static BOOL xf_Pointer_SetNull(rdpContext* context) { #ifdef WITH_XCURSOR xfContext* xfc = (xfContext*) context; static Cursor nullcursor = None; xf_lock_x11(xfc, FALSE); if (nullcursor == None) { XcursorImage ci; XcursorPixel xp = 0; ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci)); ci.version = XCURSOR_IMAGE_VERSION; ci.size = sizeof(ci); ci.width = ci.height = 1; ci.xhot = ci.yhot = 0; ci.pixels = &xp; nullcursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xfc->display, &ci); } xfc->pointer = NULL; if ((xfc->window) && (nullcursor != None)) XDefineCursor(xfc->display, xfc->window->handle, nullcursor); xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE); #endif return TRUE; }
int _glfwPlatformCreateCursor(_GLFWcursor* cursor, const GLFWimage* image, int xhot, int yhot) { int i; XcursorImage* native = XcursorImageCreate(image->width, image->height); if (native == NULL) return GL_FALSE; native->xhot = xhot; native->yhot = yhot; unsigned char* source = (unsigned char*) image->pixels; XcursorPixel* target = native->pixels; for (i = 0; i < image->width * image->height; i++, target++, source += 4) { *target = (source[3] << 24) | (source[0] << 16) | (source[1] << 8) | source[2]; } cursor->x11.handle = XcursorImageLoadCursor(_glfw.x11.display, native); XcursorImageDestroy(native); if (cursor->x11.handle == None) return GL_FALSE; return GL_TRUE; }
// Creates a native cursor object from the specified image and hotspot // Cursor _glfwCreateCursorX11(const GLFWimage* image, int xhot, int yhot) { int i; Cursor cursor; if (!_glfw.x11.xcursor.handle) return None; XcursorImage* native = XcursorImageCreate(image->width, image->height); if (native == NULL) return None; native->xhot = xhot; native->yhot = yhot; unsigned char* source = (unsigned char*) image->pixels; XcursorPixel* target = native->pixels; for (i = 0; i < image->width * image->height; i++, target++, source += 4) { unsigned int alpha = source[3]; *target = (alpha << 24) | ((unsigned char) ((source[0] * alpha) / 255) << 16) | ((unsigned char) ((source[1] * alpha) / 255) << 8) | ((unsigned char) ((source[2] * alpha) / 255) << 0); } cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(_glfw.x11.display, native); XcursorImageDestroy(native); return cursor; }
void xf_pointer_new(rdpUpdate* update, xfPointer* pointer) { xfInfo* xfi; XcursorImage ci; rdpPointer* _pointer; xfi = GET_XFI(update); _pointer = (rdpPointer*) &pointer->pointer; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(ci)); ci.version = XCURSOR_IMAGE_VERSION; ci.size = sizeof(ci); ci.width = _pointer->width; ci.height = _pointer->height; ci.xhot = _pointer->xPos; ci.yhot = _pointer->yPos; ci.pixels = (XcursorPixel*) malloc(ci.width * ci.height * 4); memset(ci.pixels, 0, ci.width * ci.height * 4); if ((_pointer->andMaskData != 0) && (_pointer->xorMaskData != 0)) { freerdp_alpha_cursor_convert((uint8*) (ci.pixels), _pointer->xorMaskData, _pointer->andMaskData, _pointer->width, _pointer->height, _pointer->xorBpp, xfi->clrconv); } if (_pointer->xorBpp > 24) { freerdp_image_swap_color_order((uint8*) ci.pixels, ci.width, ci.height); } pointer->cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xfi->display, &ci); xfree(ci.pixels); }
