예제 #1
파일: XMSCACHE.C 프로젝트: FDOS/defrag
void InitXMSCache(struct LowCacheFunctions* table)
     if (XMSinit())
        /* Try allocating all available XMS memory. */
        XMSsize = XMScoreleft();
        if (XMSsize)
           XMSHandle = XMSalloc(XMSsize);
           if (XMSHandle)
              memcpy(table, &XMSCacheTable, sizeof(struct LowCacheFunctions));
              if (!Invalidate())
                 table->supported = FALSE;
              table->supported = FALSE;
           table->supported = FALSE;     
        table->supported = FALSE;
예제 #2
파일: memtypes.c 프로젝트: CivilPol/sdcboot
InitializeFittingMemory (unsigned long size, int HardDiskOk,
			 unsigned long *allocated,
			 /* Needed to check wether a swap file is
			    not created on the source or destination
			    drive: */
			 char sdrv, char tdrv)
  char *tempvar = NULL;
  struct dfree free;
  int curdisk, tempdisk, run = 1;
  unsigned long farfree;
  struct IniParserStruct *ParsedData;

  ParsedData = GetParsedData ();

  Initialised = TRUE;
  AmofProcessed = 0;

  CloseFunc = DoNothing;
  PrepareToReadFunc = ResetAmof;
  PrepareToWriteFunc = ResetAmof;

  /* First of all see wether main memory is not large enough */
  farfree = farcoreleft ();
  if (farfree > size)
      FarBlock = (char far *) farmalloc (size);

      LastOffset = FP_OFF (FarBlock);
      LastSegment = FP_SEG (FarBlock);
      SavedSegment = LastSegment = LastSegment + LastOffset / 16;
      SavedOffset = LastOffset = LastOffset % 16;

      MemType = BUFFERS;
      CloseFunc = CloseBuffers;
      ReadFunc = BufferRead;
      WriteFunc = BufferWrite;
      PrepareToReadFunc = PrepareForChangingBuffers;
      PrepareToWriteFunc = PrepareForChangingBuffers;

      *allocated = size;

  /* See wether EMS is installed. */
  if ((!MemType) && ParsedData->UseEMS && ((EMSBase = EMSbaseaddress ()) != 0))
      /* See if there is enough memory. */
      if ((size / 16384) + 1 < EMSpages ())
	  Handle = EMSalloc ((int) (size / 16384) + 1);
	  if (Handle >= 0)
	      CloseFunc = CloseEMS;
	      WriteFunc = EMSWrite;
	      ReadFunc = EMSRead;
	      MemType = EMS;

	  *allocated = size;

  /* See wether XMS is installed. */
  if (ParsedData->UseXMS && (!MemType) && XMSinit ())
      /* See if there is enough memory. */
      if (size < XMScoreleft ())
	  Handle = XMSalloc (size);
	  if (Handle != 0)
	      MemType = XMS;
	      CloseFunc = CloseXMS;
	      WriteFunc = XMSWrite;
	      ReadFunc = XMSRead;

	  *allocated = size;

  /* See wether the hard disk can be used. */
  if (!MemType && HardDiskOk)
      tempvar = getenv ("temp");
      if (!tempvar)
	tempvar = getenv ("TEMP");
      if (tempvar && tempvar[0])
	strcpy (tempfile, tempvar);
	strcpy (tempfile, "C:\\");

      /* Make sure that the disk where the temporary file is created
         is not either the source of the target of the disk copy.     */
      if ((toupper (tempfile[0]) == toupper (sdrv)) ||
	  (toupper (tempfile[0]) == toupper (tdrv)))
	strcpy (tempfile, "C:\\");

      curdisk = getdisk ();
      tempdisk = toupper (tempfile[0]) - 65;

