예제 #1
int main(int argc, char** args){
	void* _2;
	size_t _2_size = 0;
	void* _5;
	//const %2 = [] : void[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_2, 0, 0);
	//assign %1 = %2  : void[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(r, _2);
	//const %4 = [32,84,104,105,115,32,105,115,32,97,32,116,101,115,116,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_4, 16, 0);
	_4[0] = 32; _4[1] = 84; _4[2] = 104; _4[3] = 105; _4[4] = 115; _4[5] = 32; _4[6] = 105; _4[7] = 115; _4[8] = 32; _4[9] = 97; _4[10] = 32; _4[11] = 116; _4[12] = 101; _4[13] = 115; _4[14] = 116; _4[15] = 32; 
	//invoke (%3) = (%1, %4) whiley/lang/Array:append : function(int[],int[])->(int[])
		_3 = Array_Append(r, r_size , _4, _4_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_3));
	//assign %1 = %3  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(r, _3);
	//fieldload %5 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %6 = %5 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %6 (%1) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(r, r_size);
예제 #2
	int64_t _1;
	int64_t _2;
	int64_t _3;
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	//const %1 = 0 : int
	_1 = 0;
	//const %2 = 0 : int
	_2 = 0;
	//const %3 = 0 : int
	_3 = 0;
	//const %4 = 0 : int
	_4 = 0;
	//const %5 = 0 : int
	_5 = 0;
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//newlist %9 = (%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_9, 8, 0);
	_9[0] = _1; _9[1] = _2; _9[2] = _3; _9[3] = _4; _9[4] = _5; _9[5] = _6; _9[6] = _7; _9[7] = _8; 
	//return %9
	return _9;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	//invoke (%3) = () FunctionOverload2:Cash : function()->(FunctionOverload2:Cash)
	//assign %1 = %3  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(empty, _3);
	//const %5 = 5 : int
	_5 = 5;
	//const %6 = 3 : int
	_6 = 3;
	//const %7 = 3 : int
	_7 = 3;
	//const %8 = 1 : int
	_8 = 1;
	//const %9 = 1 : int
	_9 = 1;
	//const %10 = 3 : int
	_10 = 3;
	//const %11 = 0 : int
	_11 = 0;
	//const %12 = 0 : int
	_12 = 0;
	//newlist %13 = (%5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_13, 8, 0);
	_13[0] = _5; _13[1] = _6; _13[2] = _7; _13[3] = _8; _13[4] = _9; _13[5] = _10; _13[6] = _11; _13[7] = _12; 
	//invoke (%4) = (%13) FunctionOverload2:Cash : function(FunctionOverload2:nat[])->(FunctionOverload2:Cash)
		void* tmp_coins;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(_13, tmp_coins, int64_t);
		_4 = _Cash_1_(tmp_coins, _13_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_4));
	//assign %2 = %4  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(till, _4);
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t f;
	int64_t _2;
	int64_t _3;
	int64_t _4;
	void* _5;
	//const %3 = 5 : int
	_3 = 5;
	//invoke (%2) = (%3) factorial:factorial : function(int)->(int)
		_2 = _factorial_(_3);
	//assign %1 = %2  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	f = _2;
		//const %4 = 120 : int
		_4 = 120;
		//ifeq %1, %4 goto blklab2 : int
		if(f==_4){goto blklab2;}
	//fieldload %5 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %6 = %5 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %7 = [80,97,115,115,32,102,97,99,116,111,114,105,97,108,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_7, 24, 0);
	_7[0] = 80; _7[1] = 97; _7[2] = 115; _7[3] = 115; _7[4] = 32; _7[5] = 102; _7[6] = 97; _7[7] = 99; _7[8] = 116; _7[9] = 111; _7[10] = 114; _7[11] = 105; _7[12] = 97; _7[13] = 108; _7[14] = 32; _7[15] = 116; _7[16] = 101; _7[17] = 115; _7[18] = 116; _7[19] = 32; _7[20] = 99; _7[21] = 97; _7[22] = 115; _7[23] = 101; 
	_7_dealloc = true;
	//indirectinvoke () = %6 (%7) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_7, _7_size);
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char** args){
	FILE* file;
	void* _4;
	void* _9;
	void* _12;
	void* _15;
	int64_t _17;
	void* _18;
	//const %5 = [46,46,47,46,46,47,46,46,47,73,110,112,117,116,102,105,108,101,115,47,115,109,97,108,108,46,100,97,116] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_5, 29, 0);
	_5[0] = 46; _5[1] = 46; _5[2] = 47; _5[3] = 46; _5[4] = 46; _5[5] = 47; _5[6] = 46; _5[7] = 46; _5[8] = 47; _5[9] = 73; _5[10] = 110; _5[11] = 112; _5[12] = 117; _5[13] = 116; _5[14] = 102; _5[15] = 105; _5[16] = 108; _5[17] = 101; _5[18] = 115; _5[19] = 47; _5[20] = 115; _5[21] = 109; _5[22] = 97; _5[23] = 108; _5[24] = 108; _5[25] = 46; _5[26] = 100; _5[27] = 97; _5[28] = 116; 
	//invoke (%4) = (%5) whiley/io/File:Reader : method(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(whiley/io/File:Reader)
		_4 = Reader(_5, _5_size);
	//assign %1 = %4  : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	file = _4;
	//fieldload %7 = %1 readAll : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	//indirectinvoke (%6) = %7 () : method()->(byte[])
		_6 = readAll(file, &_6_size);
	//assign %2 = %6  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(input_data, _6);
	//invoke (%8) = (%2) lz77_decompress:decompress : function(byte[])->(byte[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'input_data at 0' = true
		_8 = _decompress_(input_data, input_data_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_8));
	//assign %3 = %8  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(decompress_data, _8);
	//fieldload %9 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %10 = %9 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %11 = [68,69,67,79,77,80,82,69,83,83,69,68,58,32,32,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_11, 16, 0);
	_11[0] = 68; _11[1] = 69; _11[2] = 67; _11[3] = 79; _11[4] = 77; _11[5] = 80; _11[6] = 82; _11[7] = 69; _11[8] = 83; _11[9] = 83; _11[10] = 69; _11[11] = 68; _11[12] = 58; _11[13] = 32; _11[14] = 32; _11[15] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %10 (%11) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_11, _11_size);
	//fieldload %12 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %13 = %12 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//invoke (%14) = (%3) whiley/lang/ASCII:fromBytes : function(byte[])->(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)
		_14 = fromBytes(decompress_data, decompress_data_size);
		_14_size = decompress_data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %13 (%14) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_14, _14_size);
	//fieldload %15 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %16 = %15 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %17 = %3 : byte[]
	_17 = decompress_data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %16 (%17) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, _17);
	//fieldload %18 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %19 = %18 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %20 = [32,98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_20, 6, 0);
	_20[0] = 32; _20[1] = 98; _20[2] = 121; _20[3] = 116; _20[4] = 101; _20[5] = 115; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %19 (%20) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_20, _20_size);
	//fieldload %21 = %1 close : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	//indirectinvoke () = %21 () : method()->()
		file = NULL;
예제 #6
int main(int argc, char** args){
	FILE* file;
	FILE* writer;
	void* _6;
	void* _10;
	void* _13;
	void* _16;
	int64_t _18;
	void* _19;
	void* _23;
	void* _26;
	int64_t _28;
	void* _29;
	void* _32;
	int64_t _34;
	void* _38;
	void* _41;
	void* _44;
	int64_t _46;
	void* _47;
	//const %7 = [105,110,112,117,116,50,120,46,105,110] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_7, 10, 0);
	_7[0] = 105; _7[1] = 110; _7[2] = 112; _7[3] = 117; _7[4] = 116; _7[5] = 50; _7[6] = 120; _7[7] = 46; _7[8] = 105; _7[9] = 110; 
	//invoke (%6) = (%7) whiley/io/File:Reader : method(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(whiley/io/File:Reader)
		_6 = Reader(_7, _7_size);
	//assign %1 = %6  : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	file = _6;
	//fieldload %9 = %1 readAll : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	//indirectinvoke (%8) = %9 () : method()->(byte[])
		_8 = readAll(file, &_8_size);
	//assign %2 = %8  : byte[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_BYTE(data, _8);
	//fieldload %10 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %11 = %10 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %12 = [68,97,116,97,58,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_12, 14, 0);
	_12[0] = 68; _12[1] = 97; _12[2] = 116; _12[3] = 97; _12[4] = 58; _12[5] = 32; _12[6] = 32; _12[7] = 32; _12[8] = 32; _12[9] = 32; _12[10] = 32; _12[11] = 32; _12[12] = 32; _12[13] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %11 (%12) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_12, _12_size);
	//fieldload %13 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %14 = %13 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//invoke (%15) = (%2) whiley/lang/ASCII:fromBytes : function(byte[])->(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)
		_15 = fromBytes(data, data_size);
		_15_size = data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %14 (%15) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_15, _15_size);
	//fieldload %16 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %17 = %16 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %18 = %2 : byte[]
	_18 = data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %17 (%18) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, _18);
	//fieldload %19 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %20 = %19 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %21 = [32,98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_21, 6, 0);
	_21[0] = 32; _21[1] = 98; _21[2] = 121; _21[3] = 116; _21[4] = 101; _21[5] = 115; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %20 (%21) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_21, _21_size);
	//invoke (%22) = (%2) lz77_compress:compress : function(byte[])->(byte[])
		void* tmp_data;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(data, tmp_data, BYTE);
		_22 = _compress_(tmp_data, data_size, true, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_22));
		_CALLEE_DEALLOC(data, "false-false-false" , "compress");
		_CALLEE_DEALLOC_POST(_22, data);
	//assign %3 = %22  : byte[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_BYTE(compress_data, _22);
	//fieldload %23 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %24 = %23 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %25 = [67,79,77,80,82,69,83,83,69,68,32,68,97,116,97,58,32,32,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_25, 19, 0);
	_25[0] = 67; _25[1] = 79; _25[2] = 77; _25[3] = 80; _25[4] = 82; _25[5] = 69; _25[6] = 83; _25[7] = 83; _25[8] = 69; _25[9] = 68; _25[10] = 32; _25[11] = 68; _25[12] = 97; _25[13] = 116; _25[14] = 97; _25[15] = 58; _25[16] = 32; _25[17] = 32; _25[18] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %24 (%25) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_25, _25_size);
	//fieldload %26 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %27 = %26 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %28 = %3 : byte[]
	_28 = compress_data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %27 (%28) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, _28);
	//fieldload %29 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %30 = %29 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %31 = [32,98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_31, 6, 0);
	_31[0] = 32; _31[1] = 98; _31[2] = 121; _31[3] = 116; _31[4] = 101; _31[5] = 115; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %30 (%31) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_31, _31_size);
	//const %33 = [115,109,97,108,108,46,100,97,116] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_33, 9, 0);
	_33[0] = 115; _33[1] = 109; _33[2] = 97; _33[3] = 108; _33[4] = 108; _33[5] = 46; _33[6] = 100; _33[7] = 97; _33[8] = 116; 
	//invoke (%32) = (%33) whiley/io/File:Writer : method(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(whiley/io/File:Writer)
		_32 = Writer(_33, _33_size);
	//assign %4 = %32  : {method()->() close,method()->() flush,method(byte[])->(int) write,...}
	writer = _32;
	//fieldload %35 = %4 write : {method()->() close,method()->() flush,method(byte[])->(int) write,...}
	//indirectinvoke (%34) = %35 (%3) : method(byte[])->(int)
		writeAll(writer, compress_data, compress_data_size);
	//fieldload %36 = %4 close : {method()->() close,method()->() flush,method(byte[])->(int) write,...}
	//indirectinvoke () = %36 () : method()->()
		writer = NULL;
	//invoke (%37) = (%3) lz77_compress:decompress : function(byte[])->(byte[])
		void* tmp_data;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(compress_data, tmp_data, BYTE);
		_37 = _decompress_(tmp_data, compress_data_size, true, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_37));
		_CALLEE_DEALLOC(compress_data, "false-false-false" , "decompress");
		_CALLEE_DEALLOC_POST(_37, compress_data);
	//assign %5 = %37  : byte[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_BYTE(decompress_data, _37);
	//fieldload %38 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %39 = %38 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %40 = [68,69,67,79,77,80,82,69,83,83,69,68,58,32,32,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_40, 16, 0);
