static BOOL WriteDIBClip( /************************************************************************/ LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpInfo, LPSTR lpImageFile, LPSTR lpMaskFile) { FNAME szFileName; if ( lpInfo->biSize != 40 || // make sure it's the correct length lpInfo->biCompression != BI_RGB ) // no compression return(FALSE); if ( lpImageFile ) { if ( !WriteDIB(lpInfo, lpImageFile) ) return(FALSE); } if ( lpMaskFile ) { if ( !WriteDIBMask(lpInfo, lpMaskFile) ) { lstrcpy(szFileName, lpImageFile); FileDelete(szFileName); return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); }
void Bitmap::Save(aiTexture* texture, IOStream* file) { if(file != NULL) { Header header; DIB dib; dib.size = DIB::dib_size; dib.width = texture->mWidth; dib.height = texture->mHeight; dib.planes = 1; dib.bits_per_pixel = 8 * mBytesPerPixel; dib.compression = 0; dib.image_size = (((dib.width * mBytesPerPixel) + 3) & 0x0000FFFC) * dib.height; dib.x_resolution = 0; dib.y_resolution = 0; dib.nb_colors = 0; dib.nb_important_colors = 0; header.type = 0x4D42; // 'BM' header.offset = Header::header_size + DIB::dib_size; header.size = header.offset + dib.image_size; header.reserved1 = 0; header.reserved2 = 0; WriteHeader(header, file); WriteDIB(dib, file); WriteData(texture, file); } }
BOOL CImageBMP::SaveFile(const CString& imageFileName) { if (imageFileName != "") filename = imageFileName; HPALETTE hPal = 0; if (imagePalette) hPal = (HPALETTE) (*imagePalette); DibSetUsage(lpbi, hPal, DIB_RGB_COLORS); BOOL retValue = WriteDIB((const char *)imageFileName, lpbi); DibSetUsage(lpbi, hPal, DIB_PAL_COLORS); return retValue; /* // return WriteDIB(ImageFileName, HandleFromDib(lpbi)); // This was the original code used in wxImage, but the resulting // file isn't a valid BMP file. DibSetUsage(lpbi, (HPALETTE) (*imagePalette), DIB_RGB_COLORS); if (!DibWriteFile((char *)(const char *)filename, lpbi)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; */ }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Создаем временный DIB куда отпишем, что получили Bool32 CRIControl::CloseDestinationDIB(char* cDIBName) { Handle hDIB = NULL; pvoid pDIB = NULL; if ( DIBOpeningType == TRUE ) { return SetDestinationDIBtoStorage(cDIBName); } if ( !mpDestinationDIB ) return FALSE; if ( !mpDestinationDIB->GetDIBHandle(&hDIB) || !mpDestinationDIB->GetDIBPtr( &pDIB ) ) { delete mpDestinationDIB; mpDestinationDIB = NULL; return FALSE; } if ( !WriteDIB(cDIBName, pDIB) ) { SetReturnCode_rimage(IDS_RIMAGE_NO_IMAGE_FOUND); return FALSE; } /* while ( mpDestinationDIB ) { if ( mpDestinationDIB->DestroyDIB() ) { hDIB = NULL; } else { if ( mpDestinationDIB->GetDIBHandle(&hDIB) ) { RIMAGEUnlock(hDIB); RIMAGEFree(hDIB); } else { delete mpDestinationDIB; mpDestinationDIB = NULL; } } } */ delete mpDestinationDIB; mpDestinationDIB = NULL; return TRUE; }
void CImageWindow::Screenshot(BOOL bShotImage, BOOL bShotROI, LPCTSTR szFilePath) { m_pImpl->Screenshot(bShotImage, bShotROI, __ddbScreenshot); HANDLE hDIB = DDBToDIB(m_pImpl->GetDC(), __ddbScreenshot, NULL); if( !hDIB ) return; WriteDIB(szFilePath, hDIB); ::GlobalFree(hDIB); }
STDMETHODIMP DropTarget_Drop(DropTarget *dt, IDataObject *ido, DWORD keyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *effect) { STGMEDIUM medium; FORMATETC fmtetc; HRESULT hRes; freeDropFiles(); DPRINTF(("DropTarget_Drop\n")); fmtetc.cfFormat = CF_HDROP; fmtetc.ptd = NULL; fmtetc.lindex = -1; fmtetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fmtetc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; DPRINTF(("Looking for file...