예제 #1
    void writeSoundTargets()
#if !__JHEXEN__
        if (!IS_SERVER) return; // Not for us.

        // Write the total number.
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i)
            xsector_t *xsec = P_ToXSector((Sector *)P_ToPtr(DMU_SECTOR, i));
            if (xsec->soundTarget)
                count += 1;

        // beginSegment();
        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, count);

        // Write the mobj references using the mobj archive.
        for (int i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i)
            xsector_t *xsec = P_ToXSector((Sector *)P_ToPtr(DMU_SECTOR, i));
            if (xsec->soundTarget)
                Writer_WriteInt32(writer, i);
                Writer_WriteInt16(writer, thingArchive->serialIdFor(xsec->soundTarget));
        // endSegment();
예제 #2
 * Writes a view angle and coords packet. Doesn't send the packet outside.
void Demo_WriteLocalCamera(int plrNum)
    player_t* plr = &ddPlayers[plrNum];
    ddplayer_t* ddpl = &plr->shared;
    mobj_t* mo = ddpl->mo;
    fixed_t x, y, z;
    byte flags;
    boolean incfov = (writeInfo[plrNum].fov != fieldOfView);
    const viewdata_t* viewData = R_ViewData(plrNum);


    Msg_Begin(clients[plrNum].recordPaused ? PKT_DEMOCAM_RESUME : PKT_DEMOCAM);
    // Flags.
    flags = (mo->origin[VZ] <= mo->floorZ ? LCAMF_ONGROUND : 0)  // On ground?
        | (incfov ? LCAMF_FOV : 0);
    if(ddpl->flags & DDPF_CAMERA)
        flags &= ~LCAMF_ONGROUND;
        flags |= LCAMF_CAMERA;
    Writer_WriteByte(msgWriter, flags);

    // Coordinates.
    x = FLT2FIX(mo->origin[VX]);
    y = FLT2FIX(mo->origin[VY]);
    Writer_WriteInt16(msgWriter, x >> 16);
    Writer_WriteByte(msgWriter, x >> 8);
    Writer_WriteInt16(msgWriter, y >> 16);
    Writer_WriteByte(msgWriter, y >> 8);

    z = FLT2FIX(mo->origin[VZ] + viewData->current.origin[VZ]);
    Writer_WriteInt16(msgWriter, z >> 16);
    Writer_WriteByte(msgWriter, z >> 8);

    Writer_WriteInt16(msgWriter, mo->angle /*ddpl->clAngle*/ >> 16); /* $unifiedangles */
    Writer_WriteInt16(msgWriter, ddpl->lookDir / 110 * DDMAXSHORT /* $unifiedangles */);
    // Field of view is optional.
        Writer_WriteInt16(msgWriter, fieldOfView / 180 * DDMAXSHORT);
        writeInfo[plrNum].fov = fieldOfView;
    Net_SendBuffer(plrNum, SPF_DONT_SEND);
예제 #3
void plat_t::write(MapStateWriter *msw) const
    Writer *writer = msw->writer();

    Writer_WriteByte(writer, 1); // Write a version byte.

    Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte) type);

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, P_ToIndex(sector));

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(speed));
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, (int)low);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, (int)high);

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, wait);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, count);

    Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte) state);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte) oldState);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte) crush);

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, tag);
예제 #4
void SV_WriteLine(Line *li, MapStateWriter *msw)
    xline_t *xli   = P_ToXLine(li);
    Writer1 *writer = msw->writer();

#if !__JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->xg? 1 : 0); /// @c 1= XG data will follow.
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, 0);

    // Version.
    // 2: Per surface texture offsets.
    // 2: Surface colors.
    // 3: "Mapped by player" values.
    // 3: Surface flags.
    // 4: Engine-side line flags.
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, 4); // Write a version byte

    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(li, DMU_FLAGS));
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xli->flags);

    for(int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
        Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->mapped[i]);

#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->special);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->arg1);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->arg2);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->arg3);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->arg4);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, xli->arg5);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xli->special);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xli->tag);

    // For each side
    float rgba[4];
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        Side *si = (Side *)P_GetPtrp(li, (i? DMU_BACK:DMU_FRONT));
        if(!si) continue;

        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y));

        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_TOP_FLAGS));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_FLAGS));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_BOTTOM_FLAGS));

        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor((world_Material *)P_GetPtrp(si, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL)));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor((world_Material *)P_GetPtrp(si, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL)));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor((world_Material *)P_GetPtrp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL)));

        P_GetFloatpv(si, DMU_TOP_COLOR, rgba);
        for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
            Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255 * rgba[k]));

        P_GetFloatpv(si, DMU_BOTTOM_COLOR, rgba);
        for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
            Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255 * rgba[k]));

        P_GetFloatpv(si, DMU_MIDDLE_COLOR, rgba);
        for(int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
            Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255 * rgba[k]));