void xf_Pointer_New(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer) { #ifdef WITH_XCURSOR XcursorImage ci; xfContext* xfc = (xfContext*) context; xf_lock_x11(xfc, FALSE); ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci)); ci.version = XCURSOR_IMAGE_VERSION; ci.size = sizeof(ci); ci.width = pointer->width; ci.height = pointer->height; ci.xhot = pointer->xPos; ci.yhot = pointer->yPos; ci.pixels = (XcursorPixel*) calloc(1, ci.width * ci.height * 4); if (!ci.pixels) return; if ((pointer->andMaskData != 0) && (pointer->xorMaskData != 0)) { freerdp_alpha_cursor_convert((BYTE*) (ci.pixels), pointer->xorMaskData, pointer->andMaskData, pointer->width, pointer->height, pointer->xorBpp, xfc->clrconv); } ((xfPointer*) pointer)->cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xfc->display, &ci); free(ci.pixels); xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE); #endif }
static Cursor X11_CreateXCursorCursor(SDL_Surface * surface, int hot_x, int hot_y) { Display *display = GetDisplay(); Cursor cursor = None; XcursorImage *image; image = XcursorImageCreate(surface->w, surface->h); if (!image) { SDL_OutOfMemory(); return None; } image->xhot = hot_x; image->yhot = hot_y; image->delay = 0; SDL_assert(surface->format->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888); SDL_assert(surface->pitch == surface->w * 4); SDL_memcpy(image->pixels, surface->pixels, surface->h * surface->pitch); cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(display, image); XcursorImageDestroy(image); return cursor; }
int loadCursor(char *path, int hotx, int hoty, float tail_dist, float angle) { if (buildCache(path) != 0) return 1; // create a cursor image and set it wormy.xci = XcursorImageCreate (2*wormy.radius, 2*wormy.radius); wormy.xci->xhot = (2.0*wormy.radius-wormy.width)/2 + hotx; wormy.xci->yhot = (2.0*wormy.radius-wormy.height)/2 + hoty; wormy.xci->pixels = wormy.cache[0]; wormy.original = XCreateFontCursor(wormy.disp, XC_left_ptr); XDefineCursor(wormy.disp, DefaultRootWindow(wormy.disp), wormy.original); wormy.cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(wormy.disp, wormy.xci); XFixesChangeCursor(wormy.disp, wormy.cursor, wormy.original); // using cairo coordinates (inverted y axis) wormy.hot_a = atan2f(wormy.xci->yhot - wormy.radius, wormy.xci->xhot - wormy.radius); wormy.hot_d = sqrt((wormy.xci->xhot - wormy.radius) * (wormy.xci->xhot - wormy.radius) + (wormy.xci->yhot - wormy.radius) * (wormy.xci->yhot - wormy.radius)); wormy.tail_d = tail_dist; wormy.angle = angle * M_PI / 180.0; return 0; }
// Creates a native cursor object from the specified image and hotspot // Cursor _glfwCreateCursor(const GLFWimage* image, int xhot, int yhot) { int i; Cursor cursor; XcursorImage* native = XcursorImageCreate(image->width, image->height); if (native == NULL) return None; native->xhot = xhot; native->yhot = yhot; unsigned char* source = (unsigned char*) image->pixels; XcursorPixel* target = native->pixels; for (i = 0; i < image->width * image->height; i++, target++, source += 4) { *target = (source[3] << 24) | (source[0] << 16) | (source[1] << 8) | source[2]; } cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(_glfw.x11.display, native); XcursorImageDestroy(native); return cursor; }
ALLEGRO_MOUSE_CURSOR *_al_xwin_create_mouse_cursor(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bmp, int x_focus, int y_focus) { ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_XGLX *system = (ALLEGRO_SYSTEM_XGLX *)al_get_system_driver(); Display *xdisplay = system->x11display; int bmp_w; int bmp_h; ALLEGRO_MOUSE_CURSOR_XGLX *xcursor; XcursorImage *image; int c, ix, iy; bool was_locked; bmp_w = al_get_bitmap_width(bmp); bmp_h = al_get_bitmap_height(bmp); xcursor = al_malloc(sizeof *xcursor); if (!xcursor) { return