예제 #1
// NoFriendlyFire - checks for possibility of friendly fire
// Builds a large box in front of the grunt and checks to see 
// if any squad members are in that box. 
bool CHL1BaseNPC::NoFriendlyFire( void )
	if ( !m_pSquad )
		return true;

	CPlane	backPlane;
	CPlane  leftPlane;
	CPlane	rightPlane;

	Vector	vecLeftSide;
	Vector	vecRightSide;
	Vector	v_left;

	Vector  vForward, vRight, vUp;
	QAngle  vAngleToEnemy;

	if ( GetEnemy() != NULL )
		//!!!BUGBUG - to fix this, the planes must be aligned to where the monster will be firing its gun, not the direction it is facing!!!
		VectorAngles( ( GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter() - GetAbsOrigin() ), vAngleToEnemy );

		AngleVectors ( vAngleToEnemy, &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
		// if there's no enemy, pretend there's a friendly in the way, so the grunt won't shoot.
		return false;
	vecLeftSide = GetAbsOrigin() - ( vRight * ( WorldAlignSize().x * 1.5 ) );
	vecRightSide = GetAbsOrigin() + ( vRight * ( WorldAlignSize().x * 1.5 ) );
	v_left = vRight * -1;

	leftPlane.InitializePlane ( vRight, vecLeftSide );
	rightPlane.InitializePlane ( v_left, vecRightSide );
	backPlane.InitializePlane ( vForward, GetAbsOrigin() );

	AISquadIter_t iter;
	for ( CAI_BaseNPC *pSquadMember = m_pSquad->GetFirstMember( &iter ); pSquadMember; pSquadMember = m_pSquad->GetNextMember( &iter ) )
		if ( pSquadMember == NULL )

		if ( pSquadMember == this )

		if ( backPlane.PointInFront  ( pSquadMember->GetAbsOrigin() ) &&
				 leftPlane.PointInFront  ( pSquadMember->GetAbsOrigin() ) && 
				 rightPlane.PointInFront ( pSquadMember->GetAbsOrigin()) )
				// this guy is in the check volume! Don't shoot!
				return false;

	return true;
int CHL2MP_Player::OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &inputInfo )
#ifndef GE_DLL
    //return here if the player is in the respawn grace period vs. slams.
    if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flSlamProtectTime &&  (inputInfo.GetDamageType() == DMG_BLAST ) )
        return 0;
    m_vecTotalBulletForce += inputInfo.GetDamageForce();
    gamestats->Event_PlayerDamage( this, inputInfo );
    CBaseEntity *attacker = inputInfo.GetAttacker();
    Vector force = inputInfo.GetDamageForce();
    if ( force == vec3_origin && attacker )
        Vector vecDir = vec3_origin;
        if ( inputInfo.GetInflictor() && GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_WALK && !attacker->IsSolidFlagSet(FSOLID_TRIGGER) )
            vecDir = inputInfo.GetInflictor()->WorldSpaceCenter() - Vector ( 0, 0, 10 ) - WorldSpaceCenter();
            VectorNormalize( vecDir );
            force = vecDir * -DamageForce( WorldAlignSize(), inputInfo.GetBaseDamage() );
    m_vecTotalBulletForce += force;

    return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage( inputInfo );
// Purpose: 
void CNPC_Bug_Warrior::MeleeAttack( float distance, float damage, QAngle& viewPunch, Vector& shove )
	if ( GetEnemy() == NULL )

	// Trace directly at my target
	Vector vStart = GetAbsOrigin();
	vStart.z += WorldAlignSize().z * 0.5;
	Vector vecForward = (GetEnemy()->EyePosition() - vStart);
	VectorNormalize( vecForward );
	Vector vEnd = vStart + (vecForward * distance );

