예제 #1
파일: mul_n.c 프로젝트: angavrilov/ecl-sse
/* put in {c, 2n} where n = 2k+r the value of {v0,2k} (already in place)
   + B^k * [{v1, 2k+1} - {t1, 2k+1}]
   + B^(2k) * [{t2, 2k+1} - {v0+vinf, 2k}]
   + B^(3k) * [{t1, 2k+1} - {t2, 2k+1}]
   + B^(4k) * {vinf,2r} (high 2r-1 limbs already in place)
   where {t1, 2k+1} = (3*{v0,2k}+2*sa*{vm1,2k+1}+{v2,2k+1})/6-2*{vinf,2r}
	 {t2, 2k+1} = ({v1, 2k+1} + sa * {vm1, 2k+1})/2
   (sa is the sign of {vm1, 2k+1}).

   {vinf, 2r} stores the content of {v0, 2r} + {vinf, 2r}, with carry in cinf0.
   vinf0 is the low limb of vinf.

   ws is temporary space, and should have at least 2r limbs.

   Think about:

   The evaluated point a-b+c stands a good chance of having a zero carry
   limb, a+b+c would have a 1/4 chance, and 4*a+2*b+c a 1/8 chance, roughly.
   Perhaps this could be tested and stripped.  Doing so before recursing
   would be better than stripping at the start of mpn_toom3_mul_n/sqr_n,
   since then the recursion could be based on the new size.  Although in
   truth the kara vs toom3 crossover is never so exact that one limb either
   way makes a difference.

   A small value like 1 or 2 for the carry could perhaps also be handled
   with an add_n or addlsh1_n.  Would that be faster than an extra limb on a
   (recursed) multiply/square?
static void
toom3_interpolate (mp_ptr c, mp_srcptr v1, mp_ptr v2, mp_ptr vm1,
		   mp_ptr vinf, mp_size_t k, mp_size_t r, int sa,
		   mp_limb_t vinf0, mp_limb_t cinf0, mp_ptr ws)
  mp_limb_t cy, saved;
  unsigned long twok = k + k;
  unsigned long kk1 = twok + 1;
  unsigned long twor = r + r;
  mp_ptr c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;
  mp_limb_t cout; /* final carry, should be zero at the end */

  c1 = c + k;
  c2 = c1 + k;
  c3 = c2 + k;
  c4 = c3 + k;
  c5 = c4 + k;

#define v0 (c)
  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0      |vm1|       hi(vinf)       v1       v2+2vm1      vinf
							      +lo(v0) */

  ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_divexact_by3 (v2, v2, kk1));    /* v2 <- v2 / 3 */
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n
  mpn_rsh1add_n (v2, v2, v0, twok); /* v2 <- (lo(v2)+v0) / 2, exact */
  cy = v2[twok] & 1; /* add high limb of v2 divided by 2 */
  v2[twok] >>= 1;
  MPN_INCR_U (v2 + twok - 1, 2, cy << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1));
  v2[twok] += mpn_add_n (v2, v2, v0, twok);
  mpn_rshift (v2, v2, kk1, 1);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0      |vm1|      hi(vinf)       v1    (3v0+2vm1+v2)    vinf
						    /6         +lo(v0) */

  /* vm1 <- t2 := (v1 + sa*vm1) / 2
     t2 = a0*b0+a0*b2+a1*b1+a2*b0+a2*b2 >= 0
     No carry comes out from {v1, kk1} +/- {vm1, kk1},
     and the division by two is exact */
  if (sa >= 0)
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n
      mpn_rsh1add_n (vm1, v1, vm1, kk1);
      mpn_add_n (vm1, vm1, v1, kk1);
      mpn_rshift (vm1, vm1, kk1, 1);
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1sub_n
      mpn_rsh1sub_n (vm1, v1, vm1, kk1);
      mpn_sub_n (vm1, v1, vm1, kk1);
      mpn_rshift (vm1, vm1, kk1, 1);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0       t2        hi(vinf)       v1         t1       vinf+lo(v0) */

