예제 #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;
    int no = argc-3;
    ZOOM_connection z[500]; /* allow at most 500 connections */
    ZOOM_resultset r[500];  /* and result sets .. */
    ZOOM_query q;
    ZOOM_options o;

    o = ZOOM_options_create ();
    if (argc < 4)
        fprintf (stderr, "usage:\n%s target1 .. targetN query sort\n",
        exit (2);
    if (no > 500)
        no = 500;

    /* function my_callback called when reading options .. */
    ZOOM_options_set_callback (o, my_callback, 0);

    /* get 20 (at most) records from beginning */
    ZOOM_options_set (o, "count", "20");

    ZOOM_options_set (o, "implementationName", "sortapp");
    ZOOM_options_set (o, "preferredRecordSyntax", "usmarc");
    ZOOM_options_set (o, "elementSetName", "B");

    /* create query */
    q = ZOOM_query_create ();
    if (ZOOM_query_prefix (q, argv[argc-2]))
        printf ("bad PQF: %s\n", argv[argc-2]);
        exit (1);
    if (ZOOM_query_sortby (q, argv[argc-1]))
        printf ("bad sort spec: %s\n", argv[argc-1]);
        exit (1);
    /* connect - and search all */
    for (i = 0; i<no; i++)
        z[i] = ZOOM_connection_create (o);
        ZOOM_connection_connect (z[i], argv[i+1], 0);
        r[i] = ZOOM_connection_search (z[i], q);

    /* network I/O */
    while (ZOOM_event (no, z))

    /* handle errors */
    for (i = 0; i<no; i++)
        int error;
        const char *errmsg, *addinfo;
        if ((error = ZOOM_connection_error(z[i], &errmsg, &addinfo)))
            fprintf (stderr, "%s error: %s (%d) %s\n",
                     ZOOM_connection_option_get(z[i], "host"),
                     errmsg, error, addinfo);
            /* OK, no major errors. Look at the result count */
            int pos;
            printf ("%s: %ld hits\n", ZOOM_connection_option_get(z[i], "host"),
                    (long) ZOOM_resultset_size(r[i]));
            /* go through first 20 records at target */
            for (pos = 0; pos < 20; pos++)
                ZOOM_record rec;
                const char *db, *syntax, *str;
                int len;

                rec = ZOOM_resultset_record (r[i], pos);
                /* get database for record and record itself at pos */

                db = ZOOM_record_get (rec,  "database", 0);
                str = ZOOM_record_get (rec, "xml", &len);
                syntax = ZOOM_record_get (rec, "syntax", &len);
                /* if rec is non-null, we got a record for display */
                if (str)
                    printf ("%d %s %s\n", pos+1, syntax, 
                            (db ? db : "unknown"));
                    if (rec)
                        if (fwrite (str, 1, len, stdout) != (size_t) len)
                            printf("write to stdout failed\n");
                    printf ("\n");

    /* destroy stuff and exit */
    ZOOM_query_destroy (q);
    for (i = 0; i<no; i++)
        ZOOM_resultset_destroy (r[i]);
        ZOOM_connection_destroy (z[i]);
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int block;
    int i, j;
    ZOOM_connection z;
    ZOOM_resultset r[10];  /* and result sets .. */
    ZOOM_options o;

    o = ZOOM_options_create ();

    z = ZOOM_connection_new ("localhost", 9999);
    if (ZOOM_connection_error (z, 0, 0))
        printf ("error - couldn't connect?\n");
        exit (1);
    ZOOM_connection_destroy (z);

    for (block = 0; block < 3; block++)
        switch (block)
        case 0:
            printf ("blocking - not calling ZOOM_events\n");
        case 1:
            printf ("blocking - calling ZOOM_events\n");
        case 2:
            printf ("non-blocking - calling ZOOM_events\n");
        if (block > 1)
            ZOOM_options_set (o, "async", "1");
        for (i = 0; i<10; i++)
            char host[40];

            printf ("session %2d", i);
            sprintf (host, "localhost:9999/%d", i);
            z = ZOOM_connection_create (o);
            ZOOM_connection_connect (z, host, 0);
            for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                ZOOM_record recs[2];
                char query[40];
                ZOOM_query s = ZOOM_query_create ();
                sprintf (query, "i%dr%d", i, j);
                if (ZOOM_query_prefix (s, query))
                    printf ("bad PQF: %s\n", query);
                    exit (2);
                ZOOM_options_set (o, "start", "0");
                ZOOM_options_set (o, "count", "0");
                r[j] = ZOOM_connection_search (z, s); /* non-piggy */
                ZOOM_resultset_records (r[j], recs, 0, 2);  /* first two */
                ZOOM_resultset_records (r[j], recs, 1, 2);  /* third */

                ZOOM_resultset_records (r[j], recs, 0, 0);  /* ignored */

                if (ZOOM_resultset_size (r[j]) > 2)
                    if (!recs[0])
                        fprintf (stderr, "\nrecord missing\n");
                        exit (1);
                ZOOM_query_destroy (s);

                printf (".");
                if (block > 0)
                    while (ZOOM_event (1, &z))
            for (j = 0; j<i; j++)
                ZOOM_resultset_destroy (r[j]);
            ZOOM_connection_destroy (z);
            for (; j < 10; j++)
                ZOOM_resultset_destroy (r[j]);
            printf ("10 searches, 20 presents done\n");


        for (i = 0; i<1; i++)
            ZOOM_query q = ZOOM_query_create ();
            char host[40];

            printf ("session %2d", i+10);
            sprintf (host, "localhost:9999/%d", i);
            z = ZOOM_connection_create (o);
            ZOOM_connection_connect (z, host, 0);
            for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                char query[40];
                sprintf (query, "i%dr%d", i, j);
                ZOOM_options_set (o, "count", "0");
                r[j] = ZOOM_connection_search_pqf (z, query);

                printf (".");
                if (block > 0)
                    while (ZOOM_event (1, &z))

            ZOOM_connection_destroy (z);
            for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                ZOOM_resultset_records (r[j], 0, 0, 1);
            for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                ZOOM_resultset_destroy (r[j]);
            ZOOM_query_destroy (q);
            printf ("10 searches, 10 ignored presents done\n");

        for (i = 0; i<1; i++)
            char host[40];
            ZOOM_scanset scan = 0;

            printf ("session %2d", i);
            sprintf (host, "localhost:9999/%d", i);
            z = ZOOM_connection_create (o);
            ZOOM_connection_connect (z, host, 0);

            scan = ZOOM_connection_scan(z, "@attr 1=4 a");
            if (block > 0)
                while (ZOOM_event (1, &z))
            printf (" scan size = %ld\n", (long) ZOOM_scanset_size(scan));
            for (j = 0; j < (int) ZOOM_scanset_size (scan); j++)
                int occur, len;
                const char *term;
                term = ZOOM_scanset_term (scan, j, &occur, &len);
                if (term)
                    printf ("%d %.*s %d\n", j, len, term, occur);
            ZOOM_scanset_destroy (scan);
            ZOOM_connection_destroy (z);

    ZOOM_options_destroy (o);
    exit (0);