예제 #1
void DrawSelectableButton(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char *message, int mode, u32 color) 
	int middleY, borderSize;
	color = (color == -1) ? BUTTON_COLOUR_INNER : color; //never used

	borderSize = (mode==B_SELECTED) ? 6 : 4;
	middleY = (((y2-y1)/2)-12)+y1;

	//determine length of the text ourselves if x2 == -1
	x1 = (x2 == -1) ? x1+2:x1;
	x2 = (x2 == -1) ? GetTextSizeInPixels(message)+x1+(borderSize*2)+6 : x2;

	if(middleY+24 > y2) {
		middleY = y1+3;

	GXColor selectColor = (GXColor) {96,107,164,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //bluish
	GXColor noColor = (GXColor) {0,0,0,0}; //black
	GXColor borderColor = (GXColor) {200,200,200,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //silver
	//Draw Text and backfill (if selected)
	if(mode==B_SELECTED) {
		DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, selectColor, borderColor);
		WriteFontStyled(x1 + borderSize+3, middleY, message, 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
	else {
		DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, noColor, borderColor);
		WriteFontStyled(x1 + borderSize+3, middleY, message, 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
예제 #2
void drawParameterForArgsSelector(Parameter *param, int x, int y, int selected) {

	char *name = &param->arg.name[0];
	char *selValue = &param->values[param->currentValueIdx].name[0];
	int chkWidth = 32, nameWidth = 300, gapWidth = 13, paramWidth = 120;
	// [32px 10px 250px 10px 5px 80px 5px]
	// If not selected and not enabled, use greyed out font for everything
	GXColor fontColor = (param->enable || selected) ? defaultColor : deSelectedColor;

	// If selected draw that it's selected
	if(selected) DrawSimpleBox( x+chkWidth+gapWidth-5, y, nameWidth, 35, 0, deSelectedColor, defaultColor);
	DrawImage(param->enable ? TEX_CHECKED:TEX_UNCHECKED, x, y, 32, 32, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0);
	// Draw the parameter Name
	WriteFontStyled(x+chkWidth+gapWidth+5, y+4, name, GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(name, nameWidth-10), false, fontColor);
	// If enabled, draw arrows indicating where in the param list we are
	if(selected && param->enable && param->num_values > 1) {
		if(param->currentValueIdx != 0) {
			WriteFontStyled(x+(chkWidth+nameWidth+(gapWidth*4)), y+5, "<-", .8f, false, defaultColor);
		if(param->currentValueIdx != param->num_values-1) {
			WriteFontStyled(x+(chkWidth+nameWidth+paramWidth+(gapWidth*6)), y+5, "->", .8f, false, defaultColor);
	// Draw the current value
	WriteFontStyled(x+chkWidth+nameWidth+(gapWidth*6), y+2, selValue, GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(selValue, paramWidth), false, fontColor);
예제 #3
void DrawFileBrowserButton(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char *message, file_handle *file, int mode, u32 color) 
	char file_name[1024];
	int borderSize = 4;
	color = (color == -1) ? BUTTON_COLOUR_INNER : color; //never used
	memset(file_name, 0, 1024);
	strcpy(&file_name[0], message);
	// Hide extension when rendering ISO/GCM files
	if(file->fileAttrib == IS_FILE) {
		if(endsWith(file_name,".gcm") || endsWith(file_name,".GCM") 
			|| endsWith(file_name,".iso")|| endsWith(file_name,".ISO")
			|| endsWith(file_name,".dol")|| endsWith(file_name,".DOL")) {
			if(strlen(file_name) > 4) {
				file_name[strlen(file_name)-4] = '\0';
	float scale = GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(file_name, (x2-x1-96-35)-(borderSize*2));

	GXColor selectColor = (GXColor) {46,57,104,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; 	//bluish
	GXColor noColor 	= (GXColor) {0,0,0,0}; 						//black
	GXColor borderColor = (GXColor) {200,200,200,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA};	//silver

