예제 #1
// With the compound property writer as an input.
CpwImpl::CpwImpl( AbcA::CompoundPropertyWriterPtr iParent,
                  hid_t iParentGroup,
                  const std::string & iName,
                  const AbcA::MetaData & iMeta )
  : BaseCpwImpl( iParentGroup )
  , m_parent( iParent )
  , m_header( new AbcA::PropertyHeader(iName, iMeta) )
    // Check the validity of all inputs.
    ABCA_ASSERT( m_parent, "Invalid parent" );
    ABCA_ASSERT( m_header, "Invalid property header" );

    if ( m_header->getPropertyType() != AbcA::kCompoundProperty )
        ABCA_THROW( "Tried to create compound property with the wrong "
                     "property type: " << m_header->getPropertyType() );

    // Set the object.
    AbcA::ObjectWriterPtr optr = m_parent->getObject();
    ABCA_ASSERT( optr, "Invalid object" );
    m_object = optr;

    // Write the property header.
    WritePropertyInfo( iParentGroup, m_header->getName(),
        m_header->getPropertyType(), m_header->getDataType(),
        false, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    WriteMetaData( iParentGroup, m_header->getName() + ".meta",
        m_header->getMetaData() );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Writes out the meta-data section.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CodeGenerator::WriteMetaDataSection()
	WriteLine("	; ---------------------------------------------------");
	WriteLine("	;  Metadata Section");
	WriteLine("	; ---------------------------------------------------");

bool CCheckpointSystem::SaveGame(EntityId checkpointId, const char* fileName)
		return false;

	//set extension
	FixedCheckpointString file(fileName);

	CryWarning(VALIDATOR_MODULE_GAME, VALIDATOR_COMMENT, "Saving checkpoint %s", file.c_str());

	CHECKPOINT_SAVE_XML_NODE = GetISystem()->CreateXmlNode("Checkpoint");

	//write checkpoint data
	SCheckpointData metaData;
	WriteMetaData(checkpointId, CHECKPOINT_SAVE_XML_NODE, metaData);

	//actor data
	// TODO For now, not saving actor info (AI) - If this happens later, support needs to be added for entity pools

	//vehicle data

	//write game tokens

	//let game write
	if (m_pGameHandler)

	//inform listeners
	UpdateListener(metaData, true);

	//write to file
	WriteXML(CHECKPOINT_SAVE_XML_NODE, file.c_str());

	//draw text message on screen
	//static const ColorF color (0.0f, 0.85f, 0.2f, 1.0f);
	//g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIPersistantDebug()->Add2DText("Checkpoint saved", 2.5f, color, 2.0f);


	return true;
예제 #4
bool IODicom<T>::Write(PGCore::BaseDataObject *iDataObject, const IOParams &iParams,
                       PGCore::BaseDataObject *iMetaDataObject/* = 0*/)
    // write meta data first
    /*	if (!iMetaDataObject) {
    		LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: metadata object null");
    		return false;
    if (!WriteMetaData(iMetaDataObject, iParams)) {
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: failed to read metadata.");
        return false;

    if (iParams.SourceType()!=kPgIOSourceTypeFile)
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: Expecting single file path.");
        return false;

    const std::vector<std::string>& iPaths = iParams.Source();
    if (iPaths.empty())
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Read: Invalid input filename vector.");
        return false;
    const std::string &oFileName = iPaths[0];
    if (oFileName.empty())
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: Invalid input filename.");
        return false;

    if (!iDataObject)
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: Invalid input image.");
        return false;

    // cast to image type here
    PGCore::Image<T> *iImage = (static_cast<PGCore::Image < T > *>(iDataObject));
    if (!iImage)
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: Invalid input image.");
        return false;

    long ioRows=0, ioCols=0;
    iImage->GetDimensions((long &)ioRows, (long &)ioCols);
    if (ioRows*ioCols <=0)
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: Invalid image dimensions.");
        return false;

    PGCore::GaussianKernel<double, T> gausskernel(1.0f);
    if (GetSmoothFlag())
        PGCore::Image<T> sImage;
        gausskernel.Convolve(*iImage, sImage);
        *iImage = sImage;
        LOG1("IO/IODicom::Smooth Image [%s] DONE.", oFileName.c_str());

    LOG1("IO/IODicom::Write: Image [%s] DONE.", oFileName.c_str());

    T* iBuf = iImage->GetBuffer();
    if (!iBuf)
        LOG0("IO/IODicom::Write: Invalid image buffer.");
        return false;