\n")); hRes = ido->lpVtbl->GetData(ido, &fmtetc, &medium); if(hRes == S_OK) { HGLOBAL hDrop = medium.hGlobal; DWORD i; DPRINTF(("Success\n")); numDropFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, -1, NULL, 0); dropFiles = calloc(numDropFiles, sizeof(char*)); for(i=0; i<numDropFiles; i++) { WCHAR *tmpPath; int len; len = DragQueryFileW(hDrop, i, NULL, 0); tmpPath = calloc(len+1, sizeof(WCHAR)); DragQueryFileW(hDrop, i, tmpPath, len+1); len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, tmpPath, -1, NULL, 0,NULL,NULL); dropFiles[i] = malloc(len); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,tmpPath,-1,dropFiles[i],len,NULL,NULL); free(tmpPath); DPRINTF(("File: %s\n", dropFiles[i])); } DragFinish(hDrop); signalDrop(pt); if(medium.pUnkForRelease == NULL) { GlobalFree(hDrop); } else { medium.pUnkForRelease->lpVtbl->Release(medium.pUnkForRelease); } return S_OK; } if(FAILED(hRes)) { DPRINTF(("GetData failed (errCode = %x)\n", hRes)); } fmtetc.cfFormat = CF_DIB; fmtetc.ptd = NULL; fmtetc.lindex = -1; fmtetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fmtetc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; DPRINTF(("Looking for HDIB...\n")); hRes = ido->lpVtbl->GetData(ido, &fmtetc, &medium); if(hRes == S_OK) { TCHAR tmpName[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hDib = medium.hGlobal; DPRINTF(("Success\n")); GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,tmpName); strcat(tmpName,"$$squeak$$.bmp"); if(WriteDIB(tmpName, hDib)) { numDropFiles = 1; dropFiles = calloc(1, sizeof(void*)); dropFiles[0] = _strdup(tmpName); } if(medium.pUnkForRelease == NULL) { GlobalFree(hDib); } else { medium.pUnkForRelease->lpVtbl->Release(medium.pUnkForRelease); } signalDrop(pt); return S_OK; } if(FAILED(hRes)) { DPRINTF(("GetData failed (errCode = %x)\n", hRes)); } fmtetc.cfFormat = CF_BITMAP; fmtetc.ptd = NULL; fmtetc.lindex = -1; fmtetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fmtetc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; DPRINTF(("Looking for bitmap...\n")); hRes = ido->lpVtbl->GetData(ido, &fmtetc, &medium); if(hRes == S_OK) { TCHAR tmpName[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hDib; HBITMAP hBM = medium.hBitmap; DPRINTF(("Success\n")); GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,tmpName); strcat(tmpName,"$$squeak$$.bmp"); hDib = DibFromBitmap(hBM, BI_RGB, 0, NULL); if(hDib) { if(WriteDIB(tmpName, hDib)) { numDropFiles = 1; dropFiles = calloc(1, sizeof(void*)); dropFiles[0] = _strdup(tmpName); } DeleteObject(hDib); } if(medium.pUnkForRelease == NULL) { DeleteObject(hBM); } else { medium.pUnkForRelease->lpVtbl->Release(medium.pUnkForRelease); } signalDrop(pt); return S_OK; } if(FAILED(hRes)) { DPRINTF(("GetData failed (errCode = %x)\n", hRes)); } fmtetc.cfFormat = CF_ENHMETAFILE; fmtetc.ptd = NULL; fmtetc.lindex = -1; fmtetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fmtetc.tymed = TYMED_ENHMF; DPRINTF(("Looking for ENHMF...\n")); hRes = ido->lpVtbl->GetData(ido, &fmtetc, &medium); if(hRes == S_OK) { TCHAR tmpName[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hMF = medium.hGlobal; HANDLE hDib; BITMAPINFO bmi; ENHMETAHEADER header; DPRINTF(("Success\n")); if(GetEnhMetaFileHeader(hMF, sizeof(header), &header) == 0) { DPRINTF(("GetEnhMetaFileHeader failed\n")); } bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = header.rclBounds.right - header.rclBounds.left; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = header.rclBounds.bottom -; DPRINTF(("w=%d\nh=%d\n", bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth, bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight)); { HDC hDC, mDC; HANDLE old, hBM; RECT rect; hDC = GetDC(stWindow); if(!hDC) DPRINTF(("GetDC() failed\n")); // hDib = CreateDIBitmap(hDC, &bmi, 0, NULL, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); hBM = CreateDIBSection(hDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, 0); if(!hBM) DPRINTF(("CreateDIBSection() failed\n")); mDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); if(!mDC) DPRINTF(("CreateCompatibleDC() failed\n")); old = SelectObject(mDC, hBM); rect.left = = 0; rect.right = bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth; rect.bottom = bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight; if(!PlayEnhMetaFile(mDC, hMF, &rect)) DPRINTF(("PlayEnhMetaFile() failed\n")); SelectObject(mDC, old); DeleteDC(mDC); ReleaseDC(stWindow, hDC); hDib = DibFromBitmap(hBM, BI_RGB, 0, NULL); DeleteObject(hBM); } GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,tmpName); strcat(tmpName,"$$squeak$$.bmp"); if(WriteDIB(tmpName, hDib)) { numDropFiles = 1; dropFiles = calloc(1, sizeof(void*)); dropFiles[0] = _strdup(tmpName); } GlobalFree(hDib); if(medium.pUnkForRelease == NULL) { DeleteObject(hMF); } else { medium.pUnkForRelease->lpVtbl->Release(medium.pUnkForRelease); } signalDrop(pt); return S_OK; } if(FAILED(hRes)) { DPRINTF(("GetData failed (errCode = %x)\n", hRes)); } return S_OK; }
BOOL WriteWindowToDIB( LPTSTR szFile, CWnd* wnd) { CDC *pDC = wnd->GetDC(); CBitmap bitmap; CDC memDC; CRect rect; int W = 640; int H = 480; memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC); wnd->GetWindowRect(rect); // W = rect.Width() - 10; // H = rect.Height() - 10; bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, W,H ); CBitmap* pOldBitmap = memDC.SelectObject(&bitmap); int x = rect.Width() - W; x /= 2; int y = rect.Height() - H; y /= 2; memDC.BitBlt(0, 0, W,H, pDC, x, y, SRCCOPY); // Create logical palette if device support a palette CPalette pal; if( pDC->GetDeviceCaps(RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE ) { UINT nSize = sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * 256); LOGPALETTE *pLP = (LOGPALETTE *) new BYTE[nSize]; pLP->palVersion = 0x300; pLP->palNumEntries = GetSystemPaletteEntries( *pDC, 0, 255, pLP->palPalEntry ); // Create the palette pal.CreatePalette( pLP ); delete[] pLP; } memDC.SelectObject(pOldBitmap); // Convert the bitmap to a DIB HANDLE hDIB = DDBToDIB( bitmap, BI_RGB, &pal ); if( hDIB == NULL ) return FALSE; // Write it to file WriteDIB( szFile, hDIB ); // Free the memory allocated by DDBToDIB for the DIB GlobalFree( hDIB ); wnd->ReleaseDC(pDC); return TRUE; }
Bool32 CRIControl::Rotate(char* cDIBIn, char* cDIBOut, int32_t High, int32_t Low, uint32_t UseMargins) { Bool32 Ret = TRUE; Bool32 NoDest = FALSE; // открываем исходный if ( !OpenSourceDIB(cDIBIn) ) { return FALSE; } if ( mpDestinationDIB ) { SetReturnCode_rimage(IDS_RIMAGE_INTERNAL_MODULE_ERROR); return FALSE; } mpDestinationDIB = new CTDIB; //открываем вертелку if ( !mpRotator ) { mpRotator = new CRRotator(&mcProgress); } // забываем старое имя mcLastDIBName[0] = 0x0; if ( !mpRotator->Rotate(mpSourceDIB, mpDestinationDIB, High, Low) ) { uint16_t wRet = GetReturnCode_rimage(); // !!! Art Изменил - теперь она заносит не хендлы, а указатели, а то память утекала //почему-то... // Handle hDIBtoSet; pvoid pDIBtoSet; if ( (wRet == IDS_RIMAGE_ZERO_NUMERATOR_OR_DENUMERATOR || wRet == IDS_RIMAGE_ANGLE_LEAST_MINIMUM ) && mpSourceDIB->GetDIBPtr( &pDIBtoSet ) /*mpSourceDIB->GetDIBHandle(&hDIBtoSet)*/ ) { // SetDIB(cDIBOut, hDIBtoSet); WriteDIB(cDIBOut, pDIBtoSet); SetReturnCode_rimage(IDS_RIMAGE_ERR_NO); NoDest = Ret = TRUE; } else { SetReturnCode_rimage(IDS_RIMAGE_CANNOT_ROTATE_IMAGE); Ret = FALSE; } } else { WriteDIBtoBMP("Allex.DIBBeforeDeskew.bmp",mpSourceDIB); WriteDIBtoBMP("Allex.DIBAfterDeskew.bmp",mpDestinationDIB); } //отписваем новый в контейнер и освобождаем if ( !CloseDestinationDIB(cDIBOut) ) { if ( NoDest == FALSE ) { SetReturnCode_rimage(IDS_RIMAGE_CANNT_SAVE_OUTCOMING_DIB); Ret = FALSE; } } strcpy(mcLastDIBName, cDIBOut); //закрываем исходный if ( !CloseSourceDIB() ) { SetReturnCode_rimage(IDS_RIMAGE_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION); Ret = FALSE; } return Ret; }