	//Draw Text and backfill (if selected)
	if(mode==B_SELECTED) {
		DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, selectColor, borderColor);
	else {
		DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, noColor, borderColor);
	// Draw banner if there is one
	if(file->meta && file->meta->banner) {
		DrawTexObj(&file->meta->bannerTexObj, x1+7, y1+4, 96, 32, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0);
	if(file->meta && file->meta->regionTexId != -1 && file->meta->regionTexId != 0) {
		DrawImage(file->meta->regionTexId, x2 - 37, y1+borderSize+2, 30,20, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0);
	WriteFontStyled(x1 + borderSize+5+96, y1+borderSize, file_name, scale, false, defaultColor);
	// Print specific stats
	if(file->fileAttrib==IS_FILE) {
		if(curDevice == WODE) {
			ISOInfo_t* isoInfo = (ISOInfo_t*)&file->other;
			sprintf(txtbuffer,"Partition: %i, ISO: %i", isoInfo->iso_partition,isoInfo->iso_number);
		else if(curDevice == MEMCARD) {
			sprintf(txtbuffer,"%.2fKB (%i blocks)", (float)file->size/1024, file->size/8192);
		else if(curDevice == QOOB_FLASH) {
			sprintf(txtbuffer,"%.2fKB (%i blocks)", (float)file->size/1024, file->size/0x10000);
		else {
			sprintf(txtbuffer,"%.2f %s",file->size > (1024*1024) ? (float)file->size/(1024*1024):(float)file->size/1024,file->size > (1024*1024) ? "MB":"KB");
		WriteFontStyled(x2 - ((borderSize+3) + (GetTextSizeInPixels(txtbuffer)*0.45)), y1+borderSize+24, txtbuffer, 0.45f, false, defaultColor);
예제 #4
void _DrawBackdrop() 
	char ver[32];
	DrawImage(TEX_BACKDROP, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0);
	WriteFontStyled(40,27, "Swiss v0.4", 1.5f, false, defaultColor);
	sprintf(ver, "commit: %s rev: %s", GITREVISION, GITVERSION);
	WriteFontStyled(210,60, ver, 0.55f, false, defaultColor);
예제 #5
void _DrawBackdrop() 
	char ver[16];
	DrawImage(TEX_BACKDROP, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0);
	WriteFontStyled(40,30, "Swiss v0.3", 1.5f, false, defaultColor);
	sprintf(ver, "Rev: %s", SVNREVISION);
	WriteFontStyled(250,60, ver, 0.55f, false, defaultColor);
예제 #6
void DrawArgsSelector(char *fileName) {

	Parameters* params = getParameters();
	int param_selection = 0;
	int params_per_page = 6;
	while ((PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A)){ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
	while(1) {
		DrawEmptyBox(20,60, vmode->fbWidth-20, 460, COLOR_BLACK);
		sprintf(txtbuffer, "%s Parameters:", fileName);
		WriteFontStyled(25, 62, txtbuffer, GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(txtbuffer, vmode->fbWidth-50), false, defaultColor);

		int j = 0;
		int current_view_start = MIN(MAX(0,param_selection-params_per_page/2),MAX(0,params->num_params-params_per_page));
		int current_view_end = MIN(params->num_params, MAX(param_selection+params_per_page/2,params_per_page));
		int scrollBarHeight = 90+(params_per_page*20);
		int scrollBarTabHeight = (int)((float)scrollBarHeight/(float)params->num_params);
		DrawVertScrollBar(vmode->fbWidth-45, 120, 25, scrollBarHeight, (float)((float)param_selection/(float)(params->num_params-1)),scrollBarTabHeight);
		for(j = 0; current_view_start<current_view_end; ++current_view_start,++j) {
			drawParameterForArgsSelector(&params->parameters[current_view_start], 25, 120+j*35, current_view_start==param_selection);
		// Write about the default if there is any
		DrawTransparentBox( 35, 350, vmode->fbWidth-35, 400);
		WriteFontStyled(33, 345, "Default values will be used by the DOL being loaded if a", 0.8f, false, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(33, 365, "parameter is not enabled. Please check the documentation", 0.8f, false, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(33, 385, "for this DOL if you are unsure of the default values.", 0.8f, false, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 440, "(A) Toggle Param - (Start) Load the DOL", 1.0f, true, defaultColor);

