void FOpusAudioInfo::ExpandFile(uint8* DstBuffer, struct FSoundQualityInfo* QualityInfo)
	check(QualityInfo->SampleDataSize <= SrcBufferDataSize);

	// Ensure we're at the start of the audio data
	SrcBufferOffset = AudioDataOffset;

	uint32 RawPCMOffset = 0;

	while (RawPCMOffset < QualityInfo->SampleDataSize)
		uint16 FrameSize = 0;
		Read(&FrameSize, sizeof(uint16));
		int32 DecodedSamples = DecompressToPCMBuffer(FrameSize);

		if (DecodedSamples < 0)
			RawPCMOffset += ZeroBuffer(DstBuffer + RawPCMOffset, QualityInfo->SampleDataSize - RawPCMOffset);
			LastPCMByteSize = IncrementCurrentSampleCount(DecodedSamples) * SampleStride;
			RawPCMOffset += WriteFromDecodedPCM(DstBuffer + RawPCMOffset, QualityInfo->SampleDataSize - RawPCMOffset);
예제 #2
void CVWString::SetBufferSize( int str_length )
	v_nSize = str_length + 1;
	v_pData = (wchar*)alloc(v_nSize * SIZEOFWCHAR);
예제 #3
		void ProcessVector(float *input)
			//Add the FFT to the total
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vector_length; i++){
				m_buffer[i] += input[i];
			m_count++; //increment the total
			if (m_avg_size == m_count){ //we've averaged over the number we intended to
				double freqs[m_vector_length]; //for convenience
				float bands0[m_vector_length]; //bands in order of frequency
				float bands1[m_vector_length]; //fine window bands
				float bands2[m_vector_length]; //coarse window bands
				Rearrange(bands0, freqs, m_centre_freq_1, m_bandwidth0); //organise the buffer into a convenient order (saves to bands0)
				GetBands(bands0, bands1, m_bandwidth1); //apply the fine window (saves to bands1)
				GetBands(bands0, bands2, m_bandwidth2); //apply the coarse window (saves to bands2)
				PrintSignals(freqs, bands1, bands2);
				m_count = 0; //next time, we're starting from scratch - so note this
				ZeroBuffer(); //get ready to start again
				m_wait_count++; //we've just done another listen
				if (m_time/(m_bandwidth0/(double)(m_vector_length * m_avg_size)) <= m_wait_count){ //if we should move to the next frequency
					while (true) { //keep moving to the next frequency until we get to one we can listen on (copes with holes in the tunable range)
						if (m_centre_freq_2 <= m_centre_freq_1){ //we reached the end!
							//do something to end the scan
							fprintf(stderr, "[*] Finished scanning\n"); //say we're exiting
							exit(0); //TODO: This probably isn't the right thing, but it'll do for now
						m_centre_freq_1 += m_step; //calculate the frequency we should change to
						double actual = m_source->set_center_freq(m_centre_freq_1); //change frequency
						if ((m_centre_freq_1 - actual < 10.0) && (actual - m_centre_freq_1 < 10.0)){ //success
							break; //so stop changing frequency
					m_wait_count = 0; //new frequency - we've listenned 0 times on it
예제 #4
// 描述: 数据包首部初始化
// 参数:
//   nSeqNumberA   - 为0时表示自动增长,否则直接赋值
void CUdpPacketHeader::Init(uint nActionCodeA, uint nSeqNumberA,uint nOrderA)
    ZeroBuffer(this, sizeof(CUdpPacketHeader));

