예제 #1
파일: main.c 프로젝트: jschisler/pic
 * used to set the directions of the ports (like when you use TRIS registers)
 * this function is actually identical to setGPIO, but I think a different
 * for setting the port directio helps with keeping the code organized
void setIODIR(char address, char dir) {
    CS = 0;
    WriteSPI1(0x40); // write command (0b0100[A2][A1][A0][R/W]) also equal to 0x40
    WriteSPI1(address); // select IODIRB
    WriteSPI1(dir); // set direction
    CS = 1;
예제 #2
*     Function Name:    LDByteWriteSPI                              *
*     Parameters:       OpCode/register, data.                      *
*     Description:      Writes Data Byte to SPI device              *
*                                                                   *
void LDByteWriteSPI(unsigned char OpCode, unsigned char Data )
  CS_nRF = 0;                   // Select Device
  WriteSPI1 ( OpCode );         // Send Write OpCode
  WriteSPI1 ( Data );           // Write Byte to device
  CS_nRF = 1;                   // Deselect device
  SPI1STATbits.SPITBF = 0;      //Clear Transmit Buffer Full Status bit
예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: jschisler/pic
 * used to set the values of the ports ( think of it as when you use a PORT register)
void setGPIO(char address, char value) {
    CS = 0; // we are about to initiate transmission
    // pins A2,A1 and A0 of the MCP23S17 chip are equal to 0 because they are grounded
    // we are just going to be writing so R/W=0 also
    WriteSPI1(0x40); // write command 0b0100[A2][A1][A0][R/W] = 0b01000000 = 0x40
    WriteSPI1(address); // select register by providing address
    WriteSPI1(value); // set value
    CS = 1; // we are ending the transmission
예제 #4
*     Function Name:    LDCommandWriteSPI                           *
*     Parameters:       OpCode/register.                            *
*     Description:      Writes Command to SPI device                *
*                                                                   *
void LDCommandWriteSPI(unsigned char OpCode )
  CS_nRF = 0;                   // Select Device
  WriteSPI1 ( OpCode );         // Send Write OpCode
  CS_nRF = 1;                   // Deselect device
  SPI1STATbits.SPITBF = 0;      //Clear Transmit Buffer Full Status bit
예제 #5
void spiSlaveInit(void){
    // SPI1CON1 Register Settings
    SPI1CON1bits.DISSCK = 0;    //Internal Serial Clock is Enabled.
    SPI1CON1bits.DISSDO = 0;    //SDOx pin is controlled by the module.
    SPI1CON1bits.MODE16 = 1;    //Communication is word-wide (16 bits).
    SPI1CON1bits.SMP    = 0;    //Cleared in slave mode.
    SPI1CON1bits.CKE    = 0;    //Serial output data changes on transition from
                                //Idle clock state to active clock state
    SPI1CON1bits.CKP    = 0;    //Idle state for clock is a low level;
                                //active state is a high level
    SPI1CON1bits.SSEN   = 1;    // SS Used in slave mode    
    SPI1CON1bits.MSTEN  = 0;    //Slave Mode Enabled
    // Configure the clock for 10 MHz
    SPI1CON1bits.SPRE   = 7;    //Secondary prescaler to 1:1
    SPI1CON1bits.PPRE   = 2;    //Primary prescaler 4:1
    // Enable the module 
    SPI1STATbits.SPIEN  = 1;    //Enable SPI Module
    // write the buffer to start getting data
    // this will not be sent until data is received
    // Enable the interrupts
    IFS0bits.SPI1IF 	= 0;
    IPC2bits.SPI1IP 	= 6;
    IEC0bits.SPI1IE		= 1; 
예제 #6
int SPI1_transfer( int data)
    LATBbits.LATB0 = 0;     // set pin RB0 low / disable latch
    while (TxBufFullSPI1());	// ensure buffer is free before writing
    WriteSPI1(data);			// send the data through SPI
    while (SPI1STATbits.SPIBUSY); // blocking wait for end of transaction
    LATBbits.LATB0 = 1;     // set pin RB0 high / enable latch
예제 #7
*     Function Name:    LDByteReadSPI                               *
*     Parameters:       EE memory control, address, pointer and     *
*                       length bytes.                               *
*     Description:      Reads data Byte from SPI EE memory device.  *
*                       This routine can be used for any SPI        *
*                       EE memory device with 1 byte of address     *
*                                                                   *
unsigned char LDByteReadSPI(unsigned char OpCode, unsigned char *rdptr, unsigned char length )
  CS_nRF = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI1( OpCode );                  // Send Read OpCode or register
  getsSPI( rdptr, length );           // read in multiple bytes
  CS_nRF = 1;                             // Deselect Device
  return ( 0 );
예제 #8
// Interrupt service routine for SPI1 Slave 
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, no_auto_psv)) _SPI1Interrupt(void){
 	static unsigned int spiBufIdx = 1; 
 	unsigned int dataRead;
	// get the next index ready for writting
	// if the SPI index is less than the size of the buffer
	if (spiBufIdx < SPIBUFSIZE){ 
		// request the next data
		// if it is equals to the size of the buffer
		if (spiBufIdx == SPIBUFSIZE ){
			// signal that this is the end
		} else {
			// if it is greater than the buffer, then write a zero 
			// no more data will be comming for this cycle after this
			// interrupt
 	// read the received data 
	dataRead = ReadSPI1();
	// if the received data is the begin indication
	if (dataRead == BEGINSPI){
		// just increment the outbuffer, discard the data read
	} else{ // a data was received
		// Post-increment the SPIBUF index and assign the data 
		// accordingly
		spiRxBuf[currentBuffer][(spiBufIdx++) -2] = dataRead; 
		// if you reach the limit
		if (spiBufIdx > SPIBUFSIZE){
			// Reset the index
			spiBufIdx = 1;
			// switch the working buffers
			lastBuffer = currentBuffer;
			currentBuffer = currentBuffer > 2? 0:currentBuffer+1;			
	// clear the interrupt
	 IFS0bits.SPI1IF = 0;
예제 #9
*     Function Name:    LDPageWriteSPI                              *
*     Parameters:       Opcode, pointer addr, string length         *
*     Description:      Writes data string to SPI device            *
*                       OpCode is the register that receives the    *
*                       data                                        *
*                                                                   *
unsigned char LDPageWriteSPI( unsigned char OpCode, unsigned char *wrptr, unsigned char strlength )
  CS_nRF = 0;                           // Select Device
  WriteSPI1 ( OpCode );                 // send OpCode
  PutStringSPI ( wrptr, strlength );    // Write Page to device
  CS_nRF = 1;                           // Deselect Device
  SPI1STATbits.SPITBF = 0;              //Clear Transmit Buffer Full Status bit
  return ( 0 );
예제 #10
unsigned char readnRFbyte(unsigned char OpCode )
    char rdata;
  CS_nRF = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI1( OpCode );                  // Send Read OpCode or register
  rdata = ReadSPI1();           // read in one bytes
  CS_nRF = 1;                             // Deselect Device
  return ( rdata );
예제 #11
void spiSend(unsigned char * data2Send){
	unsigned char i;
	unsigned int rcvdIdx = 0;
	// First send a dummy value to let know the 
	// slave that you are ready to transmit
	rcvdIdx = ReadSPI1();
	// While we do not receive the flag indicating
	// that we are done, keep sending the requested
	// index 
	while (rcvdIdx != ENDSPI){
		rcvdIdx = ReadSPI1();	
예제 #12
//instead of writing SPI code repeatedly, made a function.
//Used various chip selects on the same channel to change
//values of various different digital potentiometers
void deliverSPICh1Datum(int datum){
    // test for ready
     while (TxBufFullSPI1());
     // write to spi2
     WriteSPI1(Digipot_config_chan_A | datum);
    // test for done
    while (SPI1STATbits.SPIBUSY); // wait for end of transaction
     // CS high
    // mPORTBSetBits(BIT_4); // end transaction
예제 #13
void spiSend(unsigned char * data2Send) {
    unsigned char i;
    unsigned int rcvdIdx = 0;
    //static unsigned char sendSPIData = 1;