        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_BLENDMODE));
        Writer_WriteInt16(writer, P_GetIntp(si, DMU_FLAGS));

#if !__JHEXEN__
    // Extended General?
        SV_WriteXGLine(li, msw);
예제 #5
void SV_WriteSector(Sector *sec, MapStateWriter *msw)
    Writer1 *writer = msw->writer();

    int i, type;
    float flooroffx           = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X);
    float flooroffy           = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y);
    float ceiloffx            = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X);
    float ceiloffy            = P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y);
    byte lightlevel           = (byte) (255.f * P_GetFloatp(sec, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL));
    short floorheight         = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT);
    short ceilingheight       = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_HEIGHT);
    short floorFlags          = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_FLAGS);
    short ceilingFlags        = (short) P_GetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_FLAGS);
    world_Material *floorMaterial   = (world_Material *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL);
    world_Material *ceilingMaterial = (world_Material *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL);

    xsector_t *xsec = P_ToXSector(sec);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    // Determine type.
        type = sc_xg1;
        if(NON_ZERO(flooroffx) || NON_ZERO(flooroffy) || NON_ZERO(ceiloffx) || NON_ZERO(ceiloffy))
        type = sc_ploff;
        type = sc_normal;

    // Type byte.
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, type);

    // Version.
    // 2: Surface colors.
    // 3: Surface flags.
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, 3); // write a version byte.

    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, floorheight);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, ceilingheight);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(floorMaterial));
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(ceilingMaterial));
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, floorFlags);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, ceilingFlags);
#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, (short) lightlevel);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, lightlevel);

    float rgb[3];
    P_GetFloatpv(sec, DMU_COLOR, rgb);
    for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255.f * rgb[i]));

    P_GetFloatpv(sec, DMU_FLOOR_COLOR, rgb);
    for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255.f * rgb[i]));

    P_GetFloatpv(sec, DMU_CEILING_COLOR, rgb);
    for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        Writer_WriteByte(writer, (byte)(255.f * rgb[i]));

    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xsec->special);
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xsec->tag);

#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, xsec->seqType);

    if(type == sc_ploff
#if !__JHEXEN__
       || type == sc_xg1
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, flooroffx);
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, flooroffy);
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, ceiloffx);
        Writer_WriteFloat(writer, ceiloffy);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    if(xsec->xg) // Extended General?
        SV_WriteXGSector(sec, writer);
예제 #6
void mobj_s::write(MapStateWriter *msw) const
    Writer1 *writer = msw->writer();
    mobj_t const *mo = this;

    // Version.
    // JHEXEN
    // 2: Added the 'translucency' byte.
    // 3: Added byte 'vistarget'
    // 4: Added long 'tracer'
    // 4: Added long 'lastenemy'
    // 5: Added flags3
    // 6: Floor material removed.
    // 4: Added byte 'translucency'
    // 5: Added byte 'vistarget'
    // 5: Added tracer in jDoom
    // 5: Added dropoff fix in jHeretic
    // 5: Added long 'floorclip'
    // 6: Added proper respawn data
    // 6: Added flags 2 in jDoom
    // 6: Added damage
    // 7: Added generator in jHeretic
    // 7: Added flags3
    // JDOOM
    // 9: Revised mapspot flag interpretation
    // 8: Added special3
    // 9: Revised mapspot flag interpretation
    // JHEXEN
    // 7: Removed superfluous info ptr
    // 8: Added 'onMobj'
    Writer_WriteByte(writer, MOBJ_SAVEVERSION);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    // A version 2 features: archive number and target.
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(mo));
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(mo->target));

# if __JDOOM__ || __JDOOM64__
    // Ver 5 features: Save tracer (fixes Archvile, Revenant bug)
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(mo->tracer));
# endif

    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(mo->onMobj));

    // Info for drawing: position.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->origin[VX]));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->origin[VY]));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->origin[VZ]));

    //More drawing info: to determine current sprite.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->angle); // Orientation.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->sprite); // Used to find patch_t and flip value.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->frame);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    // The closest interval over all contacted Sectors.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->floorZ));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->ceilingZ));

    // For movement checking.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->radius));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->height));

    // Momentums, used to update position.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->mom[MX]));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->mom[MY]));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->mom[MZ]));

    // If == VALIDCOUNT, already checked.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->valid);

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->type);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->tics); // State tic counter.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, int(mo->state - STATES) /*PTR2INT(mo->state)*/);

#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->damage);

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->flags);
#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->flags2);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->flags3);

    if(mo->type == MT_KORAX)
        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, 0); // Searching index.
        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->special1);

    case MT_HOLY_TAIL:
        if(mo->flags & MF_CORPSE)
            Writer_WriteInt32(writer, 0);
            Writer_WriteInt32(writer, msw->serialIdFor(INT2PTR(mobj_t, mo->special2)));

        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->special2);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->health);

    // Movement direction, movement generation (zig-zagging).
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->moveDir); // 0-7
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->moveCount); // When 0, select a new dir.