  /* subtract 2*vinf to v2,
     result is t1 := a0*b0+a0*b2+a1*b1+a1*b2+a2*b0+a2*b1+a2*b2 >= 0 */
  saved = c4[0];
  c4[0] = vinf0;
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_sublsh1_n
  cy = mpn_sublsh1_n (v2, v2, c4, twor);
  cy = mpn_lshift (ws, c4, twor, 1);
  cy += mpn_sub_n (v2, v2, ws, twor);
  MPN_DECR_U (v2 + twor, kk1 - twor, cy);
  c4[0] = saved;

  /* subtract {t2, 2k+1} in {c+3k, 2k+1} i.e. in {t2+k, 2k+1}:
     by chunks of k limbs from right to left to avoid overlap */
#define t2 (vm1)
  /* a borrow may occur in one of the 2 following __GMPN_SUB_1 calls, but since
     the final result is nonnegative, it will be compensated later on */
  __GMPN_SUB_1 (cout, c5, c5, twor - k, t2[twok]);
  cy = mpn_sub_n (c4, c4, t2 + k, k);
  __GMPN_SUB_1 (cout, c5, c5, twor - k, cy);
  cy = mpn_sub_n (c3, c3, t2, k);
  __GMPN_SUB_1 (cout, c4, c4, twor, cy);

  /* don't forget to add vinf0 in {c+4k, ...} */
  __GMPN_ADD_1 (cout, c4, c4, twor, vinf0);

  /* c  c+k c+2k c+3k c+4k+1   t  t+2k+1 t+4k+2
     v0     t2        hi(vinf) v1 t1     vinf
		 -t2                    +lo(v0)

  /* c  c+k c+2k c+3k c+4k     t  t+2k+1 t+4k+2
     v0     t2        vinf     v1 t1     vinf
		 -t2                    +lo(v0)

  /* subtract v0+vinf in {c+2k, ...} */
  cy = cinf0 + mpn_sub_n (c2, c2, vinf, twor);
  if (twor < twok)
      __GMPN_SUB_1 (cy, c2 + twor, c2 + twor, twok - twor, cy);
      cy += mpn_sub_n (c2 + twor, c2 + twor, v0 + twor, twok - twor);
  __GMPN_SUB_1 (cout, c4, c4, twor, cy); /* 2n-4k = 2r */

  /* c   c+k  c+2k  c+3k  c+4k      t   t+2k+1  t+4k+2
     v0       t2          vinf      v1  t1      vinf
	      -v0   -t2                        +lo(v0)
	      -vinf                                    */

  /* subtract t1 in {c+k, ...} */
  cy = mpn_sub_n (c1, c1, v2, kk1);
  __GMPN_SUB_1 (cout, c3 + 1, c3 + 1, twor + k - 1, cy); /* 2n-(3k+1)=k+2r-1 */

  /* c   c+k  c+2k  c+3k  c+4k      t   t+2k+1  t+4k+2
     v0       t2          vinf      v1  t1      vinf
	 -t1  -v0   -t2
	      -vinf                                    */

  /* add t1 in {c+3k, ...} */
  cy = mpn_add_n (c3, c3, v2, kk1);
  __GMPN_ADD_1 (cout, c5 + 1, c5 + 1, twor - k - 1, cy); /* 2n-(5k+1) = 2r-k-1 */

  /* c   c+k  c+2k  c+3k  c+4k      t   t+2k+1  t+4k+2
     v0       t2    t1    vinf      v1  t1      vinf
	 -t1  -v0   -t2
	      -vinf                                    */

  /* add v1 in {c+k, ...} */
  cy = mpn_add_n (c1, c1, v1, kk1);
  __GMPN_ADD_1 (cout, c3 + 1, c3 + 1, twor + k - 1, cy); /* 2n-(3k+1) = 2r+k-1 */

