static kbool_t iterator_PackupNameSpace(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, int option, KTraceInfo *trace) { KRequireKonohaCommonModule(trace); if(CT_Iterator == NULL) { kparamtype_t IteratorParam = {TY_Object}; KDEFINE_CLASS defIterator = {0}; SETSTRUCTNAME(defIterator, Iterator); defIterator.cflag = CFLAG_Iterator; defIterator.init = Iterator_Init; defIterator.cparamsize = 1; defIterator.cParamItems = &IteratorParam; CT_Iterator = KLIB kNameSpace_DefineClass(kctx, ns, NULL, &defIterator, trace); CT_StringIterator = CT_p0(kctx, CT_Iterator, TY_String); CT_GenericIterator = CT_p0(kctx, CT_Iterator, TY_0); } KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public, _F(Iterator_hasNext), TY_boolean, TY_Iterator, MN_("hasNext"), 0, _Public, _F(Iterator_next), TY_0, TY_Iterator, MN_("next"), 0, _Public, _F(Array_toIterator), TY_GenericIterator, TY_Array, MN_("toIterator"), 0, _Public, _F(String_toIterator), TY_StringIterator, TY_String, MN_("toIterator"), 0, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); return true; }
static kbool_t exception_initPackage(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, int argc, const char**args, kfileline_t pline) { KonohaExceptionModule *mod = (KonohaExceptionModule*)KCALLOC(sizeof(KonohaExceptionModule), 1); mod-> = "exception"; mod->h.setup = kModuleException_setup; mod->h.reftrace = kModuleException_reftrace; mod-> = kModuleException_free; KLIB Konoha_setModule(kctx, MOD_exception, &mod->h, pline); KDEFINE_CLASS defException = { STRUCTNAME(Exception), .cflag = CFLAG_Exception, .init = Exception_init, .reftrace = Exception_reftrace, .p = Exception_p, }; mod->cException = KLIB Konoha_defineClass(kctx, ns->packageId, PN_konoha, NULL, &defException, pline); KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public|_Hidden, _F(System_throw), TY_void, TY_System, MN_("throw"), 1, TY_Exception, FN_("e"), _Public|_Hidden, _F(System_getThrownException), TY_Exception, TY_System, MN_("getThrownException"), 0, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_loadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData); return true; }
static kbool_t bytes_PackupNameSpace(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, int option, KTraceInfo *trace) { KRequireKonohaCommonModule(trace); //KImportPackageSymbol(ns, "cstyle", "$SingleQuotedChar", trace); if(KClass_Bytes == NULL) { KDEFINE_CLASS defBytes = {0}; SETSTRUCTNAME(defBytes, Bytes); defBytes.cflag = KClassFlag_Final; = kBytes_Free; defBytes.init = kBytes_Init; defBytes.format = kBytes_format; KClass_Bytes = KLIB kNameSpace_DefineClass(kctx, ns, NULL, &defBytes, trace); } int FN_index = KFieldName_("index"); int FN_c = KFieldName_("c"); int FN_size = KFieldName_("size"); KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public, _F(Bytes_new), KType_Bytes, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_("new"), 1, KType_Int, FN_size, _Public|_Im, _F(Bytes_getSize), KType_Int, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_("getSize"), 0, _Public|_Im, _F(Bytes_get), KType_Int, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_("get"), 1, KType_Int, FN_index, _Public, _F(Bytes_Set), KType_void, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_("set"), 2, KType_Int, FN_index, KType_Int, FN_c, _Public, _F(Bytes_SetAll), KType_void, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_("setAll"), 1, KType_Int, FN_c, _Public|_Im|_Coercion, _F(String_toBytes), KType_Bytes, KType_String, KMethodName_To(KType_Bytes), 0, //_Public|_Im|_Coercion, _F(Bytes_toString), KType_String, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_To(KType_String), 0, //_Public|_Const, _F(Bytes_encodeTo), KType_Bytes, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_("encodeTo"), 