			{ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
		u16 btns = PAD_ButtonsHeld(0);
		if((btns & (PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT|PAD_BUTTON_LEFT)) && params->parameters[param_selection].enable) {
			int curValIdx = params->parameters[param_selection].currentValueIdx;
			int maxValIdx = params->parameters[param_selection].num_values;
			curValIdx = btns & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT ? 
				((--curValIdx < 0) ? maxValIdx-1 : curValIdx):((curValIdx + 1) % maxValIdx);
			params->parameters[param_selection].currentValueIdx = curValIdx;
			param_selection = btns & PAD_BUTTON_UP ? 
				((--param_selection < 0) ? params->num_params-1 : param_selection)
				:((param_selection + 1) % params->num_params);
		if(btns & PAD_BUTTON_A) {
			params->parameters[param_selection].enable ^= 1;
		if(btns & PAD_BUTTON_START) {
			{ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
예제 #7
void drawCheatForCheatsSelector(CheatEntry *cheat, int x, int y, int selected) {

	char *name = &cheat->name[0];
	int chkWidth = 32, nameWidth = 525, gapWidth = 13;
	// If not selected and not enabled, use greyed out font for everything
	GXColor fontColor = (cheat->enabled || selected) ? defaultColor : deSelectedColor;

	// If selected draw that it's selected
	if(selected) DrawSimpleBox( x+chkWidth+gapWidth-5, y, nameWidth, 35, 0, deSelectedColor, defaultColor);
	DrawImage(cheat->enabled ? TEX_CHECKED:TEX_UNCHECKED, x, y, 32, 32, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0);
	// Draw the cheat Name
	WriteFontStyled(x+chkWidth+gapWidth+5, y+4, name, GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(name, nameWidth-10), false, fontColor);
예제 #8
void DrawProgressBar(int percent, char *message) {
	int x1 = ((640/2) - (PROGRESS_BOX_WIDTH/2));
	int x2 = ((640/2) + (PROGRESS_BOX_WIDTH/2));
	int y1 = ((480/2) - (PROGRESS_BOX_HEIGHT/2));
	int y2 = ((480/2) + (PROGRESS_BOX_HEIGHT/2));
	int middleY = (y2+y1)/2;
	float scale = GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(message, x2-x1);
  	GXColor fillColor = (GXColor) {0,0,0,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //black
  	GXColor noColor = (GXColor) {0,0,0,0}; //blank
	GXColor borderColor = (GXColor) {200,200,200,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //silver
	GXColor progressBarColor = (GXColor) {255,128,0,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //orange
	DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, fillColor, borderColor); 
	int multiplier = (PROGRESS_BOX_WIDTH-20)/100;
	int progressBarWidth = multiplier*100;
	DrawSimpleBox( (640/2 - progressBarWidth/2), y1+20,
			(multiplier*100), 20, 0, noColor, borderColor); 
	DrawSimpleBox( (640/2 - progressBarWidth/2), y1+20,
			(multiplier*percent), 20, 0, progressBarColor, noColor); 

	WriteFontStyled(640/2, middleY, message, scale, true, defaultColor);
	sprintf(txtbuffer,"%d%% percent complete",percent);
	WriteFontStyled(640/2, middleY+30, txtbuffer, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
예제 #9
void DrawFileBrowserButton(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char *message, file_handle *file, int mode, u32 color) 
	char file_name[1024];
	int borderSize;
	color = (color == -1) ? BUTTON_COLOUR_INNER : color; //never used
	memset(file_name, 0, 1024);
	strcpy(&file_name[0], message);
	borderSize = (mode==B_SELECTED) ? 6 : 4;
	// Hide extension when rendering ISO/GCM files
	if(file->fileAttrib == IS_FILE) {
		if(endsWith(file_name,".gcm") || endsWith(file_name,".GCM") 
			|| endsWith(file_name,".iso")|| endsWith(file_name,".ISO")
			|| endsWith(file_name,".dol")|| endsWith(file_name,".DOL")) {
			if(strlen(file_name) > 4) {
				file_name[strlen(file_name)-4] = '\0';
	float scale = GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(file_name, (x2-x1-96)-(borderSize*2));