  /* c   c+k  c+2k  c+3k  c+4k      t   t+2k+1  t+4k+2
     v0  v1   t2    t1    vinf      v1  t1      vinf
	 -t1  -v0   -t2
	      -vinf                                    */
#undef v0
#undef t2
예제 #2
mpn_toom3_mul (mp_ptr c, mp_srcptr a, mp_size_t an, mp_srcptr b, mp_size_t bn, mp_ptr t)
  mp_size_t k, k1, kk1, r, r2, twok, rr2;
  mp_limb_t cy, cc, saved, vinf0, c20, c21;
  mp_ptr trec;
  int sa, sb;
  mp_ptr c1, c2, c3, c4, t1, t2, t3, t4;


  k = (an + 2) / 3; /* ceil(an/3) */
  ASSERT(bn > 2*k);
  ASSERT(an >= 20);
  twok = 2 * k;
  k1 = k + 1;
  kk1 = k + k1;
  r = an - twok;   /* last chunk */
  r2 = bn - twok;   /* last chunk */
  rr2 = r + r2;

  c1 = c + k;
  c2 = c1 + k;
  c3 = c2 + k;
  c4 = c3 + k;
  t1 = t + k;
  t2 = t1 + k;
  t3 = t2 + k;
  t4 = t3 + k;

  trec = t + 4 * k + 4; 

  /* put a0+a2 in {t, k+1}, and b0+b2 in {t1 + 1, k+1};
     put a0+a1+a2 in {t2 + 2, k+1} and b0+b1+b2 in {t3 + 3,k+1}
  cy = mpn_add_n (t, a, a + twok, r);
  cc = mpn_add_n (t1 + 1, b, b + twok, r2);
  if (r < k)
      __GMPN_ADD_1 (cy, t + r, a + r, k - r, cy);
  if (r2 < k)
	  __GMPN_ADD_1 (cc, t1 + 1 + r2, b + r2, k - r2, cc);
  t3[2] = (t1[0] = cy) + mpn_add_n (t2 + 2, t, a + k, k);
  t4[3] = (t2[1] = cc) + mpn_add_n (t3 + 3, t1 + 1, b + k, k);

  /* compute v1 := (a0+a1+a2)*(b0+b1+b2) in {c2, 2k+1};
     since v1 < 9*B^(2k), v1 uses only 2k+1 words if GMP_NUMB_BITS >= 4 */
  TOOM3_MUL_REC (c2, t2 + 2, t3 + 3, k1, trec);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 

  /* put |a0-a1+a2| in {t2 + 2, k+1} and |b0-b1+b2| in {t3 + 3,k+1} */
  /* sa = sign(a0-a1+a2) */
  /* sb = sign(b0-b1+b2) */
  sa = (t[k] != 0) ? 1 : mpn_cmp (t, a + k, k);
  t3[2] = (sa >= 0) ? t[k] - mpn_sub_n (t2 + 2, t, a + k, k)
		   : mpn_sub_n (t2 + 2, a + k, t, k);
  /* b0+b2 is in {c+k+1, k+1} now */
  sb = (t2[1] != 0) ? 1 : mpn_cmp (t1 + 1, b + k, k);
  t4[3] = (sb >= 0) ? t2[1] - mpn_sub_n (t3 + 3, t1 + 1, b + k, k)
		    : mpn_sub_n (t3 + 3, b + k, t1 + 1, k);
  sa *= sb; /* sign of vm1 */

  /* compute vm1 := (a0-a1+a2)*(b0-b1+b2) in {t, 2k+1};
     since |vm1| < 4*B^(2k), vm1 uses only 2k+1 limbs */
  TOOM3_MUL_REC (t, t2 + 2, t3 + 3, k1, trec);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}

  c20 = c2[0]; /* save c2[0] and c2[1] giving space 2k+2 at c */
  c21 = c2[1];

     compute a0+2a1+4a2 in {c, k+1} and b0+2b1+4b2 in {c1 + 1, k+1}
#if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_addlsh1_n
  c1[0] = mpn_addlsh1_n (c, a + k, a + twok, r);
  c2[1] = mpn_addlsh1_n (c1 + 1, b + k, b + twok, r2);
  if (r < k)
      __GMPN_ADD_1 (c1[0], c + r, a + k + r, k - r, c1[0]);
  if (r2 < k)
    {__GMPN_ADD_1 (c2[1], c1 + 1 + r2, b + k + r2, k - r2, c2[1]);
  c1[0] = 2 * c1[0] + mpn_addlsh1_n (c, a, c, k);
  c2[1] = 2 * c2[1] + mpn_addlsh1_n (c1 + 1, b, c1 + 1, k);
  c[r] = mpn_lshift1 (c, a + twok, r);
  c1[r2 + 1] = mpn_lshift1 (c1 + 1, b + twok, r2);
  if (r  < k)
      MPN_ZERO(c + r + 1, k - r);
  if (r2 < k)
      MPN_ZERO(c1 + r2 + 2, k - r2);
  c1[0] += mpn_add_n (c, c, a + k, k);
  c2[1] += mpn_add_n (c1 + 1, c1 + 1, b + k, k);
  mpn_double (c, k1);
  mpn_double (c1 + 1, k1);
  c1[0] += mpn_add_n (c, c, a, k);
  c2[1] += mpn_add_n (c1 + 1, c1 + 1, b, k);