1, KType_String, FN_encoding, //_Public|_Const, _F(Bytes_decodeFrom), KType_String, KType_Bytes, KMethodName_("decodeFrom"), 1, KType_String, FN_encoding, _Public, _F(String_new_fromBytes_withDefaultDecode), KType_String, KType_String, KMethodName_("new"), 1, KType_Bytes, KFieldName_("ba"), _Public, _F(String_new_fromBytes_withSpecifiedDecode), KType_String, KType_String, KMethodName_("new"), 2, KType_Bytes, KFieldName_("ba"), KType_String, KFieldName_("charset"), _Public, _F(String_new_fromSubBytes_withDefaultDecode), KType_String, KType_String, KMethodName_("new"), 3, KType_Bytes, KFieldName_("ba"), KType_Int, KFieldName_("offset"), KType_Int, KFieldName_("length"), _Public, _F(String_new_fromSubBytes_withSpecifiedDecode), KType_String, KType_String, KMethodName_("new"), 4, KType_Bytes, KFieldName_("ba"), KType_Int, KFieldName_("offset"), KType_Int, KFieldName_("length"), KType_String, KFieldName_("charset"), DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); return true; }
void check_and_log_error(const char *function_name) { GLuint error = glGetError(); if(error != GL_NO_ERROR) { std::string error_string; switch(error) { case GL_INVALID_ENUM: error_string = "GL_INVALID_ENUM"; break; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: error_string = "GL_INVALID_VALUE"; break; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: error_string = "GL_INVALID_OPERATION"; break; case GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT: error_string = "GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION"; break; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: error_string = "GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY"; break; #ifndef __ANDROID__ case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: error_string = "GL_STACK_OVERFLOW"; break; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: error_string = "GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW"; break; #endif } L_ERROR(_F("An OpenGL error occurred: {0} - {1}").format(function_name, error_string)); throw std::runtime_error(_F("GL ERROR: {0}").format(error_string)); } }
static kbool_t Libevent_PackupNameSpace(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, int option, KTraceInfo *trace) { /* Class Definition */ KDEFINE_CLASS defLibevent = {0}; SETSTRUCTNAME(defLibevent, Libevent); defLibevent.cflag = KClassFlag_Final; defLibevent.init = Libevent_Init; = Libevent_Free; KClass *LibeventClass = KLIB kNameSpace_DefineClass(kctx, ns, NULL, &defLibevent, trace); int KType_Libevent = LibeventClass->typeId; KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public, _F(Libevent_new), KType_Libevent, KType_Libevent, KMethodName_("new"), 0, _Public, _F(Libevent_dispatch), KType_Libevent, KType_Libevent, KMethodName_("dispatch"), 0, _Public, _F(Libevent_event_add), KType_Int, KType_Libevent, KMethodName_("event_add"), 2, KType_Object, KFieldName_("timeval"), _Public, _F(Libevent_event_del), KType_Int, KType_Libevent, KMethodName_("event_del"), 1, #ifdef CUTCUT _Public, _F(Person_say), KType_String, KType_Person, KMethodName_("say"), 0, #endif DEND, /* <= sentinel */ }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); return true; }
static kbool_t HelloWorld_PackupNameSpace(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, int option, KTraceInfo *trace) { /* Class Definition */ /* If you want to create Generic class like Array<T>, see package */ KDEFINE_CLASS defPerson = {0}; SETSTRUCTNAME(defPerson, Person); defPerson.cflag = kClass_Final; defPerson.init = Person_Init; defPerson.p = Person_p; defPerson.reftrace = Person_Reftrace; = Person_Free; KonohaClass *PersonClass = KLIB kNameSpace_DefineClass(kctx, ns, NULL, &defPerson, trace); /* You can define methods with the following procedures. */ int TY_Person = PersonClass->typeId; int FN_x = FN_("x"); int FN_y = FN_("y"); KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public, _F(Person_new), TY_Person, TY_Person, MN_("new"), 2, TY_String, FN_x, TY_int, FN_y, _Public, _F(Person_say), TY_String, TY_Person, MN_("say"), 0, DEND, /* <= sentinel */ }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); /* You can define constant variable with the following procedures. */ KDEFINE_INT_CONST IntData[] = { {"NARUTO_AGE", TY_int, 18}, {} /* <= sentinel */ }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadConstData(kctx, ns, KonohaConst_(IntData), false/*isOverride*/, trace); return true; }
static kbool_t konoha_defineMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_CLASS defKonohaFactory = {0}; SETSTRUCTNAME(defKonohaFactory, KonohaFactory); defKonohaFactory.init = kKonohaFactory_Init; = kKonohaFactory_Free; KDEFINE_CLASS defKonoha = {0}; SETSTRUCTNAME(defKonoha, Konoha); defKonoha.init = kKonoha_Init; = kKonoha_Free; KClass *cKonohaFactory = KLIB KClass_define(kctx, ns->packageId, NULL, &defKonohaFactory, trace); KClass *cKonoha = KLIB KClass_define(kctx, ns->packageId, NULL, &defKonoha, trace); int KType_KonohaFactory = cKonohaFactory->typeId, KType_Konoha = cKonoha->typeId; KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { kMethod_Public, _F(KonohaFactory_new), KType_KonohaFactory, KType_KonohaFactory, KMethodName_("new"), 0, kMethod_Public, _F(KonohaFactory_loadModule), KType_Boolean, KType_KonohaFactory, KMethodName_("loadModule"), 1, KType_String, KFieldName_("name"), kMethod_Public, _F(KonohaFactory_create), KType_Konoha, KType_KonohaFactory, KMethodName_("create"), 0, kMethod_Public, _F(Konoha_loadScript), KType_Boolean, KType_Konoha, KMethodName_("loadScript"), 1, KType_String, KFieldName_("filename"), kMethod_Public, _F(Konoha_eval), KType_Konoha, KType_Konoha, KMethodName_("eval"), 1, KType_String, KFieldName_("script"), DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); return true; }
PhysicsTest* RenderTestSelector(const GLFontRenderer& texter, float x, float text_scale, int start_index, float& y_last) { int NbTests = GetNbTests(); const int NbToGo = ICE_ARRAYSIZE(Alpha); float y = float(NbToGo) * text_scale; const float XOffset = 0.01f; // DrawRectangle(XOffset, 1.0f-XOffset, y + text_scale*2.0f, y - text_scale*9.0f, Point(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.2f), 0.5f); PhysicsTest* CandidateTest = null; for(int i=0;i<NbToGo;i++) { const float a = Alpha[i]; const bool Selected = a==1.0f; if(Selected) texter.setColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.2f, a); else texter.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, a); const int RealIndex = start_index % NbTests; PhysicsTest* Test = GetTest(RealIndex); if(Test) { static const char* CategoryText[] = { "(undefined)", "(API)", "(behavior)", "(contact generation)", "(performance)", "(raycast)", "(sweep)", "(overlap)", "(CCD)", "(static scene)", }; const TestCategory TC = Test->GetCategory(); if(Test->IsPrivate()) { texter.print(x+XOffset, y, text_scale, _F("%d: %s - %s (PRIVATE)", RealIndex, CategoryText[TC], Test->GetName())); } else { texter.print(x+XOffset, y, text_scale, _F("%d: %s - %s", RealIndex, CategoryText[TC], Test->GetName())); } } if(Selected) CandidateTest = Test; y -= text_scale; start_index++; } y_last = y; return CandidateTest; }
void ProcessRepXFile_RemoveDynamics(const char* filename) { ASSERT(filename); if(!_ProcessRepXFile_RemoveDynamics(_F("../build/%s", filename))) if(!_ProcessRepXFile_RemoveDynamics(_F("./%s", filename))) printf(_F("Failed to load '%s'\n", filename)); }
