예제 #1
 * FUNCTION: RawSetByte
 * RETURNS: None
 *      rawId   - RAW ID
 *      pBuffer - Buffer containing bytes to write
 *      length  - number of bytes to read
 *  NOTES: Writes bytes to RAW window
void RawSetByte(uint16_t rawId, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t length)
    uint8_t regId;
#if defined(OUTPUT_RAW_TX_RX)
    uint16_t i;

    /* if previously set index past legal range and now trying to write to RAW engine */
    if ( (rawId == 0) && g_rxIndexSetBeyondBuffer && (GetRawWindowState(RAW_TX_ID) == WF_RAW_DATA_MOUNTED) )
        SYS_ASSERT(false, "");  /* attempting to write past end of RAW window */

    /* write RAW data to chip */
    regId = (rawId==RAW_ID_0)?RAW_0_DATA_REG:RAW_1_DATA_REG;
    WriteWFArray(regId, pBuffer, length);

#if defined(OUTPUT_RAW_TX_RX)
    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        char buf[16];
        sprintf(buf,"T: %#x\r\n", pBuffer[i]);

예제 #2
 * FUNCTION: RawSetByte
 * RETURNS: None
 *      rawId   - RAW ID
 *      pBuffer - Buffer containing bytes to write
 *      length  - number of bytes to read
 *  NOTES: Writes bytes to RAW window
void RawSetByte(UINT16 rawId, UINT8 *pBuffer, UINT16 length)
    UINT8 regId;
#if defined(OUTPUT_RAW_TX_RX)
	char buf [8];

    /* if previously set index past legal range and now trying to write to RAW engine */
    if ( (rawId == 0) && g_rxIndexSetBeyondBuffer && (GetRawWindowState(RAW_TX_ID) == WF_RAW_DATA_MOUNTED) )
//        WF_ASSERT(FALSE);  /* attempting to write past end of RAW window */

    /* write RAW data to chip */
    regId = (rawId == RAW_ID_0) ? RAW_0_DATA_REG : RAW_1_DATA_REG;
    WriteWFArray(regId, pBuffer, length);

#if defined(OUTPUT_RAW_TX_RX)
    while (length-- != 0)
        sprintf(buf," %02X", *pBuffer++);

예제 #3
 * FUNCTION: RawSetByte
 * RETURNS: None
 *      rawId   - RAW ID
 *      pBuffer - Buffer containing bytes to write
 *      length  - number of bytes to read
 *  NOTES: Writes bytes to RAW window
void RawSetByte(UINT16 rawId, UINT8 *pBuffer, UINT16 length)
    UINT8 regId;
#if defined(OUTPUT_RAW_TX_RX)
    UINT16 i;

    /* if previously set index past legal range and now trying to write to RAW engine */
    if ( (rawId == 0) && g_rxIndexSetBeyondBuffer && (GetRawWindowState(RAW_TX_ID) == WF_RAW_DATA_MOUNTED) )
//        WF_ASSERT(FALSE);  /* attempting to write past end of RAW window */

    /* write RAW data to chip */
    regId = (rawId==RAW_ID_0)?RAW_0_DATA_REG:RAW_1_DATA_REG;
    WriteWFArray(regId, pBuffer, length);

#if defined(OUTPUT_RAW_TX_RX)
    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        char buf[16];
        sprintf(buf,"T: %#x\r\n", pBuffer[i]);

예제 #4
 * FUNCTION: RawSetByte
 * RETURNS: None
 *      rawId   - RAW ID
 *      pBuffer - Buffer containing bytes to write
 *      length  - number of bytes to read
 *  NOTES: Writes bytes to RAW window
void RawSetByte(UINT16 rawId, UINT8 *pBuffer, UINT16 length)
    UINT8 regId;

    WF_ASSERT(!isIndexOutOfBounds(rawId)); /* attempting to write past end of RAW buffer */
    /* write data to raw window */
    regId = g_RawDataReg[rawId];
    WriteWFArray(regId, pBuffer, length);

예제 #5
 * FUNCTION: RawSetByte
 * RETURNS: None
 *      rawId   - RAW ID
 *      pBuffer - Buffer containing bytes to write
 *      length  - number of bytes to read
 *  NOTES: Writes bytes to RAW window
void RawSetByte(uint16_t rawId, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t length)
    uint8_t regId;

    SYS_ASSERT(!isIndexOutOfBounds(rawId), ""); /* attempting to write past end of RAW buffer */
    /* write data to raw window */
    regId = g_RawDataReg[rawId];
    WriteWFArray(regId, pBuffer, length);

예제 #6
 * Write bytes to RAW window.
 * Parameters:
 *  rawId   - RAW ID
 *  pBuffer - Buffer containing bytes to write
 *  length  - number of bytes to read
void RawSetByte(uint16_t rawId, const uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t length)
    uint8_t regId;

    // if trying to write past end of raw window
    if (isIndexOutOfBounds(rawId)) {

    /* write data to raw window */
    regId = g_RawDataReg[rawId];
    WriteWFArray(regId, p_buffer, length);
예제 #7
*                                   WF_TxDataSendPacket()
* Description : Directs the MRF24WB0M to transmit a Tx data packet to the 802.11 network.
* Argument(s) : length - length, in bytes, of data packet
* Return(s)   : Error code
* Caller(s)   : Application
* Notes:      : (1) MRF24WB0M Tx data block must first be allocated via WF_TxDataAllocateBuffer()
*               (2) Current support only for full length Tx data messaages. In other words, startIndex
*                   must be 0, and length must be the total length of the Tx data packet.
void WF_TxDataSendPacket(uint16_t length)
    tTxDataPreamble txPreamble;

    /* fill in tx data preamble with correct header */
    txPreamble.type    = WF_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE;
    txPreamble.subType = WF_STD_DATA_MSG_SUBTYPE;
    txPreamble.h2      = 1;
    txPreamble.h3      = 0;

    /* Ensure the MRF24WB0M is awake (only applies if PS-Poll was enabled) */

    /* write out preamble to MRF24WB0M buffer to the two extra bytes at start of allocated buffer */
    RawSetIndex(RAW_TX_ID, 0);
    WriteWFArray(RAW_1_DATA_REG, (uint8_t *)&txPreamble, WF_SIZE_OF_TX_DATA_PREAMBLE );

    /* now tell MRF24WB0M to transmit the tx data packet */
예제 #8
*                                   WF_TxDataWrite()
* Description : Writes Tx packet data from Host CPU to MRF24WB0M tx buffer
* Argument(s) : p_txData   - Pointer to Tx data
*               length     - length, in bytes, of Tx data
*               startIndex - Index within MRF24WB0M Tx data block to start writing
* Return(s)   : None
* Caller(s)   : Application
* Notes:      : (1) MRF24WB0M Tx data block must first be allocated via WF_TxDataAllocateBuffer()
*               (2) Current support only for full length Tx data messaages. In other words, startIndex
*                   must be 0, and length must be the total length of the Tx data packet.
void WF_TxDataWrite(uint8_t  *p_txData,
                    uint16_t  length,
                    uint16_t  startIndex)
    WF_ASSERT(startIndex == 0);

    if (length == 0)

    /* Ensure the MRF24WB0M is awake (only applies if PS-Poll was enabled) */

    /* set the RAW index to desired location, offset by the Tx data preamble */
    RawSetIndex(RAW_TX_ID, startIndex + WF_SIZE_OF_TX_DATA_PREAMBLE);

    /* write tx data to chip */
    WriteWFArray(RAW_1_DATA_REG, p_txData, length);