	GXColor selectColor = (GXColor) {46,57,104,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; 	//bluish
	GXColor noColor 	= (GXColor) {0,0,0,0}; 						//black
	GXColor borderColor = (GXColor) {200,200,200,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA};	//silver

	//Draw Text and backfill (if selected)
	if(mode==B_SELECTED) {
		DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, selectColor, borderColor);
	else {
		DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, noColor, borderColor);
	// Draw banner if there is one
	if(file->meta && file->meta->banner) {
		DrawTexObj(&file->meta->bannerTexObj, x1+7, y1+4, 96, 32, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0);
	WriteFontStyled(x1 + borderSize+5+96, y1+borderSize, file_name, scale, false, defaultColor);
	// Print specific stats
	if(file->fileAttrib==IS_FILE) {
		if(curDevice == WODE) {
			sprintf(txtbuffer,"Partition: %i, ISO: %i", (int)(file->fileBase>>24)&0xFF,(int)(file->fileBase&0xFFFFFF));
		else if(curDevice == MEMCARD) {
예제 #10
void DrawMessageBox(int type, char *message) 
	int x1 = ((640/2) - (PROGRESS_BOX_WIDTH/2));
	int x2 = ((640/2) + (PROGRESS_BOX_WIDTH/2));
	int y1 = ((480/2) - (PROGRESS_BOX_HEIGHT/2));
	int y2 = ((480/2) + (PROGRESS_BOX_HEIGHT/2));
	int middleY = y2-y1 < 23 ? y1+3 : (y2+y1)/2-12;
  	GXColor fillColor = (GXColor) {0,0,0,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //black
	GXColor borderColor = (GXColor) {200,200,200,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //silver
	DrawSimpleBox( x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, 0, fillColor, borderColor); 

	char *tok = strtok(message,"\n");
	while(tok != NULL) {
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, middleY, tok, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		tok = strtok(NULL,"\n");
예제 #11
int DrawYesNoDialog(char *message) {
	int sel = 0;
	while ((PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A)){ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
	while(1) {
		DrawEmptyBox(75,190, vmode->fbWidth-78, 330, COLOR_BLACK);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 215, message, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		DrawSelectableButton(100, 280, -1, 310, "Yes", (sel==1) ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
		DrawSelectableButton(380, 280, -1, 310, "No", (!sel) ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
		while (!(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) && !(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT) && !(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_B)&& !(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A))
			{ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
		u16 btns = PAD_ButtonsHeld(0);
		if((btns & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) || (btns & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
		if((btns & PAD_BUTTON_A) || (btns & PAD_BUTTON_B))
		while (!(!(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) && !(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT) && !(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_B) && !(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A)))
			{ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
	while ((PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A)){ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
	return sel;
예제 #12
파일: main.c 프로젝트: KirovAir/swiss-gc
/* Initialise Video, PAD, DVD, Font */
void* Initialise (void)
	VIDEO_Init ();
	PAD_Init ();  
	*(volatile unsigned long*)0xcc00643c = 0x00000000; //allow 32mhz exi bus
	// Disable IPL modchips to allow access to IPL ROM fonts
	usleep(1000); //wait for modchip to disable (overkill)
	__SYS_ReadROM(IPLInfo,256,0);	// Read IPL tag