    // Send the amount of data received via SPI
    for(i = 1; i <= data2Send[0]; i += 1 )
        rcvdIdx = ReadSPI1();

예제 #14
	void DRV_SPI_TxRx(void)

	Transmits and receives SPI bytes

	Transmits and receives N bytes of SPI data.


	pTxBuf - pointer to SPI tx data
	txLen   - number of bytes to Tx
	pRxBuf - pointer to where SPI rx data will be stored
	rxLen   - number of SPI rx bytes caller wants copied to p_rxBuf

	Will clock out the larger of txLen or rxLen, and pad if necessary.
void DRV_SPI_TxRx(SpiChannel chn,
			   uint8_t   *pTxBuf, 
               uint16_t  txLen, 
               uint8_t   *pRxBuf,
               uint16_t  rxLen)
	uint16_t byteCount;
	uint16_t i;
	uint8_t  rxTrash;

    /* total number of byte to clock is whichever is larger, txLen or rxLen */
    byteCount = (txLen >= rxLen)?txLen:rxLen;
    for (i = 0; i < byteCount; ++i)
        /* if still have bytes to transmit from tx buffer */
        if ((txLen > 0) && (pTxBuf != 0))
			#if defined (__C32__)
            	SpiChnWriteC(chn, *pTxBuf++);
			#elif defined (__C30__)
					case 1:
					case 2:
        /* else done writing bytes out from tx buffer */
			#if defined (__C32__)

	            SpiChnWriteC(chn, 0); /* clock out a "don't care" byte */
			#elif defined (__C30__)

					case 1:
					case 2:

        /* wait until tx/rx byte to completely clock out */
        /* if still have bytes to read into rx buffer */
        if ((rxLen > 0) && (pRxBuf != 0))
			#if defined (__C32__)

	            *pRxBuf++ = SpiChnReadC(chn);
			#elif defined (__C30__)

					case 1:
						*pRxBuf++ = ReadSPI1();
					case 2:
						*pRxBuf++ = ReadSPI2();

        /* else done reading bytes into rx buffer */ 
			#if defined (__C32__)

	            rxTrash = SpiChnReadC(chn); /* read and throw away byte */
			#elif defined (__C30__)

					case 1:
						rxTrash = ReadSPI1();
					case 2:
						rxTrash = ReadSPI2();

    }  /* end for loop */  