	// Use half the size of my target for the box 
	Vector vecHalfTraceBox = (GetEnemy()->WorldAlignMaxs() - GetEnemy()->WorldAlignMins()) * 0.25;
	//NDebugOverlay::Box( vStart, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 0,255,0,20,1.0);
	//NDebugOverlay::Box( GetEnemy()->EyePosition(), -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 255,255,255,20,1.0);
	CBaseEntity *pHurt = CheckTraceHullAttack( vStart, vEnd, -vecHalfTraceBox, vecHalfTraceBox, damage, DMG_SLASH );
	if ( pHurt )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pHurt );

		if ( pPlayer )
			//Kick the player angles
			pPlayer->ViewPunch( viewPunch );	

			Vector	dir = pHurt->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();

			QAngle angles;
			VectorAngles( dir, angles );
			Vector forward, right;
			AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, NULL );

			// Push the target back
			Vector vecImpulse;
			VectorMultiply( right, -shove[1], vecImpulse );
			VectorMA( vecImpulse, -shove[0], forward, vecImpulse );
			pHurt->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecImpulse );

		// Play a random attack hit sound
		EmitSound( "NPC_Bug_Warrior.AttackHit" );
예제 #4
CBaseEntity *CASW_Simple_Alien::CheckTraceHullAttack( float flDist, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int iDamage, int iDmgType, float forceScale, bool bDamageAnyNPC )
	// If only a length is given assume we want to trace in our facing direction
	Vector forward;
	AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &forward );
	Vector vStart = GetAbsOrigin();

	// The ideal place to start the trace is in the center of the attacker's bounding box.
	// however, we need to make sure there's enough clearance. Some of the smaller monsters aren't 
	// as big as the hull we try to trace with. (SJB)
	float flVerticalOffset = WorldAlignSize().z * 0.5;

	if( flVerticalOffset < maxs.z )
		// There isn't enough room to trace this hull, it's going to drag the ground.
		// so make the vertical offset just enough to clear the ground.
		flVerticalOffset = maxs.z + 1.0;

	vStart.z += flVerticalOffset;
	Vector vEnd = vStart + (forward * flDist );
	return CheckTraceHullAttack( vStart, vEnd, mins, maxs, iDamage, iDmgType, forceScale, bDamageAnyNPC );
예제 #5
/// @TODO: lead target
void CASW_Sentry_Top_Cannon::Fire()
	if ( !m_hEnemy.IsValid() || !m_hEnemy.Get() || !HasAmmo() )


	Vector diff = m_hEnemy->WorldSpaceCenter() - GetFiringPosition();
	//FireBulletsInfo_t( int nShots, const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDir, const Vector &vecSpread, float flDistance, int nAmmoType, bool bPrimaryAttack = true )

	Vector launchVector = diff * 1000.0f;

	CASW_Marine * RESTRICT pMarineDeployer = GetSentryBase()->m_hDeployer.Get();
	Assert( pMarineDeployer );

	float fGrenadeDamage = CASW_Weapon_Grenades::GetBoomDamage(pMarineDeployer) * 0.5f;
	float fGrenadeRadius = CASW_Weapon_Grenades::GetBoomRadius(pMarineDeployer) * 0.5f;

		fGrenadeDamage,	fGrenadeRadius,
		GetFiringPosition() + (diff * ( WorldAlignSize().Length() * 0.5f ) ), GetAbsAngles(), launchVector, AngularImpulse(0,0,0), 
		pMarineDeployer, this );

	if( pMarineDeployer )
		pMarineDeployer->OnWeaponFired( this, 1 );


	m_fNextFireTime = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_SENTRY_CANNON_FIRE_RATE;

	// use ammo
	if ( GetSentryBase() )
예제 #6
// Client-side obstacle avoidance
void C_BaseHLPlayer::PerformClientSideObstacleAvoidance( float flFrameTime, CUserCmd *pCmd )
	// Don't avoid if noclipping or in movetype none
	switch ( GetMoveType() )

	// Try to steer away from any objects/players we might interpenetrate
	Vector size = WorldAlignSize();

	float radius = 0.7f * sqrt( size.x * size.x + size.y * size.y );
	float curspeed = GetLocalVelocity().Length2D();