	// Wii has no IPL tags for "PAL" so let libOGC figure out the video mode
	if(!is_gamecube()) {
		vmode = VIDEO_GetPreferredMode(NULL); //Last mode used
	else {	// Gamecube, determine based on IPL
		int retPAD = 0, retCnt = 10000;
		while(retPAD <= 0 && retCnt >= 0) { retPAD = PAD_ScanPads(); usleep(100); retCnt--; }
		// L Trigger held down ignores the fact that there's a component cable plugged in.
		if(VIDEO_HaveComponentCable() && !(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_TRIGGER_L)) {
			if(strstr(IPLInfo,"MPAL")!=NULL) {
				swissSettings.sramVideo = 2;
				vmode = &TVMpal480Prog; //Progressive 480p
			else if((strstr(IPLInfo,"PAL")!=NULL)) {
				swissSettings.sramVideo = 1;
				vmode = &TVPal576ProgScale; //Progressive 576p
			else {
				swissSettings.sramVideo = 0;
				vmode = &TVNtsc480Prog; //Progressive 480p
		else {
			//try to use the IPL region
			if(strstr(IPLInfo,"MPAL")!=NULL) {
				swissSettings.sramVideo = 2;
				vmode = &TVMpal480IntDf;        //PAL-M
			else if(strstr(IPLInfo,"PAL")!=NULL) {
				swissSettings.sramVideo = 1;
				vmode = &TVPal576IntDfScale;         //PAL
			else {
				swissSettings.sramVideo = 0;
				vmode = &TVNtsc480IntDf;        //NTSC

	whichfb = 0;
	swissSettings.hasDVDDrive = *(u32*)&driveVersion[0] ? 1 : 0;
	if(!driveVersion[0]) {
		// Reset DVD if there was a modchip
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 250, "Initialise DVD .. (HOLD B if NO DVD Drive)", 0.8f, true, defaultColor);
		dvd_reset();	// low-level, basic
		if(!(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_B)) {
		swissSettings.hasDVDDrive = *(u32*)&driveVersion[0] ? 1 : 0;
		if(!swissSettings.hasDVDDrive) {
			DrawMessageBox(D_INFO, "No DVD Drive Detected !!");
	return xfb[0];
예제 #13
void DrawCheatsSelector(char *fileName) {

	CheatEntries* cheats = getCheats();
	int cheat_selection = 0;
	int cheats_per_page = 6;
	while ((PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_A)){ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
	while(1) {
		DrawEmptyBox(20,60, vmode->fbWidth-20, 460, COLOR_BLACK);
		sprintf(txtbuffer, "%s Cheats:", fileName);
		WriteFontStyled(25, 62, txtbuffer, GetTextScaleToFitInWidth(txtbuffer, vmode->fbWidth-50), false, defaultColor);

		int j = 0;
		int current_view_start = MIN(MAX(0,cheat_selection-cheats_per_page/2),MAX(0,cheats->num_cheats-cheats_per_page));
		int current_view_end = MIN(cheats->num_cheats, MAX(cheat_selection+cheats_per_page/2,cheats_per_page));
		int scrollBarHeight = 90+(cheats_per_page*20);
		int scrollBarTabHeight = (int)((float)scrollBarHeight/(float)cheats->num_cheats);
		DrawVertScrollBar(vmode->fbWidth-45, 120, 25, scrollBarHeight, (float)((float)cheat_selection/(float)(cheats->num_cheats-1)),scrollBarTabHeight);
		for(j = 0; current_view_start<current_view_end; ++current_view_start,++j) {
			drawCheatForCheatsSelector(&cheats->cheat[current_view_start], 25, 120+j*35, current_view_start==cheat_selection);
		// Write about how many cheats are enabled
		DrawTransparentBox( 35, 350, vmode->fbWidth-35, 410);
		WriteFontStyled(33, 345, "Space taken by cheats:", 0.8f, false, defaultColor);
		GXColor noColor = (GXColor) {0,0,0,0}; //blank
		GXColor borderColor = (GXColor) {200,200,200,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //silver
		GXColor progressBarColor = (GXColor) {255,128,0,GUI_MSGBOX_ALPHA}; //orange
		float multiplier = (float)getEnabledCheatsSize() / (float)kenobi_get_maxsize();
		DrawSimpleBox( 33, 370, vmode->fbWidth-66, 20, 0, noColor, borderColor); 
		DrawSimpleBox( 33, 370,	(int)((vmode->fbWidth-66)*multiplier), 20, 0, progressBarColor, noColor);
		sprintf(txtbuffer, "WiiRD Debug %s", swissSettings.wiirdDebug ? "Enabled":"Disabled");
		WriteFontStyled(33, 395, txtbuffer, 0.8f, false, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 440, "(A) Toggle Cheat - (X) WiiRD Debug - (B) Return", 0.9f, true, defaultColor);

