예제 #1
파일: main.c 프로젝트: TmanTman/RS414Prak9
__asm void testOB(void)
	//R12 will hold the pointer to the outputBase integer
	//During init, R11 holds the pointer to the outputArray which will be loaded into outputBase
	push {r11, r12};Hierdie is nie nodig tydens init want ons sal later r11 en r12 se regte waardes inisialiseer
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, =__cpp(&colOutput)
	str r11, [r12]
	pop {r11, r12}
	//Init done: the int outputBase now contains the start address to the output grid
	//To write to the output grid (value in r4 to be stored in output array):
	push {r11, r12}
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, [r12]
	strb r4, [r11]
	pop {r11, r12}
	//To increment the base value from where we will be operating:
	//r12 will hold the address of outputBase integer
	//r11 will hold the address of the outputgrid, which is the value inside outputBase integer
	push {r11, r12}
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, [r12]
	add r11, #100;r11 now holds value 100 places further that base address
	str r11, [r12]
	pop {r11, r12}
예제 #2
__asm void os_sys_run (FUNCP func) {
  /* Run the function with parameters pushed on the stack. */

        MOV     R12,R0                  ; func
        LDR     R3,=__cpp(&sys_stktop)  ; get SYS stack pointer
        LDR     R3,[R3]
        SUBS    R3,#12                  ; get pushed parameters
        LDMIA   R3!,{R0-R2}
예제 #3
파일: Portable.c 프로젝트: no1wudi/Nano-OS
__ASM void PendSV_Handler(void)
    CPSID I;
    LDR R0, = __cpp(&Nano_TaskControlBlockCurrent);
    LDR R0,[R0];                    //Get PSP Pointer
    LDR R1,[R0];                    //Get the PSP
    MRS R3,MSP;
    MRS R2,PSP;
    MSR MSP,R2;                     //Switch psp to msp
    PUSH {R4-R11};
    MRS R2,MSP;
    STR R2,[R0];                    //Save the new stack
    LDR R0, = __cpp(&Nano_TaskControlBlockNext);
    LDR R0,[R0];                    //Get PSP Pointer
    LDR R1,[R0];                    //Get the PSP
    MSR MSP,R1;
    POP {R4-R11};
    MRS R1,MSP;
    MSR PSP,R1;                     //Switch psp to msp
    MSR MSP,R3;
    LDR R0, = __cpp(&Nano_TaskControlBlockCurrent);
    LDR R1, = __cpp(&Nano_TaskControlBlockNext);
    LDR R1,[R1];
    STR R1,[R0];
    CPSIE I;
    BX LR;
예제 #4
파일: Timer.c 프로젝트: xinshaochen/WIFI
__ASM u32 GetBreakAddr(void)
	mov r0,sp								;取SP指针地址
	ldr r1,=__cpp(&InputSP) ;获取全局变量InputSP地址
	ldr r1,[r1,#0]					;获取地址内数据
	subs r0,r1,r0           ;当前SP地址减去起始SP地址
	cmp r0,#8								;检测是否中途恢复
	beq n                   ;如果为中途恢复取消R0-8
	subs r0,#8							;R0-8修正返回地址
	mov r1,sp								;重新获取SP指针地址
	adds r1,r0,r1						;加上偏移量
	pop {r0}								;R4出栈
	pop {r0}								;函数返回地址出栈
	mov sp,r1								;设置SP地址
	bx lr										;函数返回

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    \brief Report HardFault when things goes wrong
    \note No need to disable interrupts since the fault handler is the second most important interrupt.
__asm void HardFault_Handler(void) 
  TST    LR, #4
  ITE    EQ
  B      __cpp(HardFault_Handler_C)