    FILE *fptr = fopen (oFileName.c_str(), "wb");
    if (!fptr) {
        LOG1("IO/IODicom::Write: failed to open file %s to write.", oFileName.c_str());
        return false;

        long rv = fwrite((const void *)iBuf, sizeof(T), ioRows*ioCols, fptr);
        if (rv!= ioRows*ioCols)
            LOG1("IO/IODicom::Write: failed to write file %s. Possible overrun.", oFileName.c_str());
            return false;

    catch (...)
        LOG1("IO/IODicom::Write: failed to write file %s. Possible overrun.", oFileName.c_str());
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #5
void WritePropertyInfo( hid_t iGroup,
                    const AbcA::PropertyHeader &iHeader,
                    bool isScalarLike,
                    uint32_t iTimeSamplingIndex,
                    uint32_t iNumSamples,
                    uint32_t iFirstChangedIndex,
                    uint32_t iLastChangedIndex )

    uint32_t info[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    uint32_t numFields = 1;

    // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011
    static const uint32_t ptypeMask = 0x0003;

    // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1100
    static const uint32_t podMask = 0x003c;

    // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000
    static const uint32_t hasTsidxMask = 0x0040;

    // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000
    static const uint32_t noRepeatsMask = 0x0080;

    // 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000
    static const uint32_t extentMask = 0xff00;

    // compounds are treated differently
    if ( iHeader.getPropertyType() != AbcA::kCompoundProperty )
        // Slam the property type in there.
        info[0] |= ptypeMask & ( uint32_t )iHeader.getPropertyType();

        // arrays may be scalar like, scalars are already scalar like
        info[0] |= ( uint32_t ) isScalarLike;

        uint32_t pod = ( uint32_t )iHeader.getDataType().getPod();
        info[0] |= podMask & ( pod << 2 );

        if (iTimeSamplingIndex != 0)
            info[0] |= hasTsidxMask;

        if (iFirstChangedIndex == 1 && iLastChangedIndex == iNumSamples - 1)
            info[0] |= noRepeatsMask;

        uint32_t extent = ( uint32_t )iHeader.getDataType().getExtent();
        info[0] |= extentMask & ( extent << 8 );

        ABCA_ASSERT( iFirstChangedIndex <= iNumSamples &&
            iLastChangedIndex <= iNumSamples &&
            iFirstChangedIndex <= iLastChangedIndex,
            "Illegal Sampling!" << std::endl <<
            "Num Samples: " << iNumSamples << std::endl <<
            "First Changed Index: " << iFirstChangedIndex << std::endl <<
            "Last Changed Index: " << iLastChangedIndex << std::endl );

        // Write the num samples. Only bother writing if
        // the num samples is greater than 1.  Existence of name.smp0
        // is used by the reader to determine if 0 or 1 sample.
        if ( iNumSamples > 1 )
            info[1] = iNumSamples;
            numFields ++;
            if ( iFirstChangedIndex > 1 || ( iLastChangedIndex != 0 &&
                iLastChangedIndex != iNumSamples - 1 ) )
                info[2] = iFirstChangedIndex;
                info[3] = iLastChangedIndex;
                numFields += 2;

        // finally set time sampling index on the end if necessary
        if (iTimeSamplingIndex != 0)
            info[numFields] = iTimeSamplingIndex;
            numFields ++;


    WriteSmallArray( iGroup, iHeader.getName() + ".info",
        H5T_STD_U32LE, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, numFields,
        ( const void * ) info );

    WriteMetaData( iGroup, iHeader.getName() + ".meta", iHeader.getMetaData());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Writes the data out for a given symbol.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CodeGenerator::WriteMetaData(Symbol* symbol)
	if (symbol->GeneratedSymbolData == false)
		symbol->GeneratedSymbolData = true;
		// Write out the header.
		WriteLine(symbol->UniqueASMName + "_meta:");
			// General information.
			switch (symbol->GetSymbolType())
				case ST_VARIABLE:	WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(META_TYPE_VARIABLE)); break;
				case ST_FUNCTION:	WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(META_TYPE_FUNCTION)); break;
				case ST_CLASS:		WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(META_TYPE_CLASS)); break;
				case ST_NAMESPACE:	WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(META_TYPE_NAMESPACE)); break;