			{ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
		u16 btns = PAD_ButtonsHeld(0);
			cheat_selection = btns & PAD_BUTTON_UP ? 
				((--cheat_selection < 0) ? cheats->num_cheats-1 : cheat_selection)
				:((cheat_selection + 1) % cheats->num_cheats);
		if(btns & PAD_BUTTON_A) {
			cheats->cheat[cheat_selection].enabled ^= 1;
			if(getEnabledCheatsSize() > kenobi_get_maxsize())	// No room
				cheats->cheat[cheat_selection].enabled = 0;
		if(btns & PAD_BUTTON_X) {
			swissSettings.wiirdDebug ^=1;
		if(btns & PAD_BUTTON_B) {
			{ VIDEO_WaitVSync (); }
예제 #14
void settings_draw_page(int page_num, int option, file_handle *file) {
    DrawEmptyBox(20,60, vmode->fbWidth-20, 460, COLOR_BLACK);

    // Save Settings to current device (**Shown on all tabs**)
    /** Global Settings (Page 1/) */
    // IPL/Game Language [English/German/French/Spanish/Italian/Dutch]
    // IPL/Game Audio [Mono/Stereo]
    // SD/IDE Speed [16/32 MHz]
    // Swiss Video Mode [576i (PAL 50Hz), 480i (NTSC 60Hz), 480p (NTSC 60Hz)]
    // Stop DVD Motor on startup [Yes/No]

    /** Advanced Settings (Page 2/) */
    // Enable USB Gecko Debug via Slot B [Yes/No]
    // Force No DVD Drive Mode [Yes/No]
    // Hide Unknown file types [Yes/No]	// TO BE IMPLEMENTED

    /** Current Game Settings - only if a valid GCM file is highlighted (Page 3/) */
    // Force Video Mode [576i (PAL 50Hz), 480i (NTSC 60Hz), 480p (NTSC 60Hz), Auto]
    // Mute Audio Streaming [Yes/No]
    // Try to mute audio stutter [Yes/No]

