예제 #1
XLALSnglSimInspiralTest (
    SimInspiralTable  **simHead,
    SnglInspiralTable **eventHead,
    SimInspiralTable  **missedSimHead,
    SnglInspiralTable **missedSnglHead,
    INT8                injectWindowNS


  /* Note: we are assuming that both the inspiral and */
  /* injection events are time sorted                 */
  SimInspiralTable *thisSimEvent = *simHead;
  SimInspiralTable *thisMissedSim= NULL;
  SimInspiralTable *prevSimEvent = NULL;
  SnglInspiralTable *thisEvent   = *eventHead;
  SnglInspiralTable *prevEvent   = NULL;
  SnglInspiralTable *thisMissed  = NULL;
  EventIDColumn     *thisId      = NULL;

  int numSimFound  = 0;
  int coincidence = 0;

  INT8 simGeocentTime, simSiteTime, inspiralTime;
  INT8 earthRadiusNS = (INT8) ( 1e9 * 2 * LAL_REARTH_SI / LAL_C_SI );

  *simHead     = NULL;
  *eventHead   = NULL;

  if ( ! thisEvent )
    XLALPrintInfo( "No triggers in input data, all injections missed\n" );

    *missedSimHead = thisSimEvent;

    /* begin loop over the sim_inspiral events */
    while ( thisSimEvent )
      coincidence = 0;
      /* find the end time of the SimEvent */
      simGeocentTime = geocent_end_time( thisSimEvent );

      /* find the first inspiral event after the current sim event */
      while ( thisEvent )
        /* compute the time in nanosec for thisEvent */
        inspiralTime = XLALGPSToINT8NS( &(thisEvent->end) );

        if( inspiralTime < (simGeocentTime - earthRadiusNS - injectWindowNS ) )
          /* discard this event and move on to the next one */
          if ( ! *missedSnglHead )
            *missedSnglHead = thisMissed = thisEvent;
            thisMissed = thisMissed->next = thisEvent;
          if ( prevEvent ) prevEvent->next = thisEvent->next;
          thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
          thisMissed->next = NULL;
          XLALPrintInfo( "-" );
          /* we have reached the negative coincincidence window */

      while ( thisEvent )
        /* compute the time in nanosec for thisEvent */
        inspiralTime = XLALGPSToINT8NS( &(thisEvent->end) );

        if( inspiralTime < (simGeocentTime + earthRadiusNS + injectWindowNS ) )
          /* this event may be in coincidence window, need to check site
           * end time */
          simSiteTime = XLALReturnSimInspiralEndTime( thisSimEvent,
              thisEvent->ifo );

          if ( (inspiralTime > (simSiteTime - injectWindowNS)) &&
              (inspiralTime < (simSiteTime + injectWindowNS)) )
            /* this event is within the coincidence window  */

            /* store the sim inspiral in the event_id's for this sngl */
            thisId = thisEvent->event_id;
            while ( thisId )
              thisId->simInspiralTable = thisSimEvent;
              thisId = thisId->next;

            /* store this event and move on to the next one */
            if ( ! *eventHead ) *eventHead = thisEvent;
            prevEvent = thisEvent;
            thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
            coincidence = 1;
            XLALPrintInfo( "+" );
            /* discard this event and move on to the next one */
            if ( ! *missedSnglHead )
              *missedSnglHead = thisMissed = thisEvent;
              thisMissed = thisMissed->next = thisEvent;

            if ( prevEvent ) prevEvent->next = thisEvent->next;
            thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
            thisMissed->next = NULL;
            XLALPrintInfo( "-" );
          /* we have reached the end of the positive coincincidence window */

      if ( coincidence )
        /* keep this sim event in the list and move to the next sim event */
        if ( ! *simHead ) *simHead = thisSimEvent;
        prevSimEvent = thisSimEvent;
        thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;
        XLALPrintInfo( "F" );
        /* save this sim event in the list of missed events... */
        if ( ! *missedSimHead )
          *missedSimHead = thisMissedSim = thisSimEvent;
          thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next = thisSimEvent;