#define v2 (t+2*k+1)

  /* compute v2 := (a0+2a1+4a2)*(b0+2b1+4b2) in {t+2k+1, 2k+1}
     v2 < 49*B^k so v2 uses at most 2k+1 limbs if GMP_NUMB_BITS >= 6 */
  TOOM3_MUL_REC (v2, c, c1 + 1, k1, trec);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}
	     vm1        v2

  c2[0] = c20; /* restore c2[0] and c2[1] */
  c2[1] = c21;

  /* compute v0 := a0*b0 in {c, 2k} */
  TOOM3_MUL_REC (c, a, b, k, trec);

 /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 
		v0 		v1

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}
	     vm1        v2

#define vinf (c+4*k)

  /* compute vinf := a2*b2 in {c4, r + r2},
  saved = c4[0];

  if (r == r2) TOOM3_MUL_REC (c4, a + twok, b + twok, r, trec);
  else if (r > r2) mpn_mul(c4, a + twok, r, b + twok, r2);
  else mpn_mul(c4, b + twok, r2, a + twok, r);

  vinf0 = c4[0];
  c4[0] = saved;

 /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 
		v0 		v1        {-}vinf

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}
	     vm1        v2

	  vinf0 = {-}

  mpn_toom3_interpolate (c, c2, v2, t, vinf, k, rr2, sa, vinf0, t4+2);

#undef v2
#undef vinf
예제 #3
mpn_toom_interpolate_5pts (mp_ptr c, mp_ptr v2, mp_ptr vm1,
			   mp_size_t k, mp_size_t twor, int sa,
			   mp_limb_t vinf0, mp_ptr ws)
  mp_limb_t cy, saved;
  mp_size_t twok = k + k;
  mp_size_t kk1 = twok + 1;
  mp_ptr c1, v1, c3, vinf, c5;
  mp_limb_t cout; /* final carry, should be zero at the end */

  c1 = c  + k;
  v1 = c1 + k;
  c3 = v1 + k;
  vinf = c3 + k;
  c5 = vinf + k;

#define v0 (c)
  /* (1) v2 <- v2-vm1 < v2+|vm1|,       (16 8 4 2 1) - (1 -1 1 -1  1) =
     thus 0 <= v2 < 50*B^(2k) < 2^6*B^(2k)             (15 9 3  3  0)
  if (sa <= 0)
    mpn_add_n (v2, v2, vm1, kk1);
    mpn_sub_n (v2, v2, vm1, kk1);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0       v1       hi(vinf)       |vm1|     v2-vm1      EMPTY */

  ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_divexact_by3 (v2, v2, kk1));    /* v2 <- v2 / 3 */
						      /* (5 3 1 1 0)*/

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0       v1      hi(vinf)       |vm1|     (v2-vm1)/3    EMPTY */

  /* (2) vm1 <- tm1 := (v1 - sa*vm1) / 2  [(1 1 1 1 1) - (1 -1 1 -1 1)] / 2 =
     tm1 >= 0                                            (0  1 0  1 0)
     No carry comes out from {v1, kk1} +/- {vm1, kk1},
     and the division by two is exact */
  if (sa <= 0)
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n
      mpn_rsh1add_n (vm1, v1, vm1, kk1);
      mpn_add_n (vm1, v1, vm1, kk1);
      mpn_rshift (vm1, vm1, kk1, 1);
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1sub_n
      mpn_rsh1sub_n (vm1, v1, vm1, kk1);
      mpn_sub_n (vm1, v1, vm1, kk1);
      mpn_rshift (vm1, vm1, kk1, 1);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0       v1        hi(vinf)       tm1     (v2-vm1)/3    EMPTY */