static void class_defineMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public|_Const|_Ignored, _F(NameSpace_AllowImplicitField), KType_void, KType_NameSpace, KMethodName_("AllowImplicitField"), 1, KType_Boolean, KFieldName_("allow"), _Public|_Const, _F(NameSpace_AddMethodDecl), KType_void, KType_NameSpace, KMethodName_("AddMethodDecl"), 1, KType_Node, KFieldName_("node"), DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
static void Syntax_defineMessageMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public, _F(Node_Message), KType_Node, KType_Node, KMethodName_("Message"), 2, TP_level, TP_message, _Public, _F(NodeToken_Message), KType_Node, KType_Node, KMethodName_("Message"), 3, TP_level, TP_token, TP_message, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
BOOL Font::Load(const char *filename, ResourceManager *res, IMemoryPool *pool) { ASSERT_NULL(filename); ASSERT_NULL(res); ASSERT_NULL(pool); if (this->Unload()) { this->pFilename = filename; this->pRes = res; this->pPool = pool; stFile.Close(); SECURITY_CHECK(pFileSystem->Open(filename, &stFile, pool), "Could not open font file."); const u8 *ptr = static_cast<const u8 *>(stFile.GetData()); ObjectHeader *block = NULL; READ_STRUCT(block, ObjectHeader, ptr); SECURITY_CHECK(seed_validate_block(&stFile, block, FONT_OBJECT_MAGIC, FONT_OBJECT_VERSION), "Invalid block header for font."); READ_F32(this->fTracking, ptr); READ_F32(this->fSpacing, ptr); READ_F32(this->fSpaceWidth, ptr); /* const char *file = NULL; READ_STR(file, ptr); ASSERT_NULL(file); const char *ext = NULL; READ_STR(ext, ptr); */ u32 file = 0; READ_U32(file, ptr); u32 ext = 0; READ_U32(ext, ptr); if (ext != SEED_INVALID_ID /*&& pSystem->GetLanguage() != Seed::en_US*/) { File extf; if (pFileSystem->Open(_F(ext), &extf, pool)) { extf.Close(); this->mFontExt.Load(_F(ext), res, pool); this->pGlyphs = pDictionary->GetGlyphTable(&this->iTotalGlyphs); } } this->mFont.Load(_F(file), res, pool); this->fHeight = mFont.GetHeight(); this->fWidth = mFont.GetWidth(); this->bLoaded = TRUE; } return bLoaded; }
static void sugar_defineTokenFunc(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, int TY_Symbol, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public, _F(String_AsciiAt), TY_int, TY_String, MN_("AsciiAt"), 1, TP_pos, _Public, _F(Token_Parse), TY_int, TY_Token, MN_("parse"), 4, TP_kw, TP_source, TP_begin, TP_end, _Public, _F(Token_error), TY_int, TY_Token, MN_("error"), 4, TP_message, TP_source, TP_begin, TP_end, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
static void sugar_defineMessageMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, int TY_Symbol, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public, _F(Stmt_Message), TY_Expr, TY_Stmt, MN_("message"), 2, TP_level, TP_message, _Public, _F(StmtToken_Message), TY_Expr, TY_Stmt, MN_("message"), 3, TP_level, TP_token, TP_message, _Public, _F(StmtExpr_Message), TY_Expr, TY_Stmt, MN_("message"), 3, TP_level, TP_expr, TP_message, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
static void object_defineMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public|_Im|_Const|_Final, _F(Object_getTypeId), TY_int, TY_Object, MN_("getTypeId"), 0, _Public|_Hidden|_Im|_Const, _F(Object_instanceOf), TY_boolean, TY_Object, MN_("<:"), 1, TY_Object, FN_("type"), _Public|_Hidden|_Im|_Const|kMethod_SmartReturn, _F(Object_as), TY_Object, TY_Object, MN_("as"), 0, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
static void namespace_defineMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public|_Const|_Im, _F(NameSpace_GetNameSpace), KType_NameSpace, KType_NameSpace, KMethodName_("GetNameSpace"), 0, _Public|_Const|_Im, _F(NameSpace_GetParentNameSpace), KType_NameSpace, KType_NameSpace, KMethodName_("GetParentNameSpace"), 0, _Public, _F(NameSpace_DefineMacro2), KType_Boolean, KType_NameSpace, KMethodName_("DefineMacro"), 2, TP_name, TP_source, _Public, _F(NameSpace_DefineMacro), KType_Boolean, KType_NameSpace, KMethodName_("DefineMacro"), 3, TP_name, TP_paramsize, TP_source, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