NULL; } image = XcursorImageCreate(bmp->w, bmp->h); if (image == None) { al_free(xcursor); return NULL; } was_locked = al_is_bitmap_locked(bmp); if (!was_locked) { al_lock_bitmap(bmp, ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY, ALLEGRO_LOCK_READONLY); } c = 0; for (iy = 0; iy < bmp_h; iy++) { for (ix = 0; ix < bmp_w; ix++) { ALLEGRO_COLOR col; unsigned char r, g, b, a; col = al_get_pixel(bmp, ix, iy); al_unmap_rgba(col, &r, &g, &b, &a); image->pixels[c++] = (a<<24) | (r<<16) | (g<<8) | (b); } } if (!was_locked) { al_unlock_bitmap(bmp); } image->xhot = x_focus; image->yhot = y_focus; _al_mutex_lock(&system->lock); xcursor->cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xdisplay, image); _al_mutex_unlock(&system->lock); XcursorImageDestroy(image); return (ALLEGRO_MOUSE_CURSOR *)xcursor; }
/* Pointer Class */ static BOOL xf_Pointer_New(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer) { #ifdef WITH_XCURSOR UINT32 CursorFormat; rdpGdi* gdi; size_t size; XcursorImage ci; xfContext* xfc = (xfContext*) context; xfPointer* xpointer = (xfPointer*)pointer; if (!context || !pointer || !context->gdi) return FALSE; if (!xfc->invert) CursorFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA32; else CursorFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32; gdi = context->gdi; xf_lock_x11(xfc, FALSE); ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci)); ci.version = XCURSOR_IMAGE_VERSION; ci.size = sizeof(ci); ci.width = pointer->width; ci.height = pointer->height; ci.xhot = pointer->xPos; ci.yhot = pointer->yPos; size = ci.height * ci.width * GetBytesPerPixel(CursorFormat); if (!(ci.pixels = (XcursorPixel*) _aligned_malloc(size, 16))) { xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE); return FALSE; } if (!freerdp_image_copy_from_pointer_data( (BYTE*) ci.pixels, CursorFormat, 0, 0, 0, pointer->width, pointer->height, pointer->xorMaskData, pointer->lengthXorMask, pointer->andMaskData, pointer->lengthAndMask, pointer->xorBpp, &context->gdi->palette)) { _aligned_free(ci.pixels); xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE); return FALSE; } xpointer->cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xfc->display, &ci); _aligned_free(ci.pixels); xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE); #endif return TRUE; }
static void setcursor(uint8_t * rgba, int16_t hotx, int16_t hoty) { XcursorImage * ci = XcursorImageCreate(32, 32); unsigned i; uint32_t * dst = (uint32_t*)ci->pixels; defaultcursor(); ci->xhot = hotx; ci->yhot = hoty; for (i = 0; i < 32*32; i++) dst[i] = 0 + (rgba[i*4+3] << 24) + (rgba[i*4+0] << 16) + (rgba[i*4+1] << 8) + (rgba[i*4+2] << 0) ; g_cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(g_dpy, ci); XDefineCursor(g_dpy, g_win, g_cursor); XcursorImageDestroy(ci); }
void xf_Pointer_SetNull(rdpContext* context) { xfInfo* xfi = ((xfContext*) context)->xfi; static Cursor nullcursor = None; if (nullcursor == None) { XcursorImage ci; XcursorPixel xp = 0; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(ci)); ci.version = XCURSOR_IMAGE_VERSION; ci.size = sizeof(ci); ci.width = ci.height = 1; ci.xhot = ci.yhot = 0; ci.pixels = &xp; nullcursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xfi->display, &ci); } if (xfi->window != NULL && nullcursor != None) XDefineCursor(xfi->display, xfi->window->handle, nullcursor); }
