예제 #1
파일: Camera.cpp 프로젝트: galek/RathEngine
		void XM_CALLCONV Camera::SetViewParams(_In_ FXMVECTOR vDirection)
		XMMATRIX view = XMMatrixIdentity();
		view.r[2] = XMVectorSetW(-XMVector3Normalize(vDirection), 0.0f);
		view.r[3] = XMVectorSetW(XMVector3Normalize(vDirection), 1.0f);
		//m_mView = view;
예제 #2
	bool CPointLightNode::intersectRay(const math::SRay& ray, f32* pDist) const
		XMVECTOR origin = XMLoadFloat3(&ray.Origin);
		origin = XMVectorSetW(origin, 1.0f);
		XMVECTOR direction = XMLoadFloat3(&ray.Direction);
		direction = XMVectorSetW(direction, 0);

		return intersectRay(origin, direction, pDist);
예제 #3
 *	Creates a rotation matrix about the described axis.
 *  @param fX Describes the x component of the axis.
 *  @param fY Describes the y component of the axis.
 *  @param fZ Describes the z component of the axis.
 *  @param fRadians Angle of rotation, measured clockwise when looking along the rotation axis.
 *  @return The resulting matrix.
CFMat4x4	CFMat4x4::CreateRotationAxis( FLOAT32 fX, FLOAT32 fY, FLOAT32 fZ, FLOAT32 fRadians )
	CFMat4x4 matReturn;
	CFVec3 v3Axis;

	v3Axis.X( fX );
	v3Axis.Y( fY );
	v3Axis.Z( fZ );

	XMMATRIX& matResult = *reinterpret_cast<XMMATRIX*>( &matReturn );
	XMVECTOR& vAxis = *reinterpret_cast<XMVECTOR*>( &v3Axis );

	vAxis = XMVectorSetW( vAxis, 0.0f );

	matResult = XMMatrixRotationAxis( vAxis, fRadians );

	return matReturn;
예제 #4
파일: d3dcamera.cpp 프로젝트: Tabbers/SPG
void D3DCamera::Render(XMVECTOR translate, XMVECTOR rotate, bool move, bool playback)
	XMVECTOR upVector, lookAtVector, rightVector;
	XMMATRIX rotationMatrix;

	rightVector = XMVectorSet(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	upVector = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	lookAtVector = XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

	if (move)
		XMVECTOR quaternion = XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector(rotate);
		quaternion = XMQuaternionNormalize(quaternion);
		m_rotation = XMQuaternionMultiply(quaternion, m_rotation);
	if (playback) m_rotation = rotate;
	rotationMatrix = XMMatrixRotationQuaternion(m_rotation);

	// Transform the lookAt and up vector by the rotation matrix so the view is correctly rotated at the origin.
	lookAtVector = XMVector3TransformCoord(lookAtVector, rotationMatrix);
	upVector = XMVector3TransformCoord(upVector, rotationMatrix);
	rightVector = XMVector3TransformCoord(upVector, rotationMatrix);
	if (move)
		translate = XMVector3TransformCoord(translate, rotationMatrix);
		translate = XMVectorSetW(translate, 0);
		m_position += translate;
	if (playback) m_position = translate;

	// Translate the rotated camera position to the location of the viewer.
	lookAtVector = XMVectorAdd(m_position, lookAtVector);

	m_lookAtVector.x = lookAtVector.m128_f32[0];
	m_lookAtVector.y = lookAtVector.m128_f32[1];
	m_lookAtVector.z = lookAtVector.m128_f32[2];

	// Finally create the view matrix from the three updated vectors.
	m_viewMatrix = XMMatrixLookAtLH(m_position, lookAtVector, upVector);
예제 #5
void World::update( float dt )
    //Update the population, mostly does AI decisions
    mPop.update( dt );

    float mBlockDimensions = 0.3f;

    //Do collision for moving characters
    for( int i = 0; i < POPULATION_MAX_CHARACTERS; i++){
        Character& character = mPop.getCharacter(i);

        if( character.getExistence() > Character::Existence::Dead ){
            XMFLOAT4& dir = mPop.getCharacter(i).getWalkingDirection();

            //Make sure we are at least moving when checking collision
            float dist = fabs( dir.x ) + fabs( dir.z );
            if( dist < 0.1f ){

            //As long as we are not on a ramp, bring us to the floor
            int bx = static_cast<int>( character.getPosition().x / mBlockDimensions );
            int bz = static_cast<int>( character.getPosition().z / mBlockDimensions );

            CLAMP( bx, 0, getLevel().getWidth() - 1 );
            CLAMP( bz, 0, getLevel().getDepth() - 1 );

