예제 #1
XMVECTOR MathHelper::RandHemisphereUnitVec3(XMVECTOR n)
	XMVECTOR One  = XMVectorSet(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	XMVECTOR Zero = XMVectorZero();

	// Keep trying until we get a point on/in the hemisphere.
		// Generate random point in the cube [-1,1]^3.
		XMVECTOR v = XMVectorSet(MathHelper::RandF(-1.0f, 1.0f), MathHelper::RandF(-1.0f, 1.0f), MathHelper::RandF(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f);

		// Ignore points outside the unit sphere in order to get an even distribution 
		// over the unit sphere.  Otherwise points will clump more on the sphere near 
		// the corners of the cube.

		if( XMVector3Greater( XMVector3LengthSq(v), One) )

		// Ignore points in the bottom hemisphere.
		if( XMVector3Less( XMVector3Dot(n, v), Zero ) )

		return XMVector3Normalize(v);
예제 #2
VOID DebugDraw::DrawRay( const XMFLOAT3& Origin, const XMFLOAT3& Direction, BOOL bNormalize, D3DCOLOR Color )
    MeshVertexP verts[3];
    memcpy( &verts[0], &Origin, 3 * sizeof( FLOAT ) );

    XMVECTOR RayOrigin = XMLoadFloat3( &Origin );
    XMVECTOR RayDirection = XMLoadFloat3( &Direction );
    XMVECTOR NormDirection = XMVector3Normalize( RayDirection );
    if( bNormalize )
        RayDirection = NormDirection;

    XMVECTOR PerpVector;
    XMVECTOR CrossVector = XMVectorSet( 0, 1, 0, 0 );
    PerpVector = XMVector3Cross( NormDirection, CrossVector );

    if( XMVector3Equal( XMVector3LengthSq( PerpVector ), XMVectorSet( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ) )
        CrossVector = XMVectorSet( 0, 0, 1, 0 );
        PerpVector = XMVector3Cross( NormDirection, CrossVector );
    PerpVector = XMVector3Normalize( PerpVector );

    XMStoreFloat3( ( XMFLOAT3* )&verts[1], XMVectorAdd( RayDirection, RayOrigin ) );
    PerpVector = XMVectorScale( PerpVector, 0.0625f );
    NormDirection = XMVectorScale( NormDirection, -0.25f );
    RayDirection = XMVectorAdd( PerpVector, RayDirection );
    RayDirection = XMVectorAdd( NormDirection, RayDirection );
    XMStoreFloat3( ( XMFLOAT3* )&verts[2], XMVectorAdd( RayDirection, RayOrigin ) );

    SimpleShaders::BeginShader_Transformed_ConstantColor( g_matViewProjection, Color );
    g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 2, ( const VOID* )verts, sizeof( MeshVertexP ) );
예제 #3
파일: Vector.cpp 프로젝트: tedajax/orryx
 f32 Vector::lengthSqr() const
     XMVECTOR vecLen = XMVector3LengthSq(m_vector);
     XMFLOAT4 fLen;
     XMStoreFloat4(&fLen, vecLen);
     return fLen.x;
예제 #4
	float DistanceSquared(const XMVECTOR& v1, const XMVECTOR& v2)
		XMVECTOR& vectorSub = XMVectorSubtract(v1, v2);
		XMVECTOR& length = XMVector3LengthSq(vectorSub);

		float Distance = 0.0f;
		XMStoreFloat(&Distance, length);
		return Distance;
예제 #5
bool __vectorcall ShapeCast(const XMFLOAT3& posA, const XMFLOAT3& moveA, SupportMapping* supA,
                            const XMFLOAT3& posB, const XMFLOAT3& moveB, SupportMapping* supB,
                            XMFLOAT3* normal, float* distance)
    XMVECTOR s = XMLoadFloat3(&posA);
    XMVECTOR r = XMVectorSubtract(XMLoadFloat3(&moveA), XMLoadFloat3(&moveB));

    XMVECTOR lambda = XMVectorZero();
    XMVECTOR x = s;
    XMVECTOR v = x - XMLoadFloat3(&posB);

    XMVECTOR simplexP[5] = {};
    uint32_t bits = 0;

    *distance = 0.0f;
    *normal = XMFLOAT3(0, 0, 0);