void mouseMove(int posx, int posy) { /*get the new angle we're traveling*/ /*needent invert y axis since cairo uses same coord system*/ float a = atan2f(posy - wormy.piv_y, posx - wormy.piv_x); /*update pivoting position*/ wormy.piv_x = posx - wormy.tail_d * cosf(a); wormy.piv_y = posy - wormy.tail_d * sinf(a); /*compensate image orientation*/ a += wormy.angle; // create a cursor image and set it wormy.xci->xhot = wormy.radius + wormy.hot_d * cosf(wormy.hot_a + a); wormy.xci->yhot = wormy.radius + wormy.hot_d * sinf(wormy.hot_a + a); wormy.xci->pixels = wormy.cache[ (int)(360 + a * 180.0 / M_PI) % 360 ]; Cursor newcur = XcursorImageLoadCursor(wormy.disp, wormy.xci); XFixesChangeCursor(wormy.disp, newcur, wormy.cursor); XFreeCursor(wormy.disp, wormy.cursor); wormy.cursor = newcur; }
void xf_Pointer_New(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer) { XcursorImage ci; xfInfo* xfi = ((xfContext*) context)->xfi; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(ci)); ci.version = XCURSOR_IMAGE_VERSION; ci.size = sizeof(ci); ci.width = pointer->width; ci.height = pointer->height; ci.xhot = pointer->xPos; ci.yhot = pointer->yPos; ci.pixels = (XcursorPixel*) xzalloc(ci.width * ci.height * 4); if ((pointer->andMaskData != 0) && (pointer->xorMaskData != 0)) { freerdp_alpha_cursor_convert((uint8*) (ci.pixels), pointer->xorMaskData, pointer->andMaskData, pointer->width, pointer->height, pointer->xorBpp, xfi->clrconv); } ((xfPointer*) pointer)->cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xfi->display, &ci); xfree(ci.pixels); }
static Cursor create_cursor_from_image_data_resource(Display *dpy, Window wnd, PP_Resource image_data, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y) { struct pp_image_data_s *id = pp_resource_acquire(image_data, PP_RESOURCE_IMAGE_DATA); if (!id) { trace_warning("%s, bad resource\n", __func__); return None; } XcursorImage *cursor_image = XcursorImageCreate(id->width, id->height); cursor_image->xhot = hotspot_x; cursor_image->yhot = hotspot_y; memcpy(cursor_image->pixels, id->data, id->stride * id->height); Cursor cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(dpy, cursor_image); XcursorImageDestroy(cursor_image); pp_resource_release(image_data); return cursor; }
BOOL xf_Pointer_New(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer) { #ifdef WITH_XCURSOR XcursorImage ci; xfContext* xfc = (xfContext*) context; xf_lock_x11(xfc, FALSE); ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci)); ci.version = XCURSOR_IMAGE_VERSION; ci.size = sizeof(ci); ci.width = pointer->width; ci.height = pointer->height; ci.xhot = pointer->xPos; ci.yhot = pointer->yPos; if (!(ci.pixels = (XcursorPixel*) calloc(1, ci.width * ci.height * 4))) { xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE); return FALSE; } if ((pointer->andMaskData != 0) && (pointer->xorMaskData != 0)) { freerdp_image_copy_from_pointer_data((BYTE*) ci.pixels, PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB32, pointer->width * 4, 0, 0, pointer->width, pointer->height, pointer->xorMaskData, pointer->andMaskData, pointer->xorBpp, xfc->palette); } ((xfPointer*) pointer)->cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(xfc->display, &ci); free(ci.pixels); xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE); #endif return TRUE; }