	//int slot = 1;
	//engine->Con_NPrintf( slot++, "speed %f\n", curspeed );
	//engine->Con_NPrintf( slot++, "radius %f\n", radius );

	// If running, use a larger radius
	float factor = 1.0f;

	if ( curspeed > 150.0f )
		curspeed = MIN( 2048.0f, curspeed );
		factor = ( 1.0f + ( curspeed - 150.0f ) / 150.0f );

		//engine->Con_NPrintf( slot++, "scaleup (%f) to radius %f\n", factor, radius * factor );

		radius = radius * factor;

	Vector currentdir;
	Vector rightdir;

	QAngle vAngles = pCmd->viewangles;
	vAngles.x = 0;

	AngleVectors( vAngles, &currentdir, &rightdir, NULL );
	bool istryingtomove = false;
	bool ismovingforward = false;
	if ( fabs( pCmd->forwardmove ) > 0.0f || 
		fabs( pCmd->sidemove ) > 0.0f )
		istryingtomove = true;
		if ( pCmd->forwardmove > 1.0f )
			ismovingforward = true;

	if ( istryingtomove == true )
		 radius *= 1.3f;

	CPlayerAndObjectEnumerator avoid( radius );
	partition->EnumerateElementsInSphere( PARTITION_CLIENT_SOLID_EDICTS, GetAbsOrigin(), radius, false, &avoid );

	// Okay, decide how to avoid if there's anything close by
	int c = avoid.GetObjectCount();
	if ( c <= 0 )

	//engine->Con_NPrintf( slot++, "moving %s forward %s\n", istryingtomove ? "true" : "false", ismovingforward ? "true" : "false"  );

	float adjustforwardmove = 0.0f;
	float adjustsidemove	= 0.0f;

	for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		C_AI_BaseNPC *obj = dynamic_cast< C_AI_BaseNPC *>(avoid.GetObject( i ));

		if( !obj )

		Vector vecToObject = obj->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();

		float flDist = vecToObject.Length2D();
		// Figure out a 2D radius for the object
		Vector vecWorldMins, vecWorldMaxs;
		obj->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vecWorldMins, &vecWorldMaxs );
		Vector objSize = vecWorldMaxs - vecWorldMins;

		float objectradius = 0.5f * sqrt( objSize.x * objSize.x + objSize.y * objSize.y );

		//Don't run this code if the NPC is not moving UNLESS we are in stuck inside of them.
		if ( !obj->IsMoving() && flDist > objectradius )

		if ( flDist > objectradius && obj->IsEffectActive( EF_NODRAW ) )
			obj->RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW );

		Vector vecNPCVelocity;
		obj->EstimateAbsVelocity( vecNPCVelocity );
		float flNPCSpeed = VectorNormalize( vecNPCVelocity );

		Vector vPlayerVel = GetAbsVelocity();
		VectorNormalize( vPlayerVel );

		float flHit1, flHit2;
		Vector vRayDir = vecToObject;
		VectorNormalize( vRayDir );

		float flVelProduct = DotProduct( vecNPCVelocity, vPlayerVel );
		float flDirProduct = DotProduct( vRayDir, vPlayerVel );

		if ( !IntersectInfiniteRayWithSphere(
				&flHit2 ) )

        Vector dirToObject = -vecToObject;
		VectorNormalize( dirToObject );

		float fwd = 0;
		float rt = 0;

		float sidescale = 2.0f;
		float forwardscale = 1.0f;
		bool foundResult = false;