	_40[0] = 68; _40[1] = 69; _40[2] = 67; _40[3] = 79; _40[4] = 77; _40[5] = 80; _40[6] = 82; _40[7] = 69; _40[8] = 83; _40[9] = 83; _40[10] = 69; _40[11] = 68; _40[12] = 58; _40[13] = 32; _40[14] = 32; _40[15] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %39 (%40) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_40, _40_size);
	//fieldload %41 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %42 = %41 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//invoke (%43) = (%5) whiley/lang/ASCII:fromBytes : function(byte[])->(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)
		_43 = fromBytes(decompress_data, decompress_data_size);
		_43_size = decompress_data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %42 (%43) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_43, _43_size);
	//fieldload %44 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %45 = %44 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %46 = %5 : byte[]
	_46 = decompress_data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %45 (%46) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, _46);
	//fieldload %47 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %48 = %47 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %49 = [32,98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_49, 6, 0);
	_49[0] = 32; _49[1] = 98; _49[2] = 121; _49[3] = 116; _49[4] = 101; _49[5] = 115; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %48 (%49) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_49, _49_size);
	if(file != NULL){fclose(file); file = NULL;}
	if(writer != NULL){fclose(writer); writer = NULL;}
예제 #7
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	void* _15;
	void* _18;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	int64_t _34;
	int64_t _35;
	void* _36;
	void* _39;
	int64_t _41;
	int64_t _42;
	void* _43;
	void* _46;
	int64_t _48;
	int64_t _49;
	//const %4 = 0 : int
	_4 = 0;
	//const %5 = 0 : int
	_5 = 0;
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//newlist %9 = (%4, %5, %6, %7, %8) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_9, 5, 0);
	_9[0] = _4; _9[1] = _5; _9[2] = _6; _9[3] = _7; _9[4] = _8; 
	//assign %1 = %9  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(a, _9);
	//const %11 = 6 : int
	_11 = 6;
	//invoke (%10) = (%1, %11) FunctionCall2:func : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_s;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(a, tmp_s, int64_t);
		_10 = _func_(tmp_s, a_size, _11, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_10));
	//assign %1 = %10  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(a, _10);
		//const %12 = 2 : int
		_12 = 2;
		//indexof %13 = %1, %12 : int[]
		//const %14 = 3 : int
		_14 = 3;
		//ifeq %13, %14 goto blklab2 : int
		if(_13==_14){goto blklab2;}
	//fieldload %15 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %16 = %15 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %17 = [97,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_17, 5, 0);
	_17[0] = 97; _17[1] = 91; _17[2] = 50; _17[3] = 93; _17[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %16 (%17) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_17, _17_size);
	//fieldload %18 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %19 = %18 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %20 = 2 : int
	_20 = 2;
	//indexof %21 = %1, %20 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %19 (%21) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _21);
	//const %22 = 0 : int
	_22 = 0;
	//const %23 = 0 : int
	_23 = 0;
	//const %24 = 0 : int
	_24 = 0;
	//const %25 = 0 : int
	_25 = 0;
	//const %26 = 0 : int
	_26 = 0;
	//newlist %27 = (%22, %23, %24, %25, %26) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_27, 5, 0);
	_27[0] = _22; _27[1] = _23; _27[2] = _24; _27[3] = _25; _27[4] = _26; 
	//assign %2 = %27  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(b, _27);
	//const %29 = 1 : int
	_29 = 1;
	//invoke (%28) = (%2, %29) FunctionCall2:func : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_s;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(b, tmp_s, int64_t);
		_28 = _func_(tmp_s, b_size, _29, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_28));
	//assign %3 = %28  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(c, _28);
		//const %30 = 2 : int
		_30 = 2;
		//indexof %31 = %2, %30 : int[]
		//const %32 = 0 : int
		_32 = 0;
		//ifeq %31, %32 goto blklab3 : int
		if(_31==_32){goto blklab3;}
		//const %33 = 2 : int
		_33 = 2;
		//indexof %34 = %3, %33 : int[]
		//const %35 = 0 : int
		_35 = 0;
		//ifeq %34, %35 goto blklab4 : int
		if(_34==_35){goto blklab4;}
	//fieldload %36 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %37 = %36 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %38 = [98,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_38, 5, 0);
	_38[0] = 98; _38[1] = 91; _38[2] = 50; _38[3] = 93; _38[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %37 (%38) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_38, _38_size);
	//fieldload %39 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %40 = %39 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %41 = 2 : int
	_41 = 2;
	//indexof %42 = %2, %41 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %40 (%42) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _42);
	//fieldload %43 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %44 = %43 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %45 = [99,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_45, 5, 0);
	_45[0] = 99; _45[1] = 91; _45[2] = 50; _45[3] = 93; _45[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %44 (%45) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_45, _45_size);
	//fieldload %46 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %47 = %46 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %48 = 2 : int
	_48 = 2;
	//indexof %49 = %3, %48 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %47 (%49) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _49);
예제 #8
void _print_pbm_(FILE* sys, int64_t width, int64_t height, BYTE* pixels, size_t pixels_size){
	int64_t j;
	int64_t i;
	int64_t pos;
	void* _7;
	void* _10;
	void* _12;
	void* _15;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	BYTE _21;
	BYTE _22;
	void* _23;
	int64_t _25;
	void* _26;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	void* _31;
	void* _33;
	size_t _33_size = 0;
	int64_t _34;
	int64_t _35;
	//fieldload %7 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %8 = %7 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %9 = [80,49] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_9, 2, 0);
	_9[0] = 80; _9[1] = 49; 
	_9_dealloc = true;
	//indirectinvoke () = %8 (%9) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_9, _9_size);
	//fieldload %10 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %11 = %10 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %11 (%1) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, width);
	//fieldload %12 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %13 = %12 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %14 = [32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_14, 1, 0);
	_14[0] = 32; 
	_14_dealloc = true;
	//indirectinvoke () = %13 (%14) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_14, _14_size);
	//fieldload %15 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %16 = %15 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %16 (%2) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", height);
	//const %17 = 0 : int
	_17 = 0;
	//assign %4 = %17  : int
	j = _17;
	//loop (%4, %5, %6, %18, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26, %27, %28, %29, %30, %31, %32, %33, %34, %35)
		//ifge %4, %2 goto blklab13 : int
		if(j>=height){goto blklab13;}
		//const %18 = 0 : int
		_18 = 0;
		//assign %5 = %18  : int
		i = _18;
		//loop (%5, %6, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26, %27, %28, %29, %30)
			//ifge %5, %1 goto blklab15 : int
			if(i>=width){goto blklab15;}
			//mul %19 = %4, %1 : int
			//add %20 = %19, %5 : int
			//assign %6 = %20  : int
			pos = _20;
			//indexof %21 = %3, %6 : byte[]
			//const %22 = 00100000b : byte
			_22 = 0b00100000;
			//ifne %21, %22 goto blklab17 : byte
			if(_21!=_22){goto blklab17;}
			//fieldload %23 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
			//fieldload %24 = %23 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
			//const %25 = 0 : int
			_25 = 0;
			//indirectinvoke () = %24 (%25) : method(any)->()
				printf("%"PRId64, _25);
			//goto blklab18
			goto blklab18;
			//fieldload %26 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
			//fieldload %27 = %26 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
			//const %28 = 1 : int
			_28 = 1;
			//indirectinvoke () = %27 (%28) : method(any)->()
				printf("%"PRId64, _28);
			//const %29 = 1 : int
			_29 = 1;
			//add %30 = %5, %29 : int
			//assign %5 = %30  : int
			i = _30;
		//fieldload %31 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
		//fieldload %32 = %31 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
		//const %33 = [] : void[]
		_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_33, 0, 0);
		_33_dealloc = true;
		//indirectinvoke () = %32 (%33) : method(int[])->()
			println_s(_33, _33_size);
		//const %34 = 1 : int
		_34 = 1;
		//add %35 = %4, %34 : int
		//assign %4 = %35  : int
		j = _35;
예제 #9
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t* n;
	int64_t size;
	int64_t width;
	int64_t height;
	int64_t* _8;
	int64_t _10;
	void* _12;
	void* _15;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	void* _29;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	int64_t _34;
	int64_t _35;
	int64_t _36;
	int64_t _37;
	void* _38;
	//fieldload %9 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %10 = 0 : int
	_10 = 0;
	//indexof %11 = %9, %10 : int[][]
	_11_size = _9_size_size;
	//invoke (%8) = (%11) whiley/lang/Int:parse : function(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(null|int)
		_STR_TO_INT(_8, _11);
	//assign %1 = %8  : null|int
	//ifis %1, null goto blklab10 : null|int
	if(n == NULL) { goto blklab10;}
	//assign %2 = %1  : int
	size = *n;
	//assign %3 = %2  : int
	width = size;
	//assign %4 = %2  : int
	height = size;
	//fieldload %12 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %13 = %12 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %14 = [115,105,122,101,32,61,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_14, 7, 0);
	_14[0] = 115; _14[1] = 105; _14[2] = 122; _14[3] = 101; _14[4] = 32; _14[5] = 61; _14[6] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %13 (%14) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_14, _14_size);
	//fieldload %15 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %16 = %15 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %16 (%2) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", size);
	//const %17 = 0 : int
	_17 = 0;
	//mul %18 = %3, %4 : int
	//arraygen %19 = [17; 18] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_19, _18, _17);
	//assign %5 = %19  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(A, _19);
	//invoke (%20) = (%5, %3, %4) MatrixMult_original:init : function(int[],int,int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_data;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(A, tmp_data, int64_t);
		_20 = _init_(tmp_data, A_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_20));
	//assign %5 = %20  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(A, _20);
	//const %21 = 0 : int
	_21 = 0;
	//mul %22 = %3, %4 : int
	//arraygen %23 = [21; 22] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_23, _22, _21);
	//assign %6 = %23  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(B, _23);
	//invoke (%24) = (%6, %3, %4) MatrixMult_original:init : function(int[],int,int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_data;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(B, tmp_data, int64_t);
		_24 = _init_(tmp_data, B_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_24));
	//assign %6 = %24  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(B, _24);
	//const %25 = 0 : int
	_25 = 0;
	//mul %26 = %3, %4 : int
	//arraygen %27 = [25; 26] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_27, _26, _25);
	//assign %7 = %27  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(C, _27);
	//invoke (%28) = (%5, %6, %7, %3, %4) MatrixMult_original:mat_mult : function(int[],int[],int[],int,int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_a;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(A, tmp_a, int64_t);
		void* tmp_b;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(B, tmp_b, int64_t);
		void* tmp_data;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(C, tmp_data, int64_t);
		_28 = _mat_mult_(tmp_a, A_size, tmp_b, B_size, tmp_data, C_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_28));
	//assign %7 = %28  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(C, _28);
	//fieldload %29 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %30 = %29 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %31 = 1 : int
	_31 = 1;
	//sub %32 = %2, %31 : int
	//mul %33 = %32, %2 : int
	//add %34 = %33, %2 : int
	//const %35 = 1 : int
	_35 = 1;
	//sub %36 = %34, %35 : int
	//indexof %37 = %7, %36 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %30 (%37) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _37);