        /* ...and remove it from the list of found events */
        if ( prevSimEvent ) prevSimEvent->next = thisSimEvent->next;
        XLALPrintInfo( "M" );

        /* move to the next sim in the list */
        thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;

        /* make sure the missed sim list is terminated */
        thisMissedSim->next = NULL;

      if ( ! thisEvent )
        /* these are no more events to process so all the rest of the */
        /* injections must be put in the missed injections list       */
        if ( ! *missedSimHead )
          /* this and any subsequent events are in the missed sim list */
          if ( thisSimEvent ) thisMissedSim = *missedSimHead = thisSimEvent;
          if ( thisSimEvent )
            /* append the rest of the list to the list of missed injections */
            thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next = thisSimEvent;
            /* there are no injections after this one */
            thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next = NULL;

        /* terminate the list of found injections correctly */
        if ( prevSimEvent ) prevSimEvent->next = NULL;

        while ( thisMissedSim )
          /* count the number of injections just stuck in the missed list */
          XLALPrintInfo( "M" );
          thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next;
        thisSimEvent = NULL;

    if ( thisEvent )
      while( thisEvent )
        /* discard this event and move on to the next one */
        if ( ! *missedSnglHead )
          *missedSnglHead = thisMissed = thisEvent;
          thisMissed = thisMissed->next = thisEvent;
        if ( prevEvent ) prevEvent->next = thisEvent->next;
        thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
        thisMissed->next = NULL;
        XLALPrintInfo( "-" );
  XLALPrintInfo( "\n" );
  return( numSimFound );
예제 #2
REAL8 XLALEThincaParameterForInjection(
                    SimInspiralTable  *injection,
                    SnglInspiralTable *trigger

  /* Trigger parameters */
  REAL8 fLower;
  REAL8 mTotal;
  REAL8 tau0;
  REAL8 eta;

  /* Inj parameters */
  InspiralTemplate injTmplt;   /* Used to calculate parameters */
  INT8 injEndTime;

  /* Parameter differences */
  REAL8 dtC, dt0, dt3;

  REAL8 eMatch;

  LALStatus status;

#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG
  if ( !injection || !trigger )

  memset( &status, 0, sizeof(LALStatus));

  /* We need the tau0 and tau3 for the injection */
  /* To do this, we will need to calculate the lower frequency used in the
   * case of the inspiral trigger */

  mTotal = trigger->mass1 + trigger->mass2;
  eta    = trigger->eta;
  tau0   = trigger->tau0;

  mTotal = mTotal * LAL_MTSUN_SI;

  fLower = 5.0 / (256.0 * eta * pow(mTotal, 5.0/3.0) * tau0 );
  fLower = pow(fLower, 3.0/8.0) / LAL_PI;

  XLALPrintInfo("%s: fLower found to be %e\n", __func__, fLower );

  /* Now populate the inspiral template with relevant parameters */
  injTmplt.mass1      = injection->mass1;
  injTmplt.mass2      = injection->mass2;
  injTmplt.massChoice = m1Andm2;
  injTmplt.fLower     = fLower;
  injTmplt.order      = LAL_PNORDER_THREE_POINT_FIVE;

  LALInspiralParameterCalc( &status, &injTmplt );

  /* Get the GPS time from the injection*/
  injEndTime = XLALReturnSimInspiralEndTime( injection, trigger->ifo );

  dtC = ( injEndTime - XLALGPSToINT8NS( &(trigger->end_time) ) ) * 1.0e-9;
  dt0 = injTmplt.t0 - trigger->tau0;
  dt3 = injTmplt.t3 - trigger->tau3;

  eMatch = trigger->Gamma[0] * dtC * dtC
         + 2.0 * trigger->Gamma[1] * dtC * dt0
         + 2.0 * trigger->Gamma[2] * dtC * dt3
         + trigger->Gamma[3] * dt0 * dt0
         + 2.0 * trigger->Gamma[4] * dt0 * dt3
         + trigger->Gamma[5] * dt3 * dt3;

  return eMatch;