		Vector vMoveDir = vecNPCVelocity;
		if ( flNPCSpeed > 0.001f )
			// This NPC is moving. First try deflecting the player left or right relative to the NPC's velocity.
			// Start with whatever side they're on relative to the NPC's velocity.
			Vector vecNPCTrajectoryRight = CrossProduct( vecNPCVelocity, Vector( 0, 0, 1) );
			int iDirection = ( vecNPCTrajectoryRight.Dot( dirToObject ) > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;
			for ( int nTries = 0; nTries < 2; nTries++ )
				Vector vecTryMove = vecNPCTrajectoryRight * iDirection;
				VectorNormalize( vecTryMove );
				Vector vTestPosition = GetAbsOrigin() + vecTryMove * radius * 2;

				if ( TestMove( vTestPosition, size.z * 2, radius * 2, obj->GetAbsOrigin(), vMoveDir ) )
					fwd = currentdir.Dot( vecTryMove );
					rt = rightdir.Dot( vecTryMove );
					//Msg( "PUSH DEFLECT fwd=%f, rt=%f\n", fwd, rt );
					foundResult = true;
					// Try the other direction.
					iDirection *= -1;
			// the object isn't moving, so try moving opposite the way it's facing
			Vector vecNPCForward;
			obj->GetVectors( &vecNPCForward, NULL, NULL );
			Vector vTestPosition = GetAbsOrigin() - vecNPCForward * radius * 2;
			if ( TestMove( vTestPosition, size.z * 2, radius * 2, obj->GetAbsOrigin(), vMoveDir ) )
				fwd = currentdir.Dot( -vecNPCForward );
				rt = rightdir.Dot( -vecNPCForward );

				if ( flDist < objectradius )
					obj->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );

				//Msg( "PUSH AWAY FACE fwd=%f, rt=%f\n", fwd, rt );

				foundResult = true;

		if ( !foundResult )
			// test if we can move in the direction the object is moving
			Vector vTestPosition = GetAbsOrigin() + vMoveDir * radius * 2;
			if ( TestMove( vTestPosition, size.z * 2, radius * 2, obj->GetAbsOrigin(), vMoveDir ) )
				fwd = currentdir.Dot( vMoveDir );
				rt = rightdir.Dot( vMoveDir );

				if ( flDist < objectradius )
					obj->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );

				//Msg( "PUSH ALONG fwd=%f, rt=%f\n", fwd, rt );

				foundResult = true;
				// try moving directly away from the object
				Vector vTestPosition = GetAbsOrigin() - dirToObject * radius * 2;
				if ( TestMove( vTestPosition, size.z * 2, radius * 2, obj->GetAbsOrigin(), vMoveDir ) )
					fwd = currentdir.Dot( -dirToObject );
					rt = rightdir.Dot( -dirToObject );
					foundResult = true;

					//Msg( "PUSH AWAY fwd=%f, rt=%f\n", fwd, rt );

		if ( !foundResult )
			// test if we can move through the object
			Vector vTestPosition = GetAbsOrigin() - vMoveDir * radius * 2;
			fwd = currentdir.Dot( -vMoveDir );
			rt = rightdir.Dot( -vMoveDir );

			if ( flDist < objectradius )
				obj->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );

			//Msg( "PUSH THROUGH fwd=%f, rt=%f\n", fwd, rt );

			foundResult = true;

		// If running, then do a lot more sideways veer since we're not going to do anything to
		//  forward velocity
		if ( istryingtomove )
			sidescale = 6.0f;

		if ( flVelProduct > 0.0f && flDirProduct > 0.0f )
			sidescale = 0.1f;

		float force = 1.0f;
		float forward = forwardscale * fwd * force * AVOID_SPEED;
		float side = sidescale * rt * force * AVOID_SPEED;

		adjustforwardmove	+= forward;
		adjustsidemove		+= side;

	pCmd->forwardmove	+= adjustforwardmove;
	pCmd->sidemove		+= adjustsidemove;
	// Clamp the move to within legal limits, preserving direction. This is a little
	// complicated because we have different limits for forward, back, and side