#if __JHEXEN__
    if(mo->flags & MF_CORPSE)
        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, 0);
        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, (int) msw->serialIdFor(mo->target));

    // Reaction time: if non 0, don't attack yet.
    // Used by player to freeze a bit after teleporting.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->reactionTime);

    // If >0, the target will be chased no matter what (even if shot).
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->threshold);

    // Additional info record for player avatars only (only valid if type is MT_PLAYER).
        int const playerNum = (mo->player? int(mo->player - players + 1) : 0);
        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, playerNum /*PTR2INT(mo->player)*/);

    // Player number last looked for.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->lastLook);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    // For nightmare/multiplayer respawn.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->spawnSpot.origin[VX]));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->spawnSpot.origin[VY]));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->spawnSpot.origin[VZ]));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->spawnSpot.angle);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->spawnSpot.flags);

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->intFlags); // $dropoff_fix: internal flags.
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->dropOffZ)); // $dropoff_fix
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->gear); // Used in torque simulation.

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->damage);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->flags2);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->flags3);
# ifdef __JHERETIC__
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->special1);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->special2);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->special3);
# endif

    Writer_WriteByte(writer,  mo->translucency);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer,  (byte)(mo->visTarget + 1));

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, FLT2FIX(mo->floorClip));
#if __JHEXEN__
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, msw->serialIdFor(mo));
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->tid);
    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, mo->special);
    Writer_Write(writer,      mo->args, sizeof(mo->args));
    Writer_WriteByte(writer,  mo->translucency);
    Writer_WriteByte(writer,  (byte)(mo->visTarget + 1));

    case MT_BISH_FX:
    case MT_HOLY_FX:
    case MT_DRAGON:
    case MT_MINOTAUR:
    case MT_SORCFX1:
    case MT_MSTAFF_FX2:
    case MT_HOLY_TAIL:
        if(mo->flags & MF_CORPSE)
            Writer_WriteInt32(writer, 0);
            Writer_WriteInt32(writer, msw->serialIdFor(mo->tracer));

        DENG_ASSERT(mo->tracer == NULL); /// @todo Tracer won't be saved correctly?
        Writer_WriteInt32(writer, PTR2INT(mo->tracer));

    Writer_WriteInt32(writer, PTR2INT(mo->lastEnemy));
#elif __JHERETIC__
    Writer_WriteInt16(writer, msw->serialIdFor(mo->generator));
예제 #7
static void Net_DoUpdate(void)
    static int          lastTime = 0;

    int                 nowTime, newTics;

     * This timing is only used by the client when it determines if it is
     * time to send ticcmds or coordinates to the server.

    // Check time.
    nowTime = Timer_Ticks();

    // Clock reset?
        firstNetUpdate = false;
        lastTime = nowTime;
    newTics = nowTime - lastTime;
    if(newTics <= 0)
        return; // Nothing new to update.

    lastTime = nowTime;

    // This is as far as dedicated servers go.
#ifdef __CLIENT__

     * Clients will periodically send their coordinates to the server so
     * any prediction errors can be fixed. Client movement is almost
     * entirely local.
#ifdef _DEBUG
    if(netGame && verbose >= 2)
        Con_Message("Net_DoUpdate: coordTimer=%i cl:%i shmo:%p", coordTimer,
                    isClient, ddPlayers[consolePlayer].shared.mo);

    coordTimer -= newTics;
    if(isClient && coordTimer <= 0 &&
        mobj_t *mo = ddPlayers[consolePlayer].shared.mo;

        coordTimer = 1; //netCoordTime; // 35/2

        Writer_WriteFloat(msgWriter, gameTime);
        Writer_WriteFloat(msgWriter, mo->origin[VX]);
        Writer_WriteFloat(msgWriter, mo->origin[VY]);
        if(mo->origin[VZ] == mo->floorZ)
            // This'll keep us on the floor even in fast moving sectors.
            Writer_WriteInt32(msgWriter, DDMININT);
            Writer_WriteInt32(msgWriter, FLT2FIX(mo->origin[VZ]));
        // Also include angles.
        Writer_WriteUInt16(msgWriter, mo->angle >> 16);
        Writer_WriteInt16(msgWriter, P_LookDirToShort(ddPlayers[consolePlayer].shared.lookDir));
        // Control state.
        Writer_WriteChar(msgWriter, FLT2FIX(ddPlayers[consolePlayer].shared.forwardMove) >> 13);
        Writer_WriteChar(msgWriter, FLT2FIX(ddPlayers[consolePlayer].shared.sideMove) >> 13);

        Net_SendBuffer(0, 0);