	//fieldload %38 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %39 = %38 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %40 = [80,97,115,115,32,77,97,116,114,105,120,77,117,108,116,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_40, 25, 0);
	_40[0] = 80; _40[1] = 97; _40[2] = 115; _40[3] = 115; _40[4] = 32; _40[5] = 77; _40[6] = 97; _40[7] = 116; _40[8] = 114; _40[9] = 105; _40[10] = 120; _40[11] = 77; _40[12] = 117; _40[13] = 108; _40[14] = 116; _40[15] = 32; _40[16] = 116; _40[17] = 101; _40[18] = 115; _40[19] = 116; _40[20] = 32; _40[21] = 99; _40[22] = 97; _40[23] = 115; _40[24] = 101; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %39 (%40) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_40, _40_size);
예제 #10
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int* n;
	int width;
	int height;
	int size;
	int i;
	int* _8;
	int _10;
	int _12;
	int _13;
	BYTE _14;
	int _16;
	BYTE _17;
	int _18;
	int _19;
	int _20;
	int _21;
	void* _22;
	void* _25;
	int _27;
	BYTE _28;
	void* _30;
	void* _33;
	int _35;
	void* _36;
	void* _39;
	void* _42;
	int _44;
	BYTE _45;
	//fieldload %9 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %10 = 0 : int
	_10 = 0;
	//indexof %11 = %9, %10 : int[][]
	_11_size = _9_size_size;
	//invoke (%8) = (%11) whiley/lang/Int:parse : function(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(null|int)
		_STR_TO_INT(_8, _11);
	//assign %1 = %8  : null|int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	n = _8;
	//ifis %1, null goto blklab19 : null|int
	if(n == NULL) { goto blklab19;}
	//const %12 = 2000 : int
	_12 = 2000;
	//assign %2 = %12  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	width = _12;
	//assign %3 = %1  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	height = *n;
	//mul %13 = %2, %3 : int
	//assign %4 = %13  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	size = _13;
	//const %14 = 00100000b : byte
	_14 = 0b00100000;
	//arraygen %15 = [14; 4] : byte[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_BYTE(_15, size, _14);
	//assign %5 = %15  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(pixels, _15);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(pixels, _15);
	//const %16 = 0 : int
	_16 = 0;
	//assign %6 = %16  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	i = _16;
	//loop (%5, %6, %17, %18, %19, %20, %21)
		//ifge %6, %4 goto blklab20 : int
		if(i>=size){goto blklab20;}
		//const %18 = 256 : int
		_18 = 256;
		//rem %19 = %6, %18 : int
		//invoke (%17) = (%19) whiley/lang/Int:toUnsignedByte : function(whiley/lang/Int:u8)->(byte)
			_17 = (BYTE)_19;
		//update %5[%6] = %17 : byte[] -> byte[]
		pixels[i] = _17;
		//const %20 = 1 : int
		_20 = 1;
		//add %21 = %6, %20 : int
		//assign %6 = %21  : int
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		i = _21;
	//fieldload %22 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %23 = %22 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %24 = [112,105,120,101,108,115,91,49,48,48,48,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_24, 13, 0);
	_24[0] = 112; _24[1] = 105; _24[2] = 120; _24[3] = 101; _24[4] = 108; _24[5] = 115; _24[6] = 91; _24[7] = 49; _24[8] = 48; _24[9] = 48; _24[10] = 48; _24[11] = 93; _24[12] = 61;
	//indirectinvoke () = %23 (%24) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_24, _24_size);
	//fieldload %25 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %26 = %25 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %27 = 1000 : int
	_27 = 1000;
	//indexof %28 = %5, %27 : byte[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %26 (%28) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRIu8"\n", _28);
	//invoke (%29) = (%5, %2, %3) SobelEdge_large:sobelEdgeDetection : function(byte[],int,int)->(byte[])
		// isCopyEliminated of '_5' = true
		_29 = _sobelEdgeDetection_(pixels, pixels_size, false, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_29));
		_RETAIN_DEALLOC(pixels, "false-false-false" , "sobelEdgeDetection");
		_RETAIN_DEALLOC_POST(_29, pixels);
	//assign %7 = %29  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(newPixels, _29);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(newPixels, _29);
	//fieldload %30 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %31 = %30 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %32 = [66,108,117,114,114,101,100,32,73,109,97,103,101,32,115,105,122,101,115,58,32,32,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_32, 23, 0);
	_32[0] = 66; _32[1] = 108; _32[2] = 117; _32[3] = 114; _32[4] = 114; _32[5] = 101; _32[6] = 100; _32[7] = 32; _32[8] = 73; _32[9] = 109; _32[10] = 97; _32[11] = 103; _32[12] = 101; _32[13] = 32; _32[14] = 115; _32[15] = 105; _32[16] = 122; _32[17] = 101; _32[18] = 115; _32[19] = 58; _32[20] = 32; _32[21] = 32; _32[22] = 32;
	//indirectinvoke () = %31 (%32) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_32, _32_size);
	//fieldload %33 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %34 = %33 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %35 = %7 : byte[]
	_35 = newPixels_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %34 (%35) : method(any)->()
		printf("%d", _35);
	//fieldload %36 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %37 = %36 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %38 = [32,98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_38, 6, 0);
	_38[0] = 32; _38[1] = 98; _38[2] = 121; _38[3] = 116; _38[4] = 101; _38[5] = 115;
	//indirectinvoke () = %37 (%38) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_38, _38_size);
	//fieldload %39 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %40 = %39 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %41 = [110,101,119,80,105,120,101,108,115,91,49,48,48,48,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_41, 16, 0);
	_41[0] = 110; _41[1] = 101; _41[2] = 119; _41[3] = 80; _41[4] = 105; _41[5] = 120; _41[6] = 101; _41[7] = 108; _41[8] = 115; _41[9] = 91; _41[10] = 49; _41[11] = 48; _41[12] = 48; _41[13] = 48; _41[14] = 93; _41[15] = 61;
	//indirectinvoke () = %40 (%41) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_41, _41_size);
	//fieldload %42 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %43 = %42 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %44 = 1000 : int
	_44 = 1000;
	//indexof %45 = %7, %44 : byte[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %43 (%45) : method(any)->()
		printf("%d", _45);
예제 #11
	int64_t i;
	int64_t coin;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _14;
	int64_t _15;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _27;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _29;
	//const %5 = 0 : int
	_5 = 0;
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//const %10 = 0 : int
	_10 = 0;
	//const %11 = 0 : int
	_11 = 0;
	//const %12 = 0 : int
	_12 = 0;
	//newlist %13 = (%5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_13, 8, 0);
	_13[0] = _5; _13[1] = _6; _13[2] = _7; _13[3] = _8; _13[4] = _9; _13[5] = _10; _13[6] = _11; _13[7] = _12; 
	//assign %2 = %13  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(cash, _13);
	//const %14 = 0 : int
	_14 = 0;
	//assign %3 = %14  : int
	i = _14;
	//loop (%2, %3, %4, %15, %16, %17, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26, %27, %28, %29)
		//lengthof %23 = %0 : int[]
		_23 = coins_size;
		//ifge %3, %23 goto blklab4 : int
		if(i>=_23){goto blklab4;}
		//indexof %24 = %0, %3 : int[]
		//assign %4 = %24  : int
		coin = _24;
		//indexof %25 = %2, %4 : int[]
		//const %26 = 1 : int
		_26 = 1;
		//add %27 = %25, %26 : int
		//update %2[%4] = %27 : int[] -> int[]
		cash[coin] = _27;
		//const %28 = 1 : int
		_28 = 1;
		//add %29 = %3, %28 : int
		//assign %3 = %29  : int
		i = _29;
	//return %2
	return cash;
예제 #12
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t* max;
	int64_t n;
	int64_t i;
	int64_t sum_alice;
	int64_t* _7;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	int64_t _15;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _27;
	int64_t _28;
	void* _29;
	void* _32;
	void* _34;
	//fieldload %8 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//indexof %10 = %8, %9 : int[][]
	_10_size = _8_size_size;
	//invoke (%7) = (%10) whiley/lang/Int:parse : function(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(null|int)
		_STR_TO_INT(_7, _10);
	//assign %1 = %7  : null|int
	//ifis %1, null goto blklab4 : null|int
	if(max == NULL) { goto blklab4;}
	//assign %2 = %1  : int
	n = *max;
	//const %11 = 0 : int
	_11 = 0;
	//arraygen %12 = [11; 2] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_12, n, _11);
	//assign %3 = %12  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(coins, _12);
	//const %13 = 0 : int
	_13 = 0;
	//assign %4 = %13  : int
	i = _13;
	//loop (%3, %4, %14, %15, %16, %17)
		//ifge %4, %2 goto blklab5 : int
		if(i>=n){goto blklab5;}
		//const %14 = 5 : int
		_14 = 5;
		//rem %15 = %4, %14 : int
		//update %3[%4] = %15 : int[] -> int[]
		coins[i] = _15;
		//const %16 = 1 : int
		_16 = 1;
		//add %17 = %4, %16 : int
		//assign %4 = %17  : int
		i = _17;
	//const %18 = 0 : int
	_18 = 0;
	//const %19 = 2 : int
	_19 = 2;
	//add %20 = %2, %19 : int
	//const %21 = 2 : int
	_21 = 2;
	//add %22 = %2, %21 : int
	//mul %23 = %20, %22 : int
	//arraygen %24 = [18; 23] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_24, _23, _18);
	//assign %5 = %24  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(moves, _24);
	//invoke (%25) = (%5, %2, %3) CoinGame_original:findMoves : function(int[],int,int[])->(int[])
		void* tmp_moves;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(moves, tmp_moves, int64_t);
		void* tmp_coins;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(coins, tmp_coins, int64_t);
		_25 = _findMoves_(tmp_moves, moves_size, n, tmp_coins, coins_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_25));
	//assign %5 = %25  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(moves, _25);
	//const %26 = 1 : int
	_26 = 1;
	//sub %27 = %2, %26 : int
	//indexof %28 = %5, %27 : int[]
	//assign %6 = %28  : int
	sum_alice = _28;
	//fieldload %29 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %30 = %29 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %31 = [84,104,101,32,116,111,116,97,108,32,97,109,111,117,110,116,32,111,102,32,109,111,110,101,121,32,40,109,97,120,105,109,117,109,41,32,65,108,105,99,101,32,103,101,116,115,32,105,115,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_31, 50, 0);
	_31[0] = 84; _31[1] = 104; _31[2] = 101; _31[3] = 32; _31[4] = 116; _31[5] = 111; _31[6] = 116; _31[7] = 97; _31[8] = 108; _31[9] = 32; _31[10] = 97; _31[11] = 109; _31[12] = 111; _31[13] = 117; _31[14] = 110; _31[15] = 116; _31[16] = 32; _31[17] = 111; _31[18] = 102; _31[19] = 32; _31[20] = 109; _31[21] = 111; _31[22] = 110; _31[23] = 101; _31[24] = 121; _31[25] = 32; _31[26] = 40; _31[27] = 109; _31[28] = 97; _31[29] = 120; _31[30] = 105; _31[31] = 109; _31[32] = 117; _31[33] = 109; _31[34] = 41; _31[35] = 32; _31[36] = 65; _31[37] = 108; _31[38] = 105; _31[39] = 99; _31[40] = 101; _31[41] = 32; _31[42] = 103; _31[43] = 101; _31[44] = 116; _31[45] = 115; _31[46] = 32; _31[47] = 105; _31[48] = 115; _31[49] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %30 (%31) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_31, _31_size);
	//fieldload %32 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %33 = %32 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %33 (%6) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", sum_alice);
	//fieldload %34 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %35 = %34 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %36 = [80,97,115,115,32,67,111,105,110,71,97,109,101,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_36, 23, 0);
	_36[0] = 80; _36[1] = 97; _36[2] = 115; _36[3] = 115; _36[4] = 32; _36[5] = 67; _36[6] = 111; _36[7] = 105; _36[8] = 110; _36[9] = 71; _36[10] = 97; _36[11] = 109; _36[12] = 101; _36[13] = 32; _36[14] = 116; _36[15] = 101; _36[16] = 115; _36[17] = 116; _36[18] = 32; _36[19] = 99; _36[20] = 97; _36[21] = 115; _36[22] = 101; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %35 (%36) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_36, _36_size);
예제 #13
	int64_t i;
	int64_t item;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	int64_t _15;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _17;
	//lengthof %5 = %0 : int[]
	_5 = ls_size;
	//assign %2 = %5  : int
	i = _5;
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//lengthof %7 = %0 : int[]
	_7 = ls_size;
	//arraygen %8 = [6; 7] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_8, _7, _6);
	//assign %3 = %8  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(r, _8);
	//loop (%2, %3, %4, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15, %16, %17)
		//const %12 = 0 : int
		_12 = 0;
		//ifle %2, %12 goto blklab0 : int
		if(i<=_12){goto blklab0;}
		//lengthof %13 = %0 : int[]
		_13 = ls_size;
		//sub %14 = %13, %2 : int
		//indexof %15 = %0, %14 : int[]
		//assign %4 = %15  : int
		item = _15;
		//const %16 = 1 : int
		_16 = 1;
		//sub %17 = %2, %16 : int
		//assign %2 = %17  : int
		i = _17;
		//update %3[%2] = %4 : int[] -> int[]
		r[i] = item;
	//return %3
	return r;
예제 #14
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t* max;
	int64_t n = 0;
	int64_t sum_alice = 0;
	int64_t* _5;