	//Msg( "PRECLAMP: forwardmove=%f, sidemove=%f\n", pCmd->forwardmove, pCmd->sidemove );

	float flForwardScale = 1.0f;
	if ( pCmd->forwardmove > fabs( cl_forwardspeed.GetFloat() ) )
		flForwardScale = fabs( cl_forwardspeed.GetFloat() ) / pCmd->forwardmove;
	else if ( pCmd->forwardmove < -fabs( cl_backspeed.GetFloat() ) )
		flForwardScale = fabs( cl_backspeed.GetFloat() ) / fabs( pCmd->forwardmove );
	float flSideScale = 1.0f;
	if ( fabs( pCmd->sidemove ) > fabs( cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() ) )
		flSideScale = fabs( cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() ) / fabs( pCmd->sidemove );
	float flScale = MIN( flForwardScale, flSideScale );
	pCmd->forwardmove *= flScale;
	pCmd->sidemove *= flScale;

	//Msg( "POSTCLAMP: forwardmove=%f, sidemove=%f\n", pCmd->forwardmove, pCmd->sidemove );
Vector QUA_helicopter::CalcDamageForceVector( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	// Already have a damage force in the data, use that.
	if (info.GetDamageForce() != vec3_origin || (info.GetDamageType() & /*DMG_NO_PHYSICS_FORCE*/DMG_BLAST))
		//if( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_BLAST )
			// Fudge blast forces a little bit, so that each
			// victim gets a slightly different trajectory. 
			// This simulates features that usually vary from
			// person-to-person variables such as bodyweight,
			// which are all indentical for characters using the same model.
			float scale = random->RandomFloat( 0.85, 1.15 );
			Vector force = info.GetDamageForce();
			force.x *= scale;
			force.y *= scale;
			// Try to always exaggerate the upward force because we've got pretty harsh gravity
			force.z *= (force.z > 0) ? 1.15 : scale;
			return force;

		return info.GetDamageForce();

	CBaseEntity *pForce = info.GetInflictor();
	if ( !pForce )
		pForce = info.GetAttacker();

	if ( pForce )
		// Calculate an impulse large enough to push a 75kg man 4 in/sec per point of damage
		float forceScale = info.GetDamage() * 75 * 4;

		Vector forceVector;
		// If the damage is a blast, point the force vector higher than usual, this gives 
		// the ragdolls a bodacious "really got blowed up" look.
		if( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_BLAST )
			// exaggerate the force from explosions a little (37.5%)
			forceVector = (GetLocalOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, WorldAlignSize().z) ) - pForce->GetLocalOrigin();
			forceVector *= 1.375f;
			// taking damage from self?  Take a little random force, but still try to collapse on the spot.
			if ( this == pForce )
				forceVector.x = random->RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				forceVector.y = random->RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				forceVector.z = 0.0;
				forceScale = random->RandomFloat( 1000.0f, 2000.0f );
				// UNDONE: Collision forces are baked in to CTakeDamageInfo now
				// UNDONE: Is this MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS code still necessary?
				if ( pForce->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
					// killed by a physics object
					IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject();
					if ( !pPhysics )
						pPhysics = pForce->VPhysicsGetObject();
					pPhysics->GetVelocity( &forceVector, NULL );
					forceScale = pPhysics->GetMass();
					forceVector = GetLocalOrigin() - pForce->GetLocalOrigin();
		return forceVector * forceScale;
	return vec3_origin;
예제 #8
Vector CASW_Simple_Alien::CalcDeathForceVector( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	// Already have a damage force in the data, use that.
	if ( info.GetDamageForce() != vec3_origin || (g_pGameRules->Damage_NoPhysicsForce(info.GetDamageType())))
		if( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_BLAST )
			float scale = random->RandomFloat( 0.85, 1.15 );
			Vector force = info.GetDamageForce();
			force.x *= scale;
			force.y *= scale;
			// Try to always exaggerate the upward force because we've got pretty harsh gravity
			force.z *= (force.z > 0) ? 1.15 : scale;
			return force;

		return info.GetDamageForce();

	CBaseEntity *pForce = info.GetInflictor();
	if ( !pForce )
		pForce = info.GetAttacker();

	if ( pForce )
		// Calculate an impulse large enough to push a 75kg man 4 in/sec per point of damage
		float forceScale = info.GetDamage() * 75 * 4;

