예제 #1
GBR_SCREEN::GBR_SCREEN( const wxSize& aPageSizeIU ) :
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( gbrZoomList );  ++i )
        m_ZoomList.push_back( gbrZoomList[i] );

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( gbrGridList );  ++i )
        AddGrid( gbrGridList[i] );

    // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value (in 1/10000 inch)
    SetGrid( DMIL_GRID( 500 ) );

    m_Active_Layer       = B_Cu;      // default active layer = bottom layer

    SetZoom( ZOOM_FACTOR( 350 ) );            // a default value for zoom

    InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU );
double GERBVIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
    GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* item = GetGerberLayout()->m_Drawings;

    // gives a minimal value to zoom, if no item in list
    if( item == NULL  )
        return ZOOM_FACTOR( 350.0 );

    EDA_RECT bbox = GetGerberLayout()->ComputeBoundingBox();

    wxSize  size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    double  x   = (double) bbox.GetWidth() / (double) size.x;
    double  y   = (double) bbox.GetHeight() / (double) size.y;
    SetScrollCenterPosition( bbox.Centre() );

    double  best_zoom = std::max( x, y );
    return best_zoom;
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pl_editorZoomList );  ++i )
        m_ZoomList.push_back( pl_editorZoomList[i] );

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pl_editorGridList );  ++i )
        AddGrid( pl_editorGridList[i] );

    // pl_editor uses the same frame position as schematic and board editors
    m_Center = false;

    // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value
    SetGrid( MM_GRID( 1.0 ) );

    SetZoom( ZOOM_FACTOR( 350 ) );            // a default value for zoom

    InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU );
    m_NumberOfScreens = 2;
예제 #4
PCB_SCREEN::PCB_SCREEN( const wxSize& aPageSizeIU ) :
    // D(wxSize displayz = wxGetDisplaySize();)
    // D(printf( "displayz x:%d y:%d lastZoomFactor: %.16g\n", displayz.x, displayz.y, pcbZoomList[DIM(pcbZoomList)-1] );)

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pcbZoomList );  ++i )
        m_ZoomList.push_back( pcbZoomList[i] );

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pcbGridList );  ++i )
        AddGrid( pcbGridList[i] );

    // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value (in 1/10000 inch)
    SetGrid( DMIL_GRID( 500 ) );

    m_Active_Layer       = B_Cu;      // default active layer = bottom layer
    m_Route_Layer_TOP    = F_Cu;     // default layers pair for vias (bottom to top)
    m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM = B_Cu;

    SetZoom( ZOOM_FACTOR( 120 ) );             // a default value for zoom

    InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU );
    EDA_DRAW_FRAME( aKiway, aParent, FRAME_GERBER, wxT( "GerbView" ),
        wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, KICAD_DEFAULT_DRAWFRAME_STYLE, GERBVIEW_FRAME_NAME )
    m_colorsSettings = &g_ColorsSettings;
    m_gerberLayout = NULL;
    m_zoomLevelCoeff = ZOOM_FACTOR( 110 );   // Adjusted to roughly displays zoom level = 1
                                        // when the screen shows a 1:1 image
                                        // obviously depends on the monitor,
                                        // but this is an acceptable value

    PAGE_INFO pageInfo( wxT( "GERBER" ) );
    SetPageSettings( pageInfo );

    m_show_layer_manager_tools = true;

    m_showAxis = true;                      // true to show X and Y axis on screen
    m_showBorderAndTitleBlock   = false;    // true for reference drawings.
    m_HotkeysZoomAndGridList    = GerbviewHokeysDescr;
    m_SelLayerBox   = NULL;
    m_DCodeSelector = NULL;
    m_displayMode   = 0;
    m_drillFileHistory.SetBaseId( ID_GERBVIEW_DRILL_FILE1 );

    if( m_canvas )
        m_canvas->SetEnableBlockCommands( true );

    // Give an icon
    wxIcon icon;
    icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_gerbview_xpm ) );
    SetIcon( icon );

    SetLayout( new GBR_LAYOUT() );

    SetVisibleLayers( -1 );         // All draw layers visible.