	int64_t _7 = 0;
	int64_t _9 = 0;
	int64_t _10 = 0;
	int64_t _11 = 0;
	int64_t _12 = 0;
	int64_t _13 = 0;
	int64_t _14 = 0;
	int64_t _17 = 0;
	int64_t _18 = 0;
	int64_t _19 = 0;
	void* _20;
	void* _23;
	void* _25;
	//fieldload %6 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//indexof %8 = %6, %7 : int[][]
	_8_size = _6_size_size;
	//invoke (%5) = (%8) whiley/lang/Int:parse : function(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(null|int)
		_STR_TO_INT(_5, _8);
	//assign %1 = %5  : null|int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	max = _5;
	//ifis %1, null goto blklab4 : null|int
	if(max == NULL) { goto blklab4;}
	//assign %2 = %1  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	n = *max;
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//const %10 = 2 : int
	_10 = 2;
	//add %11 = %2, %10 : int
	//const %12 = 2 : int
	_12 = 2;
	//add %13 = %2, %12 : int
	//mul %14 = %11, %13 : int
	//arraygen %15 = [9; 14] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_15, _14, _9);
	//assign %3 = %15  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(moves, _15);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(moves, _15);
	//invoke (%16) = (%3, %2) CoinGame_original:findMoves : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of '_3' = true
		_16 = _findMoves_(_1DARRAY_PARAM(moves), false, n, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_16));
		_RESET_DEALLOC(moves, "true-true-false" , "findMoves");
	//assign %3 = %16  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(moves, _16);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(moves, _16);
	//const %17 = 1 : int
	_17 = 1;
	//sub %18 = %2, %17 : int
	//indexof %19 = %3, %18 : int[]
	//assign %4 = %19  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	sum_alice = _19;
	//fieldload %20 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %21 = %20 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %22 = [84,104,101,32,116,111,116,97,108,32,97,109,111,117,110,116,32,111,102,32,109,111,110,101,121,32,40,109,97,120,105,109,117,109,41,32,65,108,105,99,101,32,103,101,116,115,32,105,115,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_22, 50, 0);
	_22[0] = 84; _22[1] = 104; _22[2] = 101; _22[3] = 32; _22[4] = 116; _22[5] = 111; _22[6] = 116; _22[7] = 97; _22[8] = 108; _22[9] = 32; _22[10] = 97; _22[11] = 109; _22[12] = 111; _22[13] = 117; _22[14] = 110; _22[15] = 116; _22[16] = 32; _22[17] = 111; _22[18] = 102; _22[19] = 32; _22[20] = 109; _22[21] = 111; _22[22] = 110; _22[23] = 101; _22[24] = 121; _22[25] = 32; _22[26] = 40; _22[27] = 109; _22[28] = 97; _22[29] = 120; _22[30] = 105; _22[31] = 109; _22[32] = 117; _22[33] = 109; _22[34] = 41; _22[35] = 32; _22[36] = 65; _22[37] = 108; _22[38] = 105; _22[39] = 99; _22[40] = 101; _22[41] = 32; _22[42] = 103; _22[43] = 101; _22[44] = 116; _22[45] = 115; _22[46] = 32; _22[47] = 105; _22[48] = 115; _22[49] = 32;
	//indirectinvoke () = %21 (%22) : method(int[])->()
	//fieldload %23 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %24 = %23 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %24 (%4) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", sum_alice);
	//fieldload %25 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %26 = %25 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %27 = [80,97,115,115,32,67,111,105,110,71,97,109,101,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_27, 23, 0);
	_27[0] = 80; _27[1] = 97; _27[2] = 115; _27[3] = 115; _27[4] = 32; _27[5] = 67; _27[6] = 111; _27[7] = 105; _27[8] = 110; _27[9] = 71; _27[10] = 97; _27[11] = 109; _27[12] = 101; _27[13] = 32; _27[14] = 116; _27[15] = 101; _27[16] = 115; _27[17] = 116; _27[18] = 32; _27[19] = 99; _27[20] = 97; _27[21] = 115; _27[22] = 101;
	//indirectinvoke () = %26 (%27) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_27, _27_size);
예제 #15
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _13;
	void* _14;
	void* _17;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	void* _34;
	void* _37;
	int64_t _39;
	int64_t _40;
	void* _41;
	void* _44;
	int64_t _46;
	int64_t _47;
	//const %4 = 0 : int
	_4 = 0;
	//const %5 = 0 : int
	_5 = 0;
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//newlist %9 = (%4, %5, %6, %7, %8) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_9, 5, 0);
	_9[0] = _4; _9[1] = _5; _9[2] = _6; _9[3] = _7; _9[4] = _8; 
	//assign %1 = %9  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(a, _9);
	//invoke (%10) = (%1) FunctionCall3:func : function(int[])->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'a at 0' = true
		_10 = _func_(a, a_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_10));
	//assign %1 = %10  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(a, _10);
		//const %11 = 2 : int
		_11 = 2;
		//indexof %12 = %1, %11 : int[]
		//const %13 = 0 : int
		_13 = 0;
		//ifeq %12, %13 goto blklab0 : int
		if(_12==_13){goto blklab0;}
	//fieldload %14 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %15 = %14 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %16 = [97,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_16, 5, 0);
	_16[0] = 97; _16[1] = 91; _16[2] = 50; _16[3] = 93; _16[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %15 (%16) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_16, _16_size);
	//fieldload %17 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %18 = %17 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %19 = 2 : int
	_19 = 2;
	//indexof %20 = %1, %19 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %18 (%20) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _20);
	//const %21 = 0 : int
	_21 = 0;
	//const %22 = 0 : int
	_22 = 0;
	//const %23 = 0 : int
	_23 = 0;
	//const %24 = 0 : int
	_24 = 0;
	//const %25 = 0 : int
	_25 = 0;
	//newlist %26 = (%21, %22, %23, %24, %25) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_26, 5, 0);
	_26[0] = _21; _26[1] = _22; _26[2] = _23; _26[3] = _24; _26[4] = _25; 
	//assign %2 = %26  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(b, _26);
	//invoke (%27) = (%2) FunctionCall3:func : function(int[])->(int[])
		void* tmp_s;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(b, tmp_s, int64_t);
		// isCopyEliminated of 'b at 0' = false
		_27 = _func_(tmp_s, b_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_27));
	//assign %3 = %27  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(c, _27);
		//const %28 = 2 : int
		_28 = 2;
		//indexof %29 = %2, %28 : int[]
		//const %30 = 0 : int
		_30 = 0;
		//ifeq %29, %30 goto blklab1 : int
		if(_29==_30){goto blklab1;}
		//const %31 = 2 : int
		_31 = 2;
		//indexof %32 = %3, %31 : int[]
		//const %33 = 0 : int
		_33 = 0;
		//ifeq %32, %33 goto blklab2 : int
		if(_32==_33){goto blklab2;}
	//fieldload %34 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %35 = %34 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %36 = [98,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_36, 5, 0);
	_36[0] = 98; _36[1] = 91; _36[2] = 50; _36[3] = 93; _36[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %35 (%36) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_36, _36_size);
	//fieldload %37 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %38 = %37 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %39 = 2 : int
	_39 = 2;
	//indexof %40 = %2, %39 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %38 (%40) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _40);
	//fieldload %41 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %42 = %41 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %43 = [99,91,50,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_43, 5, 0);
	_43[0] = 99; _43[1] = 91; _43[2] = 50; _43[3] = 93; _43[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %42 (%43) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_43, _43_size);
	//fieldload %44 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %45 = %44 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %46 = 2 : int
	_46 = 2;
	//indexof %47 = %3, %46 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %45 (%47) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _47);
예제 #16
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t size;
	int64_t width;
	int64_t height;
	int64_t _7;
	void* _8;
	void* _11;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _27;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	int64_t _34;
	int64_t _35;
	int64_t _36;
	int64_t _37;
	int64_t _38;
	int64_t _39;
	int64_t _40;
	int64_t _41;
	int64_t _42;
	int64_t _43;
	int64_t _44;
	int64_t _45;
	void* _46;
	void* _49;
	int64_t _51;
	int64_t _52;
	int64_t _53;
	int64_t _54;
	int64_t _55;
	int64_t _56;
	int64_t _57;
	void* _58;
	//const %7 = 20 : int
	_7 = 20;
	//assign %1 = %7  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	size = _7;
	//assign %2 = %1  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = false
	width = size;
	//assign %3 = %1  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = false
	height = size;
	//fieldload %8 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %9 = %8 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %10 = [115,105,122,101,32,61,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_10, 7, 0);
	_10[0] = 115; _10[1] = 105; _10[2] = 122; _10[3] = 101; _10[4] = 32; _10[5] = 61; _10[6] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %9 (%10) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_10, _10_size);
	//fieldload %11 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %12 = %11 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %12 (%1) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", size);
	//const %13 = 0 : int
	_13 = 0;
	//mul %14 = %2, %3 : int
	//arraygen %15 = [13; 14] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_15, _14, _13);
	//assign %4 = %15  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%16) = (%4, %2, %3) MatrixMult:init : function(int[],int,int)->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'A at 0' = true
		_16 = _init_(A, A_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_16));
	//assign %4 = %16  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %17 = 0 : int
	_17 = 0;
	//mul %18 = %2, %3 : int
	//arraygen %19 = [17; 18] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_19, _18, _17);
	//assign %5 = %19  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%20) = (%5, %2, %3) MatrixMult:init : function(int[],int,int)->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'B at 0' = true
		_20 = _init_(B, B_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_20));
	//assign %5 = %20  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//const %21 = 0 : int
	_21 = 0;
	//mul %22 = %2, %3 : int
	//arraygen %23 = [21; 22] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_23, _22, _21);
	//assign %6 = %23  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	//invoke (%24) = (%4, %5, %6, %2, %3) MatrixMult:mat_mult : function(int[],int[],int[],int,int)->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'A at 0' = true
		// isCopyEliminated of 'B at 1' = true
		// isCopyEliminated of 'C at 2' = true
		_24 = _mat_mult_(A, A_size, B, B_size, C, C_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_24));
	//assign %6 = %24  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
		//const %25 = 19 : int
		_25 = 19;
		//const %26 = 20 : int
		_26 = 20;
		//mul %27 = %25, %26 : int
		//const %28 = 19 : int
		_28 = 19;
		//add %29 = %27, %28 : int
		//indexof %30 = %4, %29 : int[]
		//const %31 = 19 : int
		_31 = 19;
		//ifeq %30, %31 goto blklab10 : int
		if(_30==_31){goto blklab10;}
		//const %32 = 19 : int
		_32 = 19;
		//const %33 = 20 : int
		_33 = 20;
		//mul %34 = %32, %33 : int
		//const %35 = 19 : int
		_35 = 19;
		//add %36 = %34, %35 : int
		//indexof %37 = %5, %36 : int[]
		//const %38 = 19 : int
		_38 = 19;
		//ifeq %37, %38 goto blklab11 : int
		if(_37==_38){goto blklab11;}
		//const %39 = 19 : int
		_39 = 19;
		//const %40 = 20 : int
		_40 = 20;
		//mul %41 = %39, %40 : int
		//const %42 = 19 : int
		_42 = 19;
		//add %43 = %41, %42 : int
		//indexof %44 = %6, %43 : int[]
		//const %45 = 3610 : int
		_45 = 3610;
		//ifeq %44, %45 goto blklab12 : int
		if(_44==_45){goto blklab12;}
	//fieldload %46 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %47 = %46 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %48 = [77,97,116,114,105,120,32,67,91,115,105,122,101,45,49,93,91,115,105,122,101,45,49,93,32,61,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_48, 27, 0);
	_48[0] = 77; _48[1] = 97; _48[2] = 116; _48[3] = 114; _48[4] = 105; _48[5] = 120; _48[6] = 32; _48[7] = 67; _48[8] = 91; _48[9] = 115; _48[10] = 105; _48[11] = 122; _48[12] = 101; _48[13] = 45; _48[14] = 49; _48[15] = 93; _48[16] = 91; _48[17] = 115; _48[18] = 105; _48[19] = 122; _48[20] = 101; _48[21] = 45; _48[22] = 49; _48[23] = 93; _48[24] = 32; _48[25] = 61; _48[26] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %47 (%48) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_48, _48_size);
	//fieldload %49 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %50 = %49 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %51 = 1 : int
	_51 = 1;
	//sub %52 = %1, %51 : int
	//mul %53 = %52, %1 : int
	//add %54 = %53, %1 : int
	//const %55 = 1 : int
	_55 = 1;
	//sub %56 = %54, %55 : int
	//indexof %57 = %6, %56 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %50 (%57) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _57);