			// Source code declaration.
			WriteLine("\tdd " + FindStringLiteralLabel(symbol->DefinitionToken.Path, true));
			WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(symbol->DefinitionToken.Line));
			WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(symbol->DefinitionToken.Column));
			// General properties.
			WriteLine("\tdd " + FindStringLiteralLabel(symbol->Identifier, true));
			// Child properties.
			WriteLine("\tdd " + symbol->UniqueASMName + "_meta_children");

			// Write in specific symbol information.
			switch (symbol->GetSymbolType())
				// Emit a namespace!
				case ST_NAMESPACE:
					NamespaceSymbol* func = (NamespaceSymbol*)symbol;

				// Emit metadata for a function.
				case ST_FUNCTION:
					FunctionSymbol* func = (FunctionSymbol*)symbol;
					WriteLine("\tdd " + std::string(func->IsExtern == false ? func->UniqueASMName : "0"));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->ReturnDataType->GetPrimitive()));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(func->ReturnDataType->GetPrimitive() == PDT_CLASS ? ((ClassDataType*)func->ReturnDataType)->Class->ClassDefinitionIndex : 0));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(func->ParameterCount));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(func->ParameterSize));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(func->LocalCount));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(func->LocalSize));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->IsExtern));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->IsMethod));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->IsGenerator));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->IsVirtual));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->IsBase));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->VirtualFunctionTableOffset));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)func->AccessModifier));

				// Emit metadata for a variable.
				case ST_VARIABLE:
					VariableSymbol* var = (VariableSymbol*)symbol;
					WriteLine("\tdd " + std::string(var->Scope == _globalScope ? var->UniqueASMName : "0"));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)var->VariableType));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)var->DataType->GetPrimitive()));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(var->DataType->GetPrimitive() == PDT_CLASS ? ((ClassDataType*)var->DataType)->Class->ClassDefinitionIndex : 0));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(var->StackOffset));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(var->ParamStackOffset));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(var->ClassOffset));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)var->IsConst));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)var->IsBase));			
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString((int)var->AccessModifier));

				// Emit metadata for a class.
				case ST_CLASS:
					ClassSymbol* classSymbol = (ClassSymbol*)symbol;

					WriteLine("\tdd " + classSymbol->UniqueASMName + "_vftable");
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(classSymbol->VirtualFunctionTableSize));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(classSymbol->MemoryDataSize));
					if (classSymbol->SuperClass != NULL)
						WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(classSymbol->SuperClass->ClassDefinitionIndex));
						WriteLine("\tdd -1");
					WriteLine("\tdd " + StringHelper::IntToString(classSymbol->ClassDefinitionIndex));

					WriteLine("\tdd " + (classSymbol->InternalConstructMethod == NULL ? "0" : classSymbol->InternalConstructMethod->UniqueASMName));
					WriteLine("\tdd " + (classSymbol->InternalDisposeMethod == NULL ? "0" : classSymbol->InternalDisposeMethod->UniqueASMName));
					// Write out the virtual-table.
					WriteLine(classSymbol->UniqueASMName + "_vftable:");
					for (int i = 0; i < classSymbol->VirtualFunctionTableSize; i++)
						// Emit dat virtual functions in order.
						for (int j = 0; j < classSymbol->Children.size(); j++)
							FunctionSymbol* func = dynamic_cast<FunctionSymbol*>(classSymbol->Children.at(j));
							if (func != NULL && func->VirtualFunctionTableOffset == i)
								//printf("%i = %s\n", i, func->Identifier.c_str());
								WriteLine("\tdd " + func->UniqueASMName);



		// Define the list of children.
		WriteLine(symbol->UniqueASMName + "_meta_children:");
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)symbol->Children.size(); i++)
			Symbol* child = symbol->Children.at(i);
			if (child->GetSymbolType() == ST_CLASS || 
				child->GetSymbolType() == ST_VARIABLE || 
				child->GetSymbolType() == ST_FUNCTION || 
				child->GetSymbolType() == ST_NAMESPACE)
				WriteLine("\tdd " + child->UniqueASMName + "_meta");
		WriteLine("\tdd 0");

		// Emit the children!
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)symbol->Children.size(); i++)
			Symbol* child = symbol->Children.at(i);
			if (child->GetSymbolType() == ST_CLASS || 
				child->GetSymbolType() == ST_VARIABLE || 
				child->GetSymbolType() == ST_FUNCTION || 
				child->GetSymbolType() == ST_NAMESPACE)

	// Emit all sub symbols.
//	for (int i = 0; i < (int)symbol->Children.size(); i++)
//		WriteMetaData(symbol->Children.at(i));