    SetScreen( new GBR_SCREEN( GetPageSettings().GetSizeIU() ) );

    // Create the PCB_LAYER_WIDGET *after* SetLayout():
    wxFont  font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont( wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT );
    int     pointSize       = font.GetPointSize();
    int     screenHeight    = wxSystemSettings::GetMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_Y );

    if( screenHeight <= 900 )
        pointSize = (pointSize * 8) / 10;

    m_LayersManager = new GERBER_LAYER_WIDGET( this, m_canvas, pointSize );

    // LoadSettings() *after* creating m_LayersManager, because LoadSettings()
    // initialize parameters in m_LayersManager
    LoadSettings( config() );

    SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y );

    if( m_LastGridSizeId < 0 )
        m_LastGridSizeId = 0;
    if( m_LastGridSizeId > ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_0_0_1MM-ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 )
        m_LastGridSizeId = ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_0_0_1MM-ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000;
    GetScreen()->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 + m_LastGridSizeId  );


    m_auimgr.SetManagedWindow( this );

    EDA_PANEINFO    horiz;

    EDA_PANEINFO    vert;

    EDA_PANEINFO    mesg;

    // Create a wxAuiPaneInfo for the Layers Manager, not derived from the template.
    // the Layers Manager is floatable, but initially docked at far right
    EDA_PANEINFO    lyrs;
    lyrs.MinSize( m_LayersManager->GetBestSize() );
    lyrs.BestSize( m_LayersManager->GetBestSize() );
    lyrs.Caption( _( "Visibles" ) );
    lyrs.TopDockable( false ).BottomDockable( false );

    if( m_mainToolBar )
        m_auimgr.AddPane( m_mainToolBar,
                          wxAuiPaneInfo( horiz ).Name( wxT( "m_mainToolBar" ) ).Top().Row( 0 ) );

    if( m_drawToolBar )
        m_auimgr.AddPane( m_drawToolBar,
                          wxAuiPaneInfo( vert ).Name( wxT( "m_drawToolBar" ) ).Right().Row( 1 ) );

    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_LayersManager,
                      lyrs.Name( wxT( "m_LayersManagerToolBar" ) ).Right().Layer( 0 ) );

    if( m_optionsToolBar )
        m_auimgr.AddPane( m_optionsToolBar,
                          wxAuiPaneInfo( vert ).Name( wxT( "m_optionsToolBar" ) ).Left() );

    if( m_canvas )
        m_auimgr.AddPane( m_canvas,
                          wxAuiPaneInfo().Name( wxT( "DrawFrame" ) ).CentrePane() );

    if( m_messagePanel )
        m_auimgr.AddPane( m_messagePanel,
                          wxAuiPaneInfo( mesg ).Name( wxT( "MsgPanel" ) ).Bottom().Layer( 10 ) );

    ReFillLayerWidget();                // this is near end because contents establish size
    m_LayersManager->ReFillRender();    // Update colors in Render after the config is read

    setActiveLayer( 0, true );
    Zoom_Automatique( false );           // Gives a default zoom value
예제 #6
    Default Pcbnew zoom values.
    Limited to 19 values to keep a decent size to menus.
    Roughly a 1.5 progression.
    The last 2 values are handy when somebody uses a library import of a module
    (or foreign data) which has a bad coordinate.
    Also useful in GerbView for this reason.
    Zoom 5 and 10 can create artefacts when drawing (integer overflow in low level graphic
    functions )

static const double pcbZoomList[] =
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.1 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.2 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.3 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 1.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 1.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 2.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 3.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 4.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 6.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 8.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 11.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 15.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 22.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 35.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 50.0 ),
예제 #7
                                            x * IU_PER_MM )

    Default Pcbnew zoom values.
    Limited to 19 values to keep a decent size to menus.
    Roughly a 1.5 progression.
    The last 2 values are handy when somebody uses a library import of a module
    (or foreign data) which has a bad coordinate.
    Also useful in GerbView for this reason.
    Zoom 5 and 10 can create artefacts when drawing (integer overflow in low level graphic
    functions )
static const double pcbZoomList[] =
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.1 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.2 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.3 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 1.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 1.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 2.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 3.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 4.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 7.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 10.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 15.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 22.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 35.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 50.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 80.0 ),
예제 #8
#include <base_units.h>
#include <gerbview_id.h>

#define DMIL_GRID( x ) wxRealPoint( x * IU_PER_DECIMILS,\
                                    x * IU_PER_DECIMILS )
#define MM_GRID( x )   wxRealPoint( x * IU_PER_MM,\
                                    x * IU_PER_MM )

    Default GerbView zoom values.
    Roughly a 1.5 progression.
static const double gbrZoomList[] =
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 0.75 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 1.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 1.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 2.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 3.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 4.5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 7.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 10.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 15.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 22.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 35.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 50.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 80.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 110.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 150.0 ),
#include <class_pl_editor_screen.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <pl_editor_id.h>

#define MM_GRID( x ) wxRealPoint( x * IU_PER_MM, x * IU_PER_MM )
#define ZOOM_FACTOR( x )  ( x * IU_PER_MM / 1000 )

    Default zoom values.
    Roughly a 1.5 progression.
static const double pl_editorZoomList[] =
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 5 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 7.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 10.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 15.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 22.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 35.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 50.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 80.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 120.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 160.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 230.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 290.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 380.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 500.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 750.0 ),
    ZOOM_FACTOR( 1000.0 ),