	//fieldload %58 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %59 = %58 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %60 = [80,97,115,115,32,77,97,116,114,105,120,77,117,108,116,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_60, 25, 0);
	_60[0] = 80; _60[1] = 97; _60[2] = 115; _60[3] = 115; _60[4] = 32; _60[5] = 77; _60[6] = 97; _60[7] = 116; _60[8] = 114; _60[9] = 105; _60[10] = 120; _60[11] = 77; _60[12] = 117; _60[13] = 108; _60[14] = 116; _60[15] = 32; _60[16] = 116; _60[17] = 101; _60[18] = 115; _60[19] = 116; _60[20] = 32; _60[21] = 99; _60[22] = 97; _60[23] = 115; _60[24] = 101; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %59 (%60) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_60, _60_size);
예제 #17
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _3;
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	void* _11;
	void* _14;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _17;
	//const %3 = 2 : int
	_3 = 2;
	//const %4 = 3 : int
	_4 = 3;
	//arraygen %5 = [3; 4] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_5, _4, _3);
	//assign %1 = %5  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(x, _5);
	//const %7 = 11 : int
	_7 = 11;
	//invoke (%6) = (%1, %7) ResetMacro1:func : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of 'x at 0' = true
		_6 = _func_(x, x_size, _7, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_6));
	//assign %2 = %6  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(tmp, _6);
	//assign %1 = %2  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(x, tmp);
		//const %8 = 0 : int
		_8 = 0;
		//indexof %9 = %1, %8 : int[]
		//const %10 = 11 : int
		_10 = 11;
		//ifeq %9, %10 goto blklab0 : int
		if(_9==_10){goto blklab0;}
	//fieldload %11 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %12 = %11 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %13 = [120,91,48,93,32,61,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_13, 7, 0);
	_13[0] = 120; _13[1] = 91; _13[2] = 48; _13[3] = 93; _13[4] = 32; _13[5] = 61; _13[6] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %12 (%13) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_13, _13_size);
	//fieldload %14 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %15 = %14 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %16 = 0 : int
	_16 = 0;
	//indexof %17 = %1, %16 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %15 (%17) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _17);
예제 #18
int main(int argc, char** args){
	FILE* file;
	int64_t width;
	int64_t height;
	void* _6;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	//const %7 = [46,46,47,46,46,47,46,46,47,73,110,112,117,116,102,105,108,101,115,47,105,109,97,103,101,54,52,120,54,52,46,112,98,109] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_7, 34, 0);
	_7[0] = 46; _7[1] = 46; _7[2] = 47; _7[3] = 46; _7[4] = 46; _7[5] = 47; _7[6] = 46; _7[7] = 46; _7[8] = 47; _7[9] = 73; _7[10] = 110; _7[11] = 112; _7[12] = 117; _7[13] = 116; _7[14] = 102; _7[15] = 105; _7[16] = 108; _7[17] = 101; _7[18] = 115; _7[19] = 47; _7[20] = 105; _7[21] = 109; _7[22] = 97; _7[23] = 103; _7[24] = 101; _7[25] = 54; _7[26] = 52; _7[27] = 120; _7[28] = 54; _7[29] = 52; _7[30] = 46; _7[31] = 112; _7[32] = 98; _7[33] = 109; 
	_7_dealloc = true;
	//invoke (%6) = (%7) whiley/io/File:Reader : method(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(whiley/io/File:Reader)
		_6 = Reader(_7, _7_size);
	//assign %1 = %6  : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	file = _6;
	//const %8 = 64 : int
	_8 = 64;
	//assign %2 = %8  : int
	width = _8;
	//const %9 = 64 : int
	_9 = 64;
	//assign %3 = %9  : int
	height = _9;
	//fieldload %11 = %1 readAll : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	//indirectinvoke (%10) = %11 () : method()->(byte[])
		_10 = readAll(file, &_10_size);
		_10_dealloc = true;
	//assign %4 = %10  : byte[]
	_ADD_DEALLOC(pixels, _10, BYTE);
	//invoke (%12) = (%4, %2, %3) SobelEdge:sobelEdgeDetection : function(byte[],int,int)->(byte[])
		_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_12, pixels, 0, "liveness: pixels = false, readonly: pixels = true, return:pixels = NEVER_RETURN" , "sobelEdgeDetection");
		void* tmp_pixels;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(pixels, tmp_pixels, BYTE);
		_12 = _sobelEdgeDetection_(tmp_pixels, pixels_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_12));
		_12_dealloc = true;
	//assign %5 = %12  : byte[]
	_ADD_DEALLOC(newPixels, _12, BYTE);
	//invoke () = (%0, %2, %3, %5) SobelEdge:print_pbm : method(whiley/lang/System:Console,int,int,byte[])->()
		_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(, newPixels, 3, "liveness: newPixels = false, readonly: newPixels = true, return:newPixels = NEVER_RETURN" , "print_pbm");
		void* tmp_pixels;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(newPixels, tmp_pixels, BYTE);
		_print_pbm_(stdout, width, height, tmp_pixels, newPixels_size);
	if(file != NULL){fclose(file); file = NULL;}
예제 #19
int64_t* _findMoves_(_DECL_1DARRAY_PARAM(moves), int64_t n, _DECL_1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE){
	int64_t s;
	int64_t j;
	int64_t i;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _14;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _27;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	int64_t _34;
	int64_t _35;
	int64_t _36;
	int64_t _37;
	int64_t _38;
	int64_t _39;
	int64_t _40;
	int64_t _41;
	int64_t _42;
	int64_t _43;
	int64_t _44;
	int64_t _45;
	int64_t _46;
	int64_t _47;
	int64_t _48;
	int64_t _49;
	int64_t _50;
	int64_t _51;
	int64_t _52;
	int64_t _53;
	int64_t _54;
	int64_t _55;
	int64_t _56;
	int64_t _57;
	int64_t _58;
	int64_t _59;
	int64_t _60;
	int64_t _61;
	int64_t _62;
	int64_t _63;
	int64_t _64;
	int64_t _65;
	int64_t _66;
	int64_t _67;
	int64_t _68;
	int64_t _69;
	int64_t _70;
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//assign %3 = %9  : int
	s = _9;
	//loop (%0, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15, %16, %17, %18, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26, %27, %28, %29, %30, %31, %32, %33, %34, %35, %36, %37, %38, %39, %40, %41, %42, %43, %44, %45, %46, %47, %48, %49, %50, %51, %52, %53, %54, %55, %56, %57, %58, %59, %60, %61, %62, %63, %64, %65, %66, %67, %68, %69, %70)
		//ifge %3, %1 goto blklab0 : int
		if(s>=n){goto blklab0;}
		//const %10 = 0 : int
		_10 = 0;
		//arraygen %11 = [10; 1] : int[]
		_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_11, n, _10);
		//assign %4 = %11  : int[]
		_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(x, _11);
		//const %12 = 0 : int
		_12 = 0;
		//arraygen %13 = [12; 1] : int[]
		_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_13, n, _12);
		//assign %5 = %13  : int[]
		_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(y, _13);
		//const %14 = 0 : int
		_14 = 0;
		//arraygen %15 = [14; 1] : int[]
		_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_15, n, _14);
		//assign %6 = %15  : int[]
		_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(z, _15);
		//assign %7 = %3  : int
		j = s;
		//const %16 = 0 : int
		_16 = 0;
		//assign %8 = %16  : int
		i = _16;
		//loop (%0, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %17, %18, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26, %27, %28, %29, %30, %31, %32, %33, %34, %35, %36, %37, %38, %39, %40, %41, %42, %43, %44, %45, %46, %47, %48, %49, %50, %51, %52, %53, %54, %55, %56, %57, %58, %59, %60, %61, %62, %63, %64, %65, %66, %67, %68)
			//ifge %7, %1 goto blklab2 : int
			if(j>=n){goto blklab2;}
			//const %17 = 0 : int
			_17 = 0;
			//update %5[%8] = %17 : int[] -> int[]
			y[i] = _17;
			//const %18 = 1 : int
			_18 = 1;
			//add %19 = %8, %18 : int
			//ifge %19, %1 goto blklab4 : int
			if(_19>=n){goto blklab4;}
			//const %20 = 1 : int
			_20 = 1;
			//sub %21 = %7, %20 : int
			//const %22 = 0 : int
			_22 = 0;
			//iflt %21, %22 goto blklab4 : int
			if(_21<_22){goto blklab4;}
			//const %23 = 1 : int
			_23 = 1;
			//add %24 = %8, %23 : int
			//mul %25 = %24, %1 : int
			//add %26 = %25, %7 : int
			//const %27 = 1 : int
			_27 = 1;
			//sub %28 = %26, %27 : int
			//indexof %29 = %0, %28 : int[]
			//update %5[%8] = %29 : int[] -> int[]
			y[i] = _29;
			//const %30 = 0 : int
			_30 = 0;
			//update %4[%8] = %30 : int[] -> int[]
			x[i] = _30;
			//const %31 = 2 : int
			_31 = 2;
			//add %32 = %8, %31 : int
			//ifge %32, %1 goto blklab5 : int
			if(_32>=n){goto blklab5;}
			//const %33 = 2 : int
			_33 = 2;
			//add %34 = %8, %33 : int
			//mul %35 = %34, %1 : int
			//add %36 = %35, %7 : int
			//indexof %37 = %0, %36 : int[]
			//update %4[%8] = %37 : int[] -> int[]
			x[i] = _37;
			//const %38 = 0 : int
			_38 = 0;
			//update %6[%8] = %38 : int[] -> int[]
			z[i] = _38;
			//const %39 = 1 : int
			_39 = 1;
			//sub %40 = %7, %39 : int
			//const %41 = 0 : int
			_41 = 0;
			//ifle %40, %41 goto blklab6 : int
			if(_40<=_41){goto blklab6;}
			//mul %42 = %8, %1 : int
			//add %43 = %42, %7 : int
			//const %44 = 2 : int
			_44 = 2;
			//sub %45 = %43, %44 : int
			//indexof %46 = %0, %45 : int[]
			//update %6[%8] = %46 : int[] -> int[]
			z[i] = _46;
			//indexof %47 = %4, %8 : int[]
			//indexof %48 = %5, %8 : int[]
			//ifle %47, %48 goto blklab7 : int
			if(_47<=_48){goto blklab7;}
			//indexof %49 = %5, %8 : int[]
			//update %4[%8] = %49 : int[] -> int[]
			x[i] = _49;
			//indexof %50 = %6, %8 : int[]
			//indexof %51 = %5, %8 : int[]
			//ifle %50, %51 goto blklab8 : int
			if(_50<=_51){goto blklab8;}
			//indexof %52 = %5, %8 : int[]
			//update %6[%8] = %52 : int[] -> int[]
			z[i] = _52;
			//indexof %53 = %4, %8 : int[]
			//add %54 = %8, %53 : int
			//indexof %55 = %6, %8 : int[]
			//add %56 = %7, %55 : int
			//ifle %54, %56 goto blklab9 : int
			if(_54<=_56){goto blklab9;}
			//indexof %57 = %4, %8 : int[]
			//add %58 = %8, %57 : int
			//mul %59 = %8, %1 : int
			//add %60 = %59, %7 : int
			//update %0[%60] = %58 : int[] -> int[]
			moves[_60] = _58;
			//goto blklab10
			goto blklab10;
			//indexof %61 = %6, %8 : int[]
			//add %62 = %7, %61 : int
			//mul %63 = %8, %1 : int
			//add %64 = %63, %7 : int
			//update %0[%64] = %62 : int[] -> int[]
			moves[_64] = _62;
			//const %65 = 1 : int
			_65 = 1;
			//add %66 = %7, %65 : int
			//assign %7 = %66  : int
			j = _66;
			//const %67 = 1 : int
			_67 = 1;
			//add %68 = %8, %67 : int
			//assign %8 = %68  : int
			i = _68;
		//const %69 = 1 : int
		_69 = 1;
		//add %70 = %3, %69 : int
		//assign %3 = %70  : int
		s = _70;
	//return %0
	return moves;
예제 #20
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t inspos;
	BYTE item;
	BYTE _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _8;
	BYTE _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _12;
	BYTE _13;
	BYTE _14;
	int64_t _15;
	BYTE _16;
	int64_t _17;
	BYTE _18;
	int64_t _19;
	BYTE _20;
	BYTE _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	void* _26;
	void* _29;
	int64_t _31;
	BYTE _32;
	void* _33;
	void* _36;
	int64_t _38;
	void* _39;
	//const %5 = 00000000b : byte
	_5 = 0b00000000;
	//const %6 = 3 : int
	_6 = 3;
	//arraygen %7 = [5; 6] : byte[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_BYTE(_7, _6, _5);
	//assign %1 = %7  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(b, _7);
	//const %8 = 3 : int
	_8 = 3;
	//assign %2 = %8  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	inspos = _8;
	//const %10 = 1 : int
	_10 = 1;
	//invoke (%9) = (%10) whiley/lang/Int:toUnsignedByte : function(whiley/lang/Int:u8)->(byte)
		_9 = (BYTE)_10;
	//assign %3 = %9  : byte
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	item = _9;
	//invoke (%11) = (%1, %2, %3) opt_append:opt_append : function(byte[],opt_append:nat,byte)->(byte[])
		void* tmp_items;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(b, tmp_items, BYTE);
		// isCopyEliminated of 'b at 0' = false
		_11 = _opt_append_(tmp_items, b_size, inspos, item, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_11));
	//assign %4 = %11  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(a, _11);
		//const %12 = 2 : int
		_12 = 2;
		//indexof %13 = %1, %12 : byte[]
		//const %14 = 00000000b : byte
		_14 = 0b00000000;
		//ifeq %13, %14 goto blklab14 : byte
		if(_13==_14){goto blklab14;}
		//const %15 = 2 : int
		_15 = 2;
		//indexof %16 = %4, %15 : byte[]
		//const %17 = 2 : int
		_17 = 2;
		//indexof %18 = %1, %17 : byte[]
		//ifeq %16, %18 goto blklab15 : byte
		if(_16==_18){goto blklab15;}
		//const %19 = 3 : int
		_19 = 3;
		//indexof %20 = %4, %19 : byte[]
		//const %21 = 00000001b : byte
		_21 = 0b00000001;
		//ifeq %20, %21 goto blklab16 : byte
		if(_20==_21){goto blklab16;}
		//lengthof %22 = %1 : byte[]
		_22 = b_size;
		//const %23 = 3 : int
		_23 = 3;
		//ifeq %22, %23 goto blklab17 : int
		if(_22==_23){goto blklab17;}
		//lengthof %24 = %4 : byte[]
		_24 = a_size;
		//const %25 = 7 : int
		_25 = 7;
		//ifeq %24, %25 goto blklab18 : int
		if(_24==_25){goto blklab18;}
	//fieldload %26 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %27 = %26 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %28 = [97,91,51,93,61] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_28, 5, 0);
	_28[0] = 97; _28[1] = 91; _28[2] = 51; _28[3] = 93; _28[4] = 61; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %27 (%28) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_28, _28_size);