    \brief C part of the handler

     Printing process ID, processes stacks and stacked PC
    \param svc_args Stack
void HardFault_Handler_C(unsigned int * svc_args)
	//TWP: the macro should never be true ... major design revisions have made some code no longer valid 	
	uint32_t i;
예제 #6
파일: main.c 프로젝트: TmanTman/RS414Prak9
__asm void firRow(void)
	;load output array address in memory
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, =__cpp(&rowOutput)
	str r11, [r12]
	;init counters
	mov r1, #0; column counter
	mov r0, #0; row counter
	;Load gain values
 	ldr r12, =__cpp(&tap)
 	ldr r11, [r12]
 	ldr r10, [r12,#4]
	ldr r9, [r12,#8]
	ldr r8, [r12,#12]
	ldr r7, [r12,#16]
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&grid); pointer to grid start address
	//Outer Loop
	//Reset column counter
	mov r1, #0;
	//Check whether last row has been reached
	cmp r0, #100; 
	beq rgridDone;
	//Inner Loop
	//Check whether last column has been reached
	cmp r1, #100;
	beq rowDone;
	//Load row values
	cmp r1, #0; special load operation at start of row
	beq rcounter0 ;
	cmp r1, #1; special load operation at start of row
	beq rcounter1 ;
	cmp r1, #2; special load operation at start of row
	beq rcounter2 ;
	cmp r1, #3; special load operation at start of row
	beq rcounter3 ;
	b rnormalLoad ;normal load operation
	mov r2, #0
	mov r3, #0
	mov r4, #0
	mov r5, #0
	ldrb r6, [r12];load leading value
	b rnext ;
	mov r2, #0
	mov r3, #0
	mov r4, #0
	ldrb r5, [r12];
	ldrb r6, [r12,#1];
	b rnext ;
	mov r2, #0
	mov r3, #0
	ldrb r4, [r12]
	ldrb r5, [r12,#1]
	ldrb r6, [r12,#2]
	b rnext ;
	mov r2, #0
	ldrb r3, [r12]
	ldrb r4, [r12,#1]
	ldrb r5, [r12,#2]
	ldrb r6, [r12,#3]
	b rnext ;
	sub r1, #4; To reach first address, as R1 points to leading address
	ldrb r2, [r12, r1];
	add r1, #1;
	ldrb r3, [r12, r1];
	add r1, #1;
	ldrb r4, [r12, r1];
	add r1, #1;
	ldrb r5, [r12, r1];
	add r1, #1;
	ldrb r6, [r12, r1];
	//Do multiplication
	mul r6, r11;
	mul r5, r10;
	mul r4, r9;
	mul r3, r8
	mul r2, r7
	//add all taps
	add r2, r3
	add r2, r4
	add r2, r5;
	add r2, r6;
	//move result to memory
	push {r11, r12}
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, [r12]
	strb r2, [r11, r1]
	pop {r11, r12}
	//loop with counter r1
	add r1, #1;
	b colStart
	add r0, #1; increase row counter
	add r12, #100; shift r12 to beginning of next row
	;shift pointer to output grid with 100
	push {r11, r12}
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, [r12]
	add r11, #100;r11 now holds value 100 places further that base address
	str r11, [r12]
	pop {r11, r12}
	b newRow
	bx lr;
예제 #7
파일: main.c 프로젝트: TmanTman/RS414Prak9
__asm void firColumn(void)
	;init the output array base value to memory
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, =__cpp(&colOutput)
	str r11, [r12]
	;init counters
	mov r1, #0; column counter
	mov r0, #0; row counter
	;Load gain values
 	ldr r12, =__cpp(&tap);
 	ldr r11, [r12];
 	ldr r10, [r12,#4];
	ldr r9, [r12,#8];
	ldr r8, [r12,#12]
	ldr r7, [r12,#16]
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&grid); pointer to grid start address
	//Outer loop
	//Reset row counter
	mov r0, #0;
	//Inner Loop
	//Load column values
	cmp r0, #0; //special load operation at start of column
	beq ccounter0 ;
	cmp r0, #1; //special load operation at start of column
	beq ccounter1 ;
	cmp r0, #2; //special load operation at start of column
	beq ccounter2 ;
	cmp r0, #3; //special load operation at start of column
	beq ccounter3 ;
	b cnormalLoad ;
	mov r2, #0
	mov r3, #0
	mov r4, #0;
	mov r5, #0;
	ldrb r6, [r12];
	b cnext ;
	mov r2, #0
	mov r3, #0
	mov r4, #0;
	sub r12, #100
	ldrb r5, [r12];
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r6, [r12];
	b cnext ;
	mov r2, #0
	mov r3, #0
	sub r12, #200
	ldrb r4, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r5, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r6, [r12];
	b cnext ;
	mov r2, #0
	sub r12, #300
	ldrb r3, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r4, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r5, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r6, [r12];
	b cnext ;
cnormalLoad	//normal load operation
	sub r12, #400; To reach first address, as r12 points to leading address
	ldrb r2, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r3, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r4, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r5, [r12]
	add r12, #100
	ldrb r6, [r12]
	//Do multiplication
	mul r6, r11
	mul r5, r10
	mul r4, r9
	mul r3, r8
	mul r2, r7
	//add all taps
	add r2, r3
	add r2, r4
	add r2, r5
	add r2, r6
	//move result to memory
	push {r11, r12}
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, [r12]
	strb r2, [r11]
	pop {r11, r12}
	//increase column counter and base addresses
	add r0, #1
	add r12, #100
	;increase base address of output grid
	push {r11, r12}
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, [r12]
	add r11, #100;r11 now holds value 100 places further that base address
	str r11, [r12]
	pop {r11, r12}
	//Check whether last row has been reached
	cmp r0, #100;
	beq colDone;
	b rowLoop
	add r1, #1; increase row counter
	//Check whether last column has been reached
	cmp r1, #100; 
	beq cgridDone;
	//restore r12 to base of column
	sub r12, #4000
	sub r12, #4000
	sub r12, #2000
	add r12, #1; shift r12 to base of next column
	//restore r11 to base of column
	push {r11, r12}
	ldr r12, =__cpp(&outputBase)
	ldr r11, [r12]
	sub r11, #4000
	sub r11, #4000
	sub r11, #2000
	add r11, #1; shift r11 to beginning of next column 
	str r11, [r12]; store r11 to memory
	pop {r11, r12}
	b newColumn
	bx lr;
예제 #8
    EXPORT __cy_memory_2_start
    EXPORT __cy_memory_2_length
    EXPORT __cy_memory_2_row_size