static void prototype_defineMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, KTraceInfo *trace) { int FN_key = KFieldName_("key"), FN_value = KFieldName_("value"); KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public|_Im|_Const|kMethod_SmartReturn|_Final, _F(Prototype_get), KType_Object, KType_Prototype, KMethodName_("get"), 1, KType_Symbol, FN_key, _Public|_Final, _F(Prototype_SetObject), KType_void, KType_Prototype, KMethodName_("set"), 2, KType_Symbol, FN_key, KType_Object, FN_value, _Public|_Final, _F(Prototype_SetInt), KType_void, KType_Prototype, KMethodName_("set"), 2, KType_Symbol, FN_key, KType_Int, FN_value, DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
void ToolPageLayer::setLayerCount(int layer, int selected) { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ToolPageLayer); this->inCbUpdate = true; int count = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children(gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(this->layerComboBox)), NULL); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { gtk_combo_box_remove_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(this->layerComboBox), i); } gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(this->layerComboBox), _C("Background")); for (int i = 1; i <= layer; i++) { string text = FS(_F("Layer {1}") % i); gtk_combo_box_prepend_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(this->layerComboBox), text.c_str()); } setSelectedLayer(selected); this->layerCount = layer; this->inCbUpdate = false; }
std::string U2L(const std::string& string) { std::string locale_charset; if(!Glib::get_charset(locale_charset)) { try { return Glib::convert_with_fallback(string, locale_charset, MLIB_UTF_CHARSET_NAME); } catch(Glib::ConvertError&) { std::string broken_string; for(size_t i = 0; i < string.size(); i++) { if(::isprint(string[i])) broken_string += string[i]; else broken_string += "%" + _F(std::hex, std::uppercase, (int) (unsigned char) string[i]); } return broken_string + " " + _("[[Invalid encoding]]"); } } else return string; }
void Get_feed_list::process_current_state(void) { MLIB_D("Getting Google Reader's %1 list...", this->state_list_name()); #if GROV_OFFLINE_DEVELOPMENT QFile list(this->state_list_name() + ".list"); if( this->request_finished(NULL, "", list.readAll()); else this->request_finished(NULL, _F("Error while reading '%1'.", list.fileName()), ""); #else QString url; switch(this->state) { case STATE_GETTING_TAG_LIST: case STATE_GETTING_STREAM_PREFERENCE_LIST: case STATE_GETTING_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST: url = "" + this->state_list_name() + "/list"; break; default: this->failed(tr("Logical error.")); return; break; } this->get( url + "?output=xml&client=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(get_user_agent()) ); #endif }
double model::deltaF(const char METHOD, const char FUNCTION, const double XK_1, const double XK, double EPS){ double ans; switch(METHOD){ case 'n': { double denominator = _F(FUNCTION, XK); if(fabs(denominator) <= EPS) ans = 0.00001; else ans = F(FUNCTION, XK) / denominator; break; } case 's': { double denominator = F(FUNCTION, XK) - F(FUNCTION, XK_1); if(fabs(denominator) <= EPS) ans = 0.00001; else ans = ( (XK - XK_1) * F(FUNCTION, XK) ) / denominator; break; } } return ans; }