  /* (3) v1 <- t1 := v1 - v0    (1 1 1 1 1) - (0 0 0 0 1) = (1 1 1 1 0)
     t1 >= 0
  vinf[0] -= mpn_sub_n (v1, v1, c, twok);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0     v1-v0        hi(vinf)       tm1     (v2-vm1)/3    EMPTY */

  /* (4) v2 <- t2 := ((v2-vm1)/3-t1)/2 = (v2-vm1-3*t1)/6
     t2 >= 0                  [(5 3 1 1 0) - (1 1 1 1 0)]/2 = (2 1 0 0 0)
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1sub_n
  mpn_rsh1sub_n (v2, v2, v1, kk1);
  mpn_sub_n (v2, v2, v1, kk1);
  mpn_rshift (v2, v2, kk1, 1);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0     v1-v0        hi(vinf)     tm1    (v2-vm1-3t1)/6    EMPTY */

  /* (5) v1 <- t1-tm1           (1 1 1 1 0) - (0 1 0 1 0) = (1 0 1 0 0)
     result is v1 >= 0
  mpn_sub_n (v1, v1, vm1, kk1);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,2r-1} {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0   v1-v0-tm1      hi(vinf)     tm1    (v2-vm1-3t1)/6    EMPTY */

  /* (6) v2 <- v2 - 2*vinf,     (2 1 0 0 0) - 2*(1 0 0 0 0) = (0 1 0 0 0)
     result is v2 >= 0 */
  saved = vinf[0];       /* Remember v1's highest byte (will be overwritten). */
  vinf[0] = vinf0;       /* Set the right value for vinf0                     */
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_sublsh1_n
  cy = mpn_sublsh1_n (v2, v2, vinf, twor);
  cy = mpn_lshift (ws, vinf, twor, 1);
  cy += mpn_sub_n (v2, v2, ws, twor);
  MPN_DECR_U (v2 + twor, kk1 - twor, cy);

  /* (7) v1 <- v1 - vinf,       (1 0 1 0 0) - (1 0 0 0 0) = (0 0 1 0 0)
     result is >= 0 */
  cy = mpn_sub_n (v1, v1, vinf, twor);          /* vinf is at most twor long.  */
  vinf[0] = saved;
  MPN_DECR_U (v1 + twor, kk1 - twor, cy);       /* Treat the last bytes.       */
  __GMPN_ADD_1 (cout, vinf, vinf, twor, vinf0); /* Add vinf0, propagate carry. */

  /* (8) vm1 <- vm1-t2          (0 1 0 1 0) - (0 1 0 0 0) = (0 0 0 1 0)
     vm1 >= 0
  mpn_sub_n (vm1, vm1, v2, kk1);            /* No overlapping here.        */

  /********************* Beginning the final phase **********************/

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k  } {c+4k ,2r } {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0       t1      hi(t1)+vinf   tm1    (v2-vm1-3t1)/6    EMPTY */

  /* (9) add t2 in {c+3k, ...} */
  cy = mpn_add_n (c3, c3, v2, kk1);
  __GMPN_ADD_1 (cout, c5 + 1, c5 + 1, twor - k - 1, cy); /* 2n-(5k+1) = 2r-k-1 */

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k  } {c+4k ,2r } {t,2k+1} {t+2k+1,2k+1} {t+4k+2,2r}
       v0       t1      hi(t1)+vinf   tm1    (v2-vm1-3t1)/6    EMPTY */
  /* c   c+k  c+2k  c+3k  c+4k      t   t+2k+1  t+4k+2
     v0       t1         vinf      tm1  t2
		    +t2 */

  /* add vm1 in {c+k, ...} */
  cy = mpn_add_n (c1, c1, vm1, kk1);
  __GMPN_ADD_1 (cout, c3 + 1, c3 + 1, twor + k - 1, cy); /* 2n-(3k+1) = 2r+k-1 */

  /* c   c+k  c+2k  c+3k  c+4k      t   t+2k+1  t+4k+2
     v0       t1         vinf      tm1  t2
	  +tm1      +t2    */