	//fieldload %29 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %30 = %29 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %31 = 3 : int
	_31 = 3;
	//indexof %32 = %4, %31 : byte[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %30 (%32) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRIu8"\n", _32);
	//fieldload %33 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %34 = %33 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %35 = [65,114,114,97,121,32,97,58,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_35, 9, 0);
	_35[0] = 65; _35[1] = 114; _35[2] = 114; _35[3] = 97; _35[4] = 121; _35[5] = 32; _35[6] = 97; _35[7] = 58; _35[8] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %34 (%35) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_35, _35_size);
	//fieldload %36 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %37 = %36 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %38 = %4 : byte[]
	_38 = a_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %37 (%38) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, _38);
	//fieldload %39 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %40 = %39 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %41 = [98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_41, 5, 0);
	_41[0] = 98; _41[1] = 121; _41[2] = 116; _41[3] = 101; _41[4] = 115; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %40 (%41) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_41, _41_size);
예제 #21
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t n;
	int64_t sum_alice;
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	void* _13;
	void* _16;
	void* _18;
	//const %4 = 10 : int
	_4 = 10;
	//assign %1 = %4  : int
	n = _4;
	//const %5 = 0 : int
	_5 = 0;
	//mul %6 = %1, %1 : int
	//arraygen %7 = [5; 6] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_7, _6, _5);
	//assign %2 = %7  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(moves, _7);
	//invoke (%8) = (%2, %1) CoinGame2:findMoves : function(int[],int)->(int[])
		void* tmp_moves;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(moves, tmp_moves, int64_t);
		_8 = _findMoves_(tmp_moves, moves_size, n, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_8));
	//assign %2 = %8  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(moves, _8);
	//const %9 = 1 : int
	_9 = 1;
	//sub %10 = %1, %9 : int
	//indexof %11 = %2, %10 : int[]
	//assign %3 = %11  : int
	sum_alice = _11;
		//const %12 = 25 : int
		_12 = 25;
		//ifeq %3, %12 goto blklab11 : int
		if(sum_alice==_12){goto blklab11;}
	//fieldload %13 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %14 = %13 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %15 = [84,104,101,32,116,111,116,97,108,32,97,109,111,117,110,116,32,111,102,32,109,111,110,101,121,32,40,109,97,120,105,109,117,109,41,32,65,108,105,99,101,32,103,101,116,115,32,105,115,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_15, 50, 0);
	_15[0] = 84; _15[1] = 104; _15[2] = 101; _15[3] = 32; _15[4] = 116; _15[5] = 111; _15[6] = 116; _15[7] = 97; _15[8] = 108; _15[9] = 32; _15[10] = 97; _15[11] = 109; _15[12] = 111; _15[13] = 117; _15[14] = 110; _15[15] = 116; _15[16] = 32; _15[17] = 111; _15[18] = 102; _15[19] = 32; _15[20] = 109; _15[21] = 111; _15[22] = 110; _15[23] = 101; _15[24] = 121; _15[25] = 32; _15[26] = 40; _15[27] = 109; _15[28] = 97; _15[29] = 120; _15[30] = 105; _15[31] = 109; _15[32] = 117; _15[33] = 109; _15[34] = 41; _15[35] = 32; _15[36] = 65; _15[37] = 108; _15[38] = 105; _15[39] = 99; _15[40] = 101; _15[41] = 32; _15[42] = 103; _15[43] = 101; _15[44] = 116; _15[45] = 115; _15[46] = 32; _15[47] = 105; _15[48] = 115; _15[49] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %14 (%15) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_15, _15_size);
	//fieldload %16 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %17 = %16 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %17 (%3) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", sum_alice);
	//fieldload %18 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %19 = %18 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %20 = [80,97,115,115,32,67,111,105,110,71,97,109,101,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_20, 23, 0);
	_20[0] = 80; _20[1] = 97; _20[2] = 115; _20[3] = 115; _20[4] = 32; _20[5] = 67; _20[6] = 111; _20[7] = 105; _20[8] = 110; _20[9] = 71; _20[10] = 97; _20[11] = 109; _20[12] = 101; _20[13] = 32; _20[14] = 116; _20[15] = 101; _20[16] = 115; _20[17] = 116; _20[18] = 32; _20[19] = 99; _20[20] = 97; _20[21] = 115; _20[22] = 101; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %19 (%20) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_20, _20_size);
예제 #22
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t* n;
	int64_t max = 0;
	int64_t index = 0;
	int64_t* _5;
	int64_t _7 = 0;
	int64_t _9 = 0;
	int64_t _10 = 0;
	int64_t _12 = 0;
	int64_t _13 = 0;
	int64_t _14 = 0;
	int64_t _16 = 0;
	void* _17;
	int64_t _19 = 0;
	int64_t _20 = 0;
	void* _21;
	int64_t _23 = 0;
	int64_t _24 = 0;
	int64_t _25 = 0;
	void* _26;
	//fieldload %6 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %7 = 0 : int
	_7 = 0;
	//indexof %8 = %6, %7 : int[][]
	_8_size = _6_size_size;
	//invoke (%5) = (%8) whiley/lang/Int:parse : function(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(null|int)
		_STR_TO_INT(_5, _8);
	//assign %1 = %5  : null|int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	n = _5;
	//ifis %1, null goto blklab9 : null|int
	if(n == NULL) { goto blklab9;}
	//assign %2 = %1  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	max = *n;
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//assign %3 = %9  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	index = _9;
	//const %10 = 0 : int
	_10 = 0;
	//arraygen %11 = [10; 2] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_11, max, _10);
	//assign %4 = %11  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(arr, _11);
	//loop (%3, %4, %12, %13, %14)
		//ifge %3, %2 goto blklab10 : int
		if(index>=max){goto blklab10;}
		//sub %12 = %2, %3 : int
		//update %4[%3] = %12 : int[] -> int[]
		// isCopyEliminated = false
		arr[index] = _12;
		//const %13 = 1 : int
		_13 = 1;
		//add %14 = %3, %13 : int
		//assign %3 = %14  : int
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		index = _14;
	//const %16 = 0 : int
	_16 = 0;
	//invoke (%15) = (%4, %16, %2) MergeSort_original:sortV1 : function(int[],int,int)->(int[])
		// isCopyEliminated of '_4' = true
		_15 = _sortV1_(_1DARRAY_PARAM(arr), false, _16, max, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_15));
		_RESET_DEALLOC(arr, "true-true-false" , "sortV1");
	//assign %4 = %15  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(arr, _15);
	//fieldload %17 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %18 = %17 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %19 = 0 : int
	_19 = 0;
	//indexof %20 = %4, %19 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %18 (%20) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _20);
	//fieldload %21 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %22 = %21 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %23 = 1 : int
	_23 = 1;
	//sub %24 = %2, %23 : int
	//indexof %25 = %4, %24 : int[]
	//indirectinvoke () = %22 (%25) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", _25);
	//fieldload %26 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %27 = %26 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %28 = [80,97,115,115,32,77,101,114,103,101,115,111,114,116,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_28, 24, 0);
	_28[0] = 80; _28[1] = 97; _28[2] = 115; _28[3] = 115; _28[4] = 32; _28[5] = 77; _28[6] = 101; _28[7] = 114; _28[8] = 103; _28[9] = 101; _28[10] = 115; _28[11] = 111; _28[12] = 114; _28[13] = 116; _28[14] = 32; _28[15] = 116; _28[16] = 101; _28[17] = 115; _28[18] = 116; _28[19] = 32; _28[20] = 99; _28[21] = 97; _28[22] = 115; _28[23] = 101;
	//indirectinvoke () = %27 (%28) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_28, _28_size);
예제 #23
BYTE* _sobelEdgeDetection_(BYTE* pixels, size_t pixels_size, _DECL_DEALLOC_PARAM(pixels), int width, int height, _DECL_1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE){
	int size;
	int x;
	int y;
	int pos;
	int v_g;
	int h_g;
	int t_g;
	int _14;
	BYTE _15;
	int _17;
	int _18;
	int _19;
	int _20;
	int _21;
	int _22;
	int _23;
	int _24;
	int _25;
	int _26;
	int _27;
	int _28;
	int _30;
	int _31;
	int _32;
	int _33;
	int _34;
	int _35;
	int _36;
	int _37;
	int _38;
	int _39;
	int _40;
	int _41;
	int _43;
	int _44;
	int _45;
	int _46;
	int _47;
	int _48;
	int _49;
	int _50;
	int _51;
	int _52;
	BYTE _53;
	int _54;
	int _55;
	int _56;
	int _57;
	//mul %14 = %1, %2 : int
	//assign %4 = %14  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	size = _14;
	//const %15 = 00100000b : byte
	_15 = 0b00100000;
	//arraygen %16 = [15; 4] : byte[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_BYTE(_16, size, _15);
	//assign %5 = %16  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(newPixels, _16);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(newPixels, _16);
	//const %17 = 1 : int
	_17 = 1;
	//neg %18 = %17 : int
	_18= -_17;
	//const %19 = 0 : int
	_19 = 0;
	//const %20 = 1 : int
	_20 = 1;
	//const %21 = 2 : int
	_21 = 2;
	//neg %22 = %21 : int
	_22= -_21;
	//const %23 = 0 : int
	_23 = 0;
	//const %24 = 2 : int
	_24 = 2;
	//const %25 = 1 : int
	_25 = 1;
	//neg %26 = %25 : int
	_26= -_25;
	//const %27 = 0 : int
	_27 = 0;
	//const %28 = 1 : int
	_28 = 1;
	//newlist %29 = (%18, %19, %20, %22, %23, %24, %26, %27, %28) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_29, 9, 0);
	_29[0] = _18; _29[1] = _19; _29[2] = _20; _29[3] = _22; _29[4] = _23; _29[5] = _24; _29[6] = _26; _29[7] = _27; _29[8] = _28;
	//assign %6 = %29  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(v_sobel, _29);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(v_sobel, _29);
	//const %30 = 1 : int
	_30 = 1;
	//const %31 = 2 : int
	_31 = 2;
	//const %32 = 1 : int
	_32 = 1;
	//const %33 = 0 : int
	_33 = 0;
	//const %34 = 0 : int
	_34 = 0;
	//const %35 = 0 : int
	_35 = 0;
	//const %36 = 1 : int
	_36 = 1;
	//neg %37 = %36 : int
	_37= -_36;
	//const %38 = 2 : int
	_38 = 2;
	//neg %39 = %38 : int
	_39= -_38;
	//const %40 = 1 : int
	_40 = 1;
	//neg %41 = %40 : int
	_41= -_40;
	//newlist %42 = (%30, %31, %32, %33, %34, %35, %37, %39, %41) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_42, 9, 0);
	_42[0] = _30; _42[1] = _31; _42[2] = _32; _42[3] = _33; _42[4] = _34; _42[5] = _35; _42[6] = _37; _42[7] = _39; _42[8] = _41;
	//assign %7 = %42  : int[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(h_sobel, _42);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(h_sobel, _42);
	//const %43 = 0 : int
	_43 = 0;
	//assign %8 = %43  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	x = _43;
	//loop (%5, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %44, %45, %46, %47, %48, %49, %50, %51, %52, %53, %54, %55, %56, %57)
		//ifge %8, %1 goto blklab8 : int
		if(x>=width){goto blklab8;}
		//const %44 = 0 : int
		_44 = 0;
		//assign %9 = %44  : int
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		y = _44;
		//loop (%5, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %45, %46, %47, %48, %49, %50, %51, %52, %53, %54, %55)
			//ifge %9, %2 goto blklab10 : int
			if(y>=height){goto blklab10;}
			//mul %45 = %9, %1 : int
			//add %46 = %45, %8 : int
			//assign %10 = %46  : int
			// isCopyEliminated = true
			pos = _46;
			//invoke (%47) = (%0, %1, %2, %8, %9, %6) SobelEdge_large:convolution : function(byte[],int,int,int,int,int[])->(int)
				// isCopyEliminated of '_0' = true
				// isCopyEliminated of '_6' = true
				_47 = _convolution_(pixels, pixels_size, false, width, height, x, y, v_sobel, v_sobel_size, false);
				_RETAIN_DEALLOC(pixels, "false-false-true" , "convolution");
				_RETAIN_DEALLOC(v_sobel, "false-false-true" , "convolution");
			//assign %11 = %47  : int
			// isCopyEliminated = true
			v_g = _47;
			//invoke (%48) = (%0, %1, %2, %8, %9, %7) SobelEdge_large:convolution : function(byte[],int,int,int,int,int[])->(int)
				// isCopyEliminated of '_0' = true
				// isCopyEliminated of '_7' = true
				_48 = _convolution_(pixels, pixels_size, false, width, height, x, y, h_sobel, h_sobel_size, false);
				_RETAIN_DEALLOC(pixels, "false-false-true" , "convolution");
				_RETAIN_DEALLOC(h_sobel, "false-false-true" , "convolution");
			//assign %12 = %48  : int
			// isCopyEliminated = true
			h_g = _48;
			//mul %49 = %11, %11 : int
			//mul %50 = %12, %12 : int
			//add %51 = %49, %50 : int
			//assign %13 = %51  : int
			// isCopyEliminated = true
			t_g = _51;
			//const %52 = 640000 : int
			_52 = 640000;
			//ifle %13, %52 goto blklab12 : int
			if(t_g<=_52){goto blklab12;}
			//const %53 = 01100010b : byte
			_53 = 0b01100010;
			//update %5[%10] = %53 : byte[] -> byte[]
			newPixels[pos] = _53;
			//const %54 = 1 : int
			_54 = 1;
			//add %55 = %9, %54 : int
			//assign %9 = %55  : int
			// isCopyEliminated = true
			y = _55;
		//const %56 = 1 : int
		_56 = 1;
		//add %57 = %8, %56 : int
		//assign %8 = %57  : int
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		x = _57;
	//return %5
	return newPixels;
예제 #24
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t* n;
	FILE* file;
	int64_t width;
	int64_t height;
	int64_t* _7;