      /* If the TEMP environment variable doesn't have a path form,
         use the root of c: instead. */
      if ((tempdisk < 0) || (tempdisk > 26) || (tempfile[1] != ':'))
	  strcpy (tempfile, "C:\\");
	  tempdisk = 2;

      for (;;)
	  setdisk (tempdisk);
	  if (getdisk () == tempdisk)
	      unsigned long total;

	      setdisk (curdisk);

	      getdfree (tempdisk + 1, &free);
	      total = (long) free.df_avail * (long) free.df_bsec *
		(long) free.df_sclus;

	      if (total >= size)
                  char* pSFNSlot;
                  ConvertToSFN(tempfile, ENVVAR_ID);
                  pSFNSlot = GetSFN(ENVVAR_ID);
                  if (pSFNSlot)
                     strcpy(tempfile, pSFNSlot);
		     Handle = creattemp (tempfile, 0);
		     if (Handle != -1)
		        MemType = HARDDISK;
		        CloseFunc = CloseDisk;
		        ReadFunc = DiskRead;
		        WriteFunc = DiskWrite;
		        PrepareToReadFunc = PrepareForReadingDisk;
		        PrepareToWriteFunc = PrepareForWritingDisk;
		        *allocated = size;
	  if (tempdisk != 2 || run == 1)	/* if not C drive. */
	      strcpy (tempfile, "C:\\");
	      tempdisk = 2;	/* try C drive instead. */

  /* See if there is enough memory left on the far heap. */
  if (!MemType && farfree > BUFFERSIZE)
      size = farfree - (farfree % BUFFERSIZE);
      FarBlock = (char far *) farmalloc (size);

      LastOffset = FP_OFF (FarBlock);
      LastSegment = FP_SEG (FarBlock);
      SavedSegment = LastSegment = LastSegment + LastOffset / 16;
      SavedOffset = LastOffset = LastOffset % 16;

      MemType = BUFFERS;
      CloseFunc = CloseBuffers;
      ReadFunc = BufferRead;
      WriteFunc = BufferWrite;
      PrepareToReadFunc = PrepareForChangingBuffers;
      PrepareToWriteFunc = PrepareForChangingBuffers;

      *allocated = size;

  return MemType;
예제 #3
int main(void)
      int i;
      unsigned int handle1, handle2;       /* XMS handles */
      char *buf1, *buf2;

      if ((i = XMSinit()) == 0)
            printf("Extended Memory Manager not found, terminating program\n");
            return 1;
      i = XMSversion();
      printf("Extended Memory Manager Version %d.%d is installed\n",
             i >> 8, (i & 0xff));

      printf("There are %ld extended memory bytes available\n", XMScoreleft());

      buf1 = malloc(BufSize);
      buf2 = malloc(BufSize);
      if (buf1 == NULL || buf2 == NULL)
            printf("Error allocating conventional memory\n");
            return 1;
      for (i = 0; i < BufSize; i++)   /* Fill buf1 with some values */
            buf1[i] = i % 255;
            buf2[i] = 0;
      handle1 = XMSalloc(BlockSize);
      if (handle1 == 0)
            printf("Error allocating XMS memory for handle 1\n");
            return 1;
      printf("Handle 1 is %u and represents %ld bytes\n", handle1, BlockSize);
      printf("There are %ld extended memory bytes available\n", XMScoreleft());

      handle2 = XMSalloc(BlockSize);
      if (handle2 == 0)
            printf("Error allocating XMS memory for handle 2\n");
            return 1;
      printf("Handle 2 is %u and represents %ld bytes\n", handle2, BlockSize);
      printf("There are %ld extended memory bytes available\n", XMScoreleft());

      /* Copy data from DOS buf1 to XMS memory of handle1 */

      if (DOStoXMSmove(handle1, 0L, buf1, (long) BufSize) != BufSize)
            printf("DOStoXMS copy failed\n");

      /* Copy XMS handle1 data to XMS handle2 */

      if (XMSmemcpy(handle2, 0L, handle1, 0L, BlockSize) != BlockSize)
            printf("XMS copy failed\n");

      /* Copy XMS handle2 data to DOS buf2 */

      if (XMStoDOSmove(buf2, handle1, 0L, (long) BufSize) != BufSize)
            printf("XMStoDOS copy failed\n");

      /* buf1 data should now == buf2 data */

      for (i = 0; i < BufSize; i++)
            if (buf1[i] != buf2[i])
                  printf("*** ERROR: Mismatch in DOS buffers at "
                         "location %d ***\n", i);

      printf("There are %ld bytes available after freeing handle 2\n",

      printf("There are %ld bytes available after freeing handle 1\n",

      return 0;