static bool begin_rule(const String & rulename, bool incremental, void *userContext) { AbnfContext *ctx = __CAST_USER_CTX(userContext); if (incremental) { AbnfRulesHash::iterator it = ctx->rules.find(rulename); if (it == ctx->rules.end()) { // rule for incremental alternative not initialized before Logger::error(_Fr("%s: rule for incremental alternative not initialized before") % rulename); return false; } ctx->nodestack.push(it.value()); AbnfNode *alt = it.value()->m_nodes.first(); CWT_ASSERT(alt); ctx->nodestack.push(alt); ctx->isIncrementalAlternation = true; } else { AbnfNodeRule *rule = new AbnfNodeRule(rulename); ctx->rules.insert(rulename, rule); ctx->nodestack.push(rule); AbnfRulesDefsHash::iterator it = ctx->rulesdefs.find(rulename); if (it != ctx->rulesdefs.end()) { it.value() = true; } else { ctx->rulesdefs.insert(rulename, false); } } std::cout << String(_F("RN{%s}%s") % rulename % (incremental ? "=/" : "=")); return true; }
void BaseTextureLoader::into(Loadable& resource, const LoaderOptions& options) { Loadable* res_ptr = &resource; Texture* tex = dynamic_cast<Texture*>(res_ptr); assert(tex && "You passed a Resource that is not a texture to the texture loader"); std::vector<unsigned char> buffer( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(*this->data_)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() ); auto result = do_load(buffer); /* Respect the auto_upload option if it exists*/ bool auto_upload = true; if(options.count("auto_upload")) { auto_upload = smlt::any_cast<bool>("auto_upload")); } if ( { L_ERROR(_F("Unable to load texture with name: {0}").format(filename_)); throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't load the file: " + filename_.encode()); } else { tex->set_source(filename_); tex->set_format(result.format, result.texel_type); tex->resize(result.width, result.height); tex->data().assign(,; tex->set_auto_upload(auto_upload); if(format_stored_upside_down()) { tex->flip_vertically(); } } }
void WINAPI GetOpenPanelInfoW(struct OpenPanelInfo *Info) { if(!Info->hPanel || INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == Info->hPanel) return; fardroid * android = (fardroid *)Info->hPanel; Info->StructSize=sizeof(*Info); Info->Flags = OPIF_ADDDOTS | OPIF_SHOWPRESERVECASE; Info->StartSortMode = (OPENPANELINFO_SORTMODES) conf.SortMode; Info->StartSortOrder = conf.SortOrder; Info->CurDir = NULL; Info->Format= GetMsg(MTitle); android->PreparePanel(Info); Info->DescrFiles=NULL; Info->DescrFilesNumber=0; Info->StartPanelMode = _F('0')+conf.PanelMode; Info->PanelModesArray=NULL; Info->PanelModesNumber=0; Info->KeyBar=&KeyBar; }
static bool begin_repetition(int from, int to, void * userContext) { std::cout << String(_F("{%d*%d") % from % to); AbnfContext *ctx = __CAST_USER_CTX(userContext); ctx->nodestack.push(new AbnfNodeRpt(from, to)); return true; }
inline double Normalize(int N, _F *X, int INCX) { double norm = TwoNorm<double>(N,X,INCX); Scale(N,_F(1.)/norm,X,INCX); return norm; }
static bool prose_val(const String & prose, void * userContext) { std::cout << String(_F("PV{%s}") % prose); AbnfContext *ctx = __CAST_USER_CTX(userContext); CWT_ASSERT(ctx->nodestack.size() > 0); ctx->>addNode(new AbnfNodeProseVal(prose)); return true; }
static void class_defineMethod(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, KTraceInfo *trace) { KDEFINE_METHOD MethodData[] = { _Public|_Const|_Ignored, _F(NameSpace_AllowImplicitField), TY_void, TY_NameSpace, MN_("AllowImplicitField"), 1, TY_boolean, FN_("allow"), DEND, }; KLIB kNameSpace_LoadMethodData(kctx, ns, MethodData, trace); }
bool Web_page::shouldInterruptJavaScript(void) { MLIB_SW(_F( tr("A JavaScript program at '%1' is running for a long period of time. Interrupting it."), this->mainFrame()->url().toString() )); return true; }
static bool num_val(const String & num, void * userContext) { std::cout << String(_F("NV{%s}") % num); AbnfContext *ctx = __CAST_USER_CTX(userContext); CWT_ASSERT(ctx->nodestack.size() > 0); ctx->>addNode(new AbnfNodeNumVal(num)); return true; }