#undef v0
#undef t2
예제 #4
mpn_toom3_sqr_n (mp_ptr c, mp_srcptr a, mp_size_t n, mp_ptr t)
  mp_size_t k, k1, kk1, r, twok, rr2;
  mp_limb_t cy, cc, saved, vinf0;
  mp_ptr trec;
  int sa;
  mp_ptr c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, t1, t2, t3, t4;


  k = (n + 2) / 3; /* ceil(n/3) */
  ASSERT(n >= 17); /* so that r <> 0 and 5k+3 <= 2n */

  twok = 2 * k;
  k1 = k + 1;
  kk1 = k + k1;
  r = n - twok;   /* last chunk */
  rr2 = 2*r;

  c1 = c + k;
  c2 = c1 + k;
  c3 = c2 + k;
  c4 = c3 + k;
  c5 = c4 + k;
  t1 = t + k;
  t2 = t1 + k;
  t3 = t2 + k;
  t4 = t3 + k;

  trec = t + 4 * k + 3; 

  /* put a0+a2 in {c, k+1}
     put a0+a1+a2 in {t2 + 1, k+1}
  cy = mpn_add_n (c, a, a + twok, r);
  if (r < k)
      __GMPN_ADD_1 (cy, c + r, a + r, k - r, cy);
  t3[1] = (c1[0] = cy) + mpn_add_n (t2 + 1, c, a + k, k);

  /* compute v1 := (a0+a1+a2)^2 in {c2, 2k+1};
     since v1 < 9*B^(2k), v1 uses only 2k+1 words if GMP_NUMB_BITS >= 4 */
  TOOM3_SQR_REC (c2, t2 + 1, k1, trec);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 

  /* put |a0-a1+a2| in {c,k+1} */
  sa = (c[k] != 0) ? 1 : mpn_cmp (c, a + k, k);
  c[k] = (sa >= 0) ? c[k] - mpn_sub_n (c, c, a + k, k)
		   : mpn_sub_n (c, a + k, c, k);
  /* compute vm1 := (a0-a1+a2)^2 in {t, 2k+1};
     since |vm1| < 4*B^(2k), vm1 uses only 2k+1 limbs */
  TOOM3_SQR_REC (t, c, k1, trec);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}

     compute a0+2a1+4a2 in {c, k+1}
#if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_addlsh1_n
  c1[0] = mpn_addlsh1_n (c, a + k, a + twok, r);
  if (r < k)
      __GMPN_ADD_1 (c1[0], c + r, a + k + r, k - r, c1[0]);
  c1[0] = 2 * c1[0] + mpn_addlsh1_n (c, a, c, k);
  c[r] = mpn_lshift1 (c, a + twok, r);
  if (r < k)
      MPN_ZERO(c + r + 1, k - r);
  c1[0] += mpn_add_n (c, c, a + k, k);
  mpn_double (c, k1);
  c1[0] += mpn_add_n (c, c, a, k);

#define v2 (t+2*k+1)

  /* compute v2 := (a0+2a1+4a2)^2 in {t+2k+1, 2k+1}
     v2 < 49*B^k so v2 uses at most 2k+1 limbs if GMP_NUMB_BITS >= 6 */
  TOOM3_SQR_REC (v2, c, k1, trec);

  /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}
	     vm1        v2

  /* compute v0 := a0^2 in {c, 2k} */
  TOOM3_SQR_REC (c, a, k, trec);

 /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 
		v0 		v1

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}
	     vm1        v2

#define vinf (c+4*k)

  /* compute vinf := a2*b2 in {c4, r + r2},
  saved = c4[0];

  TOOM3_SQR_REC (c4, a + twok, r, trec);
  vinf0 = c4[0];
  c4[0] = saved;

 /* {c,2k} {c+2k,2k+1} {c+4k+1,r+r2-1} 
		v0 		v1        {-}vinf

	  {t, 2k+1} {t+2k+1, 2k + 1}
	     vm1        v2

	  vinf0 = {-}

  mpn_toom3_interpolate (c, c2, v2, t, vinf, k, rr2, 1, vinf0, t4+2);

#undef v2
#undef vinf