    nProtoType = PP_UDP;      //包的协议
    nActionCode = nActionCodeA;    //包的动作代码
    if (nSeqNumberA == 0)
        nSeqNumber = Tracker.GetAllocator().AllocId() + 1;
        nSeqNumber = nSeqNumberA;
    nOrder =  nOrderA;
    nUserIp = StringToIp(GetLocalIp());    //用户IP
    wUdpPort = TrackerServer.GetLocalPort();  //UDP端口
    wTcpPort = PeerTcpServer.GetLocalPort();    //TCP端口
    char * UserName = Tracker.GetstrUserName();
    char * UserPassword = Tracker.GetstrUserPassword();
예제 #5
		scanner_sink(osmosdr::source::sptr source, unsigned int vector_length, double centre_freq_1, double centre_freq_2, double bandwidth0, double bandwidth1, double bandwidth2,
				double step, unsigned int avg_size, double spread, double threshold, double ptime) :
			gr::block ("scanner_sink",
				gr::io_signature::make (1, 1, sizeof (float) * vector_length),
				gr::io_signature::make (0, 0, 0)),
			m_source(source), //We need the source in order to be able to control it
			m_buffer(new float[vector_length]), //buffer into which we accumulate the total for averaging
			m_vector_length(vector_length), //size of the FFT
			m_count(0), //number of FFTs totalled in the buffer
			m_wait_count(0), //number of times we've listenned on this frequency
			m_avg_size(avg_size), //the number of FFTs we should average over
			m_step(step), //the amount by which the frequency shold be incremented
			m_centre_freq_1(centre_freq_1), //start frequency (and then current frequency)
			m_centre_freq_2(centre_freq_2), //end frequency
			m_bandwidth0(bandwidth0), //samples per second
			m_bandwidth1(bandwidth1), //fine window (band)width
			m_bandwidth2(bandwidth2), //coarse window (band)width
			m_threshold(threshold), //threshold in dB for discovery
			m_spread(spread), //minumum distance between radio signals (overlapping scans might produce slightly different frequencies)
			m_time(ptime), //the amount of time to listen on the same frequency for
			m_start_time(time(0)) //the start time of the scan (useful for logging/reporting/monitoring)
예제 #6
    _In_  FileSystemDescriptor_t*   FileSystem,
    _In_  MfsEntryHandle_t*         Handle,
    _In_  DmaBuffer_t*              BufferObject,
    _In_  size_t                    Length,
    _Out_ size_t*                   BytesWritten)
    MfsInstance_t*   Mfs             = (MfsInstance_t*)FileSystem->ExtensionData;
    MfsEntry_t*      Entry           = (MfsEntry_t*)Handle->Base.Entry;
    FileSystemCode_t Result          = FsOk;
    uint64_t         Position        = Handle->Base.Position;
    size_t           BucketSizeBytes = Mfs->SectorsPerBucket * FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize;
    size_t           BytesToWrite    = Length;

    TRACE("FsWriteEntry(Id 0x%x, Position %u, Length %u)",
        Handle->Base.Id, LODWORD(Position), Length);

    *BytesWritten = 0;
    Result        = MfsEnsureRecordSpace(FileSystem, Entry, Position + BytesToWrite);
    if (Result != FsOk) {
        return Result;

    // Guard against newly allocated files
    if (Handle->DataBucketPosition == MFS_ENDOFCHAIN) {
        Handle->DataBucketPosition  = Entry->StartBucket;
        Handle->DataBucketLength    = Entry->StartLength;
        Handle->BucketByteBoundary  = 0;
    // Write in a loop to make sure we write all requested bytes
    while (BytesToWrite) {
        // Calculate which bucket, then the sector offset
        // Then calculate how many sectors of the bucket we need to read
        uint64_t Sector         = MFS_GETSECTOR(Mfs, Handle->DataBucketPosition);
        uint64_t SectorOffset   = (Position - Handle->BucketByteBoundary) % FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize;
        size_t SectorIndex      = (size_t)((Position - Handle->BucketByteBoundary) / FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize);
        size_t SectorsLeft      = MFS_GETSECTOR(Mfs, Handle->DataBucketLength) - SectorIndex;
        size_t SectorCount      = 0, ByteCount = 0;

        // Ok - so sectorindex contains the index in the bucket
        // and sector offset contains the byte-offset in that sector

        // Calculate the sector index into bucket
        Sector += SectorIndex;

        // Calculate how many sectors we should read in
        SectorCount = DIVUP(BytesToWrite, FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize);

        // Do we cross a boundary?
        if (SectorOffset + BytesToWrite > FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize) {

        // Adjust for bucket boundary
        SectorCount = MIN(SectorsLeft, SectorCount);

        // Adjust for number of bytes read
        ByteCount = (size_t)MIN(BytesToWrite, (SectorCount * FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize) - SectorOffset);