    if(!page_num) {
        WriteFont(30, 65, "Global Settings (1/3):");
        WriteFontStyled(30, 120, "IPL/Game Language:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(400, 120, -1, 150, getSramLang(swissSettings.sramLanguage), option == 0 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 160, "IPL/Game Audio:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(400, 160, -1, 190, swissSettings.sramStereo ? "Stereo":"Mono", option == 1 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 200, "SD/IDE Speed:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(400, 200, -1, 230, swissSettings.exiSpeed ? "32 MHz":"16 MHz", option == 2 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 240, "Swiss Video Mode:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(400, 240, -1, 270, uiVModeStr[swissSettings.uiVMode], option == 3 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
    else if(page_num == 1) {
        WriteFont(30, 65, "Advanced Settings (2/3):");
        WriteFontStyled(30, 120, "Enable USB Gecko Debug via Slot B:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(500, 120, -1, 150, swissSettings.debugUSB ? "Yes":"No", option == 0 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 160, "Force No DVD Drive Mode:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(500, 160, -1, 190, swissSettings.hasDVDDrive ? "No":"Yes", option == 1 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 200, "Hide Unknown file types:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(500, 200, -1, 230, swissSettings.hideUnknownFileTypes ? "Yes":"No", option == 2 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 240, "Stop DVD Motor on startup:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(500, 240, -1, 270, swissSettings.stopMotor ? "Yes":"No", option == 3 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 280, "Enable WiiRD debugging in Games:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(500, 280, -1, 310, swissSettings.wiirdDebug ? "Yes":"No", option == 4 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 320, "Enable File Management:", 1.0f, false, defaultColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(500, 320, -1, 350, swissSettings.enableFileManagement ? "Yes":"No", option == 5 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
    else if(page_num == 2) {
        WriteFont(30, 65, "Current Game Settings (3/3):");
        WriteFontStyled(30, 110, "Force Video Mode:", 1.0f, false, file != NULL ? defaultColor : disabledColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(480, 110, -1, 135, gameVModeStr[swissSettings.gameVMode], option == 0 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 140, "If Progressive, Soften:", 1.0f, false, file != NULL ? defaultColor : disabledColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(480, 140, -1, 165, softProgressiveStr[swissSettings.softProgressive], option == 1 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 170, "Force Widescreen:", 1.0f, false, file != NULL ? defaultColor : disabledColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(480, 170, -1, 195, forceWidescreenStr[swissSettings.forceWidescreen], option == 2 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 200, "Force Anisotropy:", 1.0f, false, file != NULL ? defaultColor : disabledColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(480, 200, -1, 225, swissSettings.forceAnisotropy ? "Yes":"No", option == 3 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 230, "Disable Audio Streaming:", 1.0f, false, file != NULL ? defaultColor : disabledColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(480, 230, -1, 255, swissSettings.muteAudioStreaming ? "Yes":"No", option == 4 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
        WriteFontStyled(30, 260, "Force Encoding:", 1.0f, false, file != NULL ? defaultColor : disabledColor);
        DrawSelectableButton(480, 260, -1, 285, forceEncodingStr[swissSettings.forceEncoding], option == 5 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
    if(page_num != 0) {
        DrawSelectableButton(40, 390, -1, 420, "Back",
                             option == settings_count_pp[page_num]-(page_num != 2 ? 3:2) ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
    if(page_num != 2) {
        DrawSelectableButton(510, 390, -1, 420, "Next",
                             option == settings_count_pp[page_num]-2 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
    DrawSelectableButton(100, 425, -1, 455, "Save & Exit", option == settings_count_pp[page_num]-1 ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
    DrawSelectableButton(320, 425, -1, 455, "Discard & Exit", option ==  settings_count_pp[page_num] ? B_SELECTED:B_NOSELECT,-1);
예제 #15
파일: info.c 프로젝트: FishamanP/swiss-gc
void info_draw_page(int page_num) {
	DrawEmptyBox(20,60, vmode->fbWidth-20, 420, COLOR_BLACK);
	syssram* sram = __SYS_LockSram();
	// System Info (Page 1/3)
	if(!page_num) {
		WriteFont(30, 65, "System Info (1/3):");
		// Model
		if(is_gamecube()) {
			if(*(u32*)&driveVersion[0] == 0x20010831) {
				sprintf(topStr, "Panasonic Q SL-GC10-S");
			else if(IPLInfo[0x55]=='M') {							// MPAL 1.1 (Brazil)
				sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo GameCube DOL-002 (BRA)");
			else if((!IPLInfo[0x55])									// NTSC 1.0 
					|| (IPLInfo[0x55] == 'P' && IPLInfo[0x65]=='0')		// PAL 1.0 
					|| (IPLInfo[0x55] != 'P' && IPLInfo[0x65]=='1')) {	// NTSC 1.1
				sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo GameCube DOL-001");