	int64_t _9;
	void* _11;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _15;
	void* _19;
	void* _22;
	int64_t _24;
	void* _25;
	//fieldload %8 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//indexof %10 = %8, %9 : int[][]
	_10_size = _8_size_size;
	//invoke (%7) = (%10) whiley/lang/Int:parse : function(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(null|int)
		_STR_TO_INT(_7, _10);
	//assign %1 = %7  : null|int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	n = _7;
	//fieldload %12 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %13 = 1 : int
	_13 = 1;
	//indexof %14 = %12, %13 : int[][]
	_14_size = _12_size_size;
	//invoke (%11) = (%14) whiley/io/File:Reader : method(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(whiley/io/File:Reader)
		_11 = Reader(_14, _14_size);
	//assign %2 = %11  : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	file = _11;
	//ifis %1, null goto blklab19 : null|int
	if(n == NULL) { goto blklab19;}
	//const %15 = 64 : int
	_15 = 64;
	//assign %3 = %15  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	width = _15;
	//assign %4 = %1  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	height = *n;
	//fieldload %17 = %2 readAll : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	//indirectinvoke (%16) = %17 () : method()->(byte[])
		_16 = readAll(file, &_16_size);
	//assign %5 = %16  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(pixels, _16);
	//invoke (%18) = (%5, %3, %4) SobelEdge_small:sobelEdgeDetection : function(byte[],int,int)->(byte[])
		// isCopyEliminated of '_5' = true
		_18 = _sobelEdgeDetection_(pixels, pixels_size, width, height, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_18));
	//assign %6 = %18  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(newPixels, _18);
	//fieldload %19 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %20 = %19 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %21 = [66,108,117,114,114,101,100,32,73,109,97,103,101,32,115,105,122,101,115,58,32,32,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_21, 23, 0);
	_21[0] = 66; _21[1] = 108; _21[2] = 117; _21[3] = 114; _21[4] = 114; _21[5] = 101; _21[6] = 100; _21[7] = 32; _21[8] = 73; _21[9] = 109; _21[10] = 97; _21[11] = 103; _21[12] = 101; _21[13] = 32; _21[14] = 115; _21[15] = 105; _21[16] = 122; _21[17] = 101; _21[18] = 115; _21[19] = 58; _21[20] = 32; _21[21] = 32; _21[22] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %20 (%21) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_21, _21_size);
	//fieldload %22 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %23 = %22 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %24 = %6 : byte[]
	_24 = newPixels_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %23 (%24) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, _24);
	//fieldload %25 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %26 = %25 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %27 = [32,98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_27, 6, 0);
	_27[0] = 32; _27[1] = 98; _27[2] = 121; _27[3] = 116; _27[4] = 101; _27[5] = 115; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %26 (%27) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_27, _27_size);
예제 #25
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t max;
	int64_t index;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	int64_t _15;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _29;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	void* _32;
	//const %6 = 1 : int
	_6 = 1;
	//const %7 = 2 : int
	_7 = 2;
	//const %8 = 3 : int
	_8 = 3;
	//const %9 = 4 : int
	_9 = 4;
	//const %10 = 5 : int
	_10 = 5;
	//newlist %11 = (%6, %7, %8, %9, %10) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_11, 5, 0);
	_11[0] = _6; _11[1] = _7; _11[2] = _8; _11[3] = _9; _11[4] = _10; 
	//invoke (%5) = (%11) reverse:reverse : function(int[])->(int[])
		void* tmp_ls;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(_11, tmp_ls, int64_t);
		_5 = _reverse_(tmp_ls, _11_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_5));
	//assign %1 = %5  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(rs, _5);
		//const %12 = 5 : int
		_12 = 5;
		//const %13 = 4 : int
		_13 = 4;
		//const %14 = 3 : int
		_14 = 3;
		//const %15 = 2 : int
		_15 = 2;
		//const %16 = 1 : int
		_16 = 1;
		//newlist %17 = (%12, %13, %14, %15, %16) : int[]
		_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_17, 5, 0);
		_17[0] = _12; _17[1] = _13; _17[2] = _14; _17[3] = _15; _17[4] = _16; 
		//ifeq %1, %17 goto blklab4 : int[]
		_IFEQ_ARRAY_int64_t(rs, _17, blklab4);
	//const %18 = 10 : int
	_18 = 10;
	//assign %2 = %18  : int
	max = _18;
	//const %19 = 0 : int
	_19 = 0;
	//assign %3 = %19  : int
	index = _19;
	//const %20 = 0 : int
	_20 = 0;
	//const %21 = 1 : int
	_21 = 1;
	//add %22 = %2, %21 : int
	//arraygen %23 = [20; 22] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_23, _22, _20);
	//assign %4 = %23  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(arr, _23);
	//loop (%3, %4, %24, %25, %26)
		//ifgt %3, %2 goto blklab5 : int
		if(index>max){goto blklab5;}
		//sub %24 = %2, %3 : int
		//update %4[%3] = %24 : int[] -> int[]
		arr[index] = _24;
		//const %25 = 1 : int
		_25 = 1;
		//add %26 = %3, %25 : int
		//assign %3 = %26  : int
		index = _26;
	//invoke (%27) = (%4) reverse:reverse : function(int[])->(int[])
		void* tmp_ls;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(arr, tmp_ls, int64_t);
		_27 = _reverse_(tmp_ls, arr_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_27));
	//assign %4 = %27  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(arr, _27);
		//const %28 = 0 : int
		_28 = 0;
		//indexof %29 = %4, %28 : int[]
		//const %30 = 0 : int
		_30 = 0;
		//ifeq %29, %30 goto blklab7 : int
		if(_29==_30){goto blklab7;}
		//indexof %31 = %4, %2 : int[]
		//ifeq %31, %2 goto blklab8 : int
		if(_31==max){goto blklab8;}
	//fieldload %32 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %33 = %32 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %34 = [80,97,115,115,32,114,101,118,101,114,115,101,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_34, 22, 0);
	_34[0] = 80; _34[1] = 97; _34[2] = 115; _34[3] = 115; _34[4] = 32; _34[5] = 114; _34[6] = 101; _34[7] = 118; _34[8] = 101; _34[9] = 114; _34[10] = 115; _34[11] = 101; _34[12] = 32; _34[13] = 116; _34[14] = 101; _34[15] = 115; _34[16] = 116; _34[17] = 32; _34[18] = 99; _34[19] = 97; _34[20] = 115; _34[21] = 101; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %33 (%34) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_34, _34_size);
예제 #26
BYTE* _sobelEdgeDetection_(BYTE* pixels, size_t pixels_size, int64_t width, int64_t height, _DECL_1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE){
	int64_t size;
	int64_t x;
	int64_t y;
	int64_t pos;
	int64_t v_g;
	int64_t h_g;
	int64_t t_g;
	int64_t _14;
	BYTE _15;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	int64_t _19;
	int64_t _20;
	int64_t _21;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	int64_t _25;
	int64_t _26;
	int64_t _27;
	int64_t _28;
	int64_t _30;
	int64_t _31;
	int64_t _32;
	int64_t _33;
	int64_t _34;
	int64_t _35;
	int64_t _36;
	int64_t _37;
	int64_t _38;
	int64_t _39;
	int64_t _40;
	int64_t _41;
	int64_t _43;
	int64_t _44;
	int64_t _45;
	int64_t _46;
	int64_t _47;
	int64_t _48;
	int64_t _49;
	int64_t _50;
	int64_t _51;
	int64_t _52;
	BYTE _53;
	int64_t _54;
	int64_t _55;
	int64_t _56;
	int64_t _57;
	//mul %14 = %1, %2 : int
	//assign %4 = %14  : int
	size = _14;
	//const %15 = 00100000b : byte
	_15 = 0b00100000;
	//arraygen %16 = [15; 4] : byte[]
	_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_16, _15, size, BYTE);
	//assign %5 = %16  : byte[]
	_ADD_DEALLOC(newPixels, _16, BYTE);
	//const %17 = 1 : int
	_17 = 1;
	//neg %18 = %17 : int
	_18= -_17;
	//const %19 = 0 : int
	_19 = 0;
	//const %20 = 1 : int
	_20 = 1;
	//const %21 = 2 : int
	_21 = 2;
	//neg %22 = %21 : int
	_22= -_21;
	//const %23 = 0 : int
	_23 = 0;
	//const %24 = 2 : int
	_24 = 2;
	//const %25 = 1 : int
	_25 = 1;
	//neg %26 = %25 : int
	_26= -_25;
	//const %27 = 0 : int
	_27 = 0;
	//const %28 = 1 : int
	_28 = 1;
	//newlist %29 = (%18, %19, %20, %22, %23, %24, %26, %27, %28) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_29, 9, 0);
	_29[0] = _18; _29[1] = _19; _29[2] = _20; _29[3] = _22; _29[4] = _23; _29[5] = _24; _29[6] = _26; _29[7] = _27; _29[8] = _28; 
	_29_dealloc = true;
	//assign %6 = %29  : int[]
	_ADD_DEALLOC(v_sobel, _29, int64_t);
	//const %30 = 1 : int
	_30 = 1;
	//const %31 = 2 : int
	_31 = 2;
	//const %32 = 1 : int
	_32 = 1;
	//const %33 = 0 : int
	_33 = 0;
	//const %34 = 0 : int
	_34 = 0;
	//const %35 = 0 : int
	_35 = 0;
	//const %36 = 1 : int
	_36 = 1;
	//neg %37 = %36 : int
	_37= -_36;
	//const %38 = 2 : int
	_38 = 2;
	//neg %39 = %38 : int
	_39= -_38;
	//const %40 = 1 : int
	_40 = 1;
	//neg %41 = %40 : int
	_41= -_40;
	//newlist %42 = (%30, %31, %32, %33, %34, %35, %37, %39, %41) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_42, 9, 0);
	_42[0] = _30; _42[1] = _31; _42[2] = _32; _42[3] = _33; _42[4] = _34; _42[5] = _35; _42[6] = _37; _42[7] = _39; _42[8] = _41; 
	_42_dealloc = true;
	//assign %7 = %42  : int[]
	_ADD_DEALLOC(h_sobel, _42, int64_t);
	//const %43 = 0 : int
	_43 = 0;
	//assign %8 = %43  : int
	x = _43;
	//loop (%5, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %44, %45, %46, %47, %48, %49, %50, %51, %52, %53, %54, %55, %56, %57)
		//ifge %8, %1 goto blklab8 : int
		if(x>=width){goto blklab8;}
		//const %44 = 0 : int
		_44 = 0;
		//assign %9 = %44  : int
		y = _44;
		//loop (%5, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %45, %46, %47, %48, %49, %50, %51, %52, %53, %54, %55)
			//ifge %9, %2 goto blklab10 : int
			if(y>=height){goto blklab10;}
			//mul %45 = %9, %1 : int
			//add %46 = %45, %8 : int
			//assign %10 = %46  : int
			pos = _46;
			//invoke (%47) = (%0, %1, %2, %8, %9, %6) SobelEdge:convolution : function(byte[],int,int,int,int,int[])->(int)
				_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_47, v_sobel, 5, "liveness: v_sobel = true, readonly: v_sobel = true, return:v_sobel = NEVER_RETURN" , "convolution");
				_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_47, pixels, 0, "liveness: pixels = true, readonly: pixels = true, return:pixels = NEVER_RETURN" , "convolution");
				void* tmp_pixels;
				_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(pixels, tmp_pixels, BYTE);
				void* tmp_kernel;
				_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(v_sobel, tmp_kernel, int64_t);
				_47 = _convolution_(tmp_pixels, pixels_size, width, height, x, y, tmp_kernel, v_sobel_size);
			//assign %11 = %47  : int
			v_g = _47;
			//invoke (%48) = (%0, %1, %2, %8, %9, %7) SobelEdge:convolution : function(byte[],int,int,int,int,int[])->(int)
				_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_48, h_sobel, 5, "liveness: h_sobel = true, readonly: h_sobel = true, return:h_sobel = NEVER_RETURN" , "convolution");
				_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_48, pixels, 0, "liveness: pixels = true, readonly: pixels = true, return:pixels = NEVER_RETURN" , "convolution");
				void* tmp_pixels;
				_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(pixels, tmp_pixels, BYTE);
				void* tmp_kernel;
				_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(h_sobel, tmp_kernel, int64_t);
				_48 = _convolution_(tmp_pixels, pixels_size, width, height, x, y, tmp_kernel, h_sobel_size);
			//assign %12 = %48  : int
			h_g = _48;
			//invoke (%49) = (%11) whiley/lang/Math:abs : function(int)->(int)
				_49 = abs(v_g);
			//invoke (%50) = (%12) whiley/lang/Math:abs : function(int)->(int)
				_50 = abs(h_g);
			//add %51 = %49, %50 : int
			//assign %13 = %51  : int
			t_g = _51;
			//const %52 = 800 : int
			_52 = 800;
			//ifle %13, %52 goto blklab12 : int
			if(t_g<=_52){goto blklab12;}
			//const %53 = 01100010b : byte
			_53 = 0b01100010;
			//update %5[%10] = %53 : byte[] -> byte[]
			newPixels[pos] = _53;
			//const %54 = 1 : int
			_54 = 1;
			//add %55 = %9, %54 : int
			//assign %9 = %55  : int
			y = _55;
		//const %56 = 1 : int
		_56 = 1;
		//add %57 = %8, %56 : int
		//assign %8 = %57  : int
		x = _57;
	//return %5
	return newPixels;
예제 #27
int main(int argc, char** args){
	FILE* file;
	void* _4;
	int64_t _6;
	void* _11;
	void* _14;
	int64_t _16;
	void* _17;
	//fieldload %5 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//const %6 = 0 : int
	_6 = 0;
	//indexof %7 = %5, %6 : int[][]
	_7_size = _5_size_size;
	//invoke (%4) = (%7) whiley/io/File:Reader : method(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(whiley/io/File:Reader)
		_4 = Reader(_7, _7_size);
	//assign %1 = %4  : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	file = _4;
	//fieldload %9 = %1 readAll : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	//indirectinvoke (%8) = %9 () : method()->(byte[])
		_8 = readAll(file, &_8_size);
	//assign %2 = %8  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(input_data, _8);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(input_data, _8);
	//invoke (%10) = (%2) LZ77_decompress:decompress : function(byte[])->(byte[])
		// isCopyEliminated of '_2' = true
		_10 = _decompress_(input_data, input_data_size, false, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_10));
		_RETAIN_DEALLOC(input_data, "false-false-false" , "decompress");
		_RETAIN_DEALLOC_POST(_10, input_data);