        // Ex pos 490 - length 50
        // SectorIndex = 0, SectorOffset = 490, SectorCount = 2 - ByteCount = 50 (Capacity 4096)
        // Ex pos 1109 - length 450
        // SectorIndex = 2, SectorOffset = 85, SectorCount = 2 - ByteCount = 450 (Capacity 4096)
        // Ex pos 490 - length 4000
        // SectorIndex = 0, SectorOffset = 490, SectorCount = 8 - ByteCount = 3606 (Capacity 4096)
        TRACE("Write metrics - Sector %u + %u, Count %u, ByteOffset %u, ByteCount %u",
            LODWORD(Sector), SectorIndex, SectorCount, LODWORD(SectorOffset), ByteCount);

        // First of all, calculate the bounds as we might need to read
        // in existing data - Start out by clearing our combination buffer

        // Case 1 - Handle padding
        if (SectorOffset != 0 || ByteCount != FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize) {
            // Start building the sector
            if (MfsReadSectors(FileSystem, Mfs->TransferBuffer, Sector, 
                SectorCount, &SectorCount) != OsSuccess) {
                ERROR("Failed to read sector %u for combination step", 
                Result = FsDiskError;
            // Adjust the bytecount if we are not able to read all in one go
            if ((FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize * SectorCount) < ByteCount) {
                ByteCount = FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize * SectorCount;

        // Now write the data to the sector
        SeekBuffer(Mfs->TransferBuffer, (size_t)SectorOffset);
        CombineBuffer(Mfs->TransferBuffer, BufferObject, ByteCount, NULL);

        // Perform the write (Raw - as we need to pass the datapointer)
        if (MfsWriteSectors(FileSystem, Mfs->TransferBuffer, Sector, 
            SectorCount, &SectorCount) != OsSuccess) {
            ERROR("Failed to write sector %u", LODWORD(Sector));
            Result = FsDiskError;

        // Increase the pointers and decrease with bytes read
        // Adjust the bytecount if we are not able to read all in one go
        if ((FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize * SectorCount) < ByteCount) {
            ByteCount = FileSystem->Disk.Descriptor.SectorSize * SectorCount;
        Position      += ByteCount;
        *BytesWritten += ByteCount;
        BytesToWrite  -= ByteCount;

        // Do we need to switch bucket?
        // We do if the position we have read to equals end of bucket
        if (Position == (Handle->BucketByteBoundary + (Handle->DataBucketLength * BucketSizeBytes))) {
            MapRecord_t Link;

            // We have to lookup the link for current bucket
            if (MfsGetBucketLink(FileSystem, Handle->DataBucketPosition, &Link) != OsSuccess) {
                ERROR("Failed to get link for bucket %u", Handle->DataBucketPosition);
                Result = FsDiskError;

            // Check for EOL
            if (Link.Link == MFS_ENDOFCHAIN) {
            Handle->DataBucketPosition = Link.Link;

            // Lookup length of link
            if (MfsGetBucketLink(FileSystem, Handle->DataBucketPosition, &Link) != OsSuccess) {
                ERROR("Failed to get length for bucket %u", Handle->DataBucketPosition);
                Result = FsDiskError;
            Handle->DataBucketLength    = Link.Length;
            Handle->BucketByteBoundary  += (Link.Length * BucketSizeBytes);

    // entry->modified = now
    Entry->ActionOnClose = MFS_ACTION_UPDATE;
    return Result;
bool FOpusAudioInfo::StreamCompressedData(uint8* Destination, bool bLooping, uint32 BufferSize)


	UE_LOG(LogAudio, Log, TEXT("Streaming compressed data from SoundWave'%s' - Chunk %d, Offset %d"), *StreamingSoundWave->GetName(), CurrentChunkIndex, SrcBufferOffset);

	// Write out any PCM data that was decoded during the last request
	uint32 RawPCMOffset = WriteFromDecodedPCM(Destination, BufferSize);