			else if((IPLInfo[0x55] == 'P' && IPLInfo[0x65]=='0')	// PAL 1.1
					|| IPLInfo[0x65]=='2') {						// NTSC 1.2
				sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo GameCube DOL-101");
		else {
			sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo Wii");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 110, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		// IPL version string
		if(is_gamecube()) {
			if(!IPLInfo[0x55]) {
				sprintf(topStr, "NTSC Revision 1.0");
			else {
				sprintf(topStr, "%s", &IPLInfo[0x55]);
		else {
			sprintf(topStr, "Wii IPL");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 140, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		if(swissSettings.hasDVDDrive) {
			if((!__wkfSpiReadId() || (__wkfSpiReadId() == 0xFFFFFFFF))) {
				sprintf(topStr, "DVD Drive %02X %02X%02X/%02X (%02X)",driveVersion[2],driveVersion[0],driveVersion[1],driveVersion[3],driveVersion[4]);
			} else {
				sprintf(topStr, "WKF Serial %s",wkfGetSerial());
			sprintf(topStr, "No DVD Drive present");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 170, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(topStr, "%s",videoStr);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 200, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(topStr,"%s / %s",getSramLang(sram->lang), sram->flags&4 ? "Stereo":"Mono");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 230, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(topStr,"PVR %08X ECID %08X:%08X:%08X",mfpvr(),mfspr(0x39C),mfspr(0x39D),mfspr(0x39E));
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 260, topStr, 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
	else if(page_num == 1) {
		WriteFont(30, 65, "Device Info (2/3):");
		sprintf(topStr,"BBA: %s", bba_exists ? "Installed":"Not Present");
		WriteFont(30, 110, topStr);
		if(exi_bba_exists()) {
			sprintf(topStr,"IP: %s", net_initialized ? bba_ip:"Not Available");
		else {
			sprintf(topStr,"IP: Not Available");
		WriteFont(270, 110, topStr);
		sprintf(topStr,"Component Cable Plugged in: %s",VIDEO_HaveComponentCable()?"Yes":"No");
		WriteFont(30, 140, topStr);
		if(usb_isgeckoalive(0)||usb_isgeckoalive(1)) {
			sprintf(topStr,"USB Gecko: Installed in %s",usb_isgeckoalive(0)?"Slot A":"Slot B");
		else {
			sprintf(topStr,"USB Gecko: Not Present");
		WriteFont(30, 170, topStr);
		if (!deviceHandler_initial) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: No Device Selected");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_SD0 || deviceHandler_initial == &initial_SD1) {
			int slot = (deviceHandler_initial->name[2] == 'b');
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: %s Card in %s @ %s",!SDHCCard?"SDHC":"SD",!slot?"Slot A":"Slot B",!swissSettings.exiSpeed?"16Mhz":"32Mhz");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_DVD) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: %s DVD Disc",dvdDiscTypeStr);
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_IDE0 || deviceHandler_initial == &initial_IDE1) {
			int slot = (deviceHandler_initial->name[3] == 'b');
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: %d GB HDD in %s",ataDriveInfo.sizeInGigaBytes,!slot?"Slot A":"Slot B");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_Qoob) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Qoob IPL Replacement");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_WODE) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Wode Jukebox");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_CARDA || deviceHandler_initial == &initial_CARDB) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Memory Card in %s",!deviceHandler_initial->fileBase?"Slot A":"Slot B");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_USBGecko) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: USB Gecko");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_WKF) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Wiikey Fusion");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_SYS) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: System");
		WriteFont(30, 200, topStr);
	else if(page_num == 2) {
		WriteFont(30, 65, "Credits (3/3):");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 115, "Swiss ver 0.4", 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 140, "by emu_kidid 2015", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(txtbuffer, "Commit %s Revision %s SD Gecko Slot B Cheats Mod", GITREVISION, GITVERSION);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 165, txtbuffer, 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 210, "Thanks to", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 228, "Testers & libOGC/dkPPC authors", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 246, "sepp256 for GX / FIX94 for Audio Streaming", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 264, "Extrems for video patches / Megalomaniac for builds", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
        WriteFontStyled(640/2, 282, "Fishaman P for cheats support with all devices", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 318, "Web/Support http://www.gc-forever.com/", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 336, "Source at https://github.com/emukidid/swiss-gc", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 354, "Visit us at #gc-forever on EFNet", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
	if(page_num != 2) {
		WriteFont(520, 390, "->");
	if(page_num != 0) {
		WriteFont(100, 390, "<-");
	WriteFontStyled(640/2, 400, "Press A to return", 1.0f, true, defaultColor);