            XMVECTOR moveVec = XMLoadFloat4( &dir );

            moveVec = XMVector3Normalize( moveVec );
            moveVec = XMVectorSetW( moveVec, 1.0f );

            moveEntity( &character, moveVec, dt * CHARACTER_MOVE_SPEED );

            //Reset the direction back to 0
            dir.x = 0.0f;
            dir.y = 0.0f;
            dir.z = 0.0f;

    for(ushort i = 0; i < mLevel.getNumDoors(); i++){
        Level::Door& door = mLevel.getDoor(i);

        if( door.state == Level::Door::Opening ){
            door.setYRotation( door.getYRotation() + 0.02f );

            if( door.getYRotation() > ( door.startAngle + ( 3.14159f * 0.5f ) ) ){
                door.state = Level::Door::Opened;
                door.setYRotation( door.startAngle + ( 3.14159f * 0.5f ) );
        }else if( door.state == Level::Door::Closing ){
            door.setYRotation( door.getYRotation() - 0.02f );

            if( door.getYRotation() < ( door.startAngle - ( 3.14159f * 0.5f ) ) ){
                door.state = Level::Door::Closed;
                door.setYRotation( door.startAngle - ( 3.14159f * 0.5f ) );
예제 #6
void		CFVec4::W( FLOAT32 fVal )
	XMVECTOR& V4 = *reinterpret_cast<XMVECTOR*>(this);
	V4 = XMVectorSetW( V4, fVal );
예제 #7
void		CFVec4::WAdd( FLOAT32 fVal )
	XMVECTOR& v4V = *reinterpret_cast<XMVECTOR*>(this);
	v4V = XMVectorSetW( v4V, XMVectorGetW( v4V ) + fVal );
예제 #8
void Frustum::CreateFrustum(float screenDepth, XMMATRIX viewMatrix, XMMATRIX projMatrix)
	float zMinimum, r;
	XMFLOAT4X4 projMatrixFloat;
	XMFLOAT4X4 frustumMatrix;
	XMStoreFloat4x4(&projMatrixFloat, projMatrix);

	// Calculate the minimum Z distance in the frustum.
	zMinimum = -projMatrixFloat._43 / projMatrixFloat._33;
	r = screenDepth / (screenDepth - zMinimum);
	projMatrixFloat._33 = r;
	projMatrixFloat._43 = -r * zMinimum;

	XMMATRIX updatedProjMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&projMatrixFloat);

	//Create the frustum from the viewMatrix and updated projectionMatrix
	XMStoreFloat4x4(&frustumMatrix, XMMatrixMultiply(viewMatrix, updatedProjMatrix)); ;

	//Calculate near plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._14 + frustumMatrix._13);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._24 + frustumMatrix._23);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._34 + frustumMatrix._33);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._44 + frustumMatrix._43);
	this->planes[0] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[0]);
	//this->planes[0] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[0]);

	//Calculate far plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._14 - frustumMatrix._13);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._24 - frustumMatrix._23);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._34 - frustumMatrix._33);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._44 - frustumMatrix._43);
	this->planes[1] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[1]);
	//this->planes[1] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[1]);

	//Calculate left plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._14 + frustumMatrix._11);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._24 + frustumMatrix._21);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._34 + frustumMatrix._31);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._44 + frustumMatrix._41);
	this->planes[2] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[2]);
	//this->planes[2] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[2]);

	//Calculate right plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._14 - frustumMatrix._11);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._24 - frustumMatrix._21);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._34 - frustumMatrix._31);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._44 - frustumMatrix._41);
	this->planes[3] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[3]);
	//this->planes[3] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[3]);

	//Calculate top plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._14 - frustumMatrix._12);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._24 - frustumMatrix._22);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._34 - frustumMatrix._32);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._44 - frustumMatrix._42);
	this->planes[4] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[4]);
	//this->planes[4] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[4]);

	//Calculate bottom plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._14 + frustumMatrix._12);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._24 + frustumMatrix._22);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._34 + frustumMatrix._32);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._44 + frustumMatrix._42);
	this->planes[5] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[5]);
	//this->planes[5] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[5]);

	/*for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		float denom = 1.0f / XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Length(this->planes[i]));
		XMVectorSetX(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetX(this->planes[i]) * denom);
		XMVectorSetY(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetY(this->planes[i]) * denom);
		XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetZ(this->planes[i]) * denom);
		XMVectorSetW(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetW(this->planes[i]) * denom);

예제 #9
	void Light::set_intensity(float i) {
		XMVECTOR v = colorv();
		XMVectorSetW(v, i);