예제 #1
void CommandTable::Dump(void)
	for(CommandList::iterator iter = m_commands.begin(); iter != m_commands.end(); ++iter)
		_DMESSAGE("%08X %04X %s %s", iter->opcode, iter->needsParent, iter->longName, iter->shortName);

#if 0
		for(UInt32 i = 0; i < iter->numParams; i++)
			ParamInfo	* param = &iter->params[i];
			_DMESSAGE("%08X %08X %s", param->typeID, param->isOptional, param->typeStr);

bool BoundItemMgefHandler::DialogMessageCallback(HWND dialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& result)
    HWND ctl;

    // parse message
    switch (uMsg)
    case WM_COMMAND:
        UInt32 commandCode = HIWORD(wParam);
        switch (LOWORD(wParam))  // switch on control id
        case IDC_SMBO_USEWEAPON:  // Armor/Weapon toggle
        case IDC_SMBO_USEARMOR:
            if (commandCode == BN_CLICKED)
                _VMESSAGE("Weapon/Armor toggle clicked"); 
                bool clicked = false;
                // weapon 
                ctl = GetDlgItem(dialog,IDC_SMBO_WEAPON);
                clicked = IsDlgButtonChecked(dialog,IDC_SMBO_USEWEAPON);
                _DMESSAGE("Setting Weap sel to %08X", clicked ? parentEffect.mgefParam : 0);
                TESComboBox::SetCurSelByData(ctl, clicked ? TESForm::LookupByFormID(parentEffect.mgefParam) : 0);
                // armor
                ctl = GetDlgItem(dialog,IDC_SMBO_ARMOR);
                clicked = IsDlgButtonChecked(dialog,IDC_SMBO_USEARMOR);
                _DMESSAGE("Setting Armo sel to %08X", clicked ? parentEffect.mgefParam : 0);
                TESComboBox::SetCurSelByData(ctl, clicked ? TESForm::LookupByFormID(parentEffect.mgefParam) : 0);
                result = 0; return true;   // retval = false signals command handled    
    return false;
예제 #3
// CSE command parsing
void CSEPrintCallback(const char* message, const char* prefix)
    Called whenever output is provided to CSE console, if present
    Commands recognized by this parser take the form 'solutionName commandName [args...]'
    char buffer[0x200];
    char* context = 0;
    if (!message || _stricmp(strtok_s(const_cast<char*>(buffer)," \t",&context),SOLUTIONNAME) != 0) return; // output is not a command targeted to this plugin
    const char* command = strtok_s(0," \t",&context);   // extract command name using strtok()
    _DMESSAGE("%s %s %s",prefix,buffer,command);
    if (!command) return;    
    const char* argA = strtok_s(0," \t",&context);  // extract 1st arg, if present
    const char* argB = strtok_s(0," \t",&context);  // extract 2nd arg, if present
    const char* argC = strtok_s(0," \t",&context);  // extract 3rd arg, if present
    if (_stricmp(command,"Description") == 0)    // 'Description' command
    else if (_stricmp(command,"ListMyForms") == 0)    // 'ListMyForms' command
void SubmoduleInterface::COEFTest(TESObjectREFR* thisObj, const char* argA, const char* argB, const char* argC)
{// this is a stub, just to demonstrate the concept of a general interface function
    BSStringT desc;
    if (thisObj) thisObj->GetDebugDescription(desc);
    _DMESSAGE("Test command on <%p> '%s' w/ args A='%s' B='%s' C='%s'",thisObj,desc.c_str(),argA,argB,argC);