	//assign %3 = %10  : byte[]
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	_UPDATE_1DARRAY(decompress_data, _10);
	_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(decompress_data, _10);
	//fieldload %11 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %12 = %11 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %13 = [68,69,67,79,77,80,82,69,83,83,69,68,58,32,32,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_13, 16, 0);
	_13[0] = 68; _13[1] = 69; _13[2] = 67; _13[3] = 79; _13[4] = 77; _13[5] = 80; _13[6] = 82; _13[7] = 69; _13[8] = 83; _13[9] = 83; _13[10] = 69; _13[11] = 68; _13[12] = 58; _13[13] = 32; _13[14] = 32; _13[15] = 32; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %12 (%13) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_13, _13_size);
	//fieldload %14 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %15 = %14 print : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//lengthof %16 = %3 : byte[]
	_16 = decompress_data_size;
	//indirectinvoke () = %15 (%16) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64, _16);
	//fieldload %17 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %18 = %17 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %19 = [32,98,121,116,101,115] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_19, 6, 0);
	_19[0] = 32; _19[1] = 98; _19[2] = 121; _19[3] = 116; _19[4] = 101; _19[5] = 115; 
	//indirectinvoke () = %18 (%19) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_19, _19_size);
	//fieldload %20 = %1 close : {method()->(int) available,method()->() close,method()->(bool) hasMore,method(int)->(byte[]) read,method()->(byte[]) readAll}
	//indirectinvoke () = %20 () : method()->()
		file = NULL;
	if(file != NULL){fclose(file); file = NULL;}
예제 #28
	bool firstTime;
	int64_t i;
	int64_t amt;
	void* _6;
	size_t _6_size = 0;
	bool _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _10;
	int64_t _11;
	bool _12;
	bool _15;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	void* _25;
	size_t _25_size = 0;
	//const %6 = [] : void[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_6, 0, 0);
	_6_dealloc = true;
	//assign %2 = %6  : void[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(r, _6);
	//const %7 = true : bool
	_7 = true;
	//assign %3 = %7  : bool
	firstTime = _7;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//assign %4 = %8  : int
	i = _8;
	//loop (%2, %3, %4, %5, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15, %16, %17, %18, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23, %24)
		//lengthof %9 = %0 : int[]
		_9 = c_size;
		//ifge %4, %9 goto blklab2 : int
		if(i>=_9){goto blklab2;}
		//indexof %10 = %0, %4 : int[]
		//assign %5 = %10  : int
		amt = _10;
		//const %11 = 0 : int
		_11 = 0;
		//ifeq %5, %11 goto blklab4 : int
		if(amt==_11){goto blklab4;}
		//const %12 = true : bool
		_12 = true;
		//ifeq %3, %12 goto blklab5 : bool
		if(firstTime==_12){goto blklab5;}
		//const %14 = [44,32] : int[]
		_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_14, 2, 0);
		_14[0] = 44; _14[1] = 32; 
		_14_dealloc = true;
		//invoke (%13) = (%2, %14) whiley/lang/Array:append : function(int[],int[])->(int[])
			_13 = Array_Append(r, r_size , _14, _14_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_13));
			_13_dealloc = true;
		//assign %2 = %13  : int[]
		_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(r, _13);
		_ADD_DEALLOC_POST(r, _13);
		//const %15 = false : bool
		_15 = false;
		//assign %3 = %15  : bool
		firstTime = _15;
		//invoke (%17) = (%5) whiley/lang/Int:toString : function(int)->(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)
			_17 = Int_toString(amt, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_17));
			_17_dealloc = true;
		//invoke (%16) = (%2, %17) whiley/lang/Array:append : function(int[],int[])->(int[])
			_16 = Array_Append(r, r_size , _17, _17_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_16));
			_16_dealloc = true;
		//assign %2 = %16  : int[]
		_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(r, _16);
		_ADD_DEALLOC_POST(r, _16);
		//const %19 = [32,120,32] : int[]
		_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_19, 3, 0);
		_19[0] = 32; _19[1] = 120; _19[2] = 32; 
		_19_dealloc = true;
		//invoke (%18) = (%2, %19) whiley/lang/Array:append : function(int[],int[])->(int[])
			_18 = Array_Append(r, r_size , _19, _19_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_18));
			_18_dealloc = true;
		//assign %2 = %18  : int[]
		_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(r, _18);
		_ADD_DEALLOC_POST(r, _18);
		//const %21 = [[49,99],[53,99],[49,48,99],[50,48,99],[53,48,99],[36,49],[36,53],[36,49,48]] : int[][]
		_NEW_2DARRAY_int64_t_EMPTY(_21, 8, 3);
			int64_t tmp[] = {49, 99, '\0'};
			memcpy(_21[0], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));
			int64_t tmp[] = {53, 99, '\0'};
			memcpy(_21[1], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));
			int64_t tmp[] = {49, 48, 99};
			memcpy(_21[2], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));
			int64_t tmp[] = {50, 48, 99};
			memcpy(_21[3], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));
			int64_t tmp[] = {53, 48, 99};
			memcpy(_21[4], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));
			int64_t tmp[] = {36, 49, '\0'};
			memcpy(_21[5], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));
			int64_t tmp[] = {36, 53, '\0'};
			memcpy(_21[6], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));
			int64_t tmp[] = {36, 49, 48};
			memcpy(_21[7], tmp, 3*sizeof(int64_t));

		_21_dealloc = true;
		//indexof %22 = %21, %4 : int[][]
		_22_size = _21_size_size;
		_22_dealloc = false;
		//invoke (%20) = (%2, %22) whiley/lang/Array:append : function(int[],int[])->(int[])
			_20 = Array_Append(r, r_size , _22, _22_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_20));
			_20_dealloc = true;
		//assign %2 = %20  : int[]
		_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(r, _20);
		_ADD_DEALLOC_POST(r, _20);
		//const %23 = 1 : int
		_23 = 1;
		//add %24 = %4, %23 : int
		//assign %4 = %24  : int
		i = _24;
	//const %25 = [] : void[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_25, 0, 0);
	_25_dealloc = true;
	//ifne %2, %25 goto blklab6 : int[]
	if(r!=_25){goto blklab6;}
	//const %26 = [40,110,111,116,104,105,110,103,41] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_26, 9, 0);
	_26[0] = 40; _26[1] = 110; _26[2] = 111; _26[3] = 116; _26[4] = 104; _26[5] = 105; _26[6] = 110; _26[7] = 103; _26[8] = 41; 
	_26_dealloc = true;
	//assign %2 = %26  : int[]
	_COPY_1DARRAY_int64_t(r, _26);
	//return %2
	return r;
예제 #29
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t* n;
	int64_t max;
	int64_t size;
	int64_t repeats;
	int64_t index;
	int64_t* _7;
	int64_t _9;
	int64_t _11;
	int64_t _12;
	int64_t _13;
	int64_t _14;
	int64_t _16;
	int64_t _17;
	int64_t _18;
	void* _20;
	int64_t _22;
	int64_t _23;
	int64_t _24;
	void* _25;
	int64_t _27;
	int64_t _28;
	void* _29;
	void* _32;
	void* _34;
	//fieldload %8 = %0 args : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	_8_dealloc = true;
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//indexof %10 = %8, %9 : int[][]
	_10_size = _8_size_size;
	_10_dealloc = false;
	//invoke (%7) = (%10) whiley/lang/Int:parse : function(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)->(null|int)
		_STR_TO_INT(_7, _10);
		_7_dealloc = true;
		_10_dealloc = false;
	//assign %1 = %7  : null|int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	n = _7;
	//ifis %1, null goto blklab4 : null|int
	if(n == NULL) { goto blklab4;}
	//const %11 = 1 : int
	_11 = 1;
	//assign %2 = %11  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	max = _11;
	//assign %3 = %1  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	size = *n;
	//const %12 = 0 : int
	_12 = 0;
	//assign %4 = %12  : int
	// isCopyEliminated = true
	repeats = _12;
	//loop (%4, %5, %6, %13, %14, %15, %16, %17, %18, %19, %20, %21, %22, %23, %24, %25, %26, %27, %28)
		//ifge %4, %2 goto blklab5 : int
		if(repeats>=max){goto blklab5;}
		//const %13 = 0 : int
		_13 = 0;
		//assign %5 = %13  : int
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		index = _13;
		//const %14 = 0 : int
		_14 = 0;
		//arraygen %15 = [14; 3] : int[]
		_NEW1DARRAY_DEALLOC(_15, _14, size, int64_t);
		//assign %6 = %15  : int[]
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(arr, _15);
		//loop (%5, %6, %16, %17, %18)
			//ifge %5, %3 goto blklab7 : int
			if(index>=size){goto blklab7;}
			//sub %16 = %3, %5 : int
			//update %6[%5] = %16 : int[] -> int[]
			arr[index] = _16;
			//const %17 = 1 : int
			_17 = 1;
			//add %18 = %5, %17 : int
			//assign %5 = %18  : int
			// isCopyEliminated = true
			index = _18;
		//invoke (%19) = (%6) Reverse_original:reverse : function(int[])->(int[])
			_FUNCTIONCALL_NO_COPY_PRE(_19, arr, 0, "liveness: arr = false, readonly: arr = true, return:arr = NEVER_RETURN" , "reverse");
			// isCopyEliminated of 'arr at 0' = true
			_19 = _reverse_(arr, arr_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_19));
			_19_dealloc = true;
		//assign %6 = %19  : int[]
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		_TRANSFER_DEALLOC(arr, _19);
		//fieldload %20 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
		//fieldload %21 = %20 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
		//const %22 = 1 : int
		_22 = 1;
		//sub %23 = %3, %22 : int
		//indexof %24 = %6, %23 : int[]
		//indirectinvoke () = %21 (%24) : method(any)->()
			printf("%"PRId64"\n", _24);
		//fieldload %25 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
		//fieldload %26 = %25 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
		//indirectinvoke () = %26 (%4) : method(any)->()
			printf("%"PRId64"\n", repeats);
		//const %27 = 1 : int
		_27 = 1;
		//add %28 = %4, %27 : int
		//assign %4 = %28  : int
		// isCopyEliminated = true
		repeats = _28;
	//fieldload %29 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %30 = %29 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %31 = [78,117,109,98,101,114,32,111,102,32,114,101,112,101,97,116,115,58,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_31, 19, 0);
	_31[0] = 78; _31[1] = 117; _31[2] = 109; _31[3] = 98; _31[4] = 101; _31[5] = 114; _31[6] = 32; _31[7] = 111; _31[8] = 102; _31[9] = 32; _31[10] = 114; _31[11] = 101; _31[12] = 112; _31[13] = 101; _31[14] = 97; _31[15] = 116; _31[16] = 115; _31[17] = 58; _31[18] = 32; 
	_31_dealloc = true;
	//indirectinvoke () = %30 (%31) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_31, _31_size);
	//fieldload %32 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %33 = %32 println : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//indirectinvoke () = %33 (%4) : method(any)->()
		printf("%"PRId64"\n", repeats);
	//fieldload %34 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %35 = %34 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %36 = [80,97,115,115,32,82,101,118,101,114,115,101,32,116,101,115,116,32,99,97,115,101,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_36, 23, 0);
	_36[0] = 80; _36[1] = 97; _36[2] = 115; _36[3] = 115; _36[4] = 32; _36[5] = 82; _36[6] = 101; _36[7] = 118; _36[8] = 101; _36[9] = 114; _36[10] = 115; _36[11] = 101; _36[12] = 32; _36[13] = 116; _36[14] = 101; _36[15] = 115; _36[16] = 116; _36[17] = 32; _36[18] = 99; _36[19] = 97; _36[20] = 115; _36[21] = 101; _36[22] = 32; 
	_36_dealloc = true;
	//indirectinvoke () = %35 (%36) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_36, _36_size);
예제 #30
int main(int argc, char** args){
	int64_t _2;
	int64_t _3;
	int64_t _4;
	int64_t _5;
	int64_t _6;
	int64_t _7;
	int64_t _8;
	int64_t _9;
	void* _11;
	void* _14;
	//const %2 = 5 : int
	_2 = 5;
	//const %3 = 3 : int
	_3 = 3;
	//const %4 = 3 : int
	_4 = 3;
	//const %5 = 1 : int
	_5 = 1;
	//const %6 = 1 : int
	_6 = 1;
	//const %7 = 3 : int
	_7 = 3;
	//const %8 = 0 : int
	_8 = 0;
	//const %9 = 0 : int
	_9 = 0;
	//newlist %10 = (%2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9) : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_10, 8, 0);
	_10[0] = _2; _10[1] = _3; _10[2] = _4; _10[3] = _5; _10[4] = _6; _10[5] = _7; _10[6] = _8; _10[7] = _9; 
	_10_dealloc = true;
	//assign %1 = %10  : int[]
	_ADD_DEALLOC(till, _10, int64_t);
	//fieldload %11 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %12 = %11 print_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//const %13 = [84,105,108,108,58,32] : int[]
	_NEW_1DARRAY_int64_t(_13, 6, 0);
	_13[0] = 84; _13[1] = 105; _13[2] = 108; _13[3] = 108; _13[4] = 58; _13[5] = 32; 
	_13_dealloc = true;
	//indirectinvoke () = %12 (%13) : method(int[])->()
		printf_s(_13, _13_size);
	//fieldload %14 = %0 out : {int[][] args,{method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s} out}
	//fieldload %15 = %14 println_s : {method(any)->() print,method(int[])->() print_s,method(any)->() println,method(int[])->() println_s}
	//invoke (%16) = (%1) ArrayAppend3:toString : function(ArrayAppend3:Cash)->(whiley/lang/ASCII:string)
		_FUNCTIONCALL_COPY_PRE(_16, till, 0, "liveness: till = false, readonly: till = true, return:till = NEVER_RETURN" , "toString");
		void* tmp_c;
		_COPY_1DARRAY_PARAM(till, tmp_c, int64_t);
		_16 = _toString_(tmp_c, till_size, _1DARRAYSIZE_PARAM_CALLBYREFERENCE(_16));
		_16_dealloc = true;
	//indirectinvoke () = %15 (%16) : method(int[])->()
		println_s(_16, _16_size);