d, OFFSET %04x, TARGET %04x %04x %s\n",
                   i + 1, rep->relocation_type, rep->offset,
                   rep->target1, rep->target2,
                   NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

	offset  = rep->offset;

        /* Apparently, high bit of address_type is sometimes set; */
        /* we ignore it for now */
	if (rep->address_type > NE_RADDR_OFFSET32)
            char module[10];
            GetModuleName16( pModule->self, module, sizeof(module) );
            ERR_(fixup)("WARNING: module %s: unknown reloc addr type = 0x%02x. Please report.\n",
                 module, rep->address_type );

        if (additive)
            sp = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( SEL(pSeg->hSeg), offset ) );
            TRACE_(fixup)("    %04x:%04x\n", offset, *sp );
            switch (rep->address_type & 0x7f)
            case NE_RADDR_LOWBYTE:
                *(BYTE *)sp += LOBYTE((int)address);
            case NE_RADDR_OFFSET16:
		*sp += LOWORD(address);
            case NE_RADDR_POINTER32:
		*sp += LOWORD(address);
		*(sp+1) = HIWORD(address);
            case NE_RADDR_SELECTOR:
		/* Borland creates additive records with offset zero. Strange, but OK */
                if (*sp)
                    ERR_(fixup)("Additive selector to %04x.Please report\n",*sp);
                    *sp = HIWORD(address);
                goto unknown;
        else  /* non-additive fixup */
                sp = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( SEL(pSeg->hSeg), offset ) );
                next_offset = *sp;
                TRACE_(fixup)("    %04x:%04x\n", offset, *sp );
                switch (rep->address_type & 0x7f)
                case NE_RADDR_LOWBYTE:
                    *(BYTE *)sp = LOBYTE((int)address);
                case NE_RADDR_OFFSET16:
                    *sp = LOWORD(address);
                case NE_RADDR_POINTER32:
                    *(FARPROC16 *)sp = address;
                case NE_RADDR_SELECTOR:
                    *sp = SELECTOROF(address);
                    goto unknown;
                if (next_offset == offset) break;  /* avoid infinite loop */
                if (next_offset >= GlobalSize16(pSeg->hSeg)) break;
                offset = next_offset;
            } while (offset != 0xffff);

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, reloc_entries);
    return TRUE;

    WARN_(fixup)("WARNING: %d: unknown ADDR TYPE %d,  "
         "TYPE %d,  OFFSET %04x,  TARGET %04x %04x\n",
         i + 1, rep->address_type, rep->relocation_type,
         rep->offset, rep->target1, rep->target2);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, reloc_entries);
    return FALSE;