	// If next chunk wasn't loaded when last one finished reading, try to get it again now
	if (SrcBufferData == NULL)
		SrcBufferData = IStreamingManager::Get().GetAudioStreamingManager().GetLoadedChunk(StreamingSoundWave, CurrentChunkIndex);
		if (SrcBufferData)
			SrcBufferDataSize = StreamingSoundWave->RunningPlatformData->Chunks[CurrentChunkIndex].DataSize;
			SrcBufferOffset = CurrentChunkIndex == 0 ? AudioDataOffset : 0;
			// Still not loaded, zero remainder of current buffer
			UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT("Unable to read from chunk %d of SoundWave'%s'"), CurrentChunkIndex, *StreamingSoundWave->GetName());
			ZeroBuffer(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);
			return false;

	bool bLooped = false;

	if (bStoringEndOfFile && LastPCMByteSize > 0)
		// delayed returning looped because we hadn't read the entire buffer
		bLooped = true;
		bStoringEndOfFile = false;

	while (RawPCMOffset < BufferSize)
		uint16 FrameSize = 0;
		Read(&FrameSize, sizeof(uint16));
		int32 DecodedSamples = DecompressToPCMBuffer(FrameSize);

		if (DecodedSamples < 0)
			LastPCMByteSize = 0;
			ZeroBuffer(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);
			return false;
			LastPCMByteSize = IncrementCurrentSampleCount(DecodedSamples) * SampleStride;

			RawPCMOffset += WriteFromDecodedPCM(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);

			// Have we reached the end of buffer
			if (SrcBufferOffset >= SrcBufferDataSize)
				// Special case for the last chunk of audio
				if (CurrentChunkIndex == StreamingSoundWave->RunningPlatformData->NumChunks - 1)
					// check whether all decoded PCM was written
					if (LastPCMByteSize == 0)
						bLooped = true;
						bStoringEndOfFile = true;
					if (bLooping)
						CurrentChunkIndex = 0;
						SrcBufferOffset = AudioDataOffset;
						CurrentSampleCount = 0;
						RawPCMOffset += ZeroBuffer(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);
					SrcBufferOffset = 0;

				SrcBufferData = IStreamingManager::Get().GetAudioStreamingManager().GetLoadedChunk(StreamingSoundWave, CurrentChunkIndex);
				if (SrcBufferData)
					UE_LOG(LogAudio, Log, TEXT("Incremented current chunk from SoundWave'%s' - Chunk %d, Offset %d"), *StreamingSoundWave->GetName(), CurrentChunkIndex, SrcBufferOffset);
					SrcBufferDataSize = StreamingSoundWave->RunningPlatformData->Chunks[CurrentChunkIndex].DataSize;
					SrcBufferDataSize = 0;
					RawPCMOffset += ZeroBuffer(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);

	return bLooped;
bool FOpusAudioInfo::ReadCompressedData(uint8* Destination, bool bLooping, uint32 BufferSize /*= 0*/)


	// Write out any PCM data that was decoded during the last request
	uint32 RawPCMOffset = WriteFromDecodedPCM(Destination, BufferSize);

	bool bLooped = false;

	if (bStoringEndOfFile && LastPCMByteSize > 0)
		// delayed returning looped because we hadn't read the entire buffer
		bLooped = true;
		bStoringEndOfFile = false;

	while (RawPCMOffset < BufferSize)
		uint16 FrameSize = 0;
		Read(&FrameSize, sizeof(uint16));
		int32 DecodedSamples = DecompressToPCMBuffer(FrameSize);
		if (DecodedSamples < 0)
			LastPCMByteSize = 0;
			ZeroBuffer(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);
			return false;
			LastPCMByteSize = IncrementCurrentSampleCount(DecodedSamples) * SampleStride;
			RawPCMOffset += WriteFromDecodedPCM(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);

			if (SrcBufferOffset >= SrcBufferDataSize)
				// check whether all decoded PCM was written
				if (LastPCMByteSize == 0)
					bLooped = true;
					bStoringEndOfFile = true;
				if (bLooping)
					SrcBufferOffset = AudioDataOffset;
					CurrentSampleCount = 0;
					RawPCMOffset += ZeroBuffer(Destination + RawPCMOffset, BufferSize - RawPCMOffset);

	return bLooped;