예제 #1
// Parameters
//   p_voice : The string to set the voice to
// Returns
//   true if setting the voice succeeded, false otherwise.
// Description
//   Lists the available voice tokens and iterates through them comparing each to p_voice.
//   If a token is found that matches p_voice then the voice is set to that token. If p_voice
//   doesn't match any of the voices available then returns false, and if setting the voice to
//   the matching token fails then also returns false.
bool WindowsSAPI5Narrator::SetVoice(const char* p_voice)
		return false;
	bool t_success = true;

	const WCHAR *t_wvoice = A2W(p_voice);

	CComPtr<IEnumSpObjectTokens> cpEnum;// Pointer to token enumerator	
	ULONG ulIndex = 0, ulCurTokenIndex = 0, ulNumTokens = 0;
    // Find out which token corresponds to our voice which is currently in use
    ISpObjectToken *pToken = NULL;		// Token interface pointer

	t_success = _EnumTokens(SPCAT_VOICES, NULL, NULL, &cpEnum);

	if (t_success)
		t_success = SUCCEEDED(cpEnum->GetCount( &ulNumTokens ));
	if (t_success)
		t_success = ulNumTokens > 0;

	while (t_success && cpEnum->Next(1, &pToken, NULL) == S_OK)
		CSpDynamicString  ppcDesciptionString;  
		// Get a string which describes the token, in our case, the voice name
        t_success = _GetDescription( pToken, &ppcDesciptionString);
        // Release the token itself
        pToken = NULL;

		if (t_success)
			if(wcscmp(ppcDesciptionString, t_wvoice) == 0)
				ulCurTokenIndex = ulIndex;

	if (t_success)
		t_success = ulIndex < ulNumTokens;

	if (t_success)
		cpEnum->Item( ulCurTokenIndex, &pToken );
		t_success = SUCCEEDED(m_cpVoice->SetVoice( pToken ));

	return t_success;
예제 #2
HRESULT LoadVoices(void){
	HRESULT 					hr;
    ISpObjectToken 				*pToken;
	IEnumSpObjectTokens			*cpEnum;
	wchar_t						*pDescription, *p, *ptr, szBuffer[64];

	hr = _EnumTokens(SPCAT_VOICES, NULL, NULL, &cpEnum);
	if(hr == S_OK){
		g_VoicesCount = 0;
		pDescription = (wchar_t *)CoTaskMemAlloc(128 * sizeof(wchar_t));
		while(IEnumSpObjectTokens_Next(cpEnum, 1, &pToken, NULL) == S_OK){
			hr = _GetDescription(pToken, &pDescription);
				wcscpy(g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].name, pDescription);
				g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].token = pToken;
				GetPrivateProfileStringW(S_VOICES, pDescription, NULL, szBuffer, 64, g_NotePaths.INIFile);
					p = wcstok(szBuffer, L"|", &ptr);
					g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].rate = _wtol(p);
					p = wcstok(NULL, L"|", &ptr);
					g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].volume = (unsigned short)_wtoi(p);
					g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].pitch = (short)_wtoi(ptr);
					ISpVoice		*pVoice = CreateVoice();
					ISpVoice_SetVoice(pVoice, (ISpObjectToken *)g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].token);
					ISpVoice_GetVolume(pVoice, &g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].volume);
					ISpVoice_GetRate(pVoice, &g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].rate);
					g_PVoices[g_VoicesCount - 1].pitch = 0;
				if(g_VoicesCount == NELEMS(g_PVoices))
			if (FAILED(hr))
        hr = SPERR_NO_MORE_ITEMS;
    return hr;
예제 #3
// Returns
//   true if listing voices suceeeded, false otherwise.
// Description
//    Iterates through the appropriate available voices and calls p_callback to return each voice.
//    If p_gender is kNarratorGenderMale then only male voices are returned, if p_gender is kNarratorGenderFemale
//    then only female voices are returned, otherwise all voices are returned. Can return false either if unable
//    to get a token enumerator for the voices or if out of memory when listing voices.
bool WindowsSAPI5Narrator::ListVoices(NarratorGender p_gender, NarratorListVoicesCallback p_callback, void* p_context)
	bool t_success = true;

		return false;

	ISpObjectToken *pToken = NULL;		// Token interface pointer
	CComPtr<IEnumSpObjectTokens> cpEnum;// Pointer to token enumerator

	ULONG ulIndex = 0;

	CSpDynamicString*  ppcDesciptionString;
	ppcDesciptionString = NULL;

	WCHAR**  ppszTokenIds;
	ppszTokenIds = NULL;

	ULONG ulNumTokens;
	WCHAR *szRequiredAttributes = NULL;

   // Set the required attributes field for the enum if we have special needs
    // based on our LPARAM in
    if (p_gender == kNarratorGenderMale)
        szRequiredAttributes = L"Gender=Male";
    else if (p_gender == kNarratorGenderFemale)
        szRequiredAttributes = L"Gender=Female";
	else if (p_gender == kNarratorGenderNeuter)
		szRequiredAttributes = L"Gender=Neutral";

    // Get a token enumerator for tts voices available
    t_success = _EnumTokens(SPCAT_VOICES, szRequiredAttributes, NULL, &cpEnum);

	if (t_success)
		t_success = SUCCEEDED(cpEnum->GetCount( &ulNumTokens ));

		if ( t_success && 0 != ulNumTokens )
			ppcDesciptionString = new CSpDynamicString [ulNumTokens];
            if ( NULL == ppcDesciptionString )
				/* TODO - CLEANUP */
                return false;

			ppszTokenIds = new WCHAR* [ulNumTokens];
            if ( NULL == ppszTokenIds )
				/* TODO - CLEANUP */
                return false;
            ZeroMemory( ppszTokenIds, ulNumTokens*sizeof( WCHAR* ) );                    
			// Get the next token in the enumeration
            // State is maintained in the enumerator
			while (t_success && cpEnum->Next(1, &pToken, NULL) == S_OK)
                // Get a string which describes the token, in our case, the voice name
                t_success = SUCCEEDED(_GetDescription( pToken, &ppcDesciptionString[ulIndex] ));
                // Get the token id, for a low overhead way to retrieve the token later
                // without holding on to the object itself
				if (t_success)
	                t_success = SUCCEEDED(pToken->GetId( &ppszTokenIds[ulIndex] ));
                // Release the token itself
                pToken = NULL;
		// if we've failed to properly initialize, then we should completely shut-down
        if ( !t_success )
            if ( pToken )

            ppszTokenIds = NULL;
            ppcDesciptionString = NULL;
            ulNumTokens = 0;

		for ( ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < ulNumTokens; ulIndex++ )
			const char* string = W2A(ppcDesciptionString[ulIndex]);
			p_callback(p_context, p_gender, (const char *)string);

		ManageCleanup( ppszTokenIds, ppcDesciptionString, ulNumTokens );

	return t_success;