		Vector forceVector;
		// If the damage is a blast, point the force vector higher than usual, this gives 
		// the ragdolls a bodacious "really got blowed up" look.
		if( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_BLAST )
			// exaggerate the force from explosions a little (37.5%)
			forceVector = (GetLocalOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, WorldAlignSize().z) ) - pForce->GetLocalOrigin();
			forceVector *= 1.375f;
			// taking damage from self?  Take a little random force, but still try to collapse on the spot.
			if ( this == pForce )
				forceVector.x = random->RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				forceVector.y = random->RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				forceVector.z = 0.0;
				forceScale = random->RandomFloat( 1000.0f, 2000.0f );
				// UNDONE: Collision forces are baked in to CTakeDamageInfo now
				// UNDONE: Is this MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS code still necessary?
				if ( pForce->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
					// killed by a physics object
					IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject();
					if ( !pPhysics )
						pPhysics = pForce->VPhysicsGetObject();
					pPhysics->GetVelocity( &forceVector, NULL );
					forceScale = pPhysics->GetMass();
					forceVector = GetLocalOrigin() - pForce->GetLocalOrigin();
		return forceVector * forceScale;
	return vec3_origin;
예제 #9
void CFastZombie::PrescheduleThink( void )

    if( m_pMoanSound && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flTimeUpdateSine )
        // Manage the snorting sound, pitch up for closer.
        float flDistNoBBox;

        if( GetEnemy() && m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_COMBAT )
            flDistNoBBox = ( GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter() - WorldSpaceCenter() ).Length();
            flDistNoBBox -= WorldAlignSize().x;
            // Calm down!
            flDistNoBBox = FASTZOMBIE_EXCITE_DIST;
            m_flTimeUpdateSine += 1.0;

        if( flDistNoBBox >= FASTZOMBIE_EXCITE_DIST && m_flDistFactor != 1.0 )
            // Go back to normal pitch.
            m_flDistFactor = 1.0;

            ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangePitch( m_pMoanSound, FASTZOMBIE_IDLE_PITCH, 0.7 );
        else if( flDistNoBBox < FASTZOMBIE_EXCITE_DIST )
            // Zombie is close! Recalculate pitch.
            int iPitch;

            m_flDistFactor = min( 1.0, 1 - flDistNoBBox / FASTZOMBIE_EXCITE_DIST );
            ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangePitch( m_pMoanSound, iPitch, 0.1 );

        if( flDistNoBBox >= FASTZOMBIE_EXCITE_DIST || m_NPCState != NPC_STATE_COMBAT )
            // If i'm not close by or pissed off, then don't be so vocal.
            			float flFrequency;
            			float flFreqFactor;

            			flFreqFactor = 1.0 - m_flDistFactor;
            			if( flFreqFactor <= 0.0 )
            				flFreqFactor = 1.0;

            			flFrequency = max( 0.2, FASTZOMBIE_BASE_FREQ * flFreqFactor );
            			Msg("DIST FACTOR:%f 1- Factor:%f FREQUENCY:%f\n", m_flDistFactor, flFreqFactor, flFrequency );

            if( m_fSineTrendUp )
                ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangeVolume( m_pMoanSound, 0.0, m_flSineFrequency );
                m_flTimeUpdateSine = gpGlobals->curtime + m_flSineFrequency;
                m_fSineTrendUp = false;

                // Now that we're at zero volume again, change my frequency. This keeps
                // multiple zombies out of phase.
                m_flSineFrequency = random->RandomFloat( 1.0, 2.0 );
                ENVELOPE_CONTROLLER.SoundChangeVolume( m_pMoanSound, 1.0, m_flSineFrequency );
                m_flTimeUpdateSine = gpGlobals->curtime + m_flSineFrequency;
                m_fSineTrendUp = true;

    // Crudely detect the apex of our jump
    if( IsNavJumping() && !m_fHitApex && GetAbsVelocity().z <= 0.0 )