    XMVECTOR e2 = g_XMEpsilon * g_XMEpsilon;
    uint32_t iterations = 0;
    while (XMVector2Greater(XMVector3LengthSq(v), e2) && iterations++ < 1000)
        v = XMVector3Normalize(v);
        p = supA->GetSupportPoint(v) + supB->GetSupportPoint(v);
        w = x - p;
        if (XMVector2Greater(XMVector3Dot(v, w), XMVectorZero()))
            vDotR = XMVector3Dot(v, r);
            if (XMVector2GreaterOrEqual(vDotR, XMVectorZero()))
                return false;

            lambda = lambda - XMVector3Dot(v, w) / vDotR;
            if (XMVector2Greater(lambda, XMVectorSet(1, 1, 1, 1)))
                return false;

            x = s + lambda * r;
            XMStoreFloat3(normal, v);

        AddPoint(simplexP, p, &bits);
        v = FindSupportVectorAndReduce(simplexP, x, &bits);

    *distance = XMVectorGetX(lambda);

    return true;
예제 #6
bool Collider::IsColliding(GameObject* other) {
	auto otherTransform = other->transform;
	auto v1 = XMLoadFloat3(&transform->position);
	auto v2 = XMLoadFloat3(&otherTransform->position);
	auto vectorDiff = XMVectorSubtract(v1, v2);
	auto distVector = XMVector3LengthSq(vectorDiff);
	float dist;
	XMStoreFloat(&dist, distVector);
	float radSq = transform->scale.x * transform->scale.x*.56 + otherTransform->scale.x * otherTransform->scale.x*.56;
	return dist <= radSq;
예제 #7
void BatchRenderer::DrawRay( const XMFLOAT3& Origin, const XMFLOAT3& Direction, BOOL bNormalize, const FColor& Color )
    XMFLOAT3 verts[3];
    memcpy( &verts[0], &Origin, 3 * sizeof( FLOAT ) );

    XMVECTOR RayOrigin = XMLoadFloat3( &Origin );
    XMVECTOR RayDirection = XMLoadFloat3( &Direction );
    XMVECTOR NormDirection = XMVector3Normalize( RayDirection );
    if( bNormalize )
        RayDirection = NormDirection;

    XMVECTOR PerpVector;
    XMVECTOR CrossVector = XMVectorSet( 0, 1, 0, 0 );
    PerpVector = XMVector3Cross( NormDirection, CrossVector );

    if( XMVector3Equal( XMVector3LengthSq( PerpVector ), XMVectorSet( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ) )
        CrossVector = XMVectorSet( 0, 0, 1, 0 );
        PerpVector = XMVector3Cross( NormDirection, CrossVector );
    PerpVector = XMVector3Normalize( PerpVector );

    XMStoreFloat3( ( XMFLOAT3* )&verts[1], XMVectorAdd( RayDirection, RayOrigin ) );
    PerpVector = XMVectorScale( PerpVector, 0.0625f );
    NormDirection = XMVectorScale( NormDirection, -0.25f );
    RayDirection = XMVectorAdd( PerpVector, RayDirection );
    RayDirection = XMVectorAdd( NormDirection, RayDirection );
    XMStoreFloat3( ( XMFLOAT3* )&verts[2], XMVectorAdd( RayDirection, RayOrigin ) );
    // Copy to vertex buffer
    assert( 3 <= MAX_VERTS );
    XMFLOAT3* pVerts = NULL;
    HRESULT hr;
    V( g_pVB->Lock( 0, 0, (void**)&pVerts, D3DLOCK_DISCARD ) )
    memcpy( pVerts, verts, sizeof(verts) );
    V( g_pVB->Unlock() )

    // Draw ray
    D3DXCOLOR clr = Color;
    g_pEffect9->SetFloatArray( g_Color, clr, 4 );
    pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 0, 2 );
예제 #8
XMVECTOR MathHelper::RandUnitVec3()
	XMVECTOR One = XMVectorSet(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	XMVECTOR Zero = XMVectorZero();

	while (true)
		// Generate random point in the cube [-1,1]^3.
		XMVECTOR v = XMVectorSet(MathHelper::RandF(-1.0f, 1.0f), MathHelper::RandF(-1.0f, 1.0f), MathHelper::RandF(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f);

		// Ignore points outside the unit sphere in order to get an even distribution 
		// over the unit sphere.  Otherwise points will clump more on the sphere near 
		// the corners of the cube.

		if (XMVector3Greater(XMVector3LengthSq(v), One))//知道代码意思,但是代码实际执行看不懂。知其然不知其所以然

		return XMVector3Normalize(v);
예제 #9
	float Vector3::length_squared() const
		return XMVectorGetX(XMVector3LengthSq(*this));
예제 #10
	float Vector3::lengthSquared() const {
		return XMVectorGetX(XMVector3LengthSq(XMLoadFloat3(&mVector)));