예제 #1
void convertV8ObjectToNPVariant(v8::Local<v8::Value> object, NPObject* owner, NPVariant* result)

    // It is really the caller's responsibility to deal with the empty handle case because there could be different actions to
    // take in different contexts.

    if (object.IsEmpty())

    if (object->IsNumber())
        DOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT(object->NumberValue(), *result);
    else if (object->IsBoolean())
        BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT(object->BooleanValue(), *result);
    else if (object->IsNull())
    else if (object->IsUndefined())
    else if (object->IsString()) {
        v8::Handle<v8::String> str = object->ToString();
        int length = str->Utf8Length() + 1;
        char* utf8Chars = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(length));
        str->WriteUtf8(utf8Chars, length, 0, v8::String::HINT_MANY_WRITES_EXPECTED);
        STRINGN_TO_NPVARIANT(utf8Chars, length-1, *result);
    } else if (object->IsObject()) {
        DOMWindow* window = V8Proxy::retrieveWindow(V8Proxy::currentContext());
        NPObject* npobject = npCreateV8ScriptObject(0, v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(object), window);
        if (npobject)
            _NPN_RegisterObject(npobject, owner);
        OBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT(npobject, *result);
예제 #2
void convertV8ObjectToNPVariant(v8::Local<v8::Value> object, NPObject* owner, NPVariant* result)

    // It is really the caller's responsibility to deal with the empty handle case because there could be different actions to
    // take in different contexts.

    if (object.IsEmpty())

    if (object->IsInt32())
        INT32_TO_NPVARIANT(object->NumberValue(), *result);
    else if (object->IsNumber())
        DOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT(object->NumberValue(), *result);
    else if (object->IsBoolean())
        BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT(object->BooleanValue(), *result);
    else if (object->IsNull())
    else if (object->IsUndefined())
    else if (object->IsString()) {
        v8::String::Utf8Value utf8(object);
        char* utf8_chars = strdup(*utf8);
        STRINGN_TO_NPVARIANT(utf8_chars, utf8.length(), *result);
    } else if (object->IsObject()) {
        WebCore::DOMWindow* window = WebCore::V8Proxy::retrieveWindow(WebCore::V8Proxy::currentContext());
        NPObject* npobject = npCreateV8ScriptObject(0, v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(object), window);
        if (npobject)
            _NPN_RegisterObject(npobject, owner);
        OBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT(npobject, *result);
v8::Local<v8::Object> createV8ObjectForNPObject(NPObject* object, NPObject* root)
    static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> npObjectDesc;


    v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();

    // If this is a v8 object, just return it.
    V8NPObject* v8NPObject = npObjectToV8NPObject(object);
    if (v8NPObject)
        return v8::Local<v8::Object>::New(isolate, v8NPObject->v8Object);

    // If we've already wrapped this object, just return it.
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = staticNPObjectMap().get(object);
    if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
        return v8::Local<v8::Object>::New(isolate, wrapper);

    // FIXME: we should create a Wrapper type as a subclass of JSObject. It has two internal fields, field 0 is the wrapped
    // pointer, and field 1 is the type. There should be an api function that returns unused type id. The same Wrapper type
    // can be used by DOM bindings.
    if (npObjectDesc.IsEmpty()) {
        v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> templ = v8::FunctionTemplate::New();
        templ->InstanceTemplate()->SetNamedPropertyHandler(npObjectNamedPropertyGetter, npObjectNamedPropertySetter, npObjectQueryProperty, 0, npObjectNamedPropertyEnumerator);
        templ->InstanceTemplate()->SetIndexedPropertyHandler(npObjectIndexedPropertyGetter, npObjectIndexedPropertySetter, 0, 0, npObjectIndexedPropertyEnumerator);
        npObjectDesc.Reset(isolate, templ);

    // FIXME: Move staticNPObjectMap() to DOMDataStore.
    // Use V8DOMWrapper::createWrapper() and
    // V8DOMWrapper::associateObjectWithWrapper()
    // to create a wrapper object.
    v8::Handle<v8::Function> v8Function = v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>::New(isolate, npObjectDesc)->GetFunction();
    v8::Local<v8::Object> value = V8ObjectConstructor::newInstance(v8Function);
    if (value.IsEmpty())
        return value;

    V8DOMWrapper::setNativeInfo(value, npObjectTypeInfo(), object);

    // KJS retains the object as part of its wrapper (see Bindings::CInstance).
    _NPN_RegisterObject(object, root);

    WrapperConfiguration configuration = buildWrapperConfiguration(object, WrapperConfiguration::Dependent);
    staticNPObjectMap().set(object, value, configuration);
    return value;
NPObject* ScriptController::windowScriptNPObject()
    if (m_windowScriptNPObject)
        return m_windowScriptNPObject;

    if (canExecuteScripts()) {
        // JavaScript is enabled, so there is a JavaScript window object.
        // Return an NPObject bound to the window object.
        m_windowScriptNPObject = createScriptObject(m_frame);
        _NPN_RegisterObject(m_windowScriptNPObject, 0);
    } else {
        // JavaScript is not enabled, so we cannot bind the NPObject to the
        // JavaScript window object. Instead, we create an NPObject of a
        // different class, one which is not bound to a JavaScript object.
        m_windowScriptNPObject = createNoScriptObject();
    return m_windowScriptNPObject;
예제 #5
void ConvertV8ObjectToNPVariant(v8::Local<v8::Value> object, NPObject *owner,
                                NPVariant* result) {

  // It is really the caller's responsibility to deal with the empty handle
  // case because there could be different actions to take in different
  // contexts.

  if (object.IsEmpty()) return;

  if (object->IsNumber()) {
    DOUBLE_TO_NPVARIANT(object->NumberValue(), *result);

  } else if (object->IsBoolean()) {
    BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT(object->BooleanValue(), *result);

  } else if (object->IsNull()) {

  } else if (object->IsUndefined()) {

  } else if (object->IsString()) {
    v8::Handle<v8::String> str = object->ToString();
    uint16_t *buf = new uint16_t[str->Length()+1];
    std::string utf8 = WideToUTF8(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(buf));
    char* utf8_chars = strdup(utf8.c_str());
    STRINGN_TO_NPVARIANT(utf8_chars, utf8.length(), *result);
    delete[] buf;

  } else if (object->IsObject()) {
    WebCore::DOMWindow* window = WebCore::V8Proxy::retrieveWindow();
    NPObject* npobject = NPN_CreateScriptObject(
        0, v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(object), window);
    if (npobject) {
      _NPN_RegisterObject(npobject, owner);
    OBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT(npobject, *result);