예제 #1
파일: File.cpp 프로젝트: BorisJineman/CNTK
// determine the directory for a given pathname
// (wstring only for now; feel free to make this a template if needed)
/*static*/ wstring File::DirectoryPathOf(wstring path)
#ifdef _WIN32
    // Win32 accepts forward slashes, but it seems that PathRemoveFileSpec() does not
    // TODO:
    // "PathCchCanonicalize does the / to \ conversion as a part of the canonicalization, it's
    // probably a good idea to do that anyway since I suspect that the '..' characters might
    // confuse the other PathCch functions" [Larry Osterman]
    // "Consider GetFullPathName both for canonicalization and last element finding." [Jay Krell]
    path = msra::strfun::ReplaceAll<wstring>(path, L"/", L"\\");

    HRESULT hr;
    if (IsWindows8OrGreater()) // PathCchRemoveFileSpec() only available on Windows 8+
        typedef HRESULT(*PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc)(_Inout_updates_(_Inexpressible_(cchPath)) PWSTR, _In_ size_t);
        HINSTANCE hinstLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll"));
        if (hinstLib == nullptr)
            RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: LoadLibrary() unexpectedly failed.");
        PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc PathCchRemoveFileSpec = reinterpret_cast<PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc>(GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "PathCchRemoveFileSpec"));
        if (!PathCchRemoveFileSpec)
            RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: GetProcAddress() unexpectedly failed.");

        // this is the actual function call we care about
        hr = PathCchRemoveFileSpec(&path[0], path.size());

    else // on Windows 7-, use older PathRemoveFileSpec() instead
        hr = PathRemoveFileSpec(&path[0]) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;

    if (hr == S_OK) // done
    else if (hr == S_FALSE) // nothing to remove: use .
        path = L".";
        RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: Path(Cch)RemoveFileSpec() unexpectedly failed with 0x%08x.", (unsigned int)hr);
    auto pos = path.find_last_of(L"/");
    if (pos != path.npos)
    else // if no directory path at all, use current directory
        return L".";
    return path;
예제 #2
파일: Device.cpp 프로젝트: uri247/wdk80
    hr = SendControlTransferSynchronously(
                (PUCHAR) BarGraphState,

    return hr;

    _In_ PWINUSB_SETUP_PACKET SetupPacket,
    _Inout_updates_(BufferLength) PBYTE Buffer,
    _In_ ULONG BufferLength,
    _Out_ PULONG LengthTransferred
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IWDFIoRequest *pWdfRequest = NULL;
    IWDFDriver * FxDriver = NULL;
    IWDFMemory * FxMemory = NULL; 
    IWDFRequestCompletionParams * FxComplParams = NULL;
    IWDFUsbRequestCompletionParams * FxUsbComplParams = NULL;

    *LengthTransferred = 0;
    hr = m_FxDevice->CreateRequest( NULL, //pCallbackInterface
                                    NULL, //pParentObject
예제 #3
PVOID WeGetProcedureAddress(
    _In_ PSTR Name
    static PVOID imageBase = NULL;

    if (!imageBase)
        imageBase = GetModuleHandle(L"ProcessHacker.exe");

    return (PVOID)GetProcAddress(imageBase, Name);

VOID WeFormatLocalObjectName(
    _In_ PWSTR OriginalName,
    _Inout_updates_(256) PWCHAR Buffer,
    _Out_ PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName
    SIZE_T length;
    SIZE_T originalNameLength;

    // Sessions other than session 0 require SeCreateGlobalPrivilege.
    if (NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId != 0)
        memcpy(Buffer, L"\\Sessions\\", 10 * sizeof(WCHAR));
        _ultow(NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId, Buffer + 10, 10);
        length = wcslen(Buffer);
        originalNameLength = wcslen(OriginalName);
        memcpy(Buffer + length, OriginalName, (originalNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
        length += originalNameLength;
예제 #4

    // Test2
    if (registrationFoundCount != schemaFoundCount  || NitsShouldFault(NitsHere(), NitsAutomatic))

    return r;

MI_Result ValidateSchema(_In_ MI_ClassA *miClassArray, 
                         _In_ MI_Uint32 classIndex, 
                         _Inout_updates_(resSize) MI_Boolean *bResourceVisited, 
                         _In_ MI_Uint32 resSize,
                         _In_ MI_Boolean bConfigurationResource,
                         _Outptr_result_maybenull_ MI_Instance **extendedError)
    MI_Result r = MI_RESULT_OK;
    MI_Uint32 xCount = 0, yCount = 0;    
    const MI_ClassDecl *classToCheck = NULL; 
    MI_Uint32 keyPropertyCount = 0;
    MI_Uint32 propertyBitMask = 0; // 1 = Read, 2 = Write, 4 = Key, 8 = Required
     if( extendedError )
        *extendedError = NULL;


    if( classIndex >= miClassArray->size || NitsShouldFault(NitsHere(), NitsAutomatic))
예제 #5
파일: util.c 프로젝트: Realhram/wdk81

   while (pIniEntry && lstrcmpi(pName, pIniEntry->pName))
      pIniEntry = pIniEntry->pNext;

   return pIniEntry;

    _In_                            DWORD   dwElementsCount,
    _In_reads_(dwElementsCount)     LPCWSTR *pSource,
    _Out_writes_bytes_(pDest-pEnd)  LPBYTE  pDest,
    _In_reads_(dwElementsCount)     DWORD   *DestOffsets,
    _Inout_updates_(_Inexpressible_("Involves negative offsets."))               LPBYTE  pEnd

    DWORD dwCount = 0;

    for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < dwElementsCount; dwCount++)
        if (*pSource)
#pragma prefast(suppress:__WARNING_POTENTIAL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_NULLTERMINATED, "Just getting the length of current string, index of psource is correctly limited")
            size_t cbString = wcslen(*pSource)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
            pEnd-= cbString;
            (VOID) StringCbCopy ((LPWSTR) pEnd, cbString, *pSource);
            *(LPWSTR UNALIGNED *)(pDest+*DestOffsets)= (LPWSTR) pEnd;