static Bool create_cursor(Handle self, Handle icon, Point hot_spot) { #ifdef HAVE_X11_XCURSOR_XCURSOR_H DEFXX; XcursorImage* i; PIcon c = PIcon(icon); Bool kill; int x, y; XcursorPixel * dst; Byte * src_data, * src_mask; if ( hot_spot. x < 0) hot_spot. x = 0; if ( hot_spot. y < 0) hot_spot. y = 0; if ( hot_spot. x >= c-> w) hot_spot. x = c-> w - 1; if ( hot_spot. y >= c-> h) hot_spot. y = c-> h - 1; XX-> pointer_hot_spot = hot_spot; if (( i = XcursorImageCreate( c-> w, c-> h )) == NULL) { warn( "XcursorImageCreate(%d,%d) error", c->w, c->h); return false; } i-> xhot = hot_spot. x; i-> yhot = c-> h - hot_spot. y - 1; if ( c-> type != imRGB || c-> maskType != imbpp8 ) { icon = CIcon(icon)->dup(icon); kill = true; CIcon(icon)-> set_type( icon, imRGB ); CIcon(icon)-> set_maskType( icon, imbpp8 ); } else kill = false; c = PIcon(icon); src_data = c->data + c->lineSize * ( c-> h - 1 ); src_mask = c->mask + c->maskLine * ( c-> h - 1 ); dst = i->pixels; for ( y = 0; y < c-> h; y++) { Byte * s_data = src_data, * s_mask = src_mask; for ( x = 0; x < c-> w; x++) { *(dst++) = s_data[0]| (s_data[1] << 8)| (s_data[2] << 16)| (*(s_mask++) << 24) ; s_data += 3; } src_mask -= c->maskLine; src_data -= c->lineSize; } if ( kill ) Object_destroy(icon); XX-> user_pointer = XcursorImageLoadCursor(DISP, i); if ( XX-> user_pointer == None) { XcursorImageDestroy(i); warn( "error creating cursor"); return false; } XX-> user_xcursor = i; return true; #else DEFXX; Handle cursor; Bool noSZ = PIcon(icon)-> w != guts.cursor_width || PIcon(icon)-> h != guts.cursor_height; Bool noBPP = (PIcon(icon)-> type & imBPP) != 1; XColor xcb, xcw; PIcon c; if ( noSZ || noBPP) { cursor = CIcon(icon)->dup(icon); c = PIcon(cursor); if ( cursor == nilHandle) { warn( "Error duping user cursor"); return false; } if ( noSZ) { CIcon(cursor)-> stretch( cursor, guts.cursor_width, guts.cursor_height); if ( c-> w != guts.cursor_width || c-> h != guts.cursor_height) { warn( "Error stretching user cursor"); Object_destroy( cursor); return false; } } if ( noBPP) { CIcon(cursor)-> set_type( cursor, imMono); if ((c-> type & imBPP) != 1) { warn( "Error black-n-whiting user cursor"); Object_destroy( cursor); return false; } } } else cursor = icon; if ( !prima_create_icon_pixmaps( cursor, &XX-> user_p_source, &XX-> user_p_mask)) { warn( "Error creating user cursor pixmaps"); if ( noSZ || noBPP) Object_destroy( cursor); return false; } if ( noSZ || noBPP) Object_destroy( cursor); if ( hot_spot. x < 0) hot_spot. x = 0; if ( hot_spot. y < 0) hot_spot. y = 0; if ( hot_spot. x >= guts. cursor_width) hot_spot. x = guts. cursor_width - 1; if ( hot_spot. y >= guts. cursor_height) hot_spot. y = guts. cursor_height - 1; XX-> pointer_hot_spot = hot_spot; xcb. red = xcb. green = xcb. blue = 0; xcw. red = xcw. green = xcw. blue = 0xFFFF; xcb. pixel = guts. monochromeMap[0]; xcw. pixel = guts. monochromeMap[1]; xcb. flags = xcw. flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; XX-> user_pointer = XCreatePixmapCursor( DISP, XX-> user_p_source, XX-> user_p_mask, &xcw, &xcb, hot_spot. x, guts.cursor_height - hot_spot. y - 1); if ( XX-> user_pointer == None) { warn( "error creating cursor from pixmaps"); return false; } return true; #endif }
void OS_X11::initialize(const VideoMode& p_desired,int p_video_driver,int p_audio_driver) { last_button_state=0; dpad_last[0]=0; dpad_last[1]=0; xmbstring=NULL; event_id=0; x11_window=0; last_click_ms=0; args=OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args(); current_videomode=p_desired; main_loop=NULL; last_timestamp=0; last_mouse_pos_valid=false; last_keyrelease_time=0; if (get_render_thread_mode()==RENDER_SEPARATE_THREAD) { XInitThreads(); } /** XLIB INITIALIZATION **/ x11_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); char * modifiers = XSetLocaleModifiers ("@im=none"); ERR_FAIL_COND( modifiers == NULL ); xim = XOpenIM (x11_display, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (xim == NULL) { WARN_PRINT("XOpenIM failed"); xim_style=NULL; } else { ::XIMStyles *xim_styles=NULL; xim_style=0; char *imvalret=NULL; imvalret = XGetIMValues(xim, XNQueryInputStyle, &xim_styles, NULL); if (imvalret != NULL || xim_styles == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Input method doesn't support any styles\n"); } if (xim_styles) { xim_style = 0; for (int i=0;i<xim_styles->count_styles;i++) { if (xim_styles->supported_styles[i] == (XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing)) { xim_style = xim_styles->supported_styles[i]; break; } } XFree (xim_styles); } } /* char* windowid = getenv("GODOT_WINDOWID"); if (windowid) { //freopen("/home/punto/stdout", "w", stdout); //reopen("/home/punto/stderr", "w", stderr); x11_window = atol(windowid); XWindowAttributes xwa; XGetWindowAttributes(x11_display,x11_window,&xwa); current_videomode.width = xwa.width; current_videomode.height = xwa.height; }; */ // maybe contextgl wants to be in charge of creating the window //print_line("def videomode "+itos(current_videomode.width)+","+itos(current_videomode.height)); #if defined(OPENGL_ENABLED) || defined(LEGACYGL_ENABLED) context_gl = memnew( ContextGL_X11( x11_display, x11_window,current_videomode, false ) ); context_gl->initialize(); if (true) { rasterizer = memnew( RasterizerGLES2 ); } else { //rasterizer = memnew( RasterizerGLES1 ); }; #endif visual_server = memnew( VisualServerRaster(rasterizer) ); if (get_render_thread_mode()!=RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) { visual_server =memnew(VisualServerWrapMT(visual_server,get_render_thread_mode()==RENDER_SEPARATE_THREAD)); } // borderless fullscreen window mode if (current_videomode.fullscreen) { // needed for lxde/openbox, possibly others Hints hints; Atom property; hints.flags = 2; hints.decorations = 0; property = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", True); XChangeProperty(x11_display, x11_window, property, property, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&hints, 5); XMapRaised(x11_display, x11_window); XWindowAttributes xwa; XGetWindowAttributes(x11_display, DefaultRootWindow(x11_display), &xwa); XMoveResizeWindow(x11_display, x11_window, 0, 0, xwa.width, xwa.height); // code for netwm-compliants XEvent xev; Atom wm_state = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); Atom fullscreen = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", False); memset(&xev, 0, sizeof(xev)); xev.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.window = x11_window; xev.xclient.message_type = wm_state; xev.xclient.format = 32;[0] = 1;[1] = fullscreen;[2] = 0; XSendEvent(x11_display, DefaultRootWindow(x11_display), False, SubstructureNotifyMask, &xev); } // disable resizeable window if (!current_videomode.resizable) { XSizeHints *xsh; xsh = XAllocSizeHints(); xsh->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; XWindowAttributes xwa; if (current_videomode.fullscreen) { XGetWindowAttributes(x11_display,DefaultRootWindow(x11_display),&xwa); } else { XGetWindowAttributes(x11_display,x11_window,&xwa); } xsh->min_width = xwa.width; xsh->max_width = xwa.width; xsh->min_height = xwa.height; xsh->max_height = xwa.height; XSetWMNormalHints(x11_display, x11_window, xsh); } AudioDriverManagerSW::get_driver(p_audio_driver)->set_singleton(); if (AudioDriverManagerSW::get_driver(p_audio_driver)->init()!