    /* XIP */
    EXPORT __cy_memory_3_start
    EXPORT __cy_memory_3_length
    EXPORT __cy_memory_3_row_size

    /* eFuse */
    EXPORT __cy_memory_4_start
    EXPORT __cy_memory_4_length
    EXPORT __cy_memory_4_row_size

    /* Flash */
__cy_memory_0_start     EQU __cpp(CY_FLASH_BASE)
__cy_memory_0_length    EQU __cpp(CY_FLASH_SIZE)
__cy_memory_0_row_size  EQU 0x200

    /* Flash region for EEPROM emulation */
__cy_memory_1_start     EQU __cpp(CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE)
__cy_memory_1_length    EQU __cpp(CY_EM_EEPROM_SIZE)
__cy_memory_1_row_size  EQU 0x200

    /* Supervisory Flash */
__cy_memory_2_start     EQU __cpp(CY_SFLASH_BASE)
__cy_memory_2_length    EQU __cpp(CY_SFLASH_SIZE)
__cy_memory_2_row_size  EQU 0x200

    /* XIP */
__cy_memory_3_start     EQU __cpp(CY_XIP_BASE)

	if ((CFSRValue & SCB_CFSR_MMARVALID) != 0) {
		sprintf(str,"Memory Manage Address Register address valid flag\nMMFAR value = 0x%.8X\n", SCB->MMFAR);

#if defined(__CC_ARM)
__asm void HardFault_Handler(void)
	TST lr, #4
	B __cpp(Hard_Fault_Handler)
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
void HardFault_Handler(void)
	__asm("TST lr, #4");
	__asm("ITE EQ");
	__asm("MRSEQ r0, MSP");
	__asm("MRSNE r0, PSP");
	__asm("B Hard_Fault_Handler");
#warning Not supported compiler type

enum { r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc, psr};