=OK) { ERR_PRINT("Initializing audio failed."); } sample_manager = memnew( SampleManagerMallocSW ); audio_server = memnew( AudioServerSW(sample_manager) ); audio_server->init(); spatial_sound_server = memnew( SpatialSoundServerSW ); spatial_sound_server->init(); spatial_sound_2d_server = memnew( SpatialSound2DServerSW ); spatial_sound_2d_server->init(); ERR_FAIL_COND(!visual_server); ERR_FAIL_COND(x11_window==0); XSetWindowAttributes new_attr; new_attr.event_mask=KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | Button2MotionMask | Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask | ButtonMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask | ColormapChangeMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask; XChangeWindowAttributes(x11_display, x11_window,CWEventMask,&new_attr); XClassHint* classHint; /* set the titlebar name */ XStoreName(x11_display, x11_window, "Godot"); /* set the name and class hints for the window manager to use */ classHint = XAllocClassHint(); if (classHint) { classHint->res_name = "Godot"; classHint->res_class = "Godot"; } XSetClassHint(x11_display, x11_window, classHint); XFree(classHint); wm_delete = XInternAtom(x11_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", true); XSetWMProtocols(x11_display, x11_window, &wm_delete, 1); if (xim && xim_style) { xic = XCreateIC (xim,XNInputStyle, xim_style,XNClientWindow,x11_window,XNFocusWindow, x11_window, (char*)NULL); } else { xic=NULL; WARN_PRINT("XCreateIC couldn't create xic"); } XcursorSetTheme(x11_display,"default"); cursor_size = XcursorGetDefaultSize(x11_display); cursor_theme = XcursorGetTheme(x11_display); if (!cursor_theme) { print_line("not found theme"); cursor_theme="default"; } for(int i=0;i<CURSOR_MAX;i++) { cursors[i]=None; } current_cursor=CURSOR_ARROW; if (cursor_theme) { //print_line("cursor theme: "+String(cursor_theme)); for(int i=0;i<CURSOR_MAX;i++) { static const char *cursor_file[]={ "left_ptr", "xterm", "hand2", "cross", "watch", "left_ptr_watch", "fleur", "hand1", "X_cursor", "sb_v_double_arrow", "sb_h_double_arrow", "size_bdiag", "size_fdiag", "hand1", "sb_v_double_arrow", "sb_h_double_arrow", "question_arrow" }; XcursorImage *img = XcursorLibraryLoadImage(cursor_file[i],cursor_theme,cursor_size); if (img) { cursors[i]=XcursorImageLoadCursor(x11_display,img); //print_line("found cursor: "+String(cursor_file[i])+" id "+itos(cursors[i])); } else { if (OS::is_stdout_verbose()) print_line("failed cursor: "+String(cursor_file[i])); } } } { Pixmap cursormask; XGCValues xgc; GC gc; XColor col; Cursor cursor; cursormask = XCreatePixmap(x11_display, RootWindow(x11_display,DefaultScreen(x11_display)), 1, 1, 1); xgc.function = GXclear; gc = XCreateGC(x11_display, cursormask, GCFunction, &xgc); XFillRectangle(x11_display, cursormask, gc, 0, 0, 1, 1); col.pixel = 0; = 0; col.flags = 4; cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(x11_display, cursormask, cursormask, &col, &col, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(x11_display, cursormask); XFreeGC(x11_display, gc); if (cursor == None) { ERR_PRINT("FAILED CREATING CURSOR"); } null_cursor=cursor; } set_cursor_shape(CURSOR_BUSY); visual_server->init(); // physics_server = memnew( PhysicsServerSW ); physics_server->init(); physics_2d_server = memnew( Physics2DServerSW ); physics_2d_server->init(); input = memnew( InputDefault ); probe_joystick(); _ensure_data_dir(); net_wm_icon = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_NET_WM_ICON", False); //printf("got map notify\n"); }